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Belgrade Media Report 04 April



Dacic: Paper on agreement with so-called Kosovo still empty (RTV)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic will have from 10 to 12 April a series of key talks with significant international leaders on the topic of Kosovo and Metohija. It is not up to me to say with whom he will talk and this is not about secrecy, but about the fact that there is cacophony of different information in the public, where the truth is lost – that technical talks on normalization of life in Kosovo and Metohija are conducted in Brussels and that they don’t imply talks on a lasting solution, Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic told RTV. He said that formal talks between Belgrade and Pristina about the legally-binding agreement have not started because this agreement is not in one single document of the UN General Assembly, but part of one text of the EU, which was written by Stefan Fule and who drafted then, not knowing what he can write and for this to be acceptable for all, one formulation that is even today interpreted in different ways.

“Nobody knows what this legally-binding agreement needs to contain and this is an empty formulation that doesn’t designate the essence on normalization of relations. At this moment, there is no consensus in EU regarding the status of the so-called Kosovo. This paper has not even started to be filled in,” said Dacic. He notes that the state position is that any story on a seat for the so-called Kosovo in the UN is out of the question. “Serbia cannot give away anything to anyone, because it doesn’t depend so much from us as much it depends from Russia and China, so it would mean then that Serbia should push Russia and China to vote for Kosovo’s admission to the UN, without dialogue finalized,” he said. Commenting allegations on informal meetings of the Serbian state leadership with Kosovo Albanian leaders, Dacic says he would like more such meetings without mediators. “I used to meet with Hashim Thaci many times at different gatherings. There have been no official talks on the legally-binding agreement. There is exchange of opinions on how to resolve the problem in Kosovo and Metohija,” said Dacic.


Dacic: Serbia to insist on deadline for Brussels agreement (RTS)


Serbia should not abandon the Brussels agreement, but should insist on knowing until when its implementation with last, said Dacic told RTS. “The public needs to realize that there is currently a dialogue on technical issues, and that the dialogue on a lasting solution has not even started because Pristina doesn’t want these talks,” said Dacic. He is certain that former EU high representative Catherine Ashton would withdraw her signature from the Brussels agreement, because she is disappointed with its implementation. “This agreement either exists or it doesn’t exist, whether the EU will fulfill this or not, there are the guarantor, we should not even deal with this,” said Dacic. Asked whether it is realistic for the ZSO to be formed on 20 April since Pristina is threatening with new arrests, Dacic says Serbs form what has been agreed unlike the Albanians who formed illegal institutions during 1990s. “All of them are lying, lying before the eyes of the international public which is silent to their lies,” said Dacic. To the statement by Kosovo Deputy Prime Minister Enver Hoxhai that dialogue is impossible over Belgrade’s aggressive campaign for revoking Pristina’s independence, Dacic replied with a counter question: “And it is not an aggressive campaign when they go with US, French, British and Islamic countries’ ambassadors to force other countries to recognize Kosovo. That is the peak of impudence and cynicism,” said Dacic. Asked if it turns out that the Brussels agreement is only a dead letter, would he realize his idea to withdraw his signature from this agreement, Dacic asked whether Serbia is the one that didn’t implement the Brussels agreement. “You cannot ask from somebody who fulfilled obligations to be responsible for something that someone else didn’t do,” said Dacic. He reiterated that the only possible and quickly achievable idea for the Kosovo issue is demarcation, i.e. division. Dacic says that Serbia needs to protect its national and state interests, to pay attention to the geostrategic situation and Serbia’s future. Asked whether he excludes the possibility that the Serbian Army will have to intervene in Kosovo and Metohija and whether this is realistic and possible, Dacic says that we are now entering the sphere of public speech that would not be good to pronounce at all in the public sphere. “You want me to say that we will not react if they attack the north, which means that they can freely attack, or that we will use the army – and then everybody will jump and say ‘you are preparing for war’,” said Dacic.


