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Belgrade Media Report 19 October 2017



Vucic receives letters from China’s leaders (B92/Tanjug)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic on Thursday received Chinese Ambassador Li Manchang, who handed him letters from Chinese President Xi Jinping and PM Li Keqiang. The ambassador conveyed to Vucic greetings from the president and the PM, noting that Xi had highlighted the exceptional and timeless and friendly relations between Serbia and China. Manchang also conveyed the gratitude of the Chinese leaders for Vucic’s congratulations and greetings sent before the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. “The words of President Xi are music to our ears, and they mean a lot to us - we are endlessly thankful to him for characterizing China’s relations with Serbia in such a way,” Vucic, who recently spoke positively about China’s political model, replied, and offered his congratulations on the decisions adopted during the Congress, which, he said, was a turning point for the future of China and the world.


Relations with Iraq traditionally friendly (RTS/Tanjug)


Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic and President of the Republic of Iraq Fuad Masum pointed out in Baghdad to friendly relations between the two states and their historical importance. Masum highlighted the historical importance of Belgrade-Baghdad cooperation, which is developing without open issues and to mutual satisfaction. The President of Iraq expressed his gratitude for the support of the Republic of Serbia in the fight against terrorism, especially against ISIL, emphasizing the importance of developing parliamentary cooperation as an important factor in the development of the overall relations between the two countries.
He also underlined the importance of economic cooperation which should be built on the excellent political relations that we have, and called on Serbian companies to take part in the reconstruction and development of the Republic of Iraq.
Dacic also met with Minister of Defense of Iraq Erfan al-Hiyali and underlined the importance of respecting territorial integrity of Serbia and Iraq and mutual support at the international level.


Uranium from NATO bombs kills Albanians too but they are silent about it (InSerbia/Novosti)


NATO aircrafts, during 78 days of bombing with uranium ammunition, poisoned large part of the territory of Kosovo and Metohija, so even today, with the latest equipment, it is impossible to locate all contaminated areas. Every NATO bullet with depleted uranium, if not detected and extracted, will practically continue killing forever, Lieutenant-Colonel Radomir Aleksandric told Novosti, the man who on Christmas 1999, with only 29 years of age, received post of Commander of 52nd ABHO (Atomic-biological-chemical defense) battalion in Kosovo. He explained that only when the uranium bullet is extracted – ABHO device goes “crazy”, and while in the ground, it is barely detected with equipment. In the meantime, uranium oxidizes, the rain carries toxic poisons deeper into the ground and through water further into the food chain.

According to the Lieutenant-Colonel, all our officers in Kosovo and Metohija in 1999 knew of the danger of this ammunition. He adds that ABHO equipment was inadequate, i.e. good only for mass atomic-chemical warfare, and that we were confronted with subversive nuclear mini-strikes. In April and May 1999 ABHO units of the Pristina Corpus measured the consequences of the NATO strikes in Kosovo and Metohija in 360 positions immediately after the actions of the enemy. The results were confusing: “slightly elevated” radioactivity was recorded in the vicinity of Pristina, Slatina airport, then in Belacevac, Gracanica, Podujevo, Urosevac, Prizren, Djakovica, Decani… “These were minimal deviations from the natural background radiation, or, as we concluded later, we had instruments for measuring “tons”, and we should have measured milligrams. Namely, in most of the sites that were examined bullets made of depleted uranium were deeply in the ground and did not at first seem to be too dangerous. Only after the aggression we realized what had happened to us,” said Aleksandric.




Dodik: Through Resolution on military neutrality, RS will not allow that any prospective military property in RS is registered on state of B&H (RTRS)


