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Belgrade Media Report 20 April 2018



Brnabic: Serbia firmly on position of military neutrality (RTS)


Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic assessed today during the talks with the NATO Parliamentary Assembly President Paolo Alli that Serbia, although a military neutral country, without aspirations towards NATO membership or any other military alliance in the world, has confirmed its commitment to further development of cooperation with the Alliance and the countries which are members of this organization. Brnabic pointed out that Serbia has shown that it is a responsible partner, ready to cooperate with NATO and other international factors, primarily through participation in the Partnership for Peace program. Alli emphasized that Serbia and NATO are firmly tied with a common interest in preserving peace and stability in the Western Balkans region. Brnabic underlined that the presence of KFOR in Kosovo and Metohija is of paramount importance to Serbia, especially after a recent incident and the arrest of the Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Marko Djuric by special units of the Kosovo police.


NATO respects Serbia’s military neutrality (Tanjug)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and NATO Parliamentary Assembly President Paolo Alli say that there is dialogue at the highest level between the two sides. According to a press release from the Serbian Presidency, Alli stressed that NATO respects the position of Serbia to be military neutral and define cooperation according to its needs. Vucic said that the firm position of Serbia's military neutrality is not an obstacle for developing cooperation with NATO, but is instead in the interest of strengthening regional stability. As stated, Alli supported the efforts invested by Serbia in preserving stability and strengthening cooperation in the Western Balkans region. Vucic emphasized the importance of cooperation with KFOR in order to ensure safety and survival of the Serb people in Kosovo and Metohija. Vucic and Ali agreed that the participation of the delegation of the Serbian Assembly at the annual meetings of the Parliamentary Assembly of NATO, as an associate member, contributes to mutual understanding, the press release said.


Brnabic condemns conduct of Vojislav Seselj (government website)


Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic condemned the conduct of Vojislav Seselj in the Serbian parliament, saying that the attempt at tearing apart Croatian or any other flag or state symbols and insulting members of official delegations on a friendly visit to our country is not a behaviour that represents Serbia. The official website of the Serbian government brings the statement of Prime Minister Ana Brnabic in full. “In this way I want to condemn unambiguously, directly and in the harshest terms the conduct of Vojislav Seselj in the Serbian parliament. The attempt at tearing apart Croatian or any other flag or state symbols and insulting members of official delegations on a friendly visit to Serbia is not a behavior that represents Serbia. As the Prime Minister of Serbia, I urge all actors on the political scene to act in line with the goals that we as a society have set – to go forward and be an example of a country that, through cooperation with all, makes its own society stronger and actively contributes to the development of relations in the region and Europe. Serbia should offer solutions to all challenges that we have instead of pulling down the bridges that we are building with irresponsible behavior. With a recent visit of Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic to Croatia and the meeting with Croatian President Kolinda Grabar Kitarovic, the relations of the two countries have acquired a new dynamics. Statements of all our officials, meetings and moves made after that additionally confirmed the commitment of Serbia to develop good-neighbourly relations with Croatia. That is the path that we opted for as Serbia is deeply committed to regional cooperation and achieving stability in the whole region. The conduct of Vojislav Seselj does not represent the values of the government of Serbia and of the majority of our citizens. Serbia is truly and deeply committed to cooperation, understanding and dialogue. These are values of a Serbia that is looking towards a better future for all our citizens and for all inhabitants of this region,” reads the statement of the Prime Minister of Serbia.


Vucic: We will wait three-and-a-half months more for ZSO (RTS)


“They told us that they will present the statute for the ZSO in three-and-a-half months. Serbia will wait for this too, but you will not see that the statute for three-and-a-half months. They are deceiving the international public, of those who had been creating Kosovo independence,” President Vucic told the RTS evening prime news on Wednesday. He says there is no explanation that they can offer him, and that they cannot speak fairy tales on some constitutions, laws, because, he underlines, he knows every letter and point that was uttered in Brussels.

Serbs won’t form the ZSO neither tomorrow nor the day after. We have been waiting for five years and we will wait for another three months, so that no one can accuse the Serbs for violating international deals and agreements, Vucic said. “I know Albanians and their mentors, and those lies cannot be swallowed any more. They had to change their system and regulations to adjust them to the ZSO, but had done nothing,” Vucic added.

Asked to assess the EC Report on Serbia’s progress, he says he doesn’t like to assess somebody else’s assessments. “Their assessment is that Serbia is progressing on the EU path. It is normal that you are progressing and this is good news for Serbia, but we are doing this for ourselves, in order to have a better legal order, better economic, better organized country. We will continue to work and progress,” says Vucic.

Vucic: “Only one thing was not achieved from the Brussels agreement”.

Vucic says that only the item on the formation of the ZSO from the Brussels agreements was not fulfilled, that he doesn’t expect it to be formed even in three months, as much time is left for Pristina to do this according to the new deadline it has received from Brussels, but that he doesn’t accept the hypocritical stand that everybody is equally to be blamed. “Serbia is not to be blamed for anything,” says Vucic. “Only one thing has not been achieved – the ZSO, this is the first six items, and there is also item 13 that speaks that problems in the telecommunications and energy will be discussed. Telecommunications have been resolved, and for energy it is stated that it will be only discussed. Only the ZSO has not been resolved, but both sides need to be always blamed,” says Vucic. Asked to comment the fact that the EC in the Report on Kosovo commends Pristina over progress regarding the formation of the ZSO, Vucic says: “I congratulate them on this. I see how it has been formed, how far they have gone with the statute. This is the hypocrisy I have been telling you about.”