Ljajic: Frozen conflict not a solution to Kosovo issue (RTS/B92)


Serbian Minister for Trade and Telecommunications Rasim Ljajic told RTS that a frozen conflict is not a solution to the Kosovo issue, but rather a postponement of one. “Proponents of a frozen conflict say that international circumstances may change, so Serbia will then address the issue of Kosovo under more favorable conditions. What if international circumstances change to our detriment, and we are in a more difficult position? This is not a solution, it is a way to postpone resolving the Kosovo issue,” Ljajic said. According to him, Pristina and Belgrade can hardly agree on Kosovo, but the internal dialogue in Serbia is a good thing because different opinions and attitudes are being heard. He added that he was not sure that resolving the Kosovo issue would go quickly and easily, because he thinks the positions Serbia and Pristina are far apart. “The public, neither here nor there, is not ready for a lasting and compromise solution, and we also have an international community that is too weak and incapable to at this time start looking for a lasting and compromise solution,” Ljajic said. According to him, the ball is partly in Serbia’s yard, but much more in the international yard and the area of Pristina, however, it is up to Serbia to insist on dialogue. “As stereotypically and unrealistic as it may sound, negotiations have no alternative. They must eventually lead to a solution,” Ljajic said. He added that Serbia must assume a proactive role that what has been agreed is implemented, and also in the sense of seeking international allies, which will strengthen the position of Serbia.


Scott: No need for Vucic to feel that way about Western partners (B92)


US Ambassador to Serbia Kyle Scott has commented on a dispute over the upcoming EU- Western Balkans summit in Sofia, Bulgaria. Spain, Romania and Cyprus have announced they will not participate in the official part of the summit, if Kosovo representatives are present as well. "This summit is important for the process of European integration, and everyone should take part. I hope everyone will be there," Scott said. He also spoke about a future "legally binding agreement" between Belgrade and Pristina. "I can imagine this agreement being signed by the end of this year, if all parties are committed to the dialogue," Scott said. The US ambassador also commented on a series of statements made by senior officials, about Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic feeling betrayed by Western partners. "There is no need for that, we are partners with both Kosovo and Serbia," Scott said. He also told reporters the May summit in Sofia and the new EU strategy are very important for the progress of the countries in the region in European integration. For Serbia, it must be most important to focus on the long-term goal, which is EU integration, he added. Scott also recalled that Vucic's priority is EU membership, and that he accepted that a legally binding agreement on the normalization of relations with Pristina was needed.


Kocijancic: EU, Serbia agreed to find new ways toward solution (Tanjug)


EU High Representative Federica Mogherini and Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic agreed at their March 27 meeting in Belgrade to find new ways for a resumption of work and a peaceful resolution of open issues between Belgrade and Pristina, European Commission spokeswoman Maja Kocijancic said on Tuesday. Kocijancic was responding to a Tanjug query whether the EU would change its approach to the dialogue considering that Pristina, in addition to arrests of Serbian officials in Kosovo and Metohija, does not comply with the agreements reached, in particular the establishment of the Community of Serb Municipalities.




B&H Presidency members discuss changes to Election Law with Palmer and Cormack (Dnevni avaz)


Members of the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Bakir Izetbegovic, Dragan Covic and Mladen Ivanic held separate meetings on Tuesday with Acting US Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Europe and Eurasia Matthew Palmer and US Ambassador to B&H Maureen Cormack. Statements issued by the Presidency of B&H read that all three meetings focused on current situation in B&H and the region, reforms and Euro-Atlantic path of B&H, and changes to the Election Law. Participants underlined that the United States provide continuous support to processes aimed at implementing reforms and establishing the rule of law in B&H, as well as to fulfillment of conditions for country’s membership in Euro-Atlantic integration. According to Oslobodjenje daily, Izetbegovic said during the meeting that solution for changes to the Election Law must not be in collision with the Constitution of the Federation of B&H. During the meeting with Covic, participants agreed that it is necessary to resolve the issue of changes to the Election Law, with “minimal changes to the Election Law that would satisfy constitutional and international standards”.


Dodik: Foreigners can see their favorites fail (RTRS)


