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Belgrade Media Report 25 May 2018



Brnabic: Serbia appreciates support of EP in process of European integration (RTS/Beta)


Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic said during the talks with Chairman of the Committee on Foreign Affairs of the European Parliament (EP) and Rapporteur for Serbia David McAllister that Serbia highly appreciates the support that the European Parliament provides to Serbia in the process of European integration. Brnabic pointed out that Serbia has been recognized in the previous period as an equal and reliable partner of the EU, as confirmed at the recently held Western Balkans Summit in Sofia. McAllister praised the efforts made by the Serbian government on its path to full membership in the European Union and pointed to the importance of continuing reforms, first of all, with regard to Chapters 23 and 24 that deal with the rule of law and judicial reform. Regarding reforms in the field of rule of law and judicial reform, Brnabic said that Serbia will act in accordance with the assessments and recommendations of the Venice Commission, stressing that this is the most important task of the state in the upcoming period. Brnabic explained that intensive talks between representatives of the government and all relevant journalist and media associations are under way in order to speed up the adoption of the Media Strategy as soon as possible and jointly came up with the best solutions that secure the rights and freedoms of the media in Serbia. McAllister pointed out that regional cooperation and strengthening of relations with neighbours, as well as the continuation of the reconciliation policy, is a foreign policy priority that Serbia needs to continue, stressing that the continuation of dialogue with Pristina is crucial for the stability of the region. He said he expects that the EP resolution on Serbia, whose adoption is expected by the end of 2018, will give additional impetus to the European integration of Serbia.


Vucic: I oppose frozen conflict even though 80 percent of Serbian citizens support it (RTS/Novosti)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said on Thursday, after the meeting with the EP Rapporteur for Serbia David McAllister that a vast majority of Serbian citizens were against the agreement regarding Kosovo and he emphasized that he would try to change this opinion. “Regardless of the criticism from domestic public, I will give my best, without paying attention to my career, to change the opinion of these 80 percent of citizens who, according to surveys, believe we should stay in a frozen conflict with Kosovo,” Vucic said without specifying what kind of survey he mentioned and how valid the data he presented were. “I will try to convince them that the stability is more important than anything else,” Vucic said. He reiterated that Serbia was ready for a compromise regarding Kosovo and emphasized that the relations between Belgrade and Pristina were a constant big problem. “We will be ready to talk to Albanians about the compromise at any given moment, but we expect Brussels Agreement to be fulfilled,” Vucic said. McAllister praised Serbia’s economic progress, but he added that Serbia would also need improvements in the rule of law, judiciary, as well as the issue of normalization of relations with Kosovo. At the press conference, after the meeting with Vucic, McAllister said that the summit held in Sofia was a new part of the EU strategy towards Western Balkans and he announced new similar summits. He said that Serbia’s role in the region, especially within the framework of Berlin Process, was more than welcome and he added that he believed that Serbia would continue to follow the road to Europe. He emphasized that 2018 would be a crucial year for the region and that Serbia must use it in order to justify the conviction to have a leading role in the region. McAllister stressed that the continuation of negotiations was still in Serbia’s hands and he confirmed that he was working on a new report, whose certain conclusions would be presented on June 12, followed by September 3 and the vote about it should be expected in November. He concluded that he was assured that Serbia would be awarded for its constant progress and he called Serbian President his ‘friend’ into which he ‘trusts’.


Joksimovic: Serbia ready to open five chapters (Beta/Tanjug/FoNet)


Serbian Minister for EU Integration Jadranka Joksimovic said on Thursday the government is ready to open five more chapters in the pre-accession negotiations with the EU. Speaking during a meeting with David McAllister, Joksimovic said Serbia is ready to open chapters 33 (financial and budgetary provisions), 9 (financial services, 13 (fisheries), 18 (statistics) and 17 (economic and monetary policy) and expressed hope that some of them would be opened while Bulgaria holds the EU presidency.  A press release said that Joksimovic and McAllister stressed the importance of continuing reforms under chapters 23 and 24, especially the reforms of the judiciary and the fight against crime and corruption, respect for minority rights and media freedom. McAllister said that he supports the opening of new negotiation chapters for Serbia but added that the European Union member states will decide the number of chapters.   The press release quotes the German parliamentarian as saying that Serbia has done a lot in the European integration process to date which is why it enjoys the support of the EU and European Parliament but that it still has a lot to do.


