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Belgrade Media report 12 September



US Senator Johnson: No red lines in searching solution to Serbia-Kosovo relations (Beta)

Washington has not drawn any red line which it won’t cross in the search for a solution to relations between Serbia and Kosovo, US Senator Ron Johnson said.

“I would say that Germany has drawn a red line in regard to how far it will go in resolving the question of relations between Serbia and Kosovo while the US has not,” the chairman of the Senate Homeland Security Committee the end of his tour of the Western Balkans.

“United States’ is a pretty consistent position that a solution has to come from the parties involved, from the leaders and the people of Serbia and Kosovo”, Johnson said.

“The USA is only there to support and encourage a solution to the dispute. We want to give those leaders a space to be flexible, to be imaginable, to think outside the box. I am here to provide that kind of support and encouragement” he said.


"Johnson's conclusions will decisively affect the ultimate US position" (RTS)

Senator Ron Johnson came to inspect the situation, and to see what are the possibilities and ideas for the reaching of the agreement, and returned to Washington with conclusions that will decisively affect the final US position on KiM, Stefan Surlic of the Faculty of Political Science told RTS. Surlic, said that during the Johnson visit, the US sent a clear message that they are flexible, for two reasons. The first is that they do not want Kosovo to remain an unfinished project, and the second that the existing administration wants to show that it is ready to resolve an international conflict, Surlic said.

However, he believes that, despite the positive tones coming from US President’s National security advisers Johnson Bolton, it cannot be expected from the US to withdraw recognition of Kosovo's self-proclaimed independence.

For the time being, the US is insisting that Belgrade and Pristina reach an agreement, Surlic adds. As noted by Surlic, Senator Ron Johnson, with his presence and second visit since February, shows that he really pays attention to the issue of Kosovo and the future agreement.

Regarding the position of Germany, Surlic explains that Germany opposes the demarcation because the entire process of normalization, that is, the conditioning of Serbia on its path to the EU, was based on the Kosovo's theme. Germany sees demarcation as a defeat of its policy, says Surlic. Also, he added, Germany fears the domino effect and threat to stability throughout the Balkans.


Ljajic: The problem of dialogue is that Thaci has no support in Pristina (TV Prva)

Serbian Deputy Prime Minister Rasim Ljajic said that in the negotiations between Belgrade and Pristina, the key problem would be that Kosovo President Hashim Thaci does not have the support of Albanian politicians to negotiate.

"I think that Hashim Thaci is in serious trouble when we are talking about political legitimacy, since almost none of the political groups, the opposition, even those in power like the Prime Minister Ramush Haradinaj, do not support the process of resolving the Kosovo issue" said Ljajic for TV Prva.

He added that he does not know if and in what way Thaci can present any kind of solution at the negotiations with Serbia, but that it is most important for Serbia to continue the constructive and proactive role in seeking a long-lasting solution.

"It seems to me that in the next phase of the dialogue, the key issue will be whether this can be a compromising solution. There is an issue of the political legitimacy which will be opened in Pristina" said Ljajic.


Dacic: Russia's position not contrary to what we're doing (Beta, Tanjug)

Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic said that Russia's position on Kosovo and Metohija is not contrary to what Serbia is doing.

"Their position is like ours, which is to preserve the territorial integrity of Serbia and not recognize the unilateral acts of Pristina. It is not contrary to what we are doing," Dacic said, commenting on a statement made earlier by Ambassador Aleksandr Chepurin, who said that Kosovo and Metohija should return to the legal and the state system of Serbia.

Dacic stressed that there are no differences in the attitude of Serbia and Russia regarding Kosovo and Metohija, and that Kosovo cannot enter the UN because Russia and China can veto that at the Security Council.

"Russia said it would support everything the Serbian side thinks is in its interest," Dacic said, adding that Serbia will continue its diplomatic offensive and try to find a lasting solution.

"We won't be getting angry at someone for believing that Kosovo is part of Serbia, we consider it to be that way too. We are not giving up on our options, but we are looking for a solution," Dacic concluded.

Earlier, in an interview with a magazine published by the Russian Foreign Ministry's State Institute of International Relations, Aleksandr Chepurin said that Kosovo is Serbian as much as Crimea is a part of Russia.

"Yes, it's the Serbian land. The cradle of Serbia. It's sacred to the Serbs. Kosovo should be restored to Serbia's legal and state system based on international law," Chepurin was quoted as saying by Sputnik.


