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Belgrade Media Report 28 September 2018


Speech of Brnabic: New face of Serbia, KiM Pandora's box (B92)

Prime Minister Ana Brnabic said in her address to the UN General Assembly that Serbia will remain committed to finding a compromise in the dialogue with Pristina that will ensure sustainable peace, progress and a brighter future for all peoples in the region.

“It is a great honor for me to address you on behalf of the Republic of Serbia” said the Prime Minister and added: “I assure you, that Serbia is deeply committed to advancing, in practice, the topics on this session’s agenda: peaceful, equitable, and sustainable societies.


I will not say anything new or original if I say that the world of today – be it Europe, Americas, Asia, Africa, Australia – faces significant, and increasing, challenges: already grave consequences of climate change; migration; terrorism; the rise of populism; and greater divides between us, at a time when we need greater convergence.  We’ve all heard this throughout our discussions and from more than one leader during the UN General Assembly debate.


I will, however, say this: in looking for our way out of this and in striving to build a better world for all of us, we all need to start from ourselves and the things we must do by ourselves, first and foremost as individuals, then our countries, then our regions, then our continents and then the united world that we are. We, once more, need to start bringing the nations of the world together, much like 70 or so years ago.


Serbia is on the way of rethinking itself, as a prosperous, dynamic, creative, innovative, open society, within the united Europe, that is whole, free, and at peace.

The basic value of the European Union, much like the basic value of the United Nations, is: peace. It’s not economy, or trade, or bigger market. It’s peace. All of these other things, and much, much more, came, and will always come, as a spillover effect of peace. European Union is a peace project, and a successful one.  And we want, we need, to be part of it – so there is sustainable peace, and consequently stability and prosperity, in the Balkans – this troubled region of the world that used to be known as the powder keg of Europe.


What we are doing is not easy and we are far from always being successful, but it is a path to which we are fully committed. I cannot emphasize enough how important regional cooperation and stability is for Serbia.  And, here, we are talking about the region which has never, ever, been stable, or very predictable, or part of the world known for peace, reason and pragmatism.

On the contrary. We’ve always been known for, and we’ve always been proud of, our excessive emotions, sacrifices, poetic struggles, traditional animosities. Today, Serbia is trying very hard to leave this in the past and grow to become more reasonable, instead of more emotional; more pragmatic, instead of immersed in myths; proud of its victories and not of its losses; a country which is building unexpected friendships, in place of traditional animosities.


And I am proud to say that our President has been leading the way in this internal struggle of ours to grow and mature; to leave the past behind and turn towards a much different future.


First and foremost, I am addressing here the issue of our Autonomous Province of Kosovo and Metohija which split down the middle even the UN – less than half of the UN member countries recognize the unilateral declaration of independence of Kosovo, while more than half, i.e. more than 5 billion people in the world, refuse to recognize the illegal secession of Kosovo.


What Serbia has been trying to do in the past year, is essentially trying to close Pandora’s Box which was opened 10 years ago when unilateral declaration of independence was proclaimed by authorities in Pristina, and the rush by a number of countries in the world to recognize that unilateral declaration of independence regardless of international law and standards; regardless of the fact that this was done only 4 years after Serbian churches and monasteries, world heritage sites, were looted and burned; and regardless of the fact that international community always stated “standards before status” as their mantra – and when everyone saw that standards are not on Pristina’s agenda, they decided to break their own mantra and decide on the status.


Serbia of today is committed to peace and, if I may say so, behaving as an adult.


We’ve signed the Brussels Agreement more than five years ago, and implemented it. Pristina signed it, but still did not implement even one single word of it. We will continue insisting on the full implementation of the Brussels Agreement and establishment of the Community of Serbian Municipalities, but we will remain tolerant and patient.

I can tell you today: however difficult, and difficult it is, however challenging, and challenging it is; however sometimes hopeless and wasteful the dialogue with Pristina might be, we will stay committed to finding a compromise which will ensure sustainable peace, prosperity and brighter future for all people in the region.

Serbia will continue demonstrating readiness to compromise, which is far from easy; but in that we need a counterpart which is politically bold, responsible, committed and trustworthy, and that has not been the case thus far.


I am therefore asking the international community to continue supporting the efforts that Serbia initiated. To achieve progress in the dialogue, we need undiluted and consistent support by the international community. Serbia is committed to working with other nations across the globe on taking our “common destiny”, as many in the UN refer to it, into our own hands.  We want to claim accountability towards future generations. We want them to hold us accountable.  That is why we are investing so much in peace, understanding and reconciliation in the region. And, on the other hand, we are equally investing in our future.


