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Belgrade Media Report 03 July



Vucic: Resumption of dialogue with Pristina; I requested accelerated Serbia’s EU accession (Tanjug)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic has stated following talks with EU High Representative Federica Mogherini and Hashim Tachi that they had agreed the resumption of the dialogue and the implementation of the already reached agreements. “The formation of the Community of Serb Municipalities is implied, there are no further negotiations on this,” Vucic told the press following the meeting in Brussels. He said that he had requested an accelerated Serbia’s EU accession process. He said that one and a half months is necessary for the preparations for the resumption of the dialogue, pointing out that resumption of the dialogue at the presidential level is not excluded. “We need to discuss future relations more seriously and courageously,” said Vucic. He announced the meeting with the President of the EU Council Donald Tusk on 14 July in Brussels.


EEAS: Vucic and Tachi to work on new phase of dialogue (Tanjug/B92)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and Kosovo President Hashim Tachi agreed to start working on a new phase of reconciliation talks between Belgrade and Pristina during an informal meeting with EU Vice-President and High Representative for Foreign Affairs Federica Mogherini, the European Union’s diplomatic service said Monday. The leaders stressed the importance of implementing the agreements without delay. Mogherini confirmed the European Union’s commitment to the European perspective of the Western Balkans, according to the document. “They agreed to work on starting a new phase of the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina for normalization of relations and reconciliation, and they decided that the respective teams will start working on preparations,” the EU External Action service said in a statement.


Djuric: I expect relaxation of tensions in Brussels (RTS)


The Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Marko Djuric said that Serbia had managed to win universal acceptance for the Community of Serb Municipalities and that even the states that have recognized Kosovo were insisting on its formation. Speaking for RTS ahead of an informal meeting of the presidents of Serbia and Kosovo in Brussels, Djuric said the meeting was another chance for Serbia to express the need and desire to see the deals made during the dialog with Pristina implemented. “Talking always heals, it can contribute to relaxing tensions and work on implementing what was agreed. The key political figures of Serbs and Kosovo Albanians will meet on Monday, and we are paving the way for the long-term survival of Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija through dialogue,” said Djuric. Commenting on the role of the Serb List in the processes of forming a new government in Kosovo and Metohija, Djuric said Serbs should not be just decoration, but that their opinions needed to be respected. “If the parliament speaker in Macedonia can be the representative of a minority people, there is no reason why one of the three key offices in our southern province should not go to a Serb,” said Djuric.


Vucic: No one will force any country in region to accept my idea of establishing common economic market (RTS)


RTS carried an interview with Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic, who attended Friday’s summit of the South-East European Cooperation Process (SEECP) in Dubrovnik. Asked to comment on the fact that some countries in the region were not really in favor of his idea on forming a common economic market, Vucic replied that no one will force any of the countries to accept this idea. Still, Vucic finds that such market would mean more to other countries in the region than to Serbia, because Serbia alone attracts a lot of investors. “My idea is based on rational, economic elements and I saw everyone in the EU likes it”, Vucic explained. According to Vucic, it is important to cooperate and have the best possible relations in the region. Vucic was asked what he expects from the meeting with EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Federica Mogherini, which was scheduled to take place on Friday evening after recording of this interview. In this regard, Vucic said he primarily expects that they will discuss Belgrade-Pristina dialogue and its continuation. Commenting on Mogherini’s wish for all Western Balkan countries to join the idea on European defense structure, Vucic stated that Serbia does not want to enter any kind of military alliances, which also applies to NATO. “We want to have good relations with them, and that is all”, the Serbian President added. Reflecting on Montenegrin Minister of Defense Predrag Boskovic’s claim that Montenegro will react against Serbs in Kosovo if NATO asks that, Vucic briefly stated that sometimes it is best not to comment on certain statements but asserted that “neither NATO nor Montenegro will attack Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija”. "Neither NATO nor Montenegro will attack the Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija, not only because we have signed agreements and maintained very good relations with the Kosovo Force (KFOR), that is, NATO, but for some other reasons, too, and let them think very carefully what those reasons may be," Vucic said in an comment for RTS during his visit to


Vucic: Serbian-Croatian relationship a backbone of relations in South-East Europe (N1)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said in an interview with N1 TV that Croatian-Serbian relations are the backbone of relations in South East Europe, and that they were improving. The Serbian president refused to comment on a ruling by the Hague-based Permanent Court of Arbitration on the Croatian-Slovenian border, explaining that Serbia should not be meddling in their affairs, but when asked about a dispute over the Danube border between Croatia and Serbia, he said he believed it was possible to resolve. “We believe it is possible to resolve, and I do not think that it is an overly serious problem. It would be good to keep tensions in check, and address the matter professionally, but if we cannot reach an agreement, we will refer the matter to an arbitrage court,” Vucic said. He added that Serbia was firmly on the path to the EU, but that the process did not depend solely on Serbia, but also on those supposed to let the country into the EU. When asked about the new defense minister, Aleksandar Vulin, and the strong-worded references that he had directed at the authorities in Croatia, Vucic said that Croatia's words "were not very sugarcoated either. “Just let it go, I am the supreme commander of the Serbian armed forces, and he [Vulin] will perform his duties in line with the government's program. I trust that our relations can only get better,” Vucic said. When asked if he was going to be the first Serbian president to say that Kosovo was independent, Vucic said he could not possibly say such a thing, as that would be contrary to the oath that he had taken. Answering a reporter's question about the possibility of the Agrokor crisis spilling over into Serbia, and if a subsequent domino effect was likely, Vucic said that it had to happen eventually, recalling that Agrokor owned several companies in Serbia, and that Serbian producers were filling Agrokor's shelves in Bosnia and Croatia.