Republika Srpska (RS) President Milorad Dodik assessed that there are two games in the efforts of US Ambassador Maureen Cormack and Head of EU Delegation Lars- Gunnar Wigemark, towards changing of the Election Law of B&H, because they see their favorites fail, and which is why they are trying to intervene to change the Law. Dodik noted that one game is with the proposal for introducing digitalization in election process and the second game regards ruling of Constitutional Court of B&H concerning the Croats. He reminded that the law on digitalization is yet to be adopted, but considering the fact that elections are to be announced on May 7th, there is no chance to apply this law, which “creates conditions for having no conditions to hold elections in line with the law”. “This is why this intervention is going on, because they see their favorites in B&H fail, starting with the member of B&H Presidency Mladen Ivanic to Bakir Izetbegovic and others” said Dodik. He noted that Americans and British are fiercely fighting and they are not hiding that, saying that it is very dangerous for B&H if Dodik gets into B&H Presidency along with Dragan Covic. “If that is the case, first of all they will certainly not be ruling the B&H, as they did until now. We can consult on certain issues, but they want to set solutions, they dictate solutions for these people who want to accept this, but we do not,” said Dodik. He said that this is the reason for insisting on adoption of the law on digitalization on 17 April and then if elections are held, some small political party will sue B&H Central Election Commission arguing that elections were not held in line with the law. “If results of elections are not suitable for foreigners, then the court will say that elections are annulled. So, this is a complete game with everything, with people in B&H, with politics”, said Dodik. He noted that second segment of the Election Law regards to demands for implementing of B&H CC ruling, where Court established that Croats are neglected. He noted that for example, each of cantons in the Federation of B&H is electing one Croat for Federation of B&H House of Peoples, but Bosna Podrinje Canton has no Croats and then “we have situation where one Mustafa declares himself a Croat and is elected to HoP to represent Croats”. He argues that foreigners do not know what to do, being that B&H CC said that this has to be adjusted to Croats. “They are trying to adjust this and Croats ask for this to be transparent. However, foreigners want this to be even more tangled and to be inefficient,” said Dodik. RS President stressed that Election Law has to be agreed among political parties in B&H and not between foreigners or anyone else. “The very fact that they intervened very clearly in this intention to change the law, speaks about their interference in public life. B&H is maintained by some outside consensus, but in order to survive it has to have internal consensus, which does not exist,” said Dodik. He noted that at one point he informed Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic that he offered Ivanic to continue to work in B&H Presidency, under certain conditions, but Ivanic refused.


SDA and DF claim authorities will exist even without changes to Election Law (TV1)


According to SDA and DF, authorities in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) will exist even if changes to B&H Election Law are not carried out, but they will not reflect the will of people. SDA Vice President Sefik Dzaferovic stated that there can be no additional dividing of B&H, and stressed that any changes to the Law have to be harmonized with the Federation of B&H Constitution. He explained that if a member of one people is elected in one canton, he has to be elected to the Federation of B&H House of Peoples (HoP). Dzaferovic said that if there is no compromise, the international community (IC) must plat its role. He said that even without solutions, all institutions will work until new people are elected, but added that it would not be good because institutions will have partial legitimacy. DF leader Zeljko Komsic denied allegations that the Federation of B&H and B&H will lose power after elections, and added that all bodies will be remain to work until they are replaced, especially executive authorities. He noted that this would be unacceptable, and added that there could be issues with adoption of regulations. Komsic said that it would enable political blackmails, but added that currently all laws are being adopted by political blackmails. He further said that he does not expect imposing of solutions by the OHR. Komsic noted that the proposal that is on the table was made by HDZ B&H, and supported by the international community. Both Dzaferovic and Komsic resented the fact that the proposal calls for 2013 census, while the Federation of B&H Constitution reads that only census from 1991 is legitimate.


B&H CoM adopts draft protocol on defining intersection point of borders of B&H, Serbia and Montenegro (Glas Srpske)


B&H Council of Ministers (CoM) adopted the draft protocol on defining of intersection point of borders between Serbia, B&H and Montenegro and this protocol was first harmonized by experts and initialed by authorized representatives of Serbia and Montenegro. Upon completion of the procedure in B&H CoM, B&H Presidency will authorize signing of the protocol. B&H Border Commission stated that the intersection point is located in village Zelena Glava.


Day of RS Police marked in RS (N1)


On the occasion of marking 4 April, the RS Police Day a memorial service was held in Bijeljina on Tuesday for 14 police officers killed in the defensive-patriotic war and flowers were laid at the memorial outside the building of the Bijeljina Police Administration. The Police Administration of Zvornik also marked this day by holding memorial service and laying wreaths at the memorial plaque for 11 police officers killed in the defensive-patriotic war and remembering policeman Dragan Djuric who was killed in a terrorist attack on the police station three years ago.


