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Belgrade Media Report 08 September

LOCAL PRESS   Frank, open dialogue towards resolving all outstanding questions (Beta)   Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic spoke with Macedonian Ambassador to Serbia Vera Jovanovska-Tipko on further strengthening good neighborly relations and regional cooperation. Brnabic stressed that the two countries have plenty of room for development of mutual relations, especially in the field of economy and tourism, adding that the implementation of the Action Plan for regional economic space in the Western Balkans is an important issue that will facilitate and improve cooperation. She pointed out that she had sent a call to Macedonian Prime Minister Zoran Zaev to visit Belgrade and assessed that this would be a positive step in the relations of the two countries. Brnabic and Jovanovska-Tipko agreed that without political stability there is no economic prosperity, and that an honest and open dialogue is the only way to bridge all outstanding issues.   Drecun: Participation of Serb List in government is not support to Haradinaj (N1)   The participation of the Serb List in the Kosovo government doesn’t mean support to Ramush Haradinaj, the Chairperson of the Serbian parliamentary Committee for Kosovo and Metohija Milovan Drecun told N1. He thinks that one cannot dispute the legitimacy of support to Haradinaj at the Kosovo elections, and that the Serb List had made a good move. Drecun says there is no survival of the Kosovo government without the Serb List, and its participation in the government will lead to the formation of the Community of Serb Municipalities and prevention of the formation of the Kosovo army. “The best thing would be if Ramush Haradinaj would not be present at all in the political structures, and we hope that he will nevertheless find himself on the warrant that the specialized prosecution should issue, both him and Hashim Thaci,” said Drecun. Until this happens, he says, they are people who can engage in politics, who influence the processes in Kosovo and Metohija. “The Serb List should take part in that. The most significant matter is for possible unilateral decisions of the Albanians to be prevented, because this time the so-called government cannot be formed without the consent of Serb representatives. Since they are going to be working in direct communication with official Belgrade, then official Belgrade has a great possibility to influence the processes and performance of this so-called government in Pristina,” he said.   PSG: An unreasonable decision on a coalition with war criminals; Serb List: For Jankovic, Pristina is not part of Serbia (Radio Belgrade/Tanjug)   The Movement of Free Citizens (PSG) has accused the authorities in Serbia that it had passed another unreasonable and difficult to explain decision for the Serb List, which is in fact a Kosovo branch of the Serbian Progressive Party (SNS), to enter the government with a war coalition who prime minister will be Ramush Haradinaj. After several press conferences of the then prime minister Aleksandar Vucic and the Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Marko Djuric where Haradinaj was call a murderer, butcher, rapist who murdered children, today, the Kosovo SNS, shaped in the Serb List, is forming with him the government, the PSG points out. Instead of their condition for forming the government, which depends from Serb MPS, to be the formation of the Community of Serb Municipalities, the status of Trepca and Brezovica Ski Center, usurped private property, cultural and historical heritage, disrespect of the Serbian language and other accumulated problems, the only point of dispute was whether they will receive one more minister in the government, the PSG says in the statement. The Serb List says in the statement sent to Tanjug that PSG leader and former ombudsman Sasa Jankovic continues to molest the Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija with the brutal populist messages, just as he did while he was the so-called ombudsman. The Serb List wonders why does the former ombudsman, who didn’t recognize the Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija as Serbian citizens, needs to give his stance on the political events in Pristina, because for him, they recall, Pristina is not part of Serbia.   