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Belgrade Media Report 02 August 2018



Dacic: Britain’s move against Serbia’s interests (Tanjug/RTS)


Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic has assessed last night that leaving the Kosovo issue from the agenda of the UN Security Council is a big precedent, for which there are no justified reasons. Dacic told Tanjug that if Great Britain doesn’t want this, then it will be placed on the agenda of countries that haven’t recognized independence of Kosovo. Dacic notes that, for the first time after 10 years, it happened that one country independently decides not to place the Kosovo topic on the Security Council agenda. “Long, complicated and difficult consultations were conducted, the Serbian delegation was also invited, but Great Britain simply doesn’t want this topic to be debated in the Security Council,” said Dacic. According to him, Great Britain requests that Kosovo be discussed at closed sessions – without the presence of Pristina and Belgrade, and to reduce this to twice a year, because it considers that the situation in Kosovo and Metohija is good and that there is no need to discuss this. On the other side, Dacic notes, Russia and China firmly advocate the stand that this topic needs to be present at the Security Council sessions since there has been not agreement in this UN body to this date. “In order to avoid voting that would lead to big divisions within the Security Council, it was agreed at today’s meeting, regardless of the fact that Britain had submitted the work plan for August without the topic of Kosovo, that consultations on this topic would continue with the interested parties in the following days, with the wish to reach agreement on the further work,” Dacic said and voiced expectation that Serbia’s stands would be considered. Dacic says it is not clear why Great Britain insists on omitting Kosovo from the agenda of the Security Council session, especially because, as he put it, they have been constantly wanting good relations with Serbia. However, this move is absolutely against Serbia’s interests and completely in disagreement with London’s wish to organize the summit with Western Balkans. “Only several weeks ago London tool Pristina’s side and absolutely violates all past agreements reached in the Security Council,” noted Dacic.

He points out that it is very important to reach agreement and to debate this topic. “We don’t want any spectacle, but there are problems on this, that Kosovo needs a lasting solution, this is debated in the EU nearly every month, while it is requested in the UN to abolish this debate. There are no justified reasons here except to fulfil Pristina’s wish – this being to verify as soon as possible that everything in Kosovo is ideal and that there is no need to debate in the Security Council,” assessed Dacic.


British Embassy: Kosovo important, but focus on burring issues (FoNet)


The UK, which is holding the rotating presidency of the United Nations Security Council in August, says on Thursday that the body should focus on the burning and most current issues which endanger the world’s peace and security, the FoNet reported, quoting the British Embassy to Serbia. The Embassy’s statement added that did not mean Kosovo was not an important question, responding to Belgrade's reaction after London’s decision not to include Kosovo’s situation on this month agenda of the UN SC meeting. The move stopped the years-long practice of the body to discuss the issue every three months. The UK Belgrade embassy said that Kosovo was a significant European regional issue, but that the intensity of the problem was not the same as it was 15 odd years ago, so London believed that, at the moment, it did not request such frequency as the situation in Burma and Yemen. The British decision also came after UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres warned about the lack of results in the murder of a Kosovo Serb leader and the idea to build a road inside the protected zone around a Serb monastery. The Embassy said that the UK representatives to the UN had the consultation with other delegations, including the one from Serbia, to decide on the rhythm of the Kosovo-related meetings, adding there was still no solution, but that the talks would continue. It also said that it is most important for both Serbia and Kosovo to remain sincerely committed to the Brussels dialogue facilitated by the EU. Our message to the delegations in New York is that the states don’t waste energy on the tactics and procedural questions, but to direct it at the essential, greater aim, which is the normalization of relations, the Embassy told FoNet.


Smajlovic on Britain’s decision: London’s attempt to remain important following Brexit (RTS)


Journalist Ljiljana Smajlovic assesses for RTS that Great Britain’s decision to take Kosovo and Metohija off the UN Security Council agenda is London’s attempt to remain equally important, or more important than before, following departure from the EU. Smajlovic notes that Great Britain, with this decision, is sending Serbia the message – you are our courtyard. “And this being done at a moment when the West is telling other countries like Russia – this is not your courtyard, you will never be asked anything again, this is not the sphere of your interests,” notes Smajlovic. She says that Great Britain, especially when it left the EU, has tripled efforts and increased hundred percent allocations for Western Balkans. She assesses that the specialty of Great Britain is that, even when it loses the empire, loses the status of one of the strongest world powers, manages to remain relevant with the help of its very skillful diplomacy. She says this decision by Great Britain may have great consequences for Serbia. “This is an attempt at bargaining Resolution 1244. Especially now when the authorities in Serbia are trying to recall this resolution,” says Smajlovic. She recalls that Great Britain became the presiding in the Security Council in the fall of 1998 and, as she puts it, things regarding the decision on the bombardment of the then Yugoslavia incredibly accelerated on 1 October.

