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Belgrade Media Report 27 November



Dacic: At least eight recognitions of Kosovo made up (Novosti)


The list of countries Pristina says have recognized the unilaterally declared independence of Kosovo contains at least seven or eight states that have never done that, Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic told Novosti. “Pristina has some list of 114 states, but I am certain it contains at least seven or eight countries that have never recognized Kosovo. And I am also certain that if Serbia approaches this problem with commitment, the number can fall below 100,” he said. Dacic, who was in Paris attending the Francophone Summit, said that he spoke with foreign ministers of a number of countries that did not recognize Kosovo and added that their position remained clear. “I also spoke with ministers from some countries that did recognize Kosovo and I think that they could reexamine those decision. Of course, I will not mention which countries, because I wouldn’t want to be helping Pristina,” told Novosti.

Speaking about the internal dialogue on Kosovo, he said that the goal of this initiative is to present all positions that could represent a lasting solution. “In order to do this, the other side should accept to talk. And Pristina thinks that there is nothing to talk about and that, as they say, independence is irreversible. It turned out that this is not true. Taiwan was at one time recognized by more than 80 countries, and now that number is very small,” Dacic said.

Commenting on Pristina’s proposal to include the United States in the EU-sponsored dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina, he said that changing the format would imply some new decision - and in that case, other countries would want to join, and Serbia would have its own proposals.


Drecun: Serbia before challenges; strategic cooperation with Russia (Tanjug)


Serbia has a principled stand regarding the strategic partnership with Russia, member of the Serbian parliamentary Committee for defense and internal affairs Milovan Drecun said. He says that Serbia is presently facing challenges regarding sanctions against Russia and the Russian-Serbian Humanitarian Center in Nis, but also conditioning of EU membership with recognition of Kosovo’s independence. At a meeting with the delegation of the Council of the Russian Federation, Drecun reiterated that Serbia will not introduce sanctions to Russia, noting that the Russian-Serbian Humanitarian Center had an important role in saving people during the floods in Serbia in 2014. He stressed that Russia’s support in the United Nations was of great importance concerning the preservation of Serbia’s sovereignty and territorial integrity, and development of military cooperation between the two countries that can be much contributed by intensifying cooperation between the two parliaments.

Deputy Chairperson of the International Affairs Committee of the Council Andrey Klimov stressed that Russia’s stand regarding the non-recognition of independence of Kosovo was unchanged, as well as that Russia respects Serbia’s EU path.


Djuric, Li: China’s consistent support to Serbia’s territorial integrity (Tanjug)


China supports the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Serbia and it will not support membership of the self-declared Kosovo in international organizations, Chinese Ambassador to Serbia Li Manchang said Friday at a meeting with Marko Djuric, the Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija. Djuric thanked China for supporting Serbia at the time of attempts by the self-declared Kosovo to infiltrate into international organizations such as UNESCO or INTERPOL, noting that Serbia was consistently backing the One China policy. “China supports Serbia’s territorial integrity and sovereignty, for us UNSCR 1244 is the basis for resolving the issue of Kosovo and Metohija and this is why we will not support membership of the self-declared Kosovo in international organization,” said the Chinese Ambassador.


Kozarev: IDPs need to be enabled return (RTS/Tanjug)


Deputy Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Dusan Kozarev has stated that conditions for sustainable return of internally displaces persons (IDP) to Kosovo and Metohija have been very bad over the past two decades, which made a large number of IDPs to integrate into the place of residence, however, return must remain an equal option of a lasting solution. “It is precisely the fact that even after so many years there are IDPs who voice readiness to return to Kosovo and Metohija, which is also testified by the experience of our Office, but also the results of the UNHCR polls conducted in 2016, that obliges us to provide conditions for sustainable return,” said Kozarev in Podgorica at the meeting of the “Skopje Initiative” for resolving the problems of IDPs from Kosovo and Metohija.


