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Belgrade Media Report 22 March 2018



Vucic meets with Guterres (RTS)


During a meeting with Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic, United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres declared support for the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue, Radio and Television of Serbia (RTS) reported. Vucic said it was important to respect UNSCR 1244. Guterres stated that all problems must be solved peacefully. Vucic told RTS that it seemed to him that the Western powers firmly maintained the stand of keeping Kosovo independent, and added that this was very hard for Serbia. “I am not satisfied. I had in-depth discussions with people who decide about many things, from different capitals of the West, and it seems to me that their stand is to firmly keep to the principle of preserving Kosovo’s independence, and that is very hard for us,” Vucic said. Asked about how satisfied he was with the meeting at the UN and all other meetings over the past few days, Vucic replied that he was satisfied with the work and efforts of the Serbian side, but not with the results. He said that the western countries do not wish to discuss the issue of where the territory of Kosovo belongs; they consider that to be a closed issue. “After three days of difficult meetings, which I cannot speak about too much, my conclusion is that, in order to prepare a platform for the citizens, I must have support from the international community. This was a disappointment to me, we understood the message, it is now up to us to continue working,” Vucic said. He added that he stated during the meeting that they had opened Pandora’s Box in 2008, by not honoring UNSCR 1244. “For a long time now, we have been talking about the future of Serbia and Kosovo and Metohija, and attempting to find a compromise solution. The Albanian side is doing their work, the international community theirs, and I have endeavored that we bring Serbia back to the surface, from the abyss in which we were,” he stated.

Asked about the message conveyed to him by US official Wess Mitchell that the US will insist on the creation of the Kosovo armed forces, Vucic said that he had also discussed this with Guterres, that the talks were fair, and that he understood everything. “He understands everything. It was important for me and for the sake of history for this to be written down that I acquainted him and warned about everything that is happening. You don’t have the right to form the Kosovo army in any way,” said Vucic, noting that he had also told this Mithell with whom he will talk again in the next two days. He says that he will also discuss this with the Albanian side. “Our job is to talk, but our situation is such, as you see I am speaking about this all the time. When I see that some are saying that Vucic wants division…let me tell you, who will be the one to give you this? Since us Serbs like to live outside the reality, and we imagine that everything is different from how it is represented by another part of the world. Well, the Albanians or Western powers will not give anything like this,” said Vucic. He says the situation of Serbia is such that we have 500 options.  These talks are very difficult. Now I understand and see better, so we’ll see…I have to come before our people, to offer something. He notes that Mitchell didn’t bring any paper to Belgrade, but that the Albanians had been playing a game with the international community. “When Belgrade gets the Community of Serb Municipalities (ZSO), then you will agree to independence of Kosovo…did you think this up on your own or did somebody help you? This is your obligation from five years ago. Fulfill this, and only then we are starting with some talks. We understand well tricks, we are fighting responsibly with the team, but people should know that these are very hard things for us…” said Vucic. Speaking about speculations on his visit to the US, he says that he told the press conference, which was watched by five million people, “bye, I am going away on a long trip”. “I got on a regular Air Serbia flight with another 270 people, superb service in our national air transport. Imagine that you are hiding this…” said Vucic. He says that he will have talks on 31 March with the NGO sector in regard to the Kosovo issue. “Then I am left with speaking, in line with everything that I received from around the world, before the people about the principles that we can and cannot accept. I accept that kind of responsibility without fear that those who are most responsible for this state-of-affairs will criticize me,” said Vucic. It is time for us to continue working and to be even stronger, without crying, and to fight for our country here in New York and in Brussels, Berlin, but also in Moscow and Beijing, said Vucic. “Every time I tell them ‘you are not the entire world, there is also the other half of the world that doesn’t recognize this,” said Vucic, adding that Serbia wants a compromise.


