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Belgrade Media Report 05 September 2018




Vucic: I see Albanians don’t want to talk about important issues (Tanjug/B92)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic assessed on Wednesday that Pristina representatives do not want to discuss a single issue of essential importance. “I see that Albanian officials from Kosovo and Metohija will talk neither about the Community of Serb Municipalities (ZSO), nor about the North, nor about Gazivode. They do not seem to want to talk about anything essential,” Vucic said, when a Tanjug reporter asked him to comment on the latest statements made by Hashim Thaci and Ramush Haradinaj - who are speaking about what are not the subjects of discussio" in the Kosovo talks. “Serbia has no time to lose and wants to discuss all the issues that are important for the Serbs and the Albanians,” Vucic said.  He also pointed out that it was time for Belgrade and Pristina to take responsibility: “It’s time for us to decide on our destiny, rather than someone else from the outside doing it,” Vucic said.  According to him, politicians are not elected to ingratiate themselves with the voters, but instead to be solving the biggest problems of the citizens. Vucic spoke two days ahead of his EU-mediated meeting in Brussels with Thaci, and as Pristina officials are announcing they will not discuss any of the issues essential to the normalization of relations and reaching a historic agreement between the Serbs and the Albanians. Instead, they want to discuss the modalities for reaching a final, legally binding agreement, without explaining what the term the modalities for reaching actually means.


Dacic: Serbia predictable, reliable partner in region (Tanjug)


Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic stated today in Banja Luka that our country has remained firmly committed to regional cooperation, and that it is willing to be essentially involved in removing obstacles and misunderstandings from the past. At an informal meeting of the foreign ministers of the South-East European Cooperation Process (SEECP), Dacic underlined that the need for improving regional cooperation and good neighborly relations, as a way of achieving peace and security in the region, still persists. EU accession remains one of Serbia's foreign policy priorities, he said and expressed the hope that the dynamics of the negotiations will accelerate, and that in the near future all negotiating chapters for which the conditions have been created will be opened and that we will be able to use the indicative deadline for accession by 2025 due to our focus and efforts. The dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina is currently at a crucial stage, Dacic said, adding that we have shown readiness for compromise and constructive suggestions in order to arrive at a mutually acceptable, sustainable and long-lasting solution.

The Republic of Serbia continues to contribute to the resolution of open regional issues and other disputes, within its capacity, thus acting as a predictable and reliable partner in the region, Dacic concluded.


Drecun: Vucic will state how the dialogue with Albanians is unfolding and offer a framework solution of the Kosovo issue (RTS/Beta)


The Chairperson of the Serbian parliamentary Committee for Kosovo and Metohija Milovan Drecun has stated that Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic will state, during his visit to Kosovo on 8, 9 September, how the dialogue with the Albanians is unfolding and offer a framework solution of the Kosovo issue. “He will probably offer a framework solution how he sees it and should hear the opinion of Serb representatives who will be present there, open a discussion so he could know what he needs to do further on,” Drecun told RTS. According to him, there is an initiative in Washington for reaching a Belgrade-Pristina agreement, which is a big turnabout that Serbian needs to use. “If we do not realize this time the historical chance and do not realise the significance of reaching an agreement with the Albanians, we will make an historical mistake that will definitely reflect on the future of the entire Serb nation and introduce us into new sufferings,” says Drecun. Regarding attempts of the Kosovo Albanians to change the negotiating team in Brussels, Drecun assesses that the Albanians are aware that the US will have the key role in the Belgrade-Pristina negotiations. “The Albanian political factor in Kosovo and Metohija is aware of the fact that nothing in Kosovo and Metohija can be resolved without the US and against the will of the US and that Washington’s stand will be of key importance for further behavior of the Albanians,” said Drecun. He says there is no dilemma that there are misunderstandings among the Albanians on how to continue negotiations. “Some want only to continue exerting pressure on Serbia and the international community by threatening with some new war, by completing ethnic cleansing so Serbia would be forced to recognize this self-declared stated and open the door for UN membership,” said Drecun.


Kremlin yet to decide on Putin’s visit to Serbia (Beta/TASS)


Kremlin has yet to decide on a visit by Russian President Vladimir Putin to Serbia and

France, the Kremlin press secretary, Dmitry Peskov, said on Sept. 4. Answering a journalist's question if the date of Putin's visit to Serbia had been set, Peskov said "no," Russia's news agency TASS reported. "No, for the time being, no," the Kremlin spokesman said.