Dacic: EU will have great chance of falling apart once we all join it (Blic)


Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic attended the Summit of Cooperation Process in South-Eastern Europe in Dubrovnik and he spoke about regional cooperation, European integration and perspectives of countries in the region. Dacic addressed representatives of countries of former Socialist Federative Republic of Yugoslavia (SFRY) and he told them that nobody should be afraid because of stories on possible new uniting. “Someone here is now afraid of joint ideas that this might turn to be some kind of a joint state. Well, they should not be. Do you think Serbs were exhilarated to be in the same state with you? Well, they were not. However, this was not the way in which decisions were made. In any case, we should not be looking for a joint state, we should be looking for a common interest”, Dacic said. Dacic also commented on the enlargement of the EU and made his collocutors laugh on several occasions. “It the EU will not fall apart, at least not before we join it. Once we all join it, then there will be a great chance of it falling apart”, Dacic said.


Ruzic: Moment for the Kosovo Serbs to be more politically active (Tanjug)


The Serb political and ethnic corpus in Kosovo and Metohija needs to enter politics of the Kosovo society more actively and thus realize rights that they are entitled to, Serbian Minister for State Administration and Local Self-Administration Branko Ruzic said. He notes that the Kosovo Constitution, at least on paper, allows a wide range of rights that the Serbs should use is they are wise, and he is sure they are. “The Community of Serb Municipalities is not the final goal. It needs to be a lever that will be in the function of realizing those strategic goals of the Serbs who live on the territory of Kosovo and Metohija, which are envisaged and are in accordance with the jurisdictions that stem from what had been signed in the Brussels agreement,” Ruzic told Tanjug. When it comes to the announced amendments of the Serbian Constitution, i.e. whether those that primarily concern Kosovo and Metohija, Ruzic says that “not anything is yet on the table” in order to be able to make estimates at this moment. “I don’t wish to deal with hypothesis, but it is not disputable at all whether the preamble will be a subject of some debate. Even if it is, I am certain that the President of the Republic and the President of my party possess political responsibility, courage and vision,” said Ruzic. He adds that all those who mean well to Serbia need to view the possible need of “some sort of dozing or toning” if the content of the preamble, respecting state and national interests of Serbia and our fellow nationals in Kosovo and Metohija. “Still, raising tensions on this is unnecessary, because Serbia, formally-legally, will never recognize this self-declared independence of Kosovo. The formal-legal framework for treating the issue of Kosovo and Metohija is UNSCR 1244,” concluded Ruzic.




Ivanic, Crnadak at SEECP Summit in Dubrovnik (TV1)


During the Summit of Heads of State of the South-East Europe Cooperation Process (SEECP) in Dubrovnik on Friday, Chairman of B&H Presidency Mladen Ivanic emphasized that countries in the region should do their part of the job in order to improve their relations. According to Ivanic, this especially refers to B&H because in his opinion, good relations in the region also mean stability of B&H. Ivanic underlined that joint fight against extremism and violent radicalism is very important for safety of the region. Heads of states of Croatia, Serbia, Montenegro, Slovenia, the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, high-ranked officials from Bulgaria, Turkey and many other officials attended the event. Croatian Minister of Foreign Affairs Marija Pejcinovic-Buric underlined that Croatia is committed to assisting the countries within the SEECP on their EU path. Crnadak and Pejcinovic-Buric talked about preparations for joint session of B&H Council of Ministers (CoM) and the Croatian government, which is scheduled to take place on July 7 in Sarajevo. The two ministers agreed that the Agreement on European Partnership between B&H and Croatia is to be signed during the joint session. Crnadak met with Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Aleksey Yurievich Meshkov on the sidelines of the meeting. Crnadak was told on that occasion that the agreement on payment of the clearing debt of the former SSSR to B&H has entered the phase of implementation in the institutions of the Russian Federation and that its implementation can be expected within the planned deadline. EU High Representative Federica Mogherini, who also attended the Summit, told reporters that the region has common challenges and common opportunities. “There is young population in this region and they seek opportunities, open society and democracy. This process can help in the EU enlargement process to which we all tend”, Mogherini assessed. Participants of the Summit signed the Dubrovnik Declaration, which stressed that the EU perspective of the region has no alternative. Crnadak also met with US Deputy Assistant Secretary of the State for European and Eurasian Affairs Hoyt Brian Yee. Crnadak, among other things, said that it is necessary to free public broadcasters in B&H of political influence and finally begin a serious fight against corruption in order to create conditions for the development of democracy in B&H and holding of fair elections next year.


Yee: US is committed to maintaining and strengthening relations we have in this region (N1)


US Deputy Assistant Secretary of the State for European and Eurasian Affairs Hoyt Brian Yee attended Dubrovnik Forum held on Saturday. In an interview for N1, Yee talked about numerous issues related to the South-East Europe. N1 reports there are lot of doubts regarding involvement of new the US Administration in this part of Europe, adding that Yee’s activities in recent period showed that the US is still very present in this part of the Europe. Asked about his messages for the Western Balkans countries which are still not members of NATO and the EU, i.e. Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Kosovo and Macedonia, Yee said: “Our first message is that the US is committed to maintaining and strengthening relationships we have in this region; that our policies over last several administrations, for the last two decades have been constant. It is because they are based on the US interests and values which have not changed.” He also stated that NATO doors are open for countries aspiring to become part of this alliance. Yee added that according to information he got from the EU officials, the Europe (EU) accession is still valid prospect for those countries that are willing to carry out reforms, adopt some hard decisions and make some political and economic sacrifices in order to meet high standards of the EU.