Zoran Stankovic: There will be no war in southern Serbia (Vecernje Novosti)

The southern part of central Serbia is not threatened by any armed conflict, says the president of the Coordinating Body, Zoran Stankovic. Stankovic categorically claims that a war in this area will not happen, in spite of "constant announcements" to the contrary.

The President of the coordinating body for Presevo, Bujanovac and Medvedja commented for the daily Vecernje Novosti in this way on the situation and raising tensions among the public, and after the news that ethnic Albanians from those three municipalities had asked the Assembly in Pristina to pass a resolution supporting their request for joining Kosovo.

In an interview, Stankovic pointed out that our security structures are performing their duties well, and recalled that the merger (with Kosovo) talk is exacerbated by "some who are referring to an illegal referendum from 1992" - but also recalled that these same forced have lost elections in all three municipalities.

"The people showed them what they think, and this uncertainty, which is also being stressed in the media, is damaging, because it prevents the arrival of investors, who seek political and security stability," says Stankovic.

He also noted that the term "Presevo ​​valley", which is emphasized in Hashim Thaci's merger with Kosovo story - and also by some representatives of the Albanians from the South- is in fact political, rather that a geographical, administrative or any other term, that exists in any way.

"The municipalities of Bujanovac and Presevo belong to the Pcinje District while Medvedja belongs to the Jablanica District," he explained, adding that Albanians first used the term "eastern Kosovo" for that part of Serbia after their armed rebellion in 2000 and 2001, and then changed it to the "Presevo valley."

He said that in the meantime, this term has even come to be used by some people holding state office, and warns that we I need to take a good look at the terms that we use.

Stankovic also stressed that in the Medvedja, Serbs are the dominant population, while in Presevo the reverse true, and that there is no precise data, since in 2011 Albanians refused to participate in the census.

"Along with experts from America, Britain and Macedonia we've have done an assessment of the population, but not the ethnic structure, because it is not the key for us. The point of our work is to enable all citizens in these municipalities to live better and realize their rights."

Asked if it is true that "Albanians and Serbs cannot live with each other, but that they must live side by side," Stankovic stated that there were no inter-ethnic incidents since he has headed the Coordination Body, while coalition of Serb and Albanian parties are in power in all three municipalities.

"My experience is that members of these two nations can cooperate and know how to agree very well when it comes to common interests. The problem is that there are a number of people who can only sustain themselves politically if they create an image that the situation is completely different and that there is intolerance," said Stankovic.

And when asked if it is realistic that the issue of the three municipalities will be discussed in Brussels, he argues that this will not be the topic of the talks, but that Serbia will do everything to fulfill the rights and obligations stemming from the Constitution and the law in full.


It is inappropriate to compare Vucic’s speech with Milosevic’s speech from 1989 (TV Pink)

Dacic says: It would be “inappropriate” to compare Vucic’s speech in Kosovska Mitrovica and the speech of the former President Slobodan Milosevic in Gazimestan in 1989 because a historical context in which those speeches were held have been completely different, Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic said on Tuesday.

Dacic said for TV Pink that since Milosevic’s speeches from 1989 were analyzed, the speeches of other politicians from that period should also be analyzed, especially from the ranks of the

opposition at the time.

“For them, Milosevic would be a winner of Nobel Peace Prize”, he said, alluding to the radicalism of some opposition leaders at the time. Besides, Milosevic was “the first who has pointed out to the problems of Serbs in Kosovo”, as opposed to other Serbian politicians at the time who avoided speaking about it, in order to avoid being accused of Serbian nationalism in former Yugoslavia, Dacic continued.

“The situation was different, Yugoslavia still existed, the socialism, Cold War, Serbia just changed its Constitution, the times were different, but Milosevic did not say even then that Serbia would wage a war. He mentioned battles, but nor with weapons and added that these should not be excluded. Can we say today that all these battles have been excluded” he said.


Draft amendments to Serbian constitution published (Tanjug)

The Serbian Justice Ministry has published draft amendments to the Serbian constitution which are in line with recommendations by the Venice Commission.

The ministry published the draft amendments covering the judiciary on its Internet site and is due to organize a round table debate for experts to voice opinions and objections.

The ministry said it would invited representatives of all relevant judiciary institutions, civil society organizations and international institutions to the debate to help remove any inconsistencies with the Venice Commission recommendations before the draft is submitted to the government, a press release said.


The ministry decision not to organize a public debate on the draft has come under fire from judiciary organizations which said that the draft allows political influence in the appointment and work of the top judiciary offices.