When asked if at least preparations for the visit had begun, Peskov said that "it's unclear for now." The Russian Ambassador to Serbia Aleksandr Chepurin had said earlier on Sept. 4 that President Putin was visiting Serbia in October or November. Chepurin described political relations between Serbia and Russia as good, suggesting that the two states should invest more time in economic cooperation and give it more prominence. He announced that an intergovernmental committee for Russian-Serbian cooperation would meet in October, ahead of Putin's visit to Serbia.


Deadline of all deadlines - May 2019? (B92)


Untying the "Kosovo knot" has been the focus of attention domestically for months, and it seems a final deadline for a final agreement has come from Brussels. Although political figures in high-ranking state posts often mentioned various deadlines and suggested dates for a final solution, given the current situation in both Belgrade and Pristina, their eyes are more than ever on the EU. On the one hand, the Serbian political leadership faces, probably unexpected to them, resistance in an attempt to find a solution to the Kosovo problem, while the proclaimed idea - whether referred to as delimitation, land swap, or some other geopolitical term - does not seem to be grounded strongly enough in the public to be made an official proposal. On the other hand, the Pristina authorities, led by the prime minister of the self-proclaimed state, Ramush Haradinaj, are looking for any possibility to take over the negotiating rudder away from Hashim Thaci, whose legitimacy to be in that position is being talked about for months. Bearing in mind all the factors, announcements and statements that have been indicating that the Kosovo knot might be untangled this year are becoming ever less realistic, which certainly does not meet with the approval of primarily Brussels, given that the mandate of this composition of the European Commission will end in May 2019. That May next year probably is the last deadline for resolving the issue of Kosovo and Metohija, at least from the point of view of the European Union - to whose membership aspire all the countries of the so-called Western Balkans, including the unrecognized state of Kosovo, whose existence is denied by some members of the European Union itself - has also been confirmed in a roundabout diplomatic manner by EU Commissioner Johannes Hahn. "This is not because it is the end of the Commission's mandate, but it would be beneficial if it could be concluded by, let's say, next year's summer, in order to launch new steps," Hahn said of a possible agreement. What the European Parliament will look like - and therefore the European Commission, as well as other bodies of the European Union - is not quite certain, while the elections scheduled for May 23-26 next year might bring about serious changes to the Brussels administration, given the growing dissatisfaction among many EU members with its performance.


RS not exchanging its territory (Srna/Danas)


Republika Srpska (RS) President Milorad Dodik has stated that the RS is not going to exchange its territory with anyone, nor will it be annexed to Serbia, but will, one day, remain independent and continue with state unity with Serbia. “Many do not like it, but once a minimal opportunity is provided and if we get a guarantee that America will remain neutral on this issue, we are independent at the very moment" Dodik said. Answering the question if it is possible for RS to be annexed to Serbia within this territory exchange in the Balkans, Dodik has said that RS has its own territory that will not be changed. To the conclusion that Russia already gives some kind of support to RS, Dodik has asked – where did you get it from? "No, we are taking Russia’s side. The British messed up here big time and fight against Russian influence," Dodik has said. Dodik has said that the Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, who is arriving in Banja Luka on September 17, is bringing friendship, but will also discuss other issues. “He is coming to jointly promote the consecration of the foundation of the Serb-Russian Orthodox Centre. Of course, we will discuss other issues too, including the embarrassing ban on entry to Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) imposed on writer Zakhar Prilepin, who was supposed to attend “Petar Kocic’s Days” event. He is not the only Russian on the black list made in Sarajevo without taking our interests into account," Dodik has said. Dodik has pointed out that he will call on the Serbs to vote for Republican Party’s candidates that are supported by US president Donald Trump, during the US Congressional elections in November. When it comes to speculations that he was threatened with EU sanctions, Dodik has said that not everyone should be listened to, and that the support of the people, not the world, is the most important to him. "I believe it is time for the internationals to stop electing our representatives, but to leave decisions to be made by those elected by the people, as it was the case with Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic," Dodik has said. When asked how much US sanctions would limit him in performing tasks and duties of the Serb B&H Presidency member, Dodik answered that lifting sanctions would be symbolically important. “And since I will be a member and the chair of the Presidency, it will be interesting to see me at the UN General Assembly as /former Cuban leader Fidel/ Castro did," Dodik has said, noting that the United States being the most powerful country in the world is not disputable.

