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Belgrade Media Report 20 April 2018



Vucic, Mogherini: Kosovo most important issue (RTS/Tanjug/Beta)


It is high time that the reached agreements between Belgrade and Pristina are implemented, including formation of the Association of Serb Municipalities, but also of the agreements on energy, EU High Representative Federica Mogherini said on Thursday in Belgrade following a meeting with President of Serbia Aleksandar Vucic. At a press conference, she said that a new phase of negotiations followed, aimed at at reaching the goal and these were legally binding agreements. Mogherini explained that implementation of all the agreements was a credible basis for further work in a new phase of the dialogue. However, Vucic countered that the Community of Serb Municipalities (ZSO) was the only commitment from the Brussels agreement that was not met, and it was Pristina’s obligation. He stressed that the energy agreement was not agreed by the Brussels agreement “but it was said it would be talked about and discussed”, and everything else was fulfilled y Belgrade. “Participation in the local election, even in the parliamentary, formation of the regional police, removal of civil protection, judicial system… everything what was needed, and it was harder than the ZSO was implemented form the first to the last count of the agreement,” Vucic said. He reiterated that six out of 15 counts of the agreement were related to the ZSO, i.e. 40 percent, and it was not even touched in five years since the signing of the Brussels agreement. “I stand by what I said several times, and I told Mogherini same, because I do not want you to think that I am silent when the EU high officials arrive – I am sure that the Albanians will never meet commitments from the Brussels agreement and this was never their intention,” Vucic said. Vucic said that the EC report on Serbia’s progress was analyzed at one-hour-long meeting with Mogherini and that chapters in which minor progress had been achieved were discussed, but also the parts in which there was no progress, according to EC. Vucic believes that the report was largely positive and that it recognized Serbia’s commitment towards the accession talks and membership in EU. He stressed he did not agree with everything with Mogherini at the meeting, but Serbia is ready to commit to improving the part related to the rule of law and meet the EC recommendations. “We believe we are thus doing good and important work for our country by creating a better legal environment, legal certainty, which is good for attracting investors”, he said. Mogherini said that the report showed that negotiations on Serbia’s membership in EU were progressing well. She reminded that 12 out of 35 chapters were opened and she added there was a good chance that new chapters would be opened during Bulgaria’s presidency of EU.

Mogherini condemns incident in Serbian parliament

Mogherini condemned the incident in which Seselj trampled on the Croatian flag. She said she condemned each act that was not supporting democratic institutions, such as parliament.

Mogherini said these were “episodes that did not serve well to Serbia and its image of a solid democratic country”. When Mogherini was in a visit to Serbia last year and held a speech in the Serbian parliament, SRS MPs were yelling and shouting “Serbia, Russia, we don’t need Union”.

Vucic said that on Wednesday all the state authorities strongly condemned Seselj’s conduct. “I am repeating, we condemn Seselj’s behavior, the one that we know that happened, because there is also the one that we don’t know, which he claims that happened,” he added.


Brnabic, Mogherini stress importance of continuing Belgrade-Pristina dialogue (Beta)


During the talks with EU High Representative Federica Mogherini, Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic welcomed the fact that the European Commission's Progress Report recognizes Serbia's efforts in the implementation of political and economic reforms and its commitment to regional cooperation. Despite the fact that the report is predominantly positive, Brnabic said there is still a lot of effort and work to be made, especially in the domain of the rule of law and freedom of the media. She stressed that Serbia will proceed with further reforms in line with the assessments and recommendations presented in the report. Brnabic and Mogherini agreed that the preservation of peace and stability in the region is of crucial importance and, in that regard, highlighted the importance of continuing dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina. According to Mogherini, Bulgaria’s chairmanship of the EU Council is of great importance for Serbia and the region, since this member of the EU understands the current situation and developments in the Western Balkans region. Mogherini also stressed that the commitment to political and economic cooperation among the countries of the region is crucial for faster progress in the process of joining the EU. She said that, in addition to political and institutional cooperation, the cooperation of the non-governmental sector and businessmen, with the support of the state, is a very important form of cooperation in the region. The need of raising the level of awareness of citizens of Serbia and the region about the importance of joining the EU has been highlighted, which will ensure peace and stability of the region and raise the standard of living of all citizens in this region. Brnabic once again welcomed the EC recommendation to open accession talks with Macedonia and Albania.


