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Belgrade Media Report 24 July



Vucic: Time for Serbia to work, think and win without conflict (Blic/B92)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic says that he has invited citizens of Serbia to an internal dialogue on Kosovo and Metohija. The reason is not to leave this burden to the descendants.

“It’s time for us to as a nation stop burying our heads in the sand and try to be realistic, not to allow ourselves to lose or give to someone what we have, but also not to wait for what we have long lost to arrive in our hands,” Vucic wrote in an op-ed published in Blic.

Recalling that Shimon Peres explained once that he insists on negotiations with the Palestinians, saying, but imagine just what could happen if he didn’t do that, Vucic points out that he, too, when he should answer about the need for dialogue with Pristina and the internal Serbian dialogue on Kosovo says, just imagine what could be... if suddenly everyone stopped talking.

“"After many years of dealing with politics in this region, I know this answer very well. Since 1878, since the creation of the so-called Prizren League, we Serbs did not want to be responsible enough to understand the strength and aspirations of the Albanians,” said he.

On the other hand, he thinks it is a mistake of Albanians, and a big one, that they lack the understanding of Serbian state and national interests and underestimate them.

“Serbia is not to be underestimated, despite the fact that Albanians in the implementation of their national ideas have the significant support from most Western countries. Today’s Serbia is not as it was, Serbia is not as weak as it was in 1999, 2004, and 2008, but Serbia is not, nor must it be arrogant as it has been not rarely,” Vucic said in his text. Silence, he assess, means we no longer care about the answers to anything anymore," that "we have ceased to hope, and it is the quality of those who think only they are right, and that they have nothing more to learn or discuss with anybody. “It’s the modus operandi of tyrannies always ready to spill someone else’s blood. In the end, silence is the end. After it nobody speaks,” said Vucic. He went on to note that he does not see himself in this business of silence nor in such, numb Serbia - because if that happens, not only will my policy be a failure, but also my whole life. The solution, he emphasizes, does not lie on one hand in our myths and conflicts, but on the other either in giving up all our national and state interests. Opponents of the dialogue on Kosovo with Pristina, he thinks, are also those to whom every loss is victory, and who rejoice in another's misfortune as their success, because they do not know about any other kind of success. “Their reason for this kind of inaction, which is a kind of historical crime, given the weight of the question that looks for the answer, lies in the hopes of someone, finally giving Kosovo to somebody and for doing so, to their joy, bear the consequences,” wrote Vucic. According to Vucic, he can understand such an attitude from the standpoint of daily politics, but from the point of view of history there is no justification or understanding for that. “Because our hardest question basically is precisely that, and because it is necessary, as never before, that all of us, together find the answer. And one which will last, which will exclude the conflict as an option, and who will benefit everyone in these areas.”

And finding a solution, he continued, demands a head hot from constant thinking, a heart that is cold to excessive emotions and hands dirtied with compromises. Both our and Albanian.

“Finding the solution, requires also the work of everyone, and a clear awareness of the fact that what we are doing is a long, intricate and painful process, but first of all that kind of change in our collective mindset that often experiences every deal has as defeat. That’s simply not true,” says Vucic. “We did not win anything so great in wars, that we lost in peace. Because everything that we received and lost in wars, paid for with the hardest possible price, the one that cannot be compensated - our lives and the lives of our children,” said, and added that this has to stop:

“It’s time for Serbia to work, think and win, win without conflict. And I am convinced that we are able to do it as soon as today. Anyway, imagine what could be.” “All the paths of political cooperation and economic progress would be open to Serbia, the European Union’s door, too. Otherwise, we will keep a conflict whose essence we do not understand,” he warns. He thinks Serbia needs a serious and responsible approach, courageous and realistic with a view to the future. Serbia is today respected everywhere in the world, according to Vucic. “Until three years ago it was bankrupt and today it has a surplus in the budget, the growth of the economy is much higher than the average and it has shown that it can win not only in basketball and water polo but also in economics and politics,” wrote Vucic, and concluded: “In order for our progress to be steady and sustainable, we need, if nothing else to at least try to resolve the Kosovo (Gordian) knot, and not to hide, and leave the greatest burden to our children. To live means to love the country on which children are walking, and not just to boast with the victories of our grandfathers.”