He has recalled that he had received an invitation from Donald Trump's HQ to attend presidential inauguration as part of his gratitude for the support to his election as the US president but, when he sent visa request, it appeared that the vain old administration could not allow "one Dodik to get visa." Dodik has pointed out that a neutral report on Srebrenica is necessary as there are many inaccurate parts in the old one. "It was about 7,000 missing people that were later interpreted into 7,000 victims in Srebrenica, while more than 2,000 soldiers were buried at the Potocari cemetery. It is a military cemetery and once you tell them so, then Dodik is a bad one”, said the President of RS. Dodik has said that the genocide claim is not substantiated by the truth, thus RS needs a neutral report, and will form a team of people from the world with authority, who would deal with writing a new report. "The only thing I am not against is the truth. One year is a realistic deadline for a true presentation of Srebrenica. The ICTY’s decisions are not sacred Indian cows thus they can be changed based on new evidence" Dodik has said. Asked if a new report on Srebrenica was tendentious before the elections, Dodik has answered that his existence is tendentious for the opposition.




Pacolli cancels participation in informal meeting in Banja Luka; Comments (TV1/N1/ATV)


Kosovo Minister of Foreign Affairs Behgjet Pacolli cancelled his participation in the informal meeting of Ministers of Foreign Affairs of members of the South-East European Cooperation Process (SEECP), scheduled to take place in Banja Luka on Wednesday. Pacolli specified that he made this decision “because of the threats and obstacles created by Republika Srpska (RS) President Milorad Dodik” towards him and his delegation “despite the invitation from Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Minister of Foreign Affairs Igor Crnadak”. Pacolli assessed that “Dodik is concern for all in the Western Balkans”. Dodik once again presented a stance that Pacolli is unwanted in the RS. Dodik criticized Crnadak for inviting Pacolli to the RS thinking that the RS public would not react. Crnadak explained that representatives of Pristina normally participate in regional meetings, in line with the agreement between Belgrade and Pristina within the Brussels talks. Crnadak stressed that participation of representatives from Pristina is possible with full consent from Belgrade. The B&H Ministry of Foreign Affairs stated on Tuesday that representatives of Pristina have participated in the SEECP since 2014, after they reached an agreement with Belgrade in Bucharest on Pristina’s participation in regional initiatives. “B&H, as a country that has not recognized Kosovo and maintains extremely friendly relations with Serbia, has not and will not participate in regional meetings attended by representatives of Kosovo – without an agreement with Belgrade,” reads a statement issued by the B&H Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Pacolli confirmed that Crnadak told the truth on Monday when he said that Pacolli met Dodik in Banja Luka in 2002. Pacolli said that he arrived in Banja Luka with his private jet plane and he and Dodik met in a restaurant. He added that their meeting went very well and they discussed the situation at the Oil Refinery in Bosanski Brod. “I visited Mister Dodik. I came with my private plane and Mister Dodik welcomed me at the airport. He personally made sure I get the permission for landing in Banja Luka”, said Pacolli.  Dodik responded on Tuesday and said that both Crnadak and Pacolli are lying. He believes that Pacolli received his message of not being welcome in the RS as a threat and added that he cannot comprehend how Pacolli believed that he would be welcomed in the RS with open arms. “I have never met with him. I find it peculiar that he first said he visited B&H only once and then he said there was another visit. So that is an obvious lie. He was obviously called by Crnadak and he told him he needs him to confirm his story”, said Dodik. He added that Pacolli passed the right decision. “He interpreted my statement that he is not welcome to Banja Luka as threat. He did not think that red carpet will be prepared in Banja Luka for the minister of fake state of Kosovo?” said the RS President. Dodik emphasized that Crnadak has been working against interests of the RS people because he invited Pacolli to visit Banja Luka despite the fact the RS does not recognize Kosovo. Director of Banja Luka Airport Dusko Kovacevic confirmed Dodik’s story and said that according to airport’s records, Pacolli has never flown to Banja Luka.