Drecun: Unacceptable for ZSO to be means of blackmail (RTS)


The Chairman of the Serbian parliamentary Committee for Kosovo and Metohija Miovan Drecun has told the morning news of RTS that Serbia should continue to defend its interests despite the complex situation. “Western countries are not showing readiness to resolve the Kosovo problem in the long term and this encourages Pristina to continue with not accepting to realize the agreed, and this is the formation of the Community of Serb Municipalities (ZSO),” said Drecun. The West is trying to make Belgrade to make concessions. “The key thing would be for us to open them the doors to the UN and this is unacceptable for Belgrade. I think we need to look at the situation that is unfolding in Brussels and to link this with the behavior of the West and Pristina. It seems that Pristina is doing everything in agreement with the West,” says Drecun. He says the ZSO is used as a means of blackmail and notes this is unacceptable. “We cannot continue with this in the process of normalization of relations. Pressure is increasing on Serbia, the Kosovo problem is used in the geopolitical confrontation between the US and Russia,” notes Drecun. He says that half of the UN member states didn’t recognize the self-declared Kosovo. “Powerful countries think they can do whatever they please and are violating resolutions that they passed themselves and these are double standards. We need to rely on countries that understand our position, such as Spain. The question for Western countries that insist on the firm policy towards Serbia is what they wish to achieve with this,” said Drecun. He says that Serbia will continue to develop further relations with Western countries. “We need to continue with this policy. We said that we will not open the door to Kosovo in the UN and we will not recognize the self-declared stated. We need to insist on the stand that our EU path must not be hindered with the Kosovo problem,” concluded Drecun.


Djuric: We resolutely demand establishment of ZSO (RTS/Tanjug)


The Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Marko Djuric said that in the latest round of negotiations in Brussels, the Belgrade delegation insisted on the establishment of the Community of Serb Municipalities (ZSO), but that Pristina was not ready to talk about it. The three-day round of dialogue of Belgrade and Pristina at the technical level in Brussels ended without any progress in the implementation of the agreements made. Djuric said that the Serbian delegation resolutely demands that Pristina and the EU adopt the Statute of the ZSO and establish the municipality in unchanged form, without considering the decisions of Pristina courts and similar internal acts. Only by adopting the Statute of the Community of Serbian Municipalities would Pristina show that it is ready to continue to negotiate and make agreements, he said, assessing that Pristina’s representatives in Brussels came unprepared to implement what was agreed, expecting Serbia to give them everything. He also made it clear that the Belgrade delegation is not fighting for some statute for the ZSO, but for the agreed substance of the Brussels agreement. He added that on the last day of the talks, the freedom of movement was not discussed at all, although it was on the agenda. What freedom of movement are we talking about when Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija, like Mr. Zajic, are being arrested for political reasons? Zajic was director of the bank in Klina, an old man of 70 years, he has never taken a rifle into his hands, but he was arrested as a returnee just to scare Serbs and send the message that they are not welcome in Kosovo and Metohija, Djuric concluded.


Djuric: Kosovo will never be a state, nor will Presevo be part of Kosovo (Beta)


In reaction to the statement by Kosovo Assembly speaker Kadri Veseli that Pristina was ready to take Presevo and Medvedja but that Pristina has nothing to offer to Belgrade, the Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Marko Djuric said that Kosovo and Metohija will never be a state, nor will Presevo, Medvedja, or Nis ever be a part of the so-called republic of Kosovo, but Pristina is and will remain a part of Serbia, and he will be a Serbian citizen. Djuric said that Veseli was free to wish for Neverland, too, to become a part of the self-proclaimed Kosovo - but that such a wish would not be realistic, just as his dreams about Presevo, Medvedja, Nis, or the so-called Greater Albania are not realistic. “Kadri Veseli, who is known to like making threats of war and territory grabs, should know it is not wise to make threats of violence, especially against someone stronger than you. The time of dialogue has come, where problems are not solved by insidious ambush attacks - something that he, as a former commander of the terrorist KLA finds difficult to understand - but there will be time, too, for facing reality,” Djuric concluded.




Interview with B&H Presidency member Mladen Ivanic ( list)


Serb member of the Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency Mladen Ivanic said that he does not believe that Bosniak member Bakir Izetbegovic will make positive progress in relations with Serbia until the end of the term. He expects even firmer stance in the election year. Ivanic said he does not expect Izetbegovic to make a step forward in the process of resolving border issues with Serbia, or to improve relations in the region and calm down political situation in B&H. “We had a chance to reach an agreement on border with Serbia, which was of importance mainly for B&H, but for some incomprehensible reason, negative ambiance was created in Sarajevo, where it was interpreted as a sort of concession to Serbia,” said Ivanic. We can also expect many turbulent events, especially hard words between Bosniaks and Croats,” said Ivanic. Ivanic also stated that the idea of establishment of the Croat entity in B&H, which was supported by Republika Srpska (RS) President Milorad Dodik, leads to “unpacking” of the Dayton Peace Accords (DPA) – which is not in the best interest of the RS. “To be honest, I cannot see what the RS could possibly gain out of it. In case of three entities, the first thing that would be brought into question is entity voting, which is the only mechanism that makes it possible for us to control what is going on at the level of B&H. I disapprove that,” Ivanic said, adding that a constituency within the Federation of B&H is all the Croat people can get in this context.