Guterres: For the UN, Kosovo is not a state (RTS)

The United Nations will support Belgrade and Pristina's deal on Kosovo and Metohija, UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres said at the meeting with Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic. He points out that UNMIK will stay in KiM and that for UN "Kosovo is not a state".

Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic met with United Nations Secretary-General Antoniou Guterres in New York on the eve of her address to the General Assembly.

"For the United Nations, Kosovo is not a state" Guterres said in a conversation, reports the Prime Minister's Cabinet. The Secretary General added that the UN would support Belgrade and Pristina's deal on KiM.

Prime Minister Brnabic stressed that Serbia is committed to the vision and missions of the United Nations. "We believe that the UN should play a more active role in international relations" said Ana Brnabic. She added that Serbia is actively contributing to the UN in peacekeeping, and that more than 300 women and men from our country are participating in peacekeeping missions around the world.

"It is in the interest of Serbia that UNMIK remains in KiM without a change in the mandate and in unreduced presence, which I pointed out at the "Action for Peacekeeping" meeting " the Prime Minister emphasized.

Ana Brnabic added that the President of the Republic of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, is leading the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina, and Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic, who also attended the meeting, is actively working to convey to the world the message what Serbia has done.

"We are committed to finding a solution and we do not want the frozen conflict" the prime minister said.

First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Ivica Dacic repeated the invitation to Guterres to visit Serbia.


Gratitude to US Administration on change of attitude towards Serbia (Tanjug)

Prime Minister Ana Brnabic held a meeting in New York with US Secretary of Commerce Wilbur Ross. The meeting was also attended by First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Ivica Dacic.

Brnabic referred to the ceremony of marking 100 years since the Serbian flag was hoisted at the White House, and underlined that this is an important moment for the further development of bilateral relations. Brnabic and Ross discussed the economic cooperation of the two countries in particular.

The Prime Minister pointed out that the investment of US company NCR is very important for Serbia and that the United States is one of the largest foreign investors in Serbia. She noted that companies like NCR and Microsoft are important for the further economic and technological development of our country.

She said that in the first half of this year, GDP growth in Serbia amounted to 4.8 percent, which is at the top among European countries, adding that the government's goal is a long-term sustainable economic growth, stability of public finances and investment in development projects. The most important thing for us is to lead a responsible economic policy, which was initiated by the previous government led by Aleksandar Vucic, the Prime Minister underlined.

Speaking about Kosovo-Metohija, Brnabic expressed gratitude for the change of attitude of the US administration towards Serbia. It is very important that this administration is ready to hear the views of Serbia, she said and underlined that the US support is significant because Pristina has to accept the compromise, which is important for all citizens living in Kosovo-Metohija.

Dacic said that the most important is that Albanians in Kosovo-Metohija realize that they should accept the compromise, because they previously thought that there was no need to talk or agree with the Serbs. The situation has changed now, you are our ally and friend, which helps to continue the dialogue, he underlined.

Also, Brnabic said that Serbian officials and citizens of Serbia would like US President Donald Tramp to visit Serbia. Ross said that his recent visit to Belgrade was very successful and that he agreed with Brnabic to visit Serbia again.


No red lines in US policy towards Serbia (RTS)

Prime Minister Ana Brnabic who met with US Secretary of Commerce Wilbur Ross, said it is extremely important that the initiative for the meeting came from the US Secretary of State himself. It is a great thing that the initiative for a meeting with the Serbian delegation that I lead is coming from the US Department of Commerce, she said, adding that the meeting was excellent, and the topics included both economic and political ones. As she pointed out, this was not the case at a meeting in Belgrade, which is another sign that we have a closer relationship.

According to Brnabic, Serbia is doing its best, it behaves responsibly, smartly, boldly, while on the other hand we have Pristina that has none of these characteristics.

Brnabic pointed out that in American policy towards Serbia there are no more red lines and that this is the biggest possible shift, which could not be imagined only eight or nine months ago.

She reiterated her great gratitude to the new US administration and all the people in the administration of President Trump and pointed out the great role of President Aleksander Vucic and all that he did in the last year to show that this new face of Serbia, which, she pointed out, shows the face of Serbia that is brave, responsible and strong enough to be ready for compromises.