Dodik: It is important for RS to have good relations with both Brussels and Moscow (RTRS)


Republika Srpska (RS) President Milorad Dodik stated that it is important for the RS to have good relations with both Brussels and Moscow and to try to maintain them. “Our policies, which concern the European path are very clear. We’ve said that we are ready to be part of this path, as long as we are visible and if we have coordination mechanism”, said Dodik. He reminded that Moscow was always fair towards the RS and always “backed” the RS on political level. RS President said that RS and Moscow agree that position of the High Representative needs to be abolished and that Russian Embassy helps the RS to have its voice heard in the UN Security Council, adding that RS’ stance towards NATO suits Russia. “Russia is not hiding the fact that it is against NATO and their expansion, the stance advocated by the RS suits Russia. We are doing it because of our reasons, not because of Moscow and their demands. Nobody asked that form me”, said Dodik. He noted that he recently talked to a senior official form Angela Merkel’s Cabinet, who told him that Europe can no longer held B&H if there is no IMF arrangement and that no new projects will be supported if the law on excise duties is not adopted. Dodik said that RS is not creating enemies and reminded that in the past it was disputed the most by western countries, and that Europe supported High Representative in committing violence over international law. He further noted that European politics changed and that significant number of European countries deems that HR should leave, but due to good relations with the USA they still old on that.  “We managed to protect the RS in spite of furious High Representatives who were transferring responsibilities when they wanted. We managed to create concept of coordination mechanism, which respects constitutional and Dayton concept”, said Dodik. He assessed coordination mechanism to be a serious political victory and there is no chance it will be changed. Talking about upcoming general elections, Dodik said that SNSD will have candidates for RS President and member of B&H Presidency, adding that he will discuss this with DNS. Dodik added that he can no longer run for RS President, but he will continue to be party leader and to deal with politics. “I can run for member of B&H Presidency or to be list leader for some of the lists, I am yet to decide what to do”, said Dodik. RS President stated that 2018 is a very important year for positioning of the RS, adding that this is an important issue as it will position the RS for next 20, 30 years. “This is important, because position of the RS within Dayton and B&H Constitution frameworks, has to be rehabilitated”, said Dodik. He further noted that next Chair of Council of Ministers will be a Serb and these persons will have to return the CoM to the position that belongs to it- auxiliary body of B&H Presidency and not the government as it is represented now. Dodik noted that SNSD and HDZ B&H will determine who will be Bosniak partner in the authority, adding that he and HDZ leader Dragan Covic already discussed this. He also criticized Alliance for Changes, noting that the RS was dominant until they joined the authority.


Covic: B&H authorities will be completely paralyzed unless amendments to Election Law are adopted (TV1)


The B&H Constitutional Court (CC) is supposed to decide on July 6 if unconstitutional provisions of the Election Law of B&H referring to election of delegates to the Federation of B&H House of Peoples (HoP) will be annulled. HDZ B&H leader Dragan Covic and the Croat side are convinced that this ruling will be an introduction into amendments to the Election Law of B&H, warning that B&H authorities will be completely paralyzed unless amendments are adopted after the ruling. Covic has expressed his expectation that B&H CC will decide that unconstitutional provisions of the Election Law of B&H have to be annulled and assessed that this is the right time to amend the Election Law. “I expect that the CC will annul these provisions by the end of September. In other words, we will not be able to implement election results unless we amend the Election Law. Theoretically, we could schedule the elections but we will not be able to implement them, to form the House of Peoples at the level of entity and B&H or to form the legislative and executive authorities”, Covic explained. Commenting on this issue, Federation of B&H President Marinko Cavara (HDZ B&H) has warned in case that Bosniaks reject amendments to the Election Law of B&H, B&H will fall apart. However, Speaker of B&H House of Representatives (HoR) Sefik Dzaferovic has denied these claims, stressing that the proposal of amendments to the Election Law of B&H sent into parliamentary procedure by HDZ B&H will be rejected. “The elections cannot depend on any condition, including the amendments to the Election Law. The Election Law has all the elements and instruments for holding the elections, as well as for implementation of election results”, Dzaferovic reminded. President of the Strategic Board of Coalition for Free and Fair Elections Vehid Sehic commented that the Interdepartmental Working Group for Amendments to the Election Law of B&H has to offer solutions that will be in line with B&H Constitution. He assessed that it would be disastrous that the case related to the elections in Mostar happens at the level of B&H as well. “It seems that this situation is suitable for someone and I think that reaction will be necessary. I wish if B&H politicians who form the legislative authority would react, but I also think that representatives of the international community have to react as well”, Sehic concluded.


