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Belgrade Media Report 17 September 2018



Vucic: Without a comprehensive package, there is no agreement on Kosovo (RTS)

Signing an agreement about Kosovo would not be acceptable for Serbia if this agreement should not include a comprehensive package for Serbia, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said, RTS reported on Saturday.

In a statement for Reuters news agency, he said that he had said “100 times” to the international community that he wanted guarantees for Serbia’s membership in the EU in 2025 if the agreement with Albanians was signed. However, Vucic added that still we have neither the

agreement nor the draft of it, and not even the proposal and thus he stated that he was not an optimist regarding the agreement, although he was willing to keep working on it.

He also said that he “would not even consider” putting an effort if Serbia, besides guarantees for EU membership, should not also receive and additional economic aid for achieving dramatically

faster growth.

In his comment of the fact that certain politicians from Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) mentioned the status of Sandzak more often, Vucic said that Republika Srpska (RS) and Sandzak

are not the same by any criterion, especially not by Constitution.

“Such comparatives are not valid or harmless… This is not an Ottoman Empire and Sandzak does not exist as such” Vucic said

“Does that mean that you would so easily breach the Constitution of Serbia, but you are so sensitive when someone else would, as I have never done, think that the Constitution of Bosnia or the Dayton Peace Agreement should be breached?”

“I don’t want to speak about the size or the number of people, but just about the constitutional legal perspective. But, when elections are over, there will be time to talk about this” he said.

Vucic said that two candidates for Bosnia’s Presidency, a Bosniak and a Croat, but both of whom are mostly supported by Bosniaks, made a parallel between Sandjak and RS after Vucic said that Serbia loves the RS and respects its integrity.

When he spoke about the Croat candidate, Vucic referred to Zeljko Komsic, predicting that this person will probably be the Croat Presidency member and that Bosniaks will elect him.

“But this is in accordance with their constitution and that is fine, I don’t want to get involved in that” he said.

Vucic said that the candidates, responding to his statement that he “loves RS,” said that they love Sandjak and asked Vucic whether he would allow for schools in that region to be named after Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H). The statement refers to Serbia’s support for opening a school in the RS named “Serbia”. Vucic said he would have no problem with that.

“But they have not built one, neither a school nor a kindergarten. We and friends we have brought there from the UAE and other places have built most of them,” he said.

“I would love it if they would build schools and kindergartens here, you have no idea how happy I would be and I would thank them for every one of them, I would attend the opening of a school named B&H, I have no problem with that” he said.


EU spokeswoman says no date for dialogue yet (N1 Belgrade)

The date of the next high-level meeting between representatives of Belgrade and Pristina is not known yet, Maja Kocijancic, spokeswoman for the European Union’s top diplomat, said in Brussels.

“I can’t announce the date of the next high-level meeting at the moment but I will do that when it is possible,” she said, adding that work on the agreement to normalise Belgrade-Pristina relations is ongoing.

Asked about Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic’s statement that an agreement with Pristina should include guarantees that Serbia will become an EU member by 2025, Kocijancic said the accession process is merit-based with the dialogue as an important part of the EU approach.

“The keys are in the hands of Serbia and everything depends on the progress that Serbia makes in the accession process. The commitment is there on the side of the EU but that does not change the fact that things have to happen in the accession process,” she said.

She recalled that the EU Strategy for the Western Balkans is very clear about solving bilateral disputes and the conditions for enlargement. “The dialogue is essential element and there is no change in that, she added.

Asked if the EU would accept an agreement which would include changes to the borders of Kosovo and Serbia, Kocijancic said she would not comment. “There is no agreement yet and I won’t comment. Work on the agreement is ongoing,” she said.


Kukan: There is no "magical solution" for relations between Belgrade and Pristina (Tanjug)

Chairman of the EU and Serbia Stabilization and Association Committee in the European Parliament, Eduard Kukan, says that in the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina a fundamental issue is not the current discussion about when the agreement will come, but what kind of agreement it should be.

"We need to be careful not to exceed the limits of what is possible" Eduard Kukan told Tanjug.

Asked by Tanjug how he sees the optimism of EU officials who are expecting a normalization agreement within next few months and the pessimism of Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic for whom "the solution is not yet in sight" Kukan says that current statements should be viewed from a "healthy distance”. "First of all, it is not a question of when the agreement should come, but what sort of agreement do we want." I think that, before we say something, it must be clear what we want to achieve. "I equally think of Serbia and Kosovo as well as the EU, which is responsible for the region, as a potential future part of the EU" Kukan said.