"The US will consider the solution that comes in the dialogue" (Tanjug)

The United States is open to discuss, with its EU partners, a proposal for a solution that Belgrade and Pristina reach through dialogue. This was pointed out by US Assistant Secretary of State Michel Weiss at a meeting with Prime Minister Ana Brnabic in New York.

Michel expressed US support for continuing the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina, with the expectation that the process will bring a lasting political solution, the Serbian Foreign Ministry announced.

At the meeting on the margins of the general debate of the 73rd session of the United Nations General Assembly, attended by First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Ivica Dacic, the possibilities for further improvement of bilateral political dialogue and cooperation in the field of economy, investment, defense and education were also discussed.


Stefanovic says Serbian delegation fighting for Kosovo in UN (Beta)

Internal Affairs Minister Nebojsa Stefanovic said on Thursday that Serbia’s delegation at the UN General Assembly session in New York is fighting for whatever it can get in terms of a solution to the Kosovo issue.

Answering an MP’s question in parliament, Stefanovic blamed the opposition for transferring the Belgrade-Pristina negotiations from the UN to the European Union, saying that they knew that there was little chance of Serbia winning some sovereignty. “The Kosovo Albanians and the EU could not have done this on their own,” the minister said. He said the governments before his Serbian Progressive Party (SNS) came to power had done nothing to stop Kosovo from declaring independence and prevent what he said was a pogrom of the Serb population of Kosovo. “There was just a thundering silence,” he said, adding that inmates sentenced for killing Serbian police officers in Kosovo had been released under an amnesty law.


Kocijancic: Asterisk next to Kosovo in all EU documents (Tanjug)

EU Spokeswoman Maja Kocijancic says that the policy of Brussels has not changed and that the asterisk, or the so-called "star", which denotes status of neutrality, is used in all official documents referring to Kosovo. "Our policy on this matter has not changed" Kocijancic told Tanjug.

Regarding the reports in the Serbian media that the EU foreign policy chief Federica Mogerini made a "guff" and "recognized Kosovo" without always using the "star" next to Kosovo on the website of the European External Action Service, Kocijancic claims that this code is used in all official documents of the EEAS.

"Our policy has not changed. We use asterisk in all official documents and this is clearly indicated on the site" Kocijancic said.

In the official documents of the EEAS and the European Commission, such as the annual reports on Kosovo, the Visa Liberalization Road Map for Kosovo or the last Western Balkans Extension Strategy after the name of Kosovo is an "asterisk" that denotes status of neutrality in accordance with UN Security Council Resolution 1244 and the opinion of the International Court of Justice.

Kocijancic, however, did not answer why the “star” is not used for other materials, such as EU official statements or media reports.

Diplomatic sources in Brussels say that the policy of the European foreign policy service which marks Kosovo with an "asterisk" only in official EU documents is not a novelty.

It is alleged that the diplomatic representatives of Serbia have repeatedly drawn attention to EU officials in recent years, but that "the EEAS policy has remained unchanged".


Bosnia and Herzegovina


Crnadak discusses elections in B&H with US Deputy Assistant State Secretary Palmer (BN TV)

Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued a press release on Thursday, which reads that B&H Minister of Foreign Affairs Igor Crnadak met with US Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs Matthew Palmer. According to the ministry’s press release, Palmer emphasized the importance of conducting elections in B&H in a regular and a democratic way. Palmer dismissed certain allegations in the media about interference of Washington and the US Embassy with the election process in B&H.

Commenting on the sanctions that the US introduced against SNSD’s representative in B&H House of Representatives (HoR) Nikola Spiric, Palmer stated that sanctions have nothing to do with Spiric’s political stances, but rather exclusively with extreme political corruption he was involved in as holder of high-ranking public functions.


EU HR Mogherini: Strong support to Western Balkan countries on their path towards EU (Glas Srpske)

High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Federica Mogherini said that joint commitment to helping Western Balkan countries make progress of their EU integration path is still strong. Following the working dinner in New York with representatives of European Union’s partners in the Western Balkans, Mogherini said that the progress on the EU integration path requires continuous work on reforms, as well as more honest and efficient cooperation. “This was a good opportunity to discuss recent developments and the progress achieved in the region”, Mogherini said after the meeting.


Federation of B&H HoP fails to adopt Law on Constituencies and Number of Mandates (BHT1)

At an extraordinary session held in Sarajevo on Thursday, the Federation of B&H House of Peoples (HoP) failed to adopt the proposal of the law on constituencies and the number of mandates in the Federation of B&H Parliament, given the fact that there was no majority.