Meta wishes Belgrade to recognize Kosovo in due time (Preseva jon/Tanjug)


The Preseva jon portal writes that Albanian President Ilir Meta in Medvedja wished Belgrade to pass, as he put it, “the right decision” in due time and recognize Kosovo. According to this portal, Meta says this recognition contributes not only to development of good-neighborly relations, but also to stability in the region. “The very fact that we are here means that we are positive, and this is why we are here – to give a clear message that we are for cooperation and joint work,” said Meta. “I wish to underline from Medvedja that the future of our nations and the entire region is in the EU and this can be achieved only with close cooperation,” said Meta.


Serbian parliament ratifies agreements on Transport Community (Tanjug)


The Serbian parliament ratified on Friday the Agreement on the Transport community that will enable to vote on 7 December at the meeting of the Ministerial Council for Serbia to become the headquarters of the Secretariat of the Transport Community for Western Balkans. The goal of this Agreement is the creation of the Transport Community in the field of traffic, railway, internal water and sea traffic, as well as development of the network between the EU and signatories from South-East Europe. Serbian Minister for Traffic Zorana Mihajlovic has stated that it is clear from the policy of the Serbian government and President Vucic that Serbia has not and will not recognize independence of Kosovo at any moment, and that the Serbian Progressive Party, unlike the Serbian Radical Party, is not using the issue of Kosovo and Metohija for daily political purposes.




B&H Statehood Day marked in Federation of B&H, not in RS (TV1)


Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Statehood Day was marked in the Federation of B&H on Saturday, but not in Republika Srpska (RS). B&H Presidency member Bakir Izetbegovic and B&H Council of Ministers Chair Denis Zvizdic laid flower at Eternal Flame memorial in Sarajevo, paying respect to all victims of the last war in B&H and the Second World War. Addressing the media, Izetbegovic stressed that B&H is heading into European integration irreversibly, and called on citizens not to stop fight against all forms of fascism.

Zvizdic said that B&H is an independent and sovereign country, which will join the EU regardless of issues. He stressed that those who dream about some other ideas will not able to realize them.

Croat member of B&H Presidency and B&H Presidency Chairman Dragan Covic did not attend the solemn reception, allegedly because of the failure to harmonize the protocol dates. Neither Serb member of B&H Presidency Mladen Ivanic did attend the event given his well-known stance according to which November 25 is not a state holiday.

RS President Milorad Dodik stated on Saturday, during the marking of the Statehood Day of B&H, that November 25 is not the Statehood Day of B&H and that it could never be celebrated as such. Dodik said that it can only be a holiday of one or two constituent peoples in B&H, but that it will never happen that all the people celebrate it together.


Saljic: Russia raises hope in justice for Mladic (Glas Srpske)


Fierce reactions from Russia to ICTY’s verdict to Ratko Mladic, gives optimism to his defense team that appellate procedure could have a different epilogue. In statement to the daily, one of Mladic’s attorneys Milos Saljic said that the process will be brought to boiling point during the appellate procedure, after Russian authorities’ fierce reaction. He stressed that it is certain that there will be a heated discussion in the UN Security Council to investigate how much the ICTY acted in line with the regulations.

Chairman of Russian Duma Vyacheslav Volodin instructed Duma’s Committee for International Affairs to discuss the proposal on necessity to react to the verdict. He explained that this may result in having the Mechanism for International Criminal Tribunals, which will succeed the ICTY, to be much more careful in analyzing of the verdict and reaching of final decision in the appellate procedure. President of Russian Committee for Mladic’s Defense, Pavel Dorohin announced holding of joint press conference with Darko Mladic on December 4th, at which he will present the truth about methods of ICTY work and pressures exerted on Mladic.


