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Belgrade Media Report 28 August

LOCAL PRESS   Macedonia remains abstained on issue of Kosovo’s accession to UNESCO (Tanjug)   Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic said after talks with Macedonian Prime Minister Zoran Zaev that Macedonia would be abstained if there is a vote on Kosovo's membership in UNESCO. After meeting with Zaev, on the margins of the informal meeting of the region's prime ministers in Durres, Albania, she stressed that Macedonia will remain on the same line, that is, it will be neutral if there is a vote for Kosovo’s entry into this organization. She told Tanjug that her Macedonian counterpart confirmed this to her in July at the Summit of the Western Balkans Walk in Trieste. She said that for Macedonia friendship with Serbia is very important, and that this would be a clear signal of stronger friendship and stronger ties with Serbia, so she expects that this issue will not be opened. At the meeting with Zaev, we discussed the events of the past days. We have a good understanding of the further steps of our cooperation, I invited him to visit Serbia in November, Brnabic said. She announced holding a joint session of the governments of Serbia and Macedonia. Speaking to participants, Brnabic emphasized that regional cooperation and strengthening of relations with neighbors are priorities of the government of Serbia. EU membership is a strategic commitment of Serbia, she stressed, and reminded that our country is committed to regional cooperation and the progress of the Western Balkan region towards the EU. Speaking about cross-border cooperation in all segments, the Prime Minister pointed out that in terms of infrastructure projects our priorities remain the Nis-Merdare-Pristina-Tirana-Durres motorway (Motorway of Peace). Also, she added that reconstruction and modernization of the railroads Nis-Dimitrovgrad, Budapest-Belgrade, Belgrade-Nis and Belgrade-Bar, the bypass around Belgrade, as well as the works on the Sava and Danube, the main waterways, are also under consideration. Brnabic said in Drac that Serbia had officially applied for the Secretariat of the South East Europe (SEE) Transport Community to be seated in Belgrade. Brnabic said that Belgrade was already an important transportation hub, with excellent connections across the region, the Serbian cabinet quoted the prime minister as saying. She added that "it is time to reach an agreement on the Secretariat's headquarters, whereby the region would demonstrate commitment to development based on closer cooperation in all areas." Speaking on economic cooperation, especially within the CEFTA, chaired by Serbia this year, Brnabic underlined the World Bank's report on the topic. She recalled that the World Bank had said in the report that Serbia had made considerable progress in public administration reforms in 2016 and sent a strong message that the country was determined to eliminate administrative barriers. The prime minister defined "digital economy and the IT sector as the new areas of growth, offering Serbia a chance to join the fourth industrial revolution and developed countries."   Vucic announces launch of internal dialogue on Kosovo for September (Blic)   Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic has stated there is no deadline for completion of the internal dialogue - apart from our future. “Nobody is setting deadlines. We don't have to do anything and most likely we will not implement anything. We are afraid of the future, of a realistic and rational approach. If there is one percent chance of doing something and solve it, I will fight with all my strength. There are no exact deadlines,” Vucic said. “We will go with the internal conversation, there will be conversations within the civil sector, and government authorities, Churches, the parliament, parliamentary committees... In all places where one can talk. This is a question for all of us, in a good part of our future depends on it. I have no fear for the economic future of Serbia, but I’m much less optimistic than my opponents on other issues. Will something be made concrete and how, depends on the assessment of all of us whether we can achieve consensus in the country. It is impossible to have absolute consensus, if most political subjects reach an agreement then we will come up with proposals,” Vucic said. Serbia, Macedonia should remain friendly countries (Beta)   Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic has stated that the security data that Serbia has come to do not relate to the Macedonian government, but to the security sector, with the interference of a foreign factor. At a press conference after meeting with Macedonian Foreign Minister Nikola Dimitrov, Dacic said that the meeting was constructive and open, adding that he conveyed to his colleague the security knowledge of Serbian counterintelligence services. Our knowledge has provoked our reaction that we wanted to avoid the possibility