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Belgrade Media Report 20 November 2017



Guinea Bissau did not recognize Kosovo (RTS)


Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic said that Prime Minister of the Republic of Guinea Bissau Umaro Sissoco Embalo confirmed that his country has not recognized Kosovo’s independence.

At a joint press conference with Dacic, Embalo said he had never seen any papers on the recognition of Kosovo, confirming that Guinea Bissau supports the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Serbia. Dacic said that he wanted the public to hear from the Prime Minister of Guinea Bissau that this country did not recognize Kosovo’s independence, which speaks against Pristina’s list of countries that recognized Kosovo. Dacic pointed out that there are major differences in Pristina’s understanding of this binding document, and what the EU position is status neutral. I am sure that there will be pressures for recognition of Kosovo, it is not easy, but our position is clear - we are open for dialogue, but not for unilateral decisions, said Dacic, adding that Serbia will never recognize Kosovo.


Pristina manipulating with list of states that recognized Kosovo (TV Pink)


Guinea-Bissau and Suriname are the latest proof that Pristina is manipulating with the list of countries that recognized independence of Kosovo, and General Secretary in the Serbian Foreign Ministry Veljko Odalovic has stated that Serbia cannot react to such things. “When the prime minister of some government or state, or official of any state tells you that they have never done so, and Pristina is manipulating with these lists, then it is normal that this issue is extremely important for us,” said Odalovic.

The Chairperson of the Serbian parliamentary Committee for Kosovo and Metohija Milovan Drecun has told TV Pink that Serbia has precise evidence which state really recognized the unilaterally declared independence of Kosovo. “Especially Pacolli introduced confusion, as he stated that several states will recognize Kosovo, but then denials from these states arrived. He is used to working as a businessman, to trade, to offer or promise someone something or to give some profit…and then recognitions from this and that state arrives, but official recognitions occur in other ways,” said Drecun.


Djuric: Serb List absolute winner of Kosovo local elections (Tanjug)


The Serb List is the absolute winner of the Kosovo and Metohija local elections after winning in all ten Serb-majority municipalities, the Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Marko Djuric said. “Not only has the Serb List won in the ten Serb-majority municipalities, it has won an overall victory in the elections across Kosovo and Metohija. It won in ten municipalities, while the top-ranked Albanian party, the Democratic Alliance of Kosovo, won in eight, Ramush Haradinaj’s party won in seven, Hashim Thaci’s party in five and Self-Determination in three,” Djuric said after Sunday’s run-off local elections in Kosovo and Metohija.

The Serb List confirmed on Sunday that it is the dominant political force in all Serb majority municipalities in Kosovo and Metohija, and that our compatriots are responsible and united in passing decisions of interest for their future. After winning ten MP seats in the Assembly of provisional institutions of self-government in Pristina, the Serb List now has also ten mayors, and the biggest possible legitimacy for passing political decisions.


Round table on Kosovo and Metohija in Matica srpska (RTV/Tanjug)


Another round table of the Serbian government working group was held in Matica srpska in Novi Sad, within the support to the internal dialogue on Kosovo and Metohija. Participants were intellectuals, writers, artists, representatives of the Serbian Orthodox Church, sociologists, economists and philosophers, 26 of them, and all of them had the opportunity to speak ten minutes.

The Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Marko Djuric has stated that Matica srpska is the statehood institution of Serbia and the Serbian people, thus one of the most competent to gather wise heads of Serbia that have a lot to say about the issue of Kosovo and Metohija.

According to him, it is important that the intellectual public mobilized in Serbia and responded to the invitation of Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic for the internal dialogue, because this will contribute to strengthening of Serbia’s capacities to deal with this problem. He pointed out that the attention of the international community has been greatly directed to the issue of the passing of the legally binding document in regard to Kosovo and Metohija, and that President Vucic had earlies announced this will not be easy at all. “Serbia is continuing the battle for Kosovo and Metohija and the goal is to draw closer those in the international community who don’t share our opinion and to acquaint them with the situation regarding the state-of-affairs of human rights of the Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija, about which it is insufficiently spoken,” said Djuric.