Parliament: No footage of Seselj’s incident (N1/Tanjug)


Serbian Interior Ministry had no information about existence of the footage of the incident with stomping on the Croatian flag caused on Wednesday by the leader of Serbian Radical Party (SRS) Vojislav Seselj during the visit of delegation of Croatian parliament to Serbia, while Serbian parliament announced on Thursday that the footage did not exist, Belgrade-based media reported. The media were interested in footage since neither journalists nor members of the delegation from Zagreb did not see Seselj stomping the Croatian flag on Wednesday. Information about it was launched by SRS, which stated that Seselj was verbally abusive towards Croatian delegation that cancelled its visit to Belgrade after the information about the incident.

Serbian Interior Minister Nebojsa Stefanovic said on Thursday that police did not receive any report or demand regarding the incident in the parliament and added that he found out about the incident from the media. “I do not know if there is footage and I do not know if parliament service covers that section because this is the entrance into the building. I do not know if that pat is covered with video surveillance,” he said. In a reply to the request from Zagreb-based editorial office of TV N1 to receive the footage from the surveillance camera, Serbian parliament replied that there was no footage of the alleged incident. “Video surveillance of this section of Serbian parliament does not cover the area where flags have been installed, because it is located in the blind spot of the installed cameras”, it was stated in the reply of Serbian parliament.


Plenkovic did not answer Brnabic's call - PM's office (Tanjug)


Brnabic phoned her Croatian counterpart Andrej Plenkovic immediately after an incident caused by Vojislav Seselj in the Serbian parliament but Plenkovic did not answer the call, a source in Brnabic's office has confirmed to Tanjug.


Threats to Serbian Ambassador in Zagreb (Tanjug)


Serbian Ambassador to Croatia Mira Nikolic received threats after the delegation of the Croatian parliament disrupted their visit to Serbia, but she refused to receive Croatia’s protest note.

Nikolic was sent a message at the official mail address of the embassy that she should not only receive, but also eat the note, if the author of the message was asked, Tanjug reported.




B&H HoR supposed to discuss warmongering rhetoric of Izetbegovic (TV1)


Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) House of Representatives (HoR) will hold an emergency session on Friday due to, as SNSD stated, warmongering statements of Chairman of B&H Presidency Bakir Izetbegovic. Thus, the HoR is expected to discuss this issue, as the only item on the agenda of the session. Speaking about the session, Speaker of B&H HoR Mladen Bosic (SDS) stated that he does not expect any kind of a solution, adding that Izetbegovic and Republika Srpska President Milorad Dodik will accuse each other to score political points for the elections.

Head of SNSD Caucus in B&H HoR Stasa Kosarac said that officials in B&H should promote policy of peace, stabilization and good relations. Kosarac added that officials in B&H should not call for war-related or similar kind of excesses, as the war brought no good to anyone in B&H.

DF assessed that convening the emergency session on this issue is all about cheap politics.

SDP B&H deems that the case is about an attempt to draw the public attention away from important matters, such as the amendments to the Election Law of B&H. Serb member of the B&H Presidency Mladen Ivanic stated in Sarajevo on Thursday that the B&H Presidency has not received an invitation for an emergency session of the B&H House of Representatives. He noted that according to the law on defense industry, armament may be produced on the basis of a contract on export or an order by the B&H Armed Forces. Since no such order has been made, Ivanic concluded that there is no production of armament for “God forbid” situations. Ivanic also said that inspection will visit all companies in the coming period and file a report, after which it should become clearer what the situation is like and whether there is production outside the law.

Speaker of the RS Assembly Nedeljko Cubrilovic fiercely condemned everyone who tends to use the warmongering rhetoric, expressing his expectation that representatives of the international community will do the same. NDP MP in the B&H HoR Momcilo Novakovic also condemned such statements and voiced his expectation that there will be quorum necessary to hold the session after all. “As far as my Caucus is concerned, the MPs will attend tomorrow’s session. It will all depend on representatives of Bosniaks. If they decide not to attend the session, that will also be a message,” Novakovic said. HDZ B&H MP in the B&H HoR Predrag Kozul announced that the MPs from this party will certainly attend the session, explaining that it is very important to discuss security-related issues. SDA representatives, representatives of other Bosniak parties announced that they will boycott the session. SDA stated on Thursday that a request of SNSD for an emergency session of B&H HoR is an attempt of leader of SNSD and RS President Milorad Dodik’s minions, for severe abuse of the Parliament of B&H. SDA characterized as contrary to the Rules of Procedure of the HoR the fact that Speaker of B&H HoR Mladen Bosic (SDS) accepted the SNSD’s request for an emergency session on the alleged warmongering statements of leader of SDA Bakir Izetbegovic. According to SDA, there are no reasons, and much less justified reasons for calling of the session without the consent of the Collegium of the HoR. SDA stated that this is classic twist of argument which characterizes those who advocate the Greater Serbia ideology; i.e. accusing others of what they actually do.