Justice Minister Nela Kuburovic said earlier that the government should submit the final text of the draft to parliament for adoption.


Bosnia and Herzegovina


US’ sanctions to SNSD’s Spiric causes series of reactions (RTRS)

According to high-ranking officials of Republika Srpska (RS), the US’ decision to ban SNSD MP in the Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) House of Representatives Nikola Spiric and his family from entering that country due to alleged corruption – is not based on the law but politics. According to SNSD, Spiric got punished for refusing to be a member of the team of those who are “obedient” to US Ambassador Maureen Cormack.


RS President Milorad Dodik assessed that this decision is also illogical as this is probably the first time that the US is punishing an opposition member of the B&H Parliament. In his opinion, a part of the US Administration finds it unacceptable that Spiric refused to support “anti-Serb” activities of the B&H Intelligence-Security Agency (OSA). “He resigned and did not want to be a member of the Commission that was supposed to legalize the wiretapping of me, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic, RS Prime Minister Zeljka Cvijanovic and other officials of the RS and Serbia. He refused that and of course, they set him up with this kind of story,” Dodik stressed.

SNSD Main Board assessed the decision as another “bad move” by Cormack. According to the statement issued by SNSD Main Board, Cormack is ending her term in the office in an “inglorious” way, which was marked by support to the policy of Bosniak member of the B&H Presidency Bakir Izetbegovic and “his parties – SDA and SDS”.

“The US Ambassador took over the role of the Office of the High Representative, the Prosecutor’s Office and the Court of B&H, so she made sure that sanctions are imposed against Spiric – by made-up stories and false reports for the State Department,” reads the statement issued by SNSD Main Board.

Head of the Serb Caucus in the B&H House of Peoples Sredoje Novic (SNSD) stressed that the local institutions only are the ones that can establish if someone is corrupt. Since Spiric has not been proven corrupt, the US’ decision should be perceived as a political act only, Novic concluded.

At the same time, B&H Minister of Security Dragan Mektic said that these are not sanctions against the RS but only against Spiric and his family. “However, they undermine the reputation and credibility of the RS in the international community” Mektic stressed.


B&H CEC: US’ sanctions do not pose obstacle to Spiric’s candidacy in October elections (TV1)

Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Central Election Commission (CEC) confirmed to TV1 that SNSD Vice President Nikola Spiric is a candidate for B&H House of Representatives (HoR) in the upcoming general elections, the candidate lists have been verified and the US’ sanctions against Spiric will not pose an obstacle to his candidacy. According to CEC, the only scenario in which Spiric would be removed from the candidate list is in the case of being sentenced to a prison sentence that exceeds six months.


B&H HoP unanimously adopts changes and amendments to Law on Criminal Procedure of B&H (N1)

The Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) House of Peoples (HoP) convened in Sarajevo on Tuesday and unanimously adopted changes to the Law on Criminal Procedure of B&H, which were proposed by Head of the Bosniak Caucus in the B&H HoP Halid Genjac (SDA). The law needed to be changed in order to implement the decision of the Constitutional Court (CC) of B&H that declared certain provisions unconstitutional.


According to the harmonized text of the law proposed by Genjac and six amendments proposed by the Croat Caucus, witnesses will not be obliged to answer all questions; immunity can no longer be granted to witnesses charged with criminal offenses that imply a prison sentence of 10 years or longer; and prosecutors can no longer conduct investigations for an indefinite period of time – if there is no indictment, investigation will be suspended. More precisely, prosecutors will have to complete investigations within a period of six months following the date of investigation order. Otherwise, they will inform the Chief Prosecutor on reasons and the Chief Prosecutor will set a new deadline that cannot be longer than six months or one year – in cases that imply a prison sentence of 10 years or longer. Genjac stated that these changes are a result of compromise that had to be reached, adding that they ensure implementation of the CC of B&H's decision and the EU standards.


Deputy Speaker of the B&H HoP Barisa Colak (HDZ B&H, Croat Caucus) noted that the Croat Caucus submitted six amendments and all of them were accepted unanimously. “In this way, we significantly improved the quality and contents of the changes to the Law on Criminal Procedure,” Colak said.


Head of the Serb Caucus in the B&H HoP Sredoje Novic (SNSD) said that this case suggests that none of the delegates should think that they can propose a law on their own. Quite the contrary, one should always bear in mind that there are several sides in the B&H HoP, he added.