SDS Main Board session overshadowed by what was going on in front of the office of this party (ATV)


SDS Main Board elected new Vice Presidents of the party at a session held in Banja Luka on Sunday. On this occasion Milan Milicevic was re-elected a Chairman of the Main Board. Newly-elected Vice Presidents of the party in nine constituencies are Drago Bundalo, Nemanja Vasic, Nedeljko Glamocak, Nade Planincevic, Nebojsa Maric, Mico Micic, Kostadin Vasic, Milovan Bjelica and Dragan Cuzulan. In addition, Aleksandra Pandurevic was elected Vice President from rank of women and Nina Bukejlovic from rank of SDS’ youth active. However, the session was marked by unplanned events that involved an open letter of SDS’ delegate in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) House of Peoples (HoP) Ognjen Tadic that media published while the Main Board was convening, as well as a protest of some party members from Gradiska. Tadic did not attend the Main Board’s session but rather presented harsh accusations against SDS leader Vukota Govedarica in an open letter. Tadic underlined that he did not attend the Main Board’s session because, as he claims, the SDS leadership is unwilling to approach a dialogue on the situation in the party. Tadic called on his party colleagues to prevent privatization of SDS, blaming Govedarica for it and to return SDS to the people. SDS Main Board session was overshadowed by what was going on in front of the office of this party, where nearly 30 members of SDS Municipal Board in Gradiska staged a protest refusing to recognize the results of the party elections in this municipality.


Croatian President about current political situation in Croatia, as well as Croatia’s relations with Serbia and Slovenia (Vecernji list)


Croatian President Kolinda Grabar Kitarovic in an interview with Vecernji list spoke about current political situation in Croatia, as well as Croatia’s relations with Serbia and Slovenia.

Speaking about her Serbian counterpart Aleksandar Vucic, Grabar Kitarovic said that “with Vucic, I finally have a collocutor in Serbia”. President also said that they have agreed in Dubrovnik that former Croatian prisoners of war would visit this year the place of their internment in the 1990s war in the village of Stajicevo in Serbia and that the two countries would promote their relations on the basis of the Subotica Declaration. Speaking about Croatia’s relations with Slovenia, President said she hopes that Slovenia would not make any unilateral moves after Friday's decision of an international arbitral tribunal on the Croatian-Slovenian border dispute which Croatia does not recognize, adding that the ruling would be remembered in a negative context and that the border dispute was a bilateral issue. Croatian President Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic and Slovenian President Borut Pahor met in Dubrovnik on the margins of a summit of the SEECP, reiterating during their meeting that Croatia and Slovenia had not changed their positions on arbitration proceedings in their border dispute, Grabar-Kitarovic's office said in a statement. EU High Representative Federica Mogherini, declined to comment on the decision of an arbitral tribunal in the Croatian-Slovenian border dispute delivered on Thursday. Speaking about the region, Grabar-Kitarovic expressed hope that USA will strengthen its presence in South-East Europe because of newly emerging security challenges. She underlined that the issue of B&H’s accession to EU and NATO is on the agenda of every meeting she has with any foreign official. Grabar-Kitarovic also underlined that preserving the status of Croats in B&H is one of her key foreign policy priorities.


Slovenian PM says gov't to send Croatia note on implementation of arbitration ruling (Hina)


Slovenian Prime Minister Miro Cerar said that his country would send a special note to Croatia next week regarding the start of implementation of the arbitration ruling on the Croatian-Slovenian border dispute which Croatia refuses to implement, adding that the Slovenian government would appoint a group to coordinate its implementation.


Incidents reported in disputed Piran Bay (


Following the arbitration tribunal decision, incidents have been reported in the disputed area. The Slovenian police reported two incidents at Piran Bay, according to the Slovenian media. Croatian fishermen sailed in twice (the second time together with a Croatian police ship) to an area controlled by the Slovenian police and considered by Slovenia to be part of its territory. They left the area after being warned. On the other hand, the Croatian Interior Ministry reported three incidents at Piran Bay yesterday, reports on 2 July 2017. According to the Slovenian police, the first fishing vessel sailed into Slovenian territorial waters. The Slovenian police warned the fishermen, and soon after two Croatian police ships arrived at the location. All three ships left the disputed area after a warning. The second incident took place in the afternoon when the second fishing vessel sailed into the Slovenian territorial waters and started fishing. Two ships of the Croatian police accompanied the fishermen and left the area after a warning. The Croatian Interior Ministry also issued a statement referring to the incidents that took place on Saturday: “On 1 July 2017, the Croatian police recorded three cases of violations of the demarcation at sea. At 10:45, within the territorial sea of ​​the Republic of Croatia, a police vessel of the Republic of Croatia found a Slovenian police vessel, and after it had established contact, it issued a warning that they were within the territorial sea of Croatia and should leave, which they did at 11.05. Before the arrival of the Croatian police vessel, the Slovenian police ship in transit, without stopping, warned Croatian fishermen that they were in the territorial sea of ​​Slovenia and then left without any action towards the fishermen. At 11:00, near the demarcation line, a Slovenian police boat entered by about 0.8 miles into the territorial sea of ​​the Republic of Croatia. A contact with the vessel was established and it was warned that it is located within the territorial sea of ​​the Republic of Croatia. The Slovenian police boat then left the territorial sea of ​​Croatia. At 14:06, a Slovenian police vessel was seen entering the Croatian territorial sea sailing towards a Croatian fishermen boat. Before the arrival of the Slovenian police ship to the fishermen boat, 0.3 miles within the territorial waters of the Republic of Croatia, a contact with the Slovenian police was established, they were warned to leave the territorial sea of ​​the Republic of Croatia, which they did at 14:28. There was no contact between the Croatian fishermen and the Slovenian police ship,” reported the Croatian Interior Ministry.


President Grabar-Kitarovic to meet with US President Trump (Jutarnji list)


US President Donald Trump will meet with his Croatian counterpart Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic during the summit of the Three Sea Initiative (Adriatic-Baltic-Black Sea) which will be held in Warsaw on 6 July, the day before the two-day G20 summit, reports Jutarnji List.