of permanent damage in our relations in the sense that Serbia is accused of provoking unrest and destabilization of Macedonia, he said. He stressed that Serbia and Macedonia are friendly countries and should remain so, with the remark that it is necessary to avoid that the the two countries are a collateral damage to global international relations. Dacic reiterated that the staff of the Serbian Embassy returned to Skopje, and that the Ambassador will return on 31 August and immediately request a meeting with Macedonian Prime Minister Zoran Zaev. Dimitrov pointed out that the government of Macedonia was not involved in the intelligence activities, due to which Serbia withdrew its diplomats from Skopje for consultations. He said that he advocates the region to move forward and that he looks forward to Serbia's success, assured that Serbia is looking forward to Macedonia's success too.   Dacic criticizes politicization of UNESCO (Beta)   Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic met in Belgrade, on Aug. 25, with China's candidate for the leading post in the U.N. Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), Quan Tang, whom he acquainted with Serbia's priorities in cooperating with the U.N.'s cultural wing, and placing a heavy emphasis on efforts to prevent the politicization of the organization. Tang used the meeting, also attended by the Chinese ambassador to Serbia, Li Manchang, to share his own vision of a UNESCO under his leadership, the Serbian foreign ministry said. Quan Tang met on the same day with Serbian Minister of Culture and Information Vladan Vukosavljevic, saying that his country's position on Kosovo's move to join the U.N. organization was not going to change. The Ministry of Culture and Information said that the Chinese candidate for UNESCO director general had fully accepted Minister Vukosavljevic's arguments on the organization's role in protecting Serbian cultural heritage in Kosovo and Metohija.   Vucic, Thaqi in Brussels on 31 August (RTS)   EU High Representative Federica Mogherini will be the host on 31 August of a meeting between Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and Kosovo President Hashim Thaqi, it was announced in Brussels. Mogherini’s spokesperson Maja Kocijancic has stated that they will discuss the resumption of the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue in view of the agreement reached in July to commence preparations for a new phase of the dialogue. The upcoming meeting is part of these preparations, reads the statement, adding that Vucic and Thaqi will examine, together with Mogherini, the implementation of thus far reached agreements in the dialogue.   REGIONAL PRESS   Ivanic claims that Dodik is personally responsible for decision to activate MAP and involvement of courts in issue of military property (TV1/Hayat/BNTV)   Serb member of the Presidency of B&H Mladen Ivanic held a press conference in Sarajevo on Saturday and said that SNSD is responsible for initiating the activation of BiH's Membership Action Plan (MAP) for NATO, as well as for getting the courts involved in the issue of military property. Ivanic claims that SNSD leader and RS President Milorad Dodik is personally responsible for the decision to approve B&H's path to join NATO and the only document about the activation of the MAP is the one adopted by the Presidency of B&H in 2009 when Serb member was SNSD's Nebojsa Radmanovic. "At the same time, you must know that Radmanovic is not important here. The decision about the MAP was made by Mister Dodik personally," Ivanic stated. Ivanic deems that allegations about the referendum on B&H's membership in NATO are pointless and they represent the start of campaign where SNSD will blame others for its own mistakes. Ivanic underlined that his stance remains unchanged and he believes that no Serb politician should support B&H's membership in NATO until Serbia joins NATO. Ivanic said: “Veliki Zep is a case opened in 2014, in a period of undisputed SNSD authority, at the demand of RS institutions, and a major mistake was made. They asked for so-called ‘public inspection’, which everyone has a right to and to give a remark about any matter. If that never happened, B&H institutions would never be able to do anything. Now accusing anyone else of bringing courts into this matter and making this decision, that could only be done by SNSD.” Ivanic believes that all decisions made by SNSD have catastrophically consequences. “If they knew, if they paid some attention, they would know that the case of Veliki Zep cannot be used as an example for registering other locations. That was no precedent and if they did pay attention, and they did not, they would know that the decisions regarding potential petitions would be made by the territorially competent courts”, said Ivanic. Ivanic was asked to comment on the upcoming visit of Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic to Sarajevo. Ivanic said that during Vucic’s visit, the political environment in B&H will be tested and added: “I believe that a big responsibility is on Sarajevo to ensure a normal visit, and on that it will be tested. I believe that our responsibility is to start the conversation on the topic of borders. That process will not go fast, but it is an obligation and interest both of RS and of B&H, but also of Serbia, that it comes to the defining of the borders. It is especially important for Serbs that live in those areas. I believe that this topic needs to be the most important one in our conversation.”   