Dacic: Kosovo cannot be a subject of foreign political trade (RTS/Tanjug)


At the conference dubbed “Training of Political Leaders”, Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic has stated that the dialogue with Pristina is conducted in order to reach an agreement, but that this cannot be unilateral, that is for one side to be able to get everything and the other nothing. According to him, there is no way for somebody to form its state without agreement. Dacic notes that Kosovo will not survive as a state, but that it will unite with Albania eventually.

He says that what happened to Serbia with Kosovo and Metohija can happen to any state, and this is why it is necessary to establish and respect principles by which everybody will be guided. “We are conducting a battle because we want a compromise, and they don’t want it. That is just like one gets a divorce and one side cannot take everything just like that, there needs to be some process and agreement,” says Dacic. He notes that the fact is that many EU members and Western countries have recognized independence of Kosovo, but the fact is also that many haven’t done so, and this is why it cannot be stated that this issue has been resolved. The Minister reminds of the destruction of property and religious facilities in Kosovo and Metohija, adding that Serbia cannot accept Kosovo as an independent state over its history, religion and tradition. He says this is not an issue that can be a subject of foreign political trade. “If they set this as a condition for EU membership, then they don’t’ know our nation because we will not do this in spite,” says Dacic. He says that EU integration is Serbia’s strategic path, but that the future of the EU is also uncertain, so there is no reason for Serbia to recognize Kosovo over EU membership that, he says, might not exist in the future.


Djuric: We will request an explanation from Mogherini (TV Prva/Tanjug)


Serbia will request from EU High Representative Federica Mogherini an explanation for the praises that Pristina received in the EC Report because it is planning the ZSO, the Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Marko Djuric said. “Nothing has been done for five years and now they are praising Pristina just because it was waiving with some paper. This clearly shows that there is no essential, real pressure on Pristina,” Djuric told TV Prva.  He says he will also discuss with Mogherini other topics concerning Kosovo and Metohija, including one of the most unsuccessful EU missions, EULEX, and many other matters. He reiterated that the Serbs will wait for the three-month deadline given by Pristina for the formation of the ZSO, but that they will also use their legal right and that a meeting of the ZSO management team will be held in Zvecan today. “The Serbs respect the Brussels agreement when they are convening today the management team to discuss the formation of the ZSO, and this is their right. This is not a unilateral move and an attempt to do anything outside the agreed,” stresses Djuric. He says that the management team is envisaged and that the EU has stated that it can operate in full mandate as of 4 April. “The management team will meet and it will send a clear message as to what kind of ZSO the Serbs would like to see, and this is a Community as agreed in Brussels, and not as the Albanians are trying to annul and reduce through the decisions of their Constitutional Court,” he says. Asked whether he expects Pristina to fulfill the promise, he says that he expects nothing from Pristina, that the first deadline for the formation was in May 2013, and that now it is May 2018. “Had they wanted to form anything, they would have. They are pretending that they want the ZSO, but it often seems to me, by looking at what they are doing in the field, they are pretending they want normal relations. People who want normal relations, who want true reconciliation, don’t harass and tread on democratically elected representatives,” said Djuric.


Fabrizi: Belgrade-Pristina dialogue main segmentof Mogherini’s visit (RTS)


The Head of the EU Delegation to Serbia Sem Fabrizi has told the morning news of Radio and Television of Serbia (RTS) that the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue and normalization of relations is the main segment of Mogherini’s visit. He says that he expects good and useful talks that Mogherini will have in Belgrade. “It is also important for her to hear the latest events from the President and to bring her own message,” said Fabrizi. Speaking about the ZSO, Fabrizi says that it is envisaged for this to be done in four months and that this deadline had started last week. “We need to remain optimistic, but also realistic,” says Fabrizi. He says that Mogherini’s message is to encourage Belgrade to deal with all problems because the EU wants full normalization of Belgrade-Pristina relations to be achieved. “The Report says that normalization of relations is a priority for both the EU and Serbia in the broader context,” says Fabrizi. He adds that from the EU side there is a certain feeling of urgency to deal with this process. “There are no details on deadlines in the report, but our expectation is that there will be progress,” says Fabrizi.

Fabrizi announced that EC President Donald Tusk will visit the region at the end of the month, and he will be in Belgrade on 25 April. He says the main goal is to discuss with regional leaders the summit in Sofia that is an important event and reminds that the last summit in this format was held in Thessaloniki in 2003.


Has incident with Croatian flag actually happened? (Beta/Tanjug/B92)


Vojislav Seselj says he will continue to spit and trample on, and set the flag of the Croatian Ustasha state on fire, SRS leader told the press. But the main topic of Seselj’s press conference today was whether the incident happened at all - considering that no journalist witnessed it.