Condoleezza Rice to exert pressure on Serbia regarding Kosovo and remove Dodik from political scene (EuroBlic)


After certain regional media, published the information that former State Secretary of US Condoleezza Rice will be appointed Special Envoy for the Western Balkans, media and analysts started speculating about true goals of the future mission. While media in Serbia deem that Rice will focus on negotiations between Belgrade and Pristina, international relations experts and prominent analysts, told daily that Rice’s ToR will be much wider and she should complete her tasks by end of next year.

Belgrade based analyst, Zeljko Cvijanovic argues that removing of SNSD leader Milorad Dodik is one of these tasks, as well as stronger US engagement on “unitarization of B&H”. Cvijanovic argues that Rice’s appointment is almost not a secret and she should be appointed soon. He argues that almost two decades ago, Americans left the Balkans to the Europeans, most notably Germany, but they are not content with the outcome, especially considering the return of Russia. Cvijanovic stressed that it is evident that Americans have serious plans and according to him Rice received clear instructions concerning her tasks. Her first task, according to Cvijanovic, is to exert pressure over Serbian authorities to stop objecting to independence of Kosovo and her second task is removing of Russian influence in the RS, removing of Dodik from power and unitarization of B&H. Third tasks refers to Macedonia and releasing it of Russian influence. “Next year will be dramatic in many ways, for this region”, said Cvijanovic.

International relations expert, Srecko Djukic also said that Rice’s arrival is done deal and he deems that her presence will lead to serious complications in the region. Djukic stressed that Rice is “the strongest name sent to Blakan since end of wars here”, adding that Rice is very well informed about situation in Russia an according to him she was the one who informed Russian President Vladimir Putin about US recognizing Kosovo, a year before it actually happened. He deems that after Kosovo, she will focus on B&H and organizing of things there in line with US taste.


Is Izetbegovic forming an illegal army? (ATV)


Belgrade daily Vecernje novosti reported on Saturday that member of the B&H Presidency Bakir Izetbegovic is carrying illegal training of paramilitary formation and until now, at least 9,000 young Bosniaks passed the training. Daily said that more than 9,000 Bosniak men, age between 18 to 35, passed the basic military training in this year and 5,000 of them were issued with uniforms and basic military equipment. Daily’s unnamed source, close to Serbian intelligence agencies, confirmed this information and noted that Izetbegovic, and generals of former B&H Army, have held a meeting at beginning of November and the only item discussed at the meeting was summary of the training that young Bosniaks passed in 2017.

RS President Milorad Dodik, said that there are politicians among the Bosniaks who are ready for war and an attack on the RS. Dodik stressed that he is in possession of information that various organizations whose aim is military showdown with the RS are being formed in Bosniak ranks. "I am not familiarized with the details and I do not care what Bakir Izetbegovic thinks about that. But, in any case, if such things exist, then that is an illegal structure which is outside the system and outside any public control," Dodik underlined.

Serb member of the B&H Presidency Mladen Ivanic said that he does not want to comment on the news about an illegal army because he does not know anything about that.

SDS leader Vukota Govedarica stressed that this resembles another game between Izetbegovic and Dodik.

B&H Minister of Security Dragan Mektic announced a serious analysis and verification of facts from the media information about alleged secret army of Bosniak member of B&H Presidency Bakir Izetbegovic. Mektic stated that no one should be making early conclusions. The B&H minister said there are illogicalities with regard to the story that 9,000 people passed through such military training, explaining that it is difficult for so many people to pass through military training without the knowledge of security services.

Presidency member and SDA leader Bakir Izetbegovic told N1 that this is complete nonsense, but that such allegations are not harmless at all since they are part of a plan that comes from Serbia and the RS. “Those who are preparing weapons, buy new aircrafts, threaten with a new dissolution of B&H and referendums, glorify and celebrate war criminals want to have someone on other side who will justify all their actions,” Izetbegovic assessed.


