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Belgrade Media Report 29 March 2018



Vucic seeks advice from Putin, Putin pledges support (B92)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic has spoken on the telephone with Russian President Vladimir Putin. The Serbian presidency announced this is a statement late on Wednesday, adding that Vucic informed Putin about the latest events in Kosovo and Metohija, particularly about the brutal attack on the Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Marko Djuric, who was beaten by Albanian forces through no fault of his own. “President Vucic asked for the opinion and advice of the president of the Russian Federation, on how to counter Pristina's violence and aggression, since it is completely clear that Albanians have broad support of numerous Western countries for their unilaterally declared independence and the acts that result from it,” the statement said.  It is added that Putin told Vucic his country was carefully monitoring the events in Kosovo and Metohija, and strongly condemning Pristina's actions and the violence against the Serb people. “The violent behavior against high ranking Serbian officials is unacceptable and deserving of every condemnation,” Putin is quoted as saying. The statement stresses that Putin emphasized Russia accepts only the implementation of UN Security Council Resolution 1244, and that only that which is taking place within the framework of Resolution 1244 can have international legal effect. “President Putin stressed that Serbia is the key partner of Russia in the Balkans, but also in Europe, and that the Russian Federation will support the Republic of Serbia and its struggle to preserve its independence and territorial integrity,” the statement said, and continued: “President Putin stressed that he is aware of the pressure exerted on President Vucic and Serbia, and that, accordingly, he will be taking further measures and reacting in time, and stressed that the two presidents will remain in contact. At the end of the conversation, both presidents expressed hope and expectation that common sense would prevail, as well as normal, civilized politics, and that all political conflicts would be resolved peacefully.”

According to this, Putin also pointed out that economic relations between the two countries are developing in the best possible way, with a 23 percent increase in trade, and that he expects even more significant cooperation and even greater inflows of mutual investments between the two countries. The statement added that Vucic used the opportunity to congratulate Putin on the convincing victory in the Russian presidential election, and expressed his belief that this victory would contribute to the advancement of Russian-Serbian ties, but also of more equitable relations in the world. Vucic expressed his deepest condolences over the terrible tragedy in the Russian town of Kemerovo, and said that the Serbian people, together with the Russian people, today mourn for the huge number of victims of a fire there, including a large number of children.

“President Vucic told President Putin that Serbia will not take part in any measures against the Russian Federation and that it will not expel Russian diplomats, despite the fact that almost all countries in the region have already done so. Presidents Vucic and Putin agreed that they will be in constant contact due to the seriousness of the overall political situation,” the statement concluded. After his phone conversation with Putin, Vucic told the media that he felt he received the highest degree of support from the Russian President.


Scott and Vucic advocate lowering of tension (Beta)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and US Ambassador to Serbia Kyle Scott concurred regarding the recent events in Kosovska Mitrovica, that provocation, the use of force and disrespect were unacceptable and did not help the creation of an adequate environment for stability in the region. According to the statement issued by the Serbian president’s Media Relations Office, Vucic and Scott discussed relations between Belgrade and Pristina after the events in Kosovska Mitrovica and about Vucic’s meeting with the Assistant US Secretary of State for European and Eurasian affairs Wess Mitchell.  They concurred that it was important to lower tension, and for all sides to calmly approach disputes and solve them, and avoid steps that would complicate the already tense situation. Ambassador Scott appealed to the sides to focus on the normalization of relations through dialogue, with EU mediation, and declared his country's readiness to support all sides in negotiations. Vucic said he believed that Serbia, its representatives and the Serbs bore no responsibility for the incident, but he completely agreed with Scott about the preservation of peace being of the utmost importance for all who live in this region, the statement reads.


Popovic: Russian President’s historical message to Serbia (RTS)


Minister Nenad Popovic has told the morning news of Radio and Television of Serbia (RTS) that the message of Russian President Vladimir Putin to the Serb people, Serbia and President Vucic is historical since this is a message of peace and stability, a message not only to Serbia that Russia will be with it, but a message to all disenfranchised Serbs in Kosovo that Serbia and Russia will do everything jointly to preserve peace and stability for them as well. Vucic’s message is that we should all be peaceful and stable in order to talk with the Albanians to find a compromise. He needs to respect the Serbian Constitution and, as Putin said, Russia respects UNSCR 1244 and this is the only internationally recognized document. Popovic says that most of the Western countries are trying to ignore this resolution and international messages.