The reporter noted that delegates first took a vote in line with the Article 117 of the Rules of Procedure of the Federation of B&H HoP, which does not imply that the proposal will be sent for constitutional review at the Constitutional Court of the Federation of B&H. All delegates agreed that they should take a vote in line with the procedure of protection of vital national interest.

Addressing the delegates, Federation of B&H President Marinko Cavara said: “You all agree that this is a matter of vital interest. Therefore, there is no need to send it to the Constitutional Court to decide on what you agreed upon.” Disputes continued after two-thirds of the Bosniak Caucus requested that the proposal is discussed in line with the Article 118, which means that the proposal will end up before the Council for Protection of Vital National Interest of the Constitutional Court of the Federation of B&H.

Delegate from the Caucus of Others in the Federation of B&H HoP Aner Zuljevic stated: “As far as election of delegates to the Federation of B&H HoP is concerned, we expect this to end by sending the law to the Constitutional Court. In our opinion, the Constitutional Court will say that this is not a matter of vital national interest, so that the law can enter into force and the election results can be implemented. Otherwise, you know that we have the High Representative in this country.”

On the other hand, delegate from the Serb Caucus in the Federation of B&H HoP Predrag Kojovic stated: “It is absolutely certain that this law does not apply to these elections. A part of the law that refers to the House of Representatives (HoR) does not apply to these elections. It cannot be changed because it changes the number of mandates, it changes the constituencies.”

Meanwhile, the Croat Caucus asked for a 15-minute break that actually lasted for two hours, after which Fedration of B&H HoP Deputy Speaker Jasenko Tufekcic decided to preside over the session. “As a Deputy Speaker and on the basis of 28 signatures of delegates in the HoP, I will use the opportunity to resume the session,” Tufekcic said. However, amid the voting on the aforementioned Article 118, Federation of B&H HoP Speaker Lidija Bradara took over and argued that there was no reason to “start” the session without her. Bradara explained that the same issue cannot be discussed two times which is what happened at the session. After the Croat Caucus left, Tufekcic continued the session and the rest of the present delegates voted on the law in accordance with Article 118. Even though there was no quorum, this should be sent to the Council for the Protection of Vital National Interests of the Constitutional Court of the Federation of B&H.

The reporter pointed out that there are several ways of obstructing the delivery of this document to the Constitutional Court such as the refusal of Bradara to sign the proceedings. During the session, there was no discussion about the essence of the proposed law, which should solve the issue of the HoP delegates after the elections and could help the avoiding of a potential crisis after the elections, because of the lack of the implementation of the verdict of the Constitutional Court based on the appeal of Bozo Ljubic.


Cavara: Law on Constituencies and Number of Mandates did not pass since Croat Caucus left session (TV1)

President of Federation of B&H Marinko Cavara issued a statement after the contradicting end of the special session of House of Peoples Federation of B&H held on Thursday where the Croat Caucus voted against the Law on Constituencies and Number of Mandates and left the session, but the Bosniak Caucus and the opposition commenced the session and voted to adopt it. He claims that this session violated the Constitution of the Federation of B&H. Cavara addressed the delegates of the Federation of B&H HoP stating that there is no need to form a joint commission to harmonize the text of law, because everyone agreed that this Law is on the list of laws regarding Vital National Interest (VNI). He added that during the voting, according to procedure for protection of VNI, the Law did not pass because it was not supported by more than a half of delegates from all Caucuses.


Covic: It is not fair that Bosniaks elect Croat member of Presidency (Dnevni list)

HDZ Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) President and candidate for the Croat member of the Presidency of B&H Dragan Covic gave an interview for Deutsche Welle in which he said that he, as a candidate for the Presidency, and his party, will do well in the general elections. Covic expressed expectation that regardless of the fact a new Law on Elections of B&H has not been adopted, that new authorities will be formed soon “after we get legitimate representatives”.