The General Secretary in the Serbian President’s cabinet Nikola Selakovic has stated that the Matica srpska has always kept the topic of Kosovo and Metohija in the focus of its interest and performance, even when the state leadership has not been interest to listen to it, and that the state is very much interested presently in what this institution thinks about the most important political topic in Serbia, which the internal dialogue on Kosovo and Metohija certainly is. “The circumstances in which today’s policy is conducted in Serbia when it comes to Kosovo are not easy at all, they are full of challenges and pressures, and these pressures have been present for years. They are only changing in methods, but they remain the same in their essence. These pressures are doing everything to push out Serbia completely from Kosovo and Metohija and we can freely say that during the leadership of Aleksandar Vucic’s government and today, when he is the President, Serbia is conducting a very active battle in circumstances when the maneuvering possibilities are very small and difficult,” assessed Selakovic. He says that Serbia has clear interest in Kosovo and Metohija that needs to be reaffirmed, and that consensus will be reached with the internal dialogue and Serbia’s political struggle will continue this way. “It seems to me that the intellectual public in Serbia is wakening, that it is motivated for everyone to present her/his arguments, regardless of the orientation of this stand. You had the opportunity to hear at two very respectable round tables precisely different opinions, from those who advocate a ‘frozen conflict’ and ‘status quo’, to those who advocate some sort of major political step,” said Selakovic.

The President of the Matica srpska, professor Dragan Stanic, recalled that the institution that he presides over has been dealing with the issue of Kosovo and Metohija for a long time, and that since the self-declaration of Kosovo’s independence, the Letopis (Chronicle) Matica has been reminding the Serbian people for five years in a row how the newly emerged situation in the southern Serbian province should be treated. “It is our pleasure to have invited famous registrars and people who have been dealing with this subject for many years and who will have the opportunity to freely present their stands,” said Stanic. According to him, the Matica srpska is this contributing to stabilization of opinions in society, this contributing to some kind of building of consensus that is necessary on all important issues regarding Kosovo and Metohija.


SNS decision on early parliamentary elections not final (Novosti)


The election in Belgrade will be held on 4 or 11 March, but it is not totally excluded that early parliamentary elections will also take place in the spring, regardless of the decision of the Serbian Progressive Party (SNS) passed on Saturday on not holding them, Novosti learns from this party’s leadership. According to these well-informed sources, there still remains the option of early parliamentary elections on the SNS table, which could be activated primarily due to external circumstances and geopolitical games that are inevitably reflected on Serbia as well.




Izetbegovic says reactions in Serbia to his statement regarding Kosovo are unnecessary and make no sense (TV1)


B&H Presidency member and SDA leader Bakir Izetbegovic commented on Friday on reactions in Serbia to his statements regarding Kosovo, given in an interview to Deutsche Welle (DW). He said that such reactions “are unnecessary and make no sense.” He stressed that the reason for such reactions in Serbia is unclear – maybe the upcoming first instance verdict in the case of wartime commander of the Republika Srpska (RS) Army and ICTY war crime indictee Ratko Mladic or obvious Serbia’s approaching to NATO is what triggered them. “This is an attempt to make B&H’s patriotic side silent and to legalize topics on para-states, dividing of B&H, referendums, awarding of war criminals, celebration of dates related to aggression on B&H, etc. B&H’s side is silent about this or it reacts mildly to irresponsible, rigid and dangerous plans aimed at possible creation of an environment for certain referendums”, Izetbegovic explained, concluding that his statements cannot be treated as threat.  According to Izetbegovic, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic calmed down after a session of the Serbian National Security Council, and Izetbegovic expressed hope that this will enable a normal visit of members of B&H Presidency to Belgrade.