Speaking about activation of the Membership Action Plan (MAP), Ivanic reminded that the MAP was approved during the time of Milorad Dodik. “NATO members will take a decision about it and we cannot influence it at all. If they stick to the position they defined about military property, MAP will not be activated for several more years,” said Ivanic adding it is difficult to expect anyone from the RS would support full membership in NATO until Serbia joins it.

Commenting allegations on Russia’s influence, Ivanic said he personally does not see it. “I think Russia has its political goal, name the Dayton agreement. Russia has shown it fully respects what Dayton defined. Big players should resolve their relations without dragging us into the game”, said Ivanic. Commenting the issue of changes to the Law on Elections, Ivanic said it will be very difficult to implement the elections, especially in the Federation of B&H, without changing the law. “If it stays like this, the RS will have formed institutions, whilst the level of the Federation of B&H and B&H will practically have none. That is why I said the crisis is a lot more difficult and serious than it appears,” he noted. Asked whether it is acceptable that the OHR imposes solutions to the Law on Elections, Ivanic stressed he has always been against imposition of solution, believing it is the obligation of local politicians.


Dodik comments on B&H path to join NATO and the EU (RTRS)


President and SNSD leader Milorad Dodik commenting on B&H path to join NATO, stressed that Serb ministers in the Council of Ministers of B&H (B&H CoM) support B&H’s path to join NATO and they used the opportunity to present speculative allegations at their recent meeting with NATO representatives. He stated that the situation in B&H was different seven or eight years ago but Republika Srpska (RS) was never particularly in favor of B&H’s membership in NATO. He underlined that NATO bombarded Serbs with depleted uranium and it affected outcome of the war in B&H by bombarding Serb military forces. He deems that the decision on B&H’s membership in NATO is very serious and it has to be based on consensus. According to Dodik, the opposition parties and Serb officials in Sarajevo are claiming to be against NATO membership but they were not willing to support the resolution on military neutrality of the RS.

Commenting on B&H’s path to join the EU, Dodik stated: “I have nothing against B&H obtaining the EU candidate status and subsequently the EU membership as soon as possible. This is our official policy and it is not hidden. In the end, those from Europe who are involved in European issues know perfectly well that the RS contributed the most and the RS was the first to fulfill all conditions related to that path. The problem here is how to avoid certain stereotypes that are constantly being forced upon us”.


B&H HoP session interrupted before HoP had opportunity to discuss amendments to B&H Election Law (TV1)


A session of the B&H House of Peoples (HoP) was held in Sarajevo on Wednesday. After delegates adopted the agenda, the session of the HoP was interrupted at the initiative of SBB B&H delegate Fahrudin Radoncic. Namely, Radoncic had to leave the session to attend a hearing before the Court of B&H. Referring to the Rules of Procedure, Radoncic asked for the HoP session to be continued on Thursday, which the delegates accepted. At its Wednesday’s session, the B&H HoP, among other things, was supposed to discuss amendments to the B&H Election Law put forward by SDP B&H, DF and SBB B&H, which were previously adopted by the House of Representatives (HoR) of B&H. TV1 said that given that HDZ B&H was against the adoption of the amendments to the B&H Election Law in the HoR, it appears that the real intention behind the stalling in the HoP was an attempt to prevent the adoption of the amendments. Namely, without Radoncic, it is almost certain that there would not be enough votes to pass the amendments to the B&H Election Law. HDZ B&H delegates did not hide their opposition to the new technologies in the election process in B&H which, according to TV1, would enable more efficient control over the election process. Delegate of Croat Caucus in the B&H HoP Barisa Colak (HDZ B&H) recalled that the Personal Data Protection Agency of B&H gave a negative opinion on the abovementioned amendments. “I do not want to believe in some kind of conspiracy, but fact is that it would be very difficult or impossible to implement the next elections with such amendments to the B&H Election Law,” Colak underlined. Some MPs speculated that this was previously arranged, saying that without Radoncic’s presence, HDZ B&H and SNSD will secure enough votes to prevent adoption of the changes as they previously voted against this in B&H House of Representatives (HoR).