Asked to comment on candidacy of Zeljko Komsic for the Croat member of the Presidency of B&H, Covic said he respects the Constitutional Court (CC) of B&H, which, according to him, said one must secure legitimate representation at all levels, arguing that the CC has taken a particular position about the Federation of B&H House of Peoples, as well as about the Presidency of B&H. “If you have caucuses of Croats, Bosniaks and Serbs or Croat, Bosniak and Serb member of the Presidency, then it would be logical to secure legitimacy, not just legality. It is not fair. To say the least it is not fair that the Bosniak people elect the Croat member of the Presidency” said Covic adding that the left-wing parties’ rhetoric is as nationalistic as it gets and full of hate speech. He also expressed conviction in wisdom of the Bosniak people that it will not fall for anyone’s stories and empty phrases, threats of war and stories about alleged fear of Croats.

DF leader Zeljko Komsic reacted to an interview, and he stated that Covic is a man who glorifies convicted war criminals, but he finds it acceptable to lecture others about the hate speech. “With regards to the accusations of nationalism, I must say those are claims originally promoted by certain circles in Sarajevo that apparently agree with Covic. They do not have a problem with Covic, but they do with me” said Komsic and added that Covic is the one trying to intimidate Croats with other Croats.




President Ivanov tells UNGA he won't vote in name referendum (MIA)

In his speech at the UN General Assembly on Thursday, Macedonian President Gjorge Ivanov told his compatriots that it is their right to vote in the referendum, not their obligation.

"In accordance with Article 7, Item 3 of the Referendum Law, 'no one shall be held responsible for voting or not voting in a referendum'. Every citizen has the right to decide how to act as regards this referendum - to go out and vote, or stay home and boycott," he said.

Ivanov mentioned that several high-level foreign officials had visited Macedonia in the past few weeks noting that he was aware that many of them had sincere intentions to help the country become part of the EU and NATO.

"And I thank them for their good intentions from the bottom of my heart. But I am afraid that they too have been misled. Their message is that if the referendum fails and the Prespa Agreement is not accepted, then we should not hope for membership in NATO and the European Union. And I ask them - if you take away our hope, what will we be left with? Help us by unblocking the process of EU and NATO membership of the Republic of Macedonia without violating the right to self-determination in the process," said Ivanov.


The President stated that many of them have been persuading Macedonian citizens. "Many of them have been persuading them to accept the Greek proposal. I ask them, would they accept a derogation of the right to self-determination of their own peoples and countries? Would they accept interference in their internal affairs, a breach of sovereignty and political independence? Why are then we asked to accept something that no one else in the world would accept?"

"Do not try to persuade us to eat from this poisoned fruit. It is high time for this poisonous tree and its poisonous fruit to be rooted out," Ivanov pointed out.

Just as the referendum on September 8, 1991 led to sovereignty and independence, he said, this referendum on September 30 may lead to a state of subordination and dependence towards another country.


"If this referendum succeeds in accordance with law, then not only will the name of the existing country be changed, but a new, semi-sovereign country will be created, with a new name and a new internal and international legal identity. We will be a state only by name, but not in substance, because others will regulate our way of life. However, if the referendum fails, a new possibility will arise. A possibility to discuss and explore new options for resolving the issue in accordance with international law, and by respecting our fundamental right to self-determination. To renew the national consensus that we achieved at the beginning of our independence," Ivanov said in his speech.


As a citizen, I have made my decision, the Macedonian President stressed.

"On September 30, I will not go out to vote. I believe that you, my fellow citizens, will make a wise decision. I also wish to address you, representatives of United Nations Member states. This irrational dispute has had detrimental consequences for the Republic of Macedonia and its citizens. Due to Greek blockades, we were denied the right to prosperity. Unfortunately, all of this has reflected on the sustainability of the Macedonian multiethnic, multireligious and multilingual society. A society which has actively contributed to peace, stability and security in the region and in Europe for the past 27 years," stressed Ivanov.


According to him, the position of official Athens is not only contrary to international law and the decision of Macedonian citizens, it also goes against the will of almost 140 member states of the United Nations which have recognized the fundamental right to self-determination of the Republic of Macedonia and use its constitutional name.


"As President of the Republic of Macedonia, I urge all states that have already recognized the Republic of Macedonia and established diplomatic relations under its constitutional name, not to change their decisions. Demonstrate your sovereignty by remaining faithful to your principled decisions, made without any kind of pressure. Help us by being the guardians of our right to self-determination, thus safeguarding your right to self-determination," Ivanov said.


He said he had always advocated for building a true and lasting partnership between Macedonia and Greece.

"However, if the only way to accommodate the irrational demands of the Greek side is through imposed measures on the Macedonian side, what we get are relations without trust. This agreement does not bring Macedonian and Greek people together - it sets them apart."


