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Belgrade Media Report 19 September



Vucic: What Izetbegovic have to do with Kosovo? (B92, Tanjug)

President of Serbia Aleksandar Vucic responded to the criticism of Bosniak member of the Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency Bakir Izetbegovic.

In an interview for the portal, Izetbegovic said that “Vucic advocates peace, but his arming himself”. Also, he thinks that “Vucic is in a crack” and that he is trying “to satisfy and calm the radical part of Serbian public, by using strong words, before he makes some moves in regard to Kosovo, which could cause resistance and possible rebellion”.

“I read it all carefully, and can someone tell me what Izetbegovic have to do with Kosovo? That is direct interference in the internal matters of one country. Serbia is not a threat to anyone, we want the best relations with Bosniaks. They have 15 days till elections and they would like to score some points, if someone says something bad against me. When I speak about B&H, I’m speaking about Dayton B&H, about respecting its territorial integrity and the territorial integrity of Republika Srpska” said Vucic.

“It’s our business how much weapons are we going to have – that is our business. We don’t have enough of it and we must get it. We don’t want to join NATO, but we want to preserve our military neutrality and freedom, and for that we need a strong army which is able to avert every aggressor. Not to attack someone, because that would be a catastrophe, and we are not interested in participation in any wars which have an offensive role. We want to be the champions in economic progress” said Vucic.


Dacic: Belgrade won’t recognize Kosovo first, and then talk (Beta)

Serbia cannot accept the unilaterally proclaimed independence of Kosovo, and it is good that the president of the provisional Kosovo institutions, Hashim Thaci, knows that, who says that there is no solution without Serbia, Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic said.

Serbia’s Foreign Minister said on Tuesday that his country would not first accept the independence of Kosovo and then negotiate with Pristina, adding “that’s for sure,” the Beta news agency reported. After meeting his Cape Verde’s counterpart Luis Filipe Taveras in Belgrade, Ivica Dacic told reporters that “unilaterally declared independence of Kosovo was an illegal act.”

“Our stand is that we don’t recognize Kosovo, an illegal creation.”

Dacic added that Kosovo’s independence was contrary to the international law and that no country would accept that, so Serbia would not either, regardless of all pressures and talks.

He said that both Germany and Great Britain were against the changes of borders, while other countries supported a compromise and did not interfere in what way Belgrade and Pristina would reach it. "They are only interested that there is an agreement” Dacic said, adding it was important that states which had not recognized Kosovo’s independence empower Serbia to work into reaching a compromise.


Dacic: Demarcation is just an idea (FoNet)

Demarcation is just an idea that has been put forward for discussion, Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic said on Wednesday.

“The demarcation idea is an option which (Serbian President) Aleksandar Vucic expressed in public and has not become a subject of talks yet because, objectively, the talks have not moved towards concrete things,” he said and added that ideas and options were put forward.

“We want to turn to a positive agenda and remove security problems in the region, end conflicts and turn a new page in our relations,” Dacic said.

“Don’t mention Pandora’s box which was opened with the recognition of Kosovo” Dacic said. He believes that a possible Belgrade-Pristina agreement would not open Pandora’s box because it would have the support of Serbs, Albanians and the international community.


Hahn: Vucic, Thaci aware of exchange of territories limitations (Beta)

EU Neighbourhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations Commissioner Johannes Hahn has said that the presidents of Serbia and Kosovo, Aleksandar Vucic and Hashim Thaci, are aware of the limitations of the idea of swapping territories. In an interview with Deutsche Welle, Hahn said it was still early to speak about the EU's position on the exchange of territories idea and that negotiations should be left to Vucic and Thaci. They are fully aware of the limitations of the idea, after it has reached the public - not only in terms of their citizens, but also the international community, he said. Hahn added that all were of the opinion that a bilateral solution had to bring stability in the region, not the opposite.


Serbia can count on Cape Verde (Tanjug)

Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic spoke with his colleague from the Republic of Cape Verde Luis Filipe Lopez Tavares, who said that Serbia can count on that African country in its efforts to preserve its national interests on Kosovo.