Dodik rejects Ivanic’s accusations (RTRS)   RS President Milorad Dodik said that it is necessary to hold the referendum on NATO membership of B&H, adding that he is not surprised with Ivanic’s stance regarding this issue. He went on saying that it seems Ivanic forgot which parties adopted and implemented reform of sector of defense, adding that these parties were SDS and PDP and not SNSD. Dodik also reminded that in 2009 PDP’s Igor Crnadak was a Deputy Minister of Defense and Head of the Commission for NATO integration. Dodik added that B&H Presidency adopted certain documents related to NATO MAP upon the request of this Commission. The RS President also stated that in this period all sides were committed to cooperation with NATO within Partnership for Peace program. Dodik emphasized that Ivanic should inform the public about what he accepted during his recent visit to NATO HQs in Brussels and that Ivanic should also explain his statements about the reform of defense system in B&H in the period when he was B&H Minister of Foreign Affairs. Dodik said that Ivanic should be asked about what he has been doing to return favor to Muslims who voted for him in the last general elections. Also, Ivanic stated that SNSD is responsible for the situation related to the B&H CC’s decision related to Veliki Zep. He stressed that this party involved courts in the story about military property. Dodik said that if the RS authorities have not filed a motion to B&H CC regarding B&H Court’s decision on registering of Veliki Zep as property of B&H, Ivanic would criticize them for doing nothing to protect the RS’s property. He underlined that the RS wanted to use all legal means to protect the RS and to create ground for future processes before some “the European institutions.”   B&H Ministry of Defense has appealed Doboj District Court’s decision to reject request for registration of prospective military property in Doboj as property of B&H (Glas Srpske)   The daily learns that the B&H Ministry of Defense has filed an appeal before the Constitutional Court of the RS, because of the Doboj District Court’s decision to reject request for registration of prospective military property in barracks ‘Vojvoda Radomir Putnik’ and ‘Treci maj’ as the property of B&H. According to the daily, the ultimate goal is to have those two barracks in Doboj registered as the property of B&H. The daily reminded that the Constitutional Court of B&H has recently rejected RS Office of Attorney General’s appeal related to Court of BiH’s decision according to which military facility ‘Veliki Zep’ in Han Pijesak is supposed to be registered as the property of B&H. Acting Attorney General of B&H Mladjen Mandic told the daily that prospective military property in Doboj will not end up like the barracks in Han Pijesak. He explained that the Ministry of Defense of B&H had to appeal the Doboj District Court’s decision, adding that there will be no public presentation of data about the property in Doboj - and without it there can be no continuation of procedure before the Court of B&H or the Constitutional Court of B&H.   Of 69 prospective military locations, 27 registered as property of B&H (Dnevni avaz)   Only 27 of 69 prospective military locations have been registered as property of B&H, and all of them are on territory of the FB&H. The RS authorities, on the other hand, reject to register any of 21 facilities on its territory as property of B&H. Former Deputy Minister of Defense Emir Suljagic explained in a statement for the daily that 24 locations were registered by end of 2015 and then only three for the period of two years. “The reason for that probably should be sought for in political will. What is equally concerning now is silence of both  Zvizdic and Bakir Izetbegovic, at the moment when Russia is openly interfering with our internal affairs, in order to prevent B&H’s integration in the NATO”, Suljagic warned. He further noted that Izetbegovic’s open statement that Russia is not making problems here comes at the moment when Russian Ambassador threatens with triggering of instability in B&H if it continues integration in the NATO. Suljagic further reminds that there was a working group consisting of representatives of the Ministry of Defense and the NATO HQ Sarajevo, which was continuously working on the issue of military property registration. “I personally insisted on that and demanded that we are informed on progress on weekly basis”, he stressed   Zaev