Kukan says he has long been following the relations between Serbia and Kosovo. He emphasizes that there is no "magical solution" for relations between Belgrade and Pristina, and that the work on the process and what has been achieved so far must continue.

"During the last few weeks, we have seen that Vucic and Thaci are trying to launch some ideas. I think that in this case, we have to be careful not to go beyond the limits of what is possible" adds a European Parliament official.

When asked by Tanjug whether recent developments in and around the dialogue point to a standstill or a possible delay in the entire process, Kukan says he does not think so.

"The dynamics in the dialogue are sometimes unequal, the truth is, it seems that it is very difficult to implement what was agreed. We have to see credible efforts in the implementation of what has been agreed." It is equally important that both sides act responsibly and seriously in this process. I hope that the new rounds of negotiations will bring us a more positive dynamics" said Kukan.


Germany is sceptic toward border changes (Danas)

A normalization of the Belgrade and Pristina relations would contribute to regional stability but Germany is sceptic about any potential changes of borders between Serbia and Kosovo, said newly appointed German Ambassador to Serbia, Thomas Schieb.

Progress in talks between political leaders of the two countries are very important for citizens of Serbia and Kosovo, he told Serbia’s Danas newspaper in an interview published on Saturday.

“The European Union made it clear: Serbia can join the EU only after it settles the issues it has with Kosovo. We are very skeptical regarding any changes of borders based on ethnicity,” he said, adding that German Chancellor Angela Merkel has recently expressed this position several times.

Commenting on a recent visit by Serbia’s President Aleksandar Vucic to Kosovo, Schieb said that it “should be normal for heads of neighboring states” to visit each other and that he is happy the visit went by “relatively calmly”.

Addressing the rule of law issues contained in Chapters 23 and 24 of the EU membership negotiations process, the Ambassador welcomed the additional roundtable discussions about a judicial reform that have been taking place and said that the idea of the process is “to offer the citizens improvement.”

Schieb also said that the media situation in Serbia has to improve so journalists can do their jobs without being threatened and attacked.


Dacic: Kosovo's recognition as a state? When pigs fly! (Kurir)

It is being suggested to Serbia that border correction is not an option because it is unrealistic and Serbia cannot ask for it, says Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic. He added that Belgrade is therefore being offered with the establishment of the Community of Serb Municipalities in the north of Kosovo, in exchange for Kosovo's independence. That will not be possible, Dacic is adamant.

"They will not talk about the correction of the borders, but they want Presevo and Bujanovac, they are so smart, I can only say that." Do you know when will that happen, to use the people's expression? When will we let them join the United Nations, give them Presevo and Bujanovac, recognize them as a state... When pigs fly!" said Dacic.


Opposition official says Vucic has no power to negotiate (Blic)

Senior opposition official Sanda Raskovic Ivic told Belgrade daily Blic that Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic does not have the authority to negotiate a demarcation with the Kosovo Albanians. The deputy People’s Party leader said that the president has not been given a mandate by either the government or Serbian parliament to negotiate with the Kosovo Albanians about a demarcation which runs counter to the constitution.

“The head of state went to Kosovo recently and failed to mention the constitution, UN Security Council resolution 1244 or even the Community of Serb Municipalities which was agreed in Brussels long ago. That is sad” Raskovic Ivic said. The only support that Vucic has for the demarcation idea is from the administration in Brussels while Berlin, London and Moscow are openly against it while the US do not have a clear stand on demarcation, she said.

According to Raskovic Ivic, Washington is prepared to take a “lenient stand” on Kosovo, “being aware that no regime in Serbia is prepared to make so many unacceptable concessions over its own sovereignty”.


EU accession "contribution to stability of Europe" (B92)

PM Ana Brnabic spoke on Sunday with Michael Roth, Minister of State for Europe and Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Federal Republic of Germany.

They discussed the current political situation in the Western Balkans region, as well as the results of economic reforms in Serbia, the Serbian government announced.

Brnabic said that economic cooperation with Germany is constantly progressing, and that a special focus will be placed on the cooperation of small and medium-sized enterprises.

Speaking about the continuation of reforms in Serbia, she said that great efforts are being invested in the strengthening and development of e-Government, which due to transparency it provides, is the most effective tool for fighting corruption.