B&H CC to discuss motion of HDZ B&H’s Kristo on constitutional review of Federation of B&H Constitution re structure of Federation of B&H HoP (FTV)


The Constitutional Court (CC) of B&H is expected to discuss a motion filed by Deputy President of HDZ B&H Borjana Kristo on constitutional review of a provision of the Federation of B&H Constitution related to the structure of the Federation of B&H House of Peoples (HoP), on Thursday. Kristo disputed the provision which enables election of each delegate - from all the three constituent peoples - from each of the Cantons to the Federation of B&H HoP, as unconstitutional. Experts warned that disputing the aforementioned provision actually violates the basis of the Washington Agreement, reminding that all members of HDZ B&H supported introduction of the provision, 24 years ago. According to experts, disputing the provision calls into question the basic role of the Federation of B&H HoP, to ensure all constituent peoples to be elected and take part in adoption of laws. Expert for constitutional law Kasim Trnka assessed that in this case, HDZ B&H feels encouraged with a stance of B&H CC in case of HDZ B&H’s Bozo Ljubic related to B&H Election Law. Participant of peace negotiations in Washington and Dayton Kresimir Zubak stated that the decision of the CC in case of Ljubic has not reached the range that HDZ B&H initially expected and as it was presented to the public. Member of SDA Presidency Sefik Dzaferovic warned that the Federation of B&H Constitution is an integrated document and added that the Constitution should be observed in this way. Dzaferovic added that he expects that the CC will not accept the aforementioned motion, which would in his opinion, violate the balance established by the Washington Agreement. Leader of SDP B&H Nermin Niksic stated that there is no way to amend constitutional provisions until May, arguing that HDZ B&H actually wants to secure that Croats assume public posts, regardless of votes that they win in elections. Head of DF Caucus in B&H House of Representatives Damir Becirovic asserted that the motion violates the basis of a civic state of B&H and discriminates citizens of the Federation of B&H, by abolition of their right to be elected in the Federation of B&H HoP. The reporter assessed that the key issue is why the CC did not request a standpoint of the OHR on this issue, as it was the case in the Ljubic case.


Nine parties together in elections (Dnevni avaz)


Leaders of nine B&H political parties – SBB B&H, SDP, Our Party, DF, Independent B&H List, Independent Bloc, Brcko Democratic Movement and Croat Party (HS) – will meet in Banja Luka on 27 March and sign a coalition on joint participation in elections. The parties will gather under the name ‘Pro-European Bloc’. Representatives of these parties harmonized the principles of acting and they elected the leadership of ‘Pro-European Bloc’ in Republika Srpska. The bloc is grounded on multi-ethnicity, freedom and equality of all citizens, and signatories of this bloc agreed they would be advocating respect for rule of law, fight against crime and corruption, attracting foreign investments and acceleration of B&H’s integration in the EU.


B&H CEC’s Hadziabdic: No IT experts from Russia are coming to B&H (TV1)


Official visit of President of the B&H Central Election Commission (CEC) Irena Hadziabdic to Moscow and speculations that Russian IT experts will arrive in B&H in the coming months in order to train professional staff of the B&H CEC and improve the software that is used during the counting of votes provoked strong reactions. On this occasion, Hadziabdic agreed to give a statement to TV1, stressing that she is tired of reading false information published by various web portals. Hadziabdic told TV1 that she went to Russia at the invitation of President of the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation with which the B&H CEC signed a memorandum of cooperation, explaining that this memorandum implies exchange of experiences between the bodies in charge of implementation of elections. Hadziabdic further said that the aim of the visit to Russia was to observe the presidential elections in order to see the technical aspects of the election organization. Hadziabdic denied claims of certain web portals, calling them absolute lies. Hadziabdic said that no IT experts from Russia are coming to B&H, nor was that ever discussed at any of the meetings held in B&H or in the Russian Federation. „The only IT experts whose engagement the B&H CEC has been negotiating for several months in terms of help to our IT department are IT experts of the OSCE and that agreement is in its final stage,” Hadziabdic underlined.