Djuric: Important to talk with Albanians (RTS)


The Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Marko Djuric told Radio and Television of Serbia (RTS) that he advises the Serb List not to rush. “Let the Albanian parties first discuss among themselves, then we will see whether there is space for talk, not about political positions, but about the possibility of achieving certain Serb economic and political interests,” Djuric explained.


Rakic: Serb List will not take part in the consultations (RTS)


Serb List Head Goran Rakic said that the Serb List would not be attending consultations with Thaci. “MPs from the Serb Ticket will answer the invitation for the verification of the mandates in line with the law, but we do not want Serb MPs and the Serb people to be between a rock and a hard place,” Rakic said. He pointed out that after the name of the prime minister designate is known, consultations would be held with Belgrade and a decision on possible coalitions would be made.


Serbia to amend Constitution before year is out (Beta)


Serbia should adopt changes to the constitution before the end of the year which should allow for the full independence of the judiciary, the participants of a July 21 round table on constitutional amendments related to the justice system concluded. Serbian chief negotiator in talks with the EU Tanja Miscevic recalled that an action plan for Chapter 23, which deals with the judiciary, envisages the adoption of constitutional amendments by the end of the year. Still, Miscevic stressed that the essence was more important than the deadlines. “Transparency and inclusivity are the key words in that process,” said Miscevic, adding that the process of adopting constitutional changes should include as many sides and social segments as possible.

Serbian Justice Minister Nela Kuburovic said that Serbia should redefine paragraphs on the appointment of judges, their sacking and the selection of court presidents, members of the High Judicial Council and State Council of Prosecutors. The future amendments should be a palette of various opinions, the result of political and social consensus, said Kuburovic, adding that Serbia should be recognized as a country that adheres to the principle of judicial independence.


Association of Families of Kidnapped and Killed in Kosovo and Metohija requests a lawsuit against KFOR and UNMIK over harvesters (Beta)


The Association of Families of Kidnapped and Killed in Kosovo and Metohija has announced that it will request the Serbian government to file a lawsuit against KFOR and UNMIK before international judicial institutions because they didn’t protect 14 Serb harvesters who were killed in the village of Staro Gracko near Lipljan. On the occasion of the 18th anniversary of this murder and the decision of the Special Prosecution in Pristina in May this year to stop the investigation, the lawyer of this Association Dragan Palibrk told the press in Belgrade that the Association will request a lawsuit for compensation of material and non-material damages. He also announced that the Association would request the Serbian government to form a special legal team that would assist witnesses and those damaged in proceedings that will be conducted before the Special Court for War Crimes in Kosovo. He said the United Nations formally assumed authority in Kosovo on 10 June 1999, but to this day, after 18 years, not only was nobody processed, but Serbia, as the state, didn’t file any lawsuit over the murder of 14 Serb harvesters on 23 July that year, he said.

The vice president of the Association Dragan Piljevic requested the state to pass a law on the status of families of kidnapped and killed civilians in Kosovo and Metohija. The Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Marko Djuric has stated that Serbia will not give up the prosecution of war criminals and that the state will most seriously examine the proposals of the Association. Djuric says that he doesn’t accept the shameful non-acting of representatives of international judicial institutions who are offering Serbia after 18 years nothing except the closure of proceedings and displacement evidence.


Scott: I would be surprised if Kosovo would be a condition for EU membership (Politika)


US Ambassador to Serbia Kyle Scott said he would be surprised if recognizing the independence of Kosovo was made a condition for Serbia to join the EU, Politika quoted the diplomat as saying in an interview with the paper published on July 22. “What Brussels demanded, and Kosovo and Serbia have accepted, is a concept for the normalization of their relations, and I hope that we will soon see some progress in the Brussels dialogue,” Scott said. Ambassador Scott also said that Serbia and his country did not agree over Kosovo, because the US recognized Kosovo's independence and Belgrade did not, but that both agreed that the talks in Brussels should be used for Belgrade-Pristina relations to move towards larger-scale normalization. “This is why both sides are expected to fulfill all the obligations they have accepted in the process,” he said.

When asked for a comment on speculation that US Vice President Mike Pence had had some questions on Russia's influence in Serbia, Ambassador Scott said it would be inappropriate for him to discuss the details of bilateral meetings, but what he could say was that they had an excellent chance to discuss all aspects of cooperation. "Here I mean regional cooperation, progress in the Brussels talks, Kosovo. They also discussed Russia's role in the region, the occupation of Crimea and other trends that we have been witnessing when it comes to Moscow," Scott said, adding that the meeting focused on supporting Serbia's strategic goals and its efforts to join the EU.