Zvizdic on Serbia’s reactions regarding Izetbegovic’s statements on Kosovo: Creating such imaginary affairs does not contribute to peace and stability in region (TV1)


Commenting on reactions in Serbia to B&H Presidency member and SDA leader Bakir Izetbegovic’s statements regarding Kosovo given in an interview to DW, B&H Council of Ministers (CoM) Chairman Denis Zvizdic stated that creating such imaginary affairs based on non-existing arguments does not contribute to peace and stability in the region. He stressed that he expected the session of the Serbia’s Council for National Security will be held right after the statement of former Serbia President Tomislav Nikolic, who said in May this year that he dreams about a day when Republika Srpska (RS) and Serbia will become one. Zvizdic stressed that the Council should have warned Nikolic back then that this represents violation of sovereignty and territorial integrity of B&H. “When it comes to the issue of Kosovo, there is not a single act in B&H that launched the recognition of the Kosovo independence and Serbia had no grounds to react to Izetbegovic’s statements in this way,” Zvizdic reminded. He noted that B&H loses BAM 50 million a year and the possibility to export its products to Kosovo due to the established rigid visa regime between B&H and Kosovo.


Dodik for DW: I am not against independence of Kosovo if Belgrade decides that way (Dnevni avaz)


Republika Srpska (RS) President Milorad Dodik stated in an interview for DW (Deutsche Welle) that referendum on independence of the RS is currently not “an institutional topic”. According to Dodik, the referendum is not on the agenda, arguing there are speculations, individuals’ opinions and party positions about it.  At the same time, the RS President claims Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) is a failed state, arguing that Serbs “are not without an alternative”. Whether a referendum of independence of the RS will take place in case the Dayton agreement does not function, Dodik replied by saying he dreams about it. “If there is a percentage of chance, I would organize it”, said Dodik, who also claims B&H will not survive in any form. Commenting claim of Bakir Izetbegovic, who was quoted by the journalists, according to which Izetbegovic is prepared for war to preserve integrity of B&H, Dodik said Izetbegovic “has no power”. “We here have the policy that is numerically stronger and more prepared and motivated for it. Secondly, any intervention in the RS from Sarajevo in that way would strengthen that kind of the story. This is not Spain”, said Dodik. Furthermore, Dodik made a direct connection between independence of Kosovo and independence of the RS: “I am not against independence of Kosovo. I am for talk between Belgrade and it and if Belgrade decides that way, I have nothing against, but then my next question is why RS cannot be independent”. At the end of the interview Dodik drew a map of the Balkans, the way he sees it. Namely, the RS and Serbia are united, Kosovo is divided and its northern part belongs to Serbia.


SDA submits its proposal of amendments to Election Law of B&H (BHT1)


SDA forwarded its proposal of amendments to the Election Law of B&H into the parliamentary procedure on Friday. The proposal involves the method of election of delegates to the Federation of B&H House of Peoples (HoP) and the elections in Mostar, referring to the Federation of B&H Constitution and the population census from 1991. According to the proposal, the Article 10.12, Paragraph 2 of the existing Election Law of B&H should be amended in a way that, for each canton, the number of citizens from each constituent people and the Others would be divided by 1, 3, 5, 7 etc., for as long as it is necessary for distribution of seats. The result would represent a quotient of each constituent people and the Others in each canton. All quotients of constituent peoples would be sorted in the order from highest to lowest, in a way that the highest quotient of each constituent people comes first on the list. Each constituent people would get one seat from each canton that has at least one such representative in its legislative authority. The rest of the seats would be given to the constituent peoples and the others, one by one from highest to lowest, in line with the remaining quotients on the list. Also, the Mostar City Council would be composed of 35 councilors who would be elected in constituencies. At least four representatives of each constituent people and one representative of the Others would be elected to the City Council.

Commenting on the proposal, Bosniak member of the B&H Presidency Bakir Izetbegovic told reporters that no solution can be created without the Federation of B&H Constitution and the population census from 1991. “The figures are clear, as well as the obligations stipulated by the Constitution”, Izetbegovic stressed.