Memorandum of Understanding among EUFOR, NATO HQ Sarajevo and Ministry of Civil Affairs of B&H signed (Fena)


Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) among EUFOR, NATO HQ Sarajevo and Ministry of Civil Affairs of B&H was signed in Sarajevo on Thursday. According to the MoU, the Ministry of Civil Affairs will be given aerial shots taken after the war, which will be used to needs of demining. The MoU was signed by Minister of Civil Affairs of B&H Adil Osmanovic, EUFOR Commander Major General Anton Waldner and Commander of NATO HQ Sarajevo Brigadier General Robert Huston. Aerial shots were taken after 1995 at locations of minefields or in areas contaminated by mines/unexploded ordnance, some 800 shots of 48 locations in B&H.


Netherlands decide not to extradite Herenda to B&H (EuroBlic)


The Dutch authorities accepted the request of former member of ‘Seve’ Bosniak paramilitary unit Nedzad Herenda not to be extradited to B&H because of safety reasons. The daily claimed that this only proves its report from last year, when it reported that Herenda enjoys protection of the Dutch authorities thanks to “a deal” he made with former Chief Prosecutor of the International Criminal Tribunal for former Yugoslavia (ICTY) Carla Del Ponte. Namely, the daily first reported in December 2016 that Herenda is hiding in Netherlands. Sources claimed at the time that representatives of certain prosecutor’s offices from the Federation of B&H went on several occasions to Netherlands to meet Herenda to get information on assassination of former Deputy Head of Bosniak Intelligence Service (AID) Nedzad Ugljen as well as on other unsolved political murders in the Federation of B&H. The sources claimed that Herenda was also brought in connection with attempt of assassination of Bosniak wartime General Sefer Halilovic and numerous war crimes committed by ‘Seve’ in Sarajevo. The sources claimed that Del Ponte and ICTY saved Herenda from standing trial because he was granted the status of a protected witness in case that was prepared against late President of the Republic of B&H Alija Izetbegovic back in 1999. However, as sources noted, nothing has changed when it comes to Herenda’s status after Izetbegovic’s death so he continued enjoying protection of Netherlands. The daily noted that in spite of speculations that Herenda might testify in case against ‘Seve’, Herenda refused to do so and said that he is afraid he might be killed in Sarajevo because he knows a lot about involvement of Bosniak wartime military and political leadership in crimes. Lawyer Faruk Balijagic said that he is not surprised with this outcome and he wondered why competent prosecutor’s office in Sarajevo failed to request Herenda’s extradition immediately after the war ended although it was already known back then that he personally killed eight imprisoned soldiers of former Yugoslav Army in a park in Sarajevo. Director of the RS Center for Investigation of War, War Crimes and Search for Missing Persons Milorad Kojic said that there is justified fear that an international factor played a role in refusal of the request for extradition of Herenda. Kojic added that the refusal to extradite Herenda is an attempt to hide crimes of Bosniaks against Serbs and role of the international factor in it.


Early parliamentary elections possible in autumn? (Jutarnji list)


“All options are being considered,” say HDZ sources. “We cannot allow Catholic bishops to dictate policy.” No one from HDZ at this time can say with certainty that early parliamentary elections will be held in the autumn. However, they do admit that “all options are being considered” and that “there is currently no party in the country which can form a governing majority alone, which means we are forced into coalitions which are sometimes more and sometimes less stable, so the early elections we have already witnessed in similar political circumstances are something that cannot be ruled out,” reports Jutarnji List. HDZ sources add that possible early parliamentary elections depend on a whole range of circumstances, and that relations within the HDZ are just one of them, although not the most important one. The threat of calling early elections, which Prime Minister and HDZ President Andrej Plenkovic recently issued to his party leadership when he opened the debate on the Istanbul Convention ratification, adding that he is the one who can bring down the government and would then be in a position to decide party candidates for the new elections, is seen by most HDZ officials as a form of pressure on those parts of a party which oppose the ratification of the Convention. “At this point, the most important thing is to ratify the Istanbul Convention. The opposition against the ratification is focused on HDZ and the attempts to direct party policy from outside it, outside of party bodies,” said a HDZ presidency member, pointing out that there have been several Christian-democratic political parties in Croatia, many Catholic associations and Catholic entrepreneurial initiatives, which have all failed sooner or later. He continued that the “U Ime Obitelji” conservative NGO wants to have political influence, but does not want to be a political party. All these groups, led by the Catholic Church, want to realize their policies through HDZ.


