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Belgrade Media Report 24 May 2018



Chinese President ready to take relations with Serbia to new level (Tanjug)


On Wednesday, President of China Xi Jinping replied to a letter from his Serbian counterpart Aleksandar Vucic, who had asked for close cooperation with China in all areas of mutual importance, saying that he was paying great attention to the development of Sino-Serbian relations and that he was ready to invest the effort, together with Vucic, to elevate relations between the two states to a new level. Xi voiced pleasure that Vucic was paying such great attention to relations with China and advocated advancing the practical cooperation of the two nations, the Serbian president's office said in a press release. "The comprehensive strategic partnership of China and Serbia is developing soundly, mutual political trust is growing stronger, practical cooperation in energy and transport infrastructure but in other areas too, is progressing apace, which represents the concrete interests of the peoples of our two countries," the press release quoted the Chinese president's letter as saying. Xi wrote that cooperation in the military industry and in trade was an important expression of the high level of mutual political trust and the strategic character of bilateral Serbo-Chinese relations. "The Chinese side is ready to talk with the Serbian side about stepping up exchange and cooperation in the military industry and trade, and about cooperation in other areas, continually enriching the content of the comprehensive strategic partnership of the two countries," the President of China wrote.

Xi further noted that a Serbian delegation would be welcome to visit China to discuss specific subjects, at a time agreed by the two nation's appropriate institutions.


Brnabic: Serbia committed to development of friendly relations with Macedonia (Beta/Tanjug)


Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic said during the talks with Macedonian parliament speaker Talat Xhaferi that regional cooperation and the European path of the region are the key to the stability and prosperity of the Western Balkans. Assessing the overall relations with Macedonia, Brnabic said that Serbia is committed to developing friendly relations based on shared history and traditionally close ties between the two nations. She stressed that by more solid linking through regional economic cooperation and through the Berlin Process, the countries of the region will fulfil the conditions necessary for joining the EU faster. Xhaferi underlined the importance of strengthening the cooperation of the two countries through parliamentary cooperation and emphasized the importance of connecting through regional processes, especially in economic and infrastructural terms. Brnabic reiterated that Serbia will continue to advocate the start of the negotiations of the Republic of Macedonia with the EU and that it is ready to transfer to Macedonia the experiences of Serbia to date in the process of European integration. Brnabic stressed that Serbia also supports the reaching of agreement on the bilateral dispute between Skopje and Athens regarding the name of Macedonia, which will further contribute to the stabilization of the region. According to Brnabic, Serbia sees the continuation of the Brussels dialogue as a way to find a compromise solution for Belgrade and Pristina. She reiterated that Serbia is committed to the implementation of the agreements reached in the Brussels dialogue and expects the other party to start doing that too. She underlined that the Community of Serb Municipalities has not been formed even five years after signing of the agreement. The two officials also discussed the Serbian and Macedonian national minorities and the beginning of the work of the Mixed Commission for the Improvement of the Rights of the Macedonian national minority in Serbia and the Serbian national minority in Macedonia.


Vulin: SPC recommendations will not determine state policy (TV Pink/Tanjug/B92)


The Serbian Orthodox Church (SPC) is one of the most respected institutions and its recommendations on Kosovo and Metohija will be respected. However, this will not determine state policy, says Defense Minister Aleksandar Vulin. Vulin told TV Pink that the SPC is owed attention, respect and gratitude for everything it has always been doing, but that Serbia is a secular state where politicians, elected by the people in elections, make decisions.  “The Church makes recommendations and it must be spoken about with respect. Will it define state policy and determine that it can only be so and no other way - well no,” Vulin said. According to him, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic has sincere and great respect for what he is doing in the Church, but it also must be understood that the Church has its views on the issue of Kosovo, but that does not mean it must unconditionally be done that way. “The Church is the shepherd of its people and it is the one who recommends, says how and what it thinks, and that needs to be taken into account. Of course, the SPC will be with its state as it always has been. Find me a time in the history of our people when the Church was against its state,” Vulin stressed.