RS Prime Minister Zeljka Cvijanovic stated that Crnadak extended the invitation to Pacolli, because he had to respect the wishes of the EU and the foreign embassies. “The last time a meeting in Banja Luka was organized, they also insisted that representative of Kosovo should be present”, said Cvijanovic.


Pacolli: Dodik chooses not to remember he met with me in Banja Luka (Dnevni avaz)


Minister of Foreign Affairs of Kosovo Behgjet Pacolli, commenting statements of RS President Milorad Dodik which led to cancelation of his visit to Banja Luka, said: “I was surprised by Milorad Dodik. We have known each other for a long time. At one point he invited me to Banja Luka, waited for me because I was running late, and then took me to an excellent restaurant where we had a long talk. And that is not the only meeting we had. And now he does not want to remember that. But I do. I believe I somewhere have a letter I sent him to thank him for the invitation and good company.” Daily noted that because of Dodik, foreign ministers of Albania and Macedonia have also cancelled their attendance of the South East Europe Cooperation Process (SEEPC) in Banja Luka, and it is likely the same move is going to be made by foreign ministers of Slovenia and Croatia. “Banja Luka has lost. Such great event has been undermined by Dodik and his behavior,” said Pacolli. Asked about the alleged plan for exchange of territory between Kosovo and Serbia, he said that Kosovo is an independent and sovereign country, and its territory is inviolable. “We want normalization of relations with Serbia and mutual recognition… We are all striving for Brussels as a synonym for the Euro-Atlantic integration. We should meet there, because then we will all be in one state that ensures protection and prosperity for the citizens,” said Kosovo PM an explained that in his opinion, instead of exchanging territory, southern part of Serbia and northern part of Kosovo should be united in a single economic zone and developed because it is full of potential. In conclusion, Pacolli said that changes to the borders would create insecurity, not only in B&H but in the whole region.


Dodik: RS and Serbia were being separated in past for no reason (Srna)


RS President Milorad Dodik said that event ‘Days of the Republic of Srpska in Serbia’ has become a place for strengthening friendships, devotion and love between members of the same, Serb people, who are living in the RS and Serbia. He underlined that he is glad this event has become an important one, adding that he is convinced all of those things will become even stronger in years to come. Dodik, who addressed the opening ceremony of the ‘Days of the Republic of Srpska in Serbia’ in Belgrade’s ‘Kombank Arena’ on Monday evening, also said that the RS and Serbia were being separated in the past for no reason, and were sometimes on different sides - because of the pressure exerted by foreigners. President of the RS concluded that this mutual devotion between the RS and Serbia will create conditions for the people to live as one, and that there will be no imposed solutions in that regard. “I am convinced that time is coming, and my role is to prevent us from losing our (legal) subjectivity”, said Dodik. Dodik reminded that the Serb people fought for freedom on many occasions throughout the history, that they never gave up and that they never selfishly kept the freedom for themselves, instead they shared the freedom unselfishly with other peoples and tried to live with them in peace and harmony.


Dodik: OSA needs to be abolished because it works against Serbs and RS; RS can form its own security-intelligence agency (RTRS)


According to Belgrade media, after last year’s scandal with the Intelligence-Security Agency of B&H (OSA), the intelligence agencies in B&H are wiretapping RS President Milorad Dodik and Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic once again. Dodik said that wiretapping activities must stop, or the RS will abandon the agreement on forming of OSA B&H. He announced that he will soon publish documents that prove OSA B&H was tasked with wiretapping RS and Serbian officials. He claims the western intelligence agencies have ordered this, because they estimated that the RS supports the Russian Federation. Serb member of the B&H Presidency Mladen Ivanic said he asked Dodik to give him the evidence of his claims about wiretapping, but he never did. According to Belgrade media, Dodik is being wiretapped because of ‘Kosovo issue’ and his strengthened relations with official Moscow. Furthermore, the Belgrade media stated that a London-based intelligence agency, that logistically supports OSA B&H, ordered OSA B&H to wiretap Dodik. According to Serbian daily Novosti, the recent wiretapping of Vucic and Dodik is part of a continued operation code-named ‘Usce’, that was conducted during last year. At that time, a document was leaked to the public that stated OSA B&H wiretapped Serbian officials, but it was denied that any offensive activities were conducted. Dodik said that if things do not get straighten with OSA B&H, then the RS will abandon the agreement on forming of OSA B&H and form its own intelligence agency.


