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Belgrade Media Report 16 August 2018



Brnabic: Time for unity, responsibility and solution for the future (Tanjug/RTS/B92)


Now is the moment to exit the frozen conflict on the issue of Kosovo and take a path that would be taken by nations that solve problems and thus become victors, Serbian. Prime Minister Ana Brnabic told Tanjug. At the same time, she urged all actors of political and public life to take a responsible attitude towards this issue, and citizens to stand with the president of the Republic, in an effort to find a solution for Kosovo and Metohija and for the future of the country. “Finding a solution for a long-term normalization of Belgrade-Pristina relations is undoubtedly the most important political issue for the future of our country and our people,” she said. “By opening of the internal dialogue and the difficult but never more constructive conversations with the most important world leaders, Aleksandar Vucic has shown audacity, courage, the greatest possible level of political responsibility, and leadership to try to solve the difficult and emotional issue that has been burdening our society,” said Brnabic. She recalled that Kosovo and Metohija is not a single-use issue, and especially not one to be politically abused. “However, for some time now, it has been turned into the subject of daily political debates that not only do not contribute to democratic political dialogue, but further degrade it, and on an issue around which we need to establish a national consensus,” Brnabic said. If the period behind us has been marked by nonconstructive discussions, we still have time, she stressed, to show full responsibility and political maturity. “I appeal to all participants in political and public life to act as responsible individuals, aware that the solution to this issue will mark the future of generations,’ Brnabic said. “At a time when the stance great powers towards Serbia is changing and when our voice is being heard much more than a few years ago, it is time to show the greatest unity on this topic,” she continued, adding that the whole society should move towards a solution, pull its head out of the past and turn around the future we are now creating. “This means that citizens are not offered solutions that sound nice, and which, unfortunately, do not have any foundation in the reality and the political moment in which we are,” she noted, stressing: “Will we promote the ideas that have been made irrelevant by unilateral declaration of Kosovo's independence, which the most powerful countries of the world consider an already closed issue, or will show maturity and seek compromise within that's possible, in the most direct way affect how our future, and how young generations will grow: on myths from the past or creating a future that fits every citizen. I want to once call on all citizens to stand with their president, to look together to the future, primarily for the sake of generations that will come, but also because of the current generations, which can end a series of bad and losing decisions that have been made in not so distant past. Now is the moment to exit the frozen conflict and stake a path that would be taken by nations that solve problems and thus become victors,” Brnabic concluded.


Vucic, Orizio discuss judicial reform, media strategy (Tanjug)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and OSCE Mission head Andrea Orizio met on Thursday to discuss a judicial reform aimed at strengthening judicial independence and improving the efficiency of judicial authorities, and Orizio also commended Vucic’s role in encouraging the work on preparing a media strategy. Vucic expressed satisfaction with, and gratitude for, the Mission's contribution to reform processes in Serbia through program activities focusing on rule of law and human rights, a police reform, democratization of society and media in particular.


Dacic: Those who recognized Kosovo’s independence do not have right to talk about not changing borders (N1)


A possible bilateral agreement reached by Belgrade and Pristina is no one else’s concern, Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic told N1 on Wednesday. “Why should anyone care what the agreement says. Is it of concern to a third party? Why should the European Union care. Neither Belgrade nor Pristina are EU members,” he said adding that no one else has the right to interfere in anything achieved peacefully. According to him, the EU would accept a Belgrade-Pristina agreement which would mean a separation of the two sides as the simplest solution which has been discussed for some 10 years.  Commenting German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s statement that the borders of the Western Balkans can’t be changed, Dacic said that the countries that have recognized Kosovo have violated the principle of the inviolability of borders.  “They believe that the issue has been resolved and that we should recognize Kosovo. I’m not talking only about Germany but in general terms. Does that mean that we should recognize the borders of Kosovo and Serbia which never existed? That is a violation of international law and that is very hypocritical,” Dacic said.  “I do not believe that what Merkel said was related to Kosovo having in mind who she received that day. She received someone from B&H. That is what this is all about. They are primarily worried whether B&H will remain integral,” Dacic underlined.


Djuric: Arifi’s statement is confirmation that Pristina doesn’t wish to form ZSO (Tanjug/RTS)


The Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Marko Djuric assessed that the statement of the Head of the Pristina team in the technical dialogue with Belgrade Avni Arifi – that the ideas of the Management Team of the Community of Serb Municipalities (ZSO) are crazy and unacceptable – is only confirmation that Pristina doesn’t intend, nor has ever intended, to form the ZSO. Djuric says that Arifi has been recently included in the negotiating process but that he has had more than enough time to examine the hitherto reached agreements, because there are not so many pages of the document. “If he has read them, but didn’t understand the first Brussels agreement and other agreements reached in Brussels, I offer him on this occasion legal assistance so these documents would be elaborated to him,” said Djuric in a statement issued by the Office for Kosovo and Metohija.