The Greek and Macedonian societies should learn how to live together in spite of their deepest differences. In order to reach a real, sustainable and lasting agreement, we need dialogue instead of monologue, arguments instead of imposing by force, mutual respect instead of denial, according to Ivanov.


Speaking at the UN General Assembly, the President said that 'the only truth is that we are Macedonians and our country is the Republic of Macedonia.' "Respecting this unique truth about our identity, you respect our human dignity that is part of the foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world."

"25 years ago, the Republic of Macedonia became a member of the United Nations. And yet, in this community of equals before the law, the Republic of Macedonia was admitted as less equal, with a derogated legal personality and a violated right to self-determination. Today, 25 years later, talks within the United Nations should end by the adoption of the so-called Prespa Final Agreement that according to some, should put an end to the name dispute with Greece and open the way to membership of the Republic of Macedonia in the European Union and NATO," President Ivanov elaborated.


The right to self-determination was violated when Macedonia was admitted to the United Nations, he added.

"The Interim Accord and the Prespa Agreement have been adopted in order to justify that violation. You should know that the text of that so called Prespa Agreement was prepared without my knowledge and without my consent as President of the Republic of Macedonia. Moreover, the Agreement violates a clause of our domestic law which is of fundamental importance. The knot that started entangling with Resolutions 817 and 845 and the Interim Accord, has now, with the Prespa Agreement, taken the shape of a hangman's noose. The Republic of Macedonia is now asked to commit a legal and historical suicide, so that the legal abolition of Macedonian people could then be interpreted as its own will. I wonder what this says about global leadership and shared responsibility of the United Nations?," Ivanov wondered.


Greece, he said, insists on an erga omnes implementation of the imposed name, thus making the violation of the right to self-determination erga omnes as well.

The right of self-determination means that only the nation itself has the right to determine its destiny, that no one has the right forcibly to interfere in the life of the nation, to destroy its schools and other institutions, to violate its habits and customs, to repress its language, or curtail its rights. The right of self-determination means that a nation may arrange its life in the way it wishes. It has the right to arrange its life on the basis of autonomy. It has the right to complete secession. Nations are sovereign, and all nations have equal rights," President Ivanov said.

The right to self-determination is the source of the right of people to choose their own name and the name of the state they created, according to him.

"The right to choose a name is an inalienable part of the right to self-determination. Only by respecting the right to self-determination will the United Nations be relevant for all peoples. As a people, we have been bearing the name Macedonians for centuries, and as a state for 74 years - even before the existence of the United Nations. Our attachment to this name was confirmed when, 27 years ago, we used our right to self-determination and proclaimed an independent and sovereign Republic of Macedonia," stated the Macedonian President.


With the Prespa Agreement, Ivanov said, Greece is imposing a new name and is asking for an erga omnes implementation - both for international and domestic use.

"It is foreseen that we change our Constitution, whereby Greece would become the ultimate authority that would approve constitutional amendments. Through this settlement, Greece would be given a permanent monitoring over how we name ourselves, but also over how you. Member States of the United Nations, will address us. Greece will be authorized to rename our institutions, to censor the contents of schoolbooks for our children, to prevent citizens from expressing their Macedonian identity. This also regulates the appellation of our Macedonian language. A very important part of our way of life will depend on Greek will. It is a censorship of the world and an auto censorship of the collective conscience of Macedonian people. It is violence against our historical memory. There are hundreds of thousands of pages of documents and testimonies in the UN archives, detailing what the Greek state used to do to Macedonians in Greece. Now, with the Prespa Agreement, the Greek state wants to do the same to the Macedonians in the Republic of Macedonia. The aim is to limit the use of the name Macedonians to the smallest possible space - and that is the space between our two ears, all while keeping our mouth closed. It is a flagrant violation of the right to self determination," President Ivanov said at the UN.


He called the Prespa Agrement 'a detrimental compromise based on the 1995 Interim Accord.'

"At a time when we were internationally isolated, the Interim Accord achieved under the auspices of the United Nations was supposed to be a guarantee that Greece would not block our integration in international organizations. However, there is a serious problem in this sense as well. No one can transfer to another more rights than they have themselves. And yet, with Article 5 of the 1995 Interim Accord and under the UN-led process, Greece was allowed to negotiate with the Republic of Macedonia about its name. It is a violation of the right to self-determination," Macedonian President Ivanov concluded speaking at the 73rd UN General Assembly.


