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Belgrade Media Report 11 June 2018



Djuric: The international community to react due to the war rhetoric of Haradinaj (RTS)

With its daily sensationalist statements, Pristina proves that the status of our southern autonomous province is not as they would like it to be and how they represent it to its citizens, the director of the Government Office for Kosovo and Metohija, Marko Djuric, pointed out.

On the occasion of Kosovo Prime Minister Ramush Haradinaj's statement that "the war with Serbia ... will officially be over when the two sides recognize each other," Djuric pointed out that the war rhetoric is something that should be the subject of a harsh reaction of all those in the international community, who care about stability and a peaceful future.

"War stories and repetition of the mantra about the recognition of the unilaterally proclaimed independence is just a runaway from resolving the problem," Djuric said. According to him, a better future for Serbs and Albanians can only be achieved by reaching a compromise that will satisfy the interests of both sides.

"The claim that the solution without a mutually acceptable agreement and a compromise is possible is just burying of head in the sand and the deceiving of the public. Serbs and Albanians in Kosovo have the right to have a future, they should not be the hostages of the separatism" the statement said.

The Serbian list stated that they expect the international community to respond to the rattling of the arms by political representatives of Kosovo Albanians and rejected the claim that the Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija are going to support the formation of the so-called "army of Kosovo".

"In the inability to provide better conditions for all citizens in Kosovo and Metohija, political representatives of Kosovo Albanians offer war and separatist stories to the citizens. We repeat once more that the Serbian List will never support the formation of such a quasi-army, which is contrary to UN Security Council Resolution 1244 and the Kumanovo Military Technical Agreement, but above all the interests and security of the Serbian people and the state of Serbia" reads the statment .

The Serbian List would like to remind, those who want to forget, that the Kumanovo agreement does not envisage the formation of any new army in the territory of KiM, where the only military forces can be KFOR and up to a thousand members of the Serbian Army, with the consent of the KFOR.


Vulin: You'll have no army - now go back to fighting old ladies (Tanjug)

Serbs in Kosovo do not support the formation of an army in Kosovo, and it will not be formed, Serbian Defense Minister Aleksandar Vulin has said. Vulin in this way commented on Kosovo PM Ramush Haradinaj's announcement that an army would be formed in Kosovo this year - and that he "has the support of Serbs for that."

"They will not form it, and of course they won't have the Serbs' support. They tried, but that (Kosovo) is not a state, they don't even have a military academy," Vulin said, and added that Haradinaj would be "better off fighting with old women - because that's all he's good at."

This was an apparent reference to the incident that took place during the marking of the 140th anniversary of the Prizren League, set up in 1848 with the goal of establishing a Greater Albania.


Speaking on Monday for TV Pink, Vulin also commented on Haradinaj saying that Kosovo "had a war with Serbia."

"They did not have a war with Serbia - instead, Serbia had a war with 19 NATO countries. Albanians from Kosovo and Metohija didn't fly those planes - they can't fly them to this day," Vulin said.

"They were killing soldiers, police officers, civilians, both Serbs and Albanians who didn't support the KLA ("Kosovo Liberation Army"), who didn't want to be terrorists. That's what you were doing as killers and terrorists, which is what you remain to this day. I am sorry that you are unpunished killers and terrorists," Vulin said, and stressed that the reason Haradinaj is free today is not his innocence, "but all the witnesses getting murdered."

Now, Vulin continued, Pristina is trying to find some Serbs - "two, three Serbs" - to send to school in Macedonia, and in that way demonstrate that "Serbs support the Kosovo army."

"Even according to what they refer to as laws, they can't form an army without the Serb List votes, and the Serb List will not vote," the defense minister continued.

He then turned to EU representative Nataliya Apostolova, who said that Serbs "deserve what is happening to them." Referring to one of the recent incidents targeting Serbs in Kosovo, Vulin asked whether Serbs "asked to have six-month old baby burned with pepper spray - do they deserve that?"

"Imagine her saying such a thing about any other nation in the world, let alone an EU member. She would have been recalled from the post along with sever public condemnation, and she would never again be able to hold public office. But when you say something so ugly about Serbs, there is no condemnation," Vulin said.

He pointed out that the EU must at last say whether the same rules apply to Serbs and the rest of the world and whether we are considered to be human beings. "If we are, let them treat us as human beings, a people who deserve respect. I learned from Europe that there is no such thing as collective guilt. So demonstrate this in practice, tell me that there are criminals in the Serb nation who have a name and a last name, as there in the Albanian nation," he said.