ICTY’s second instance verdict in ‘Prlic et al’ case to be pronounced on Wednesday (HRT1)


The fate of six B&H Croats indicted for crimes against the country's Muslim population in 1993 and 1994 will be known on Wednesday, November 29, when the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) will deliver its final ruling in one of its most complex cases, which is also perceived as a sort of the trial against Croatia's then leadership for involvement in the war in B&H.

Former The Hague Tribunal Prosecutor Kenneth Scott, who was a prosecutor in the ‘Prlic et al.’ case, provided details on how this case has been used to show the participation of the Republic of Croatia in the international conflict and in the Joint Criminal Enterprise (JCE). A particularly important category of evidence was written evidence because the investigation found that almost all or most of the Croat Defense Council (HVO) documents were moved and taken to Croatia. “In the first-instance decision, the judges established, most of them have found that, above all, military forces, the armed forces of the Republic of Croatia directly intervened and participated in the conflict as a foreign force. We have also proven, and the first instance court found, that the Republic of Croatia had, I quote – ‘the overall control over Herzeg-Bosnia and HVO’ “, said Scott.


Croatian Army departs for NATO Mission in Lithuania (Vecernji list)


The first part of the unit which will take part in the NATO enhanced Forward Presence mission is on its way. The Patria combat armored vehicles and other equipment of the Croatian Armed Forces from the 1st Croatian Contingent of the NATO enhanced Forward Presence (eFP) initiative left Croatia on Saturday. Croatian Railways will transport them from Zagreb to Lithuania. The equipment includes 13 armored combat vehicles, one armored ambulance vehicle, four trucks, one off-road truck, a field combat vehicle, an electricity generating unit, two off-road motor vehicles and 15 containers of additional equipment, announced the Public Relations and Publishing Department of the Ministry of Defense. As part of the NATO’s enhanced Forward Presence initiative in the Republic of Lithuania, 181 members of the Croatian Armed Forces will take part in the 1st Croatian Contingent within a combat group led by Germany. The majority of the soldiers are members of a mechanized company from the 1st Mechanized Battalion of the Tigers Brigade of the Croatian Army.


Dimitrov to meet US administration officials in Washington (MIA)


Foreign Minister Nikola Dimitrov kicks off Monday a working visit to the USA. In Washington, he is scheduled to meet senior officials of the US administration, US Department of State, US Congress and think tank community as well as the Macedonian diaspora. On Nov. 29, Dimitrov is to take part at the conference entitled “A Coming Storm? Shaping a Balkan Future in an Era of Uncertainty” organized by the Atlantic Council in Washington. This conference will engage the highest levels of transatlantic decision-makers, bringing together over 100 participants, ranging from regional leaders to decision-makers from both sides of the Atlantic and top experts in the field, to spotlight what is at stake and spur support for a reenergized Balkans policy in the United States in partnership with the European Union. Dimitrov is to address the panel “NATO in the Balkans: Securing the Frontiers of Europe in Turbulent Times,” Ministry of Foreign Affairs said in a press release.


Majko in Kosovo: Let's open the borders (ADN)


Albania will open the borders with Kosovo. The Albanian Minister for Diaspora, Pandeli Majko declared on Sunday that starting from January 1, 2018 the borders will be open. "Let's do this European action. During the big exodus of Kosovo, Albania did not require passports on the borders. Let's do the same," declared Majko during the Economic Forum of Diaspora. This speech was welcomed from those present in the forum.


Meta: Germany's support, vital for Albania's integration (ADN)


President of the Republic, Ilir Meta underlined the vital importance of Germany’s support for Albania’s integration in a meeting with the Prime Minister of the North Rhine-Westphalia Land, Armin Laschet. The Albanian Head of State stressed that strategic cooperation between the two countries should be extended to all areas, not only at the federal level but also at the regional level, underlining the possibilities for cooperation with the North Rhine-Westphalia region.

President Meta also expressed the deepest gratitude for the support that Germany and the German people have given to Albania and the Albanians in the bilateral plan, during NATO membership and European Union integration.