Speaking on a visit by the embassy's delegation to the Serbian-Russian Humanitarian Center, near Nis, the US ambassador said that he personally had not gone there, but that the embassy staff did not see anything that might convince them there was a need to grant the facility diplomatic status.


State Department: Islamic extremism gaining ground in Kosovo (Beta)


The threat of violent Islamic extremism is growing in Kosovo, which is partly being financed by foreign organizations propagating extreme ideology and violent extremist groups that actively use social media to spread propaganda and recruit followers, the U.S. State Department says in its annual report on terrorism. The part of the report on Kosovo notes that approximately 315 foreign terrorist combatants had left Kosovo for Syria and Iraq to fight for the Islamic State (ISIS) or Al-Nusra, the Syrian arm of Al-Qaeda, adding that 58 had been killed. The State Department states that Kosovo's government is applying a comprehensive strategy and action plan to fight violent extremism, in association with the US, NATO and EULEX (in northern Kosovo), and reports that even though there is no cooperation with Serbia, a plan has been in place since 2013 on the integrated administration of borders and participation in U.S.-financed training. The report gives a list of what Kosovo is doing to combat terrorism, including the adoption and implementation of laws, biometric passports, border controls and equipping border police. As an obstacle to better cooperation with international organizations, the report names the fact that Kosovo is not a member of the U.N., Interpol or Europol, which is why UNMIK and EULEX are operating as mediators, which slows down procedures and cooperation.

The State Department also believes Kosovo has shown the political will to deal with terrorism-related threats and possesses the legal framework, adding that national institutions had bolstered the capacities of their investigative and prosecutorial elements, but that limited capacity, means and experience still limit efficiency in processing terror cases. Kosovo's membership in many regional and international organizations, including the U.N., is blocked by countries that do not recognize its independence, the State Department notes, adding that the lack of membership and recognition of Kosovo makes cooperation on many issues impossible, including the fight against terrorism.




Zaev and Zvizdic announce joint session of B&H CoM and Macedonian government (BHT1)


FYROM Prime Minister Zoran Zaev, who pays an official visit to BiH, held a meeting with Chairman of the Council of Ministers of B&H (B&H CoM) Denis Zvizdic in Sarajevo on Sunday. Following the meeting, Zvizdic and Zaev addressed reporters at a press conference and confirmed that there are no open issues between Macedonia and B&H, noting that Sunday’s meeting represents the beginning of a successful regional cooperation which will result in a great number of mutual visits. They also agreed that it would be necessary to further enhance cooperation between the two countries and announced that a joint session of B&H CoM and the Government of Macedonia will be held in the forthcoming period. Furthermore, the two officials emphasized that the relations between Macedonia and B&H are extremely good, constructive and friendly, and stressed that these relations are developing on an upward path. Zvizdic and Zaev voiced political will for further intensive cooperation, shown through the signing of documents in the fields of agriculture and culture. In Zaev’s view, signing of two agreements on Sunday on cooperation in the field of agriculture opens doors for new markets and IPA funds, while the agreement on culture brings improvement of relationship between two states in all possible levels. “We also want the citizens of our countries to travel with ID cards, not with passports,” Zaev told reporters. Zvizdic stressed that B&H and FYROM have good economic cooperation, with BAM 300 million worth of economic cooperation last year, representing a growth of about 10 percent. “Through dialogue and discussion of our potentials, by the end of 2018, this economic cooperation could be increased by another BAM 100 million”, Zvizdic added. He also announced signing a memorandum by the end of the year that will establish a direct airline between the capitals of B&H and Macedonia.


Izetbegovic and Ivanic: There are no open issues between B&H and Macedonia (TV1)


Zaev met with members of the Presidency of B&H Bakir Izetbegovic and Mladen Ivanic. Zaev, Izetbegovic and Ivanic agreed that there are no open issues between B&H and Macedonia while political relations between the two countries are very good. The officials announced establishing of a direct airline from Sarajevo to Skopje, as well as signing of a series of agreements, including those related to identification documents. Zaev also informed Izetbegovic and Ivanic about social and political situation in Macedonia and its path to join the EU.