“Well, this is a real conspiracy. I want a new court procedure, and you’re saying it never happened,” Seselj said. “I don’t know how to reply. Why would I make it up? Is it that no reporter believes me? Is there anyone who does?” Since the reporters in the room failed to answer this question, Seselj concluded: “Nobody? Well, this is a real journalistic conspiracy today. We'll have to (do it) again. It’s really incredible that you doubt whether that event happened. And it did happen, and even if it hadn’t - the effect is quite solid.” Seselj then said that parliament security saw it happen, and that members of his party wrestled with them. “Members of the (Croatian) delegation heard me curse their mother. First I said that I trampled on the Croatian Ustasha flag, and then I cursed their Ustasha mother. And what would you like to say, that we made it up, and the fools fell for it? Well it would be extraordinary if that was the case - but we did not make it up,” Seselj said.  He also urged reporters to ask Serbian interior minister whether there was video footage from the entrance to the parliament, where the incident happened. Previously, Seselj said that all Serb patriots and honorable Serbs support what he and another SRS MP Filip Stojanovic did on Wednesday, and noted that it made the president, the prime minister, and the parliament speaker all react. “The President says - one can’t expose to ridicule any sovereign country’s flag. Well, one can, because aggression against the Republic of Serb Krajina was carried out under that flag. 200,000 Serbs were expelled, while several thousand civilians were killed,” the leader of the Radicals said.




Wigemark: Failure to adopt changes to Election Law will result in blockades (Glas Srpske)


Head of the EU Delegation to Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) and EU Special Representative in B&H Lars-Gunnar Wigemark said that there is too much political bickering in the country, and that pre-election campaign - which started a year ago - makes it even harder to make important decisions, including those related to implementation of the Reform Agenda. “At the same time, many important decisions and reforms were made in early stages and many things were harmonized prior to this political slowdown. The European Commission has launched the process of assessing B&H’s responses to European Commission’s Questionnaire, which is why the report on progress of B&H is somewhat shorter than the previous one,” said Wigemark.

Commenting on the issue of changes to the Election Law of B&H, Wigemark said that there were a lot of meetings and talks among political parties, but there were no political will to come up with a joint stance. “Our role is to help find the joint stance, instead of imposed solutions. Decision of the Constitutional Court is a reaction to changes imposed some fifteen years ago by former High Representative Wolfgang Petritsch. And that fact alone tells us that some imported solutions are not exactly good, at least not in the long term. Some things might have been resolved in a short term, but long-term solution has not been secured. Remaining weeks can be used to truly and honestly engage in talks without repeating well-known positions. One should try to be realistic and come up with solution acceptable to all”, the EUSR concluded. “We are talking about the election of delegates in the House of Peoples of the Parliament of the Federation of B&H. Basically, it is possible to organize elections, but the problem will emerge as soon as the time comes to appoint delegates in that House. That will have negative consequences in the Federation of B&H and at the level of B&H, and I am afraid on Republika Srpska (RS) as well,” said Wigemark. He underlined that attention should also be paid to election of Serb representatives in the Federation of B&H HoP, adding that the fact Serbs are outnumbered in the Federation of B&H does not mean that they should not have “a legitimate voice”. “My proposal is to continue with talks even after elections, if an agreement is not made by then”, said Wigemark. I think that too many issues related to Election Law have been opened,” said Wigemark. He noted that Croat representatives would also like to discuss the issue of election of B&H Presidency members, while some of Sarajevo-based political parties would like to open the issue of the House of Peoples and its competences. “I believe that at this point in time, none of this is realistic because of time limits. As far as we are concerned, there is nothing in the Constitutional Court’s decision that addresses these issues,” said Wigemark, adding that politicians should be making one step at a time, as it is not possible to resolve those things all at once. “All of those things would require ‘Dayton 2’, and right now there is no political will on any of sides for something like that”, the EUSR concluded. When asked to say if failure to adopt changes to the Election Law in time for the upcoming elections in B&H would result in additional complications, Wigemark said that if there are no legislative bodies and executive authority, then it is difficult to make any important decision. “And if it is not possible to make important decisions - that would inevitably have consequences on European integration,” said Wigemark, adding that it is important for B&H to have politicians stick to the statement which they signed three years ago. Commenting on the fact that Bosniak member of the Presidency of B&H Bakir Izetbegovic is constantly talking about conflicts, as well as on European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker’s statement, according to which new war might break out in the region if countries are deprived of the EU prospect, Wigemark said that the statement represents Juncker’s personal opinion. “I have not heard about the existence of an analysis or internal documents which point to risk of the war breaking out in B&H and the region. The EU does not want to import instability, but to export stability. Our opinion is that at this moment, there is no risk of war in B&H, and political leaders should stop talking about those things. That is not responsible behavior, especially on the eve of elections, because it creates fear among people.


Zvizdic: Progress has been achieved; political obstructions have slowed down implementation of necessary reforms (Hayat)


Commenting on the European Commission (EC)’s 2018 Report on B&H, Chairman of B&H Council of Ministers (CoM) Denis Zvizdic stated on Wednesday that this report confirmed that progress has been achieved but that political obstructions have slowed down implementation of necessary reforms. Zvizdic noted that the positive part from the political criteria mainly refers to the work of B&H CoM, which remains committed to the European path. Zvizdic said that key strategies and programs of economic reforms have been adopted and functionality of the Coordination Mechanism has been emphasized. In addition, the CoM Chairman called on leaders and participants in political processes to try to overcome interparty tensions and to focus together on implementation of most important reforms. He concluded that the European path and the economic development of B&H are more important than pre-election campaigns.