The B&H House of Representatives (HoR) is also expected to adopt the changes to the Law on Criminal Procedure of B&H in urgent procedure


The EU Delegation (EUD) to B&H and the Office of the EU Special Representative (EUSR) in B&H welcomed on Tuesday the adoption of amendments to the law on criminal procedure of B&H.

“We welcome today’s adoption of changes and amendments to the Criminal Procedure Code by B&H House of Peoples (HoP). With today’s outcome, political parties have shown readiness to take important decisions in the interest of citizens based on compromise, and undertake efforts to implement decisions of the Constitutional Court of B&H. The adoption of the law by B&H House of Representatives (HoR) before the October elections would demonstrate the necessary political will and commitment for B&H to act as a credible partner of the EU and its Member States in fighting serious crime and ensuring public security. The aligning of the Law on Criminal Procedure with international and European standards is essential for the ability of rule of law institutions to conduct sensitive investigations and cooperate with international law enforcement agencies. This is of great importance for B&H’s further progress on its way towards the EU.”


The ambassadors of EU member countries in B&H also welcomed B&H HoP’s adoption of amendments to the Law on Criminal Procedure.




PM Plenkovic meets with Austrian president Van der Bellen (Hina)

Croatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic met on Tuesday with the president of Austria, Alexander Van der Bellen, who arrived on a two-day official visit to Zagreb on Monday.

Plenkovic and Van der Bellen discussed the cooperation between the two countries within the European Union, the press release from the government said. They agreed that the political and economic relations were excellent, but they called for boosting trade and energy cooperation.

Van der Bellen talked about Austria’s priorities while it is chairing the EU, among which are the prevention of illegal migrations and the importance of stability in southeast Europe.

Croatia is making great efforts in combating illegal migration, and protecting the EU’s external border, Plenkovic said adding that Croatia wanted to join the Schengen area in 2019.

Croatia’s eastern borders with Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, and Montenegro form the EU’s external border. The Interior Ministry said last week that, along with continuing the procuring of technical equipment to improve the protection of the EU's external border, it was continuing to invest in improving the capacity of the border police and their training.

Plenkovic talked about his government's priorities – continuing the positive economic trends and structural reforms, fiscal consolidation, further reduction of public debt, and encouraging investments, in the context of Croatia’s plans to fulfil the criteria to join the euro zone.

Croatia undertook the obligation of joining the euro zone when it joined the EU in 2013, but the accession treaty did not determine the specific date by which Croatia had to introduce euro as its currency. In May this year, former Economy Minister Martina Dalic predicted that Croatia could join the euro zone within the next five to seven years.


Slovenia criticizes EU for being neutral in border dispute with Croatia (Hina)

Slovenian President Borut Pahor said the European Commission's decision not to interfere in the Croatian-Slovenian border arbitration dispute sent a negative message to Western Balkan countries wishing to join the European Union.

In March, Slovenia wrote to the Commission with a proposal to sue Croatia for failing to apply a border arbitration ruling. In June, the Commission decided not to take a position on Slovenia's assertion that Croatia, by failing to apply the ruling, is in breach of EU law, saying the two-member states should find a solution in the spirit of friendship.

Speaking at the Bled Strategic Forum, Pahor said the Commission, with its position on the arbitral tribunal's ruling, did not realize that it was sending a negative message to the Western Balkan countries which had to resolve numerous bilateral issues before joining the EU. "Why would states reach bilateral agreements on outstanding issues if they don't have to honor them?" he said. Pahor went on to say that the EU was at a standstill which would turn into regression, due to an increasing return to national policies, unless those in favor of strengthening the EU came up with a clear vision of the future. Such a weakened EU would not be able to enlarge to the Western Balkans, he added.




Djukanovic affirmed support to Belgrade-Pristina dialogue (CDM)

Upon the initiative of Kosovo President, Hashim Thaci, the President of Montenegro, Milo Djukanovic, and his Kosovo counterpart held talks on Tuesday on the outcomes of a dialogue between Pristina and Belgrade and discussed plans for future.

Djukanovic thanked Thaci for the initiative and said it’s good that Belgrade and Pristina have been seeking for peaceful solutions through a constructive dialogue facilitated by the European Union. He also expressed his belief that the outcome would contribute to stabilization in the Western Balkans and its European perspective.