RS President Milorad Dodik gave an exclusive interview for RTRS central news. Dodik commented on the Tuesday’s session of the RS Assembly and the adoption of the Resolution on protection of constitutional order and proclamation of military neutrality of the RS. When asked to comment the behavior of the opposition representatives in the RS Assembly, Dodik stated that the most important news about Tuesday’s session of the RSNA is the fact that the management of the RS Assembly was able to continue the session, even though the opposition tried to obstruct the work and stop the adoption of certain items on the daily agenda. Dodik emphasized that the most important items of the daily agenda were adoption of the law on solidarity fund for children that need medical treatment in foreign countries and adoption of the Resolution on Protection of Constitutional Order and Proclamation of Military Neutrality of the RS. “I believe that through this we showed many things. Destabilization of the RS is a permanent goal of many people, that are basically enemies of the RS. They are naïve and try to destroy the institutions of the RS, claiming they are working for democracy. This, what the opposition is doing, is seeing all of this through the eyes of the ‘political Sarajevo’ or certain foreign officials. Instead of that, they should see this through the RS and its people and their needs. That spiral of betrayal of the opposition has started when they became a part of the government at B&H level and at those positions they have stopped all potential progress of the RS. Now, they have turned to the RS Assembly and try to do the same. I have to remind you that recently they have attacked the RS President, as an important part of the RS, then they attacked the institutions in the RS and their work, then the work of the RTRS and now they halt the work of the RS Assembly in the most vulgar way,” said Dodik. He said that if the opposition wanted to do something meaningful for the RS, they should have halted the work of the B&H parliament and asked for the ruling in the case against Naser Oric to be dismissed. In that, according to Dodik, they would have had support from all the Serb parties in the RS. Dodik said that the obstruction of the work of the RS Assembly was the opposition’s way to avoid the voting for the Resolution on Military Neutrality of the RS and that this only proves that they were lying when they stated that the RS should be military neutral and that when they were presented with a formal document on that matter, they cowardly hid behind their alleged ‘fight for the RS’. Dodik was asked how important is for the RS that the position and the opposition agree on the Resolution and whether that gives legitimate right to the ‘political Sarajevo’ to attack the RS officials for being against B&H. “What state of B&H? There is no state of B&H. There is B&H as constructed by the Dayton Peace Agreement. That is not a state, it is a state union, or union of states. That is no kind of state. That is the story, that is the unitarian concept, through which they decide whether we will do something or not. Of course the Muslims ask for us to be part of NATO. NATO bombarded Serbs here in their name. Of course that suits them. But, why does that suit Govedarica, Borenovic, Cavic, why does it suit them? I do not get it. We are not the only ones that stand behind the idea of military neutrality. Austria is neutral and it is a member of the EU. We do not have to be a problem here. There is an allegiance gene imbedded here that keeps on making us work in the interests of the foreigners and that has cost our people throughout history. We must talk about our interests. Our interest is not NATO. Especially after NATO got involved after the ruling about the registration of Han Pijesak, when they welcomed such decision. They meddle in the internal affairs in B&H. And then they want us to say ‘OK’ and to shut up. We have plenty of those that keep quiet, like Cavic, Borenovic, Govedarica. We do not have to keep quiet”, said Dodik. Dodik added that he expects the representatives of the RS in the FB&H institutions to do as they are instructed and stand for the decisions made in the RS Assembly. According to Dodik, through this Resolution the RS will not allow any of the prospective military property in the RS to be registered on the state of B&H and he will ask Serb member of the B&H Presidency Mladen Ivanic to strongly support and advocate that decision. Dodik also added that there is no way that the Resolution is dismissed, because it was voted on and adopted in accordance with the law and with the votes of the parliamentary majority. Dodik stated that the RS Assembly will continue its work normally and it is up to the opposition representatives to make a decision whether they will participate in the normal functioning of the RS Assembly.


Neutrality defined by Resolution (Srna)


The Resolution on protection of constitutional order and proclamation of military neutrality of RS, adopted by the RS Assembly, defines the neutrality of RS in relation to the existing military alliances, and that the territory of RS cannot be alienated besides the Constitution and the law, nor can it be defined and registered as another property. Any attempt to deny the sovereign rights over the territory of RS will be considered a violation of constitutional order and international law and will not produce a legal effect," the resolution states. This document specifies that RS is committed to coordinating any future status with Serbia as a signatory to the Dayton Peace Agreement. "Accordingly, the RS Assembly decides to declare the military neutrality of RS in relation to the existing military alliances until a possible referendum in RS is called, in which a final decision on this issue would be made," reads the resolution. The RS Assembly obliges the bodies and institutions of RS to implement the Resolution, applying the constitutional competences of RS. Any contrary treatment will be sanctioned in accordance with the law.

The RS Assembly obliges all representatives from RS in B&H joint institutions to respect the Resolution, since they were elected in RS, which according to the Constitution and law, is an electoral unit. The obligation also applies to representatives from RS in international organizations and forums.