Joksimovic: Kosovo talks direction clear in September (Beta)


The head of the Centre for Foreign Policy in Belgrade Aleksandra Joksimovic said on Wednesday that the course of the Belgrade – Pristina dialogue would be known next month, Beta reported. She added that no decision would be reached in September, but the talks would show a plan and a time framework which the process could follow. Joksimovic said that more players were joining the process which should lead to an overall normalization of relations between Pristina and Belgrade and that a wish for the acceleration was obvious. “So, it will be clearer in September in which direction and when the whole of the negotiating process would continue,” she said.




Cvijanovic: RS government will act in line with RS parliament’s conclusions (Srna)


Republika Srpska (RS) Prime Minister Zeljka Cvijanovic says the government will act in accordance with the RS parliament’s conclusions regarding the Srebrenica report and that it will hold a session as soon as the materials arrive. "We will act in line with what the National Assembly decided. A new commission will be formed. The Centre for Research of War, War Crimes and Search for Missing Persons is getting ready for those activities and already has plenty of materials,” emphasized Cvijanovic, adding that everything would be done as ordered by the parliament.  She told the press in Trebinje that potential members of the new commission had been discussed including some world-famous figures, who will be involved in the commission’s operations.


Dodik: RS parliament representatives did more for Serbs at session on Tuesday than judicial institutions all together (Srna)


RS President Milorad Dodik has told Srna that the RS parliament finalized its operations in this term very responsibly by annulling a disputed 2004 report on Srebrenica null and void.

"As the RS President, I am happy about the fact that responsibility towards RS and our people rose above political party interests on Tuesday. We had the historical distance to examine the circumstances, actors and deficiencies of the 2004 report on Srebrenica, so this last session of the parliament will be the subject of analysis of some future generations of politicians who will not have the burden we had 14 years ago over the disputed report,” emphasized Dodik. He asserted that the MPs on Tuesday did more for justice than any of the judicial institutions combined to this day, because it was obvious that the killings in Srebrenica and judicial proceedings were associated with one people only. “Yesterday we did not vote against anyone, we didn’t minimize anyone’s sacrifice, suffering or pain. We only told the truth as responsible people - that one of the biggest crimes against Serbs was committed there in the 1990s. I express a deep belief that we will all be sensible and prepared to learn the full and actual truth through an international commission about the killing of Serbs and Bosniaks and all others in that area from 1992 until 1995. Only then will we be able to speak about real reconciliation with certainty,” said Dodik.

He pointed out that the parliament’s decision was a message to the international community about how the projects issued through pressure and lacking in facts would end. "Sooner or later, an unlawful and counter-constitutional decision which was imposed by aliens here will see the fate of the report on Srebrenica! I have been fighting for that for all these years in office and will continue to fight for it for the duration of my days in politics,” said Dodik.


Cubrilovic: We do not deny crimes, we want truth on Srebrenica (EuroBlic)


In an interview to the daily, RS parliament speaker Nedeljko Cubrilovic commented on the RS parliament session on Srebrenica Report and said that representatives demonstrated seriousness and realized that it is important to have a single stance on this matter. “We expect the (RS) government to establish a new commission that will be internationally verified. It is important to establish the truth and leave messages for future generations on what really happened in that area,” Cubrilovic noted. He added that the Srebrenica Report will be amended and undisputable facts from the existing report will not be denied. “Unfortunately, there are several interests here – interests of Serb, Bosniak and other people which are not same, as well as the interest of the international community. Everyone views the same thing from their point of view. Therefore, it is necessary to consider the historical context and investigate all events and then reach undisputable facts,” Cubrilovic stated and added that that it would be extremely important for coexistence and future in this area to stop manipulations with wartime events and sufferings during the war. “A direct cause for this session was a list handed over to a state and legal system which has nothing to do with what happened in that area,” Cubrilovic explained.