Cormack says there are concrete solutions to amending of Election Law of B&H, where each party has to give up something (BHT1)


US Ambassador to B&H Maureen Cormack stated that there are concrete solutions to amending of the Election Law of B&H, where each party has to give up on something. Asked if the use of Bonn Powers is possible in this concrete case, Cormack said: “I know that there is a solution and I am focused on brining parties together and working with all of the actors in order to achieve success. I do not think about an alternative at this point. B&H has done a lot in the past couple of years in order to move forward on the EU path. B&H has also delivered some 20,000 pages of answers to the European Commission’s (EC) Questionnaire. Therefore, the use of Bonn powers and international intervention would setback this process, and none of us want that.”


B&H HoR adopts SDA’s proposal of changes to Law on Criminal Procedure (BHT1)


The House of Representatives (HoR) of B&H passed the proposal of amendments to the law on criminal procedure of B&H, filed by SDA representative in B&H HoR Amir Fazlic in urgent procedure, in the evening part of the session on Wednesday. The HoR explained it is about harmonization of the law provision that speaks about the witness whose testimony can represent - under legal conditions - the evidence of the prosecution that will be used against other persons. The law needs to be amended in order to remove disputable provisions that were declared unconstitutional by the Constitutional Court of B&H.


SNSD asks Bosic to schedule urgent session to discuss recent statements made by SDA leader Izetbegovic about B&H’s armament (N1/TV1)


Upon the request of SNSD Caucus in B&H House of Representatives (HoR), Speaker of B&H HoR Mladen Bosic (SDS) scheduled for Friday an urgent session of this House of B&H Parliament dedicated to recent statements of leader of SDA and member of B&H Presidency Bakir Izetbegovic on weapon production in the Federation of B&H. In its request for the urgent session, SNSD described Izetbegovic’s statements as warmongering rhetoric. Head of SNSD Caucus in B&H HoR Stasa Kosarac said that he requested the special session to be held because statements similar to Izetbegovic’s one spark fear among citizens of B&H and Republika Srpska (RS).  Members of B&H Presidency and representatives of BiH Ministry of Defense will be invited to attend this session. Kosarac stressed that Izetbegovic should attend this session and inform B&H HoR about armament in B&H. SDA’s Sefik Dzaferovic described the request of SNSD as politicking, underlining that Izetbegovic has been giving moderate statements, unlike RS President Milorad Dodik who has constantly been calling for dissolution of B&H. Dzaferovic underlined that SDA MPs will not attend the abovementioned session “because we believe that this represents misuse of B&H HoR for purposes of politicking.” Chair of B&H Council of Ministers (CoM) Denis Zvizdic, in a statement to ‘Slobodna Bosna’, defended Izetbegovic by saying that his statements on military industry were not warmongering statements. Delegate in B&H House of Peoples (HoP) Sredoje Novic (SNSD) said that Izetbegovic’s warmongering rhetoric this time is closest to provoking of conflicts and it represents a threat to peace in B&H and entire region. Novic added that this is a “red line” nobody in B&H, especially official bodies at the level of B&H, should cross. Novic, however, said that he does not expect the international community to react and added that statements of individual ambassadors who said that one should restrain from rhetoric crossed the line of politeness “because this is no longer a warmongering threat, but this is literally a preparation for war”. Deputy Speaker of the RS Assembly and leader of ‘Ujedinjena Srpska’ Nenad Stevandic said that the international community should have already reacted to such statements of Izetbegovic and he added both the Office of the High Representative (OHR) and all embassies should have done so because they were the ones who most frequently warned about instability that can be caused by use of such serious rhetoric and by mentioning of war. “It is obvious that the international community is using double and hypocritical standards. Let’s just remind ourselves how they reacted to every statement of RS President Milorad Dodik, even those in which he said that the RS will defend itself. So, this means we cannot even say we will defend ourselves, while others can threaten with war and not even be mentioned at all”, Stevandic added. Spokesperson for the OHR Mario Brkic said that public persons should carefully and responsibly choose their words because they have the responsibility to contribute to peace and reconciliation. The US Embassy to B&H warned that calls to arms in B&H are dangerous and should not be used in public. “Having in mind the recent turbulent past of B&H, mentioning or insinuating to war is unacceptable. We call, loud and clear, political leaders to abstain from making such harmful statements,” the US Embassy noted.


After incident, speaker of Croatian parliament abruptly ends visit to Serbia (Hina)


A delegation of the Croatian parliament, led by Speaker Gordan Jandrokovic, has abruptly terminated their official visit to Serbia following an incident caused by Serbian Radical Party leader and MP Vojislav Seselj, the Croatian parliament said in a press release. Seselj and another member of his party, Filip Stojanovic, desecrated the Croatian flag outside the Serbian parliament, and then threw insults at the Croatian delegation as they were passing by, the press release said. "Despite the very good start to the official visit and a commitment to do the best we can for the promotion of the two countries' relations, we have terminated the visit because of this act which represents a grave violation of the dignity of the Republic of Croatia and its parliament," the press release said.