The RS Assembly obliges the government and other bodies and institutions to inform the parliament about the activities they take to prevent the attempted violation of the Dayton Agreement and the RS Constitution. The previously adopted acts of the RS Assembly, which refer to full membership in military alliances, cease to be valid.  The Resolution states that RS has been permanently committed to respecting the constitutional order of Bosnia and Herzegovina created by an international treaty with the guarantees of great powers and Serbia and Croatia’s signatures. The Dayton Agreement is a part of international law and its annexes as implementing agreements can only be changed based on the agreements of the parties - Republika Srpska and the Federation of B&H.

According to the Constitution, RS is a unique and indivisible constitutional entity within B&H, which independently carries out constitutional, legislative, executive and judicial functions that are not explicitly assigned to B&H institutions by Annex 4 - the Constitution of B&H.

The territory of RS is unified, indivisible and inalienable in accordance with Article 3 and Annex 2 of the Dayton Peace Agreement, titled the Agreement on border line between entities and related issues. "The territory of RS in the percentage of 49 and 51 percent of the territory of the Federation of B&H are an inalienable right within the internationally recognized borders of B&H, which is confirmed by the arbitration decision establishing Brcko District as co-ownership of both entities without the establishment of the territory of B&H," the Resolution reads.


Cubrilovic: Our obligation was to secure normal functioning of RS Assembly (RTRS)


RS Assembly speaker Nedeljko Cubrilovic was asked to comment on the Tuesday’s session of the RS Assembly and the behavior of the opposition representatives. “You, as well as our public, know that our obligation is to secure the normal functioning of the RS Assembly and the representatives are there to work. It is not news that the RS Assembly was blocked, the news is that the RS Assembly continued its work in the conditions in which it could, in the small hall. The session of the RS Assembly has ended this morning, at 2 a.m., with the presence of 45 representatives of the RS Assembly. During the voting and making of all the decisions there were in one part 44, and in other part 45 representatives. Almost all decisions were made unanimously. For the parliamentary majority we need 42 representatives and I think that is the most important thing, the RS Assembly has done its job at this 22nd session. That is the reason why the RS Assembly was formed and that is what we need to be doing”, said Cubrilovic. Cubrilovic added that the behavior of the opposition is irresponsible, because they have tried to halt the work of the RS Assembly based on a fact that their proposals did not make the daily agenda. Cubrilovic stated that it would be ridiculous if the RS government would ‘stage a protest’ every time one of its proposals is denied in the RS Assembly and does not become a point in the daily agenda of the RS Assembly. Cubrilovic believes that the RSNA is more important, and always has to be, then any individual or party and that its work needs to continue and the RS Assembly should be allowed to function normally.


Opposition in RS: Latest decisions of RS Assembly are unacceptable (FTV/TV1)


Commenting recent developments in the RS Assembly leader of SDS Vukota Govedarica said on Wednesday that the opposition in the RS does not want to support decisions of ruling majority adopted contrary to existing legislation. Govedarica said that this type of behavior led to the crisis in the RS Assembly, and called on RS President Milorad Dodik to adopt the decision to dismiss the RS Assembly. He also stated that the opposition parties in the RS will submit a motion with the RS Constitutional Court (CC) related to conclusions adopted by the RS Assembly at the session held in September. Speaking about the Resolution on Protection of Constitutional Organization and Proclamation of Military Neutrality of the RS, the opposition stated that they presented their own proposal of a document that regulates certain stances regarding military alliances, which according to the opposition, is not visible in the aforementioned Resolution.

Addressing media in Banja Luka on Wednesday, NDP leader Dragan Cavic argued that there is a hidden agenda behind the Resolution, which aims to create a political environment for abolition of the decision on referendum on work of the B&H Court and the Prosecutor’s Office. “People, I really want to faint, I cannot bare it anymore, no normal brain can process this. The interpretation of the provisions of the Rules of Procedure that said that we had three minutes to file complaints,” said Cavic.

PDP leader Branislav Borenovic also accused the RS authorities of violating the Constitution, reminding that the opposition was constructive and gave three proposals to amend the daily agenda, but the ruling majority rejected all of them. He dismissed accusations that the opposition blocked the work of the RS Assembly, explaining that they “stopped illegal and unilateral actions”.