Mektic and Spasovski discuss security challenges and cooperation (TV1)


Minister of Security of B&H Dragan Mektic and fYROM Minister of Interior Oliver Spasovski met in Sarajevo on Sunday and discussed security challenges and cooperation between the institutions of B&H and Macedonia. Mektic and Spasovski agreed that it is important not to have any open issues between B&H and Macedonia but cooperation between state ministries and law enforcement agencies has to be improved. Ministers also agreed that the issue of migrations represents a challenge for both B&H and Macedonia.


B&H Court rejects appeal on decision to dismiss indictment in referendum case (N1)


The Pannell of the B&H Court ruled on Friday and dismissed as ungrounded an appeal by the B&H Prosecutor’s Office, which was filed to a ruling of a preliminary hearing judge, who rejected the indictment in ‘Referendum’ case. Thus, the Court confirmed the decision of the judge who rejected the indictment against members of the RS Referendum Commission Sinisa Karan, Dragoljub Reljic, Goran Zmijanjac and Milan Petkovic. Karan, Reljic, Zmijanjac and Petkovic were indicted of failure to implement a decision of BiH Constitutional Court, related to the referendum in the RS. The four members of the RS Referendum Commission were indicted for failing to comply with the decision of the Constitutional Court (CC) of B&H according to which referendum on the Day of the RS was unconstitutional.


Crnadak: We must show results to Brussels soon (Nezavisne)


B&H Foreign Minister Igor Crnadak stated in an interview for the daily, commenting the recently held Trieste Summit and its results, that this meeting was exceptionally important because of the EU’s messages about future of B&H and the Western Balkans but what was bad for B&H is the fact it did not sign the Transport Community Treaty with the other countries of the region. According to Crnadak, it was a strong wish of “some political parties” that B&H does not sign the document so they can call it as alleged failure of the Council of Ministers. He deems that it was acceptable to adopt this document with conclusion that three ministers in charge of transport in the Council of Ministers of B&H, the FB&H government and the RS government would be coordinating activities and harmonizing stances. “That could have been completely enough, but we failed to do it. I expect that agreement will be reached, I believe that everyone understood now this is a too much important matter to be left without it,” he said. Asked if the international officials, especially those in Brussels, are content with what B&H does and what are the matters they warn about the most, he replied that the EU officials and crucial persons of the member states were satisfied with what was done in 2016 and the beginning of 2017. However, he continued, there is a change in mood now and results are expected, particularly the results with the Transport Community Treaty, excise duties issue, and the Questionnaire. “In order to keep our situation positive, it is necessary to show some specific results to our European friends very soon,” Crnadak underlined.


Medojevic: Katnic staged the fake case of money laundering (CDM)


Main special prosecutor Milivoje Katnic has staged the fake cause of money laundering for his personal revenge due to my public critique of his activities as an occupational manager of Cavtat during 1991/92, said leader of PzP Nebojsa Medojevic, responding to SDT’s statement. “Instead of rising the levels of material, technical, financial and human resources in SDT and investigations against the corrupt regime, Katnic focused on the strongest opposition party, inventing accusations and sending innocent people to jail with no legal basis”, the statement of Medojevic reads. “The truth is that the forensic officials of SDT were not able to enter my computer, and I was invited to give them the password. I did so, helping them in their investigation against me. The public knows that a daughter of one high official of DPS refused to give her password, and suffered no consequences”, he said. He said that the actual investigation should focus on money laundering in Hypo Alpe Adria Bank, especially on the international transactions between HAAB and Prva banka, with protected witnesses Petar Ivanovic and Tarik Telacevic. “I was accused of laundering legal money. This will be the first case of prosecution of someone who lifted the money of their own account, money acquired through the sale of their own house. I am always ready to help the state. The truth is one – I helped the case by giving them my password. If I didn’t, they wouldn’t be able to access my data. The public can determine if I am right, or Katnic”, Medojevic stated.


Lekic: I still haven’t decided whether to run for the president (Mina)


Leader of Demos Miodrag Lekic said that he still has not decided whether to run for the president, and he said that he would consult those who are honestly dedicated to the party, as well as opposition colleagues. Speaking to Mina, Lekic said that the attempt to break Demos apart failed, and he said someone would be held responsible for it, or he would leave the party. He said that the causes of the apparent destabilization could be different – from psychological aspects of the actors, to secret political ambitions. “We can now see that certain individuals had issues with basic values of Demos such as civic society, culture, modern life,” he said. According to him, those individuals are currently breaking all the statute rules. At the same time, the director of that farce is still refusing to come to the sessions of the main party bodies. Lekic said that Demos will resist such attempts, and will introduce the public to all the aspects of its workings. He said that the party will reconsider the situation on Wednesday, expecting the report from the executive board. Commenting on the statement of Goran Danilovic (Demos), that the upcoming presidential elections should have one non-party candidate backed by the opposition, Lekic said that this was an attitude promoted by DF. He said that Danilovic’s statement came after Lucija Djuraskovic, member of the steering committee of the party, said that the leader of Demos is a natural candidate for the elections. Lekic said that it was up to public to decide on the merits of Djuraskovic’s opinion. Commenting on the situation in the country, he said that the its going from bad to worse, especially when it comes to public finances.