We are also working intensively on the reform of public administration and judiciary, Brnabic said and added that all the measures taken so far, as well as those that are yet to come, are important for the fulfillment of standards of the European Union, but above all for the citizens of Serbia.

The interlocutors agreed that Serbia’s entry into the EU is beneficial both for Serbia and the EU, since it contributes to the preservation of peace, prosperity and stability of the whole of Europe.

Brnabic underlined that when it comes to reaching an agreement with Pristina, she sees compromise as the only solution and she is committed to dialogue regardless of the gravity of the problem.  She added that a frozen conflict is not in the interest of Serbia and that the problem must be solved, and that the courage of President Aleksandar Vucic, who opened an internal dialogue on Kosovo, was crucial for reaching a compromise.


Djilas: Vucic is buying power (FoNet)

The EU is supporting Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic out of interest, because it expects that he will make it possible for them to put an end to the Kosovo issue, which he had promised them when he took power, stated Dragan Djilas, the initiator and one of the founders of the Alliance for Serbia (SzS), in an interview for FoNet.

When asked why Brussels is “not noticing” the Serbian opposition, Djilas said that it is because they need Vucic for Kosovo and that it is much more important that the Serbian opposition urge for the fulfillment of the European standards than for membership in the EU, because even in the optimistic version it is attainable only after 2025.

“It is important to me for people in Serbia to support me, and I will say about Brussels what I truly think, and I am fully aware that we would be living better as part of the EU, but also that Serbia is a country in Europe, form which no one can kick us out,” Djilas pointed out.


He announced that the SzS would “look for partners both in the West and the East, in order to show that it is serious,” but rejected the comment that Vucic is doing the same, who “is working for himself, not for Serbia, and that is why, as a reward, he got the right to do whatever he wanted for five years.” We’re offering the citizens an interim government which will not include partisan leaders.

When asked about the ideological heterogeneity of the Alliance for Serbia, Djilas said that the alliance is not offering for the citizens to vote for the leaders, but for Vucic’s dismissal and the creation of an interim government, which will not include any of the Aliance for Serbia leaders.

He explained that this government, would “restore normality” to Serbia and help overcome the deep social division, after which free elections will be held, where the citizens will decide what

kind of a government they want.

Responding to the comment that the alliance appears even more conservative than Vucic when the Kosovo issue is concerned, Djilas responded that “it doesn’t compare itself to Vucic in any

respect.” “I believe that Kosovo is part of Serbia, however… we cannot realize the right to access our property” explained Djilas, who doesn’t believe in a solution that is not acceptable to both peoples.


Dacic says Serbia opposed to Kosovo military (RTS)

Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic said on Friday that Serbia is absolutely opposed to the forming of an army in Kosovo. He warned that the forming of a military force would jeopardize stability and security in Kosovo. “That runs counter to international law and UN Security Council resolution 1244 which see KFOR as the only form of an armed presence” Dacic said.

“What would those forces be used for except for some possible conflict” he said.

The Kosovo government decided on Thursday to initiate changes to the laws governing the Kosovo Security Forces with the aim of creating a military force.


Vucic praises India's decision to reject Kosovo independence (Beta)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic thanked India’s Vice-President Venkaiah Naidu for his country’s decision to reject the independence of Kosovo, saying India can count on Serbia’s support in international institutions.

“You can count on our support and our vote, just as we could always count on the support of India,” Vucic said at a joint press conference with Naidu. He said that he spoke with the Indian Vice-President about economic cooperation between their two countries and that trade between them is currently worth USD 200 million, but that it could be bigger.

He added that Serbia has abolished visa requirements for Indian citizens and that he hopes that air-routes between Belgrade and Delhi and Belgrade and Mumbai will be established soon.


Naidu said that the relationship between India and Serbia is based on mutual understanding and support.

“India and Serbia have historical and special relations as founders of the Non-Aligned Movement,” he said at the press conference. He also said his visit is of special significance as it marks 70 years since diplomatic relations between the two countries were established.