Dacic: EU is our key goal; as many chapters as soon as possible (Beta/Tanjug/B92)


Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic stressed on Thursday that his country's "key and overarching goal" is full membership of the EU. Another goal is to open as many EU accession negotiations chapter as possible as soon as possible, Dacic told a meeting of the Ministerial Council of the Adriatic-Ionian Initiative and the Ministerial Meeting of the EU Strategy for the Adriatic-Ionian Region, held in Catania, Sicily. "Serbia has proven to be an equal and reliable partner to the EU in the earlier years, and we are pleased that this fact was recognized, considering the amount of the political effort put to that end," he said. "Serbia is committed to the accession process in the context of which it has opened twelve negotiating chapters so far. It is our objective to open as many chapters we are prepared for as possible in the shortest timeframe possible, so that the entire governmental administration could focus on our key and overarching goal, that is, full membership of the European Union," he said. To Serbia, as well as others in the Western Balkans, an unhindered continuation of the integration process, above all a process of long and difficult reforms, is of utmost importance as we convey our expectation that unequivocal support and understanding will come from all of the EU member states, Dacic said, adding: "A progress made in the EU integration process by each of us individually has a positive impact on all the others in the region." "We believe that the EU Enlargement Policy is one of the vital instruments of the Union, not only in the context of stabilizing the region and underpinning its economic prosperity, but also towards achieving stability and security of the EU as a whole, which was, it is my hope, unequivocally affirmed again at the recent EU-WB Summit in Sofia, reflected in the reality that full membership of the EU is the only strategic option for the Western Balkan partners," the minister said. "It is towards the acceleration of the European path that we recognize the multi-faceted importance of the EU Strategy for the Adriatic and Ionian Region: by enhancing its practical implementation we have an opportunity to closely cooperate with the administrations of other participants – EU member states, candidate and aspirant countries," Dacic said. He stressed that Serbia was at the same time closely cooperating with the European Commission, "using the mechanism enabling us to second our experts to EC structures – by which we both gain knowledge of the EC’s operation and have an opportunity to showcase the capacity of professionals working in our own governmental administration, as yet another dimension of the added value of the Strategy for Serbia." "Serbia expects that the true achievements of our regional cooperation be made visible and available, owing to macro-regional EU Strategies for the Danube Region and the Adriatic and Ionian Region, to all citizens in the region. In that respect, we are now ready to focus more attention on specific projects to be implemented through the Action Plan of the EU Strategy for the Adriatic and Ionian Region," Dacic said. Priorities set for transport and energy sectors need to be coordinated with the initiatives launched in other fora (“the Berlin Process”, “the Visegrad Group”, Energy Community, etc.) so that they be seen as complementary rather than as unnecessary duplication and overlapping, he said. Dacic also pointed out to "very significant steps taken since the last AIC Ministerial Meeting, steps that proved the efficiency of close cooperation model between the participating states and the European Commission towards effective implementation of the EU Strategy for the Adriatic and Ionian Region." "Contributing to the strengthening of regional cooperation, R. Serbia has devoted particular attention to the activities carried out in the framework of the so-called Berlin Process. Serbia has supported the implementation of regional projects jointly agreed at last year’s Western Balkans Summit in Trieste, particularly those related to infrastructure, youth investment as well as development of potential new joint projects in other sectors aiming to improve the living standard in the region prior to formally entering the EU," the minister said.