Without the Bosniak parties' representatives, there will be no quorum to hold the session. DF, SDP and ‘Nezavisni Bloc’ also announced they will boycott the session.


Participants at hearing held at US Congress say SNSD leader Dodik, HDZ B&H leader Covic are biggest culprits for poor situation in B&H (FTV)


A hearing on the topic ‘The Dayton Legacy and the Future of Bosnia and the Western Balkans’ was held at the US Congress on Thursday, when B&H politicians were called to urgently pass the amendments to the Election Law of B&H because of the ruling of the Constitutional Court (CC) of B&H in the ‘Ljubic’ case. B&H politicians were also urged for reaching an agreement regarding the elections in Mostar. Participants at the hearing stated that Republika Srpska (RS) President and SNSD leader Milorad Dodik and B&H Presidency member and HDZ B&H leader Dragan Covic are the biggest culprits for poor situation in B&H and that they block B&H’s progress, i.e. Dodik denies the genocide in Srebrenica and uses threats, while Covic is his main ally. They also warned that B&H judiciary is in poor situation, primarily due to political influence and corruption. “There is a real risk that the elections this autumn will not bring the government, unless political leaders reach an agreement on the reform of the Election Law of B&H. Without government, the country could face a serious post-election crisis that brings corruption, violent extremism and further postponing of the EU integration,” US Acting Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs Matthew Palmer stated. According to the US State Department, those who work on social destruction of the state are mostly supported by Russia. According to Palmer, this practice endangers the rest of the region as well. “As far as external factors are concerned, we are paying special attention to Russia – not only in B&H but also across the region. What they do is contrary to our interests. We are working to help the Western Balkans countries on the path towards the EU and NATO integration, while Russians are constantly working against it”, Palmer was quoted as saying.

Director of the Center for Transatlantic Relations at the School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS) at Johns Hopkins University in Washington Sasa Toperic stressed that leaders in B&H have created a bad habit of ignoring the court rulings they do not like, and to deal with important issues at the last moment when they are under pressure of the international community and the US. He called on the US Congress to encourage the EU partners to follow the US’ example when it comes to introduction of sanctions against Dodik, warning that Dodik poses a serious threat to stability in B&H and the region. Toperic added that Dodik is close to Russian President Vladimir Putin and he continues with his separatist rhetoric. Participants announced that the US will help B&H through engagement of the international community after the elections in October, in order for B&H to get the EU candidate status. They concluded that only unified B&H can become the EU and NATO member state. Co-Founder and Senior Associate at the Democratization Policy Council Kurt Bassuener was quoted as saying that the “alliance” between Dodik and Covic ruined the progress achieved in the first decade after the war. “It was done with the aim to create ethnic areas under their absolute control. It will eventually lead to destruction of the state unless resistance is shown. Escalation of instability in B&H has shown what is worst in Serbia and Croatia over the past decade. Both countries are meddling with internal matters of B&H in a way that was not allowed in the first decade after Dayton”, Bassuener was quoted as saying. According to Director of the Rule of Law, Justice and Security at the US Institute of Peace Philippe Leroux-Martin, the Dayton Peace Accords needs to be changed but not at once or at the expense of functional state authorities. “When compared to other peace processes, Dayton must be described as successful, but we have still heard so many voices calling for a comprehensive change.  I think it would be the best to change parts of it, without weakening the state authorities”, Leroux-Martin was quoted as saying. The US Congressmen also called on the US State Department and the administration led by US President Donald Trump not to expect the processes in B&H to be conducted by the EU only, stressing that they should also get engaged.