Jovanovic: Very soon we will enter the finals of defining Belgrade-Pristina relations (Beta)   The leader of the Liberal-Democratic Party (LDP) Cedomir Jovanovic has stated that it has become a rule that the Serbs are part of the government in Kosovo and that he expects the Serb List to be part of the ruling majority that will elect the leader of the Alliance for Kosovo’s Future Ramush Haradinaj as the prime minister. He says it is clear that the international community, primarily the US and Europe, see in the Hashim Thaci-Haradinaj double the key actors for reaching an agreement that would permanently stabilize the Belgrade-Pristina relations and strike foundations on which these relations would be built in the future, until they are consolidated. “I think that we will enter very soon the finals of defining the Belgrade-Pristina relations based on what the Brussels agreement had hinted, on one side, and bearing in mind the fact that Kosovo has essentially become an independent state from Belgrade, on the other side. These are the frameworks within which some final solution for our generation will be reached,” said Jovanovic.   Dveri: Vucic enabled formation of Haradinaj’s government (Beta)   Dveri Movement has assessed that Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic has enabled the formation of the Kosovo government that will he headed by the leader of the Alliance for Kosovo’s Future (AAK) Ramush Haradinaj. The statement reads that the media is flooded with news from realities so it would be concealed that Vucic is recognizing an independent Kosovo by joining the government with the war criminal Haradinaj. “Serbian citizens are additionally damaged by blurring, concealing the fact that Aleksandar Vucic, who has recently assumed full responsibility for the negotiations on the status of Kosovo and Metohija, enabled the war criminal Haradinaj to form a quasi-state of Kosovo with the participation of his representatives,” reads the statement.   REGIONAL PRESS   Vucic pays official visit to BiH: Serbia is true and honest friend of B&H (BHT1/FTV)   Delegation of Serbia led by Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic started its two-day visit to B&H on Thursday, this being the first visit of the Serbian President to B&H after six years. Vucic was welcomed at Sarajevo airport by B&H Foreign Minister Igor Crnadak. Official welcome was organized in front of the building of B&H Presidency. After this ceremony, Vucic met with members of B&H Presidency. Following this meeting, Chairman of B&H Presidency Dragan Covic and Vucic addressed media. Covic said that this visit represents beginning of new cooperation and relations between the two countries. He added that participants of the abovementioned meeting discussed numerous issues, including improvement of road infrastructure connecting B&H and Serbia, energy sector related issues etc. Vucic stated that Serbia is a sincere friend of B&H. He added that participants of this meeting talked about removing of all barriers in trade exchange between the two countries. Vucic also stated that a Serbian commission for resolving problem of border dispute with B&H will be formed soon, adding that he hopes this issue will be completed soon. They also discussed the EU integration process of B&H and Serbia, as well as resolving disputes related to Hydro Power Plants Zvornik and Bajina Basta. Vucic emphasized that B&H and Serbia do not always see eye to eye, but both sides are always honest in their discussions. “My word, when I say that someone is our friend, that word is not an empty phrase and it is not just a form of saying. My words have meanings. I have told the three of them that when it comes to Serbia’s relationship with B&H, they can be calm an peaceful and they will have no problems coming from Serbia. They only have to work on solving their problems on B&H territory”, said Vucic. Covic said that one of the issues that need to be resolved soon, in order to continue the cooperation and friendly relations with Serbia, is the incident that happened 2015 in Potocari, in Srebrenica, when Vucic was attacked by unknown perpetrators at the commemoration. “I was the first one, behind President Vucic, during that visit. So, we will insist that that the case is completely uncovered to find out who organized it, who ordered such an attack and to know all the details concerning that day. That cannot simply be swept under the rug and just continue building good relations”, said Covic. FTV carried Vucic thanking Covic and B&H Presidency members Bakir Izetbegovic and Mladen Ivanic for hospitality. However, the reporter noted that he handled press like ‘a true spin master’, especially when he was asked to comment on the debt of Serbia to BiH for electricity from two hydro-electric power plants, ‘Bajina Basta’ and ‘Zvornik’, amounting to EUR 1.5 billion. Vucic briefly replied by asking journalists: “Where did you come up with the sum amounting EUR 1.5 billion”. The reporter noted that these hydro-electric power plants might soon turn into the central issue of the border issue between the two countries because parts of the