Djuric: Support to conclusions of Kosovo Serbs (RTS/Tanjug)


Belgrade supports the conclusions of the Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija, the Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Marko Djuric said. “Serbia advocates peace, Serbia wants to preserve peace and this is why we support the conclusions of the Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija and their intention to commence the formation of the Community of Serb Municipalities (ZSO), which is their right according to the Brussels agreement, according to domestic and international laws,” said Djuric. He told certain Pristina ministers who are threatening with arrest if the ZSO is formed, that they should first arrest themselves because they have not been implementing the agreement for five years. Djuric says that all of Serbia could see on Monday what kind of threat the formation of the Kosovo army would pose for the state. He says that the Kosovo army would have only one function – to fight against the Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija, their interests and the state of Serbia. It is very important that none of you accepts participation in this illegal armed formation on the territory of our country that would be fighting against the interests of Serbia, Serbs and all other inhabitants in Kosovo and Metohija who have Serbia in their heart,” said Djuric.  Commenting KFOR’s interest in the flights of the Army of Serbia airplanes above Presevo, Djuric says this is regular military activity that has been announced more than a year ago. “KFOR says it is conducting expected checks. I haven’t noticed that they conducted such checks when hundreds of masked and armed, for me, terrorists, intruded northern Kosovska Mitrovica on Monday. I didn’t see either KFOR or expected checks then,” said Djuric.


All sides should refrain from provocations – OSCE (Tanjug)


OSCE Chairman-in-Office Italian Foreign Minister Angelino Alfano and OSCE Secretary General Thomas Greminger have called on Belgrade and Pristina to return to dialogue. “In light of the March 26 events in northern Kosovo and subsequent developments, the OSCE chairmanship-in-office and the OSCE secretary general call on all sides to refrain from provocations and reengage in constructive dialogue,” Alfano and Greminger are quoted as stating in a press release. “We deplore the events of 26 March. They represent a serious escalation of the situation in Kosovo and threaten to undermine the remarkable achievements of the normalization process, thus causing significant tension and instability. All efforts must be made to avoid provocations,” they said. The press release also noted that Kosovo police special units intervened on Monday at a meeting and arrested Serbian government official Marko Djuric, citing the lack of permission to visit and that during the intervention, 32 people were injured.

“We call on all parties to do their utmost to defuse tensions and resume the normalization dialogue. The OSCE remains committed to supporting the dialogue and contributing to the implementation of agreements, including the Association/Community of Serb-majority municipalities in Kosovo,” said Alfano and Greminger.




Vucic meets Ivanic in Belgrade (TV1/BHT1/FTV)


Serb member of the B&H Presidency Mladen Ivanic met with Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic in Belgrade on Wednesday. Vucic said that good relations between Serbia and B&H are of essential significance for the preservation of peace and stability in the region, but also for the economic progress of the Western Balkans. Vucic stressed that Serbia is committed to having the best possible political and economic relations with B&H because, according to him, this is in the interest of the Serb people in the RS and B&H. Following the meeting, Ivanic told reporters that international institutions have to be aware of the fact that if they are making an exception somewhere, it cannot be limited and has to be applied everywhere. "If they do not want that, then they cannot apply this in the case of Kosovo. But, I am against the story according to which if Serbia loses Kosovo, it will ask for the RS, because I believe that means either one or the other. It is logical to say that we want things in Kosovo to be in accordance with the Constitution of Serbia and things in the RS to be in accordance with the Constitution of B&H," Ivanic underlined.  Ivanic emphasized the need to solve the border issue between B&H and Serbia as soon as possible. Commenting on possible influence of the Kosovo incident on the situation in B&H, Ivanic told reporters after the meeting that the Serb people in B&H have the RS as the framework that they succeeded to win. He said that he does not support stories like “if we lose Kosovo we will then demand the RS since this means one or the other.” “It seems logical that we can say that we want for the things in Kosovo to remain the way they are in line with the Constitution of Serbia, as well as for the things in the RS to remain in line with the Constitution of B&H. I think that this would actually be the biggest national interest,” Ivanic explained. He also said that he informed Vucic about problems with regard the Election Law of B&H and noted that this might become a serious problem with possibility to have Mostar-like situation.