Dodik and Cvijanovic to meet Putin in Moscow in October (ATV)


Republika Srpska (RS) President Milorad Dodik stated that Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic will attend a ceremony marking opening of ‘Serbia’ hospital in Istocno Sarajevo scheduled for October 5. Dodik also announced that he and Republika Srpska (RS) Prime Minister Zeljka Cvijanovic will pay a visit to Moscow at begging of October where they will meet with Russian President Vladimir Putin and that one important political figure from the US will pay a visit to Banja Luka. Dodik stressed that the public will be informed about topics discussed at the meeting in Moscow after they return to the RS.


Prime Minister certain ruling coalition will not collapse (Hina)


Prime Minister and Croatian Democratic Union (HDZ) president Andrej Plenkovic said on Tuesday that the ruling majority in parliament was stable and that it would not fall if Darko Milinovic returned to parliament, saying that he was prepared for all possible scenarios.

"We will not fall, we are the ruling majority. One vote more or less is unimportant to me, as HDZ president. What is important is to have the direction and the image of both the party and the country the way I want it to be and this has no price. I am prepared for all possible scenarios," Plenkovic said after a session of the HDZ presidency and the HDZ National Council, held in Karlovac. Commenting on Milinovic's decision to organize a protest rally outside HDZ headquarters in Zagreb on August 29 involving about 100 party members from Lika-Senj County, Plenkovic said this could not be tolerated. "A circus in the HDZ cannot be tolerated," Plenkovic said. Milinovic, who was a member of the Presidency of the ruling HDZ and candidate for leader of the party's Lika-Senj County branch, was expelled from the HDZ on Monday. The decision came after the HDZ Presidency took disciplinary action against Milinovic for a grave breach of membership obligations. It is possible that Milinovic will now return to parliament as an MP and vote against the government, which would halve the government’s majority from two MPs to one.


Migrants are approaching Montenegro (CDM)


As Prime Minister Dusko Markovic announced, by the end of this week, the Government will render a decision regarding Italy, which wants Montenegro to accept one part of a total of 140 migrants, embarked on the ship “Dicotti” which is in the Sicily now. The EU closed its borders to migrants and so the countries of the Western Europe are under great pressure since they are requested to do what the EU Member States don’t want. The migrants, mostly from Eritrea, are captives in a port in Catania, because Italian Government won’t allow them to disembark until other EU Members agree to accept one part of them. Official Rome addressed Montenegro asking it to accept part of this migrant group too. Security aspects of migrant crisis are currently the most important political issue in the region and in Europe.  The aspects of this crisis have been discussed for months. Political parties in Montenegro have different opinion regarding this subject. There are those who thing that migrants could endanger Montenegro’s safety and those who think that we have to express humaneness and provide temporary shelter for people who are escaping horrors of the war. This issue will become even more intense in the forthcoming months when a new wave is expected.


Government sets up committee for Macedonia’s integration with NATO (MIA)


At its regular session Tuesday, the government set up a committee in charge of Macedonia’s integration with NATO and appointed Prime Minister Zoran Zaev for the body’s chairman.

Vice-Premier for European Affairs Bujar Osmani, Defense and Foreign Ministers, Radmila Sekerisnka and Nikola Dimitrov respectively, are appointed for vice-chairpersons.

The Ministers of Interior, Justice, Finance, IT & Administration – Oliver Spasovski, Renata Deskoska, Dragan Tevdovski and Dragan Mancevski – are the committee’s permanent members along with the Macedonian Army (ARM) Chief of Staff, Head of the Directorate for Security of Classified Information; NATO National Coordinator, deputy ministers of defense and interior and one representative of the opposition, nominated by the largest opposition party, the government said in a press release.