plants are located in the territory of B&H as well and those also use water from B&H territory, while B&H has no benefits from this. “I am afraid that you have been misinformed by someone”, Vucic said and added that the amount is too high both for Serbia and for B&H. He reminded that Serbia invested money in those two hydro-electric power plants and said: “We are willing to talk because Bosniaks from Janja have a significant part of land in the territory which belongs to Serbia. We are willing to discuss granting special rights to Bosniaks in order to define how they can use this land”. The reporter noted that Vucic avoided confirming whether the debt exists in the first place or to state the amount of the debt. With regard to Sarajevo-Belgrade motorway, Vucic said that Serbia will construct the section of the motorway passing through Serbia to Bijeljina in B&H and added that the construction in B&H will continue in accordance with an agreement reached in B&H. “Whether it should pass through Rogatica and Sokolac or Ustipraca and Gorazde and then to construct a special connection to Gorazde, this is a matter for B&H to decide on and not for us. We will accept any solution you in B&H agree on. For us, it is important to eventually connect Belgrade and Sarajevo as well as other parts of the Republic of Serbia with the capital of B&H”, Vucic stated. Vucic arrived to B&H accompanied by the two Serbian Deputy Prime Ministers Rasim Ljajic and Zorana Mihajlovic, who are expected to meet B&H Minister of Communications and Transport Ismir Jusko and B&H Minister of Foreign Trade and Economic Relations Mirko Sarovic on Friday. Vucic should meet with Chairman of B&H Council of Ministers Denis Zvizdic on Friday, as well as with leaderships of Collegiums of both Houses of B&H parliament.   Vucic vists Istocno Sarajevo and promises assistance (TV1/ATV)   Vucic paid a visit to Istocno Sarajevo, where he met the Mayor Nenad Vukovic and Heads of Municipalities. B&H Presidency member Mladen Ivanic also attended the meeting. Following the meeting, Vukovic stated that this is a historical visit for both the city and the RS, and stressed that Vucic is the most important guest that ever visited Istocno Sarajevo since it was established in 1993. Vucic stated that Serbian government on Thursday passed a decision on construction of a square in Istocno Sarajevo, as well as for various infrastructure in Pale. He expressed hope that Trnovo, Sokolac, Istocni Stari Grad and Istocna Ilidza will receive some assistance too.  Vukovic informed Vucic about establishment of the city of Istocno Sarajevo, its university, as well as the potentials. “This was certainly a chance to thank the President on what Serbia has done for the RS so far,” Vukovic added. Vucic also visited the construction site of the hospital in Istocno Sarajevo, meeting with RS Minister of Healthcare Dragan Bogdanic and the hospital management.   Vucic meets Metropolitan of Dabar-Bosnia Hrizostom in Church in Sarajevo (BNTV)   Vucic met with the newly-enthroned Metropolitan of Dabar-Bosnia Hrizostom in the Congregational Church of the Holy Mother in Sarajevo, late on Thursday afternoon. According to BN TV, the officials lit candles in the Church and had a conversation. On this occasion, Vucic was accompanied by Mladen Ivanic. Addressing media, Ivanic announced that after 15 years of break, talks on border issues between B&H and Serbia will be reopened and added that Brussels would love to see the countries closing this chapter.   Plenkovic: Croatia is open for dialogue (TV1)   Croatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic informed ministers in Croatian government about his conversation with B&H Council of Ministers Chair Denis Zvizdic, with whom he discussed numerous questions, including the construction of Peljesac Bridge. “Our message is quite clear. Dialogue with B&H for explanation of all aspects, international, legal, technical, any. We are open for that dialogue as we were during the joint session of the Council of Ministers and Croatian government on 7 July in Sarajevo. We will continue that dialogue,” Plenkovic said.   Kristo and Colak inform EP that Dzaferovic and Softic’s letter does not present stances of B&H parliament (Al Jazeera)   Speaker of B&H House of Representatives (HoR) Borjana Kristo (HDZ B&H) and Speaker of B&H House of Peoples (HoP) Barisa Colak (HDZ B&H) sent a letter to President of the European Parliament (EP) Antonio Tajani regarding the project of construction of the Peljesac Bridge. In their letter, Kristo and Colak warned that the stance presented in Wednesday’s letter sent by their colleagues from SDA, deputy speaker of B&H HoR Sefik Dzaferovic and deputy speaker of B&H HoP Safet Softic, is not B&H’s official stance on the Peljesac Bridge. The letter reads that Dzaferovic and Softic only presented their personal stance and the stance of their party i.e. SDA. According to Kristo and Colak, Dzaferovic and Softic presented a series of one-sided assessments. Speakers of both Houses stressed that B&H is not in dispute with Croatia.   