Bosnia and Herzegovina


Dzaferovic warns Vucic that nobody can prevent Bosniaks to have special stance on Sandzak, says RS was product of ethnic cleansing and genocide (Oslobodjenje)

SDA candidate for Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency member Sefik Dzaferovic commented “meddling of Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic” in election campaign in B&H and his claims that “someone from B&H easily and gladly steps over Serbian Constitution”. Dzaferovic said that Vucic should not be afraid that someone from B&H might jeopardize Serbia because “that never happened in history. It did happen the other way around and it was not so long time ago”. Dzaferovic added that, in spite of everything, “we want to develop better neighborly relations with Serbia, based on equality, as well as better relations between Bosniak and Serb people”. Dzaferovic also said that Vucic must be aware of the fact that nobody can ever prevent Bosniaks to have a special stance on Sandzak because “Sandzak is in hearts of all Bosniaks and it will stay there. We will respect Serbia exactly to the extent it respects B&H and we will continue to love Sandzak”.

However, he agreed with Vucic that the RS and Sandjak cannot be compared.

“Sandjak is a historical region where Bosniaks are the autochthonous population, while the RS entity emerged as a result of aggression on Bosnia and Herzegovina, ethnic cleansing, grave crimes including genocide, committed by the armies and police of Milosevic, Karadzic and Mladic,” Dzaferovic said, referring to wartime Serbian leader Slobodan Milosevic, Bosnian Serb leader Radovan Karadzic and Bosnian Serb general Ratko Mladic.


Komsic: Why is Vucic afraid of me? (N1)

Joining a Bosnian-Serbian spat over the status of provinces in both countries, Zeljko Komsic, a candidate for the Croat seat in the tripartite Bosnian Presidency, said Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic was afraid Komsic might win at the October election.

When he spoke about the Croat candidate, Vucic referred to Zeljko Komsic as the likely winner thanks to votes from Bosniaks. Komsic already won the post twice thanks to Bosniak votes and Croat parties in the country considered him an illegitimate representative of the Croat people in Bosnia.

"I want to remind Mr. Vucic that if I win, it will be thanks to votes of citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina and not because of some ethnic majority and by putting labels on people’s foreheads,” Komsic fired back in a statement.   He wondered why Vucic was bothered by his eventual victory, hinting that the Serbian President would actually like to see Komsic’s rival Dragan Covic, the incumbent Croat member of the Bosnian Presidency, get the post again.

"So why are you so worried by my eventual victory, Mr. Vucic? I’m not the one who glorifies the Ustasha’s NDH as your friend Dragan Covic” Komsic said.

“During the last war, my party did not put together lists of Serbs from Mostar who should be expelled. That was done by the party of your favorite, Dragan” Komsic said adding that it is not his party that is preventing Serbs from being equal citizens in Croat-dominated parts of Bosnia and Herzegovina, but Covic’s, “whose victory you don’t fear.”

“Does this mean Mr. Vucic that you would rather see someone glorifying ustashas, someone known for expelling Serbs and someone who even today does not regard Serbs as equals,” Komsic asked.

In his statement Komsic also mentioned the Bosnian Serb leader Milorad Dodik, referring to the calls for secessions made by the current President of Republika Srpska (RS). Komsic said these calls are made out of Dodik’s fear for his own position in fact represent “political suicide.”

"I’d like to ask him, who will respond to his calls? Nobody will,” Komsic said, noting that when a few years ago Dodik decided to boycott the state of Bosnia and called for all Serbs in state institutions to abandon their positions, none of the Serb judges and prosecutors at the state court responded.

“They are not crazy to do this because Dodik is not offering them any alternatives. Those are serious people, not naive,” the leader of the Democratic Front (DF) said.   He added that he can’t wait to see Dodik’s people pull out of state institutions but they won’t do it because they enjoy the salaries and benefits of their positions in the capital of Sarajevo.

"So pull out finally,” Komsic called on Dodik’s supporters. “Stop threatening us with depriving yourself of salaries and an easy life,” he concluded.


Ivanic’s statement that Serbia should not interfere with elections in RS sparks more reactions (RTRS)

Numerous reactions have been registered after Serb member of the Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency Mladen Ivanic recently said that Serbia should not interfere with elections in the RS.

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic stressed that Ivanic should have given such lectures to some other people who directly interfere with elections in the RS.

Serbian Minister of Public Administration and Local Self-Government Branko Ruzic was also quoted as saying that Serbia has no intention of interfering. He noted that the Serbian Government and Vucic himself are very devoted to development of special and parallel relations with the RS. He reminded that Serbia has invested more than EUR 21 million in various infrastructural projects since 2014, which were prepared by local self-government units in the RS. “Back then, I did not hear anyone opposing something like that, of course,” Ruzic said.