Croatia condemns Seselj incident (Hina)


The Croatian government condemns the uncivilized and unacceptable act committed by Vojislav Seselj who desecrated the Croatian flag, disrespected Croatian symbols and insulted members of Croatia's parliamentary delegation including the second highest ranking Croatian official, Gordan Jandrokovic, spokeswoman for the Croatian government Suncana Glavak told Hina on Wednesday. Croatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic spoke to Jandrokovic and the two condemned in the strongest terms the unacceptable and uncivilized act by Vojislav Seselj and disrespect of Croatian national symbols and decided that the entire delegation returns to Croatia, the government said. The incident was also condemned by the Croatian parliamentary party MOST. Croatian President Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic condemned an incident caused by ultra-nationalist Serbian politician Vojislav Seselj, describing it as "savagery of a convicted war criminal." Grabar-Kitarovic considers that the decision by Parliament Speaker Gordan Jandrokovic to return to Zagreb was the "only possible response to the savagery by a convicted war criminal, Vojislav Seselj." "His trampling the Croatian flag is an expression of weakness of the head of a defeated criminal policy that brought a lot of evil to the Croatian people, including Croats in Vojvodina. Croatia's independence is the greatest punishment for him and his sympathizers and it represents the total collapse of the Greater Serbia project," Grabar-Kitarovic said. She welcomed the reaction by Serbia's senior officials, hoping that the incident would not spoil progress in relations between the two countries "achieved over the past few months."

"Despite the very good start to the official visit and a commitment to do the best we can for the promotion of the two countries' relations, we have terminated the visit because of this act which severely harmed the dignity of the Republic of Croatia and its parliament," according to a press release issued by the Croatian parliament announcing the termination of the visit to Serbia.

Jandrokovic was scheduled to attend the opening of a Croatian Chamber of Commerce office in Belgrade and tomorrow he was supposed to meet Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and Prime Minister Ana Brnabic.


Petir and Tomasic address European Commission because of Seselj (HRT)


Croatian members of European Parliament Marijana Petir and Ruza Tomasic have sent a question to the European Commission asking if it intends to intervene due to threats made by Serbian Radical Party representative Vojislav Seselj and react to the fact that Seselj, a convicted war criminal, is a member of the Serbian Assembly. On 17 April Petir sent an MEP question to the European Commission reacting to threats and insults made by war criminal and Serbian Radical Party representative Vojislav Seselj aimed at representatives of the Croatian minority in Serbia, said a statement from the office of the MEP. In her question to the European Commission Croatian Member of European Parliament Marijana Petir notes that “to this day, official authorities in Serbia have not reacted, even after Croatian representatives in the Serbian Assembly openly called for condemnation of public calls to participate in crimes against humanity. Even though a person convicted of war crimes is in question, Seselj still holds a representative mandate in the Serbian Assembly. Petir considers Seselj’s place to be in prison and not the Serbian parliament, said the statement. "The Commission has on several occasions noted that incitement of hatred and intolerance is punishable by law in the Republic of Serbia, that it has been noted that hate speech is often present in public speeches in Serbia and that it is following steps Serbia is taking to remove hate speech. However, what will the Commission do when that intolerance and death threats come from governing circles and no one reacts to them or condemns them? Considering negotiations between Serbia and the EU, what is being done to halt hate speech that is tolerated in the very top of Serbian politics and how will the Commission protect the Croatian national minority in Serbia whose members receive death threats from the very top of the state?” says Marijana Petir’s question. The office of MEP Ruza Tomasic issued a statement on Wednesday saying that Tomasic submitted a question to the European Commission into European Parliament procedure informing the Commission that on the same day that a package for EU enlargement was published, in the Serbian National Assembly representative Aleksandra Jerkov “was primitively and barbarically attacked by Vojislav Seselj a representative from the Serbian Radical Party.” In her question Tomasic reminded that in the package for enlargement the Commission emphasized that progress on the European path is objective and a process based on merits that depends on concrete results that are achieved by each individual candidate country, while the main priorities emphasized in the process are the rule of law, the judiciary and fundamental rights. Tomasic asked the European Commission if they plan, in accordance with priorities pointed out, to intervene in order to protect the security of representative Jerkov and for people that took part in the incident to receive the adequate punishment.


Serbian Ambassador refuses Croatia’s protest note (Hina)


Serbian Ambassador to Croatia Mira Nikolic on Wednesday evening refused to accept Croatia's protest note over the incident caused by far-right leader convicted of war crimes Vojislav Seselj who stomped on the Croatian flag and shouted insults at Croatia's parliamentary delegation, the Croatian Foreign and European Affairs Ministry said in a press release. The ambassador declined to accept the note, in which Croatia protested in the strongest terms, so the note was later forwarded to the Serbian Embassy, the press release said. The Croatian Foreign and European Affairs Ministry is confident that Seselj had dared to cause this incident "clearly encouraged by the lack of sanctions for his previous incidents involving the burning of the Croatian flag as well as the lack of reactions from top Serbian officials to his threats of repeating war crimes." "Croatia demands and expects the Serbian authorities to show zero tolerance for such unacceptable incidents and urgently take appropriate measures," read the press release which also states that Croatia is committed to the strengthening of good neighborly cooperation, following the principles of mutual respect in accordance with European values.