"Serbia can trust us, we are a legal, democratic state that keeps its word and wants to have excellent relations with Serbia. Count on us to fight with you for your national interests," said Luis Filipe Lopes Tavares to the press at the joint press conference with Minister Ivica Dacic.

Tavares said he wants relations between the two countries to be an example not only for cooperation with African countries, but for the whole world, and assessed that the signing of the Memorandum of Cooperation in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is a step on this path.

"We will stay forever green, according to our name" Tavares said commenting on the map shown by Minister Dacic to "break" the story of Pristina that most of the world supports it, and on which countries are divided into two colors red and green depending on whether they recognize or do not recognize the independence of Kosovo.

"Cape Verde had no interest in participating in our efforts to preserve territorial integrity, but they did it as a true friend" Dacic said, adding that both countries will start working on mutual visa abolishment. Dacic assessed the relations between the two countries as good, but added that relations had not been developed since the time of former Yugoslavia, when Josip Broz Tito supported the struggle of African countries for independence.


Dacic: Brothers and sisters in Croatia, let's focus on future (Tanjug)

Belgrade wants the best relations with Croatia, but it doesn’t accept the blackmail that is coming from Zagreb, stated the Minister of Foreign Affairs Ivica Dacic and called, as he said, brothers and sisters Croats to all focus on future a little bit.

Ivica Dacic gave his statement reacting to the statement by the Croatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic saying “Serbia’s road to the EU leads through Croatia, and that there are a lot of accumulated issues which need to be solved foe Serbia to enter the EU”.

“The road to the EU doesn’t need to lead through Croatia, it can lead through Hungary, Rumania, Greece, that is a just giving yourself too much importance” said Dacic.

“Because Plenkovic used that expression to say that Croatia is going to determine if Serbia is going to enter the EU, of course, Croatia is a part of EU, but EU is certainly not going to allow unsolved bilateral issues to be the obstacle for the entry of some other countries” added the minister.

According to him, there is nothing to talk about regarding that, when it is known that Croatia entered the EU via Slovenia, and that it didn’t resolve the border issue.

“We want the best possible relations with Zagreb. We want the best relations with Croatia, but not the blackmail, we will not change our basic orientation because of Zagreb” said Dacic when asked to comment the statement of the Croatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic regarding Serbia’s road to the EU.

Dacic assessed that Serbia and Croatia can be much stronger together.

“Let's focus on future a little bit, brothers and sisters Croats. What are we talking about, when the whole world, those who were killing each other much more, have found the common language, and we still are supposed to deal with our problems” said the minister Dacic.


Lazanski: Serbia is arming for peace and not for war (RTS)

Military-political commentator Miroslav Lazanski says for RTS that the Serbian Air Force, with its modernized MiG aircrafts, drones that should be now purchased from China, helicopters that we are buying, would be the strongest in the Ex-Yugoslav region - even stronger than the Hungarian and Bulgarian. He points out that Serbia is arming for peace and not for war.

Miroslav Lazanski said that the purchase of weapons will probably cause the reaction from the countries in the region and some other great powers.

"Serbia is not arming for war, but for peace, because if you are military ready, nobody will attack you. What will be the reaction of countries in the region does not concern me, but they will probably give some kind of a statement in terms of - Serbia is arming itself. Regarding other Great powers, this with the Chinese is proof that we are really having a neutral military policy and that we are purchasing weapons from everyone, with the most favorable economic conditions. We are not focused and exclusively oriented to one supplier of military equipment. Who's offer is the best, that’s who we will buy it from, whether they are the Chinese, Indians, Russians, Americans, for us, it makes no difference" says Lazanski.

He adds that Serbia is lagging in the development of our own drones and that it is compensating that by purchasing them from abroad.

"Chinese drones are in the top of the worlds technology, technology wise, and six times cheaper than drones on the world market. It would be great if we were to get laser drones for reconnaissance, notification and correction of fire. As for laser bombs, we do not have them in the Serbian Army arsenal. We must also buy this type of technology from them because when you have a laser bomb or a laser, you must have a laser marker" Lazanski explains

Lazanski states that the technology transfer agreement is the most important one.