Speaking about the Serbian Army, the defense minister said it had been undermined for decades in a planned and systematic manner - but was now finally being rebuilt, while the policy of the state and President Aleksandar Vucic is to strengthen the military.

"Of course we will be the strongest in the region. Serbia is the most important country in the region, and its army must be likewise. The stronger our army, we will have (more) peace, be safe from anyone attacking us, either us (Serbia) or Serbs no matter where they live. It is our duty to protect Serbia and Serbs wherever they live," said Vulin.

The minister announced his meeting in Paris on Monday with his French counterpart, and said he would use this opportunity as well to emphasize that creating an army in Kosovo is unacceptable, that "no sort of military force" can cross into the North without the four mayors from the North agreeing to it, and that no (armed) force will emerge in Kosovo and Metohija while UN Security Council Resolution 1244 stands - "and will stand for a long time."

Vulin added that he would thank the French troops who, while deployed in Kosovo as part of KFOR, helped and contributed to the security of Serbs in the southern province.



New Rambouillet (Danas)

The daily Danas reported that there is a realistic chance of the “Kosovo knot” being untied by organizing an international conference where Belgrade and Pristina would negotiate with the participation of “the world’s largest players”.

Citing unofficial reports obtained from representatives of the highest diplomatic circles in the West, the newspaper writes that in addition to the countries of the Quint (the US, Great Britain,

Germany, France and Italy) such a conference would also include representatives of Russia “and the participation of China and perhaps even Turkey, is not excluded.”


“The international conference of the highest level, which would actually represent a new Rambouillet, i.e. Rambouillet 2, could be held in one of the countries of the West, or in a neutral country, such as Switzerland. Since the largest powers would consider ways of finally fully normalizing relations between Belgrade and Pristina, a comparison with the negotiations in Rambouillet cannot be avoided, even though the Serbian authorities, headed by Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic, would rather it by a type of new Dayton, because the Dayton Accords led to the

creation of Repulika Srpska. In any event, even for Vucic himself it would be better that the agreement on the resolution of the Kosovo issue be achieved at a conference of the largest format, and not at some office in Brussels,” diplomats point out.


As Danas has learned, Germany is openly displeased with the past course and dynamics of the Brussels dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina.

According to the newspaper’s well-informed sources, Berlin has not given up on the idea of naming a special envoy “who would be in charge of only the Brussels dialogue.”

These sources reveal that the “initial spark” for the idea of holding “Rambouillet 2” was the recent meeting of the Quint in New York, and that apparently the “key” for resolving the Kosovo issue is “in the hands of the US.”

“Unlike the Germans, who still will not hear of the Kosovo knot being untied by dividing Kosovo or an exchange of territories, but they believe that Pristina should get a seat in the UN, for the Americans the solution that would entail Serbia getting the north of Kosovo and the monasteries, is not at all unacceptable. Such a division of Kosovo would also benefit Belgrade,” Danas’ diplomatic sources point out.

Those familiar with political events in Serbia link the newspaper’s claim to the fact that Vucic is looking for a new form of dialogue and a way for finding a solution for Kosovo, and that such a

peace conference would suit him, and that he would have justification in the eyes of the local public.

Danas also reports that Kosovo Prime Minister Ramush Haradinaj mentioned during a visit to Germany that Pristina would also accept a solution that would entail an exchange in territories

between Serbia and Kosovo, “but that Berlin believes that this would open the Pandora’s box in the Western Balkans.”

“Unlike the previous phase in the negotiations on Kosovo, when it was expected that Germany would play a crucial role in the achievement of an agreement, now the eyes of the global scene are aimed at the US. In this context, it is notable that the Brussels dialogue is being publicly discredited, not only by Belgrade and Pristina, but also by EU member states, which likely opens a path for organizing a large international conference on Kosovo” Danas’ diplomatic sources point out.


Vucic: Location of conference on Kosovo not important, only proposal content (RTS)

“It isn’t important where the international conference on the solution for Kosovo is not important, but rather the content of that proposal,” stated Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic on Sunday.

Vucic expressed his conviction that the pressure on the authorities in Serbia over the Kosovo issue will increase in the near future. The questions are asked by regime and para-regime media, and they have advantage over the other reporters.