Serbia has China and Russia as trump cards

However, Serbia, apart from arguments, also has trump cards in its hands. “Serbia has China and Russia as trump cards, and here it is only important how much they care about Kosovo, and I think they do, not perhaps because of us, but perhaps because of these precedents. Putin cares, and so does Si, he has started playing an increasing role in Europe. So, I think that this will perhaps end in some compromise,” notes Smajlovic. Commenting allegations on division, partition of exchange of territories, Smajlovic says she doesn’t believe that any secret division has been agreed at the Trump-Putin meeting. “There is something is this story on division when organizations that are NATO lobbyists start talking about this, when they say – well this is not so bad, then something is going on here. I don’t believe that any division of Kosovo has been agreed at the Trump-Putin meeting, but there is certainly something when the US Ambassador in Kosovo refused for the first time since 2000 to mention the possibility of correction,” concludes Smajlovic.


Jaksic: America is UK’s extended arm (B92/Prva TV)


Many moves made by the UK are motivated by London’s dissatisfaction with Serbia moving closer to Russia, says foreign policy commentator Bosko Jaksic told Prva TV in comment to UK’s decision not to include Kosovo in the agenda of the UN Security Council, which it presides over in August. “Britain has been announcing such a step for a long time and has used the influential position that it has presiding over the Security Council of the UN, and what consequences that will have we'll have to see,” Jaksic said. In his opinion, the decision was made as the process around Kosovo and Metohija is intensively advancing. “Such a decision was made after 12 years of more or less delays, and last year, as Americans became more involved, the deadline to solve the Kosovo problem was set to sometime by the end of next year. In all this, behind the US engagement is the secret hand of the powerful British diplomacy,” says Jaksic

“America is an extended arm of London that uses its traditional diplomacy skills,” he said.


Djuric: Hoxha is dead, and Albania has no border with Kosovo (Tanjug/B92)


Albanian Minister Pandeli Majko’s statement - that the border between Albania and Kosovo will be opened starting on 1 January - lacks seriousness and responsibility, said the Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Marko Djuric, adding that the statement of the Albanian minister in charge of the diaspora only served to further aggravate relations in the region.

“Enver Hoxha is dead, while Greater Albania there is not happening and will come to nothing. Kosovo and Albania have no border, instead there is a border between Serbia and Albania and it is 111 km long,” Djuric said. He recalled that the border between Serbia and Albania ranges from the tri-border area between Macedonia, Albania and Serbia, to the one between Serbia, Montenegro and Albania, and pointed out that this is the only border that exists and can exist.
“According to Resolution 1244 we are the ones who have the right to use the border crossings of Cafa, Prusit and Vrbnica and have our staff there, but it seems nobody cares about that anymore. Just as no one in the international community cares about such mongering and threatening statements which come from different Albanian representatives every day,” Djuric said, and reminded that Majko made this statement in the presence of the top representatives of Kosovo and Metohija - Ramush Haradinaj and Hashim Thaci. Djuric emphasized that this statement undermines the efforts to normalize fragile relations in the region, and build better relations between the Serbs and the Albanians. Djuric also said that he expects and demands the international community to react and raise the issue of what would happen if some Serb representatives said that the border would be abolished, not between Serbia and some neighboring country, but that an administrative crossing would be abolished. He said that such statements also demonstrate how lacking in seriousness and responsibility some politicians in central Serbia are, who advocate the thesis that nothing should be solved on the issue of Kosovo and Metohija and who lie to the people that everything can stay the same. “I don’t know what they’re thinking. Do they think we should wait for the Albanians to one day fulfill one of their threats,” Djuric concluded.