Drecun: We are not satisfied with the overall result of EULEX (RTS)


The Chairperson of the Serbian parliamentary Committee for Kosovo and Metohija Milovan Drecun has told the morning news of Radio and Television of Serbia (RTS) that if an agreement, which will regulate the final status of Kosovo, is reached, then it will be necessary for Serbian citizens to give their opinion on it. He says the way Serbian citizens would give their opinion is yet to be seen. “Where this is a referendum, whether these are perhaps elections, but both are democratic,” says Drecun, noting there is now great resistance of both Pristina and Western countries to even discuss the Kosovo status because they are of the opinion that this issue is closed. “Even the largest countries in the world, both geographically and by population, China, Russian, India, do not recognize Kosovo. You see that most of mankind to not recognize this self-declared state, that many states are withdrawing recognition, and that now we have established how recognition of some tiny states was received – with money, promises, pressures and threats,” says Drecun. “The very moment when it becomes completely clear to the leading Western states that Serbia will not succumb to pressure, even at the price of not entering the EU, that it will insist on resolving the problem of Kosovo and Metohija with compromise – I think that then the West will have to go that way and give a directive to Pristina,” said Drecun, adding that the US is the address with which one can talk. Commenting the allegations of the Pristina coordinator for the dialogue with Belgrade that the Community of Serb Municipalities (ZSO) is a waste of time, Drecun says that then they should not have been entering the process of normalization of relations. “The key part of that agreement is the ZSO. We want to institutionally protect the position of the Serb people, its freedoms and rights, to enable it to live normally, not to be a factor of second and third rank, that is why we approached the process of normalization of relations,” says Drecun. “Now an atmosphere is being created for the work of the team that should define the ZSO statute that conveys in advance that everything that it is doing should not be in accordance with the Brussels agreement, but with the so-called constitution, and Ramush Haradinaj had done this. Thus, irresponsibly, provocative behavior of Pristina, contrary to what was agreed and what should be also the interest of Albanians,” said Drecun. Commenting that fact that EULEX is ending, after ten years, its mission on 14 June, Drecun says that this is completely contrary to Resolution 1244. “Institutions that are operating in our southern province do not have the necessary capacity to ensure full respect of rights and freedoms of the Serb people, because they are discriminating it. That is why it is necessary to have active international presence in these institutions, and not some observing status. It seems to me that this essential reduction of EULEX’s mandate will be in complete contradiction to Resolution 1244 and that it is completely harmonized with the rejected Ahtisaari plan that envisages dynamics and steps towards full completion of self-declared statehood of Kosovo,” says Drecun. He says that with the advisory role the mandate is being changed and departs the neutral status framework, as well as that this decision will additionally destabilize the Serb people and deprive them of the possibility to more or less exercise its rights. He says the Serbian authorities are not satisfied with the overall result of EULEX. Speaking about the investigation into the murder of Oliver Ivanovic, he says that there is no political will in Pristina and with the leading Western countries to resolve this. “Otherwise we would have a more serious investigation. First there was an attempt to transfer the responsibility on Belgrade, and when they didn’t succeed, they tried to push all this into oblivion…Now we see some senseless arguments - that there was fog, that cameras weren’t working. All this speaks that there is no political will to resolve the murder of Oliver Ivanovic,” said Drecun.


Vulin: No formation of Army of Kosovo (Tanjug)


Serbia did not accept and would not accept the transformation of Kosovo Security Forces into Kosovo armed forces in the future, Serbian Defense Minister Aleksandar Vulin said on Thursday at the meeting with the American Congressman, brigadier-general Steven Stivers from the Ohio National Guard. Vulin emphasized that this would be one of the elements that would certainly lead to the negative direction, represent a harsh breach of all agreements so far and have an extremely negative impact on regional stability, it was stated in the announcement of the Defense Ministry. Vulin and Stivers discussed continuation of military cooperation, with an emphasis on cooperation within the Program of State Partnership between Serbia and Ohio National Guard, which lasted for more than 11 years. Other topics discussed included political-safety situation in

the region, and Vulin reiterated Serbia’s determination to keep military neutrality policy.