Among the topics of the meeting, which is expected to last for half an hour, will be yesterday’s decision of the arbitration tribunal regarding the border dispute between Croatia and Slovenia, which Croatia does not intent to accept or implement. “President Trump will have talks in Poland with 12 leaders of the Three Seas Initiative member states,” confirmed a White House official to US journalists, adding that the topics will be co-operation within the NATO alliance and the security situation in Europe. The Three Seas Initiative includes 12 countries, and Croatia is one of them. Subsequently, Trump’s national security adviser General H.R. McMaster confirmed the meeting between Trump and Grabar-Kitarovic during the summit. “In Poland, the President will meet with President Duda, the leader of a staunch NATO ally and of a nation that remains one of America’s closest friends.  He will speak to 12 Central European, Baltic, and Western Balkan leaders at the Three Seas Conference.  His remarks will focus on infrastructure development and energy security, highlighting, for instance, the first shipments of American LNG into Poland earlier this month.  He will also meet with Croatian President Grabar-Kitarovic who is the co-host of the Three Seas Conference,” said McMaster. “Travelling to Europe, especially to Central Europe, which had its identity forcibly submerged for so long, is a great way to demonstrate what binds us together not just as an alliance, but as people.  America has been influenced by many nations, but we share Europe’s commitment to liberty and rule of law in particular”, said General McMaster. Commenting on the arbitration decision, the US Embassy in Zagreb announced, in a statement published shortly after the end of the reading of the decision, that the United States would not take sides in the border dispute between Croatia and Slovenia, but suggested that the US believed both governments should resolve this bilateral issue. “We are aware of the decision issued by the Permanent Court of Arbitration (PCA) on the instruction of the Arbitral Tribunal in the arbitration between the Republic of Croatia and the Republic of Slovenia. We have made clear to both Slovenia and Croatia that we are not taking sides in this dispute. It is up to the governments of these two countries, both EU members and NATO allies, to resolve this bilateral issue, and we are confident they can do so. We urge both sides to work expeditiously for a resolution,” said the statement.


Vujanovic: Regional cooperation is not a substitute for EU membership (MINA)


Montenegro is ready for any cooperation within the Western Balkans, but it is necessary to eliminate delusion that regional cooperation is a substitute for EU membership, said Montenegrin president Filip Vujanovic. Vujanovic expressed his satisfaction with the Summit of the South-East European Cooperation Process held on Saturday. It marked the end of Croatia’s and the beginning of Slovenia’s presidency, as well as the Dubrovnik Forum, during which issues related to the Mediterranean and the Adriatic area were discussed. As he said, the forum was an opportunity to repeat Montenegro’s readiness for cooperation in the South-East European Cooperation Process as an important regional initiative. After the Dubrovnik Forum, Vujanovic said that Montenegro was ready for any cooperation within the region and for improving that cooperation, particularly in terms of stronger trade in the Western Balkans, but without the transfer of the instruments of sovereign economic policy management. He said that it is necessary to eliminate obvious delusions that the area of ​​regional cooperation in the Western Balkans is a substitute for EU membership. He said that regional economic area of the Western Balkans is not a way to slow down the process of EU accession. “It is a way to show through our cooperation the ability to be in the EU as soon as possible and that this economic area does not jeopardise EU’s individual approach or replace it with a group approach,” he added.


SNP falling apart: Damjanovic and Scekic to establish another branch (Pobjeda)


Socialist people’s party is facing a definite end of its current form, after a group of 55 members of the Steering committee scheduled a meeting in order to form a parallel committee that will change the decisions on Congress criteria. SNP officials lead by Aleksandar Damjanovic and mayor of Berane Dragoslav Scekic said that it would not recognize the decisions of SNP Steering committee. “On Monday, a group of SNP officials who are not pleased with the leadership of Milic and Snezana Jonica will hold a meeting”, the statement reads. Damjanovic and Scekic confirmed they would attend.


Crisis in Demos: Danilovic and Lekic in disagreement (Pobjeda)


The session of Demos Steering committee that had an item of analysis of results of local elections as well as the responsibility of party leaders from bad results was not held due to the lack of quorum, Pobjeda learns. Goran Danilovic and his supporters did not attend, which blocked the work of the Committee. “Lekic held an informal meeting and discussed probable separation”, the source said to Pobjeda. Danilovic did not comment the situation, and refused to answer the calls and messages of journalists. Pobjeda unofficially learns that Danilovic holds a majority in the Steering committee. The separation was imminent and signaled by a group of officials lead by Anka Vukicevic, Srdjan Pavicevic, Sead Sadikovic and Zoran Miljanic who threatened to leave if the clerication of the party personified by Danilovic’s associate Goran Radonjic continues. The session was attended by the members who believe Demos should remain strong in its support of civic values and Lekic.


Ivanov: Balkan integration vital for Europe's security (MIA)


The European Union should speed up the integration process as a vital element of its long-term security strategy, Macedonian President Gjorge Ivanov said Saturday at the 12th annual international conference Dubrovnik Forum, entitled Adriatic-Mediterranean Cooperation and Security in Southeast Europe. The most serious threat to Europe's security is yet to come, Ivanov said referring to returning of thousands fighters from Balkan countries who take part in Mid-East conflicts. He called on the EU and NATO to plan preventive measures and underlined the need of the Balkan integration as vital for long-standing peace, stability and security of the region.