PM Zaev: Opposition, ruling parties to join forces for Macedonia’s future (MIA)

Now is the time for opposition and ruling parties to join forces as the future of next generations is at stake, Prime Minister Zoran Zaev said. “As we were united in our decision in 1991 on Macedonia’s independence, we must now decide for the country to move forward and make all of us proud” Zaev said. Europe and NATO, he went on, have opened their doors for Macedonia and this unique opportunity must be seized. “I know what citizens of Macedonia will decide on 30 September – bright future for everybody. I wish on 1 October to see you all proud and happy because you’ve ensured a future for our children, for our Macedonia” Zaev said.


Speaker Xhaferi: Upcoming referendum in Macedonia will be successful (MIA)

Parliament Speaker Talat Xhaferi is certain that citizens of Macedonia will come en masse to vote in the referendum for their country to finally become a member of the European Union and NATO. The citizens of Macedonia are aware that they should voice their opinion in the referendum and take responsibility for their own and the future of their families, Xhaferi told MIA on Tuesday

Few days ago, Speaker Xhaferi announced the launch of MPs campaign for the September 30 referendum, which is part of the ‘Come out FOR European Macedonia’ coalition.

"The coordination body, in the capacity of authorized campaign carriers, will administer the campaign in a transparent and direct way, without discrimination, prejudice and respecting the will of every citizen. Our objective is to inform citizens about the big picture, the benefits of our NATO and EU membership, which does not only involve protected borders, common foreign policy and open roads, but more foreign investments, jobs, larger market, more opportunities for education and progress of young generations, but also comprehensive rule of law, reforms in the judiciary and all walks of life," Speaker Xhaferi told a press briefing last Friday.

He urged all campaign participants to behave properly so that citizens could take the right decision on September 30.

Seventy-one MPs from all political parties, except opposition VMRO-DPMNE, will take part in the Parliament campaign. VMRO-DPMNE has informed Xhaferi they would not participate and asked that the funds are reallocated for other purposes.

Speaking to MIA, Xaferi said VMRO-DPMNE could join the campaign any time if the party decoded to do so. So far, VMRO-DPMNE has not presented its stance on the 30 September referendum.


Mattis, Mitchell to visit Macedonia in referendum support, voice concern about Russia's possible interference (MIA)

United States Defense Secretary James Mattis will pay a visit to Macedonia next weekend to express U.S. clear support to the coming referendum on the name agreement, but also concern over Moscow's possible interference in the process. "I am going there to make very clear we stand with the Macedonian people" said Mattis. He voiced concern about Russia's possible interference in Macedonia's referendum process.

"This kind of mischief that Russia has practiced from Estonia to the United States, from Ukraine and now to Macedonia, it always is adapted to the specific situation and it's always beyond the pale, as far as I'm concerned" added Mattis.

The Defense Secretary is the second senior U.S. official who is coming to Macedonia this week. Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs, Wess Mitchell, will pay a visit to Skopje on Thursday to meet with Prime Minister Zoran Zaev and other senior officials to discuss U.S. support for the Prespa Agreement between Macedonia and Greece and the upcoming September 30 referendum.

"Mitchell will also meet with business leaders and members of parliament to exchange views and underscore our support for the country as it moves forward to take its place in the Western family," said the State Department.


Ambassadors urge citizens of Macedonia to seize unique opportunity (MIA)

US Ambassador Jess Baily called on citizens of Macedonia to seize the unique opportunity and exercise their voting right in the upcoming name referendum. By supporting the name agreement Macedonia will ensure a place on NATO table, he told a scientific debate ‘Prespa Agreement: International Significance and Implications on Macedonia's Euro-Atlantic Integration’, held at the Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts (MANU) on Tuesday.

Referring to the Prespa Agreement, he said no perfect deal could be reached after 27 years of negotiations, but nonetheless the document ‘recognizes the Macedonian identity, language.’

Ambassador Baily also notified the benefits of NATO membership status for Macedonia’s security, territorial integrity and sovereignty. “It’s important for citizens to come out and voice their opinion for their country to move forward. This is a special moment in Macedonia’s history and this opportunity should be seized. After the launch of NATO accession talks it is also very important for citizens to be included in the implementation of the name deal and reforms” Baily said.

French Ambassador Christian Thimonier also commended the name deal, which finally established friendly relations between Skopje and Athens, preserved the Macedonian identity and opens the country’s road to the EU, NATO membership.

German Ambassador Thomas Gerberich cited the political analyst, Edward Joseph, who said that ‘Prespa Agreement deserves a Nobel Prize as it sets a new model for settlement of international disputes related to identity issues.’ Gerberich reaffirmed his country’s support for implementing the name deal for the benefit of the country, its citizens and the entire Balkan region.