Xhaferi: Relations with Belgrade friendly (N1)


Macedonian parliament speaker Talat Xhaferi said on Wednesday that the relations between Skopje and Belgrade were friendly and at a satisfactory level of cooperation. In an interview with N1 Belgrade, Xhaferi, who is in Belgrade on an official visit, confirmed that he still had an Albanian flag in his office. “That flag in my office is not an Albanian state symbol. The Albanian flag is identified as a national flag of all Albanians, wherever they live,” he said, adding that “in that sense, the flag represents me as an ethnic Albanian, and not a state or institution.” He denied he was a controversial personality as people were saying about him after being a coalition partner of the former prime minister Nikola Gruevski while later switched the sides and supported a different politics. “Our voters demanded us to support the majority,” he said, adding he was only fulfilling his obligations.


Serbs hope that they will resolve all their problems with the aid of Russia (, Belgrade correspondent)


His Holiness, Serbian Patriarch Irinej, has said that the hope of all Slavic peoples is with the Russian church and people and stressed that Serbs hope that they will resolve all their problems with the aid of Russia. “We are very happy that Russia is back on its feet,” the Serbian Patriarch said at the beginning of his visit to Moscow. He added that Serbs and Russians are close Slavic peoples and that this closeness is not from recently, says a press release from the Serbian Orthodox Church. The Serbian Patriarch has said that the closeness between the Serbian and Russian people is centuries old and that the Church played a decisive role in it. During his visit to Moscow, where he will receive an award from the International Foundation for the Unity of Orthodox Christian Nations, Patriarch Irinej paid his respects to the relics of Holy Matrona of Moscow in the Intercession Monastery. On that occasion, His Holiness thanked the Abbess, Teofanija, and nuns of the Intercession Monastery for their hospitality.

Warmly welcoming the Primate of the Serbian Orthodox Church, His Holiness Kirill noted: “We are very glad that you have arrived in Moscow in connection with your election as a winner of the prize of the Unity of Orthodox Nations International Foundation.” Russian Patriarch Kirill underscored the significance of the contribution made by Patriarch Irinej and the whole Serbian Church to the unity of Orthodoxy, saying: “We will honor you as a prize-winner, and on the eve of this event I would like to meet you to exchange opinions concerning some important matters.”

Patriarch Irinej expressed gratitude for the award ‘for outstanding work for consolidating the unity of Orthodox nations’, and said that this award was a great honor for him. The two Patriarchs discussed a wide range of issues concerning the bilateral relations and common Orthodox unity. Speaking during the prize presentation ceremony held by the Unity of Orthodox Nations international public foundation at the Church Councils Hall of the Church of Christ the Savior in Moscow, Patriarch Irinej said: “Everybody knows of the feat performed by hundreds of thousands of Serbs who struggled to the bitter end for holy Orthodoxy. So, I think, we do not need many words to explain how the Serbian Church treats all that is happening in Ukraine today. Our response to it is the same as was that of our ancestors: the Serbian Church gives full support to the unity and integrity of the Russian Orthodox Church and resolutely condemns the actions of Uniats and schismatics who are tearing apart the robe of Christ at the baptismal font of the Kievan Baptism.” According to the Serbian Patriarch, “anyone who helps Ukrainian schismatics is an enemy of not only the Russian Church and Russian world, but also all the Orthodox Slavic nations and the whole Orthodox world”.




Venice Commission experts conclude that issue of election legislation can be resolved at level of Federation of B&H Parliament (


Representatives of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) political parties have stated after the meeting with Venice Commission experts held in the building of the EU Delegation on Thursday, that international experts concluded that the issue of election legislation can be resolved at the level of the Federation of B&H Parliament. HDZ B&H representatives did not agree with this.