Izetbegovic: Resolution is result of anti-Dayton, anti-constitutional policy of leadership of RS (BHT1)


Reacting to the Resolution on Proclamation of Military Neutrality of the RS, Bosniak member of B&H Presidency Bakir Izetbegovic stated on Wednesday that it represents continuity of anti-Dayton and anti-constitutional policies of the RS leadership. Izetbegovic’s statement reads that the Resolution cannot have any legal consequences, because foreign policy and defense are not responsibilities of entities. Izetbegovic reminded that B&H Presidency earlier unanimously confirmed dedication to accession in NATO and submitted formal application for Membership Action Plan (MAP). “By adoption of such resolution, the RS leadership continues with carrying out destructive, secessionist and destabilizing policies that create problems not only to B&H, but it will have consequences for the region and entire Europe,” the statement reads.


Crnadak: Resolution will not change anything (Nezavisne)


B&H Minister of Foreign Affairs Igor Crnadak stressed that abovementioned decision of the RS Assembly is expected, adding that it will change nothing. He explained that there is consensus regarding the EU integration in B&H, adding that such consensus does not exist when it comes to NATO integration. “However, there is consensus to strengthen partnership with NATO,” said Crnadak.


Covic about RS Resolution: Everyone has right to their stance on NATO, but BiH will activate MAP in December (


Chair of B&H presidency Dragan Covic today paid a visit to Herzegovina Neretva Canton, on which occasion he met HNC leadership and discussed process of European integration of the country, as well as current developments concerning HNC. Covic announced his visit to Brussels and Strasbourg next week, where these issues will be discussed and he expressed confidence that EU High Representative Federica Mogherini will have nice things to say regarding country’s candidate status, perhaps even next month. Asked about continuativeness of Serb people in HNC, Covic said that this issue demands wider treatment. “I am commenting this for a month, as far as HDZ B&H is concerned, we have no issues about implementation of decisions of the Constitutional Court in general. When we demand for Croats as constituent people, it is logical that we have to provide for the others, even without ruling. I have a feeling that calculation of political parties of the opposition, even of the ruling parties, go in direction that this issue should open some new discussions, naturally they will not give contribution in that,” said Covic. Commenting discussion of the Council of Europe concerning elections in Mostar, Covic said that elections should have taken place in Mostar, under same conditions and regulations as in any other local community. Asked to comment RS Resolution on Military Neutrality and criticism that he fails to answer Milorad Dodik’s statements about RS independence, Covic said: “I want to leave that for political analysts, I have a role in this state and seven or ten days ago I talked to their representatives. Entire public is aware that there is a plan, political activities which are part of strategy or tactics of single political option. As much as we kept quite it goes as it goes. It is my goal for us to get MAP in December and we will get it. Everyone has the right to say something about NATO alliance, you have seen in Montenegro the vote was 51: 41% and they are members of NATO regardless of those 49%,” said Covic.


Inzko: RS Assembly does not have jurisdiction to adopt decisions on joining international organizations (Hayat/N1)


Commenting adoption of the Resolution on Protection of Constitutional Organization and Proclamation of Military Neutrality of the RS in the RS Assembly, High Representative Valentin Inzko said on Wednesday that the RS Assembly does not have jurisdiction to adopt decisions on joining international organizations, noting that this falls under the exclusive jurisdiction of B&H institutions. “The Dayton Peace Agreement, and therefore the Constitution, have precedence over any act adopted by the RS Assembly. The RS Assembly has no legal authority to interpret the Agreement in a way it does, and by doing that imposes obligations to officials at B&H level,” said Inzko. “I would like to emphasize once again that, pursuant to the Dayton Peace Agreement, foreign policy is exclusively a jurisdiction of state institutions and that, in line with that, decisions on joining of international organizations must be passed by competent bodies at that level, and they cannot be annulled”.


NATO HQ in Sarajevo: We are not forcing anyone to join us (TV1/Al Jazeera)

The NATO Headquarters emphasized on Wednesday the commitment to further cooperation with state institutions in B&H on its Euro-Atlantic integration path. “Just like any other country, it is up to B&H to decide on its future. NATO does not force anyone to join it. That is a sovereign decision of sovereign countries,” reads NATO HQ’s statement.


US Embassy: RS Assembly is not competent to adopt decision on military neutrality (TV1)


The US Embassy reminded that in line with the Dayton Peace Accords (DPA), foreign policy and defense issues are part of exclusive competences of the state institutions. According to the US Embassy, the NATO membership is an issue of concern of foreign policy and defense. The Embassy concluded by saying that relevant decisions related to the NATO integration were already adopted in competent, state institutions, including B&H Presidency and B&H parliament.


