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Belgrade Media Report 24 September



EC calls on Belgrade and Pristina to avoid provocations (Beta)

Within the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina, its necessary to avoid all provocative statements and actions, European Commission spokesperson Maja Kocijancic stated on Friday night, the Beta agency reported.

In connection with Djuric’s call for the EU to declared itself on the announced “opening of the border between Kosovo and Albania by New Year” Kocijanicic said that the EU usually

“doesn’t comment comments.” Federica Mogherini said that Kosovo and Albania are required to honor stipulations from the Agreement on Stabilization and Association with the EU pertaining to proper border management.


US Ambassador Kyle Scott: Kosovo solution cannot be imposed from outside (FoNet)

It wouldn’t be wise to “deposit” negotiations between Belgrade and Pristina, especially not until there is something tangible which could end that process, said US Ambassador in Belgrade Kyle Scott. Speaking for FoNet news agency, Scott said the USA is not directly involved in the Serbia-Kosovo talks, which are mediated by the European Union, and he emphasized it was necessary to focus on “a comprehensive agreement and solutions.”

“Ideas exist, some will be successful some won’t, but, in our opinion, it is important to give a chance and space to the leaders of Serbia and Kosovo to talk, to be flexible and creative, and to reach a permanent solution that could be implemented and that would be acceptable for the citizens of both countries,” said the Ambassador.

Asked why so suddenly the USA decided to accept the idea of “the border correction" Scott replied that this country “did not decide this or that, but only to give a space to both sides to reach an agreement.” It is not on the USA to define what is going to be in the agreement, the Ambassador stressed, adding that it is on the parties in negotiations to reach a “permanent solution that cannot be imposed from outside.”


Lavrov: support for Belgrade - Pristina dialog, observance of resolution 1244 (Beta)

Russia supports the dialog between Kosovo and Serbia, while still recognizing the necessity of

following the U.N. Security Council's Resolution 1244, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said in Banja Luka, on Sept. 21, after a meeting with his Serbian counterpart Ivica Dacic, a press release issued by the Serbian ministry's office read.

Lavrov reiterated that, for years, Kosovo Albanians have been failing to meet agreements with Serbia reached through the mediation of the European Union, in spite of Belgrade's constructive attitude. He stressed that the EU needed to exert some influence on Pristina.

Dacic briefed his colleague from Russia about the course of the dialog and repeated Belgrade's position that there can be no long-term sustainable solution for Kosovo and Metohija without the Russian Federation.

The two ministers concluded that a successful and sustainable conclusion to the dialog would solidify the region's stability. Dacic and Lavrov agreed the level of trust and frequency of Russian-Serbian interaction indicated that relations were developing productively and continuously, noting that the relationship between the two countries had reached the level of a strategic partnership.

Lavrov told Dacic that Moscow strongly supported the Dayton Peace Accords, the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the equality of its three peoples, and the constitutional jurisdictions of the two Bosnian entities. He pointed out that Russia had always enjoyed constructive cooperation with the EU and U.S. when it came to Balkan issues and saw no reason for this not to continue, rather than just one side meddling in the resolution of regional issues.


Popovic: EU-sponsored Kosovo talks without results (Beta, Vecernje Novosti)

Pristina dialogue facilitated by the European Union produced no effect, Nenad Popovic, Serbia’s Minister without portfolio said on Monday, the Beta news agency reported.

In an interview with the Vecernje Novosti daily, Popovic, in charge of innovations and technological development, added that Pristina had support by several Western countries in avoiding the formation of the Community of Serb Municipalities (ZSO) in Kosovo agreed in Brussels in 2013.

He also said that Belgrade should take “a sharper attitude” toward Albania and its Prime Minister Edi Rama for his support and promotion of the idea of the ‘Greater Albania’, which, as Popovic said, was a sign of open hostility toward Serbia.

"The idea of the ‘Greater Albania’ that is causing the regional instability has been taking shape in front of the EU,” Popovic said.