"The Chinese have offered us a transfer of technology for the rocket range of 300 kilometers “Sumadija" and they offered us a cooperation, to give us the part of the technology to produce this rocket in Serbia. Now, if they would give us all that technology so that we produce some of the components for all these systems here, that would be a great progress" Lazanski said.

He estimates that Serbia has the capacity to do so. According to him, if all these announced weapons arrive, this will be the biggest leap in the modernization of the air force since the time of the great former Yugoslavia.


Bosnia and Herzegovina


US ambassador Cormack says no Kosovo-RS parallels (FoNet)

US Ambassador in Sarajevo Maureen Cormack said on Wednesday that no parallels can be drawn between Kosovo and the Republika Srpska (RS). The ambassador told Radio Free Europe that Washington supports the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue which should lead to a solution in the form of an agreement by both sides, adding that the US welcomes the role of the European Union in the process. US policy is clear and consistent with no parallels between Kosovo and Serbia and the RS, Cormack said.

“Our policy is consistent in regard to support for and commitment to the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H). This is a state made up of two entities. Under the Dayton peace agreement, B&H consists of two entities and they do not have the right to secession” the ambassador is quoted as saying.

Cormack also expressed concern over the atmosphere prior to the elections in B&H, warning of politicians using lies and fear as the basis for their campaigns instead of facts. She expressed the hope that voters will focus on real issues such as the country’s progress, the development of the economy and improvements of the health and education sectors.


NDP’s Krsmanovic: Vucic should not be visiting RS before elections (Oslobodjenje)

NDP Vice-president Zdravko Krsmanovic said that it is necessary to ‘reduce’ cooperation between Republika Srpska (RS) and the Serbian governments in the pre-election period.

“If you have joint sessions of the governments in the RS, if you give promises about new projects, then others can see it as support to the authorities in the RS. That is why I advise Aleksandar Vucic not to come to Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H), namely the RS, until the elections” said Krsmanovic and warned that it might be dangerous for the election process in the RS if it is determined that SNS people are registering Serbian citizens for voting in B&H. “We have information that the people are registering in Serbia with help of SNS members. In a way that they are abusing the information of the citizens that was used for the 2016 referendum in the RS” said Krsmanovic and called on the Central Election Commission (CEC) of B&H to stop manipulations.


Izetbegovic criticizes Vucic for failing to react to Dodik’s undermining of territorial integrity of B&H (RTRS)

Leader of SDA and outgoing member of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency Bakir Izetbegovic criticized Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic again. RTRS carries Izetbegovic’s statement saying that although Vucic advocates peace, Serbia increases amount of its weapons. He added that although Vucic is aware of mistakes Serbs made in the previous period, he commends wartime leaders and convicted war criminals. Izetbegovic went on to say that while Vucic advocates reconciliation with Bosniaks and integrity of B&H, he is developing friendship with Dodik and does not oppose Republika Srpska (RS) President when he insults Bosniaks and undermines territorial integrity of B&H and peace in the Balkans.


Dodik: SNSD member will be RS PM (RTRS)

Republika Srpska (RS) President and leader of SNSD Milorad Dodik stated that he is convinced the election day (October 7) will pass without any incidents and that results of general elections will be fair. Dodik underlined that that he expects convincing victory of SNSD in upcoming elections in the RS, as well as in elections for authorities at Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) level. The leader of SNSD emphasized that SNSD’s representative will lead the new RS Government. He added that all those who have ambitions to appoint their candidates to this place should look for political partners elsewhere if they do not like the idea that the member of SNSD will be the new Prime Minister of the RS.

Dodik also said that Zeljka Cvijanovic will be the RS President, while he will be the Serb member of B&H Presidency with offices in Banja Luka and Istocno Sarajevo.

“I do not intend to have an office in Sarajevo, nor that it necessary, sometimes I will go for a meeting there but I have no intention to reside there” Dodik said. He also said that SNSD and parties close to it will have absolute majority in the RS National Assembly. Apart from this, Dodik announced that the main topic will be positioning of the RS at the level of B&H and added: “As far as we are concerned, the RS will be in the first place there”. Dodik also stated that he thinks “people will have to reject this treacherous politics and traitors embodied in B&H Presidency member Mladen Ivanic and others close to him”.