B&H Presidency member Covic at meeting with Plenkovic in Zagreb (N1)


Croat member of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency and HDZ B&H leader Dragan Covic was scheduled to meet with Croatian Prime Minister and HDZ Croatia leader Andrej Plenkovic in Zagreb on Wednesday evening. According to N1, Covic expected to obtain HDZ Croatia’s clear support to HDZ B&H (presumably for October elections). List of topics of the meeting includes a series of important infrastructural projects. Prior to departing to Zagreb, Covic underlined that he will not bring up the issue of Peljesac Bridge as topic of the discussion at his meeting. However, Covic did not exclude a possibility of discussing this issue if Plenkovic expresses interest for it. B&H lacks a single stance on the issue of Peljesac Bridge, due to which filing a lawsuit against Croatia is unlikely to happen. B&H’s access to international waters seem to be an specific issue of concern in this regard, while Croatia does not perceive announcements of a possible lawsuit as some serious threat.


Komsic sends Chinese Ambassador Chen open letter re Peljesac Bridge, announces international legal action (Dnevni list)


DF President Zeljko Komsic has sent Chinese Ambassador to B&H Bo Chen an open letter in light of the fact, according to Komsic, that Croatia has started construction works on the Peljesac Bridge without reaching agreement about it with B&H and in light of the fact that a Chinese construction corporation will be building the bridge. According to Komsic, China has always helped B&H and has always been true friend to B&H “and I hope you will understand our actions”. Among other issues, Komsic reminded that on September 29, 2017, Director General of the European Commission for Regional and Urban Policy Marc Lemaitre called on Croatia to solve open issues with B&H regarding construction of the Peljesac Bridge and to refrain from activities that could get the EC involved into legal and financial issues. Komsic added that Croatia neglected all pleas and requests from B&H, which is why ‘we’ will be forced to seek justice before international justice bodies.


Bharke: B&H and Croatia must discuss issue of Peljesac Bridge (Dnevni avaz)


In a statement for the daily, Spokesperson for the European Commission Johannes Bharke commented the issue of the Peljesac Bridge and he stated that it is important for B&H and Croatia to discuss this issue through open dialogue. He pointed out that the European Commission has carefully analyzed the project application Croatia sent asking them to co-finance the bridge construction, and took all the necessary steps before approving it. Bharke concluded that the European Commission has decided that there are no unresolved legal issues within the Cohesion Policy of the EU.


Cvijanovic says her visit to US was aimed at making contacts at White House rather than State Department that advocates Bosniak policy at expense of Serbs and Croats in B&H (ATV)


Republika Srpska (RS) Prime Minister Zeljka Cvijanovic, asked to comment on her visit to the US, where she held a number of meetings stressed that her obligation is to open new channels of communication and to hold talks she thinks will be effective. “My obligation is to tell the story of the RS, given the fact that we are long-term prisoners of certain stereotypes and certain artificial theses about Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) and especially about the RS, coming from people who have been engaged for years in B&H, where they decided to deal with this country as some sort of imagination or a desired fairy tale or some sort of unrealistic situation,” Cvijanovic explained. She noted that she found new contacts focusing on people in the surrounding of US President Donald Trump, explaining that the emphasis is being put on contacts within the White House as “it is impossible to find adequate contacts within the State Department for several reasons, including the aforementioned stereotypes”. “They probably think it is not so useful to talk with us, so we also think it is not useful to talk with them. The reason is simple. They want us to listen to everything that Sarajevo says, they are implementing the Bosniak policy here at the expense of others, both Serbs and Croats,” Cvijanovic argued. “The State Department obviously does not want to talk with us, so we have not been trying too much to do something with regard to this issue either,” she reiterated. She also stressed that none of her collocutors is a “former” official, explaining that all those people were members of Trump’s team and they will certainly be part of it in the future, including the next elections. “We found friends there, where we can tell everything about B&H and what kind of role the RS plays. We have had enough of being trapped and treated in line with an unacceptable, false pattern, a false picture imposed by certain persons who served here and wrote reports from certain embassies, sending them all over the world,” Cvijanovic stressed, concluding that she is not doing anything at the expense of others.