Croatian Military contingent to join NATO mission in Poland (Hina)


A farewell ceremony was given in the eastern town of Vinkovci on Tuesday for 100 members of Croatia's Guards Armored and Mechanized Brigade who are travelling to Poland to join NATO's Enhanced Forward Presence mission. The ceremony was attended, among others, by Defense Minister Damir Krsticevic and the Chief of the General Staff of the Croatian Armed Forces, General Mirko Sundov. Sundov said that the purpose of deployment of the 2nd Croatian Contingent to Poland was to strengthen NATO's collective deterrent and defence on the alliance's eastern wing. "NATO's Enhanced Forward Presence shows the togetherness and unity of the member states and a strong transatlantic bond," he said, adding that by participating in the mission Croatia was reaffirming its solidarity with its partners and proving that it was a credible member of the alliance committed to its common goals.


Darmanovic: By expelling Russian diplomat Montenegro has shown solidarity (RTCG)


By expelling Russian diplomat Montenegro has shown solidarity with NATO and EU allies, Foreign Minister Srdjan Darmanovic said. During his visit to Bulgaria, he reminded that Montenegro, over the Skripal affair, expelled one Russian diplomat and denied the working consent to the honorary consul of the Russian Federation, while Moscow responded with the same measure. Darmanovic said that Montenegro decided to follow the EU policy. He said that in October 2016, Montenegro was the victim of Russian attack, in the attempted terrorist attack case. Darmanovic said that the allies then gave us support to investigate what was happening and to show the world what happened. "Now is the time to show the same solidarity, we have taken our NATO membership and future membership into the EU seriously and we believe that we need to defend common values. Of course, no one wants to be in conflict with Russia, especially small states like Montenegro, this is not a game, we want good relations with everyone, including Russia, but in every situation we are defending the right to choose our path," said Darmanovic. Speaking on the case of Skripal, Darmanovic said that the use of chemical weapons in a sovereign state was a dangerous violation of international regulations. "It was an attack on the citizens of a sovereign state and the first case of chemical weapons use in one European country since the Second World War," Darmanovic said.


Cerar expects Macedonia to get recommendation for commencing EU accession talks (MIA)


Prime Minister Miro Cerar pledged Slovenia's continued support for Macedonia in its bid to join the EU and NATO, as he addressed reporters after talks with counterpart Zoran Zaev in Skopje on Tuesday. The country has been making reform progress and I expect it will obtain positive recommendation for commencing the EU accession talks, Cerar said. “I am particularly pleased to see that Macedonia has been making reform progress and that the parliament intends this month to review the package of key bills that should lead to significant reforms in the judiciary and other spheres, which is the only way for the country to be able for a relatively short period join the EU and NATO,” Cerar said. The EU-integration process of Macedonia and other Western Balkan countries should be intensified, the Slovenian PM said. “The Western Balkans is part of Europe and the integration of Western Balkan in Europe should be a part of daily agenda for the process to gain momentum. I expect for the European Commission to soon recommend for Macedonia to commence the EU accession talks that should stimulate more positive processes. Stable and successful Macedonia is in the interest of the region and the entire European community,” Cerar said, voicing great expectations from the next month EU-Western Balkans Summit in Sofia. Today Macedonia has gotten yet another confirmation that Slovenia is a staunch supporter of its EU, NATO aspirations, Zaev said. “We need support ahead of the newly announced Macedonia-EU dialogue within the implementation of the EU enlargement strategy and in a period when the current and future holders of the EU Presidency – Bulgaria and Austria respectively – are focused on the region. The government believes to get clear EC recommendation this month, which offers possibility for Macedonia to obtain a date for opening the EU accession talks at the EU-WB Summit in Sofia and the EU Council meeting in June,” Zaev said.


Mogherini and Hahn to visit Macedonia on April 18 (MIA)


EU's foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini and EU Commissioner Johannes Hahn are expected to visit Macedonia on April 18, a day after the release of the progress reports of the European Commission, Prime Minister Zoran Zaev said Tuesday. "It is expected the visit to take place after the reports are published, slated for April 17. It will happen most likely on April 18 as Skopje will be hosting the Western Balkans Digital Summit. I believe that April 18-19 are the dates when Commissioner Hahn and High Representative Mogherini will visit Macedonia," said Zaev. Asked whether he expected Russia and China - two permanent members of the UN Security Council - to use the right to veto over Macedonia's expulsion of a Russian diplomat and recognition of Taiwan (in 1999), Zaev said that he didn't expect Moscow and Beijing to exercise the veto 'if Macedonia and Greece found a name settlement before it was sent to the UN Security Council.' We are friends with China and Russia, the Macedonian Premier stressed saying that Macedonia and China were cooperating as part of the 16+1 process and that he hoped cooperation could be resumed with Russia. "When domestic laws and the Vienna Convention are breached, it is our duty to act in line and to abide by international laws, which apply equally for all countries all the while respecting our laws. We can build friendship through mutual respect. I expect any possible name agreement with Greece to be supported both by Russia and China," he told the news conference.