SDS’ Govedarica says he is going to look up to Radovan Karadzic (Dnevni avaz)

SDS leader and candidate of the Alliance for Victory (SzP) for Republika Srpska (RS) President Vukota Govedarica stated that the RS needs people who will work in favor of their people. However, he went a step further and said: “Tonight, when this rally ends, I will ask Sonja and Ljilja (daughter and wife of Radovan Karadzic) to talk to her father and her husband, and our first President, and to give him our regards and tell him that the future President of the RS told him he is going to look up to him, and not remind of the one who leads the RS today.”

Daily noted that Govedarica’s words are horrifying, as SDS leader has practically announced a new armed conflict in BiH and continuation of Karadzic’s original plans. Also, noted the daily, unwillingness of the international community to penalize such rhetoric has led to the current crisis.


Dodik to HR Inzko: Srebrenica is and always will be part of RS, no one can interfere (ATV)

Republika Srpska (RS) President Milorad Dodik told High Representative (HR) Valentin Inzko on Tuesday that Srebrenica was and always will be part of Republika Srpska (RS) and that no one can interfere with this issue. The reporter noted that Dodik was triggered by the fact that a couple of days ago, the HR mentioned the status of the Municipality of Srebrenica. In his statement to US media, HR Inzko allegedly warned that Bosniaks may be ready for war in case that Srebrenica belongs to the RS after secession from Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H). Dodik stressed that the RS does not want conflicts and added that the international community (IC) - that calls for peace the most - openly conjures war in B&H. He also said that statements of the HR in B&H make no sense, adding that Inzko obviously does not advocate peace in B&H.


Dodik underlined: “Srebrenica is part of the RS in territorial sense. I see no reason for him (the HR) to get involved in any stories about this. It stays, is and will be part of the territory of the RS and he cannot change this regardless of his cynicism. I think that in this way, he only shows that he is a mercenary of the Muslim side”. Dodik emphasized that statements of the HR are another trigger for the RS to seriously deal with secession from B&H, and underlined that Srebrenica would stay within the framework of the RS and not become part of a foreign country.


Serb member of B&H Presidency Mladen Ivanic agreed with Dodik. Ivanic said on Tuesday that crimes against Serbs and crimes against Bosniaks in Srebrenica are facts, adding that it is obvious that the HR defends interests of Bosniaks. Ivanic said: “Representatives of international institutions, including Inzko will be smart if they talk less about some big thesis during this period. Srebrenica is a part of the RS and no one can deny this. Therefore, Srebrenica is within the RS by the Dayton Peace Accords and it will stay a part of the RS. In my opinion, all these stories represent some kind of adulation to one side in B&H”.

The Office of the High Representative (OHR) mitigated statements of HR Inzko on Tuesday, although they did not comment on the fact that he mentioned a possible war in B&H. Once more, the OHR called for peace but without mentioning of Srebrenica. The OHR stated: “The HR warned - on several occasions - of anti-Dayton rhetoric and rhetoric of divisions that can be heard from some politicians in B&H. He wanted to point out that under no circumstances, the IC will allow redrawing of borders of B&H, whose territorial integrity is guaranteed by the General Framework Agreement for Peace and the international law”.




Croatian PM says Serbia’s road to EU is via Zagreb (N1)

Croatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic said on Wednesday that Serbia’s road to the European Union leads through Zagreb.

“Serbia’s road to the EU leads through Zagreb and solutions to accumulated issues,” the prime minister said in parliament answering an MP’s question about open issues with Serbia, including war reparations. Plenkovic said his cabinet was working to resolve open questions and recalled that they were discussed during visits by Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic to Zagreb and Croatian officials to Belgrade. The Prime Minister expressed hope that the Croatian minority in Serbia will enjoy a similar status to that of the Serbian minority in Croatia.