Vucic: Peace in B&H is of crucial importance for region (Oslobodjenje)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic stated that the peace in B&H is of crucial importance for the whole Western Balkan region. “We love Repubika Srpska (RS). We do not mind when they (Bosniaks) say they love our Raska-Polimlje region, or Sandzak as we call it. I do not mind at all. They (Bosniaks) were surprised when I told them we do not have a problem with that and just as we build schools, we ask them to build roads and schools in the Raska-Polimlje region. Build them and call them B&H’s schools, I do not have a problem with that,” said Vucic and reminded that Serbia is building schools in the RS, calling them ‘Vuk Karadzic’, ‘Dositej Obradovic’ or ‘Jovan Cvijic’. Vucic also commented marking of the ‘Oluja’ anniversary in Croatia and he said that the relationship between Serbia and Croatia is not as good as it should be.


Serbian President Vucic comments on Operation Storm anniversary (Hina)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said on Wednesday that Serbia would mark the anniversary of 1995's Operation Storm in Croatia in dignity, and added that in reference to Serbia-Croatia relations President Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic was the "least worst partner in Croatia." "Unlike the hysteria that occurs in Croatia during the anniversary of Operation Storm, Serbia will mark our sorrow and tragedy and the calamity of our people in dignity," Vucic said. Vucic said that in 1995 Serbia was not with displaced Serbs and was driving them away. “Today their children are exemplary citizens of Serbia, living together with their people, and they will always remember what they went through. But Serbia wasn't with them then... In 1995, we as a state didn't welcome them but rather disowned them and banished them. These people deserve our immense gratitude because they showed their great love for Serbia " Vucic said. Vucic underscored that it was the country's obligation to care for the ethnic Croats in Serbia. "It's our job and obligation for Croats to feel that Serbia is their home" Vucic said. In the 1995 Operation Storm, Croatia achieved a major victory over the Serb rebels and brought the Homeland War to a victorious end.


Protection of Montenegrin sky a confirmation that the Alliance is guarding the members (RTCG)


Defense Minister Predrag Boskovic said that Montenegro, as the youngest member of NATO, is committed to the realization of key tasks of the Alliance in order to effectively respond to modern security challenges and threats. Boskovic made this statement during a meeting with the Commander of NATO Combined Air Operations Centre Torrejon, Lieutenant General Ruben C. Garcia Servert, who is in an official visit to the Ministry of Defense. Servert met with Boskovic and the Chief of General Staff of the Army of Montenegro, Brigadier General Dragutin Dakic.

Boskovic informed the interlocutor of the most important activities realized during the first year of membership, stressing that Montenegro will continue to work intensively on integrating the national system into the collective defense system of the Alliance. "Apostrophizing the importance of membership in the Alliance, Boskovic pointed out that it was precisely the mission of protecting Montenegrin air space (Air Policing), which started on June 5 this year, the best confirmation of the Alliance's commitment to common security and the concept of collective defense," it was said in a statement after meeting. Boskovic thanked Servert for the support provided by the Joint Air Operations Center to our country during the process of establishing the Air Policing Mission as the most important step in the process of integration into the NATO integrated anti-aircraft and anti-missile defense system. He also said that this non-combat mission is the best example of benefits Montenegro has made with NATO membership, as well as the commitment of allies to common values.


Zaev meets Palmer (MIA)


Prime Minister Zoran Zaev and Matthew Palmer, US Acting Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs, discussed Wednesday in Skopje on the political developments on Macedonia and preparations for the 30 September referendum, the government said in a press release. Zaev and Palmer agreed that the referendum bore historic significance for Macedonia and therefore citizens should come out en masse to freely voice their opinion on the country’s future. Zaev extended gratitude for the US staunch support of Macedonia during the recent NATO summit, when the country got an invitation for start the accession talks, the press release reads.


Opposition VMRO-DPMNE leader meets Palmer (MIA)


Macedonia’s accession to the European Union and NATO are the priorities of VMRO-DPMNE, the opposition party leader Hristijan Mickoski said Wednesday at a meeting with Matthew Palmer, US Acting Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs.

Macedonia, its citizens and international friends are held hostages by the irresponsible policy of the incumbent government, Mickoski said. He views as undemocratic the government decision to circumvent a compromise and accept the opposition arguments related to the wording of the referendum question, which should be a result of general consensus, not a unilateral move of the parliamentary majority, the party said in a press release. Macedonia, Mickoski said, should now focus on reforms related to the rule of law and economic development. Miskoski and Palmer agreed that Macedonia’s Euro-Atlantic integration ‘is the only way to ensuring stability in the region,’ the press release reads.