Sefik Dzaferovic (SDA) stated: “This process will now continue at the level of presidents of political parties. The meeting with the presidents of the political parties and experts of the Venice Commission will be held at the beginning of June... I believe that the number of disputable issues is being reduced. It is already clear that the election legislation should have been changed before the election process, but in special situation such as the one in B&H it is possible to do it after the election process starts.” He also said that the things have been reduced to the Federation of B&H House of Peoples exclusively adding that these issues should be resolved at the level of the presidents of the political parties with participation of Venice Commission experts. Zoran Mikulic (SDP) stated after the meeting that Venice Commission members have defined the framework within which B&H should move during adoption of legal solutions related to changes to B&H Election Law. He added that in any case the solution is up to B&H MPs and none will impose solutions or offer proposals to B&H. Mikulic also said: “They especially referred to recommendations from 2016 in which they concluded that the election system is resolved by the Federation of B&H Constitution in accordance with European and other international standards in the areas of election legislation. I am glad that this recommendation can be interpreted in a way that it is not disputable at all to resolve this issue with both entity law and state law. This was the obligation of the B&H Parliament, but state MPs did not respect the decision of B&H Constitutional Court (CC).” He underlined that it is not disputable to make harmonization in the Federation of B&H Parliament, that is, by the entity law, the way it was done in Republika Srpska (RS), which has its laws that the Central Election Commission respects. DF’s Damir Becirovic said that definitely there is no approaching of stances with regard to changes to B&H Election Law and that this process continues at the beginning of June. He added: “It was told that this issue can be resolved at the entity level. There is already the proposal of SDP and DF in the Federation of B&H Parliament, which is one of possible solutions. It is important to say that if CEC passes any decisions they cannot be contrary to the Federation of B&H Constitution.”

SBB B&H’s Damir Arnaut hopes that all political representatives will stick to the framework of the Venice Commission, which exclusively refers to the issues related to implementation of B&H CC’s decision. Lidija Bradara (HDZ B&H) said that it is useful that there is the framework of the Venice Commission. Asked if harmonization of the election legislation can be made by entity law, Bradara said that she believes that the Federation of B&H cannot pass the election law which would be contrary to B&H Election Law.


Sebija Izetbegovic decides not to accept her candidacy for post of Bosniak member of B&H Presidency (BHT1)


SDA stated on Wednesday that Sebija Izetbegovic, wife of SDA leader Bakir Izetbegovic, decided not to accept her candidacy for the post of Bosniak member of the Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency. In a letter, Izetbegovic explained that her mission to improve the healthcare system is not finished and that her intention is to continue to work and contribute in this respect. Participants of SDA Convention, which will be held on May 26, will thus have to decide which of the two remaining candidates, including Sefik Dzaferovic and Safet Softic, will be SDA's candidate for the post of Bosniak member of the B&H Presidency. Dzaferovic stated that he has no comment on this matter, as the party convention will provide the answers to all questions. Dzaferovic reminded that the official candidate will be elected through a secret ballot method. Chairman of B&H Council of Ministers (CoM) Denis Zvizdic (SDA) reiterated that his decision on withdrawal from the election race for B&H Presidency remains unchanged. Zvizdic said he will support the official candidate and be a part of the team that will work on SDA’s election victory.


Dodik to attend SPIEF and meet with Russian President Vladimir Putin (Nezavisne)