Xhaferi: Macedonia and Serbian have common goals (Beta)


Macedonian parliament speaker Talat Xhaferi said on May 23 that he had had open and

friendly talks with Serbian officials in Belgrade, and that the two sides had declared readiness to help one another on the EU path. "Macedonia and Serbia have common goals in foreign policy, in the sense of European integration. In that context, the two sides declared readiness to help one another in efforts to associate with the EU and in exchanging experience, bearing in mind that

Serbia is already in the process of opening negotiation chapters, and any kind of cooperation is

helpful in that sense," Xhaferi told Beta. Commenting on Skopje's decision to recognize the independence of Kosovo, although Serbia had recognized Macedonia under its constitutional name, Xhaferi pointed out that Macedonia had done "what was the most necessary and the most purposeful" within "regional and international events." "Macedonia's attitude toward Kosovo is one in the context of overall regional and broader relations," Xhaferi told Beta. He also said that Macedonia supported the efforts of Belgrade and Pristina to reach an appropriate solution, to the benefit of the two sides' citizens. As for Macedonia's European path, Xhaferi recalled that his country obtained a positive report of the European Commission on April 17, together with the proposal for Macedonia to be given a date for the start of membership negotiations. "We are counting on Greece's understanding and not preventing the defining of the date for the start of membership negotiations, because they do not mean membership in the EU and leave a possibility for talks on the solution to the name issue to be extended," he said.




What Inzko answered to B&H CC (


The answer that the OHR submitted to Constitutional Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H), concerning the motion of Borjana Kristo, reads that the High Representative Valentin Inzko deems that provisions of the Federation of B&H Constitution should not be declared unconstitutional and that current system of election of delegates for Federation of B&H House of Peoples, secures equality of all peoples in the entity. Kristo disputed provisions of Federation of B&H Constitution which stipulate election of one delegate from each canton and each of constituent peoples, if such candidate is elected to cantonal assembly. Identical provision from the Election Law of B&H was declared unconstitutional by B&H CC in December 2016, upon the motion filed by Bozo Ljubic and in June 2017, B&H CC put this provision out of force, as it enabled representatives of one people to elect representatives of other people for Federation of B&H HoP, which B&H CC finds to be in collision with basic and the most important principle on constituency and equality of peoples. B&H CC asked HR Inzko, as Amicus Curiae, to submit his stance on Kristo’s motion. OHR’s official website published content of the answer that Inzko submitted to B&H CC on May 7th, 2018 and according to the answer Inzko finds the provision of Federation of B&H Constitution, which Kristo disputed, to be justified. Namely, the OHR finds the provision of Federation of B&H Constitution, regarding election of delegates to be justified: “This rule enables constituent people that constitute a minority in a particular canton to have their “vital national interest” protected in that canton even if there is only one of their representatives elected in the assembly. A determination that such a delegate does not have legal standing to represent the constituent people they belong to in the Federation House of Peoples would also affect his/her ability to protect the national interest of that constituent people at cantonal level”. OHR noted that process of election of delegates should be based on 1991 population census all until Annex VII of the DPA is fully implemented. “In that respect, the rule that is now in the Constitution of the Federation is of a transitional nature and explicitly linked to the right to return whereas the challenged provision goes, as mentioned above, further by seeking to ensure equality of constituent peoples throughout the Federation of B&H on a permanent basis”, noted Inzko. HR also noted that the mentioned provision also secures representation of minority constituent peoples, whenever their representative is elected to cantonal assembly. “As such, the provision was a tool to promote equality of peoples and give them the possibility to get representation from all cantons where they live,” reads OHR’s answer. Inzko noted that “sixteen years after the adoption of the challenged provision, no step has been taken to declare Annex VII completed”. “To the contrary, the Parliamentary Assembly of B&H adopted a Strategy of B&H for the Implementation of Annex VII to the GFAP, which envisages projects related to the return of refugees and displaced persons. We note that some of these projects had a five-year duration and are due to be completed by 2020,” reads OHR’s response.


Dodik: Register all beneficiaries of funds from foreign governments and foundations (RTRS)


Republika Srpska (RS) President Milorad Dodik announced that the RS is preparing a law according to which all beneficiaries of funds from foreign governments and foreign organizations, will be obliged to register with RS Ministry of Justice and file reports on use of these funds. He stressed that certain countries already did this and it could be interesting to simply copy the US law on this issue. Speaking about millions that UK and US provide for media, in order to prevent influence of Russia in B&H, Dodik said that this is directed against the RS, adding that besides Sputnik there are no Russian media in this region. He deems that it is necessary to open Russian information agency which would work in local languages and which would broadcast TV program for entire region. “As N1 and Al Jazeera are doing, who are present for some time and nobody considers this to be an issue any more. However, if now this form would appear, if Russians would do that, this would probably cause avalanche of attacks both on us and the Russians. And in fact, they are not doing anything. If someone if making influence then those are Britain and USA and not Russia. However, we live in world of stereotypes, distorted truths and false news,” stressed Dodik.