Kotzias-Dimitrov meeting on April 12, PMs to take over afterwards (MIA)


Greek media reports over a fresh meeting between Macedonian Foreign Minister Nikola Dimitrov and Greek counterpart Nikos Kotzias on April 12 have been confirmed by Potami leader Stavros Theodorakis. Following his meeting with Kotzias, Theodorakis says a new meeting would be held next Thursday. "I have said that April will most probably produce the solution. Kotzias informed me that the next important meeting with the fYROM counterpart will take place on April 12 and if everything goes well, the case will be taken over by the two prime ministers," says Theodorakis. Regarding the party's position in the name talks, he reiterated that Potami favors a solution that will guarantee the elimination of irredentism. "We want a solution to the name but also concrete legal guarantees over the neighbor's elimination of irredentist provisions in the constitution and the instruction books, because children's education is very important," stressed Theodorakis.


Gathering in Skopje for support of Russian diplomat expelled from Macedonia (MIA)


A group of citizens gathered Tuesday in front of Russia’s Embassy in Skopje to voice their support for the Russian diplomat expelled from Macedonia. The gathering was organized by the new party United Macedonia. “Macedonian people don’t wish to be part of the EU, NATO, but to join the Euro-Asian Union with Russia” United Macedonia leader Janko Bacev said as Russian Ambassador Oleg Shcherbak joined the group. Shcherbak extended gratitude for the support, saying once again that Macedonia made a hasty decision to expel the Russian diplomat “due to a false solidarity with Britain”.


Civil disobedience begins Thursday; Police on alert (ADN)


Opposition will officially start civil disobedience on Thursday. It all will begin with the national axes which will be blocked by the opposition supporters. First road axes to be blocked are in Vlora, Fushe Kruja, Bradashesh and the Lushnje-Fier. The leader of the Democratic Party (DP), Lulzim Basha, has repeated again the appeal of the opposition towards citizens for civil disobedience and paying no taxes. According to him, the money that citizens give through taxes does not go for their services, but in Edi Rama's pockets. The call was made on Tuesday by the leaders of the opposition, Lulzim Basha and Monika Kryemadhi. Both of them order their structures all over the country to realize this plan. Opposition's action started after the protest of Kukesi citizens who burned the first toll road system in Albania on the Nation's Road. Democrats made their first step toward the civil disobedience. They boycotted the meeting of the Economy and Finance Parliamentary Committee this Tuesday.  All the democrat members in this committee were not present on the meeting, while from the Socialist Movement for Integration was Edmond Haxhinasto. So far, DP urged for civil disobedience and protests escalation, but this party did not made clear the next steps and its relation with the parliament. The former leader of the Democratic Party Sali Berisha suggests that Democrats should never ever participate in the next elections if Edi Rama will still be the Prime Minister of the country. According to him, the situation is very grave and dramatic for the country. He underlined that Albanians are getting poorer while premier and his govern richer. "Civil disobedience is the only solution. This must be done in order that the Albanians continue to have faith for the future. The elections must not be done at all if Rama will continue to be the premier of the country. I believe that this is the only solution and that DP should not participate on the next elections if Rama is in power," underlined Berisha. Democrats and Socialist Movement for Integration (SMI) will not ask for permits for their forewarned protests. The leader of the DP, Lulzim Basha made it clear: we will not require permits to protest. If the Government or police want to arrest anyone, they can arrest me! According to him, this reaction of the opposition comes due to the last behaviors of police officers who for the opposition parties are violating the law and the constitution. Prime Minister Edi Rama, accuses the opposition for blocking the European road for Albania. In a public announcement on Tuesday Rama said: “They are setting fire and are using Kukes as gasoline to burn the European Road of Albania”. Tirana police is on alert to prevent any violent incident if the protests escalate after the arrest of 23 demonstrators who objected the new toll road system in Nation's Road. The General Director of the State Police, Ardi Veliu ordered Tirana Police Directorate and the six commissariats to be prepared for the worst scenario.  The reaction comes after the last calls made by the opposition for civil disobedience and the escalation of the protest as a 'revenge' against the arrest of the Kukesi citizens who reacted on the toll road.