Izetbegovic: SBB B&H will not leave authorities; Radoncic: SBB’s ministers will resign in a month (Hayat/Nezavisne)


After SBB B&H leader Fahrudin Radoncic called on SDA and HDZ B&H to find new partners in Federation of B&H authorities, SDA leader Bakir Izetbegovic stated that he does not believe that SBB B&H will leave the ruling coalition, because this party needs all the posts it holds. Izetbegovic said that in case they decide to leave, SBB B&H members should leave all posts in governments and public companies. Radoncic stated that Izetbegovic is wrong and that SBB ministers will resign within a month. According to Radoncic, Izetbegovic has been abandoned by all and no serious politician wants to meet him in person. He explained that first SBB’s parliamentarians will leave the ruling coalition, then ministers will resign, and only then persons appointed by SBB will leave their posts. He explained that there is no need for SBB members who were appointed to different offices through vacancy procedure to resign because their appointments have nothing to do with their political affiliation.

Chairman of B&H Council of Ministers (CoM) Denis Zvizdic said that there is no credibility in Radoncic’s announcement of leaving the coalition, and added that the aim is to make the impression that SBB B&H wants to pretend like the party will leave the coalition. According to Zvizdic, SBB B&H will remain part of the coalition and this situation may be interpreted as a political trick and as a way to collect political points, ahead of the upcoming elections.


Leaders of ruling majority and opposition in RS attend meeting hosted by Cubrilovic and agree to form commission in charge of harmonizing stances of RS’ parties (N1)


At the invitation of RS Assembly speaker Nedeljko Cubrilovic, leaders of the ruling and the opposition parties from the RS gathered for a meeting in Banja Luka on Sunday. The meeting was attended by SNSD leader Milorad Dodik, DNS leader Marko Pavic, SP RS leader Petar Djokic, SDS leader Vukota Govedarica, PDP leader Branislav Borenovic and NDP leader Dragan Cavic. According to the messages conveyed on this occasion, their common goal is to make sure the institutions of the RS can function without difficulties. Therefore, they agreed that each party will nominate one of its members to form a joint commission in charge of solving the parliamentary crisis in the RSNA in the upcoming period. Representatives of the Alliance for Changes (SzP) proposed an agreement on the principles of political action and coordination, as well as formation of an ethics committee that would monitor the work, behavior and rhetoric of representatives in the RSNA. They also demanded adoption of a law on examination of the origin of property, as well as a law that would make sure the public broadcasting services work in an unbiased and professional manner. Meanwhile, the ruling and opposition parties would jointly form the management of RTRS until the adoption of this law, according to SzP.

Addressing a press conference after the meeting, Cavic noted that the point of this meeting is to establish the ways of communication that would be acceptable to everyone. Govedarica assessed that it is important to establish a sort of coordination with an aim to avoid the frequently used hate speech. Dodik told reporters that some of these requests, such as the ones that refer to RTRS, are absolutely unacceptable to SNSD. At the same time, he noted that SNSD is certainly interested in formation of a joint commission as it wants to create adequate conditions for normal work of the RS Assembly. However, Dodik assessed that this meeting was unnecessary, explaining that although the opposition has physically prevented the work of the RSNA, its sessions continued at an alternative location. Cubrilovic explained that several issues were raised during the meeting, expressing his expectation that solutions will be adjusted to the interests of citizens.


Ivantsov: High Representative is biased (Srna)


Russian Ambassador to B&H Peter Ivantsov stated that he will unfortunately be forced to once again raise the issue of biasness and subjectivity of High Representative (HR) Valentin Inzko’s comments at the next session of the Peace Implementation Council (PIC). Ivantsov noted that Inzko should represent interests of the entire international community, and not only of some of its members. “Let us take for example the recent statement of Inzko who said that B&H is left in legacy to USA. I am not certain that this claim will be welcomed in B&H alone”, said Ivantsov, adding that B&H is “sovereign and independent country”. He stressed that point of the PIC Steering Board meetings is to coordinate efforts in order to contribute to solving of the current problems and to prepare recommendations for the Inzko, with a goal to improve political and multi-ethnic dialogue in B&H. “Currently of the upcoming session is determined by difficult political situation in B&H, which most notably refers to problems in functioning of its institutions, as well as fierce disagreements in the ruling coalition at the Federation of B&H level, which has negative effect on stability in the country,” said Ivantsov. He deems that the upcoming session of the PIC SB, announced for beginning of December, will be dedicated to discussion how to return B&H on path of the dialogue and adoption of political decisions, in order to secure normal functioning of the country.  “It is obvious that PIC will not bypass the current increased, provocative rhetoric in the media, which expectedly caused reaction in B&H and in the region and which additionally complicated the already complex situation concerning the inter-ethnic trust and mutual understanding,” said Ambassador.