PM Zaev: On Sunday, we make a choice for our future (MIA)

On Sunday you will face a historic decision. You should make a choice. Remember, it is not a choice between two political parties. It is a choice for your future, the future of your country. It is a choice for the future of our cherished Macedonia, Prime Minister Zoran Zaev says in a recorded video address to the citizens ahead of the September 30 referendum.

"This monument, Makedonium, reminds us that the Macedonian people have always made the right choice: In 1903 during the Ilinden Uprising. In 1941 when it stood shoulder to shoulder with progressive Europe against fascism during the fight for national liberation.

On 8 September 1991 by voting in the referendum we had made a decision for a free, independent and sovereign Republic of Macedonia. Until now, not all of our aspirations came true, including our dream for European Macedonia and a member state of NATO.

But today, we are close to fulfilling this dream, this aspiration of ours. On September 30, each and every one of us should put a brick in the construction of a better Macedonian future - to make ourselves helpful in becoming a member of the most powerful security alliance - NATO and a full-fledged member in the strongest economic community in the world - the European Union.

You, the citizens, hold the key to making our country a member of the European family.

I know, we should make a concession and accept a geographical qualifier to the name Macedonia, but no one can and no one will ever deny our identity.

The proud Macedonian country secured full recognition of our Macedonian nation, our language, our heritage. Our Macedonian language is protected. Our Macedonian identity is protected forever. The anthem, the flag remain the same and they are protected. We are Macedonians and we will be forever Macedonians. Hence, I will vote. For the well-being of our children. For a peaceful and safe country in which Macedonians, Albanians, Turks, Serbs, Roma people, Bosniaks, Vlachs, and all our ethnic communities live a good and prosperous life.

On Sunday, you should vote, too. Your vote will set the course of Macedonia. The ones voting are those who will decide. If an overwhelming majority votes Yes, we will permanently pave our way for NATO and the EU. Democracy and the right to vote are our highest values. That being said, our civil responsibility is to cast our vote. On Sunday, your vote will determine your future and the future of our country. Now is the time to decide. May we come together as we have done so 27 years ago. May we bring our country closer to a brighter future. United for European Macedonia, PM Zaev says in a video address to the nation ahead of the name referendum.


DUI’s Ahmeti: 30 September – last opportunity Macedonia to ensure better future for next generations (MIA)

Citizens’ vote on 30 September is one for peace, security, stability, good inter-ethnic, neighborly relations, rule of law, economic prosperity and social welfare, Ali Ahmeti, leader of the Democratic Union for Integration (DUI), says in an open letter to the public at the end of the referendum campaign. On 30 September our generation is offered the last chance to ensure better, safe future for the next generations, Ahmeti says.


At the end of the referendum campaign, which kicked off almost three decades ago by our determination to join NATO and the European Union, allow me to underline the significance of your vote on 30 September. 30 September 2018 will never happen again! 30 September is the last opportunity for our generation to ensure safe future for our children and new generations.

On 30 September Macedonia draws a line between the past and building of the future, regress and progress, integration and isolation, the east and the west! This 30 September is uniting us, Albanians and Macedonians, Turks and Roma, Vlachs and Serbs, and all others in the efforts to turn our common dream for Euro-Atlantic Macedonia into reality!


Washington, Brussels, London, Paris, Rome, Vienna and all western democracies, who have been standing by our side in the last two decades, are also lining up today in support of our righteous decision on 30 September!

The vote of each and every person on 30 September is one for peace, sustainable security and stability, good inter-ethnic, neighborly relations, more stable region, rule of law, economic prosperity and social welfare! Few generations have an opportunity to make such courageous, vital decisions for those coming after us. Hence we bear a historic responsibility to take the necessary step on 30 September and vote ‘FOR’ Macedonia’s integration with the North Atlantic Alliance and the European Union! There will be no losers but only winners on 30 September!

Our vote on 30 September will not only open the doors to NATO, EU, but also to better life for all of us! We shall win in this joint fight because we are certain that citizens will make the right decision ‘FOR’ European Macedonia, Ahmeti says in his letter to the public.


Speaker Xhaferi calls citizens to take part in making the most important decision for Macedonia’s future (MIA)

Parliament Speaker Talat Xhaferi called Thursday on citizens of Macedonia on 30 September to exercise their constitutional right, come out and take part in making the most important decision for Macedonia’s future.