President of Republika Srpska (RS) Milorad Dodik will attend the annual St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF) and meet with Russian President Vladimir Putin on Friday. On the eve of his trip to Russia, according to daily, Dodik said that a total of 6 million USD have been invested so far through the US Embassy for reduction of Russian influence in B&H, and additional 12 million USD as support to media outlets in the RS which US find suitable. Dodik told that SPIEF will gather a significant number of important individuals from the fields of business, banking and economy, and assessed as important the fact that he will have a chance to meet with Putin. President of the RS expressed gratitude for Russia’s contribution to the overall economic situation in the RS, saying that Russia’s engagement in oil refineries has elevated the entire energy sector in the RS to a higher level - thanks to, among other things, Russian President’s efforts to make that a successful project. According to Dodik, the meeting with Putin will be dedicated to economic cooperation and events in the region. “One can feel a serious pressure coming from western countries, led primarily by the United States, in connection with false perception about some presence of negative Russian influence here. This negative Russian influence does not exist, of course”, said Dodik. The RS President believes that the goal of those speculations is to affect the outcome of general elections in B&H. Dodik concluded that “those who actually want to orchestrate elections here are accusing Russia of such activities”. Dodik said that he will use his visit to St. Petersburg to try to increase Russian investors’ interest in the RS, because the Russian side has always been a good partner. President of the RS announced that he will meet with Putin and Governor of St. Petersburg Georgy Poltavchenko. “I will inform Putin about the current situation and thank him for understanding and support to the Dayton Agreement, the stabilization of situation and the international law. We are grateful to Russia for its contribution to economic stability of the RS”, said Dodik.


B&H CoM unanimously adopts measures and actions that should be taken in order to put migrant crisis in B&H under control (BHT1)


The B&H Council of Ministers (CoM) unanimously adopted on Wednesday measures and actions that should be taken in order to put the migrant crisis in B&H under control. One of the measures adopted by the CoM is strengthening the border through strengthening the B&H Border Police. B&H Minister of Security Dragan Mektic announced that a meeting of ministers of interior of countries in the region, which will be dedicated to solving the issue of illegal migration through the Western Balkans, will be held in Sarajevo on June 7. According to Mektic, there is a plan for migrants who are yet to arrive in B&H. "It is now up to the coordinating body, which got the status of operational body because of the pronounced problem of migrants, to implement this new plan of urgent measures together with all institutions in BiH at all levels," Mektic underlined. The B&H CoM verified the conclusions from the last session dedicated to the migrant crisis in B&H. However, the B&H CoM failed to reach an agreement on whether this institution approved the decision of the B&H Ministry of Security on the transfer of migrants from Sarajevo to the refugee center in Salakovac near Mostar. B&H CoM Deputy Chairman Vjekoslav Bevanda stressed that the transfer had not been approved and that the B&H CoM had not reached a decision about it. “Conclusions were adopted, as well as a report that verifies the conclusions and the discussion from the last session. These conclusions will probably be available to everyone tomorrow (Thursday), and then you will see that they confirm everything I said,” Bevanda explained. B&H Minister of Defense Marina Pendes also confirmed that Salakovac has been mentioned as one of the possibilities as a part of the proposal of the action plan, that was adopted at the last session. “We mentioned Salakovac but we also said that the families seeking asylum are accommodated there,” Pendes said, adding that B&H Minister Mektic did not stay at the session until the end, which may have caused misunderstanding. On the other hand, Mektic claims that there was no need for any kind of approval. “Even in this crisis, our Ministries are functioning in line with their competences. We decided to relocate some of those migrants to free capacities in Salakovac. There is no other decision. The status of this center was established 12 years ago and we respect that,” Mektic explained. Given the fact that Serbia and Montenegro are guiding migrants towards B&H, the B&H CoM also tasked the B&H Ministry of Foreign Affairs to send a protest note to these countries. SNSD MP in the B&H House of Representatives Dusanka Majkic argued: “The former Coordination Body was given a new status, the status of an operational body. However, it is completely unknown what this plan consists of, especially what kind of the planned and potential accommodation capacities are intended for the field of migrations and asylum.”


Cvijanovic: I am very dissatisfied with state institutions’ actions in dealing with influx of migrants (TV1)


Republika Srpska (RS) Prime Minister Zeljka Cvijanovic stated on Wednesday that she is very dissatisfied with state institutions’ actions in dealing with the influx of migrants, as well as any other problem that is in their competence. Cvijanovic noted that Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) neither has institutions nor mechanisms to respond to any problem. According to Cvijanovic, a state that convenes meetings in attempt to prepare operational plans at the time when 100-150 migrants cross the border on a daily basis is not a serious state. The RS Prime Minister wondered how it will be possible to check who exactly crosses the borders when it is not possible to respond to hidden risks where anyone can enter the country.


Brammertz meets representatives of Prosecutor's Office of B&H and B&H institutions (FTV)


Chief Prosecutor of the Mechanism for International Criminal Tribunals (MICT) Serge Brammertz met on Wednesday with representatives of B&H Prosecutor’s Office and representatives of B&H institutions. The main topic of this meeting was search for and identification of missing persons. It was concluded that around 7,000 citizens of B&H are still registered as missing. Participants of this meeting concluded that the main problem in search for missing persons in B&H is lack of quality information on locations of mass and individual graves. Brammertz stressed that B&H institutions need to continue to work intensively on these activities, adding that MICT and the international community will provide support in this process.  Participants of the meeting agreed that it is necessary to have clear and continuous political support for the search for missing persons in B&H, as well as support and confidence of victims' families in institutions which are in charge of these activities.


Acquittal of Oric to be revoked, he will be ordered re-trial (EuroBlic)


A well-informed source from B&H judiciary told the daily that the Appeals Division of the Court of B&H will revoke the first instance acquittal of wartime commander of the Army of the Republic of B&H Naser Oric from Srebrenica because of serious violations of criminal procedure and that a re-trial of Oric will be ordered. Director of Republika Srpska (RS) Center for Investigation of War, War Crimes and Search for Missing Persons Milorad Kojic said that revoking of acquittal would be the only understandable decision because the first-instance verdict was “catastrophic”. Kojic added that it will also be necessary to establish persons and manners in which an influence was made on this case, as well as on witnesses to change their testimonies. Kojic assessed that the Court of B&H had enough evidence to sentence Oric for crimes that were committed. The daily reminded that B&H Prosecutor’s Office issued an indictment against Oric and Sabahudin Muhic in August 2015 after months long investigation that was carried out in cooperation with the State Investigation and Protection Agency (SIPA) of B&H and RS Ministry of Interior. Oric and Muhic were charged with violation of provisions of international humanitarian law and Geneva Convention during the war in the areas of Srebrenica and Bratunac and they were also charged with murder of three Serbs in Zalazje, Lolici and Kunjerac villages. The trial started in January 2016 and ended in September 2017.


Coalition partners back PM’s pick for economy minister (HRT)


The HDZ's coalition partners have backed the nominations of Darko Horvat as the new economy minister and Agriculture Minister Tomislav Tolusic as deputy Prime Minister.

Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic confirmed on Monday that Darko Horvat was his pick to succeed Martina Dalic as economy minister and that Tomislav Tolusic would be filling her post as deputy prime minister. Horvat said today he would not discuss any policy plans until he is confirmed by lawmakers. Prime Minister Plenkovic's call came as a surprise because they had little direct contact over the past two years, he said. "I'm not going to speculate, but politics is all about playing the long game. If you are patient, things work out for the best," he told reporters.

Despite having had opposing views on a number of key economic issues in the past, People's Party leader Ivan Vrdoljak says Horvat has his backing. "Of course he has my support, but we have to agree on our priorities. People don't care about our personal disputes. Citizens are much more interested in the results of the government's work, salaries, investments, employment, and not personal relations," Vrdoljak said. HSLS leader Darinko Kosor said the coalition partners supported Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic, when asked to comment on the latest revelations to come from the publication of the private emails of former Economy Minister Martina Dalic, including some that raise questions about the Plenkovic's involvement or knowledge of the matters discussed in the emails. "We, the coalition partners, are confident the Prime Minister's hands are clean and that he did not take part in any kind of corruption," Kosor said. Horvat served as minister of trades and small businesses in the Oreskovic cabinet in 2016 and was picked by Tomislav Karamarko, the HDZ leader who was later ousted by Plenkovic.

A confirmation vote is expected on Friday.


Jeff Sessions begins visit to Croatia (HRT)


The Attorney General of the United States will meet with the Croatian President and Prime Minister during his three day official visit. US Attorney General Jeff Sessions will be received by Croatian President Kolinda Grabar Kitarovic, and Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic. He will also hold meetings with Justice Minister Drazen Bosnjakovic, Interior Minister Davor Bozinovic and the State Secretary at the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs Andreja Metelko-Zgombic. Sessions will also participate in a regional workshop focusing on transnational organized crime at the Police Academy in Zagreb. The workshop will gather representatives from six countries in the region. During his stay in Zagreb the US Attorney General will discuss bilateral and international co-operation in the judiciary, as well as ways of strengthening law enforcement between the United States and Croatia.


Dimitrov meets UN Secretary General Guterres in New York (MIA)


Macedonia’s Foreign Minister Nikola Dimitrov held talks Wednesday in New York with UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres, focused on the latest developments in Skopje-Athens name negotiations. “With vision and sense of leadership the two countries have a historic opportunity to put an end to a long-standing dispute” Dimitrov said after the meeting. Dimitrov reaffirmed Macedonia’s commitment to the EU, NATO membership at a meeting with UN Under-Secretary-General for Political Affairs Rosemary DiCarlo, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said in a press release.


US supports Macedonia’s Euro-Atlantic aspirations, Skopje-Athens efforts for name issue settlement (MIA)


Prime Minister Zoran Zaev held talks Wednesday in Skopje with the US State Department Director for South Central European Affairs, Matthew Palmer, who affirmed his country’s support of the Macedonia’s bid to join NATO and the European Union. Palmer also reaffirmed the US staunch support for Skopje-Athens name negotiations to yield a positive result, the government said in a press release. Zaev on his part commended the significant diplomatic activities the US and European friends of Macedonia and Greece were undertaking with regard to resolving the name issue, especially when negotiations on the matter are in the final phase, the press release reads.


President Ivanov meets US State Department's Matthew Palmer (MIA)


Macedonian President Gjorge Ivanov met with U.S. State Department Director for South Central European Affairs Matthew Palmer in Skopje on Wednesday. According to a press release issued by the President's Cabinet, Ivanov expressed his belief that American support for Macedonia's political priorities—such as EU and NATO integration, good neighborly relations, and regional cooperation—would continue. "The Republic of Macedonia remains completely committed to meeting political criteria for NATO and EU membership," President Ivanov said. "These integration processes are vital for the stability and prosperity of the country and the region."

Ivanov and Palmer also discussed current events in Macedonia, as well as the newest developments in the name dispute negotiations. They pledged to further strengthen, enrich, and promote the strategic partnership between the Republic of Macedonia and the United States.


Sekerinska in Montenegro: Macedonia deserves to be next NATO member (MIA)


Macedonia’s Defense Minister Radmila Sekerinska had separate meetings Wednesday in Podgoroca with her Montenegrin counterpart Predrag Boskovic, President Milo Djukanovic and Parliament Speaker Ivan Brajovic. Sekerinska and Boskovic voiced satisfaction with excellent bilateral cooperation in the sphere of defense.  Sekerinska extended gratitude for Montenegro’s support of Macedonia’s bid to join NATO.  Macedonia, she said, has been making decisive efforts to resolve the longstanding dispute with Greece. “Macedonia has implemented a great number of reforms and deserves to join NATO.  Our membership brings stability to the entire region” Sekerinska said after the meeting. NATO's decision to embrace Montenegro is a proof that the Alliance’s open-door policy functions, she said. “For us this decision is both reminder and inspiration. A reminder that countries may either miss or create a historic chance and inspiration to believe that high ambitions of small states are attainable,” Sekerinska said. Boskovic commended the Macedonian-Montenegrin relations, saying that are an example of cooperation in the region. The two countries share a common future and Montenegro wishes to see Macedonia as NATO member. “Montenegro believes that Macedonia deserves to be the next NATO member, it contributes to the stability of the region” he said. Montenegrin President Djukanovic and Speaker Brajovic also voices support for Macedonia’s NATO membership and further stabilization and development of the region.


Protests, Basha gathers DP Parliamentary Group (ADN)


The chairman of DP Lulzim Basha gathered his parliamentary group, ahead of the opposition's protest. After this meeting, Basha is said to meet with DP Leaders from the districts to discuss on the details for the organization of Saturday's protest. The request for the resignation of the Interior Minister, Fatmir Xhafaj will be the main object of the opposition's protest on May 26.

Wednesday's Parliamentary Group Meeting of the Democratic Party voted even the new poster that will be used during the protest, while democrats decided even to block the Parliamentary Session on Thursday.  They decided to be present, but not allow the ruling majority to proceed with the calendar without the resignation of the Interior Minister. The Democratic Party (DP) MP, Oerd Bylykbashi, said on Wednesday that the Saturday's protest will be democratic and peaceful. According to him, the DP group has been allocated the protest duties, but the details will be announced in the coming days. "We have our entire commitment to encourage the largest number of citizens. I am sure it will be the biggest protest ever because we have proved that two Interior Ministers have links to drugs. The duties we shared in the group meeting were precisely for the organization of the protest. The protest will be massive and democratic. The details will be outlined in the plan that will be announced very soon," said Bylykashi. He added that the opposition guarantees a civic protest and that he will be with his family there.


Basha: EUR 200.000 offered to witness to deny audio-recording (ADN)


The leader of the opposition Lulzim Basha made a strong declaration this Wednesday evening. In an urgent press conference, he declared that the threatening against the only witness on the audio-recording against the Interior Minister's brother continues and recently some incriminated persons offered to him EUR 200.000 to deny everything. "I am here to denounce another scandal. Incriminated people of Prime Minister, Edi Rama and Interior Minister, Fatmir Xhafaj, are threatening Albert Veliu and his family. Incriminated person connected with murders in Vlora and Fushe Kruja offered to Veliu's relatives EUR 200.000 in order to deny what he has declared so far against Minister's brother. Any further tentative of Rama and Xhafaj will make deeper the scandal" said Basha.




Thaci: Time Needed To Mull Whether Convicted Ethnic Serb Can Join Top Kosovar Court (RFE/RL, 24 May 2018)


PRISTINA -- The office of Kosovo’s President Hashim Thaci says thorough "verification" is needed before he can make a decision on whether to allow an ethnic Serb convicted of corruption in neighboring Serbia to join Kosovo's Constitutional Court. “Because of the suspicions raised about [Radomir] Laban, the president of the Republic of Kosovo will not issue his decree until the competent security and judicial bodies complete the verification," Thaci's office told RFE/RL on May 24. Opposition politicians and watchdog groups have criticized Kosovo’s parliament for nominating Laban last week to be a judge on the country’s Constitutional Court as a representative of the ethnic Serb minority. He was nominated by the Serbian List party that represents Kosovar Serbs, estimated at 5 percent of the population. The Serbian List has ties to Belgrade but at times has shown its independence. Thaci has two weeks to approve or reject the nomination. Laban, who has a law degree, was sentenced in 2011 in Serbia to six years in prison for corruption when he was working for the Serbian customs service. He served half of his sentence in pretrial detention between 2006-09, according to Serb records. After his trial, Laban was provisionally released pending the start of his sentence, but he instead fled to Kosovo.

In 2017, a Serbian court in the town of Kraljevo issued an arrest warrant demanding he be handed back to Serbia. The Human Rights Council in Kosovo also called on Thaci to reject the nomination. Slavko Simic from Serbian List said ahead of Laban’s nomination on May 18 that he is a candidate of "high moral quality and integrity." Belgrade and Pristina have strained relations. Kosovo declared its independence from Serbia in 2008, but the move has not been recognized by Belgrade.