He added that a compromise and a sustainable solution to Kosovo problem could not be found without the consent of the US, Russia and China and that the issue was slowly “coming back to the UN Security Council.”


Russian - Serbian presidential meeting in Moscow in early October (Beta, N1)

Serbian and Russian presidents Aleksandar Vucic and Vladimir Putin are scheduled to meet in Moscow early in October, Russian Ambassador to Serbia Alexander Chepurin announced on Sept. 21.  The meeting with President Vladimir Putin is expected to cover key bilateral and regional issues. The mood is upbeat, Chepurin Tweeted. He said he had briefly discussed the format of the forthcoming Moscow visit with Vucic.

Vucic thanked Chepurin for his "sincere efforts to create the best possible relations between Serbia and Russia," and voiced the conviction that the meeting with Putin would be successful.

"I look forward to the new meeting with President Putin and am confident that our talks will bring major benefits to the Serbian and Russian peoples" Vucic stated.

Vucic and Putin last met in Moscow, in May.

In the meantime, several reports announced Putin’s visit to Belgrade, saying he would be in Serbia’s capital during the November 11 Remembrance Day Parade. Days after that report, French President Emmanuel Macron invited Vucic to Paris on the same occasion.

Vucic has just come back from the three-day visit to China, and one of his aides said on Thursday he would not go to New York for the UN General Assembly session. Instead, Prime Minister Ana Brnabic will head the Belgrade delegation, media reported on Friday.


PM, FM travel to NYC for UN General Assembly (B92)

PM Ana Brnabic will lead a delegation of Serbia at the general debate of the 73rd session of the UN General Assembly in New York from 24 to 28 September. The delegation will include First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Ivica Dacic, the government announced.

Brnabic will address the UN General Assembly on 27 September. The general debate will be attended by some of the world's most influential politicians and leaders, including US President Donald Trump, Prime Minister of Great Britain Teresa May, French President Emmanuel Macron, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Prime Minister of Japan Shinzo Abe, Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez and many others.

On September 24, Brnabic will attend a reception organized by Trump. Brnabic will also be one of the guests at a luncheon organized by UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres on 25 September, and will attend a high-level meeting called "Action for Peace", dedicated to peacekeeping operations, organized by the UN Secretary-General, and participate in the Bloomberg Global business forum on September 26. During her stay in New York, the PM will have a series of bilateral meetings with world leaders, including Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte and Swiss President Alain Berset.


Bosnia and Herzegovina


Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov pays visit to Sarajevo (Nezavisne novine)

Russian Minister Sergey Lavrov paid a visit to Banja Luka and Sarajevo and conveyed a joint message that Russia strongly advocates respecting of the Dayton Peace Agreement (DPA). During his visit to Sarajevo, Lavrov met with members of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency and B&H Foreign Minister Igor Crnadak.


During his visit, Russian Minister stressed that Russia deems that there is no alternative to the DPA and Russia respects constitutional competencies of two entities and three constituent peoples. “Russia has always had a good cooperation with the EU and USA regarding harmonization of all issues, including the DPA, and I see no reason for this cooperation to change”, said Lavrov. Following meeting with Crnadak, Lavrov said that Russia respects sovereignty and territorial integrity of B&H and they have interest to see that upcoming election results are also based on those principles. Speaking about elections, Lavrov said that their favorites are those who are favorites to the citizens: “We never recommend anyone how to vote, when it comes to elections in other countries. We will once again respect choice of B&H citizens and we will always work with those to whom B&H citizens gave their trust”, said Lavrov. He noted that this year B&H and Russia will mark 40 years of cooperation in gas industry, adding that gas delivery will continue and that ‘Gasprom’ cooperates both with Republika Srpska (RS) and the Federation of B&H. Minister noted that they will continue with granting of scholarships for studying in Russia and noted that there are new documents that are being prepared and which refer to avoiding of double-taxation, cooperation in culture and science- technological sector. Lavrov noted that Russia and B&H have similar stances when it comes to the talks between Belgrade and Pristina.