"Croatia not obstacle on Serbia's EU road - it's 2 others" (Jutarnji list)

Although it is thought Serbia that the the main obstacle on its EU path in Croatia, the real "danger" comes from a single rule that the EU will not change. According to Croatian newspaper Jutarnji List, this is what the Brussels-based website is reporting.

The daily's text, says that "essentially the biggest 'enemies' of Serbia on the road to EU membership are actually Germany and France, that do not want to give up rules that each EU member state has the right of veto on enlargement."

"When it comes to negotiations with Serbia, although the public of Serbia is amusing itself by 'Croatia blocking them', the main brakes are France and Germany. They want this process to continue, but not speed up. They want Serbia to believe that it will enter EU, but do not agree to promise any possible deadlines," the article added.




Constitutional Court dismisses initiative disputing referendum decision (MIA)

The Constitutional Court dismissed Wednesday an initiative assessing the constitutionality and legality of the decision on scheduling a referendum, passed by the Macedonian Parliament on 30 July 2018. Seven constitutional court judges voted in favor of dismissing the initiative, which was endorsed by two judges.

The initiative was championed by the constitutional court judge, Elena Goseva, proposing a procedure be launched involving the decision to schedule a referendum and to put a timely measure in place halting all activities for a certain period of time.

According to her, the decision contains several legal shortcomings. The referendum question, she has said, is manipulative, the type of the referendum is vague, and also the full name of the Prespa Agreement is omitted. Goseva has noted that the referendum decision doesn't contain four out of seven elements for a referendum. The question should be divided into three questions, the judge has said.

Darko Kostadinovski and Osman Kadriu, constitutional court judges proposed by the President Gjorge Ivanov, have a different position. They said the decision contains all the necessary elements calling initiatives for its dismissal 'groundless'. Also, judges Naser Ajdini, Vangelija Markudova, Sali Murati and Vladimir, including Constitutional Court President Nikola Ivanovski, said that no constitutional provisions have been breached.

The initiative to assess the constitutionality and legality of the referendum decision was filed by the left-wing political party Levica and the organization "World Macedonian Congress".


President Bush backs Macedonia in NATO, urges participation in historic referendum (MIA)

The Prespa Agreement is a courageous and fair compromise and it will set Macedonia on a course to enter the European Union and NATO. I urge every citizen of Macedonia to participate in this historic decision and vote in your national referendum later this month, former US President George W. Bush said in the letter to the citizens of the Republic of Macedonia.

“From the day of your nation's independence, the United States of America has been your steadfast friend. The American people have admired your peaceful emergence from the ashes of Yugoslavia. We have respected your courage in upholding democratic values and free institutions. And we have supported your aspirations to achieve prosperity and security in a Europe that is whole, free, and at peace,” reads the letter released by Atlantic Council in Washington.

“As President of the United States, I was honored to stand by President Trajkovski in 2001 as he led Macedonia away from the brink of civil war toward a society defined by multi-ethnic understanding and the rule of law. And I was proud when the United States recognized the Republic of Macedonia by its constitutional name in 2004,” reads the letter.


He said that the Prespa Agreement, now before you for ratification, is a courageous and fair compromise. It will set Macedonia on a course to enter the European Union and NATO, and to achieve the bright future that President Trajkovski envisioned.

“I urge every citizen of Macedonia to participate in this historic decision and vote in your national referendum later this month. After a decade of setbacks, you have the power to write a new and more hopeful story for you, your children, your neighbors, and your country. History's greatest alliance for freedom is holding a place for the land you love, and I look forward to the day that the United States of America proudly welcomes the Republic of North Macedonia as our newest ally, the 30th member of NATO,” Bush said in the letter.

Bush also added that President Trajkovski was a man of character, steady purpose — and, above all, faith. He had faith in God, faith in his country and its people, and faith in the ability of its leaders to make wise decisions.


Sir Duncan conveys British support for upcoming referendum, reforms in Macedonia (MIA)

To boycott the 30 September referendum is an act of boycotting the country’s future, democracy in general, Prime Minister Zoran Zaev and UK Minister for Europe and the Americas Sir Alan Duncan concluded Tuesday at their meeting in Skopje.