Western Balkans summit imperiled over Kosovo (EUobserver, by Eszter Zalan, 4 April 2018)


BRUSSELS, Several EU member states are considering whether to attend the Western Balkan summit in May in Bulgaria at the highest level, as they object to the presence of Kosovo, one of the potential candidate countries for European accession. Spain's prime minister Mariano Rajoy has already signalled at the EU summit last month that he might not attend the Sofia summit because Madrid does not recognise Kosovo. Kosovo, a former Serbian province which declared independence in 2008, has not been recognised by Spain, Greece, Cyprus, Slovakia and Romania because of their own issues with regions seeking autonomy. The issue is especially sensitive since Catalonia recently attempted to break away from Spain. These countries are considering diplomatic ways to display their reservations at the Western Balkans summit scheduled for 17 May. One option could be for their officials to take part only in the working dinner the day before the summit, and have another member state represent them at the summit itself.

The Western Balkans summit is the centre piece of the EU's rotating president, Bulgaria, which has put the region's integration high on its agenda. Bulgaria is seeking to reassure countries that it respects Kosovo's 'status neutrality', a term referring to the notion that the EU does not prejudge Kosovo's status. Kosovo officials always participate in regional meetings with a footnote referring to status-neutrality. Bulgaria wants to have all 28 member states present at the highest level and send a message of unity on EU integration of the region. Previous Western Balkans summits were not attended by all heads of governments and states.


Serb options

Serbia, a candidate country, is also weighing its options. Speaking on Tuesday (3 April) Serbian president Aleksandar Vucic said Belgrade awaits the outcome of meetings between Serbian and Kosovo officials next week before he decides. Serb prime minister Ana Brnabic earlier on Monday said that the possible presence of Kosovo's representatives at the EU summit on Western Balkans in Sofia is "political nonsense". Serbia might attend if Pristina establishes the association of Serb municipalities in Kosovo in accordance with an earlier agreement negotiated with the help of the EU, she added. Belgrade accuses Kosovo of stalling the implementation of the 2013 deal on special rights for municipalities with Serbian majorities. Recent EU-brokered talks between Kosovo and Serbia in late March have led to no progress on normalising relationships. Later EU foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini travelled to Belgrade last month to sooth tensions after ethnic Serbs walked out of the Kosovo government, set up roadblocks and following the arrest and expulsion of a senior Serb politician in northern Kosovo.


Serbian court jails seven for recruiting, financing militants in Syria (Reuters Staff, 4 April 2018)


BELGRADE - A Belgrade court convicted seven Serbian Muslims on Wednesday for financing and recruiting people to help Islamic State in Syria, sentencing them to prison terms ranging from seven and a half to 11 years. It is the first such verdict involving Serbs suspected of aiding Islamic militants and partly stems from a 2014 law that banned Serbian citizens from taking part in conflicts abroad. The trial started in 2015. Under the same law, Serbian courts previously sentenced several Serbs for fighting alongside pro-Russian rebels in Ukraine. Three of the seven men were sentenced in absentia. Abid Podbicanin was sentenced to 11 years in jail, despite reports he died in Syria in 2015, while Goran Pavlovic and Rejhan Plojovic, who remain at large, were sentenced to jail terms of 10 and nine and a half years, respectively. According to the indictment, prosecutors charged the seven men with “plotting to commit terrorist attacks, financing, recruiting and training others as well as ... for public inciting of terrorism.”

Sead Plojovic, Tefik Mujovic, Izudin Crnovrsanin and Ferhat Kasumovic were sentenced to jail terms ranging from seven and a half to 11 years. All the defendants denied wrongdoing and can lodge an appeal with a higher court. “The sentence is ... unusually high in our view and off course, we will appeal,” Marko Zdjelar, a defence lawyer told reporters. At least four dozen Muslims from Serbia’s southwestern region of Sandzak went to Syria to fight for Syrian rebels or the Islamic State. Hundreds of Muslims from other Balkan countries including Bosnia, Albania, Montenegro, Kosovo and Macedonia also went to fight alongside militant Islamists in Syria and elsewhere.

Reporting by Aleksandar Vasovic; Editing by Mark Potter