“As citizens of this country all of us share same obligation and duty to take part in making this historic decision that will determine Macedonia’s future course. Citizens’ positive decision on 30 September will open NATO/EU doors for our country, which means security, more foreign investments, new jobs, larger market for domestic products, possibilities for young people” Xhaferi said in a last message to citizens ahead of the referendum.

By a successful referendum Macedonia will become a full-fledged NATO member and commence the EU accession talks, Xhaferi said, voicing belief that ‘on Sunday the citizens will not remain prisoners of the past, but come to the polling stations and make the right decision for the future. I am certain that you will choose the future, which is to bring progress, coexistence and prosperity. Therefore, I invite you on 30 September to vote for Euro-Atlantic Republic of Macedonia” Xhaferi said.




Referendum Campaign Wraps Up in Macedonia (BIRN)

Prime Minister Zaev ended his campaign for a 'Yes' vote in Sunday's referendum in Tetovo with a final appeal for a big turnout – while boycott advocate President Ivanov in New York complained that his country was being asked to commit suicide.


Ahead of Sunday's referendum in Macedonia on the country's historic agreement with Greece, the “Yes” camp, led by Prime Minister Zoran Zaev, wrapped up their campaign “For European Macedonia” in the northwestern town of Tetovo, urging a large turnout and national unity, regardless of political affiliations.

During the pre-election silence that began on Friday, no futher campaigning is allowed. On Sunday, around 1.8 million voters must choose whether or not to support the Greece-Macedonia “name” agreement reached this summer. A “yes” vote will ease Macedonia's path to EU and NATO membership.

“Here we are, united as never before. Let this generation [citizens] leave a mark [stating that] we have mustered the courage to secure the future of this multi-ethnic Macedonia,” Zaev said at a public debate on Thursday in Tetovo.

“On September 30, all together, consensually, we have a duty to come out and vote for a European Macedonia because our children and future are at stake,” Zaev added.


Under the deal signed with Greece this summer, Macedonia agreed to change its name to the Republic of North Macedonia, while Greece agreed to lift its long-standing veto on Macedonia's NATO and EU integration.

But for the deal to take effect, the people first have to answer the referendum question: “Do you support EU and NATO membership by accepting the deal between Macedonia and Greece?”

The “Yes” camp has insisted that the deal is fair and dignified, allowing the country to move forward, while not jeopardizing Macedonian ethnicity and language.

The main opposition VMRO DPMNE party opposes the agreement, insisting it is an act of capitulation.

However, the party has not run a classic “No” campaign, did not call on its supporters to vote at all and did not offer an alternative strategy concerning the country’s Euro-Atlantic path.

By advising each citizen to decide whether to vote in or boycott the referendum, the party was, however, accused of encouraging a silent boycott, which could jeopardize the required turnout of more than 50 per cent.

On Thursday, VMRO DPMNE’s Vice President, Aleksandar Nikolovski, reiterated that the referendum would fail to reach the turnout and raised fears of vote-rigging.

“My final message, foremost directed to the government, is not to even think of rigging Sunday’s referendum, forcing people to do something they don’t want [and] stuffing ballot boxes, because we will fiercely oppose this,” Nikolovski said.

Previously, VMRO DPMNE head Hristijan Mickovski predicted that the referendum would fail, and that not a single MP from their ranks would endorse the required constitutional changes needed to change the country's name.

The final rally of the unofficial camp that advocates a boycott of the referendum, comprised of small non-parliamentary parties and right-wing associations, ended on Thursday night in confusion.

Only about 100 people appeared at the rally in front of the parliament building in Skopje after the organizers cancelled the event at the last minute, stating that they feared provocateurs might cause violence, thus falsely painting the entire movement as violent.

In the absence of the organizers, those who showed up at the cancelled rally were left only to ponder Thursday’s speech of Macedonian President Gjorge Ivanov at the UN.

Ivanov, who is also an opponent of the “name” deal, told the General Assembly that his country was being asked to commit “suicide”, suggesting that he would boycott the plebiscite.

"On September 30, I will not go out and vote and I know that you, my fellow citizens, will make a similarly wise decision," Ivanov told the UN General Assembly.

A “Yes” vote on Sunday will give the green light to MPs to pass the required constitutional changes, which would enforce use of the new name.

For parliament to adopt the constitutional changes, it needs a two-thirds majority, meaning that at least 80 of the 120 MPs would have to support them.

The governing majority, plus the opposition parties who support the deal, have only 71 seats, nine short of the required two-thirds majority.