Izetbegovic: We will have to reorganize and simplify system in B&H (TV1)


SDA leader and Bosniak member of B&H Presidency Bakir Izetbegovic, speaking about mutual relations of political leaders in B&H, said that complex organization of B&H, as well as its difficult past, constantly produce conflicts. He argued that politicians behaved better under positive pressure of the international community which no longer exists. “I think we will need to go through a process of maturing. We will have to simplify the system in B&H, reduce the number of stakeholders, reduce the number of constitutions, regions in B&H, cantons, entities…We need to create European, multi-ethnic economic regions,” said Izetbegovic. He added that no coalition in B&H can be successful because of constant political conflicts.


Komsic submits candidacy, coalition with Civic Alliance (Hayat)


Members of DF have submitted the forms for participation in the elections for all levels of government to the Central Election Commission of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) (CEC) on Thursday, as well as signatures of support to DF leader Zeljko Komsic’s candidacy for the Croat member of the B&H Presidency. They also confirmed that they expect the coalition agreement of ‘Pro-European bloc’ in Republika Srpska (RS) on joint participation in the elections to be signed soon, as well as the coalition agreement with SDP B&H. They called on members of SDP B&H to sign the agreement which was already defined.


Sepic and Ahmetovic candidates of Independent Bloc (EuroBlic)


The Presidency of the Independent Bloc held a session and concluded that it will have its candidates for all levels of authorities in the upcoming general elections. Members of the Independent Bloc from the entire B&H will have the possibility to propose candidates and, judging existing reactions, leader of the Independent Bloc Senad Sepic stands greatest chances to be nominated as a candidate for B&H Presidency member. The Presidency of the party also supported the candidacy of Sadik Ahmetovic for Republika Srpska Vice President. “No more left or right of all kinds, we want new politics and we want to offer a civic, national and European B&H to citizens,” Sepic stated and added that he wants all peoples to feel free with their own traditions, culture and ethnic identity.


Cavic: SzP coalition agreement harmonized (BNTV)


NDP leader Dragan Cavic confirmed that the coalition agreement of the parties that form the ‘Alliance for Changes’ (Savez za promjene – SzP) has been fully harmonized and NDP will support the candidacies of SDS leader Vukota Govedarica for Republika Srpska (RS) President and PDP member Mladen Ivanic for the Serb member of the B&H Presidency in the upcoming general elections in B&H. “We have reached a complete agreement and we just need to sign the coalition agreement. I can also confirm that we will sign coalition agreements, and I am very happy to announce this, with our partners from ‘Napredna Srpska’ party and ‘Sloboda’ party from Banja Luka. We will be coalition partners in the RS National Assembly and the B&H Parliament. We will jointly participate, as coalition partners, in the upcoming elections”, said Cavic. Govedarica also confirmed that the SzP coalition agreement was harmonized and will be signed in the next few days.


They are creating Serb list for Federation of B&H (EuroBlic)