Srebrenica report sparks reactions in Srebrenica and Bratunac (ATV)


Deputy President of the Srebrenica Municipal Assembly Radomir Pavlovic stated that if the population census from 1991 including the area of Srebrenica, Bratunac and other municipalities of this region is taken in regard, along with the number of crimes and victims, it is clear that the same percentage of Serbs and Bosniaks was killed in the area of the aforementioned municipalities. “This is yet another argument for work of the new commission”, Pavlovic asserted. Commenting on the issue, SDP delegate in the Srebrenica Municipal Assembly and wartime commander of the Muslim police units in Srebrenica Hakija Meholjic, who is known by his public statements according to which late first President of the RB&H Presidency and SDA founder Alija Izetbegovic provoked the crime in Srebrenica in order to cause NATO's bombing of Serbia, told ATV Banja Luka that truth is necessary, but judicial bodies have to deal with this issue and to establish the facts about the past. He stressed that politics has a task to build future, peace and tolerance and not to interfere with historical facts. President of the Organization of Families of the Prisoners of War, Fallen Veterans and Missing Civilians in Bratunac Radojka Filipovic commented that the Serb victims have lost trust in B&H judiciary long time ago, reminding that no one was brought to justice for 3,500 Serb civilians killed in Bratunac. She stressed that the new commission will establish through its unbiased and just work that the international community, the Office of the High Representative and OSCE are also to be blamed.

The Association ‘Women of Srebrenica’ reacted to the decision of the RS parliament to reject the report of the commission on Srebrenica, by saying that it is final time to launch a lawsuit against leadership of the RS led by RS President Milorad Dodik due to genocide that they commit against the dead. The Association ‘Women of Srebrenica’ stated that Dodik can convene sessions of the RS parliament, order his MPs and the government to adopt conclusions, withdraw previously-adopted reports, but they cannot hide genocide committed in Srebrenica, as genocide was committed in front of the entire world and thousands of graves in Potocari prove this.

Former Mayor of Srebrenica Camil Durakovic said that crimes committed in Srebrenica cannot be compared to anything and reminded that a verdict for genocide confirmed this. Durakovic added that it is pity that the opposition in the RS has no courage to make a step forward and stop Dodik’s destructive policies. Durakovic underlined: “Srebrenica cannot be disputed. This is an attempt of politicking during the election year that certainly turns into hate speech, because Milorad Dodik obviously sees that he is stagnating in political sense of the word and that he loses support of his voters. Thus, he tries to return the support based on the rhetoric of national primitivism through some, the most despicable moves that he is making”. President of the Movement of Mothers of Srebrenica and Zepa Enclaves Munira Subasic stressed that assuming responsibility as soon as possible will bring prosperity to the state and new generations. Subasic said: “Germans assumed responsibility for the holocaust that they committed and Germans and Jews can be friends. As long as the real truth is not accepted on what was going on in B&H especially in Srebrenica, we cannot be friends”.


Bosniak Caucus in RS CoP to launch mechanism for protection of vital interest (Nezavisne)


The Bosniak Caucus in the RS Council of Peoples (CoP) will launch the mechanism for protection of the vital national interest in an attempt to contest the RS parliament’s conclusions to put the 2004 Report on Srebrenica out of force and establish new commission. An unnamed representative of the Bosniak Caucus told daily that members of the Caucus believe the RS parliament’s conclusions are aimed at contesting the fact that genocide was committed against Bosniaks in Srebrenica in July 1995. The source also told daily that the leadership of the Caucus will inform the public about their next moves in days to come.


US State Department: RS parliament decisions step in wrong direction (Avaz)


Spokesperson of the US State Department Heather Nauert issued a press statement on Wednesday commenting a decision of the RS parliament to annul 2004 Report on Srebrenica, according to which it is in the interest of the RS to stop the trend of treating of war criminals as heroes and make sure their crimes are publicly condemned. “International courts have concluded that genocide occurred in Srebrenica in 1995,” reads the statement, pointing out that the 2004 Report was an important step in reconciliation in B&H, and facing difficult facts of the past, while the decision of the RS parliament adopted on August 14 represents a step in the wrong direction. “Attempts to reject or amend the report on Srebrenica are part of wider efforts to revise the facts of the past war, to deny history, and to politicize tragedy. It is in the interest of the citizens of the RS to reverse the trend of revering convicted ware criminals as heroes and to ensure their crimes continue to be publicly rejected. Realizing the scope of the tragedy of the past war and the importance of continuing to build trust and reconciliation, the US remains fully committed to assisting B&H authorities at the state, entity and cantonal levels, to investigate and prosecute individuals responsible for crimes against all ethnic groups. The denial of establish facts of prior wars will in no way advance these objectives or assist the country’s citizens. The horrific ware of the 1900s reminds us that we must strive for a stable and prosperous future for the benefit of all citizens, regardless of ethnicity or religion. The US continues to firmly support peace, stability and reconciliation in B&H.”