Palmer: Prespa Agreement opens European future for Macedonia (MIA)


Matthew Palmer, US Acting Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs, voiced belief Wednesday that the citizens of Macedonia would seize the opportunity and express their opinion at the upcoming referendum, which bears historic significance for the country’s future. “In the conversations I’ve had I’ve emphasized the US support for the Prespa Agreement and for Macedonia’s future as a member of NATO and the European Union. Macedonia has received an invitation to NATO, which is a historic achievement, and there is a clear sign posted path forward to the opening of the accession negotiations with the EU” Palmer told reporters after his meeting with Prime Minister Zoran Zaev. Clearly, he said, the referendum on 30 September will be an important date that will give Macedonian public an opportunity to voice their views on the agreement. “We hope that people will turn out and vote, express themselves and do so in an atmosphere free of disinformation or discouragement. This is really a historic moment for Macedonia and the Prespa Agreement once ratified and implemented opens up the door to a European future for Macedonia and the Macedonian people,” Palmer said. Taking a journalist question, Palmer also conveyed his message to the opposition. “The message that I’ve delivered to the opposition and will continue to deliver is to think about this strategically, to put the country first, to think about what is the best and brightest future for the Macedonian people and in particular for the Macedonian young people and to consider seriously what is it that the Prespa Agreement offers as a European future to Macedonia, what it will open up in terms of possibilities and to look for ways they could be supportive of this European future and perspective.” Palmer held talks with President Gjorge Ivanov, PM Zaev, and political party leaders. He will also attend the Ilinden celebration in Krushevo and meet with local officials outside of Skopje.


Rama does not exclude possibility for another agreement with Basha (ADN)


Prime Minister, Edi Rama does not exclude the possibility for another agreement with the opposition's leader Lulzim Basha. He unveiled that in September the government will propose a cooperation platform between ruling Majority and Opposition. "The only thing we can't offer to DP and Social Movement for Integration (SMI) is the ruling power. The other requests are all for discussion. We have no problem. We are preparing a cooperation platform that we will make public with the start of the new parliamentary season and we are ready for any opposition's suggestion that does not turn us back," said Rama. Basha responded some hours later. He said that he will never make an agreement with Rama. "I will never make coalition with Rama! My job, is removing Rama and all politicians related to the crime from power," said Basha.




Bipartisan resolution in Senate would back Macedonia name change, condemn Russian interference (The Washington Times, by Dan Boylan, 1 August 2018)


A pair of senators on Wednesday introduced a bipartisan resolution supporting the name change agreement between Macedonia and Greece, which has put the tiny Balkan country on the path to NATO and European Union membership. Members of the Senate Foreign Relations committee, Ron Johnson Wisconsin Republican, and Chris Murphy Connecticut Democrat, sponsored the resolution, which also condemns Russian interference. For almost 30 years the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia has argued with neighboring Greece over its name because Greece has a province named Macedonia. In June, the countries signed a historic agreement to change Macedonia’s name to the Republic of North Macedonia. The change is subject to a referendum. If ratified it would allow the newly minted North Macedonia to join NATO and the EU, eliminating what security analysts consider a vulnerable gap in the western Balkans for Russian activity. “I applaud Macedonia and Greece for coming to an agreement that resolves the name dispute and allows Macedonia to move forward and join NATO,” Mr. Johnson said in a press release. “This is a positive development, not only for these two nations, but for the region as a whole.” Russia, however, has already been caught attempting to stoke opposition to the referendum, leading Greece to ban four Russian diplomats. “Putin will stop at nothing to foster divisions between countries in Europe and the Balkans,” Mr. Murphy said. “This agreement helps set the stage for a stronger NATO and EU, and we must now work together to show Russia that its illegal interference in other countries’ affairs won’t work.” Senators Marco Rubio, Florida Republican; Chris Coons, Delaware Democrat; Edward Markey, Massachusetts Democrat; John Barrasso, Wyoming Republican; Jeanne Shaheen, New Hampshire Democrat and Jim Risch, Idaho Republican, supported the resolution.