Dodik: US experts not taken seriously, Congressmen understand situation better (N1)


Commenting on criticism by the US Congressmen and experts that he is one of the persons responsible for the situation in B&H, RS President Milorad Dodik stated that the US’ sanctions against him have not harmed the RS in any way. Dodik also stated that he does not think the EU will sanction him and that the RS does not bear any consequences, regardless of whether he is put on the US black list or not. In his opinion, this is the most important fact. Dodik also criticized the presentation of representative of the Center for transatlantic relations at the John Hopkins University Sasa Toperic in the US Congress. Dodik stated that he was informed that Toperic and people like him did not achieve significant results. He added that Congressmen understand the situation far better than some frustrated guys who come from the area of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) and who try to make themselves sound important, by presenting their proposals. Dodik characterized Toperic as one of the rapscallions, who used to be members of NGOs in B&H and a mercenary of the international community. According to Dodik, this action is directed against the Serbs, the RS and Milorad Dodik himself. Dodik assessed those who testified against him before the US Congress as “irrelevant characters” and “frustrated lowlifes” who supported Hillary Clinton during the previous elections in the United States, and were against current US President Donald Trump. “People around Trump know that very well. The things they were saying about me there do not surprise me”, Dodik said. He added that some of the persons who spoke against him before the US Congress used to work for the Bosniak Congress (the Congress of North American Bosniaks), and wife of one of them is high-ranking official of, as he said, (Hungarian-American investor, business magnate and political activist George) Soros’ organization in America.


Three US Congressmen call for higher international and US engagement in B&H, prior to October elections (TV1)


Three US Congressmen sent a letter to Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs Wess Mitchell and called for higher international and US engagement in B&H, prior to the elections in October. Congressmen Scott Perry, Joe Barton and Thomas Garett reminded of the leading role that the US played in stopping the war in B&H. The Congressmen added that they are concerned that peace and stability are jeopardized due to the deadlock in the case of the Election Law of B&H. Perry warned: “If results of the elections are not accepted, 20-year-long political stability in the country may be in danger. Political violence in B&H is potentially destabilizing factor in the Western Balkans, which creates room for bad actors to impose themselves, including Russia and radical Islamic terrorist organizations".


Nine parties achieve progress in finding solution for local elections in Mostar (BHT1)


Representatives of city boards of nine parliamentary parties met in Mostar on Thursday to continue their talks for enabling local elections in Mostar. On that occasion, all parties said they find two proposals of election of councilors acceptable, but they postponed the voting for the next meeting. At the request of Bosniak parties, participants discussed changes to the Statute of the Mostar City. Following the meeting, member of DF City Board Mahmut Trcalo stated that they agreed upon changes to the Election Law, but added that they will not inform the public until changes to certain provisions of the Statute are agreed upon. Chairman of HDZ B&H City Board Damir Dzeba said that his party expected selection of one model of election of councilors, but added that certain parties made a legitimate request to postpone the voting in order to discuss the Statute further. The parties accepted SDA’s proposal to discuss changes to the Statute in regards with introduction of the post of a deputy mayor, or increase of competences of the Chief Advisor. Chairman of SDA City Board Salem Maric stated that the question of the Statute is important and should be solved first, since it stipulates the number of constituencies, while the Election Law stipulates election rules. According to HDZ B&H, progress has been achieved with the fact that it has been defined what parts of the Statute will be changed. The next week’s meeting will be hosted by SNSD.


Dodik: SNSD and United Srpska Party will politically act together (Srna)


SNSD Leader Milorad Dodik has said that the SNSD and the United Srpska Party will politically act together in the upcoming period and will also have some joint lists in the upcoming elections.

Dodik has pointed out that the United Srpska Party will support individual SNSD candidates for the president of Srpska and a member of the B&H Presidency. “We are counting on a great victory," Dodik has said after the meeting of the two political parties in Banja Luka. He has emphasized that the two parties have good political understanding and agree on all issues, especially when it comes to maintaining the security and stability of institutions. The meeting between the delegations of the SNSD and the United Srpska Party, led by Milorad Dodik and Nenad Stevandic, the party leaders, was also attended by SNSD deputy leaders, Zeljka Cvijanovic and Nikola Spiric, as well as Secretary General Luka Petrovic, and the United Srpska Party Vice-President Natalija Trivic, deputy leader Slavko Dunjic, and Secretary General Neven Stanic.