EuroBlic daily claimed that the leading political parties from the RS accepted the call of President of the Union of Serbs in the Region Miodrag Linta to create a single list for the Federation of B&H for the upcoming general elections. Vice President of SNSD Radovan Viskovic said that the Executive Board of SNSD on Wednesday discussed this call and assessed that this is a good idea and he added that the party decided to consult everyone who think the problem of political representation of Serbs in the Federation of B&H should be solved through joint participation of political parties in the elections. Vice President of DNS Marko Acic said that this party is extremely interested in joint participation in the Federation of B&H, adding that it still remains to be seen how many political subjects will support this idea. Acic also announced that DNS will discuss the proposal of coalition agreement for the Federation of B&H on Saturday. Acic explained that this coalition agreement should be signed by the ruling coalition in the RS, Mile Marceta’s ‘Zavicajni demokrati’ and some other political parties. SDS leader Vukota Govedarica assessed that joint participation in general elections in the Federation of B&H is strategic interest of Serbs in the Federation of B&H, which requires serious talks of Serb political parties. Govedarica assessed that such agreement could eliminate “tricks of civic parties from the Federation of B&H and protect interests of Serb people”. The daily reminded that Linta sent an open letter to leaders of SNSD, SDS, PDP, DNS, SP RS, NDP and ‘Ujedinjena Srpska’ in which he noted that the upcoming elections will be of crucial importance for survival of Serbs in the Federation of B&H and said that a single list would be the only way in which Serbs in the Federation of B&H could elect their legitimate representatives.


Court of B&H confirms 14 years in prison to Azra Basic for war crimes against imprisoned Serb civilians (RTRS)


The B&H Court confirmed on Thursday the first instance verdict to Azra Basic, who was sentenced to 14 years in prison for war crimes against imprisoned Serb civilians in Derventa in 1992. Basic, the former member the Croat Defense Council (HVO), was sentenced by the Court of B&H in December 2017 because of the murder of Blagoje Djuras and inflicting severe injuries to civilians imprisoned in the former JNA center in Derventa.


Palmer expresses concern over increasing nationalist rhetoric in B&H (Dnevni avaz)


US Deputy Assistant Secretary of State Matthew Palmer attended the ‘To be Secure – 2BS’ Forum in Budva, Montenegro, focused on the security and political situation in the region. “The US cannot come back to the Balkans, because it never left it. We will continue to offer support in order to improve key economic and democratic reforms, strengthen rule of law, fight against corruption, organized crime and terrorism, to improve security at borders and oppose those who want to disturb these processes,” said Palmer and noted that Russia is not shy when it comes to its aspirations for the Western Balkan region. “We are concerned over intensified nationalist rhetoric in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H), and some leading politicians are making in order to maintain the existing situation. Incompetence and failure of the leaders is deterring B&H from its European integration road,” he concluded.


US House Committee on Armed Services approves funds for greater military cooperation with Western Balkans (FTV/Glas Srpske)


The US House Committee on Armed Services has approved the National Defense Authorization Act for 2019. In this way, the US House Committee on Armed Services, among other things, approved funds for Pentagon for greater military cooperation with the Western Balkans. According to FTV, the decision of the US House Committee on Armed Services is considered justified due to the fact that the US administration is concerned because of Russian information operations in the Balkans, including propaganda and efforts to highlight lingering ethnic tensions. The National Defense Authorization Act for 2019, among other things, mentions the upcoming general elections in B&H. The US House Committee on Armed Services is concerned because of the current situation and it encouraged B&H to respond to constitutional challenges promptly and efficiently and to hold free and fair elections in October. Head of the RS Representative Office in Washington Obrad Kesic said that the document represents continuation of hysteria over Russia’s actions, which is created by political elites in an attempt to prevent US President Donald Trump from changing the course of the US foreign policy. Kesic reminded that Trump promised to stop interfering with internal matters of other countries, adding that “the US Congress and others, on the other hand, are trying to preserve the international order built on the idea of globalism”. Furthermore, Kesic criticized the US Congress for not being aware that the “political system has changed and that they cannot preserve something that has been already destroyed”. “Some want to go back to those times, but they have to follow political course created by the White House, which clearly states that Balkans is not priority of the US foreign policy,” Kesic said.  According to Glas Srpske, the RS officials believe that Bosniak lobbyists in the United States have continued advocating stronger US’ influence in the region.

“We are trying to have clear communication with everyone, and the fact that we accept Russia’s help when something is contrary to our interests is an entirely different matter. We would not reject such assistance if it was offered from the American side,” stated Deputy Speaker of the RS Assembly Nenad Stevandic. SNSD’s representative in the parliament of B&H Milica Markovic also believes that Bosniak lobbyists have played an important role in the process. “They are constantly calling for stronger US role in B&H. However, this decision might remain just decision. It is not in the United States’ interest to be overly-engaged in B&H, because it is a well-known fact, and some US senators have said that as well, that B&H is a completely failed state, so one should see what to do with it, instead of looking for some influence,” said Markovic. She added that the RS’ path is with Serbia and Russia.