Ivanic: No one requested B&H to banish Russian diplomats (BNTV)


Guest of BNTV central news was Serb member of B&H Presidency Mladen Ivanic. The reporter reminded that during Wednesday meeting with Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic, Ivanic said that he expects the international community (IC) to have same approach towards Kosovo and the RS. Ivanic explained that since the IC insists that the RS is part of B&H, it means that Kosovo should be observed as part of Serbia. He also stated that he does not support those advocating principle that Serbs should focus to one – the RS or Kosovo. “In this way, we would give up on the RS or Kosovo,” explained Serb member of B&H Presidency. Ivanic also said that during meeting with Vucic, they discussed issue of Kosovo and agreed that situation related to Kosovo is rather complex. Ivanic stressed that he informed Vucic about current situation in B&H and developments related to amending of the election legislation of B&H. Ivanic stressed that it is still not clear if it will be possible to implement results of upcoming general elections in B&H unless solution related to electoral legislation is found. Ivanic went on saying that issue of border dispute between B&H and Serbia was also discussed at this meeting, underlining that resolving of this issue requires political will, primarily of political Sarajevo. “Resolving of border dispute with Serbia can be sort of example for solving of more complex issue – border dispute with Croatia,” stressed Ivanic. The reporter reminded that B&H authorities did not pass decision to banish any Russian diplomat, underlining that many European countries did it due to recent developments. Ivanic said that no one asked B&H to do so, emphasizing that no member of B&H Presidency launched such initiative. He stressed that even if someone requests banishing of Russian diplomats, he will reject such request. Ivanic stated that in his opinion no Serb politician in B&H would support initiative to banish Russian diplomats. “Russia is friendly country for us,” said Ivanic.


Dodik: B&H and Kosovo are examples of failed attempts of foreigners to create states (RTRS)


In a statement given to RTRS, RS President Milorad Dodik assessed that B&H and self-proclaimed Kosovo are the most exact examples of failed attempts of foreigners to create states Dodik said that foreigners function in line with the Fukuyama’s approach to creation of state or nation, so they created many problems worldwide, including Balkans, Libya and Syria where they “used various ‘spring revolutions’ to overthrow regimes they did not like, when actually they were trying to impose new state structures”. Dodik said that one cannot trust agreements because the West does not see Serbia or Serb people as their partners. “They see us only for as long as we are fulfilling their expectations and wishes, including ones related to Kosovo,” Dodik concluded.


New round of talks between B&H political leaders and representatives of US Embassy in B&H and EUD to B&H fails to yield results (TV1)


A new round of talks between B&H political leaders and representatives of the US Embassy in B&H and the EU Delegation (EUD) to B&H dedicated to laws which are of key importance for the functioning of the state of B&H has failed to yield results. Namely, participants of the meeting, which was held in the residence of US Ambassador to B&H Maureen Cormack on Tuesday, discussed amendments to the B&H Election Law, but also amendments to the Law on Criminal Procedure, but failed to come to an agreement. Ambassador Cormack said that European and US administration will not impose solutions. "We believe that local politicians are the ones who should find a solution. We believe that there are solutions. They need to find solutions and we are there of course to give support and organize meetings," Ambassador Cormack underlined. Head of the EUD to B&H Lars-Gunnar Wigemark underlined that all solutions need to be acceptable to everyone in B&H. "It is necessary to reach a compromise," Wigemark said. According to TV1, the international community does not have any proposals. TV1 noted that HDZ B&H leader Dragan Covic and SDA leader Bakir Izetbegovic are key individuals as far as amendments to the B&H Election Law are concerned and that their agreement would lead to relaxation of relations. However, according to TV1, it seems that Covic and Izetbegovic have never been farther apart. TV1 noted that the situation in which B&H political leaders cannot or do not want to solve certain issues only benefits them and no one else, given that they charge their incompetence well. According to TV1, B&H political leaders are always blaming someone else for their inability to find a solution and they are expecting a third party, i.e. the international community, to hand them the solutions they need.