Did Seselj incident really happen at all? (T portal)


Wednesday’s incident in the parliament building in Belgrade, when notorious Serbian politician and convicted war criminal Vojislav Seselj allegedly trampled on the Croatian flag and cursed members of the Croatian parliamentary delegation, is the leading political story in the Croatian media for the second day running. The delegation, led by Speaker of Croatian Parliament Gordan Jandrokovic, abruptly ended its official visit and returned to Zagreb due to the incident. However, some wonder whether the incident in question occurred at all, reports

Although all members of the Croatian parliamentary delegation who were visiting the Serbian parliament spoke about Seselj cursing, there are more and more people who do not believe that the flag trampling incident has actually happened. An additional reason to doubt the official version of events is a reply from the media service of the Serbian Parliament, received by the N1 television station, that there is no photo or video recording of the incident because it took place in an area of the building which is not covered by security cameras. “With regards to your request, we would like to notify you that there is no video footage of the incident. The video surveillance system of the National Assembly of Serbia does not cover the area where the flags were placed,” announced the Serbian Assembly. Addressing reporters today in Zagreb, MP Anka Mrak Taritas once again explained what happened. She said that, during a tour of the parliament building which followed a series of meetings, she heard a noise in the distance and clearly recognized Seselj’s voice, and heard the insults against the Croatian delegation. Former Croatian Prime Minister Jadranka Kosor and Aleksandra Jerkov, an opposition MP in the Serbian Parliament, suspect whether the incident has occurred. Kosor wondered why there were no recordings of the event, while Jerkov accused Speaker of the Serbian Parliament Maja Gojkovic of trying to hide the video. Responding to allegations that the incident has not occurred, Seselj said, “I will obviously have to trample on the Ustasha flag once again because people do not believe me. You are trying to say that we have invented it all and that the fools have believed us? It would be great if that were true, but we have not invented it,” he said.  Still, despite numerous journalists and cameras which were present in the parliament building covering the Croatian delegation’ visit, there are no recording or witnesses of the incident.


Mogherini to Djukanovic: You should visit Brussels right after the inauguration (CDM)


The new President of Montenegro, Milo Djukanovic, met yesterday with the High Representative for Foreign Affairs, Federica Mogherini, who suggested him to visit Brussels right after the inauguration. Djukanovic welcomed her suggestion stating that the outcome of the presidential elections in Montenegro represents the confirmation of the Montenegrin society’s determination to keep moving towards the European development. He also pointed out the importance of the negotiation process with Albania and Macedonia. “It’s crucial for the West Balkans, and it’s an incentive for us to keep fulfilling our obligations. As far as Bosnia and Herzegovina and Kosovo are concerned, it will stimulate them to keep striving towards their European goals” said Djukanovic. Mogherini said that Montenegro proved to be a regional player. “I really appreciate the good relations Montenegro cherishes with its neighbors. I’m also really happy to collaborate with Djukanovic regarding all the questions relevant for the European perspective of Montenegro and West Balkans, while respecting the image and influence he has in the region,” said Mogherini.


Kukan encourages the Montenegro’s path towards the EU (Pobjeda)


MP of the European Parliament, Edouard Kukan, said that Montenegro is on a good way towards its accession to the EU. “I encourage Montenegrin government to keep moving towards the EU, at this same pace, stable pace. The Report of the EC recorded the areas where the progress was made, as well as those areas where still some additional work has to be done. One of them is the area of the rule of law” said Kukan for Pobjeda daily. Commenting on the elections in Montenegro, Kukan said that people generally lack trust in the election framework. Recommendations of the OSCE have been adopted and implemented only partially. When it comes to the situation in the Montenegrin Parliament, the EC states that the political stage still remains fragmented, lacking the political dialogue, particularly in democratic institutions where it belongs. “The fragmentation and division prevented the opening of the dialogue”, says the EC.

The EC states that there has been a progress in the improvement of the legal and institutional framework for the cooperation between the Government and organizations of the civil society.

“The fight against the organized crime is the priority. The infiltration of the organized crime in the political and economic system must be prevented,” states the Report. Additionally, it is necessary to improve the balance of the results in the area of prevention and prevention of corruption, including the imposing of effective punishments.