President meets with US Attorney General Sessions (Hina)


Croatian President Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic met with US Attorney General Jeff Sessions in Zagreb on Thursday, the President's Office said in a press release. They discussed possibilities of further strengthening the good relationship between the two allies. Concluding an agreement on avoidance of double taxation and including Croatia in the US visa waiver program could contribute to that, the press release said. Sessions confirmed that the US shared an interest in Southeast Europe and agreed with Grabar-Kitarovic on the importance of permanent US support for the European and Euro-Atlantic future of this region. Sessions spoke of his participation in a workshop on transnational organized crime earlier in the day, and the two officials exchanged views on the political and security situation in Southeast Europe, sharing the views on a number of threats and on the importance of continuous open dialogue and cooperation between relevant institutions and services in Southeast Europe and with those in the EU and the US.

Grabar-Kitarovic informed her guest about the strategic importance of a future LNG terminal on the island of Krk, which should contribute to energy diversification of Central Europe and strengthening the European cohesion and energy security, the press release said.


Sessions praises relations with Croatia (Hina)


US Attorney General Jeff Sessions on Thursday participated in a regional workshop on trans-national organized crime held at the Police Academy in Zagreb, after which he said at a joint press conference with Croatia's Interior Minister Davor Bozinovic that the US has the closest relations with Croatia and that it wishes to expand these achievements to other countries in the region. The US is investing in those partnerships with its expertise and has deployed several prosecutors and police consultants in its embassies in the countries in the region.  The two officials discussed migrations and in particular focused on the latest migrant route across B&H. Bozinovic added that he was glad that the US supports Croatia's efforts to enter the Schengen Area.


Grbin and Hajdas Doncic report Plenkovic for conflict of interest (HRT)


Two Social Democratic Party members of parliament – Pedja Grbin and Sinisa Hajdas Doncic have filed a report against Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic with the Conflict of Interest committee. They claim that from the “Hotmail” affair and published transcripts it is clearly evident that the prime minister supported a small interest group, the so-called Borg group.

“We believe that his role, especially “in bringing certain partners” to write “lex Agrokor,” evident from emails and media statements,” said Sinisa Hajdas Doncic. “A ministry that is preparing any law must form a certain working group. If they request any opinions, then they pay consultants. We believe that they avoided forming a working group and engaged people who were later paid exclusively from Agrokor,” said Hajdas Doncic. He noted that he believed that “lex Agrokor” will have a great financial influence on the budget of the Republic of Croatia.


Serbian media fail again: Border control unchanged (Pobjeda)


Just like every year before the start of the tourist season in Montenegro, Serbian media write that their nationals interested in spending holidays on the Montenegrin coast are struggling with complications at border crossings, despite having all the necessary documents issued by the Serbian Ministry of Interior. The Montenegrin Interior Ministry (MUP) denies such claims.

“We are informing the public that conditions for crossing the state border between Serbia and Montenegro remain unchanged”, the Ministry told Pobjeda. To be precise, the media in Serbia published that the border with Montenegro can no longer be crossed with a “document confirming the extension of vehicle registration (license plates)”. If there is any change, MUP said, the public will be notified in a timely manner. “It is true that a certain number of persons were not allowed to enter Montenegro from Serbia. But these persons did not meet the conditions prescribed by the Law on Border Control and the Law on Foreigners for entry into our country, or stay in our territory,” the MUP stressed. It has nothing to do with registration.


Macedonia becomes full-fledged member of Adriatic-Ionian Initiative (MIA)


On an invitation of Italian Foreign Minister Angelino Alfano, a delegation of Macedonia’s Foreign Ministry, led by the State Secretary Viktor Dmovski, attended Thursday a meeting of the Council of Ministers of the Adriatic-Ionian Initiative (AII) and the EU Strategy for the Adriatic-Ionian Region (EUSAIR) in Catania. At the gathering the Republic of Macedonia has officially became a full-fledged AII member, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said in a press release. Addressing the meeting, Dimovski voiced satisfaction with the fact that Macedonia was joining AII. This is yet another step forward for Macedonia after the democratic changes last year, when the country intensified its activities on the road to the EU, NATO membership.