Zaev-Hellbach: It's important that Macedonia's EU, NATO integration succeeded (MIA)


Prime Minister Zoran Zaev met Tuesday with Christian Hellbach, Germany's Envoy for South-Eastern Europe, Turkey and the EFTA States and at the meeting, Germany's strong support was expressed for success of the upcoming referendum and of the Euro-Atlantic integration of the Republic of Macedonia, the government said. At the meeting, it was concluded that the Republic of Macedonia set a positive example in the region of how bilateral issues should be settled, stated the press release. "Stability and membership of Macedonia in NATO and the EU is vital, both for the citizens of our country and the whole region. We expect good news for the whole region, and it is very important that the Macedonian integration process succeeds with all political stakeholders in the country demonstrating responsibility," it was concluded. PM Zaev said he was confident that the citizens would make the right decision for their future and the future of their country on 30 September. "The citizens are aware that the upcoming referendum is the gateway towards a better future, better living standards, guaranteed borders of the state, a recognized Macedonia language and identity once and for all - all of this will be enabled with EU and NATO membership. I expect all political stakeholders to show awareness, support the process of Euro-Atlantic integration and secure our joint future together," said PM Zaev.

The German special envoy said that the solution to the name dispute was a precondition for a successful Euro-Atlantic integration of Macedonia, said the press release.


Mickoski-Hellbach: VMRO-DPMNE not supporting name agreement (MIA)


VMRO-DPMNE leader Hristijan Mickoski met Tuesday with Christian Hellbach, Special Coordinator for the Western Balkans, Turkey and EFTA countries at the German Federal Foreign Office, affirming the party's strategic commitment of EU and NATO integration.

Regarding the name agreement, Mickoski told Hellbach that VMRO-DPMNE does not support the document, the party said in a press release. Interlocutors referred to the excellent relations between Macedonia and Germany and the need to intensify them further.


Measures taken to enable peaceful referendum day, says Spasovski (MIA)


All necessary preparations are being made to create a peaceful atmosphere in order the citizens to make a decision on their own in the upcoming referendum, Oliver Spasovski said Tuesday.

"We are in the midst of an exceptionally important, historic period for Macedonia ahead of the referendum and the Veles law enforcement is making all necessary preparations to create a peaceful atmosphere in order the citizens to make a decision on their own in the upcoming referendum," the Minister of the Interior told reporters in Veles. According to him, the benefits from EU and NATO membership are numerous. "First and foremost, because NATO guarantees security and the benefits from EU accession are important having in mind that Macedonia will be able to use EUR 260,000 daily in European financial assistance." Furthermore, Minister Spasovski, as part of his visit to Veles on Tuesday, met with Mayor Ace Kocevski to discuss mutual cooperation and restoration of trust between the local community and police.


DP resolution against 'border correction' in Kosovo (ADN)


The Albanian opposition is preparing a resolution to support all those political forces in Kosovo which are against the idea of 'border correction'. The blue headquarters is against any border changes in Kosovo and this is the reason why this party is preparing a resolution against this issue proposed by the Kosovo's President, Hashim ThaciADN learned that DP support all the reforms that will bring Kosovo near EU and part of NATO.


Basha urges for radical political action (ADN)


The Chairman of the Democratic Party (DP), Lulzim Basha, has called on Tuesday the representative of this party, to mobilize people for protests. He invited the citizens to respond to the call for radical political action in order to remove crime and corruption from Government.

"What matters is the scale of mobilization with which we as DP, at the level of neighborhoods, blocks, houses and villages, we can respond to the call for radical political action aimed at removing this Prime Minister and this government. From this moment, when we get separated from this meeting, work has to start door-to-door with people. There is no other way around than the confrontation," said Basha. He added that the upcoming parliamentary elections are the ultimate goal of the action and the platform that the opposition will make public in the days and weeks ahead.




China's Belt and Road Initiative unselfishly helps developing countries: Serbian president (Xinhua, 5 September 2018)


BELGRADE - The 2018 Beijing Summit of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) shows an unselfish dedication of China to help developing countries, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said during his meeting with Chinese Ambassador to Serbia Li Manchang on Tuesday. According to the press release of the president's office, in conversation with Li in preparation of Vucic's visit to China, the Serbian president said that he was impressed by the results of the FOCAC, held in Beijing on Sept. 3-4. "As the world economy faces the challenges of trade protectionism, China, as a country of great economic power, has once again demonstrated its willingness to help developing countries unselfishly, to the benefit of, as President Xi Jinping said, a common prosperity," Vucic said. He said that "the respect that China shows to all countries and their right to development, regardless of their sizes, as well as without interference in their internal issues and political conditions, deserves the support of all who believe in the ideals of genuine equality and solidarity." "I once more wish to give my firm support for the principles of the Belt and Road Initiative, which I think is one of the largest and most prolific initiatives in history," Vucic added. He said that he is looking forward to his visit to China so as to establish new directions for the development of partnership and overall cooperation between the two sides. The president also emphasized that he is proud that Serbia and China are connected by a comprehensive strategic partnership, and that bilateral relations are at a historical high.