Meanwhile, High Representative Valentin Inzko said that the international community will give an opportunity to representatives of parliamentary parties to agree on amendments to the Election Law of B&H by April, possibly by the beginning of May, after which, as Inzko announced, the international community will increase the pressure, because it will not allow B&H to be turned into a Mostar case. However, according to TV1, B&H political leaders are not feeling any pressure, while problems in B&H are deepening, and solutions are not being offered. TV1 concluded that based on the efforts made so far by B&H political leaders, there were no changes, no solutions and no progress, adding that it will take a miracle for stances in B&H to be harmonized.


Agreement on formation of Coalition ‘Zajedno za B&H’ reached in Srebrenica (BHT1)


Agreement on formation of the Coalition ‘Zajedno za B&H’ (‘Together for B&H’), formed by 10 pro-Bosnian political entities in the RS, was reached in Srebrenica on Wednesday. This coalition consists of SDA, BPS, SB&H, HDZ 1990, ‘Hrvatski Blok B&H’ (‘Croat Bloc BiH’), HSP, HSP B&H, ‘Posavska Stranka’ (‘Posavina Party’), ‘Bosnjacki Pokret’ (‘Bosniak Movement’), and Movement ‘Odgovor’ (‘Response’). Joint principles of performance of this coalition in this year’s general election have also been agreed on, while candidates will be discussed at the next meetings. The plan is that the coalition focuses on rights and interests of returnees of Bosniak and Croat ethnicity, as well as other citizens deprived of basic rights guaranteed to them by the Constitution of B&H. SDA Deputy President Adil Osmanovic stated that only respectable persons should be proposed as candidates for the elections. Leader of Movement ‘Odgovor’ Camil Durakovic assessed that the RS authorities focus on rights of Serb people, while Bosniaks and Croats are mainly marginalized despite being constituent peoples. Durakovic underlined that this coalition will tend to change this by offering a new policy. Durakovic said that the coalition will become relevant in the RS if it wins enough posts in the RS Assembly to prevent passing decisions without their support. Member of HDZ 1990 Presidency Mijo Perkovic called on other Croat parties in the area of the RS to join this coalition and to try to achieve best possible results in the upcoming elections.


Bojanic: Expelling Russian diplomat from Podgorica is irresponsible and hasty decision (Vijesti)


Presidential candidate Mladen Bojanic assessed the government decision on expelling the Russian diplomat as irresponsibility and passing of a hasty decision based on unclear suspicion, adding that Montenegro didn’t need this. “We need a balanced, responsible diplomacy that will estimate, based on evidence and facts, what is in our national interest. Diplomatic activity must take into account long-term interests, and in addition to membership in the EU, it must be guided by wise and prudent assessments, trying to protect these interests to the greatest possible extent from geopolitical challenges, conflicts and interest tendencies of the big players,” concluded Bojanic in a statement.


Opposition representatives make coalitions for elections in Podgorica (CDM)


Based on the success achieved in Berane, Democratic Front (DF) and Socialist People’s Party (SNP) are forming a coalition for elections in Podgorica, but possibly in some other cities, CdM learns. Coalition in Podgorica should also be formalised by the Democrats and the URA Civic Movement. After the presidential elections, the coalition could be agreed between Demos and Social Democratic Party (SDP), as well. Podgorica is the most important political arena for oppositionists. According to CdM’s source from DF, the alliance has already spoken to SNP about a coalition in the City of Podgorica. “I think this coalition is certain. The example of Berane has shown that we can cooperate well and that people trust us and show confidence. Podgorica is strategically most important. We have to take Podgorica from the clutches of DPS,” CdM’s source from this political alliance said. The source did not rule out the coalition of DF and SNP in some other cities in the local elections scheduled for 27 May.


Zaev: Process on government coalition broadening to be finalized next week (Republika)


Hopefully the process for broadening the government coalition should be wrapped up next week, Prime Minister Zoran Zaev told reporters on Wednesday. Talks on the matter are underway with the Turkish Democratic Party (TDP), Zaev said, pointing out that the TDP MP already supports the parliamentary majority. TDP sets no conditions for joining the government coalition, he added. The two parties, derived from BESA movement, may be also invited to join the government coalition. Their MPs have been cooperating as they believe in the concept promoted by the government, Zaev said. “Afterwards we shall talk with other opposition parties and MPs,” Zaev said, notifying that government advocates an ‘open door’ policy. It means that the Prime Minister is ready at all times for talks with politicians, MPs, parties that support the government’s policies. “I am talking about issues, such as Greece’s problem with Macedonia’s name, reform process, the one society for all concept, and everything that is significant for improving the living standard of citizens,” Zaev said.