Prime Minister and leader of the Croatian Democratic Union (HDZ) Andrej Plenkovic did not wish to comment on the fact that Serbia's embassy refused to accept the protest note from the Croatian foreign ministry, adding that in his opinion they should have accepted it. The content of the note is absolutely appropriate considering the nature of Seselj's incident, Plenkovic said


Leader of Serbs in Croatia comments on Seselj incident (Hina)


The president of the Independent Democratic Serb Party (SDSS) Milorad Pupovac, who was a member of Croatia's parliamentary delegation which abruptly ended their visit to Belgrade following an incident caused by convicted war criminal Vojislav Seselj, said the incident harmed the visit, Croatia-Serbia relations and Serbia. "We must keep a cool head and do everything to prevent ourselves from becoming the hostages to people who are stomping on national symbols of a country," the leader of Croatian Serb said. Asked if in his opinion Serbia should apologize, Pupovac said he did not understand why he was being asked this question which he found "tendentious." He declined to precisely say whether it was moral that Seselj was a member of the national parliament given that he is a convicted war criminal, saying only that "the issue of war crimes is a serious problem between the two countries" and that he did not want this "to become a serious problem between the two parliaments."


Croatia sends response to Slovenian complaint on border arbitration implementation (HRT)


Croatia has sent a written response to the European Commission following a complaint by Slovenia that it is in breach of EU law because it does not recognize the border arbitration ruling, Minister of Foreign and European Affairs Marija Pejcinovic Buric said in an interview with the HRT public broadcaster on Tuesday evening. "We have had until today to send our response and we have done so. I think we presented valid arguments in response to their letter," she said.

Croatia agreed the response to the Slovenian complaint at the closed part of a government meeting on Tuesday. The European Commission had invited Croatia to respond by April 17 to the letter in which Slovenia sought the Commission's opinion on its view that, by refusing to implement the border arbitration ruling, Croatia was in breach of EU law. Pejcinovic Buric said she could not discuss details of the Croatian response because it was a confidential document for now. "We have provided valid arguments for each point and the conclusion is that Croatia is not in breach of EU law," she said. The Commission has set May 2 as a date for the verbal hearing. According to Pejcinovic Buric, it is customary that such meetings are attended by experts, and Croatia has not decided yet who will go to this hearing in Brussels. Asked if Croatia was under pressure from Brussels to comply with the arbitration ruling, the minister said that the Commission "understands very well that this is a bilateral issue, and they have invited us, Croatia and Slovenia, for bilateral talks as two EU members." "We still think that is the right way to go," she said. "In other words, there is no pressure. Of course, the EU, the European institutions, would like the two countries to solve this issue, but there is no pressure because there are other countries in Europe that have open bilateral issues and they live with them normally, dealing with them over time." She said that Croatia and Slovenia could do that too, but had to show a readiness for that. Asked if the verbal hearing would bring about reconciliation or Slovenia would indeed file a lawsuit with the European Court of Justice, Pejcinovic Buric said that Slovenia had in a way opted for that course of action because it had bound its future governments to take the matter to the Court of Justice unless the Commission did so.

"That is not a good way. We believe that the first-instance procedure provides that the Commission, as a relevant and neutral institution, should give a competent answer. Slovenia has actually brought into question this role and this process which is envisaged by the Treaty on the Functioning of the EU. All things are pointing in that direction, given that the actors are still the same. Foreign Minister Karl Erjavec insists on this, so it seems that the matter will go before the Court" Pejcinovic Buric said, expressing hope that this would not happen. She said that Croatia would continue calling for dialogue.


Haradinaj celebrates Montenegro’s successes (CDM)


Prime Minister of Montenegro, Dusko Markovic, talked to EU High Representative Federica Mogherini in Skopje yesterday. Report of the EC on the countries of the region was considered at the regular meeting of the leaders of the region and the High Representative of the EU. European perspective of the West Balkans has been strengthened by the recommendation for opening the negotiation process with Albania and Macedonia. This decision would mean an incentive for the integration process. The forthcoming Summit in Sofia and the meeting of the European Council represent the next important events. Markovic also met with the Prime Minister of Kosovo, Ramush Haradinaj. “We’re happy about the successes of Montenegro, as if they were our own successes” said Haradinaj. He congratulated Markovic on the outcome of the presidential elections in Montenegro stating that it’s good for the stability of the whole region.


Mogherini: Macedonia back on track (MIA)


I am bringing the good news that the European Commission has recommended for Macedonia to commence the EU accession talks, EU High Representative Federica Mogherini said Wednesday at a joint press conference with Prime Minister Zoran Zaev. And yes the good news is this: you are back, you are back on track and the assessment that the European Commission has made, merit-based, is that the conditions that were put last time have been met and that we recommend the Council to take the decision to open negotiations, Mogherini said. “I think this is a major achievement you have to be proud of, you can celebrate - for half a day and then go back to work. But this is an achievement that, as you rightly mentioned Mr Prime Minister, not only for the government, but for all the institutions of the country, from the President, to the government, to the Parliament, to the local authorities, to the civil society, to the citizens of this country. And that has also involved the capacity from the majority and from the opposition to work together,” she said. Mogherini compared the reform process with a video game, saying that “every time you get to one stage, you get to the following level and the challenges increase, but you also get extra points so somehow you are rewarded”. “At the end of the day, as a reward, you are perfectly right: it is not about institutions, it is not about procedures, it is not about negotiations, the real reward is the improvement of the life of the citizens and it is all about this. Having European standards, having developments on economy and trade, and how the institutions work, governance, and the quality of life that counts for every single citizen of Europe - and by the way you are already Europe, we are talking here about the process towards being a member of the European Union that can be opened in the coming months,’ she said. The next level of the video game, she went further, is the implementation of the reforms. The recommendation carries two magic words - maintaining and deepening the reforms.

