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Belgrade Media Report 10 August 2018



Vucic: Kosovo referendum, early elections? Nonsense (B92/Beta)


Aleksandar Vucic has denied Vuk Jeremic's allegations that he plans to hold a referendum on Kosovo and early parliamentary elections on November 4. The president then asked journalists during his visit to the town of Sid on Thursday "whether this information was sent to Jeremic from the Qatari embassy in Berlin" and, "whether they sent him money once again or what - informed him about November 4?" "Please, remember. He said November 4. A referendum about what? Elections, on what occasion? Because he wants it - or because he will be returning from New York and Ireland then? Somebody reported all this - the CIA, the BIA, the MIA. You are listening to all this nonsense every day from these miserable people who don't know what to do with themselves," Vucic said. Jeremic recently stated that Vucic plans a referendum on Kosovo for November 4, along with early parliamentary elections, which, he said, the president also intends to steal like never before, expecting the western part of the international community to look the other way. "The West needs the signature of Serbia on an agreement that would allow Pristina to become a member of the UN. Vucic plans to finalize negotiations on the agreement, and then say, 'the paper will be signed if the SNS (Vucic's party) wins'. His sole concern is four more years in power and he is ready to renounce Kosovo for the sake of that goal," Jeremic said at the time.


Selakovic: Kosovo issue is being resolved every day, we have nothing to wait (RTS)


The General Secretary of the Serbian President Nikola Selakovic has told the RTS morning news that the issue of Kosovo and Metohija is the most important and most difficult problem, and that the President and government have been working every day on a solution. He says we should not wait any longer and that Vucic advocates a solution that would avoid a war in the future.

“We have 95 percent of the population that doesn’t want, doesn’t wish to live in the state of Serbia. In this situation, where they left us an independent Kosovo in 2008, transferred in 2009 the resolution of the problem from the UN to the EU institutions, in 2010 we received confirmation of legality and legitimacy by the International Court of Justice, in these impossible conditions we expect from President Vucic, government not to endanger our economy, investments that are arriving to Serbia, not to endanger pensions and salaries. I am asking how,” said Selakovic. He says the Serbian President is a brave man who is fighting for us to gain more.

“Chances are 95 percent there will be no solution and the rest of five percent he comes out with the readiness to offer a solution…”, said Selakovic. Commenting the reactions of Western countries, for which the border exists since 2008 and which consider such solution can destabilize the region, Selakovic says the only problem if that the President doesn’t want to accept that Kosovo is independent within borders that are imposed on us. “While he is fighting for everybody to get more, from the Serbian Orthodox Church to every person,” says Selakovic.

Commenting assessments that this is a favorable solution since the administration of US President Donald Trump is differently viewing this issue, Selakovic says things are not the same as they used to be. “I am not able to estimate the game of such big powers like the US, which is an extremely important factor in resolving this problem, but I don’t want to endanger the position of our state,” said Selakovic.


Moscow: Russia firm regarding Kosovo (Beta)


Serbia and Russia are important strategic partners, and Moscow remains consistent with its attitude toward Kosovo, the Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman told reporters in Belgrade.

Maria Zaharova said it was essential to be “persistent with one’s stand.” “That is an internal issue (Kosovo), but it has become an international problem as well,” she said, adding that “no one revoked” the UN Resolution 1244 and that Russia pleaded for the respect of the international laws. “We have always honored the decisions beneficial to the Serb people,” Zaharova said at a joint media conference with Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic. Asked if Russia would have a problem with the borders’ changes in the Balkans since there were suggestions about the partition of Kosovo or the separation, Zaharova said that "it is more of a question for the citizens of Serbia,” and reiterated that Russia remained consistent with its stand. Zaharova is on an official visit to Belgrade to talk about bilateral relations ahead of a visit by Russia's President Vladimir Putin, scheduled for November 1.


US Embassy in Belgrade: Farsightedness and flexibility needed for sustainable solution for Kosovo (RTS/Tanjug)


The US is ready to listen and assist Belgrade and Prisitna in finding a jointly agreed solution for Kosovo, the US Embassy in Belgrade stated, stressing that it is time for both sides to be creative and flexible.