RS Prime Minister Zeljka Cvijanovic assessed that Ivanic’s statement is “rude” primarily because of Serbia’s investments in the RS. “When Serbia invests in municipalities of the RS, Ivanic and (SDS leader) Vukota Govedarica deem that the case is about interfering with elections. At the same time, they do not think the case is about interfering when foreign embassies allocate so much money to undermine institutions of the RS or when they use that money to support the opposition and their machinery to discredit their political opponents,” Cvijanovic argued.

SNSD MP in the B&H House of Representatives Stasa Kosarac noted that Ivanic has never reacted to attacks on the RS, nor has he ever defended the RS. “We have never heard him publicly confronting foreigners who interfere with internal matters and now, when there is no interfering in the RS at all, he is trying to create some kind of theory of chaos” Kosarac said.

Deputy Speaker of the RS National Assembly Nenad Stevandic argued that Ivanic’s message is probably intended for the Bosniak electorate that is supposed to be motivated by sending negative messages to Serbia.


RS’ officials harshly react to HR Inzko’s statement regarding Srebrenica (Vecernje Novosti)

Republika Srpska (RS) President Milorad Dodik reacted to the interview of High Representative Valentin Inzko given to Bloomberg.

The HR stated that every idea according to which Srebrenica is not a part of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) should be stopped. He also said that Bosniaks are very patient but if Srebrenica became a part of foreign territory that would be a cause for a war.

Dodik said that Srebrenica is a part of the RS and it will stay as such. He added: “Obviously, the development of the political situation goes in direction of breakup of B&H, since Inzko deals with the position of Srebrenica. Otherwise, why would he mention this at all? However, the RS does not have intention to take part in wars, but it will certainly protect all its rights and interests.” Dodik also said: “Obviously, the topic of B&H’s breakup is very intensive in Inzko’s head…” He added that there was suffering of both Serbs and Bosniaks in Srebrenica, however, none has been held accountable for the crimes committed against Serbs yet and Inzko and others like him keep presenting that Bosniaks only suffered there.

RS National Assembly Deputy Speaker Nenad Stevandic stated that Inzko could be the fourth, Bosniak member of the Presidency or a Bosniak MP at least explaining that Inzko has proved many times that he is not only biased when the Bosniak side is in question but that he also suffers of Serbophobia. Stevandic believes that the goal of such statement is to cause a nervous reaction of the Serb side in order to find the reason for sanctioning of the RS by West again.

SNSD’s MP Dusanka Majkic stated that for years the HR has been sending one-sided report to the UN Security Council and he has never reacted to constant attempts “to steal competences” from the RS. Majkic argues that by supporting one side only, the HR contributes to the bad situation in the country and peoples in B&H cannot agree about anything because of that. She believes that such statements of Inzko will bring no good to B&H. She also said that normal life will come to B&H when Bosniaks start to listen to other two peoples and none HR will be able to change it.

PDP President Borislav Borenovic believes that Inzko’s messages are very dangerous, hasty and ill-intentioned. He added that they want no harm to anyone but that Constitution and laws must be respected.


Dodik: There is no hidden influence of Russia, thanks Putin for making sure RS’ voice is heard at UN Security Council (RTRS)

Addressing the forum ‘Strategic dialogue on the topic of cooperation between Saint Petersburg and Republika Srpska (RS)’ in Banja Luka, RS President Milorad Dodik was quoted as saying that there is no hidden influence of Russia and that the RS does not want to get separated from its friends. That was his message to those who are trying to present any form of cooperation between the RS and Russia as Russia’s “malignant” influence in this region, according to the reporter. Dodik also noted that Russia’s attitude towards Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) is based on principles in terms of support to the Dayton Peace Accords (DPA).

“The attitude of the Russian Federation was not about supporting any kind of instability but international order and law. That is the only way for us to move on. However, over the past decades, there have been those who got carried away violating the international law,” Dodik said. Such attitude of Russia was crucial to make sure that the voice of the RS is also heard at the UN Security Council – “and not only reports of the High Representatives that were created in Sarajevo at the expense of the RS”.

Dodik used the opportunity to thank Russia and President Vladimir Putin for having vetoed the UK Resolution on Srebrenica at the UN Security Council. “Otherwise, Serbs would have been registered in history as people who committed genocide in the past. We would be unable to remove that label from our children for centuries to come,” Dodik stressed. He also quoted Putin as saying, during a military exercise in Eastern Siberia, that Russia will be strengthening its army in order to protect its sovereignty as well as its friends and allies, if necessary. “We are looking forward. Not that someone should intervene here, but to have that in mind too” Dodik concluded.