Serbia and Kosovo: UN expert commends improvements but urges progress on arbitrary detention and police impunity (OHCHR, 27 November 2017)


GENEVA - Serbia and Kosovo* have come a long way in improving their treatment of prisoners and ending torture, but still need to do more to fight arbitrary detention and police impunity, the UN Special Rapporteur on torture has said after his first fact-finding visit. Nils Melzer commended the Government of Serbia and the authorities in Kosovo for impressive improvements in the treatment of prisoners and the conditions of detention. “I welcome the genuine and sustained commitment of the authorities in Belgrade and Pristina to overcome the scars of the past and their unequivocal determination to prevent torture and ill-treatment in all circumstances,” said Mr. Melzer in a statement at the end of his visit. “While I am very pleased to report that the prison systems in Serbia and Kosovo appear to be largely free of ill-treatment, the next step in the fight against impunity and arbitrary detention must focus on the police and the judicial system,” he added. In both Serbia and Kosovo, the Special Rapporteur received numerous allegations of ill-treatment during police interrogation, most notably as a means of coercing confessions for offences related to narcotics, terrorism and organized crime – areas in which the international community has long pressured Serbia and Kosovo to deliver results.

“Detainees reported having been slapped and beaten with fists and truncheons, kicked, threatened with firearms, and forced to admit guilt for multiple crimes, sometimes in exchange for more lenient penalties or conditional release,” said Mr. Melzer. “The pressure on detainees to confess is further exacerbated by the prospect of excessively long pre-trial detention, at times reaching three or more years even for minor offences. “Overall, there seems to be a pattern of inefficiency in prosecutorial and judicial practice throughout Serbia and Kosovo, including proceedings in EULEX - the EU Rule of Law Mission in Kosovo - which, in some cases, may well result in arbitrary detention or even amount to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment.”

The Special Rapporteur welcomed significant efforts by prison health services to systematically examine new inmates, but said most medical staff had not been trained to detect and document physical and psychological traces of torture in line with international standards. Throughout Serbia and Kosovo, the expert and his team interviewed numerous inmates held in police stations, remand prisons, and high security penitentiaries, as well as residents of psychiatric and social care institutions, and migrants accommodated in reception and transit centres.

The Special Rapporteur expressed serious concern about the great risk of people with mental disabilities being arbitrarily placed in institutions. “I am deeply worried that many people would not have to be in these centres if alternative community-based structures were developed,” said Mr. Melzer, stressing the importance of the highest legal safeguards and effective monitoring to prevent arbitrary institutionalization. The Special Rapporteur meanwhile praised Serbia’s considerable efforts over the past two years to deal with the large volume of migrants using the so-called Balkan route. “The authorities should be commended for the great investment made to develop the necessary infrastructure and humanitarian assistance to tackle this challenge,” he said. “While I have not received any allegations of ill-treatment against migrants within Serbia or Kosovo, I am gravely concerned by numerous allegations of physical violence, including beating, kicking, and assaults by dogs, suffered by migrants at the hands of the border police of neighbouring Croatia, Hungary and Bulgaria when trying to enter their territory.

“I would like to encourage the authorities in Belgrade and Pristina to further strengthen their ongoing efforts to provide adequate medical and psychological support and rehabilitation to all victims of torture and other ill-treatment present on their territory and to ensure effective international protection.”

The Special Rapporteur will present a country report with his observations and recommendations to the Human Rights Council in March 2019.

* All references to Kosovo are to be understood in compliance with UN Security Council Resolution 1244 (1999) and are without prejudice to the status of Kosovo.

 Mr. Nils Melzer (Switzerland) was appointed by the UN Human Rights Council as the Special Rapporteur on torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment in November 2016. Mr. Melzer has previously worked for the International Committee of the Red Cross and the Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs and is currently Professor of International Law at the University of Glasgow and the Human Rights Chair of the Geneva Academy of International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights.