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Belgrade Media Report 07 June 2018



Tanin calls for stepped-up efforts to fight impunity (Tanjug/Beta)


The Head of the UN Mission in Kosovo (UNMIK) Zahir Tanin on Wednesday called upon all relevant authorities to intensify their efforts to fight against impunity and bring perpetrators to justice, as a cornerstone of furthering dialogue and building trust between communities. Tanin said this in a statement submitted to Tanjug, in the wake of increasingly frequent ethnically motivated incidents in Kosovo and Metohija.


Kuburovic in UN: No open issue between Serbia and Mechanism (Beta)


Serbian Justice Minister Nela Kuburovic stated in New York that Serbia had fulfilled all its obligations towards the UN International Residual Mechanism for Criminal Courts and that there were no open issues with the successor to The Hague tribunal. In her address to the United Nations Security Council session, at which the president of the court Mechanism in The Hague, Theodor Meron, and chief prosecutor Serge Brammertz explained their reports about the work of the Mechanism and the prosecution in the past six months, Kuburovic said she expected the

cooperation between Serbia and the Mechanism to proceed without problems. She said Serbia had provided the prosecution with access to all documents, witnesses and archives, adding that she would continue her dedication to the prosecution of war crimes, regardless of the

nationality of the perpetrators of these horrible crimes against humanity. Success in that field also depends on regional cooperation, Nela Kuburovic said, adding that this was currently the most visible in Bosnia and Herzegovina. She said the Serbian judiciary in 2017 and 2018

recognized the court verdicts from Bosnia in seven cases and, on their basis, pronounced sentences totaling 104 years in prison, and that all the accused in those processes were Serbs.

Commenting on cooperation with Croatia, Kuburovic said two commissions had been formed with the aim of exchanging the lists of the accused and sentenced for war crimes. As for the report of chief prosecutor Serge Brammertz, who welcomed the number of solved cases in Croatia, she said that the largest number of those cases had been solved with the accused in absentia, and wondered whether Serbia would have had a satisfactory number of solved cases if it had implemented the principle of trial in absentia. Commenting on Brammertz’s claim that Serbia was not prosecuting its former high officials, Kuburovic said many of them had already been convicted by The Hague tribunal.


Selakovic: New date for resumption of dialogue today or tomorrow (RTS)


Serbian President’s General Secretary Nikola Selakovic has told the morning news of Radio and Television of Serbia (RTS) that is important to continue the dialogue, which seems to be in a blockade. He says it is important the US administration has condemned the attacks on the Kosovo Serbs. “It is interesting that the American has said that at issue is violence and we had reactions of the Washington administration. This offers us some kind of hope that, after the situation calms down, the US administration will start conducting a different policy when it comes to the Balkans,” opines Selakovic. He says there has existed an attempt of trade with the Community of Serb Municipalities (ZSO) from the Pristina side a long time ago. “They are trying to deal with this, but it is important that the dialogue continues, which seems to be in a blockade, to which Pristina is contributing for the most part. I hope today or tomorrow for new date for the dialogue in Brussels,” says Selakovic. He notes that the Kosovo side will do everything to exert pressure on President Vucic. He says Vucic will hold consultations with the Serb List representatives, stressing that the Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija do not have a greater ally or who understands their problems and fights for their resolution than the President and the government in Belgrade. Speaking about the agreement on the customs unification of Pristina and Tirana that was adopted by the Kosovo Assembly, Selakovic says that an Albanian-Albanian customs union is being created. “They only need a king in order to have a personal union. Vucic has proposed earlier the formation of a customs union in Western Balkans, but this was rejected,” Selakovic reminds.


If someone should join EU soon, it’s you, Serb brothers (Tanjug/B92)


“If somebody should become a member of the EU soon, it is you, Serb brothers,” speaker of Slovakia’s National Council Andrej Danko said in Belgrade on Thursday. “Life in the European Union is not easy, but the European Union is the only alternative,” Danko said after his meeting with Serbian parliament speaker Maja Gojkovic. Slovakia, he said, can provide a lot of information about the mistakes that have taken place on the road to EU accession, and added that Serbia needs to protect its natural resources such as water, and should not sell its key companies. Danko added that he spoke with Gojkovic about a code of ethics that Slovakia is preparing with Austria and other countries, stressing that its adoption would contribute to better behavior of MPs. He thanked Serbia for the respect shown to the Slovak people by allowing him to address the Serbian parliament, which is not a practice abroad. Maja Gojkovic thanked Slovakia for remaining consistent in not recognizing the self-proclaimed independence of Kosovo, and added that this country, as well as other EU members must and should be informed about the process of the dialogue between Pristina and Belgrade in Brussels. She also thanked him for Slovakia’ support to Serbia’s bid to join the EU. According to her, the conversation today with Danko was substantive, considering that it touched on concrete forms of cooperation and improvement of bilateral relations between the two countries. “Our two countries have excellent political and economic relations, open and permanent dialogue between high ranking officials has been opened,” Gojkovic said, and thanked Danko for accepting her invitation to came to Serbia on the occasion of 100 years since the two countries established diplomatic relations. Gojkovic also said they agreed on cooperation of the two parliaments, through exchanges of experiences in the preparation of various documents, such as the Rules of Procedure and the Code of Ethical Conduct. According to Gojkovic, Slovak and Serb minorities in the two countries represent an additional incentive for good cooperation and a solid bridge of centuries-old friendship.


Ivanic: I take credit for biggest victory of Serb people before international judicial institutions (RTV)


In an interview for Radio and Television of Vojvodina (RTV), Serb member of B&H Presidency and candidate for this post in upcoming elections in B&H Mladen Ivanic said that a representative of the RS in the B&H Presidency should be a person who has well developed relations in the world and who patiently negotiates about interests of Serb people. “Over last four years, I showed that I have been strongly defending interests of the RS and Serb people,” explained Ivanic. The Serb member of B&H Presidency underlined that he personally takes credit for the biggest victory of Serb people before international judicial institutions. Ivanic explained that he refers to the disputed attempt of revision of the verdict related to B&H’s lawsuit against Serbia before the ICJ. He also reminded that RS President Milorad Dodik came into power with assistance of the West, adding that he had problems with western countries because he refused to support Dodik back then.


EU members regularly informed of Belgrade-Pristina dialogue (Beta)


EU High Representative Federica Mogherini regularly reports personally to the member states on the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue, European Commission spokeswoman Maja Kocijancic said on Wednesday commenting Belgrade media reports that EU member states want to be involved in the dialogue. Mogherini reports on the dialogue at EU ministerial meeting and her team members provide information to EU member state representatives in working groups, Kocijancic told Beta.  Sources in the EU told Beta that the EU’s further strategy regarding the admission of Western Balkan countries would be discussed during the summit of the European 28 in June, but that, also because of the resistance of political forces and of the public in several EU members, there were currently various stands about whether this complex and long process should be labeled as “accession to membership”. France, Germany, Holland and some other members

believe that the EU itself first has to be reorganized, especially after the populist forces have assumed power in Italy, in order to see how to strengthen the crucially important euro zone, and that only then shall the association of some Western Balkan countries be considered, providing that they each fulfill all the EU’s conditions.


US Embassy: US did not submit any proposal related to Kosovo (Beta)


The US supports the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue and is considering various ideas with the leaders of Serbia and Kosovo and EU officials, but has not submitted any proposal for a legally binding agreement on the normalization of relations. Beta learned this at the US Embassy in Belgrade

on June 6, having asked whether there was a US proposal in any form related to the dialogue on

Kosovo. “America continues to support the EU-led dialogue aimed at complete normalization of relations between Serbia and Kosovo. We discuss various ideas with the Serbian and Kosovo leadership as well as with EU officials, but we have not tabled any proposal,” Embassy officials told Beta, following media allegations that the US had put forward a proposal containing four key principles for a legally binding agreement between Belgrade and Pristina.




PIC SB ends session in Sarajevo (N1/TV1/BHT1)


A two-day session of the Political Directors of the Peace Implementation Council (PIC) Steering Board was concluded on Wednesday in Sarajevo. PIC Political Directors discussed the situation in B&H, but also issues related to the upcoming general elections in B&H. The PIC SB noted that progress on political and economic reforms had slowed almost to a standstill since its last meeting, with minor exceptions. High Representative in B&H Valentin Inzko said during a press conference on Wednesday that Wednesday’s meeting was concluded relatively early which says that the meeting went very well. The PIC SB encouraged the B&H political and institutional leaders at the relevant levels of authority to urgently implement the decision of the B&H Constitutional Court in the ‘Ljubic’ case concerning the FB&H House of Peoples (FB&H HoP), to enable the smooth implementation of the election results and the formation of legislative and executive authorities at all levels; implement the B&H Constitutional Court decision on the Law on Criminal Procedure in a way that enables the judicial and prosecutorial institutions of B&H to effectively tackle serious crimes, as a matter of urgency, in accordance with the UN Convention against Transnational Organized Crime and implement the B&H Constitutional Court decision on the Law on the Intelligence-Security Agency of B&H (OSA), as a matter of urgency, preserving B&H capabilities to continue cooperation as a reliable partner in intelligence and security cooperation. The members expressed their concern because of the procurement of a large number of weapons for the RS Police. Russian Ambassador to B&H Petr Ivantsov said that there is no need to be worried, if everything was done transparently and in accordance with the law and regulations. “It is not an issue, every police department has the right to modernize its equipment, but the disputable thing is that we do not know why such a big quantity is needed. What is the intention behind that?”, said Inzko. The Office of the High Representative (OHR) reacted to HDZ B&H leader Dragan Covic’s earlier response to a public statement by the OHR and several embassies, condemning HDZ BiH’s actions concerning the Law on Criminal Procedure change. After Covic called their remarks unacceptable and false, the OHR said it stands by its earlier statement.  “On Tuesday, the HDZ B&H voted against amendments to the Law on Criminal Procedure in the B&H House of Peoples (B&H HoP), which are in line with the international standards. This confirms the international community’s concern about the HDZ B&H’s approach to this issue, as was stated in the joint statement,” reads the statement issued by OHR on Wednesday. Talking about the fact that the international community (IC) supports SDA’s proposal of amendments to B&H Law on Criminal Procedure, while failing to support HDZ B&H’s proposal of amendments, representatives of the PIC SB said that SDA’s proposal is in line with the international standards, while HDZ B&H’s proposal fails to meet these standards. HR Inzko stressed that if HDZ B&H’s proposal was in line with the international standards, the IC in B&H would support it as well. Inzko reminded that the IC criticized HDZ B&H and SNSD because these two parties have been opposing “a good solution” for amending of the abovementioned law. According to Inzko, the member states reached a high level of agreement when it comes to their stances on B&H this time, unlike at previous sessions of the PIC SB. With regard to amendments to the Election Law of B&H, Inzko did not want to confirm if a “an interim solution” implies that the B&H Central Election Commission (CEC) might adopt electoral rules in accordance with its competences – respecting the FB&H Constitution and taking into account the results of the population census from 1991, as TV1 has learned from reliable sources. “The stances were brought much closer. Even Mr. (DF leader Zeljko) Komsic said, and I hope he was being ironic a little bit, that the stances got closer so much that they might as well vote without HDZ B&H. It would not be a good idea, of course. However, if the stances got closer and the talks are still underway, I do not want to make a comment about that at this point,” Inzko explained. The PIC SB also made it clear that the international community has not given up on B&H’s obligation to implement the Sejdic – Finci ruling, as well as to continue the reforms that would improve the life of citizens. The PIC SB only failed to reach consensus with regard to concerns over the purchase of new armament for the RS Ministry of Interior, given the fact that the Russian Federation presented a dissenting opinion. Inzko commented that the real intentions behind such a large purchase of weapons remain unclear. He added that Slovenia’s army presently has 5,000 long-barreled weapons, compared to 6,000 pieces owned by the RS police. Inzko also stated that the most pressing issue is the election of delegates to the FB&H HoP, which also affects institutions at the state level. "I told that purchase of weapons by the RS was legal, transparent. All permits are there. When it comes to cantons, we do not have exact data because each canton buys (weapons) as it pleases. However, if there was excessive acquisition of weapons, that too would bother us," Inzko stressed. Inzko said that he does not have the intention of using Bonn powers when it comes to the amendments to the B&H Election Law. "Bonn powers and the use of Bonn powers are always the last option. We are not considering the use of Bonn powers at the moment. However, Bonn powers still exist. Let us use the next couple of weeks and months before the elections to find a good, healthy solution for the elections which of course would have to last after the elections," Inzko said. “The issues on the amount of the procured automatic rifles must be resolved by local governments and the foreigners should not interfere with that,” said Ivantsov. Principal Deputy High Representative, Dennis Walter Hearne said that the situation in B&H proves how difficult fight against corruption is, because it seems that some people have a wish to maintain the status quo. Hearne underlined that a couple of days ago, B&H was on the verge of a serious crisis with serious consequences for all its citizens. "I am talking on Criminal Procedure of B&H in accordance with recent decisions of the Constitutional Court (CC) of B&H. The situation showed how difficult it is to ensure fight against corruption because some evidently want to retain status quo," Hearne emphasized.


Palmer: US vision about future of Western Balkans implies membership of Western Balkans countries in NATO and EU (BNTV)


Acting Deputy Assistant Secretary of State Matthew Palmer stated that adoption of changes of the election legislation is necessary for B&H, as well as strengthening of rule of law in all segments.  Palmer stressed that the US is concerned with failure of B&H to adopt changes of the election legislation, underlining that this can prevent implementation of results of upcoming general elections in B&H. He added that the US is committed to cooperate with all relevant political actors to achieve necessary compromise regarding reform of election legislation. Palmer underlined that the US believe that the rule of law is essence of all reform efforts in B&H. He emphasized that the US vision about future of the Western Balkans implies membership of the Western Balkans countries in NATO and the EU. Palmer stated that the US supports B&H’s aspirations related to NATO membership, adding that the US has been closely cooperating with B&H authorities to enable B&H to create capacities that will make this country qualified for NATO membership. Commenting recent decision of the RS Assembly on military neutrality of this entity, Palmer emphasized that membership of B&H in one military alliance is not something entities decide about. Palmer also criticized attempts of Russia to spread its influence in this region, adding that Moscow’s approach to the region is negative and aimed to enable implementation of Russia’s interests only. Palmer underlined that the US Ambassador to B&H Maureen Cormack has been doing great job and that she will remain the Ambassador of the US in B&H in near future.


Ivanic: B&H Election Law is one of key issues that will burden political situation in B&H (BNTV/TV1)


Serb member of B&H Presidency Mladen Ivanic met with Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic in Belgrade on Wednesday. Ivanic expressed concern that the problem of amending the B&H Election Law will escalate after upcoming general elections in B&H, emphasizing that this is one of key issues that will burden political situation in B&H. Ivanic went on saying that the international community (IC) became aware that domestic actors cannot find a solution to this issue, and that the IC will probably attempt to transfer responsibility for resolving of this issue to the Central Election Commission of B&H (CEC). “I think this is big mistake,” stated Ivanic. Also, he underlined that it is not realistic to expect that the issue of demarcation of the border between B&H and Serbia will be resolved in the mandate of the current authorities in B&H. Ivanic stressed that this issue could have been resolved in this mandate, adding that he cannot understand why some political actors have been refusing talks aimed to reach the solution on border demarcation between the two countries. Talking about construction of Belgrade-Sarajevo highway, the Serb member of B&H Presidency said that Turkey is a country that demonstrated the biggest readiness to support this project, adding that he expects that Turkey will present their stances and financial construction regarding this project at the next meeting that should be held before autumn. Ivanic said that the key to changes to the Election Law lies in the hands of political parties from the FB&H, especially SDA, as well as all other parties which participate in discussions about this issue. “No one can help them if those people do not want to help themselves,” said Ivanic. He added that Vucic informed him about the situation in Serbia, especially on activities related to Kosovo, and that their meeting was a regular exchange of opinions, which is something that is going to continue in the future as well. Ivanic also said that he regrets the fact an agreement on borderline between B&H and Serbia has not been made, adding that an agreement “would be a huge plus for both Serbia and B&H and a nice example in the region”. “And everything has been boiled down to one or two things which are not that difficult and complicated at all,” said Ivanic. Ivanic and Vucic concluded that the issue of amendments to the Election Law is currently the main problem in B&H. Ivanic told reporters that he does not think the efforts of the international institutions will lead to major results any time soon, given the fact that local politicians are not willing to reach an agreement. Ivanic was also quoted as saying that due to the “biased” attitude of international institutions in B&H, one side is being favored and the other one is being criticized. “It was usually the RS,” he said. “The key to stability of B&H is neutrality of international institutions. I hope that the Peace Implementation Council (PIC), for as long as it exists, will start taking a neutral stance without favoring anyone,” Ivanic concluded.


Operational HQ for Migration Issues in B&H convenes in Sarajevo (TV1)


The Operational Headquarters for Migration Issues in B&H held a session in Sarajevo on Wednesday. Addressing a press conference after the session, B&H Minister of Security Dragan Mektic noted that nearly 500 migrants have applied for asylum and it has not been granted to anyone. B&H is registering a growing number of illegal migrants from Pakistan, Iran and other countries of the Middle East and it is quite concerning that the number of migrants who entered the country in June is much higher than the average number of migrants who came over the past months. “They managed to create a route that we have not identified with certainty yet. (…) More than 350 of them entered B&H over the weekend,” Mektic said. He also dismissed the claims about the lack of food at the refugee centers in B&H. Besides, the B&H Ministry of Security took over responsibility for migrants to be provided with primary healthcare, while the B&H Ministry of Finance and Treasury will be asked to provide support for the refugee centers in Bihac and Salakovac in the amount of BAM 50,000 and BAM 25,000, respectively. With regard to the issue of accommodation capacities, Mektic said: “We intend to set it all up in a single center. Also, as soon as the military barracks ‘Usivak’ is put into operation, it will be absolutely impossible for migrants to stay anywhere else but in the places intended for this purpose.” Mektic also warned that the readmission agreements might be endangered because the countries of the region do not respect them. Croatia has sent 200 migrants back to B&H, while B&H has returned 549 migrants mostly to Serbia and Montenegro since the beginning of the year. Mektic is not satisfied with the attitude of other countries towards the migrant crisis either. “All countries on the Balkan route to B&H have registered 50 percent fewer migrants than B&H. This means that they have not been honest. Where do those people come from?” Mektic argued.


Galic: Migrant crisis – largest challenge since border police establishment (Srna)


B&H Border Police Director Zoran Galic stated in Sarajevo that the current migrant crisis is the biggest challenge this police institution has been facing since its establishment. In his address to the attendees of the marking of the B&H Border Police Day and 18 years since its establishment, Galic has said that, unlike previous years, the migrant related problem affected the entire territory of B&H, including the Border Police. “Given that this is a global problem, the migrant crisis cannot be treated partially or locally, which means that we expect all relevant institutions in B&H and international organizations to assist and cooperate with us,” Galic has said. He has emphasized that the B&H Border Police undertakes all measures and actions within its competence using all its capacities, both human and material-technical, in order to deal with the migrant crisis. “I am aware that it can always be better, but given the existing material and technical capacities, the lack of manpower, I believe we are making the maximum effort in carrying out our tasks,” Galic has emphasized. Galic has added that both police officers and special equipment have been temporarily transferred and deployed to those parts of the border where the influx of migrants is greatest, and that they are trying to compensate the lack of border police officers with sophisticated specialized border surveillance equipment. “Our officers, together with members of the Service for Foreigners' Affairs in B&H, are the first to contact illegal migrants. However, this is not only the concern of these agencies, but also all the agencies that are part of integrated border management, police ministries and intelligence agencies,” said Galic. He has added that the Border Police structure has so far been organized according to the modern European border police, but that some structural changes, forwarded to the B&H Ministry of Security, have been made now. “With the help of the Federal Police of Germany, we have drafted a new rulebook on internal organization, which will increase the number of specialists in certain fields, and improve the quality of work and capacities on the ground. This will require further development of the B&H Border Police Information System, eliminating infrastructure deficiencies and improving work conditions,” said Galic. He has said that at the moment 100 cadets are currently studying, and another 100 cadets will be selected, who will, as he says, be a new power that will ensure the further and successful development of this agency, and partially alleviate the problem of personnel shortages. B&H Deputy Minister of Security Mijo Kresic has said that B&H Border Police is one of the best police agencies in B&H with a very complex task, which has become more complex over the past six months due to the increased inflow of illegal migrants. “New illegal routes have been established, and one of them stretches through B&H. The Border Police and all law enforcement agencies are expected to resolutely respond. Nowadays, the Border Police and Service for Foreigners’ Affairs of B&H are being tested and need special support,” Kresic has pointed out. Kresic has added that neighboring countries would be asked to engage more actively in the problem of illegal migration. “Our plan is to hold a regional conference on illegal migration tomorrow and to openly discuss this issue, in order not to suspend certain agreements between neighboring countries and us in terms of readmission,” Kresic has said and added that the assistance of international institutions and organizations is also required. He has said that more than 6,000 entries in B&H are currently registered. It is not known how many of them actually left B&H, i.e. went to Croatia, adding that there should also be a better and stronger cooperation.


Russia wishes for settlement of Athens-Skopje name issue (MIA)


Russian Ambassador to the EU Vladimir Chizhov says his country wishes for a solution to the name dispute between Macedonia and Greece, MIA reports from Brussels. Russia views the European perspective as a dimension of the globalization, but the NATO enlargement is an attempt to deal with the challenges of the 21st with instruments of the 20th century, Chizhov told a press conference on Wednesday. “We shall not applaud if Macedonia joins NATO,” Chizhov said.


Mitchell: US applies ‘quiet diplomacy’ approach to resolving Athens-Skopje name dispute (MIA)


The US keeps playing a quiet role in the process for resolving the name dispute between Macedonia and Greece, Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs Wess Mitchell said as he presented the Trump Administration’s strategy for Europe at the Heritage Foundation in Washington. “Part of our team is working on the matter at the moment. The US continues to play a quiet roll along with the EU, Germany and others, encouraging the parties to find a solution to the name, so that we may see Macedonia as NATO member,” Mitchell said.

The US, he said, has been investing time, energy and resources for resolving the problems in Western Balkan countries, Mitchell said. I don’t expect for some of these long-standing problems to be fully resolved in the near future, but I believe we are making substantial progress to that effect, he added. Today, US Permanent Representative to NATO Kay Bailey Hutchison said the Alliance will do its best to protect Macedonia from 'aggression from Russia' even though the procedure for admitting the country into the organization is yet to be launched as the name issue remains unresolved. If no name solution is found until the meeting of NATO leaders and no procedure is launched to admit the country, we will continue to work to protect the country from damaging influence, she said. “We have close working relations with Macedonia and NATO will do its best to help the country fight off dangerous influence from Russia, be it hybrid war or something else,” Hutchison told a phone press briefing. The NATO Summit will take place in early July in Brussels. Macedonia hopes that the name issue could be solved by then, enabling the country to become the 30th member of the Alliance.


Ruci receives Kosovo parliament delegation (ADN)


The speaker of the Albanian parliament, Gramoz Ruci, held a meeting on Wednesday with the delegation of the Kosovo parliament, headed by Vice-Speaker, Aida Derguti. The Kosovo delegation informed the speaker of the parliament on the two resolutions adopted last days by the parliament of the Republic of Kosovo: the Resolution "On the Removal of Roaming between Kosovo and Albania", and the Resolution "On the complete abolition of control in entry / exits of Kosovo and Albania citizens through border crossing points: Vermice, Qafe Prush, and Qafe Morine". Meanwhile, Speaker Ruci, agreed with the proposals of the delegation of Kosovo parliament, included in the approved results. "It is the duty of the two countries parliaments to facilitate the comprehensive cooperation between Albania and Kosovo, in support of citizens' interests. For both sides there is a complete and clear political will. These resolutions are a positive step, but the technicalities of their implementation by the governments and institutions of the two countries must be carefully considered. The Parliament of Albania and the Parliament of Kosovo should exercise all the powers of parliamentary control to accelerate cooperation in all areas," said Ruci. In the meeting, were also discussed issues of bilateral cooperation in the field of energy, diplomas headcount, and the fulfillment of integration standards.


Opposition warns further protests in parliament (ADN)


Opposition warned tension and further protests during the parliamentary session on Thursday.

Same as the last two weeks, opposition MPs will protest for the resignation of the Interior Minister Fatmir Xhafaj due to his brother links with drug trafficking. According to them, this attitude will be held until June 28, when the decision for the opening of accession negotiations will be learned.




Name talks push ahead as rallies in Greece protest compromise (, by Vassilis Nedoa, 7 June 2018)


As rallies were held across Greece on Wednesday to express opposition against the government making any compromise in the name dispute with the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, sources said that intense behind-the-scenes negotiations are under way between Athens and Skopje to clinch a deal. If the two sides do reach an agreement, then prime ministers Alexis Tsipras and Zoran Zaev are expected to talk on the phone to set up a meeting, most likely in Prespes, northern Greece, to announce the deal, which Skopje hopes will pave the way for it to join NATO and start European Union accession talks. But nothing has been set in stone yet as both premiers, Zaev in particular, face opposition on the domestic front. Furthermore, despite the intensification of negotiations and the public declarations by both prime ministers that they are committed to resolving the decades-old dispute, there are still many hurdles. One of these hurdles concerns the EU and the opposition of several of its members to the bloc’s further expansion, at least for now. These countries include France, the Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg and Denmark. Moreover, there are concerns that the crisis in Europe could lead to more countries joining the bandwagon against FYROM’s accession. Nevertheless, foreign players have continued to encourage Athens and Skopje to reach a compromise. According to US Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs Wess Mitchell, Washington is working together with the EU and Germany so that FYROM can become a NATO member.

Meanwhile, conservative New Democracy said the coalition government appeared willing to accept a major compromise in its negotiations with Skopje on the name issue in order to stay in power. In a statement, the main opposition accused the SYRIZA-led administration of undermining Greece’s bargaining power by labeling the national sensibilities of the vast majority of Greeks as far-right ideology. Any solution to the name row, the party said, must include changes to FYROM’s constitution and the removal of any references of an irredentist nature, such as those to a “Macedonian” ethnicity and language. “Our warning to Tsipras is clear. He has no political legitimacy to commit our country to an international agreement that will be detrimental to national interests,” ND said. The prime minister’s office responded by saying that ND is playing the nationalist card and is trying to divide Greeks as it tries to “hide its inability to articulate a clear and responsible position on the name issue due to internal differences.”

Rallies took place yesterday in more than 20 cities across Greece to express opposition to a compromise in the name talks. The rallies took place in 16 towns and cities in Macedonia: Pella, Kavala, Drama, Serres, Kilkis, Polykastro, Lagada, Nea Moudania, Edessa, Florina, Kastoria, Kozani, Ptolemaida, Katerini, Veria and Siatista. Demonstrations were also held in Larissa, Thiva, Ioannina, Rhodes, Hania, Corfu and Halkida.



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