MEP Kukan calls citizens of Macedonia to come out and vote in referendum (MIA)

All citizens of Macedonia should come out and voice their opinion for the future of their country, Eduard Kukan, member of the European People’s Party Group at the European Parliament, says in an interview with MIA. Voicing support for Skopje-Athens name deal, Kukan says ‘what’s important for the EPP is for people to exercise their voting right, not to boycott the referendum.’

‘Please come out and vote,’ Kukan tells the citizens of Macedonia. There is no room for doubt about the realization of the country’s NATO membership and the launch of EU accession negotiations in case of successful referendum, as confirmed by the statements of numerous high EU, NATO officials, Kukan says.

He doesn’t wish to even consider a possibility of unsuccessful plebiscite, saying that there is no plan ‘B’ for Macedonia.

The EPP leadership is making attempts to persuade its sister party in Macedonia – now opposition VMRO-DPMNE – to call on its members, supporters to vote in the referendum, Kukan says.

VMRO-DPMNE is going through hard period after being in power for 11 years, and it is not united on the referendum. The moment is not favorable for the party to make decisions on such important process and I believe its leaders will become aware of their responsibility, Kukan says.

‘We are making attempts to encourage the party members to come out and vote,’ Kukan says.

Referring to Greece, where an EPP sister party also stands against the name deal, Kukan says the Parliament would endorse the document considering the number of seats of the ruling SYRIZA.


Mickoski: Citizens to act according to own belief (MIA)

We have taken a decision that citizens should act according to their own belief at the referendum, said VMRO-DPMNE leader Hristijan Mickoski late on Tuesday.

Mickoski said the decision was reached after consultations with citizens and having in mind the different opinions among people - abstinence, vote 'against', but also "for'.

"Each individual will take a decision which he/she considers is the best one for the family and the country. Macedonia is our everything. Parties will not decide. People will decide on the national issue and we will all bow to that decision," said Mickoski.

According to him, Macedonia is on a crossroad and the name agreement is not a step forward but an abyss, whereas its acceptance would result in the loss of the country's gains during the negotiations - the UN Resolution, the Interim Accord and the International Court of Justice ruling.

Mickoski reiterated the party's position that the Prespa Agreement changes the Constitution, the institutional identity as the key segment of the national identity, passports, personal documents.

"A committee will review our culture and tradition, paving the path for future obstacles by our southern neighbor to our Euro-Atlantic integration," added the VMRO-DPMNE leader.

He accused the authorities for the difficult and delicate situation that Macedonia is currently in.

"Macedonia is now an expensive plane in the hands of adolescents," said Mickoski.

He added that the ambiguous referendum question confuses the citizens, because it does not refer to the essence - a change of the country's name - while saying that VMRO-DPMNE favors EU and NATO membership and no other future.


Kosovo President Thaci visits Macedonia (MIA)

Kosovo President Hashim Thaci met in Skopje with Macedonian Prime Minister Zoran Zaev, with whom also discussed the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina, and reiterated that this process will not be easily achieved, but that he is an optimist.

At a joint news conference with Zoran Zaev, Hashim Thaci said it would not be easy to achieve a "historic peace agreement, which implies mutual recognition of Serbia and Kosovo, which is the only way for the two countries to move through accession to European integration."

Thaci, however, said he was optimistic despite the difficulties and felt that it was better to reach this agreement now than to wait another decade or two.

Thaci stayed in Podgorica yesterday, where he informed Montenegrin President Milo Djukanovic about the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina, and previously discussed the issue with Albanian President Ilyar Meta on the same topic.




Van der Bellen: Perhaps Alpbach left a wrong impression (EWB)

Austrian President Alexander Van der Bellen stated that it is possible people got a wrong impression about optimism following Serbia’s President Aleksandar Vucic and Kosovo’s President Hashim Thaci remarks during European Forum Alpbach.

Tanjug cited Van der Bellen during his visit to Croatia, where he said: “We will see how the talks between Belgrade and Pristina carry on. Maybe the Alpbach has left the wrong impression”.

Commenting on Vucic’s refusal to meet Thaci in Brussels last week, Van der Belen said that he is not certain why some changes happened now, but he does not rule out the possibility that everything will be different in two weeks.

He reminded that in the past period positive development took place in the Western Balkans, such as the solution to the Macedonian name dispute, but he also added that there are still “a couple of stumbling blocks that must be removed.”

He underlined that all bilateral conflicts should be resolved before EU accession, due to the experience EU had with Cyprus.