“Along with the thorough reforms, the new government has embarked on a dynamic process to advance the relations and cooperation with neighboring countries and the wider region. The AII membership status will enable Macedonia, along with other member states, to contribute to building solid foundations for the EU-integration process via active contribution to AII priority spheres, such as transport, tourism, culture and environment,” Dimovski said. The Adriatic-Ionic Initiative (AII) was launched at the Ancona Conference on “Development and Security in the Adriatic and the Ionian Seas”, held on 19-20 May 2000. The AII was primarily intended as a means for strengthening regional cooperation among Adriatic coastal countries, fostering common solutions to common problems essentially concerning security and stability, as well as the environmental protection of the Adriatic and Ionian Seas. Italy, Greece, Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Montenegro, Albania and as of now Macedonia are AII members.




Greece, FYROM Seek to Solve Name Riddle in New York Talks (Greek Reporter, by Tasos Kokkinidis, 25 May 2018)


The foreign ministers of Greece and FYROM are meeting for a second day on Friday in New York to seek an agreement between the two countries over the name of the former Yugoslav republic. There is a news blackout following the first day of deliberations between Greece’s Nikos Kotzias, FYROM’s Nikola Dimitrov and UN envoy Matthew Nimetz. “I am neither optimistic nor pessimistic, but I have the will to find a solution,” Kotzias said on Thursday, before talks began at the UN headquarters. Kotzias said the negotiations are divided into two sections. The first and main part concerns purely political issues and includes discussions between foreign ministers under the auspices of Nimetz. The second part relates to the text of the general agreement and also to the list of individual legal issues arising in the context of the diplomatic settlement. These separate technical details will be discussed in a parallel round of negotiations, he said, conducted at a more technical level. On Monday, Greek government spokesman Dimitris Tzanakopoulos said the best solution would be to choose a name from among those proposed by the UN diplomat. Earlier this year Nimetz, a veteran American negotiator, tabled five proposals for an agreement on the name. These were:


Republika Nova Makedonija (Republic of New Macedonia),

Republika Severna Makedonija (Republic of Northern Macedonia),

Republika Gorna Makedonija (Republic of Upper Macedonia),

Republika Vardarska Makedonija (Republic of Macedonia of Vardar) and

Republika Makedonija (Skopje) [Republic of Macedonia (Skopje)]

Kotzias has denied that Greece is under pressure from the U.S. and its European allies to find a solution to the naming dispute before a landmark EU summit on enlargement in late June.

Most member states want to extend a formal invitation to FYROM to start accession talks. A NATO summit in early July will see Greece’s allies also back the country’s membership.

On Saturday, U.S. Vice President Mike Pence called Greece’s Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras to encourage him to achieve a solution to the decades-old naming dispute with FYROM.


ND slams Tsipras over comments on FYROM name dispute (, 25 May 2018)


Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras came under fire from the opposition on Friday for saying that an agreement with Skopje on a name that would include a qualifier in front of the term “Macedonia” would be a “great victory” for the Greek side. “The prime minister who has failed miserably in all the negotiations he has carried out for Greece had the nerve today to claim that the government is trying to take back and not give a name to Skopje,” New Democracy said in announcement responding comments made by Tsipras during a visit to the northern port city.

There, the prime minister had said that his leftist-led government is striving to “take something back, not give something away, something that for the past 70 years has been surrendered by others,” to the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia. “He obviously considers an unacceptable name like ‘Republic of Ilinden Macedonia’ a victory for the country,” the conservative opposition added, referring to a name put forward during talks last week between Tsipras and his counterpart from Skopje, Zoran Zaev, which was rejected by all of the Greece’s main opposition parties. “The only thing left for Mr Tsipras to get is the answer he deserves at elections,” New Democracy’s announcement added.