Dimitrov: Macedonia’s EU, NATO accession will be beneficial for Greece (MIA)


The government is focused on convincing everybody, including neighboring Greece, that it is good Macedonia to become an EU, NATO ally, not only for Greece but also for the entire region, Foreign Minister Nikola Dimitrov told a press conference on Thursday. Asked if there is plan B if the name talks fail considering the Greek demands, Dimitrov said the focus should remain on the plan A. “We should focus on the plan A if we wish to increase the chance for success,’ Dimitrov said at a closing press conference of the Western Balkan Digital Summit.


State Department: US supports Macedonia’s accession to EU, NATO (MIA)


The US State Department has voiced strong support of Macedonia’s Euro-Atlantic future, as the European Commission recommended for the country to commence the EU accession talks, MIA reported from Washington on Thursday. “We continue to work with the Macedonian government to tackle the myriad challenges facing Macedonia, including the need for reforms in the areas of rule of law and judicial independence, media freedom, and government accountability. The United States remains Macedonia’s friend and partner, and we are committed to supporting its European and Euro-Atlantic future” the US State Department says. It also notifies that the US strongly supports the ongoing United Nations-led talks on the Macedonia name issue and the resolution of this long-standing disagreement. “We encourage both countries to demonstrate the flexibility and creativity needed to reach a mutually agreeable solution in the interest of security, economic prosperity, and peace in the region” the State Department says. United States Ambassador Jess Baily has congratulated Macedonia on obtaining the clear recommendation for the beginning of EU accession talks. He says the United States are supporting Macedonia's EU and NATO integration. "We are working with the EU delegation in Macedonia on the reform processes and we will continue to do this - reforms in the rule of law, media and public administration. We are working together on Macedonia's Euro-Atlantic integration," Baily told reporters.


Xhaferi-Erdogan: Turkey supports Macedonia's NATO integration (MIA)


Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan gave support to Macedonia's NATO integration and the use of the country's constitutional name at Thursday's meeting with Parliament Speaker Talax Xhaferi, MIA reports from Ankara. The Turkish President referred to the need for intensification of economic cooperation, reaffirming the commitment for increase of the bilateral trade exchange to one billion US dollars. Speaker Xhaferi said the frequent high-level meetings between the two countries confirm the traditional friendship and contribute to the enhancement of the long-standing cooperation. Xhaferi and Erdogan exchanged opinions on developments in the two countries and the region, with the Macedonian Speaker briefing the Turkish President over the European Commission Progress Report and the unconditional recommendation for the start of EU accession talks. "The parliamentary majority is committed to the realization of the reform agenda and the fundamental democratic values, the rule of law, the respect of human rights, the building of good neighborly relations and settlement of open issues," said Xhaferi.

Interlocutors also tackled the necessity to intensify cooperation in the fight against terrorism, with Macedonia condemning the attempted coup in Turkey and supporting democratically elected institutions. They also highlighted the significance of inter-parliamentary cooperation and parliamentary democracy for bilateral and multilateral relations.


President Ivanov to host Brdo-Brijuni Leaders' Meeting next week (MIA)


Macedonian President Gjorge Ivanov next week will host a meeting of the leaders of the countries participating in the Brdo-Brijuni Process. Presidents of the countries in the region will be in attendance, as well as the President of the European Council, Donald Tusk. The Brdo-Brijuni Process aims at European integration of the countries in the region and stabilization of the situation in the Western Balkans by strengthening regional cooperation and overcoming outstanding issues. The Brdo-Brijuni Leaders' Meeting in Skopje on April 27 will be attended by Albanian President Ilir Meta, Bakir Izetbegovic, Chairman of the Bosnia and Herzegovina Presidency, Kosovo President Hashim Thaci, Slovenian President Borut Pahor, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic, Croatia's President Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic, and Montenegrin President Filip Vujanovic, Ivanov's cabinet said in a press release Thursday. In addition to the leaders of participating countries, high-ranking officials of the EU, as well as leaders of EU members, take part in Brdo-Brijuni Process meetings. One of the guests of honor at the Skopje meeting is President of the European Council, Donald Tusk. The focal point of this year's summit in Skopje is the need for improving the countries' connectivity from a political, economic, infrastructural and security point of view with respect to the EU's Western Balkans Strategy. Macedonia for the first time has initiated a meeting to be held as part of the Brdo-Brijuni Process of the heads of the intelligence agencies of the participating countries, stated the press release. The Brdo-Brijuni Process held its first meeting in 2013 following an initiative of the presidents of Slovenia and Croatia. The countries participating in the Brdo-Brijuni Process include Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Macedonia, Slovenia, Serbia, Croatia and Montenegro.