Knezevic sentenced to seven months in prison for attacking a policeman (CDM)


Democratic Front’s (DF) MP Milan Knezevic has been sentenced to seven months in prison, because he physically attacked police officer Miljan Markovic on 17 October 2015 in front of the parliament building, CdM learns. After the closing statements, the judge of the Podgorica Court of First Instance, Goran Djukovic, pronounced the verdict. He said that Knezevic the fact Knezevic was an MP was an aggravating circumstance, whereas the relieving one was the fact that he had not been convicted before. The law stipulates six months to five years in prison for criminal offense of attacking public officers while exercising their official duty Knezevic has been convicted for. Markovic claimed that he felt threatened then although he had earlier admitted that had been laughing while Knezevic had been pushing him. The police officer had previously said that Knezevic had attacked him when the police had started removing tents, as well as that the MP had continued doing that despite the warning to stop. Knezevic said that the verdict was an indicator of trapped state institutions, particularly judicial ones. He added he was not afraid and said he would continue his political struggle. He also announced he would appeal against the court’s judgement.


SNP condemns prison sentence to Knezevic (CDM)


Socialist People’s Party (SNP) condemns the decision of the Montenegrin judiciary to sentence the Democratic Front (DF) MP Milan Knezevic to seven months in prison for attacking police officer Miljan Markovic in front of the parliament building in 2015. As SNP stated, the party is obliged to do so in spite of recent unfounded DF’s attacks against it. SNP asks “what kind of state committed to the rule of law is this if the DPS Political Council chairman Svetozar Marovic was sentenced to the minimum prison sentence and concluded various agreements, although the entire public knows that he cost the state millions of euros”. “Our political differences with DF do not prevent us from pursuing fair treatment in court processes and pointing to political bias. Also, we would like to point out that those who have committed the crime and beat up Mijo Martinovic are free today, whereas the opposition MPs are being satinised in various ways,” the party said.


Besa and the Alliance for Albanians will run in the second round of elections as a coalition (Meta)


The Besa Movement and the Alliance for Albanians will run in the second round of local elections in coalition, which will take place on October 29th, the two parties announced at a press conference. They will be supported in 12 municipalities to achieve better electoral results.

“We will support them in five municipalities, they will support us in seven municipalities. In fact, they will be joint candidates of our coalition for the second round”, said Afrim Gashi from the Besa Movement said. Elmi Aziri from the Alliance for Albanians said they hope that the official coalition will yield results, but also that it will be a good and serious test for a coalition in the future.


Gjorchev: OSCE/ODIHR is turning a blind eye for all irregularities (Meta)


OSCE/ODIHR’s report is unobjective and doesn’t reflect the actual situation of the election process, including the election day, said at a press conference, Vlatko Gjorchev of VMRO-DPMNE. “OSCE/ODIHR’s report is more like turning a blind eye to all irregularities than revealing and precise naming all of the ones responsible for the obvious disruptions.

At least, it is very irresponsible and non-credible to hide a murder of a participant in the election process in a footnote, an act that casts a dark shadow over the elections,” said Gjorchev.

Gjorchev stresses that there was a bribery of voters with a tariff of 50 to 100 euros, a lack of ballots, a number of ballots from one municipality with circled names of candidates were found in another, and this is a confirmation, according to him, for an organized election fraud on part of SDSM’s government.




Why is China investing heavily in south-east Europe? (BBC. by Andrew Hosken and Albana Kasapi, 17 October 2017)


China is pouring billions of pounds' worth of investment into Greece and other Balkan countries to create a "New Silk Road" from the Mediterranean into the heart of the European Union.

The initiative, called One Belt One Road (OBOR) involves the transformation and upgrading of harbours, airports, roads and rail across the Balkans. The Chinese have also bought industries, including a steel factory near the Serbian capital, Belgrade. But there are concerns that the European Union (EU) might eventually object to the level of investment if it poses a significant Chinese threat to European industries. Last year, the Chinese state-owned company Cosco purchased a controlling stake in the port of Piraeus, near Athens. The company is investing 385 million euros (£343m) in Piraeus to maximise both capacity and trade with the EU.