“The accession of Balkan countries to the EU is the most important tool for preventing radical extremism. It would bring hope and progress to the region, which already shows signs of disappointment and despair. The European dream should become a reality for all as soon as possible,” Ivanov said. Balkan countries that are not yet part of the EU make up a security gap in a rather vulnerable part of Europe, Ivanov said. “The Balkan region is already dealing with own challenges that may easily incite instability even without external influence: ethnic and religious diversity; historic disputes; recent conflicts; unemployment, poverty, corruption and organized crime. All of these combined with the ever-present nationalism, ethnocentrism, xenophobia and since recently Islamophobia shows that the region is in possession of all necessary ingredients terrorist groups could use to undermine Europe,” Ivanov said,  underlining the need long-term regional security policies.


Hoyt Yee: The darkest moment in the Balkans was 27 April with the situation in Macedonian parliament (Meta)


The darkest moment in the Balkan region this year, was 27 April in the parliament of the Republic of Macedonia and the best news in the whole region was the formation of the new reformatory government. This was stated by the Deputy Assistant Secretary for European and Eurasian Affairs at the US State Department, Hoyt Brian Yee, as part of a panel discussion at the “Dubrovnik Forum 2017”. Macedonian Foreign Minister, Nikola Dimitrov, at the panel discussion stressed that “the Balkans has to grow up fast before the younger generations completely gives up and goes to Europe by themselves.” Within the context of the migrant crisis, Dimitrov also said that the lesson learned from it is that no state can handle such major challenges by themselves and that it is necessary there is “coordinated action and a joint response especially with preventive actions aimed at the root of the problem.” “Domestically, after the inner- political crisis in Macedonia, we have learned valuable lessons: stability, democracy, and the legal state go hand to hand together,” said Dimitrov, stated an announcement issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.


Nimetz: No dramatic changes over name issue expected in next few months (MIA)


Matthew Nimetz, personal representative of the UN Secretary General in the name issue, said Monday that no dramatic changes should be expected in the next few months. "It is very heartening to see the first visit of the (Macedonian) FM to be in Athens. I know (Greek) FM Kotzias plans a trip here, so I think we have to consider ways of intensifying the process. I think in the next few months we should not expect dramatic changes. I do not think it is the right time to make definitive, concrete proposals, we need a period where the two sides can talk to each other, there can be intelligent conversations, we have a new government here, we have a new context in the region, so I think things will move along, but I do not see any dramatic events in the next few months", Nimetz told reporters after a meeting with Foreign Minister Nikola Dimitrov. He is encouraged by the fact that there is serious interest and willingness to think about the issue. "We need progress in general to solve this problem, meaning both sides need to think very seriously about their positions and also listen very carefully to the other side. I am heartened here by the PM and FM, being open-minded about this issue. I have had meetings with Foreign Minister Kotzias and he is a very serious person. Now there is a new situation and we will see what will happen", stressed Nimetz. Talks with Prime Minister Zoran Zaev and FM Dimitrov did not focus on concrete, new name concepts. "We talked about the process, more intensified relationship between the two neighbors, and the general position of the government here to open to neighbors and solve problems in the region", added Nimetz. The UN envoy planned originally to go directly to Athens, but because of meetings on Cyprus he is rescheduling that meeting for a little later.


An additional positive impulse is needed from both sides regarding the name dispute, said Ivanov to Nimetz (Meta)


It is necessary to adhere strictly to the framework within which the talks about the name dispute are occurring – the resolutions of the Security Council, the Interim Accord and the verdict by the International Court of Justice in Hague, stressed the Macedonian President Gjorge Ivanov during the meeting with Matthew Nimetz, the UN’s Special Representative in the talks between Macedonia and Greece regarding the name dispute. Ivanov has stated that Macedonia will still participate in the process that is led under the patronage of the UN and that it is necessary for a “positive ambient for a better understanding and respect” to be created. “It is necessary for an additional impulse to be given from both sides for surpassing of this issue that has an essential significance for the stability and prosperity of the whole region” stressed Ivanov during the meeting with Nimetz during which he has greeted the constructivity and the focus on the measures of building the trust between both states and has called upon their enlargement and introduction of new content. The UN’s Special Representative, before his arrival has announced that the aim of his visit is to see the readiness for a serious advancement in the talks between Skopje and Athens regarding the name dispute.


Kanceska-Milevska and Pesevski were stripped of their passports, so far no-one is in custody (Meta)


The Criminal Council of the Basic Court-Skopje refused the request from the Special Prosecutor’s Office for custody for former Minister of Culture, Elizabeta Kanceska-Milevska and former Vice Prime Minister for Economic Affairs Vladimir Pesevski. Kancevska-Milevska and Pesevski, who are suspects in the “Tenders” case and the “Trajectory” case led by the SPO, were given precautionary measures – confiscation of passport and every Tuesday they are obliged to report the court and an authorized official, instead of being remanded into custody. According to the decisions made by the court today, precautionary measures were accepted against over 20 people. Basic court Skopje 1 announced that yesterday evening, that the that the SPO submitted two new cases which are related to the “Titanic”, “Target” and “Fortress”, (the last two cases are going to merged into one case). Otherwise, Nikola Gruevski, Martin Protuger, Gordana Jankuloska Mile Janakieski, Kiril Bozinovski and Saso Mijalkov have also been charged in these cases. The SPO is asking for custody for all of the suspects mentioned. European Commission spokesperson Maja Kocijancic told MIA that “the European Union has no comment on the investigations and requests of the Macedonian Special Prosecutor Office for detention of high opposition officials, but seeks responsibility for the wiretapping affair”. “We don't make comments on ongoing investigations or procedures. The European Union reiterates the significance of determining the responsibility for the wiretapping and its content. We are also reminding of the significance of constructive cooperation between the government and opposition in implementing the Przino agreement and outstanding reforms for the benefit of the country and its citizens,” Kocijancic said.