Sir Duncan wished for Macedonia to have a successful referendum – the most democratic instrument for citizens to voice their opinion. He also conveyed his country’s support for Macedonia’s efforts to realize its strategic goals – the EU, NATO membership,

Zaev expressed belief that a vast majority of citizens would turn out to vote for Euro-Atlantic Macedonia.

“I also expect for all political stakeholders in the country to set aside their interests and respect their duty to vote in the referendum in this historic moment for Macedonia,’ Zaev said.


Foreign Minister Nikola Dimitrov also had a meeting with Minister Duncan, who underlined the significance of the outcome of 30 September referendum, as well as of the results of ongoing reforms in Macedonia. Sir Duncan commended Macedonia’s progress on the road to EU, NATO membership, as well as its accomplishments in building regional relations and settling disputes with the neighbors, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said in a press release.

Sir Duncan’s visit to Skopje reflects the staunch British support of Macedonia’s bid to become a member of the European, Euro-Atlantic family of free, prosperous nations, Dimitrov said.


German FM Maas urges citizens of Macedonia to seize the historic opportunity (MIA)

German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas expressed hope Tuesday that all citizens of Macedonia would exercise their right to vote in the 30 September referendum, seize the historic opportunity for resolving the name dispute and consequently open the EU prospect for the country.

The decision is now in the hands of citizens, Maas said Tuesday at a joint press conference with his Macedonian counterpart Nikola Dimitrov.

“Macedonia may commence the EU accession talks next year. We are committed to making the prospect of EU membership visible for the countries of the Western Balkans. It is important for the stability of the region and thus it is not only yours but also ours, European interest. At the same time the EU accession process means meeting of other criteria – rule of law, fight against corruption, organized crime” Maas said.

By settling the name dispute, the government demonstrated its vision for the country’s future and I want to encourage the people of Macedonia to continue along this path, the German FM said.

Dimitrov said the visits of top German officials to the country reflect the staunch support of official Berlin, which recognized Macedonia’s determination, capacity to solve own problems and move forward. Dimitrov said he briefed Maas about the government activities to present detailed information on the (name) Prespa Agreement and benefits of NATO membership status to citizens.


Speaker Xhaferi meets EP Vice President Papadimoulis (MIA)

Parliament Speaker Talat Xhaferi met Tuesday with European Parliament Vice President Dimitrios Papadimoulis, who is taking part at the 15. meeting of the Macedonia-EU Joint Parliamentary Committee in Skopje.

Xhaferi highlighted the excellent relations with the European Parliament, with the JPC meeting and a conference of young leaders in the Parliament in the coming days sending another clear message over the country's European future, the Speaker's Office said in a press release.

He said the parliamentary majority has invested all efforts towards removing the obstacles to Macedonia's Euro-Atlantic integration, including the Bulgarian Friendship Treaty and the Agreement with Greece.

Papadimoulis reiterated EP's strong support to Macedonia's European integration, and the unequivocal, almost unanimous support by MEPs to the Prespa Agreement

According to him, both countries have given the European Parliament a strong argument, being a positive example in the region, capable of building bridges and finding a compromise.

Papadimoulis expressed optimism over a positive outcome of the referendum and the next steps towards its implementation. Interlocutors voiced assurance that people will feel the agreement's benefits in the months following the deal's implementation, reads the press release.


PM Zaev to meet US Vice President Pence on Thursday (MIA)

Prime Minister Zoran Zaev will meet with US Vice President Mike Pence on Thursday in Washington, government's press service told.

“The meeting will be held at the invitation of the US Vice President Pence and will focus Macedonia’s progress towards NATO membership,” government sources said on Wednesday.

Zaev’s trip to Washington comes after the visits of the US Defence Secretary James Mattis and US Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs Wess Mitchell to Macedonia and their expressed support for the upcoming referendum and country’s EU and NATO integration.