How to Restart War in the Balkans (Foreign Policy, by Edward P. Joseph, 4 September 2018)


The Trump administration will regret looking for simple solutions to Eastern Europe's territorial disputes.

“We don’t have a dog in that fight.” James Baker, U.S. secretary of state, June 1991, speaking of the impending dissolution of Yugoslavia.

“We don’t exclude territorial adjustments. … We think they’ve got to solve it for themselves.” John Bolton, U.S. national security advisor, August 2018, speaking of talks on territorial swaps between Serbia and Kosovo.

When the next history of the Balkans is written, these two statements will prove to be the most consequential by any U.S. officials. It was James Baker’s statement that gave the green light for Slobodan Milosevic to unleash the full arsenal of former Yugoslavia on breakaway Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina. A calamitous, decadelong series of conflicts in the region—all almost wholly avoidable—was the result. John Bolton’s statement now threatens to undo the ensuing two decade-plus international effort to make peace. Building on rumors about private talks between the leaders of Serbia and Kosovo to swap territory as a means of ending their standoff, and hints of a change in U.S. policy, Bolton has now given the green light to Serbia and Kosovo to trade territory as a way of ending their decadelong—in fact, centurylong—standoff.

In fairness to Bolton, territorial exchange has an alluring logic: Serbia and Kosovo are deadlocked over the latter’s independence, with European Union-led normalization talks going nowhere; neither country can advance to EU membership until the deadlock is addressed; and each country has adjacent bits of territory populated by the other, i.e., Serbs or Albanians who would rather live among their kindred population. So, if the parties can agree on territorial exchange as a way of unblocking their standoff, why should the United States or Europe stand in the way? The answer is that the logic of a deal between Serbia and Kosovo—if it could be accomplished (and the obstacles are more complex than realized)—cannot be contained. The same alluring appeal of allowing unhappy people to depart one ethnically mixed country for a homogenous one also intrigues the Serbs of Bosnia, the Albanians of Macedonia, and pretty much every minority in the region with an axe to grind and a population concentrated enough to advance a bid for territorial secession. Unfortunately, in Bosnia’s case, there is no plausible way to divide the country without reigniting war. The country’s Bosniak plurality would never acquiesce in the loss of territory in the east of the country. This area, which includes Srebrenica, is precisely where the prewar majority-Bosniak Muslim population was most brutally “cleansed.” At the same time, no Serb leader could return this territory, which borders Serbia and is now, after wholesale ethnic cleansing, dominated by Serbs. And even if it were possible to agree on a division of Bosnia, the results are unappealing. Unlike with any other ethnic group in the region, it is religion that most distinguishes Bosniaks from their neighbors. Heavily influenced by Turkey and other dubious Middle East actors, the post-division Bosnia might or might not remain secular. It would almost certainly be landlocked, since the country’s Croats would insist on following their Serb countrymen into secession. Given the relatively high percentage of Islamic State recruits from the region, and the fact that many of them are poised to return, Bolton and other agnostics on territorial exchange should consider the most likely Kosovo-to-Bosnia scenario: the contentious, possibly violent creation of an economically challenged state in the heart of Europe, subject to Islamist influence, and infused with suffering and abandonment as its defining characteristics. The chain reaction of events is entirely plausible. Mere discussion of territorial exchange by the likes of Bolton and senior European officials is enough to tantalize Bosnian Serb leader Milorad Dodik, who has long spoken of—and taken preliminary steps toward—secession. Indeed, Dodik cited Kosovo’s 2008 independence as the reason for advancing the cause of separation. In turn, his antics have inspired Croat leaders to agitate for a “third entity,” another relic of Bosnia’s messy war. Croat and Serb grievances may be real. The resort to territorial solutions is, however, simply a precursor to renewed fighting. In short, the seductive logic of territorial swaps over Kosovo inexorably morphs into the logic of war when applied to Bosnia.