VMRO-DPMNE calls on Zaev to publish the treaty he wants to sign with Bulgaria (MIA)


VMRO-DPMNE called on Prime Minister Zoran Zaev to make public the friendship agreement which he said he will sign with Bulgaria at the traditional Ilinden Uprising celebration on August 2nd. In a press release, VMRO-DPMNE says that Zaev and his SDSM party are hiding the text of the agreement because it is harmful to Macedonian national interests. "His actions and willingness to accept a damaging agreement has sparked statements that undermine the Macedonian state. We heard comments from SDS coalition partners that the Ilinden Uprising had a Bulgarian character, we saw Bulgarian football fans slogans that Macedonia is Bulgarian, we hear comments that there is no Macedonian language or history and the statement from Bozidar Dimitrov that this agreement will put an end to what he calls the 'theory of Macedonism'", VMRO-DPMNE writes in its press release. VMRO-DPMNE refers to SDSM as SDS, omitting the letter M that stands for Macedonia. Macedonia and Bulgaria have negotiated the agreement of friendship for a long time, and Bulgaria elevated the signing of this agreement as its condition for Macedonia to open European Union accession talks, which are already blocked by Greece over similar historic issues. VMRO-DPMNE also condemned the announcement coming after Zaev's visit to Bulgaria that Macedonian history books will be purged from elements that could be seen as negative to Bulgaria, saying that it can open a process of engineering the Macedonian nation and state. "We support building of good neighborly relations with all our neighbors, based on mutual respect, but we will never accept something that is damaging to the Macedonian state and national interests", VMRO-DPMNE adds in its press release.


Rama initiates a hearing tour in July for a co-governance platform with common people (ATA)


Prime Minister Edi Rama announced that on Monday he will convene a meeting of the Socialist Party team that came out of the June 25 general elections, new lawmakers and candidates who ran at the elections, to set the governance targets during the second term in office. PM Rama also said that the working team will hold a 30-day tour to hear the opinions and concerns of the citizens for the government and the institutions and on this basis to draft a report that will serve to the operation of doing away for good with the policy of sharing the power benefits.

“ON COALITION AGAINST SHARING THE POWER BENEFITS”, on Monday we shall convene the meeting of the new lawmakers and the candidates who ran at the elections, i.e. with all our team of June 25, about launching a tour of hearings and collecting data on the activity of the Civil Service offices. To this target will serve even gathering of the information from the common people online in regard to the services that the state offices provide for the public, the civil servants who work in them and their heads. During this stage, all information will be gathered through this webpage or the online pages of our leaders in every region. Further on, when the co-governance platform with the people of ALBANIA WE WANT is ready, together with the New Government, a special section of it will be available to every citizen; it will draw the attention of the government to the work in the Civil Service countrywide or sound the alarm in government when there are concrete cases of abuse with office or unworthy conduct of the civil servants with the people”, stated Rama. Following the 30-day tour, states Rama, all the collected data about the public institutions and offices will be analyzed in detail for every region. The Prime Minister emphasizes that on their basis will be drafted a report where will be reflected the quality of work, the level of service and public reputation in every branch of the Civil Service and of every respective head. “This report will be at the table of the New Government since the first day of its work, as one of the basic documents that will serve to the operation of doing away for good with the police of sharing the power benefits”, Rama concludes.




Vucic: I think the dialogue with Pristina will be raised to presidential level (Sputnik, 2 July 2017)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic told Sputnikthat there would be no specifically determined topics this time, but they would discuss how they perceived Kosovo in five, ten or 15 years.

He said that he would expect that the dialogue with Pristina would be transferred to Presidential level and emphasized that it was important to continue the talks since this was how tensions would drop. Vucic said that it was not easy for him thinking about talks in Brussels, but he believed that Kosovo President Tachi also did not find it pleasant to meet with him either.

“This dialogue is never easy and we must go through all issues and finesses in advance. Such approach is necessary so we can always be aware what Pristina wishes are and how to defend our goals”, he said. Vucic said that it was important to continue the dialogue since this was how the tensions would drop. “Northern Kosovo cannot be jeopardized, but it is necessary to talk primarily because of our people in central Kosovo, their existence, safety and security. They are largely left to their own means because we do not have police or military or any other protection for them”, Vucic said. When asked what could be expected from the talks when Pristina was not fulfilling the agreed items, he said that Belgrade was approaching clearly and openly and sincerely in accordance with limitation regarding state interests, while Albanians started treating everything as their own internal issue.

Vucic expected that the negotiations between Belgrade and Pristina would be officially raised to Presidential level. “I believe this will happen. Because if Serbs from Kosovo must cooperate and talk to everyone, even Ramush Haradinaj, it is difficult that someone can make Belgrade to feel happy and sit at the table with someone we are charging for the most serious crimes”, he said.

When asked if he expected the West to accept Haradinaj if he should become Kosovo Prime Minister, Serbian President said that he believed that this would be unpleasant situation for the West also. “I heard many times from the people from the West that this would be an unpleasant situation for them, but they would work with anyone Albanians elected. Serbs would have to live with that fact and Belgrade cannot be delighted either with Haradinaj or Kurti”, he said.

“Serbians should come to terms with this fact, and Belgrade cannot be pleased with Haradinaj or Kurti. I do not see difference between them and, moreover, the one has already demonstrated himself in the fight against Serbians and the other one has not yet and could become worse than Haradinaj. Anyway, it is a difficult process, but it is better to talk than have no dialogue at all,” Vucic pointed out.