Zaev: There is a real chance Macedonia to receive a recommendation, and then a starting date for negotiations with the EU (Meta)   Prime Minister Zoran Zaev, in his speech in front of the government building during the celebration of 8th of September – The Independence Day, said that in Macedonia there are responsible politicians who know what the citizens need and that there are conscious citizens that know what the state needs. He also said that Macedonia has turned from a “country that is a generator of crisis” into a “driving engine for the development of the region.” “There are real possibilities for Macedonia to receive a clean recommendation, and then a date to open the EU accession date negotiations. The hopes that Macedonia can become the 30th member of NATO are real,” said Zaev. He said that a key test for that are the local elections, and the government is determined to organize and carry out fair, democratic and regular elections, with a zero tolerance of eventual misuses. According to the Prime Minister, another test is the reforms in order to allow for an independent judiciary, objective media, independent institutions, as well as a development of good neighborly relations and a regional cooperation. Except for the location in front of the building of the government, there was a celebration of 8 September at the parliament, where the President Talat Xhaferi, in his addressing in front of the Prime Minister and the MPs said that the country’s strategic goals were set before 26 years, both on an internal and external plan. “Internally, Macedonia was defined as a country that is based on the individual and collective human rights and freedoms, on principals of the parliamentary democracy and the rule of law, the respecting of the private ownership and the market values. At the same time, the society was defined as multi-ethnic, multicultural and multi-religious. On an external plan, a priority strategic goal was the complete integration into the Euro-Atlantic structures,” said Xhaferi.   Law for use of languages passed Commission for European Affairs; Parliament votes in favor to announce an advertisement for appointing a new Attorney General (Meta)   The Law for the use of languages has passed its first reading at the Parliamentary Commission for European Affairs. With 9 votes “for” and none “against” or “abstinent” out of 18 members, the MPs have accepted the conclusion that the law is acceptable from the aspect of its adjustment with the EU’s legislative and that it has to be submitted for another reading. VMRO-DPMNE’s MP, Antonio Miloshoski, has asked instead of this Commission, the bill to be discussed by the Commission for a political system as a registry body. “This Commission is not a registry body. The bill has to be discussed by the Commission that is presided by Aleksandar Kiracovski, SDSM’s General Secretary. Let’s hear his opinion and let’s hear the opinion of the Commission in order to discuss more closely about what the government is imposing on us and wants it to pass in three days,” said Miloshoski. The President of the Commission for European Affairs, Artan Grubi, replied that according to the Rule Book, the parliament speaker is the one who determines the registry body and has rejected his request. With 61 votes “for”, MPs voted in favor for calling an announcement for appointing a new Attorney General. During the voting, MPs from VMRO-DPMNE left the hall. The coordinator of the VMRO-DPMNE parliamentary group, Ilija Dimovski, demanded that the vote be on Monday, because previously, the parliament speaker, Talat Xhaferi concluded that there was no majority. Putting this item up for a vote, for Dimovski, is ignoring the word given by Xhaferi that the session will continue on Monday. “For us, this is a violation of Article 8a of the Electoral Code. We would like to inform you that if you violate the given word that the session will resume on Monday, we will leave the hall during the vote,” said Dimovski. Xhaferi answered that after a conversation with him, the coordinators of the parliamentary groups informed him that the parliamentary majority was secured and therefore the session was called.   