Coalition partners for ratification of Istanbul Convention (HRT)


Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic presented an additional statement to go with the Istanbul Convention to the heads of parliamentary parties that support the governing majority. After the meeting, it was said that coalition partners support the ratification and accept an interpretive statement that will be published along with the proposal for ratification. Croatian Democratic union vice-president Milijan Brkic, who is opposed to the ratification said that differing opinions on the issue within his party are not directed against the Prime Minister of the government and that the Croatian Democratic union will not bring down its own government again. “In the Croatian Democratic Union, there are differing opinions and varying stances. I am no more Croatian Democratic Union than those who think differently, nor are they any less. This will surely not destabilize the Croatian Democratic Union. The Croatian Democratic Union is united, but within it, differing opinions exist. Everyone has their own stance on certain things within society,” he said. Brkic added that “only irresponsible people, especially within the Croatian Democratic Union, can think in a manner that this voting is aimed against the government or Andrej Plenkovic.” “We already did something foolish a year and a half ago, and I hope that was the last time that we bring down our own government,” said Brkic. “We want to emphasize and eliminate concern by those that believe gender ideology is within the document. The interpretive statement will clearly say that no obligations for Croatia exist in regards to applying laws or introducing something into the school system that is related to gender ideology, this will be clearly stated. As far as the Social Democratic Party is concerned I am confident that a significant number of their representatives will support the Istanbul Convention,” said Croatian Democratic Union member and Parliament Speaker Gordan Jandrokovic. The President of the Croatian People’s Party Ivan Vrdoljak explained what is contained in the statement - the essence of the convention, which is the protection of women against violence and domestic violence. The statement is actually important for the prime minister so that with it he can attempt to calm tensions within his own party. Asked why such a statement is being adopted if no one is obligated to anything, Vrdoljak posed a counter question – what is the damage of such a statement? “What damage is done by any statement that contributes to wider social consensus? The process of communication with the public itself shows that Croatia, with political breadth, and also compromise, is achieving ever greater democratic standards,” said Vrdoljak. The President of the Croatian Social Liberal Party and Member of Parliament, Darinko Kosor said that he is satisfied with the interpretive statement, which is in harmony with the constitution. “I figure that all citizens and members of parliament if they recognize the constitution, will accept the statement,” he said. Asked if it has anything to do with gender ideology he said that there is no gender ideology within the convention and this will be contained in the statement, but the Prime Minister will inform the public of this. “The statement has very clearly placed emphasis on violence against women and domestic violence,” said Kosor reminding that every third murder in Croatia is a murder within the family. “Everything else is a question of politics, and we clearly distance ourselves from that political part in the statement,” said Kosor.


Becic and Abazovic confirm cooperation (Dan)


Democratic Montenegro (DCG) and the United Reform Action (URA) Civic Movement will sign a memorandum of political cooperation. As Dan daily finds out, one of the goals of cooperation between the two youngest political entities in Montenegro will be putting a stop to the state’s systematic anti-opposition campaign aimed at diverting the public attention from the catastrophic social and economic circumstances in the country. The memorandum will serve the purpose of regulating mutual rights, obligations and responsibilities between DCG and URA, to the purpose of deposing the current regime in Montenegro. One of the obligations for the two parties will be not to attack one another.


Montenegro expects EU support for reforms to end the negotiation process (CDM)


Speaking to the representatives of EU member states today in Brussels, Deputy Prime Minister Zoran Pazin announced that Montenegro expected the support of EU member states for reforms towards a successful ending negotiation process on the basis of the quality of reforms, as well as on the basis of the achieved trust and cooperation within NATO. “In addition to the quality and good dynamics of our reforms, these expectations are also based on the fact that, by joining NATO and overcoming the recent serious security temptation, we have built strong ties of trust and solidarity with our European partners,” said Pazin. He welcomed the renewed enthusiasm for the idea of ​​a united Europe which was brought by the new EU Enlargement Strategy, affirming the principle of individual assessment of candidate countries’ progress. Pazin also pointed out that the current year represents a milestone for the strategic European path of Montenegro and the whole region, adding that Montenegro was ready to open all remaining negotiation chapters in 2018 and to focus on reforms that would lead to the final closure of the negotiation process.