In accordance with the 2007 parliamentary resolution, Serbia is a neutral state. However, the country’s parliament ratified on February 12, 2016, the document on diplomatic immunity for NATO representatives and logistical support for the Alliance. "Serbian remains a military neutral state. We have constructive relations with both NATO and CSTO, they will be maintained, with nobody choosing for us, whose weapons we should purchase," Vucic said in an interview.

Belgrade is under pressure over the status and the provision of diplomatic immunity to the staff of the Russian-Serbian Humanitarian Center in the Serbian city of Nis, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic told Sputnik. "For me, it is difficult to talk about everything. But everybody knows that we are in a difficult situation. The government will take a decision on this matter… Whatever the government decides in this regard, it will be an unfair and unjust decision or otherwise we will face other consequences," Vucic said.

Serbia needs deliveries of Russian weapons in order to significantly boost its defense capability, country’s President Aleksandar Vucic told Sputnik in an interview. “We wait for the visit of Shoigu as well as arrival of tanks and reconnaissance vehicles. That is very important for us … Our defense capability will significantly increase within a day,” Vucic said. The President pointed out that Serbia needed to boost its defense capability in order to prevent foreign invasions as it happened in 1999 when the country was bombed by a coalition of western states.

Russia may provide assistance for Serbia in the construction of a transit gas pipeline from the country’s border with Bulgaria, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic told Sputnik. “Today we have three or four MiG-29 jets and there are no better planes for a close combat. When we equip our army with radars and air defense systems, the citizens will feel safe. Concerning the military industry, unfortunately wars are being waged everywhere and in the next 20 years we will be able to sell everything we will produce,” Vucic said. "At the border with Bulgaria, we will have to construct a downstream pipeline – ourselves or with the Russian help. So we will receive 9.8 billion cubic meter gas at the border. The branch lines will head for Republika Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Pristina, Croatia. And we will get the transit tax," Vucic said in an interview. According to the president, the plan can be implemented in case of successful construction of the gas hub in Bulgaria. "When they create this hub somewhere on the way toward Varna, the gas will head for Sofia and from there – to Serbia," Vucic said. Vucic added that the project may provide Serbia with 100 million – 150 million euros ($114 million – $171 million) per year.


Another IMF Deal Isn't a Sure Thing for Serbia, Premier Says (Bloomberg, by

Gordana Filipovic and Misha Savic, 3 July 2017)


Serbia is focused on wrapping up its IMF program this year and will evaluate the implications for economic growth before seeking another, the country’s new prime minister said.

Ana Brnabic, a U.S. and U.K.-educated political newcomer, said she’ll continue pursuing a plan to overhaul the country’s public administration started by President Aleksandar Vucic, who she replaced after he became president. When asked if the country of 7.1 million may forgo renewing the three-year precautionary deal, during which International Monetary Fund officials have recommended measures including cutting spending, selling or shutting down unprofitable state companies, and reducing the public workforce, she said “it’s possible.” The most important business stories of the day. Speaking on her first full day in office, Eastern Europe’s first openly gay woman to lead a government said she wants to accelerate economic growth to 4 percent over the next two years from 3 percent in 2017. She’s facing an uphill battle after the economy slowed its expansion to 1.2 percent in the first quarter from a year earlier. Now she’s considering whether the benefits of a new IMF deal outweigh the Washington-based lender’s stringent oversight. “It’s obviously good to have someone who’s giving you tempo, the pace of reforms, with whom you are discussing the priorities, and all of that is a big, big pro,’’ Brnabic said in her office in Belgrade on Friday. “But sometimes the IMF is more stringent than is necessary, and in that respect, it is possible that a new deal hinders growth.’’ Brnabic said her government would seek to cut 11,300 jobs in local administrations through 2020, including 2,500 this year, as the country overhauls its public administration and retools state finances. That’s in addition to 80,000 jobs Vucic eliminated mostly through attrition from local governments and state-run enterprises since 2013, she said. The dinar weakened 0.12 percent to 120.5452 against the euro at 9:00 a.m. in Belgrade, according to data compiled by Bloomberg. The yield on Serbian dollar bonds maturing in 2021 rose two basis point to 3.303 percent.


Discussing, Deciding

After narrowing one of Europe’s highest budget shortfalls three years ago to less than a third in 2016, the Balkan state’s public finances are in better shape. Brnabic said her team is still “discussing and deciding’’ whether or not to sell a new Eurobond this year as “the local market conditions are good and the liquidity of the budget is very good.’’ “2016 was our first year with a primary surplus, but still, huge amounts of money went to pay interest” on expensive loans, Brnabic said. “So I think 2018, next year, will be the year when we can expect that interest rates will be significantly lower.” With an IMF mission currently visiting Belgrade to assess progress on structural reforms, Serbia is “100 percent focused on passing the seventh review,’’ and hopes to conclude the program by year-end, she said. The fund praised Serbia’s progress in March but said “a lot remains to be done.”


‘Difficult Tasks’

One of the biggest challenges the government is still working on is a pledge to sell or close scores of money-losing companies that drained about $1 billion a year from the state budget as recently as last year. Some of them are now being restructured and advisers are still being sought for others, Brnabic said. Serbia must also pass a law on local administrations -- some of which she said had five times more employees than they needed just four years ago -- and fix the way state salaries are paid. “We still have some very, very difficult tasks to fulfill by the end of the year,’’ Brnabic said.