Berton: RS parliament conclusions are cynical attempt to spread fear and deepen divisions for purpose of obtaining votes in elections (BHT1)


Guest was Head of the OSCE Mission to B&H Bruce Berton, who commented on Tuesday’s special session of the RS parliament. Specifically, Berton was asked if the conclusions that the RS parliament adopted at Tuesday’s session represent an obstacle to the process of reconciliation in B&H, to which he replied that reconciliation is a long-term process and it requires support of all sides. Berton said that he does not believe that these conclusions support reconciliation. “Unfortunately, it is a cynical attempt to spread fear and deepen divisions for the purpose of obtaining votes in the elections,” Berton added. The OSCE Mission Head assessed that prosecution of war crimes in B&H is successful and the institutions in B&H have proven to be capable of doing their job in this regard. The OSCE Mission Head reminded that this organization has been following the process of war crime prosecution in B&H for a long time and believes that institutions working on these cases deserve support. Commenting on verdicts of international courts that qualified the 1995 crime in Srebrenica as genocide, Berton noted: “I believe that verdicts both of international and domestic courts should obviously be respected.” Berton underscored that the fact about genocide that happened in Srebrenica cannot be disputed, despite the attempts to rewrite history.


Zvizdic promised that up to 250 additional police officers will be deployed along country’s borders to help deal with migrant issue (Glas Spske)


Chairman of the Council of Ministers (CoM) of B&H Denis Zvizdic has promised that between 200 and 250 additional police officers will be deployed along the country’s border to help tackle the issue of illegal migrations. However, according to daily, representatives of state-level security agencies claim that something like that will not be possible, simply because they do not have that many police officers available to help the Border Police of B&H. Among other things, Zvizdic said that the Ministry of Interior (MoI) of the FB&H will send between 40 and 50 police officers to help the Border Police. B&H Minister of Security Dragan Mektic confirmed to daily that deployment of additional police forces along the country’s border will be discussed on Thursday, during the meeting of the Operative Headquarters for the Issue of Migrations in B&H. Commenting on Zvizdic’s statement about deployment of between 200 and 250 police officers, Mektic said that he does not believe that many police officers will be available. He noted that an agreement has been already reached with state-level security agencies, which will send additional 50 police officers to help the Border Police of B&H, adding that the FB&H MoI might be able to send some police officers as well. Therefore, Mektic concluded that up to 100 police officers might be available to provide assistance to members of the Border Police of B&H - including 20 from the Directorate for Coordination of Police Bodies, ten from the State Investigation and Protection Agency (SIPA) of B&H, and 20 redeployed by the Border Police of B&H. Furthermore, Minister of Security of B&H said that the Operative Headquarters for the Issue of Migrations in B&H will also analyze the situation in the Una-Sana Canton (USC), and confirm decisions about the accommodation center in Kladusa and reconstruction of accommodation center in Boric near Bihac. “When it comes to border, we will analyze the situation at the border with Serbia, where exactly migrants are entering B&H and what moves we should make,” said Mektic. Daily learns that the Directorate for Coordination of Police Bodies of B&H and SIPA have so far sent 50 and 30 police officers respectively to help the Border Police of B&H.


Zaev calls on Macedonian expats to vote in name referendum (MIA)


Prime Minister Zoran Zaev met Wednesday with representatives of the Macedonian diaspora in Italy, Switzerland, Luxembourg, Germany, Slovenia, Croatia and the US. In the meeting, support was extended for the government policies bringing Macedonia closer to NATO and EU membership, the government's press service said. The interlocutors discussed several current issues, including the importance of the upcoming name referendum and the need for a more active role of all citizens, including expats, in order the referendum to be successful because it 'opens Macedonia's perspectives and chances of better living standards of all citizens.' For Macedonia, Zaev said, NATO and the EU amounts to better economy, stability and security. He noted that he expected the referendum to be successful. "Majority of citizens in Macedonia have already said that they champion changes, perspectives instead of isolation, well-being instead of poverty, reforms and democracy that lead to quality living standards and safe future of the country of present and future generations. I am confident that the referendum will verify the decision for a Euro-Atlantic future of Macedonia, which will introduce also a European life in Macedonia and stability and security," stated Zaev. He urged them to vote in the upcoming referendum and being representatives of the Macedonian diaspora to play an important role in this historic moment of the progress of Macedonia. Zaev and the expats discussed the benefits from reform processes in the country, from establishing favorable relations with the neighbors and from the Euro-Atlantic integration process. "True patriots are those that will secure the future of the country. It is an achievement for our children, for present generations. It is a fulfillment of the centuries-long aspiration of our predecessors to solidify the identity of the citizens in Macedonia, the Macedonian language and the establishment of Macedonia as a state in the global family of states once and for all," stressed Zaev. He thanked the expats for their willingness to help the country fulfill its strategic goals, NATO and EU accession, and achieve economic prosperity. Furthermore, the 'sincere' policies of the government towards the diaspora were welcomed, designed to create conditions for investing in their homeland, stated the press release.