US supports resolution of name dispute as soon as possible (MIA)


The United States continues to support ongoing United Nations-led talks on the Macedonia name issue and urges its Parliament to focus on the needed reforms, says the US Department of State.

In a statement to MIA ahead of Thursday's visit to Skopje of the Greek Foreign Minister, a Department of State spokesperson said the US supports also the resolution of this long-standing disagreement as soon as possible. "We hope that the leaders of Macedonia and Greece will find a mutually agreeable solution to the name dispute as soon as possible in the interest of Euro-Atlantic integration, economic prosperity, peace, and security in the region," reads the statement.

The statement of the US administration comes ahead of a meeting of the foreign ministers of Macedonia and Greece, Nikola Dimitrov and Nikos Kotzias, scheduled on 30 March in Vienna with UN name envoy Matthew Nimetz. The meeting is considered yet another attempt to harmonize positions aimed at finding a mutually acceptable name settlement, MIA's Washington correspondent reports. On Thursday, FM will visit Macedonia where he will meet his counterpart Dimitrov and PM Zoran Zaev to discuss the contents of the two draft-agreements - the document sent by Macedonia to Athens and the Greek one sent to Skopje. They contain proposals for resolving the name issue. On the implementation of the Law on the Use of Languages, adopted last week, the US calls on ruling parties and the opposition to keep supporting reforms.

"It is important that Parliament move forward on its agenda and focus on the needed reforms; reforms that all parties have said they support. As Prime Minister Zaev has said, it is the duty and responsibility of the government and political leaders to advance the interests of all of the country’s citizens," reads the statement of the Department of State to MIA.


Turkey affirms support of Macedonia’s accession to NATO (MIA)


Turkey remains staunch supporter of Macedonia’s bid to join NATO, Premier Binali Yıldırım told Wednesday in Ankara to Macedonian Defense Minister Rdamila Sekerinska.

Sekerisnka also held talks with Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu, who said that Turkey’s support of Macedonia’s accession to NATO would be voiced at the Alliance’s ministerial meeting in April and the organization’s summit in Brussels in June. Sekerinska extended gratitude for Turkey’s support, saying that NATO ‘open door’ policy is rather significant for Macedonia, the Ministry of Defense said in a press release. Macedonia, she said, has been working of reforms and settling of problems that stand on the road to NATO membership.’


Macedonia – Belgium – political consultations (MIA)


The Ministries of Foreign Affairs of Macedonia and Belgium held political consultation on Wednesday in Skopje. The gathering was co-chaired by Victor Dimovski – State Secretary of Macedonia’s Foreign Affairs Ministry and Annick Van Calster, Director for Bilateral Affairs of Belgian MoFA. The talks were focused on the development of the bilateral relations, reform processes in Macedonia on its road to the EU, NATO membership, as well as the country’s activities for advancing the relations with its neighbors, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said in a press release. The meeting commended the Macedonia-Belgium relations in the spirit of mutual trust, friendship and commitment to their further advancing. Macedonian officials commended Belgium’s regular support of Macedonia’s bid to join the Euro-Atlantic organizations, while their Belgian colleagues reaffirmed the support of official Brussels of Macedonia’s reforms, whose ultimate goal is a full-fledged EU and NATO membership, the press release reads.


SPO opens investigation on Gruevski and Ahmeti over 2011 census suspension (MIA)