Name talks are intensifying, says EU ambassador (MIA)


There is commitment and discussions are intensifying, which is good. We eagerly expect the meetings later this week, said EU Ambassador Samuel Zbogar on Wednesday. "It is good to see that discussions are intensifying. We see commitment from both sides for a mutually acceptable solution. We eagerly expect the meetings later this week. The EU is closely monitoring this issue and supports the process," Zbogar told reporters during a visit to Prilep.


Kotzias: Greece should not be afraid of a compromise with a small country (Republika)


The name should not have irredentist elements, it should be a compound with a geographical qualifier with an adjective and to indicate that it is not Greek Macedonia, Greek Foreign Minister Nikos Kotzias said in his address at the presentation of the book “The Macedonia Issue” by journalist Nikos Mertzos. We need to find a complex name that will express the particularity and geographical position of this country, while at the same time it will not offend either of the two parties, Kotzias believes. The Greek Foreign Minister, referring to patriotism, said that patriotism is not to deny the right of the other party to be proud of its history, “if it is real and not counterfeit.” According to the Greek Minister, the agreement should be stable and durable and develop trust between the two sides. He urged that a compromise should be made since Greece should not be afraid. We cannot be afraid, the strong Greece, Greece with a long history, Greece of Alexander the Great, Greece with great history, Aristotle’s philosophy, etc., to be afraid to make a compromise with a small country that has not yet found its identity , Kotzias added and explained that “people from the neighboring country accept that the words Macedonian and Macedonian language don’t refer to Alexander the Great”.


Greek gov’t spokesman: The ball is in neighbor’s court (MIA)


There should be a solution within Greece’s request for a compound ‘erga omnes’ name and now the ball is in the court of the neighboring country, government spokesman Dimitris Tzanakopoulos said in an interview with the national ERT network. The neighboring country has done a lot by abandoning ‘the radical, nationalistic stances of previous governments in Skopje’, Tzanakopoulos said. He once again notified that both countries were demonstrating political will, MIA Athens correspondent reports. Tzanakopoulos considers the main issue related to the name dispute settlement is the amendment of the neighboring country’s constitution – the key prerequisite for meeting the Greek ‘erga omnes’ demand.




Telephone conversation with Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic (Kremlin website, 28 March 2018)


On Serbia’s initiative, Vladimir Putin had a telephone conversation with President of the Republic of Serbia Aleksandar Vucic.

Aleksandar Vucic expressed his sincere condolences over the tragedy in Kemerovo.

The officials discussed matters related to the Kosovo settlement in the context of the provocative action against Director of the Serbian Government’s Office for Kosovo and Metohija, Marko Juric, taken by the Pristina authorities in Mitrovica, Kosovo, on 26 March.

The Russian President expressed strong condemnation of the actions that violate UN Security Council Resolution 1244. He stressed that unfailing implementation of this resolution should underlie any Kosovo settlement.

The officials also addressed current issues of the Russian-Serbian strategic partnership.

Aleksandar Vucic congratulated Vladimir Putin on winning the presidential election.


Presidents of Belarus, Serbia discuss development prospects of bilateral relations (BelTA, 28 March 2018)


MINSK – Belarus President Alexander Lukashenko had a telephone conversation with Serbia President Aleksandar Vucic on 28 March, BelTA learned form the press service of the Belarusian leader. The heads of state discussed the current state of affairs and prospects of bilateral relations between Belarus and Serbia, including the ways to increase bilateral trade. The sides mentioned common approached in politics, to the issues on the regional and international agenda. The Serbian president asked to welcome his special representative in Belarus who will arrive within the next few days. Aleksandar Vucic informed the Belarusian head of state about the details of the conflict in Kosovo which took place on 26 March. The Serbian president invited Alexander Lukashenko to pay an official visit to Serbia. The Belarusian president accepted the invitation. Concrete terms of the visit will be harmonized through diplomatic channels.