Dodik blames Sarajevo for rescheduling of Lavrov's visit (Srna)

The rescheduling of the visit of Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov to Bosnia is a result of obstructions coming from Sarajevo, the President of Republika Srpska (RS) Milorad Dodik, said on Saturday.

“All of a sudden the meeting between the members of Bosnia’s Presidency and Lavrov is being cancelled, because Bosniak Presidency member Bakir Izetbegovic has some problems, so he could not come, and the Americans suggested he shouldn’t meet with Lavrov” Dodik told journalists.Dodik, said that unspecified US actors suggested to Izetbegovic that Lavrov should not be received on a high diplomatic level .

“And when Lavrov probably found out about this, then the date of his visit was moved. Those who know more about this should be asked” he said.

Lavrov was initially supposed to be in Bosnia on September 16 and 17, but he has rescheduled the visit to September 21.




Mattis: Referendum is the most important vote in your history (MIA)

The upcoming referendum is the most important vote in the history of your nation. At the referendum you will decide on your future, take advantage of the opportunity to move towards new future and in this you have the support of the United States, US Defence Secretary James Mattis said at the joint press conference with PM Zoran Zaev and Defence Minister Radmila Sekerinska on Monday.


“We recognize complex political process which is ahead of you and we support you in exercising your democratic vote and responsibility to vote” Mattis said. He noted that the Prespa Agreement will enable implementation of key reforms in the process of NATO and EU accession, will strengthen the security and economic development of Macedonia.

“I applaud you for your tireless efforts to achieve historic agreement with Greece in Prespa. We are aware that it has demanded patient diplomacy from both sides and compromises are always difficult, Mattis said, expressing gratitude to Zaev and Sekerinska for their engagement in resolving as he underlined “difficult name dispute.”

He reminded on statement of NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg that by joining NATO, Macedonia will receive equal place in the most successful military alliance along with 29 other member states, which as Mattis said, are committed to protecting you and your security.

“It brings enhanced security, as well as strengthened economic development, Mattis said, underlining that example of Montenegro where foreign investments have doubled since country joined NATO. He also noted that the Alliance is committed to preserving territorial integrity and safeguarding freedom and democracy.

“We are ready to welcome you as NATO’s 30th member,” US Defence Secretary said.

Mattis announced that he is to meet with President Gjorge Ivanov with whom, as he said, will continue talks on the bright future that lies ahead of the country.


PM Zaev underlined that this is another festive day for Macedonia due to the visit of senior US official. He said that Mattis’s visit is in significantly important period when the citizens of the Republic of Macedonia are preparing for the referendum to cast their vote for accepting the agreement with Greece and by this our membership in NATO and EU.

“The visit is another confirmation of the encouragement and affirmation of our strategic partnership and is a strong incentive for the correctness of the policies that the Republic of Macedonia is taking in terms of dialogue, tolerance,” Zaev said.


Sekerinska told press conference that Mattis’s visit represents a strong confirmation for strategic partnership between Macedonia and the USA.

“Your visit is the first visit to Macedonia by the US Secretary of Defence in the past 14 years. For the first time in our history as an independent state, the US Defence Secretary and Macedonian Defence Minister have two meetings in Washington, but also in Skopje in less than six months. All this speaks about our strategic partnership, but all of this also speaks about your personal commitment to Macedonia and its membership in NATO,” Sekerinska said.

She said that Macedonia is only one step closer to joining NATO and on this path Macedonia received US strong support from the very beginning.


Mattis condemns Russian efforts to use its money and influence to build opposition to an upcoming vote (MIA)

Defense Secretary Jim Mattis arrived in Macedonia Monday, condemning Russian efforts to use its money and influence to build opposition to an upcoming vote that could pave the way for the country to join NATO — a move Moscow opposes.

Mattis told reporters traveling with him to Skopje that there is "no doubt" that Moscow has been funding pro-Russian groups in order to defeat the referendum on a name change later this month.

"They have transferred money and they're also conducting broader influence campaigns," Mattis said. "We ought to leave the Macedonian people to make up their own minds."

Mattis said that the United States does not want to see Russia doing to Macedonia "what it has tried in so many countries"

Mattis said that he and other NATO allies "say right up front in open press what we think. We're not passing money to people behind the scenes, we're not putting together parties that we control or try to control."