The Special Prosecutor's Office (SPO) has opened three investigations against 25 individuals and four legal entities for abuse of office, fraud and money laundering. The first investigation dubbed "Census" focuses on former VMRO-DPMNE president Nikola Gruevski and DUI leader Ali Ahmeti. "They are suspected of using their authority as party leaders in agreeing to suspend the 2011 population census, hiding the unfavorable facts about the country's demographic and economic structure, resulting in enormous emigration of the population," said prosecutor Fatime Fetai at Wednesday's press conference. In order to avoid responsibility, they told the public that the census was stopped for technical reasons. Budget damages amount to about EUR 2, 85 million. "In simple terms, the suspects realized that the census would result in enormous damages to the then ruling VMRO-DPMNE and DUI and them as party leaders. Therefore, guided by personal interests and maintaining their power in society, they decided to throw away the money spent by that time," added Fetai. The second investigation codenamed "Strongman" refers to a MP who used his influence with the mayor of Makedonski Brod to manipulate the municipal council into selling a state-owned building in village Iziste, which served as the seat for Plasnica municipality, to his father. The third case codenamed "Aktor" relates to the favoring of a Greek namesake company in the construction of motorway section Demir Kapija-Smokvica, despite a better offer by an Italian company. Former PM Nikola Gruevski ordered former minister of transport and communications Mile Janakieski to eliminate Italian company "Toto" from the tender, because it was represented by 'the communists' in Macedonia. The minister told the evaluation committee to choose Aktor, thus damaging the state by EUR 7, 8 million. In addition, there is suspicion of money laundering in the case, with four companies paying enormous salaries to the employees, which were immediately converted into euros in Negotino and given in cash to the Greeks. This resulted in the laundering of EUR 31, 8 million in the period 2012-2016. Ten individuals and four entities are subject of the investigation.


Minister Bushati on official visit to Germany (ADN)


Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs Ditmir Bushati started on Wednesday an official visit to Germany as part of his tour in all capitals of EU member countries. During his stay there, the minister will hold a meeting with the State Minister for Europe, Michael Roth. He will inform him on Albania's progress with regard to reforms and will also exchange views on the situation in the region and Europe. The agenda of the FM includes meetings with German parliamentarians, representatives of various political parties in the Bundestag, including Chairman of the Foreign Policy Committee Norbert Roettgen, and the Chairman of the Committee on European Affairs, Gunther Krichbaum.


Bushati evaluates EU support toward integration (ADN)


Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs, Ditmir Bushati, received on Wednesday in Tirana the members of the EU Political Affairs and Security Committee. The main topics of the discussion were Albania's foreign policy, the country's cooperation and contribution in civil and military operations of the EU, but also in NATO. During this meeting, Minister highly praised the support of EU member countries for democratic transformation processes in the country and in the European integration process. He highlighted the impact of enlargement policy in Balkan countries and stressed the importance of reforms in the field of justice. From the other hand, Representatives of EU member countries praised, among other things, the progress of reforms and Albania's contribution to strengthening regional cooperation. They underlined the importance of strengthening the European perspective of the Balkan region and stressed the need to resolve as soon as possible all the bilateral disputes as an important contribution to the acceleration of the European integration process.


OSCE Proposes to test electronic voting (ADN)


The Ambassador of OSCE Presence in Albania, Bernd Borchardt, said on Wednesday that electronic voting should be tested before next elections. "We have consistently suggested testing in a limited number of areas for the 2019 local elections. Electronic voting can reduce some of the risks for the elections, but it creates new ones, for example the risk of hackers, if it is online," underlined the Ambassador. Borchardt praised the Committee's dedication and stressed the need for a thorough and timely electoral reform, which will address ODIHR recommendations and other key issues. "Numerous accusations of vote buying affected public confidence and it is needed political willpower to fight this phenomenon. We are paying particular attention to the cases of electoral violations denounced in the Prosecution," said Borchardt. In a meeting organized by the OSCE Presence, the Co-chairs of the ad hoc Committee on Electoral Reform, Bledar Uci and Oerd Bylykbashi, informed representatives of international community in Albania about electoral reform developments and answered their questions.




Belgrade Could Host a Putin-Trump Meeting – Serbian FM (Sputnik, 22 March 2018)


MOSCOW - Belgrade offers to host a meeting of Russian President Vladimir Putin and his US counterpart Donald Trump in Belgrade, Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic told Sputnik.

"Serbia offers to hold a publicly announced meeting of Vladimir Putin and Donald Trump in Belgrade," the minister said. Dacic added that Belgrade is ready to "host a meeting that is important for the whole world." "Serbia as a militarily neutral state has a needed potential in terms of foreign policy capabilities to receive presidents of Russia and the United States," the minister said. On Tuesday, Putin and Trump agreed in a phone conversation that there was a need for a meeting to discuss the issues on the bilateral agenda.

In October and November 2017, Belgrade served as a neutral platform for Russian-US talks, as Russian presidential aide Vladislav Surkov and US Special Representative for Ukraine Negotiations Kurt Volker discussed the situation in Ukraine there.



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