Ivanov – Baily meeting in Ohrid (MIA)


Macedonian President Gjorge Ivanov met Thursday with US Ambassador Jess Baily in Presidential Vila Biljana in Ohrid. They discussed development of bilateral relations between Macedonia and USA, issues related to Macedonia’s European and Euro-Atlantic perspective and the situation in the region of Southeast Europe, President’s Cabinet said in a press release. Ivanov voiced his expectations that the US support and engagement in regard to Macedonia’s foreign policy goals and priorities – integration in NATO and EU, promotion of good neighborly ties and strengthening regional cooperation, will continue. Ivanov underscored the need of creating new incentive to Macedonia’s membership in NATO emphasizing that realization of our Euro-Atlantic integration will contribute to long-term peace, stability, security and prosperity of the entire region. They also exchanged views on the cooperation in the field of defence and security through joint training and exercises for members of the Army of the Republic of Macedonia (ARM) and US army. In this context the ARM participation in “Saber Guardian 2017” multinational exercise was greeted. Opinions were also exchanged on upcoming exercise of ARM and US army in Europe “Dragoon Ride” scheduled to be held July 28 – August 8 at the military training ground Krivolak.


Basha reelected DP leader with 90% of the votes (ADN)


Lulzim Basha will be the leader of the Democratic Party for other four years.

He took the votes of more than 90% of the DP members for another mandate despite the big defeat at the last elections on 25 June.   In front of the other candidate for DP leader, Eduard Selami, it seems that for Basha it was very easy to win another mandate. He took 53.931 votes in total, meanwhile Selami only 5136. During these elections, more than 20.000 members of DP voted more. Basha opened the collaboration door to his critics by declaring that everyone that chooses the free and fair elections cause is more than welcomed. In his first press conference on Sunday after being reconfirmed in this position Basha declared that everyone may contribute in DP’s future. “Yesterday’s act was not a closed door. Everyone that places DP interests in the first place by choosing the free and fair elections cause instead of his or her personal comfort is welcomed. All those that may have lost the way for an instant are welcomed,” stated Basha, referring to the Democrats massive participation in the elections he defined this a warranty for party’s future. “The Democrats participation in this process indicated their determination to work for party’s strengthening and contribute for country’s future. This is a clear sign of Democrats confidence on the party and the democracy values,” said Basha. He promised that DP would become even more democratic from now on while adding that decision-making will be in the membership’s hands and no one would be left aside. Basha also thanked his rival Eduard Selami for the new platform introduced to the Democrats during this electoral race.


Basha wins, DP headship member resigns (ADN)


Lulzim Basha’s reconfirmation as Democratic Party (DP) leader is followed by the resignation of a party’s headship member. Tomorr Alizoti, one of the critics of Basha, announced on Sunday the immediate resignation from the position of headship member and that of the Former-Persecuted Department Director. “At the end of the electoral process for the party’s leader election I resign from the position of Former-Persecuted Department Director and that of DP’s headship member. The landslide defeat of June 25th urged me to blame Basha as the main responsible thus I requested his resignation. This act would leave room for reflection and recovery process. His resignation was a necessary democratic act and a real acceptance of the responsibility. In the meantime Basha chose another approach, imposing his reelection in this position. As consequence I chose the resignation as civil act,” declared Alizoti, adding that he remains a strong supporter of DP.




European Commission: B&H needs a new law on judiciary (European Western Balkans, 21 July 2017)


The Delegation of the European Union to Bosnia and Herzegovina sent a statement on Ministerial Meeting in the framework of the Structured Dialogue on Justice, that we publish in full.

“The citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina have the right to an independent, impartial and efficient judiciary that fights serious crime, especially organised crime and corruption, effectively. Rule of law is at the heart of the European integration process. Since 2011 in the framework of the Structured Dialogue on Justice, the European Commission has been facilitating discussions on the reform of the state level judiciary, in particular regarding the coordination of criminal jurisdiction between the state level and other levels of governance. Today, the Ministerial Meeting of the Structured Dialogue on Justice discussed an EU Member States experts proposal for the new Law on BiH Courts that would ensure legal certainty and effective functioning of the judiciary in line with the EU standards and the domestic legal order. We welcome the readiness of the participants to work towards an agreement on criminal jurisdiction, on the basis of article 83 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the EU, which includes serious crimes such as terrorism, organised crime, and corruption, among others. The European Commission urges the authorities to provide political support to this process in order to reach a final text of the draft Law on BiH Courts that can be submitted to legislative procedure, without further delay. The Commission stands ready to review the final proposal once agreed at political level to confirm its compatibility with European standards.” stated the Delegation.


Macedonia Court Rejects Detention for Ex-PM Gruevski (BIRN, by Sinisa Jakov Marusic, 24 July 2017)


Macedonia’s Appeal Court has rejected a plea to detain former Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski and top officials of his VMRO DPMNE party ahead of their trial on election fraud charges.

Former Macedonian Prime Minister Gruevski and other former ministers from his government who have been charged with masterminding election fraud in 2013 will remain free but with their passports seized as a precautionary measure, the country's Appeals Court has ruled.

The Appeal Court thereby rejected an appeal brought by the Special Prosecution, SJO, which claimed that the defendants might flee the country or influence witnesses in their trial.

The court also rejected the request of the defendants to be given their passports back. The court was expected to formally explain its decisions later on Monday. Gruevski and his close associates – former Interior Minister Gordana Jankulovska, former Transport Minister Mile Janakieski, former government Secretary General Kiril Bozinovski and former cabinet chief Martin Protugjer – are accused of organizing electoral fraud in a case brought by the SJO codenamed “Titanic”. Gruevski is charged on three accounts in the case: criminal association; misuse of assets during an election campaign; and violation of the freedom of voters.

At the hearing in the Appeal Court on Friday, Gruevski, who has pleaded not guilty, insisted that the decision to confiscate his passport was degrading, adding that he does not plan to flee the country but to stay at the helm of his party and win back power. His VMRO DPMNE party held power from 2006 until May this year. The SJO raised several indictments in June against former top officials, most coming from the VMRO DPMNE party, and requested their detention.

After the Skopje Criminal Court rejected the detention requests, the SJO appealed the decisions before the Appeal Court. Meanwhile, the Appeal Court on Monday was also due to review the SJO appeal regarding the proposed detention of former Culture Minister Elizabeta Kanceska-Milevska. The SJO indicted her in the case codenamed “Tenders” for allegedly setting up an unlawful million-euro tender to build part of a museum. Milevska, who also denied guilt, told the Appeal Court hearing on Monday that the SJO’s insistence on her arrest surprised her as she was not influencing witnesses, nor does she intend to flee the country.


European, US officials see window of opportunity for Greece and FYROM (, by Vassilis Nedos, 23 July 2017)


Next year could be pivotal for the resolution of a longstanding dispute between Greece and the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM) regarding the Balkan state’s official name, diplomatic sources have indicated to Kathimerini. Officials in Europe and Washington believe that there could be a window of opportunity to solve the name row in the period between local elections in October this year in FYROM and presidential elections there in 2019. Hopes of a resolution were raised after Social Democrat Prime Minister Zoran Zaev formed a government in June, following months of political upheaval. After the formation of the new coalition, FYROM Foreign Minister Nikola Dimitrov last month traveled to Athens to meet Greek counterpart Nikos Kotzias, with the latter due to visit Skopje at the end of August. Another reason diplomats believe a solution might be reachable is that American interest has shifted back to the region, chiefly over fears that Russia could seek to expand its influence over weak nations such as Bosnia-Herzegovina. According to sources, American officials have observed a return to pragmatism in FYROM, with authorities there apparently prepared to make compromises and concessions. However, officials in FYROM also appear to be buoyed by an apparent readiness in Athens to discuss composite names for FYROM. Western diplomats have been pressuring neither Athens nor Skopje to make concessions at this phase but they have proposed that both sides avoid public dialogue on the issue to avoid raising expectations, sources said. The aim is for steps to be taken on both sides next year and for negotiations to be completed before FYROM’s presidential elections in 2019, when Greece will face general elections.