Sekerinska: Not only do we expect to join NATO but also have much to offer (MIA)


The Krivolak army training site is proof positive that Macedonia does not merely expect to become a NATO member country and reap the benefits, but that our country can also offer the Allies a lot in return, Defense Minister Radmila Sekerinska told high officials during Wednesday's visit to the army training site. She briefed the press on Krivolak's excellent ratings and said that today's drills were an investment in the training site and Macedonia's capacities.

"During one of the field training exercises held in Macedonia, the local economy profited up to USD 5,000,000 only due to the higher presence of NATO troops," Sekerinska said. "We expect to make this happen at Krivolak as well." US Embassy Deputy Chief of Mission Micaela Schweitzer-Bluhm said Krivolak was an excellent training site for U.S. troops and allies. She called on all citizens of Macedonia to make the most of the opportunity to integrate the country into the Alliance and the EU, and secure their personal future and integrity. Krivolak is within a three-hour drive of Kosovo, and the training area’s proximity to Kosovo would permit troops to return quickly to their posts if an emergency arose, said Col. Nick Ducich, commander of the Multi-National Battle Group in charge of security in eastern Kosovo. Since Aug. 1, about 200 soldiers from the U.S. peacekeeping force in Kosovo have been holding drills at the army training site south of the Macedonian capital. The drills, which finish Aug. 20, aim to demonstrate that the site is suitable for more extensive exercises, such as one planned next year that will have about 1,000 soldiers from the US and Macedonia, military officials said.




OSCE Parliamentary Assembly’s newly appointed Special Representative on South East Europe concludes visit to Albania and Montenegro (Press release, 16 August 2018)


PODGORICA – Wrapping up his first visit to the region as the OSCE PA’s Special Representative on South East Europe today, Mark Pritchard (United Kingdom) underlined the Assembly’s continued commitment to engagement on democracy, the integrity of electoral processes, rule of law, stability and security, human rights, and media freedom. In Albania, he urged speedy completion of justice reform to ensure functioning judicial safeguards and called attention to the rise of nationalist forces in the region.

Pritchard, who also serves as Head of the UK Delegation to the OSCE PA, visited Albania on Monday and Tuesday, and was in Montenegro Wednesday and Thursday. Meeting with government representatives and leaders of opposition parties, Pritchard urged political forces in both countries to come to agreements regarding the most urgent steps in the electoral reform process. In Albania, he noted that this is especially important in order to address the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights’ priority recommendations before local elections next year.

“As my first activity as the Assembly’s Special Representative on South East Europe, this week’s visit to Albania and Montenegro and to both OSCE field presences has been useful in becoming fully acquainted with the key actors here,” Pritchard said. “While the visit has been mostly fact-finding in character, I have also used the opportunity to underline the valuable contributions made by both countries to international Euro-Atlantic activities and to reiterate previous concerns raised by the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly, including by my predecessor Roberto Battelli.”

He added: “I look forward to visiting other countries in South East Europe as soon as possible and continuing the Parliamentary Assembly’s commitment to full engagement with the region.”

He highlighted recent visits to the region by members of the OSCE PA Ad Hoc Committee on Countering Terrorism, who were in Bosnia and Herzegovina on 5-8 June, and the Ad Hoc Committee on Migration, who were in Serbia on 10-12 June.

In Albania, Pritchard met with Vasilika Hysi, Deputy Speaker of the Assembly, Deputy Prime Minister Senida Mesi, members of the OSCE PA delegation, representatives from various political parties and from civil society. He also met with Robert Wilton, Acting Head of OSCE Presence in Albania, for a discussion on areas of common concern and how to best develop synergy between the PA and the field presence.

In Montenegro, meetings were held with Ambassador Maryse Daviet, Head of the OSCE Mission to Montenegro; Veljko Milonjić, General Director of the General Directorate for Economic and Cultural Diplomacy; and Emil Atanasovski, Regional Director of the Westminster Foundation for Democracy, as well as other representatives of the international community in Montenegro. Programme Managers of the OSCE Mission to Montenegro briefed Pritchard on the Mission’s various areas of work.

In meetings with interlocutors in Podgorica, Pritchard congratulated Montenegro for progress along its European Union accession track and encouraged authorities to tackle previous recommendations by the ODIHR stemming from its 2016 and 2018 reports.

During his visit, Pritchard was accompanied by Amb. Andreas Nothelle, the OSCE PA’s Special Representative in Vienna.