“I am interested in the essence and the result. Whether it is a true conference in a ballroom or in a common hall, or in the road in front – is completely irrelevant to me. We want to see a solution, and that Serbia wants and can accept it, save face, for the people not to feel humiliated, for their future to be known, and primarily for the Serbs in Kosovo to be guaranteed a future, peace and safety, but also for Serbia’s interests to be protected. When we see that, they can scheduled a conference wherever they want, in Los Angeles or in Tokyo, or anywhere else,” Vucic said. He stated that he is not satisfied with what he has received so far as ideas for resolving the Kosovo problem, which is why he did not comment publicly. “I had enough courage to refuse them in talks with counterparts,” Vucic explained.


Vucic warned that in the near future there will be numerous pressures on Serbia and its people, “because they know that the essence is in Serbia’s decision.We will be under great pressure. Those who want to break Serbia in different ways will try to do so from inside, to weaken our negotiation position, to show what all they are capable of doing” Vucic explained. As he said, as long as the Serbian government and president are strong it will be apply such great influence or any significant pressure on the decision that we can make. “That is why it is important to apply constant pressure. That is why we have heard stories that Serbia will be the next country where a journalist will be killed, and we have five countries in which journalists have been killed since then and no one is saying ‘sorry’” Vucic said.


Vucic: I expect dialogue with Pristina to continue by June’s end (Beta)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said on June 8 that he expected talks between Belgrade and Pristina to continue before the end of the month. Vucic said at the Palace of Serbia that he would be engaged elsewhere on June 27 and June 28, when he would not be travelling to Brussels, but that he was available on other dates.

"Let them choose the date, I am ready for the talks, but I am asking that the Brussels agreement be respected, by the other side as well," Vucic said, underlining that he wanted some sort of agreement to be reached with Pristina. The Serbian president explained it was his job to take care of Serbia, and protect it against conflicts.


Scott: U.S. role in Belgrade - Pristina talks depends on other partners (Beta)

The involvement of the United States in the Belgrade - Pristina talks will depend on other partners, U.S. Ambassador to Serbia Kyle Scott said on June 8, underlining that his country was pleased with the way the EU was running the dialog.

"The dialog should be an agreement between Belgrade and Pristina. The EU is running the dialog, we are happy about that, and we think it should stay that way," Scott said to journalists in Belgrade.

The ambassador refused to explain what factors exactly the U.S. role in the talks depended on, but did say that the entire international community should play a role in the process.

"The entire international community has a role in this, because we want to support peace and stability in the region," the U.S. diplomat said.

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said on June 8 when speaking on the announced inclusion of certain countries in the Belgrade-Pristina dialog that Serbia found the EU's mediation acceptable, but that it was not realistic to expect that agreement would be reached without the U.S. and Russia.


Mihajlovic: Russia is in the heart, but Europe is in the head (Blic)

The Serbian government will not change the strategic direction of the country, which is the European Union, said the Deputy Prime Minister Zoran Mihajlovic.

"We need to avoid situations in which we want to join the EU in the morning, and at noon, we want to be with Russia. Nobody is forbidding us to cooperate with Russia, no one can deny a single Serb the right to love Russia and make us rescind the history" she said.

"But running the state is a rational job, politics are headed from the head, not from the heart! Russia will always be in the heart, and the head says Europe and the West," Mihajlovic said.

She also pointed out that Serbia wants a compromise on Kosovo, not because it wants some kind of card for the faster entry into the EU, but because the future of Serbia depends on the resolution of this issue.

"The frozen conflict in Kosovo will freeze Serbia, which will not be able to develop. Solution will not come either from Russia or America, we must do it ourselves, Mihajlovic said.




Bosnia and Herzegovina


Announcement on deployment of UK troops to B&H ahead of general elections sparks reactions (RTRS)

The news about the UK’s deployment of additional troops to Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H), which are supposed to support the EUFOR during the upcoming general elections, has sparked reactions in the public.


According to London-based The Times, intensified presence of the UK troops in this country is supposed to prevent Russia’s influence and interference with the upcoming general elections in B&H. The reporter noted that UK Secretary of State for Defense Gavin Williamson indirectly confirmed this information during the last meeting of NATO Ministers of Defense in Brussels.


“Deployment of the troops shows our commitment for the elections in B&H to be free and fair and to be held without malicious influences from the outside,” Williamson was quoted as saying. However, the UK Embassy to B&H stated that the UK, by deploying additional soldiers, responded to the request of EUFOR Operational Commander James Everard, with the aim to improve the capacities of the forces of the EU. The UK Embassy to B&H also stressed that this mission is not aimed against Russia or any other country.