VMRO-DPMNE leader Mickoski meets with EU foreign policy chief Mogherini (MIA)


VMRO-DPMNE leader Hristijan Mickoski had Thursday a working breakfast with the EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Federica Mogherini to discuss Macedonia's EU integration bid and the latest progress report of the European Commission with all of the noted shortcomings. The Republic of Macedonia, Mickoski said, needs the European Union as a way to elevate the standards for living, to improve the quality of life and to share common values, the opposition party VMRO-DPMNE said in a press release. VMRO-DPMNE, it said, has played its role by giving vital remarks that had been incorporated into the reform-oriented laws. "VMRO-DPMNE president Mickoski voiced concern over the economic stalemate the country has been facing, wide-spread corruption and cases of crime in which most likely top government officials are involved," stated the press release also pinpointing 'political repression, media pressure and the lack of a democratic climate.' According to Mickoski, Macedonia must continue on its path to the EU to become its full-fledged member.




Hristijan Mickoski: Macedonia's 'Criminal' Govt will Lose Next Election (BIRN, by Katerina Blazevska, 19 April 2018)


The new leader of the VMRO DPMNE says Macedonia's new government is the worst in post-independence history – but is reticent on the legacy of his predecessor, Nikola Gruevski.

Conducting an interview at the grandiose new headquarters of Macedonia's former ruling VMRO DPMNE party, which people have nicknamed the White Palace, is not easy. The numerous paintings, icons, crystal chandeliers, baroque armchairs, and the golden colours of some of the furniture and other items constantly distract one's attention. In the room where we are talking with VMRО DPMNE's new leader, the design of the floor looks identical to that of the building where The Great Gatsby was filmed. Although Hristijan Mickoski's discomfort with this inherited "treasure" is visible, he does not admit it openly. "I feel I belong here," he says, answering the question about whether he feels "in his own skin" in the complex. But he leaves a certain reserve when asked about the setting's "compatibility" to the image of a Christian Democratic party. "We will see how we deal with this building in the future, but for now we are staying here," he says. Despite his love of mathematics, as a professor at the technical sciences faculty in Skopje, he avoids answering queries about the exact monthly expenses for the building. "Given that it is energy efficient, the costs are less, almost twice less than the usual cost of such a construction," he answers diplomatically. After being provided with the data from the party – that the electricity bill for the summer comes to 20,000 euros, and 30,000 in winter, Mitzkoski opens up. "The bills for all 50 party offices in the country arrive here, so I do not know how much just this building costs. In spring and autumn, the bills range from 10,000 to 15,000 euros. So, for this building and all the party offices in Macedonia, the average is about one million and 200,000 denars a month [some 19,500 euros]," he says. The average sums for summer and winter remain unknown. We are conversing under the strict-looking gazes of several Macedonian revolutionaries immortalized in oil paintings, under scenes of great battles in the past, at a time of a heated political debate about the no-confidence motion in the Social Democrat-led government that came to power in May last year,  ending almost 11 years of VMRO DPMNE rule. The motion brought VMRO DPMNE back to parliament after a four-month boycott sparked by the detention of six of its MPs who were suspected of participating in the rampage in parliament on April 27 last year. The attack on parliament in April last year happened amid high political tensions in the country as the former ruling VMRO DPMNE attempted to stop the Social Democrats, SDSM, from forming a government. It began when VMRO DPMNE party supporters stormed the building only minutes after the new majority in parliament had elected Talat Xaferi as its speaker, paving the way for the election of the new Social Democrat-led government, which eventually took office in May. The violent mob injured some 100 people including ten MPs from the new majority. Mickoski speaks about the ten "catastrophic" months of the new government. In support of such claims, he cites the last World Bank report that showed Macedonia's economic growth in 2017 was zero, which it attributed to the then onging political crisis. "It also says that in 2018 the government predicted that the economy would grow by 3.2 per cent, but it will not grow by more than 2.3 per cent," he adds.