Mattis said he believes the Macedonian peoples' lives can be changed with added economic opportunities and security, and it's important to have those options available. He said he will take that message to President Djordje Ivanov.


Stoltenberg: Russia obstructs Macedonia’s entry into NATO (MIA)

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg has accused Russia of obstructing the entry into the Alliance of Macedonia. “Russia is trying to obstruct Macedonia’s joining in NATO, as it was the case with Montenegro where we experienced the failure of coup d'état plot” Stoltenberg said speaking at the Heritage Foundation. According to him, there are many examples of Russia’s attempts to intervene in the political processes in different countries of NATO and partner countries.


Zaev: No evidence of Russian influence in Macedonia (MIA)

PM Zoran Zaev answering journalists' questions at the conference dedicated to media freedom in the Western Balkans, said that there is no evidence of Russian influence in Macedonia.

“I have no evidence on any Russian influence. Russian Federation is a friend of Macedonia and it has nothing against Macedonia’s integration in the EU, however it is against our integration into NATO. And they say it very clearly. We are trying to explain that for us there is no alternative, but full integration into EU and NATO. We want to build friendship with all countries and with the Russian Federation because I believe that everything representing explication of friendship in Macedonia will be understood by friends from Russia because our citizens will remain committed to this orientation” Zaev said, who attends EU-Western Balkans Media Days 2018.




Kosovo, Serbia not to involve border issue (ADN)

It is crucial for Kosovo and Serbia to consolidate their relations on the road to EU integration, without involving the border issue, said President of the Republic Ilir Meta in an interview with the Italian daily Il Messaggero.

Speaking about the debate on border correction between the two neighboring countries, President Meta said that the consolidation of relations between Pristina and Belgrade is important to peace in the region and beyond.

Regarding Albania's EU integration, the head of state underlined that the EU must see the progress made by Albania in the right direction, while hoping for the country's swift opening of negotiations and membership in the EU.

Asked about the migration phenomenon, President Meta said the EU has the main role for crisis management, suggesting a new strategy to tackle the phenomenon.

"It is necessary for the EU to change its strategic approach to this phenomenon. Foreign policy should not just manage the arrival of migrants, but above all prevent it. The situation in North Africa and Syria imposes a political role and in this regard, Brussels needs to do more," Meta stressed.

Referring to the case of Eritrean migrants stranded on the 'Diciotti' ship off the Italian coast, the President said that "by receiving 20 immigrants we wanted to have a European reflection on how to solve this important problem," while noting that the 'Diciotti' case is important because it showed everywhere in the old continent that new common policies are needed.

President Meta is expected to hold a meeting Monday with Pope Francis, to whom he said he is grateful for the special attention the Pope has paid to Albania and his support for religious coexistence.





Several thousand Macedonians gather in support EU, NATO membership (Reuters)

Several thousand Macedonians gathered in the capital Skopje on Sunday to express their support for NATO and European Union membership bids and for a change in the country’s name.

The crowd, waving Macedonian flags, marched through Skopje city center and stopped in front of the European Union office in Macedonia to hear Prime Minister Zoran Zaev speak.

“EU and NATO are the safe road, for us there is no other alternative. That’s our guide for a better life,” Zaev told them.

He called on people to vote in support of a “historic” decision on Sept. 30, when a referendum on both the membership bids and the agreement with Greece to change the country’s name to Republic of North Macedonia will take place.

Greece, a member of both NATO and the EU, has refused to accept the Balkan country’s name, saying it implies territorial claims on the Greek province of Macedonia and amounts to an appropriation of its ancient civilization. It has blocked the country’s membership bids.

Macedonia was part of the now-defunct Yugoslavia, declaring independence in 1991.

Zaev’s government, elected in 2017, pushed for an agreement with Greece and the two sides agreed on the new name in June.

In June, NATO invited Macedonia to begin accession talks with the alliance, but said it would have to change its constitution and adopt the new name first.

The EU has also said it would set a date for Macedonian accession talks pending implementation of the name deal. Macedonian nationalists who oppose the deal organized a protest in the eastern town of Stip on Sunday.

“They (the government) are taking advantage of the Macedonian people’s strong will to achieve European standards, true prosperity, stability and security, to push an agenda which is against our state and national interests,” the leader of the opposition VMRO-DPMNE party, Hristijan Mickoski, told about 2,000 people in Stip.

According to recent opinion polls, more than 50 percent of people are likely to vote, with the majority supporting the membership bids and the name deal.