Russian Ambassador to B&H Petr Ivantsov also reacted by saying that strengthening the EUFOR during the general elections in B&H sends a wrong message to B&H and the international community. Ivantsov explained that it gives an impression as if the situation in the country is tense and requires international engagement, which is not true. He added that he does not know what led the EUFOR Operational Commander to make such decision.

“We warned of the statement of UK Secretary of State for Defense Gavin Williamson. We saw the explanation of the UK Embassy that this mission is not aimed against Russia and that the soldiers are being deployed at the EUFOR’s request. Let’s leave the thesis on malignant influence up to the conscience of the Secretary of State, especially given the fact that we have talked about our role here on several occasions,” Ivantsov was quoted as saying.


According to Republika Srpska (RS) President Milorad Dodik, the engagement of additional troops is unnecessary and nobody from the RS asked for something like that. He stressed that if the UK did that on its own, it is actually interfering with internal matters of B&H. If deployment of the troops was requested by someone from the level of BiH, they will have to explain their reasons, Dodik said.


SNSD MP in the B&H House of Representatives Milica Markovic assessed that the call for engagement of additional troops came from politicians at the level of B&H, who are thus trying to improve their position ahead of the general elections, in her opinion. She argued that Serb member of the B&H Presidency Mladen Ivanic certainly has something to do with this, explaining that he maintains close relations with different organizations and institutions in the UK. Ivanic did not want to make a comment about these allegations, except for a brief response from his cabinet that they do not want to be brought into this context in any way.


Speaker of the RS National Assembly Nenad Stevandic assessed that the announced arrival of UK soldiers is a sign of anti-Russian hysteria and an attempt to put pressure on Serb politicians.


Ferguson: Politicians are hiding their incompetence by populism (EuroBlic)

UK Ambassador to Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Edward Ferguson, who will soon leave B&H, said that it was a pleasure for him to work with competent and dedicated politicians in all parts of B&H and added that he admires the most those who are working hard to improve lives of citizens and who had the courage to make decisions that were necessary in order for BiH to be successful. Ferguson added that he admires less those who put their own interests or interests of their parties before interests of the country and its citizens “or those who are using nationalism or populism to hide their corrupted behavior or incompetence”.


Asked if claims of Republika Ruska (RS) President Milorad Dodik, who said that foreign ambassadors meddle too much in internal matters of B&H, are grounded, Ferguson said that it is true that foreign ambassadors to B&H have an unusual role, but he explained that there are two reasons for that. The first reason, as Ferguson said, is that some ambassadors are also members of the Peace Implementation Council (PIC) so they react whenever irresponsible politicians bring in question parts of the Dayton Peace Agreement (DPA). The second reason, according to Ferguson, lies in the fact that B&H needs to achieve certain standards in quality of its democracy and strength of economy and rule of law. Ferguson also noted that the UK is not meddling in internal matters of B&H nor it has desire to do so. “However, political instability in B&H is not only an internal matter, but it also has influence on international peace and stability. As a permanent member of the UN Security Council and as a country which invested a lot in development of B&H after the war, we will continue to strongly support the DPA, which we signed. And we will continue to support B&H on its chosen path towards Euro-Atlantic integration”, Ferguson added.


Asked to comment on claims of political representatives of Serbs and Croats in B&H that B&H, as such, as unsustainable, Ferguson replied by saying that B&H is sustainable in its current form as it was in the past two decades. Ferguson added that other countries too have complicated system of authorities, but they can function perfectly well when politicians make it happen. “This rhetoric was devised simply as a smoke screen. Real problems B&H is faced with are unemployment, brain drain, corruption and inefficiency in authorities and public institutions. Whenever politicians do not have a response to those challenges, they start to blame others or they blame the system. It is up to citizens to clearly say that they are not interested in excuses, that they want politicians to work together in order to reach a solution”, Ferguson concluded.




Croatian President to Meet EU and NATO Officials (Hina)

Croatian President Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic will pay a two-day visit to Brussels on Wednesday and Thursday for talks with European Council President Donald Tusk, European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker and NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg. According to a weekly schedule of the European Council’s chief Tusk, he will receive President Grabar-Kitarovic on Thursday morning. On the same day, she will meet the EC President Juncker. During her stay in Brussels, Grabar-Kitarovic will hold a lecture on the first five years of Croatia's membership of the European Union.




Government united, committed to provide better future for citizens of Macedonia (MIA)

The government is united, committed to resolving disputes and strengthening the dignity, identity of the citizens of Macedonia, spokesman Mile Bosnjakovski told MIA, denying some media report on alleged divisions in the PM’s cabinet. ‘Prime Minister Zoran Zaev, Foreign Minister Nikola Dimitrov and the entire government are firmly determined, committed to resolving disputes and strengthening the dignity, identity of the citizens of the Republic of Macedonia,’ Bosnjakovski said. All of the government members have been working together on realizing Macedonia’s strategic goal – the EU, NATO membership – and thus on ensuring better life for all citizens of the country, he said.


Vice-Premier Osmani seeks support of opposition VMRO-DPMNE for new reform plan (MIA)

Vice-Premier for European Affairs Bujar Osmani presented Macedonia’s new reform Plan 18 to representatives of the main  opposition party VMRO-DPMNE.

I understand the need for the opposition to promote alternative policies to those of the government, Osmani said, calling for a political, national consensus on the essential reforms, Euro-Atlantic perspective and the strategic interests of the country, He thanked the opposition for their constructive role in the implementation of the reforms from the previous Plan 3-6-9, which created conditions for substantial progress in the state's reform agenda, also acknowledged by the European Commission latest report on Macedonia’s progress, the Secretariat for European Affairs said in a press release.

Implementing the reforms under Plan 18, aside of being rather significant for Macedonia’s progress on the road to EU are also vital for the country’s overall development, Osmani said.


NATO membership – recognition of Macedonia’s achievements (MIA)

Macedonia has come a long way and made a substantial progress in the integration processes, which emphasizes the country’s credibility to become a full-fledged NATO member in the near future, Defense Minister Radmila Sekerinska told her counterparts of the Alliance’s member states.

‘We hope for NATO membership, which will be an acknowledgment of our efforts and will strengthen the security in the region,’ Sekerinska told the North Atlantic Council meeting, chaired by NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg.

Macedonia, she said, deserves to become the 30th NATO member, as it ‘has introduced a new spirit in relations with the neighbors.’

‘We have signed an agreement on good neighborly relations and friendship with Bulgaria and we are on the way to resolve the 27-year name dispute with Greece. There are no other unresolved bilateral or border issues,’ Sekerinska said.

At the NAC meeting on the ‘Resolute Support in Afghanistan, Sekerinska notified Macedonia’s decision on the onset of this year to increased its participation in the NATO-led mission, the Ministry of Defense said in a press release.

Ahead of the NATO Summit, scheduled for July 11-12, Sekerinska asked her colleagues to support Macedonia’s accession to NATO, pointing out that the present moment shouldn’t be missed; as such an opportunity wouldn’t arise any time soon. Sekerinska and her German counterpart Ursula von der Leyen expressed satisfaction with the cooperation between the two countries.

Sekerinska extended gratitude over Germany's regular support of Macedonia’s defense reforms and efforts to join NATO. Sekerinska held separate meetings with her Dutch, Belgian and Italian colleagues, Ank Bijleveld; Steven Vandeput and Elisabetta Trenta respectively. On the sidelines of NAC meeting, she also held talks with NATO chief Stoltenberg and US Secretary of Defense James Mattis.




Vucic will be ready to talk with Pristina after the National Museum opening (IBNA)


Serbian president Aleksandar Vucic expects that the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina will be continued until the end of June; however, he said that negotiations cannot take place on June 27 or 28 due to events he will attend: promotion of the soldiers in Kragujevac and the opening of the National Museum in Belgrade.

"For me, this is more important than anything else, and I will certainly not be in Brussels on these two days", Vucic told reporters today. "Therefore, let them (Pristina) decide about the date and I am ready to talk", the president said, adding that his priority is the "respect of the Brussels agreement by the other side".

When asked whether he believes that "an American paper exists" - alleged U.S. preconditions for the talks which are reported by media - Vucic told journalists that it would be better if they reach their own conclusions.

"I would better not respond to that. I think that everybody knows which is the correct answer, regardless of who is talking", Vucic said suggesting that "ideas of whoever presented in this way or another" were not in favour of Serbia.

Vucic also said that his "nightmare" is the alleged possibility of the "Albanian" attack against northern Kosovo, predominantly inhabited by Serbs, with the "logistic assistance of you know who". "If we react, we are going to jeopardise the future of our children ... My job is to take care about the country, to save the people rather than lose them. We must not allow any kind of cause to be created for the attack".

In his words, peaceful resolution of the Kosovo issue is in the interest of Serbia. "Nobody can guarantee us that they will not try to forcefully occupy the north of Kosovo. My question is: what we are going to do? With what we are going to defend ourselves? I want people to know it", Aleksandar Vucic said.