Mandic and Radunovic acquittal confirmed (CDM)


The Appellate Court has confirmed acquittal of Democratic Front (DF) officials Andrija Mandic and Slaven Radunovic. They were charged of attempted violent change of the constitutional order during the protest on 24 October 2015. Mandic and Radunovic were acquitted by the first instance court on 25 May. The sentence was issued by Judge Vladimir Novovic. In the reasoning of the judgment, the judge stated that Mandic and Radunovic’s address during the protest could not be interpreted as incitement to violence but rather as “a call for a dialogue” and that their statements had to be interpreted within the context of the event. The judge then said that the prosecutor “pulled certain parts of Mandic and Radunovic’s statements out of context”. He also pointed out that the Court particularly considered the statement of witness Ranko Krivokapic who was Parliament Speaker when the riots took place.


Biserko: Moscow lost its influence in Montenegro, Serbia’s next (Pobjeda)


The President of the Helsinki Committee for Human Rights in Serbia Sonja Biserko states Montenegro is still under pressure despite joining NATO and gained international support. She says relations between Montenegro and Serbia have been marked by political correctness since 2012 but last year was “a great challenge since Montenegro was exposed to continuous pressure of Russia to give up its Atlantic ambition and NATO membership”. “However, Moscow expected Serbia would be much more active in attempts to convince Podgorica to give up the North Atlantic Alliance”, Biserko states for Pobjeda. She notes Montenegro is still coping with pressure despite joining NATO and strong international support.


Meta: It's better to cooperate than to judge ourselves over matters of the past (MIA)


Albania advocates for respect of minorities, their identity and culture. The law regulating this matter was amended in line with European standards, Albanian President Ilir Meta told a news conference in Skopje alongside his host, President Gjorge Ivanov, when asked to comment on Albania's move to recognize a Bulgarian minority in the country. "Albania's government and Parliament have demonstrated utmost flexibility and tolerance on the matter, but it doesn't mean that we will encourage actions that are inadequate compared to the reality in Albania regarding minorities," noted President Meta. He pledged we would personally commit to supporting the Macedonian community in Albania. Speaking at the news conference, Ivanov said that Macedonians in Albania and Albanians in Macedonia were the two links connecting the two countries the most. "It's better to spend time working together, supporting each other than to judge each other over issues from the past," Meta said stressing that Macedonia and Albania had set an example for cooperation to the region in this respect. He thanked Macedonia for recognizing Kosovo acknowledging the decision hadn't been an easy one to make and called it 'important and necessary.' Asked about coexistence, the Albanian President welcomed the progress made in relation to the use of languages. Commenting in the law on use of languages, which has been recently approved by MPs, President Ivanov said he would voice his opinion once the bill was sent to his cabinet. "I carefully followed the MPs' debate about the law. Once the bill is forwarded to me, I will voice my opinion. It has to be in line with the Constitution and laws," he stressed. Asked to comment on the Kumanovo shootout and verdicts handed down to the gunmen, Albanian President Meta said he wasn't in a position to asses trials. I hope, he added, that upcoming stages of this case would be transparent in compliance with European standards having in mind that Macedonia is striving to join NATO and the EU.