Dacic: Significance of OSCE Mission in Kosovo in accordance with mandate (Beta)


Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic met on Thursday with Head of the OSCE Mission to Kosovo Ambassador Jan Braathu. The officials discussed the current situation in Kosovo and Metohija and issues of importance for the activities of this mission. They noted the importance of the Mission in accordance with its mandate and status neutrality, the need for a consistent and systematic monitoring of respect for human rights and communities, as well as strengthening the activities of the Mission in that direction, the Foreign Ministry said in a statement.


Djuric: Solving Kosovo issue peacefully only (Beta)


The Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Marko Djuric today informed the delegation of the United States Senate about the status and position of the Serbs, as well as the political and security situation in the southern Serbian province. Djuric informed his interlocutors about the course and perspectives of the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue, stressing that Pristina has been blocking the establishment of the Community of Serb Municipalities for more than five years, noting that it is the most important part of the First Brussels Agreement. He reiterated the commitment of the state top of Serbia to finding a compromise solution of the Kosovo issue exclusively peacefully. The meeting with the delegation of the US Senate, led by senior counselor at the Senate Committee for International Relations Sara Stone, was attended by Head of Political Affairs of the US Embassy in Belgrade Amy Hood.




PDP, SDS deny Dodik's claims, stressing that they are not planning attempt to annul elections in Banja Luka (RTRS/BNTV)


PDP and SDS denied on Thursday claims by RS President Milorad Dodik, stressing that they are not planning an attempt to annul the elections in Banja Luka. PDP and SDS stated that Dodik is scared that he could lose the elections. Asked to comment on claims of RS President and leader of SNSD Milorad Dodik that the opposition in the RS prepared a plan to annul the elections in Banja Luka, SDS leader Vukota Govedarica stated: “With all due respect, this is unseen nonsense”. Leader of PDP Branislav Borenovic commented for BNTV news claims of Dodik that the opposition in the RS prepared a plan to annul the elections in Banja Luka. Borenovic said that Dodik lies due to paranoia of losing the power. According to Borenovic, the latest research shows that residents, especially the ones in Banja Luka, decided to punish Dodik and the ruling SNSD and that over 60 percent of Banja Luka currently supports the Alliance for Changes (SzP)'s Vukota Govedarica and Mladen Ivanic.


Zaev–Scaparrotti: NATO membership offers prosperous future to Macedonia (Republika)


NATO membership status offers prosperous future to Macedonia and will have favorable effect on the security and prosperity of the entire region, Prime Minister Zoran Zaev and General Curtis Scaparrotti, head of US European Command and NATO’s supreme allied commander, concluded Thursday in Skopje. PM Zaev extended gratitude for NATO’s decision to invite Macedonia to commence the accession talks, saying that it ‘demonstrates the Alliance’s firm commitment to open door policy.’ Scaparrotti conveyed the Alliance’s readiness to cooperate with Macedonia in case the country needed assistance to meet the standards for its official accession to NATO. Today’s Zaev-Scaparrotti meeting also hailed the signing of Macedonia-Greece agreement, which sets an example for resolving bilateral disputes and advancing neighborly relations for all countries in the SEE region, the government said in a press release.

The visit of SACEUR Scaparrotti and the support he has been conveying is additional motivation for citizens and institutions to voice their determination for Macedonia to hold to the path that leads to full-fledged EU, NATO membership at the upcoming referendum, Zaev said. As a NATO member, he added, Macedonia is ready to share the responsibilities, tasks for preserving the regional, global peace and stability, PM Zaev said. Scaparrotti invited PM Zaev to visit the Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe (SHAPE) in Mons.


SEC opens Voter’s List for public inspection ahead of name referendum (Republika)


A total of 1,805,700 people are registered in the Voter’s List, which is made available for public inspection as of today ahead of the upcoming name referendum on Sept. 30. By Sept. 7 at the latest, the State Election Commission (SEC) will conclude the Voter’s List, which will incorporate all changes determined during the public inspection. Hence, the number of voters can be changed. The citizens can send a request to have their data changed in the Voter’s List that is backed up by appropriate documents, a SEC spokesperson told a news conference on Thursday.