expects new proposals from Nimetz for the name issue by the end of the year (Meta)   Prime Minister Zoran Zaev said in Durrës he expects the United Nations Special Envoy Matthew Nimetz, to make new proposals in the talks on the name dispute between Greece and Macedonia, by the end of the year. “I expect by the end of the year to have new ideas from Nimetz to solve this problem. I am convinced that the positive ambience that exists throughout the region and the positive attitude of Macedonia with all the countries in the region can only be of use to resolve such a sensitive issue”, said Zaev, answering a journalist question whether the prime ministers at the informal meeting of the Western Balkans in Durrës offered assistance in solving the dispute with Greece. When asked about the Law on the Use of Languages, Zaev said that the meaning of the law is reflected in the fact that he is part of the government program. “The government passed the law. We will discuss the law in September in Parliament. I expect, and once again we invite the opposition to participate in it. After the vote, the Venice Commission and our institutions will have the opportunity to comment on it. The new law connects our citizens and we want to improve the law because it is the right of our citizens in a way of building a society for all people in our country”, Zaev said.   Edi Rama names new Albanian government (ADN)   Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama has named his government. There are 13 cabinet members, 11 ministers and two ministers without portfolio. He respected the gender balance and named 6 men and 7 women.  The two State Ministers are one for Diaspora and one for Entrepreneurship. The composition of the new government:   Vice Prime Minister - Senida Nesi; State Minister for Diaspora - Pandeli Majko; State Minister for Entrepreneurship - Sonila Qato; Foreign Miniser - Ditmir Bushati; Interior Ministry - Fatmir Xhafaj; Ministry of Defense - Olta Xhacka; Ministry of Justice - Etilda Gjoni; Ministry of Culture - Mirela Kumbaro; Ministry of Finance and Economy - Arben Ahmetaj; Ministry of Education - Lindita Nikolla; Ministry of Health - Ogerta Manastirliu; Ministry of Energy - Damian Gjiknuri; Ministry of Agriculture - Niko Peleshi; and Ministry of Tourism - Blendi Klosi.   'Serb-Albanian ties better than any time' (ADN, by Genc Mlloja)   "I think that the relations between Serbia and Albania are doing better than any time. This is a very positive sign. Certainly, it is really, first and foremost, thanks to Prime Minister Edi Rama and President Aleksandar Vucic," the Prime Minister of Serbia, Ana Brnabic, has said. In an exclusive interview with Albanian Daily News on the sidelines of an informal forum on the Western Balkans initiative held in the western port city of Durres on August 26, hosted by Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama, which was attended by his counterparts from Serbia, Kosovo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia and Montenegro, as well as the EU Enlargement Commissioner, Johannes Hahn, and the World Bank Vice President, Cyril Muller, the Serb PM Brnabic, 41, spoke highly on the regional economic cooperation initiative of the Western Balkan countries that is already known as the Berlin Process for this region launched by German Chancellor Angela Merkel in August 2014. In a comment on the EU sponsored dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina, the Serb PM, Ana Brnabic, said that "Dialogue is always good and it should be continued. Serbia is deeply committed to regional stability and we are open to continuing the dialogue with Pristina." "It is very good that we have the support of the European Union, as well as of the countries that back the Berlin Process. And, first and foremost, the support of Germany and other countries that are participating in the Process," said Serbia's government chief in the interview which follows:   - Your Excellency, thanking you very much for this special opportunity to have this exclusive interview with Albanian Daily News, would you be so kind to say a few words on the significance of this forum organized in Tirana after the Trieste Summit held on 12 July 2017? - First of all, thank you very much for the invitation to have this interview. I am happy to be in Albania. Durres is fantastic. I think that it is always important that the leaders of the region meet on regular basis, and the more we talk and the more we get to know each other, it will be easier to implement what we have started in the Berlin Process. I am kind of new to the process, but my predecessor, the current President, Aleksandar Vucic, has been very optimistic about the process and the needs to invest and work on the regional stability and economic cooperation. So in that respect I am continuing that work and we have met three times over the last few months. Trieste was very good, and the results are very good. We have signed some important agreements - one is on the action plan for the regional economic area and the establishment of the regional chambers of commerce. We also signed the trustful community treaty. So this meeting in Durres is important because we need to sit down and see how to implement these things. Continuation of reforms, cooperation and strengthening of trust in the region are our priorities in which we should all work together. These are not only steps towards full EU membership, but above all the path to reaching the highest European values and a better life for all citizens of the region.   - Which are the challenges for the implementation of the Economic Cooperation Agreement of the Western Balkans countries besides its benefits? - The challenges are many. But it is important that we want to address them. It is very good that we have the full support of the European Union, as well as of the countries that back the Berlin Process. And first and foremost, the support of Germany and other countries that are participating in the Process. But whatever the challenges are, if we are serious in implementing the plans that we have agreed on, then I think that it will be done. So in terms of infrastructure projects our priorities remain the Nis-Merdare-Pristina-Tirana-Durres motorway ("Motorway of Peace"). It was also discussed the Transport Community of South East Europe, for which the agreement was signed at the Summit on the Western Balkans held in Trieste. Serbia has officially submitted its candidacy for the seat of the Secretariat of the Transport Community of Southeast Europe in Belgrade. It is an important transportation hub and has excellent connections with the whole region. It is time to establish an agreement on the seat of the Secretariat, which would demonstrate the whole region's determination to develop through intensifying cooperation in all areas. In addition we have agreed that all the Prime Ministers in the region will appoint a person, who will work at all the regional chambers of commerce to monitor the implementation of the regional economic plan process. So if there is a lack of progress, then things will be addressed to the political level.   - Speaking of Serbia- Albania ties, which is your assessment on them and which are your expectations for the future? - I think that the relations between Serbia and Albania are doing better than any time. That is a very positive sign. Certainly, it is really, first and foremost, thanks to Prime Minister Rama and President Vucic. They have developed a kind of a personal friendship, and this shows why it is important that we meet because that kind of friendship has been translated into economic and social agenda for both countries. So the visit of Prime Minister Edi Rama to Serbia, and also the economic business forums which have been held, have contributed a lot to the bilateral cooperation. I know also that the President of Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia, Marko Cadez, has often been in Albania as a guest meeting his Albanian counterparts to develop the ties in the frame of the bilateral overall economic and trade cooperation. I am the new Prime Minister of Serbia and I fully intend to continue the bilateral relationship between our two countries building up on what President Vucic has started with Prime Minister Rama.   - Your Excellency, which is your comment on the progress of the EU sponsored dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina? - Dialogue is always good and it should be continued. Serbia is deeply committed to regional stability and we are open to continuing the dialogue with Pristina. I think that our President has been quite clear on that and as Prime Minister I am for that. As government we are deeply committed to that. I do not see any other way in making this region stable and unless we have a stable and predictable region, we have no good quality of life for the citizens of all of us. I hope that Pristina will also remain open and committed to the dialogue. For us, as I said, a lot has been done to personal trust and relationship. The fact that we often meet, that we speak on regular basis, are indications that we do all these efforts to remove the obstacles. Our cooperation is probably the key step to move in the right direction.   - Which are your impressions on Albania and its people? - This is my second time that I come to Albania. I have been in Tirana for a conference organized by the Minister, Mirela Harito, very recently. I was here as Minister of Public Administration and Local Government. We have cooperated a lot. Mrs. Harito also visited me and my Ministry in Belgrade before that. It was another evidence that Serbia and Albania have closer ties, which is great. I have sincerely welcomed and applauded the work of Mrs. Harito and what the Albanian government has done in the terms of the service delivery to the citizens at the Trieste meeting. I had a fantastic visit in Albania at that time and I can say that I had a fantastic visit today. And I am looking forward to coming back many, many more times in the future. I hope that Prime Minister Rama and the future ministers of the new government will soon come and visit Serbia.   - In a nutshell, how do you see the situation in our region? - It is going in the right direction, but there is still a long way for us to go. You can see that we had Slovenia and Croatia having a border dispute about Piran Bay. Serbia and Croatia have still a lot of issues to be resolved. There are many open questions, which are not easy ones. Belgrade- Pristina dialogue will hopefully resume in the future and we will soon get to the full implementation of the Brussels' agreements. So, in my view, there is still a long way to go. But there are growing ties, and I am optimistic about the future of the region, which, I think, has a lot of potentials. Cooperation, strengthening of relations with neighbors and continuation of reconciliation policy are important on the European path of our region. It would be a shame for all our citizens not to make full use of all of them.   INTERNATIONAL PRESS   Prerequisite to join EU: Western Balkans leaders adopt plan to deepen economic ties in Albania (AP, 26 August 2017)   The agreement was reached at a meeting in the Albanian port city of Durres, where Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama hosted his counterparts from Serbia, Kosovo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia and Montenegro. Prime ministers from Western Balkans countries on Saturday agreed on a road map to deepen their regional economic cooperation as part of the process for joining the European Union. The agreement was reached at a meeting in the Albanian port city of Durres, where Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama hosted his counterparts from Serbia, Kosovo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia and Montenegro. The meeting was held under tight security at a government beach resort. Police and National Guard troops maintained a heavy presence while a military warship patrolled off the coast. Rama said the prime ministers agreed on a 115-point plan that would create a “fundamental transformation of the movement of goods, service, capital, qualified employees to make the region more attractive to investment, flexible in commercial exchange and speed up its economic growth and wellbeing along the road to the EU.” EU Enlargement Commissioner Johannes Hahn and World Bank Vice President Cyril Muller also attended the meeting. Participants discussed how to implement the 115 items, Hahn said. He noted that even though the commercial exchange of goods between EU member countries and the six Western Balkan nations has doubled in the last decade to a value of 46 billion Euros $54 billion), bilateral ties in the region have not changed. “The creation of an economic area is something supporting (their) European aspiration, but that also helps the countries for a better perspective,” Hahn said. “Finally everything is done in the interest of the citizens, improving the living conditions of the citizens.” The leaders gathered in Italy last month for an official EU summit that focused on boosting economic growth through stronger inter-regional relations. All are at different stages of EU integration. The EU’s official enlargement process is on hold until 2019.   Western Balkans PMs voice support for regional cooperation (Xinhua, 26 August 2017)   TIRANA -- Albanian coastal city of Durres hosted Saturday an informal meeting between the Prime Ministers of Western Balkans countries and European Union (EU) commissioner for enlargement Johannes Hahn. During the meeting, Prime Ministers of Albania's Edi Rama, Macedonia's Zoran Zaev, Montenegro's Dusko Markovic, Serbia's Ana Brnabic and Kosovo's Isa Mustafa voiced support to the promotion of regional initiatives aimed at boosting cooperation. More concretely, the leaders discussed about the economic project that was agreed during Trieste Summit held in July in Italy. The project foresees the creation of a regional economic zone aimed at facilitating trade relations and economic cooperation between the regional countries. After the PMs' closed-door meeting, Rama and Hahn held a joint press conference where they both praised the good will of the region's leaders to take cooperation to another level. Rama announced the drafting of a working plan which defined the areas where the countries needed to work to step up their efforts in liberalizing market and getting closer to EU. He noted that the economic project had full support of all countries while he praised the support given by the World Bank and other important international financial institutions. Rama also said that the meeting would serve as a strategic reflection to make the region more attractive for foreign investments and more competitive. On his part, Hahn said EU noted progress in Albania, and highlighted that EU supported initiatives which in the end served the best interest of citizens and their welfare.