Piraeus has always been of immense interest to the Chinese. Its geographical position means it is the first major port for shipments emerging from the Suez Canal into the Mediterranean, and its depth allows it to take the biggest container ships. Nektarios Demenopoulos, a deputy manager of the Port of Piraeus Authority, told the BBC that Chinese investment in Piraeus had expanded significantly since the Chinese took control of the container port in 2009.  "In 2016 we handled 3.7 million twenty-foot (6 metre) containers," he explained. "That's double what we handled back in 2009. And we will be expanding the container pier to create a capacity allowing us to handle 7.2 million containers. So we will double through-put again." Those Greeks who are working with the Chinese emphasised the important cultural relationship between the two countries.

Fotis Provatas, of the Athens-based Greek Chinese Economic Council, said. "I was surprised to see how many people in China know about ancient Greek culture and they respect it very much. And they respect the Western culture because they think - and this is true - that it is a continuation of the ancient Greek culture." He added that the Chinese have huge investment plans for Greece, including plans to buy and then vastly expand Athens airport. He also said China would upgrade the rail network in other Balkan countries, particularly the neighbouring Republic of Macedonia, and Serbia. Mr Provatas welcomed the investment but said there was also a danger of a backlash from the EU. He added: "Europe wants economic cooperation with China but in a different way to us. "We do not have industries so we do not compete with the Chinese in that way. They are welcome to come here and make cars and other industrial products. This is not the same elsewhere in Europe. They are competitors." The Greek government believes Chinese investment will be an important factor in the country's recovery from deep financial crisis. But ministers insist China does not get preferential treatment and that Greece takes its obligations seriously as a member of the EU.

Stergios Pitsiarlos, Greece's deputy economics minister, told the BBC, "We think Greece should take advantage of these new opportunities that the Chinese strategy opens up. Our strategy is to take advantage of our geographical position and to attract foreign investment. "It is very clear that the Chinese would like to have a corridor towards Europe and the European market. At this point, the starting point for Greece is that we are a country that is a member of both the European Union and of the eurozone, and we will always respect European regulations."

The Chinese are also investing across the eastern Balkans, including in Serbia.

Last year, Chinese President Xi Jinping arrived in the city of Smederevo in eastern Serbia to inaugurate the local steel mill, which had been bought by the Chinese steel giant, Hesteel.

In an interview for the BBC, Ana Brnabić, the Prime Minister of Serbia, welcomed the Chinese investment, saying Serbia is already home to very many Chinese investments, including road and rail. She denied that this investment would give China undue political influence in the Balkans, adding "Without a doubt when you have a huge inflow of investment from one particular country, it always gives a bigger influence to that country. But I did not notice that it had any political influence." Serbia has applied to join the EU. Ms Brnabić added: "China wants to get closer to the EU and EU markets and Serbia is happy to be one of the central countries in the One Road One Belt Initiative because it's important for our GDP growth and that is our number one priority today. Politically it doesn't interfere in any way with our EU integration."


Interpol Warns of Jihadists Returning to Bosnia (BIRN, by Filip Rudic, 18 October 2017)


Interpol’s Secretary General Jurgen Stock said in Sarajevo on Wednesday that the defeat of Islamic State forces in Iraq and Syria will pose a challenge to the security of European countries as fighters try to slip back home.

The Secretary General of Interpol, Jurgen Stock, warned in Sarajevo on Wednesday that the defeat of Islamic State terrorists will cause a number of IS fighters to return to Europe, including Bosnia, which will require all those involved to improve cooperation and exchange information.

"Because of terror threats and attacks around the world, law enforcement outfits should use the existing networks of police agencies," Stock said on his visit to Bosnia, according to the Serbian national broadcaster, RTS. Stock commended the police in Bosnia for its role in joint operations, especially in breaking up the illegal weapons trade. Bosnian Security Minister Dragan Mektic also warned that a number of former IS fighters will return to Bosnia, and announced tighter cooperation with Interpol on the issue. "On that matter we will be receiving certain analysis and data from Interpol," Mektic said.

According to intelligence agencies, about 200 extremists from Bosnia have travelled to Syria and Iraq since 2012, where they fought with jihadist groups, including the Islamic State and al-Nusra, which is linked to Al-Qaeda. At least 30 were reportedly killed in clashes and more than 50 of them have returned to Bosnia. The number of Bosnian citizens wanted by Interpol on terrorism-related charges has risen to 13 this June, but analysts are divided about whether the country itself is in danger of attacks. Bosnia-based experts have challenged claims that Bosnia is more vulnerable to Islamist penetration than other European countries, noting that the authorities have taken effective action against such threats.