Meta urges Albanians in Macedonia to vote "for" at referendum (ADN)

The President of the Republic, Ilir Meta, received on Tuesday in a meeting the Chairman of the Albanian Democratic Party of Macedonia, Menduh Thaci. The Head of the State praised the positive approach of the Macedonian Government for inclusive reforms and the important contribution of the Albanian political factor to these vital processes. He also underlined that the Albanian political factor in Macedonia has and have an irreplaceable role in the process of internal social and political transformation, as well as Macedonia's integration into Euro-Atlantic organizations. Meta stressed that Macedonia is in a very favorable and optimistic moment after resolving the dispute with Greece and called on the Albanians in Macedonia to take part at the September 30 referendum and vote "for" the country's European future.




Tensions mount over Kosovo-Serbia deal (EU Observer)

Serbia will never recognize Kosovo, Serbia's foreign minister has said, as the Western Balkans heads into a new period of turbulence.

"You know when it will happen? When Kosovo will enter the UN, to recognise them as a country? When a grape grows out of a willow tree," Serb foreign minister Ivica Dacic told press on Monday (17 September), using a Serbian cliché that means "never".

Dacic, a nationalist who used to be a spokesman for the late Serb leader and war criminal Slobodan Milosevic, was speaking to press outside the Greek embassy in Belgrade.

"They [Kosovo] don't want to talk about [border] correction, what they want is Presevo and Bujanovac [two ethnic Albanian enclaves in Serbia] They're very clever!" he added, accusing Pristina of bad faith.

His words came amid EU backing for a land-swap deal between Belgrade and Pristina, which is meant to lead to recognition, unlocking their EU accession prospects.

But Serb president Aleksandar Vucic, who is in talks with his Kosovar counterpart on the accord, is also throwing red meat to Serb nationalism.

"Milosevic was a great Serbian leader, his intentions were certainly the best," he said on a visit to Mitrovica, an ethnic Serb enclave in Kosovo, last week, prompting outrage.

The land-swap deal has few supporters outside Brussels.

It could lead to a new "war", Kosovo's prime minister Ramush Haradinaj said last week.

It "would produce a domino effect," of other border adjustments, Ali Ahmeti, a leading Albanian politician in Macedonia, also said, according to the Balkans news agency.

It could "endanger security in the region," Croatian foreign minister Marija Pejcinovic-Buric added.

The mere talk of land-swaps appears to have already emboldened Serb separatism in Bosnia.

"If there was a way for Republika Srpska [the Serb entity in Bosnia] to get out of Bosnia in a peaceful way, through an agreement, we would certainly take it," Republika Srpska chief Miroslav Dodik told British newspaper The Telegraph on Monday ahead of elections in Bosnia next month.

Meanwhile, even those Balkan countries who joined the EU are finding border disputes hard to resolve some 20 years after the wars in the region.

An arbitration court in The Hague found in favour of Slovenia in its clash with Croatia over a small stretch of coastline.

European Commission lawyers, in an internal report leaked to German magazine Der Spiegel, said the same.

But Croatia continues to defy the court ruling over a legal quibble, undermining faith in diplomacy and rule of law.

"Why should states reach bilateral agreements on open issues if they do not have to respect them?", Slovenian president Borut Pahor said last week.

Macedonia referendum

One piece of good news in the region - the Greece-Macedonia name deal - has seen EU and US officials flock to Skopje in recent weeks to promote a positive result in a referendum on the issue due on 30 September.

Nato chief Jens Stoltenberg warned again on Monday that Russia was promoting dissent via "media and social media disinformation".

US defence chief James Mattis said he had "no doubt" Russia was also funding anti-EU groups in Macedonia.

But if the referendum ends up rejecting the name accord, locking Macedonia out of the EU, then Macedonian nationalism, rather than Russia, might be to blame.

"I have no clear proofs of Russian meddling here," Macedonian prime minister Zoran Zaev told a meeting in Skopje on Monday.

Good news

Another piece of good news - EU progress on visa-free travel for Kosovo - could also end up turning bad.

MEPs approved the plan last week and EU states will shortly have their say.

Kosovo is the last place in the Balkans where people still need permits to visit Europe, but it is also a place in the region where young people feel they have no future if they stay put.

Over 58 percent of them told a survey, by a UN agency, out on Monday that they wanted to leave in the next three years because there were no jobs at home.