She commended the impressive steps Macedonia made in addressing regional dynamics and bilateral relations with its neighbors. “On the regional dynamics, again, tonight we will have a meeting here with all the six Prime Ministers of the region. If you think back four or five years ago this would have been - to say the minimum - strange or difficult, now it is the normal, the new normal and it is a very good new normal, because this part of the Western Balkans is fully part of the European continent,” Mogherini said. Mogherini also voiced hope for Skopje-Athens name talks to soon result in finding a mutually acceptable solution. “I think that you are doing a remarkable job - and I would like to thank you in particular, not only you Mister Prime Minister but also the Foreign Minister Nikola Dimitrov, for his dedication - in the dialogue and negotiations with Greece. We support and we encourage this process in all possible ways and I hope that a solution that can be mutually accepted can be found soon. I believe that this would be an extremely positive development, under the UN auspices. We are obviously ready to accompany this process in every single step and to encourage it in all its stages. By the way, I believe that also this will require and requires already a certain degree of national unity that I am sure you are going to guarantee it and the opposition is going to guarantee it, and the rest of the institutions as well,” she said. Mogherini, voiced belief that the name dispute could be settled by the EU Summit in June, when the member states would make decisions on setting dates for candidate countries to open the accession talks. Macedonia’s government has made significant progress on the road to EU for the last ten months, which is recognized and appreciated by the Union, Zaev said. Following the implementation of reforms, the Friendship Treaty with Bulgaria, Macedonia is also on the right track to resolve the open issue with Greece, Zaev said. He called on the EU to remain focused on Macedonia and reaffirmed the government’s readiness to keep working on the necessary reforms. “We shall justify the (EU) expectations and offer new reasons for support. The citizens of Macedonia deserve to be part of Europe. Let the expectation for obtaining a date for Macedonia to commence the EU accession talks become a reality during the EU Summit in June,” Zaev said. The EU, NATO membership is Macedonia’s top priority, the PM said.


President Ivanov meets with Mogherini (MIA)


President Gjorge Ivanov met Wednesday in Skopje with Federica Mogherini for talks on current political developments in Macedonia, its EU integration process and key challenges facing the region and the EU. Welcoming the European Commission's renewed recommendation for the opening of accession talks, President Ivanov said that the unblocking of integration processes by setting a date for start of negotiations would positively affect the reform processes and the overall social and political state of play in Macedonia, his cabinet said in a press release.

The two interlocutors concluded that joined forces by all stakeholders in the country in implementing the reform-oriented processes would contribute to the European future of Macedonia. The positive recommendation of the EC to open membership talks with Macedonia and Albania has an encouraging effect regarding the credibility of the EU and the perspective of the entire region, Ivanov stated. Taking into consideration the positive rhetoric of the Western Balkan leaders about the progress of each of the countries, Mogherini said that the enlargement process for the first time was focused on the original idea of the EU, i.e. peace.

Moreover, Ivanov and Mogherini shared views about the ongoing name negotiations between Macedonia and Greece, stated the press release.


Mogherini and Zaev host informal dinner for PMs of Western Balkan countries (MIA)


EU High Representative Federica Mogherini and Macedonia’s Prime Minister Zoran Zaev are hosted on Wednesday in Skopje an informal dinner for the Heads of Government of the Western Balkan countries. The guest list included the Prime Ministers of Albania, Serbia, Kosovo, Montenegro and Bosnia and Herzegovina, Edi Rama, Ana Brnabic, Ramush Haradinaj, Dusko Markovic and Denis Zvizdic respectively, the government said in a press release. “The Prime Ministers reaffirmed their sincere commitment to full implementation of reforms in their countries, in order to speed up the process for accessing the European family,” the press release reads. Mogherini emphasized the need of all countries in the region to accelerate the implementation of key reforms in order to meet the expectations of their citizens. Hence the changes will also become visible to the EU, she said. The Prime Ministers also affirmed their commitment to promote the regional cooperation and good-neighborly relations, saying that 2018 is of a historic significance for the region, as the Western Balkan countries are offered an opportunity to make giant steps towards the EU membership if they put the key reforms – rule of law, judiciary and fundamental human rights – as their priority, the press release reads.


Zaev-Haradinaj: EC reports prompt good neighborliness, regional cooperation (MIA)


The European Commission progress reports are realistic and encouraging. Now, it is up to the countries in the region to pursue reforms with an increasing inclusion so as to completely fulfill all recommendations in the EU integration process. This is the joint conclusion of the premiers of Macedonia and Kosovo, Zoran Zaev and Ramush Haradinaj, who met Wednesday on the sidelines of the Western Balkans Digital Summit in Skopje. The interlocutors said that the Western Balkans Digital Summit, as an event that opened a new chapter to further strengthen regional cooperation, was an expression of bolstering the Berlin Process initiative and an impulse for new contribution to the Western Balkans-EU Summit in May in Sofia, the Macedonian government said in a press release. "PMs Zaev and Haradinaj concurred that both Macedonia and Kosovo were sharing common values and were committed to a joint future. Transformation of bilateral relations in the region requires bold and leadership steps that look to the future," stated the press release. Praising bilateral relations, the PMs also discussed ways to enhance trade exchange and new opportunities for economic cooperation through joint projects, including one-stop border posts, as well as for joint initiatives considering cross-border infrastructure projects.