"Again, we have one per cent that the government predicted but cannot fulfill, due to a lack of capacity and ideas, and that 1 per cent represents exactly 120 million euros. It is even more alarming that there are no foreign investments,” Mickoski continues. He does not accept the government's argument that, for 11 years, the previous government, which spent 250 million euros on advertisements, promoters and road shows, brought 23 foreign investors, and that in ten months the new government, without spending anything on advertisements, brought ten foreign investors and is due to sign contracts with eight more. "As long as the government behaves arrogantly and does not recognise the results of the past, we will be convincingly stuck at the bottom. We no longer compare ourselves with Europe but with the region, and here we are, the last,” he maintains. He shrugs aside questions about whether the damage done in the past 11 years can be compensated for in only ten months. "So this so-called reformistic Prime Minister [Zoran Zaev] proudly stood before the people and said: 'We have a clear idea of what is happening, a clear plan, and the citizens will immediately feel the results of our plan.' Ten months is a quarter of the mandate. How much more do they need, two more mandates?" he asks, rhetorically. Asked about hard numbers regarding the condition that his predecessor at the party's helm, former Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski, left the country in, he says: "You are talking to a leader of VMRO-DPMNE who has been in this position for three and a half months. If you like, I can do a retrospective for the past 27 years [since Macedonia won independence]."

Mickoski also recalls the major political and economic scandals that occurred in the early 1990s, when their Social Democrat rivals held office. Reminded that he is not in the party from yesterday, and was Secretary General and member of the Executive Committee when Gruevski was VMRO DPMNE leader, he agrees to speak about that period as well, but insists that it is not the right topic to discuss. He considers the VMRO-DPMNE governments "much more successful" than the current one. Although polite in manner and open in conversation, he visibly avoids any assessment of the decade under the leadership of Gruevski. Questioned about the alleged crimes that took place under the governments of VMRO-DPMNE, he states that if crimes did occurr, they must be proved in court. When he talks about the Social Democrat-led government, there is no such restraint; he calls it "criminal and the most incompetent in the history of independent Macedonia". He denies that such arguable double standards provoke suspicions that he is just an extended hand of his predecessor, Gruevski, who is currently facing trial for several high-profile corruption claims. "Everything that was wrong before, which we establish was wrong, will be corrected. There is no dilemma about it," he insists. After this mild formulation of "wrongness" in speaking about his predecessor, he is asked to explain the diference between him and Gruevski. "It's not right for me to say. I would leave citizens to differentiate the way I lead VMRO-DPMNE from how Gruevski and [Ljubco] Georgievski did," he says. He continues: "Citizens recognise a serious alternative to the political scene in the VMRO-DPMNE that I am leading. I am convinced that the party will offer such a platform that, in the next elections, the SDSM will experience a debacle. "It is important whether citizens live better, whether they have an average salary of 500 euros, whether there is 5-per-cent growth, whether the salary of [medical] specialists is 100,000 denars [some 1,600 euro], and 50,000 [900 euros] for doctors," he says. He resorts to an alibi-response to a question about why the VMRO-DPMNE government did not provide those salaries itself: "Let's forget it. It failed, and so VMRO-DPMNE is in opposition. Now we have a government that made promises about this. I did not force them to make these promises." Turning to the ongoing talks between Macedonia and Greece on solving the long standing "name" dispute that has hampered Macedonia's EU and NATO acession, Mickoski says he has recieved no fresh information from the government.

Meanwhile, he accuses the government of not taking enough care to protect the nation's dignity and identity. "[Macedonia's] Language and identity are a acquired right and this is a closed topic. Maybe they are discussing about our loss of this acquired right. No negotiator from the Macedonian side has the right to open a topic that is closed," he says. "I do not know what they're talking about. The latest information is that the set proposed by [UN mediator Matthew] Nimetz is still on the table. We will present our opinion when we get the information," he says.

But a recent Zaev interview, in which he said it was worth risking one's political career to solve the name dispute, raises Mickoski's suspicions. "From what I have read in the interview, the man [Zaev] is ready for the end of his political career. That means he is ready to go for an undignified solution. If a compromise is dignified, why put an end to one's career?" he asks. Despite his criticism of the current talks, Mickoski claims he wants efforts to resolve the name dispute to succeed. "I want us to be a part of NATO under our constitutional name - Republic of Macedonia, I want to speak our Macedonian language and to be Macedonian. And I believe these negotiations will succeed, because these are European values" he concludes.