INTERNATIONAL PRESS   UN ‘Must Compensate All Kosovo Lead Poison Victims’ (BIRN, by Marija Ristic, 7 September 2017)   The UN’s failure to compensate victims of lead poisoning at UN-run camps for people displaced by the Kosovo war left families struggling to care for sick relatives, says a Human Rights Watch report. In a new report published on Thursday, Human Rights Watch calls on the United Nations to pay individual compensation to Kosovo Roma victims affected by lead contamination in the UN-run camps for war-displaced people in Kosovo. This would allow the victims to address the long-term impact of lead exposure, the report says. “The UN should follow the recommendations of its own experts and give victims and their families the individual compensation they rightfully deserve,” said Katharina Rall, environment researcher at Human Rights Watch. “How can the UN expect to effectively press governments to take responsibility for their abuses if it won’t do the right thing for the harm it caused?” Rall asked. The camps were established close to the Trepca mining and smelting complex, known to be the cause of lead contamination and other forms of toxins since the 1970s. They were only intended to provide temporary accommodation for up to 90 days for people displaced by the Kosovo war in 1998 and 1999, but they ended up operating for several years. The UN established a human rights panel in 2016 to examine calls to hold the UN Mission in Kosovo (UNMIK) accountable for leaving Roma families exposed to lead poisoning in the camps. The panel urged UNMIK to publicly acknowledge its failure to comply with relevant human rights standards in response to adverse health condition caused by lead contamination in the camps, and to compensate victims for both material and moral damage. However, the UN only pledged in May this year to create a voluntary trust fund for community assistance projects to help “more broadly the Roma, Ashkali and Egyptian communities” in Kosovo. In its report, Human Rights Watch says that the UN promise of community assistance projects alone “means that at best, any money paid into the fund will provide general services that do not specifically benefit the people affected by lead poisoning and will not directly offset the harm caused”. According to Human Rights Watch, which spoke with victims of lead poisoning and family members, medics, lawyers, and organisations supporting the Roma, “many of those affected, including children, are experiencing myriad health problems, including seizures, kidney disease, and memory loss – all common long-term effects of lead poisoning”. The report says that many Roma, Ashkali and Egyptian families it interviewed in northern Kosovo need financial and social support. While some parents said that they cannot afford medicine or healthy food for their affected children, other families expressed despair about the lack of support services for children struggling at school with learning difficulties related to the lead contamination. Medical experts also voiced concern about the lack of continuous lead testing and support for then affected communities. In its final report in July 2016, the UN human rights panel set up to address the issue said that although UNMIK commissioned a report in 2000 which found extremely elevated levels of lead in the blood of people living in camps for war-displaced people, it did not make the report public and failed to take sufficient action to address the risks of lead exposure in the camps. The World Health Organisation also urged UNMIK in 2004 to immediately evacuate children and pregnant women from the camps, warning of the chronic irreversible effects of lead on the human body. UNMIK did not provide any documents indicating what specific actions were taken in response to these findings and recommendations.   U.S. Offers Support For Macedonian Efforts To Resolve Disputes, Join EU (RFE/RL, 8 September 2017)   U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson congratulated Macedonia on September 7 on its 26th year of independence and said Washington stands strongly behind Skopje's efforts to join the European Union and NATO. "The United States is proud to be Macedonia's friend and strategic partner," Tillerson said. "For 26 years, we have worked together in support of Macedonia’s aspirations of joining the EU and NATO. We applaud the actions the new government has taken to demonstrate its commitment to democratic principles, respect for the rule of law, and regional cooperation. "The United States will continue to support Macedonia’s efforts to implement the reforms needed to secure its place in the Euro-Atlantic family of nations," Tillerson said. Macedonia under its new government led by Prime Minister Zoran Zaev has sought to speed the Balkan nation's bid to join the EU by improving strained nations with neighboring countries and negotiating with Greece over a long-standing dispute involving the name Macedonia that for years has held up Skopje's EU bid.