Mogherini: Albania, EU 100% on same page (ATA)


The year 2018 can be a crucial year for the whole region on its path towards the European Union, the High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy and Vice-President of the European Commission, Federica Mogherini said via Facebook on Saturday. The EU’s foreign policy chief noted that Albania the European Union and Albania are 100% on the same page on all foreign policy issues. “I spent the last few days – after the historic decision to launch a Permanent Structured Cooperation on defence – working with our partners from the Balkans,” Mogherini wrote. “2018 can be a crucial year for the whole region, on its path towards the European Union. And we want to accompany them on this path with a new European Union’s strategy for the Balkans, which we will set up in February,” the EU’s foreign policy noted. Mogherini underlined that Albania has launched some crucial reforms on justice, on the fight against corruption, organized crime and drugs trafficking. “And on all foreign policy issues, the European Union and Albania are 100% on the same page. Also for these reasons, I confirmed our determination to move forward Albania’s integration process,” she concluded.


Albania, Italy, Kosovo counter-terrorism officials meet in Tirana (ATA)


High-ranking state police, law enforcement and counter-terrorism officials of Albania, Italy and Kosovo met in Tirana on Saturday to discuss improvements to cooperation on the timely prevention and countering any terrorist activity. Albania State Police said on its website that the tripartite meeting of the officials of the state police’s counter-terrorism departments of Albania, Italy and Kosovo took place as part of the current terrorism threat assessment in the three countries and a wider region in order to coordinate measures and strengthen cooperation to prevent and combat terrorist and related activities. During the meeting, Albania’s police chief Haki Cako assured the participants of unwavering support in fast exchange of information and other actions in the operational and investigative plan. “I welcome the outcome of efforts in preventing, investigating and attacking terrorist activities in Albania, Italy and Kosovo, which have undoubtedly resulted from the will that the respective governments have to address the challenges and support the counter-terrorism structures in face of any terrorism threat” the Director General of Albanian State Police said. At technical level, the three sides discussed particular issues as well as the necessity to strengthen operational cooperation and exchange information on cases of potential radical and terrorist activities in the three countries.




Realistic goals (Ekathimerini, 19 November 2017)


Every country needs to pursue a staunch foreign policy line and Greece’s major strategic threat is Turkey. Turkey is, and should be, Athens’s top priority. Other foreign policy issues, such as the name dispute with the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM) or Greek-Albanian ties, are of course important, but they are not issues to top the agenda. Greece has a certain amount of political capital on the international stage, and the leadership in Athens must make sure it spends it where it counts. When too many fronts are open, it’s very hard to convince the other side to focus where it matters most. The coming months will be crucial with regard to the Balkan aspect of Athens’s foreign policy. The new government in Skopje has changed its rhetoric and appears ready to adopt confidence-building measures and, perhaps, a pragmatic compromise on the name dispute. Athens has a strong bargaining chip in FYROM’s EU ambitions and could push for a comprehensive settlement that would safeguard Greece’s vital interests. With respect to Albania, it seems that, despite some unwise and provocative gestures made by Tirana, there is indeed common ground for reaching solutions to problems that have been around for decades. Neither the Skopje dispute, nor talks with Albania will be easy to handle. Good intentions often evaporate against the political reality of the Balkans. That said, it’s time to finally decide what we want. Some want to keep certain issues open and hide behind maximalist claims. Greece will gain nothing this way. Athens has already wasted too much diplomatic capital in the Balkans because of the FYROM standoff, an issue that could have been settled years ago and under better terms. But it has painted itself into a corner, which is very dangerous in foreign policy. Athens will have the opportunity in the coming months to ascertain whether the new leadership in Skopje really wants an honest solution to the name dispute or whether it is simply engaging in PR stunts in a bid to mislead Athens. The same applies to Albania. It would be very bad if these issues were to become the subject of political confrontation at home. We have paid a heavy price for this in the past, as each party tried to present a hardline profile, but was willing to sign up to a deal behind closed doors. Turkey is becoming increasingly hard to predict and comprehend and the strategic asymmetry between the two Aegean neighbors is growing. Athens will need clear thinking and a good plan to deal with this challenge in the years to come.