“The SEC is compiling the Voter’s List with data from the Interior Ministry, the Directorate for Keeping Records of Births, Deaths and Marriages and the basic courts in Macedonia. To be included in the Voter’s List, the citizens must have Macedonian nationality and to be over 18 years of age,” spokeswoman Ljupka Gugucevska said responding to remarks that names of people living on the same address could be still found in the list. Public inspection, which closes on Aug. 23 at midnight, can be executed in SEC’s regional offices and by visiting the website Expatriate Macedonian voters starting today can also register to vote in the fall referendum by filing an application to the diplomatic offices abroad or by using the web application on SEC’s website. Registration closes on Aug. 23.

The SEC will open polling stations in those diplomatic offices where over 10 voters will be registered. Macedonians residing abroad will cast their votes on September 29, one day before the scheduled referendum in Macedonia.


AJM: Referendum is being abused in order to restore government financed campaigns in the media (Meta)


A delegation of the Macedonian Journalists Association met with representatives of the OSCE/ODIHR observation mission to discuss changes to the Electoral Code and the referendum, which have a direct impact on the media, the AJM informs. AJM President Naser Selmani stressed that the government and the opposition are abusing the referendum to secure funding for their own political propaganda purposes for a future election campaign with public-money, causing huge damage to media freedom and professional journalism. Selmani maintains that “the legal solution brings back government’s campaigns from the time of Gruevski’s regime, when with public money the government conducted a media campaigns for the alleged success of their work”. He believes that “paying for political propaganda in the media with public money will strengthen the corrupt ties between the parties and the media, and will influence media coverage concerning the political system in the country”. According to Selmani, the international community should put pressure on the government after the referendum has been held, and these changes should be erased from the Electoral Code. It is absolutely unacceptable to Selmani that government officials make political and financial pressure on Macedonian radio-television at a time when they are loudly advocating reform of the public service. Dragan Sekulovski, Director of AJM criticized the conduct of the State Election Commission, which, contrary to good European practices, is trying to take over the responsibilities of the Media Agency by online media registration. Sekulovski believes that the SEC can not evaluate online media coverage concerning the referendum and possibly punish them for allegedly unbalanced reporting.




Kosovo appoints fugitive from Serbia as constitutional court judge (Reuters Staff, 9 August 2018)


PRISTINA - Kosovo President Hashim Thaci has appointed a judge who fled from Serbia to Kosovo to avoid a prison sentence for corruption to serve on the constitutional court, the president’s office said.  Nominated by ethnic Serb lawmakers, ethnic Serb Radomir Laban was approved by a vote in parliament in May but Thaci was urged by the opposition and a justice watchdog not to appoint him before all the security checks were done.  “He is still a wanted person by Belgrade authorities,” a senior police source told Reuters. “There is an Interpol red notice warrant and if he goes outside the country his name will appear at any airport.”

Thaci’s office said in a statement it had appointed Laban with a photograph of him and four other judges taking their oaths, without giving further details. Neither the office nor Laban were available for further comment.  Laban will be one of nine judges at the court, filling one of the posts set aside for the country’s minorities. Ethnic Serbs make up about 5 percent of the population.  According to Serbia’s court records, Laban, who has a law degree, was sentenced in 2011 to six years in jail for corruption as an official of the Serbian Customs. He served half his sentence in pre-trial detention between 2006 and 2009. After the trial, Laban was provisionally released until he would be called to serve the rest of his sentence, but instead he fled to neighboring Kosovo. Last year, a Serbian court in the town of Kraljevo issued an arrest warrant demanding he be handed back to Serbia. The background of the candidates for judges is checked by Kosovo law enforcement agencies, but Laban’s case will be difficult to solve because of Serbia’s refusal to cooperate with authorities in Pristina. Serbia does not recognize its former province.