Hahn welcomes VMRO-DPMNE's EU integration role (MIA)


VMRO-DPMNE leader Hristijan Mickoski met Wednesday with Johannes Hahn, Commissioner for European Neighborhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations, to discuss the progress report of the European Commission on Macedonia's integration process, including the state of play in economy and politics. "The path towards the EU is the only course Macedonia should take, most notably as a way to improve living standards and prosperity for the citizens and as a way to protect national and state interests," Mickoski said, according to a press release of the opposition party. The positive recommendation, he said, which had been given to the VMRO-DPMNE-led government since 2009, but was lost as a result of the imposed political crisis in the country in the past two years, should help the country improve and raise criteria in several spheres. According to Mickoski, the opposition has notably improved the quality of reform-oriented laws, which proves that it puts state interests above everything else.

Furthermore, Hahn welcomed the role of VMRO-DPMNE in the EU integration process saying that EU accession was a joint interests of all stakeholders in Macedonia, stated the press release.


European Council President Tusk to visit Macedonia next week (MIA)


European Council President Donald Tusk will travel to the Western Balkans next week to prepare the EU-Western Balkans summit, taking place in Sofia on 17 May 2018. He will visit Macedonia, Albania, Montenegro, Serbia, Kosovo and Bosnia and Herzegovina. Speaking Wednesday at the European Parliament, Tusk said: The message to our friends is clear: the European Union is and will continue to be the most reliable partner for the entire region. As the biggest investor, the biggest donor, the biggest trading market and the best promise for a better future for citizens. Our summit should reaffirm the European perspective of the region. And more importantly, it should improve, in concrete terms, connections with and within the region.


Mogherini: Congratulations! You realize vetting, we kept the promise; Rama: No time to rest (ADN)


EU High Representative Frederica Mogherini congratulates in Albanian language for the opening of accession negotiations by EU. "Urime" said Mogherini adding that "I am proud for the good news to open the accession talks with Albania. We did it all together. Albania realized the vetting process and we kept our promise". In a joint press conference Mogherini and the Albanian Prime Minister, Edi Rama said that Albania passed a very difficult exam. "There is no time to celebrate since we have to resume working in order to get the membership certificate. The recommendation for the accession talks opening gave Albania a new status. This marks the end of a stage and the opening of a new and more difficult one. The historic chapter we closed is only the beginning of a new one we have to write. The justice reform we have started should continue with concrete results, i.e. the arrest of those who need to be held accountable," Rama said while thanking Mogherini for her contribution to Albania.


Integration, Rama appeal to the opposition to be part of one team (ADN)


The Albanian PM and Socialist Party Chairman, Edi Rama urged the DP leader Lulzim Basha not to put the spanner into the works of Albanian EU agenda and not to collaborate with any external political factor who does not wish that Albania be part of EU.  “Let us not export the sludge of internal political war and leave aside our political grudge when we speak in a foreign language. "There are plenty of those who will find faults with Albania and who will not find it difficult to put the spanner into the works of our EU integration process," Rama said addressing Basha.  He urges to him to become part of one team, the Red and Black team, and request respect from everyone visiting Albania.  "Yesterday's event was not a victory for me or the SP but for the entire Albania. We know that all Albanians, be they left wing or right wing supporters are not divided among them", the Albanian PM said.


Basha reacts after Prime Minister's request for cooperation (ADN)


The Chairman of the Democratic Party, Lulzim Basha, reacted after the Prime Minister Edi Rama's declaration, requesting him to cooperate for the membership of Albania in EU. He responded by using sarcasm and saying that the actual government singlet is green, meaning cannabis. "Edi Rama and his team do not have red and black uniform. Their uniform was green, and now it is made with white and red spots. I mean cannabis, cocaine and heroin," declared Basha.


Opposition asks from Mogherini to convince Rama to release 11 Kukesi citizens (ADN)


The opposition representatives appealed to the High Representative of the EU for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Federica Mogherini to persuade the Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama into making sure that 11 Kukesi citizens arrested following the protest at the National Road Toll are released out of jail.  After the meeting, the SMI chairwoman Monika Kryemadhi said to the media: We appealed to Mogherini to persuade Rama into making sure that 11 Kukesi citizens are let out of jail since their arrest is an injustice'.




Turkish Foreign Ministry responds to Macron on Balkans (Anadolu Agency, 19 April 2018)


ANKARA – The Turkish Foreign Ministry said on April 18 that the French president’s statement on the Balkans is “not constructive.” In a written statement, Foreign Ministry spokesperson Hami Aksoy responded to a question regarding the remarks made by French President Emmanuel Macron about Turkey and the Balkans during a speech at the European Parliament on April 17. Aksoy said Macron has “used expressions in the European Parliament about the Balkans being an area of rivalry for the EU, Turkey, and the Russian Federation,” similar to a speech he made last year. “This understanding that views the Balkans as a sphere of influence is not constructive,” Aksoy said. “Being a Balkan country as well, Turkey’s aim and priority in the region today, as it has been in the past, is the maintenance and strengthening of peace, stability, and sustainable development,” he said. “With this objective, we continue to support membership of all countries in the region to European and Euro-Atlantic institutions,” said Aksoy. The spokesperson said Turkey hopes France will contribute at least as much as Turkey to integration efforts of Turkey’s friends in the Balkans to the EU and NATO. “Within this framework, we advise France to try to better understand the contribution efforts of Turkey for the stability of the Balkans,” he said.