Crnadak stressed that Russia’s strong support to DPA, necessity of internal dialogue and agreements and respecting of the RS and Federation of B&H competencies, represents a continuous contribution to stability in B&H. He also thanked Russia for holding to the principles when it comes to relations in B&H and underlined that relations between two countries are excellent. Two Ministers signed the Consolations Plan for 2019/2020, which presents plan of cooperation between two ministries.


Lavrov also met members of B&H Presidency. “Messages that we have heard are more than clear. Russia firmly stands behind the DPA and it is against demonization of the RS, as one of B&H entities” said member of B&H Presidency from the RS Mladen Ivanic. He added that they did not discuss US sanctions for RS politicians, but they did comment the issue with ban of entrance issued against Russian writer Zakhar Prilepin and it was concluded that security agencies will discuss this issue, considering that they have good cooperation. Ivanic stressed that there is a desire for more serious economic cooperation.

Lavrov gave a birthday present to Ivanic, who turned 60 on September 16th, with a card which red: “Life goes on after sixty, I am an example”. Ivanic said that he was pleasantly surprised, even though they know each other for years


Croat member of B&H Presidency Dragan Covic said that they discussed possibilities for strengthening of relations between two countries. Asked if relations between B&H and Russia can be better, Covic said: “Lavrov told us: ‘Give us all your desires and Russia is there”.


Bosniak member of B&H Presidency Bakir Izetbegovic said that Lavrov is content with what he saw in Sarajevo. He added that he presented Lavrov with a plea: “I asked him to talk to Milorad Dodik about something that is a constitutional category- right of Bosniaks to ‘Bosnian’ language, which is being denied”, said Izetbegovic.


Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov pays visit to Banja Luka (Nezavisne novine)

Russian Minister Sergey Lavrov paid a visit to Banja Luka, during his visit to Banja Luka, Lavrov met with Republika Srpska (RS) leadership, on which occasion Lavrov stressed that it is unacceptable that the West introduced the post of the High Representative, who is allowed to annul agreements between three peoples. He added that Russia strongly supports respecting of the DPA and opposes any form of its revision. “Any kind of reforms are possible only with agreement of two entities and three peoples”, said Lavrov, while addressing the joint press conference with RS President Milorad Dodik. Russian Foreign Minister noted that constant Dodik’s dedication to DAP and its preservation is visible. “Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) needs to be freed from elements of foreign administration so it could be normal, independent and sovereign state, which resolves the issues of its future on its own and reached decision on its own”, said Lavrov. He added that he and Dodik discussed development of relations between Russia and B&H in part which regards to RS, stressing that he advocates developing of relations in all sectors: economy, trade, investment and humanitarian. Minister stressed that they also discussed the issue of exporting of dairy and meat to Russia: “We are grateful to the RS leadership for their constant support to businesses of Russian companies here, such is ‘Zarubeznjeft’. For couple of years in a row ‘Gasprom’ secures gas supplies for the RS”. He concluded that it is joint stance of Russia and the RS that the High Representative, as well as foreign judges in Constitutional Court of B&H need to go and that foreigners’ interference in B&H is unacceptable.


Addressing the media, Dodik said that the RS is very grateful to Russia for their firm stance regarding the affirmation of DPA: “We are especially grateful for long-term Russian behavior concerning the DPA within the Peace Implementation Council and within UN Security Council. We are especially grateful for the veto to the resolution which accused Serb people for genocidal intentions. I thank Russia on behalf of the RS and the Serb people. This will be written in history as proof of our friendship”, said Dodik. He rejected all speculation regarding the alleged bad influence of Russia in B&H and in the Balkans: “We consider Russian Federation to be our friend and we want to develop relations on all issues. The RS did not allow B&H to introduce sanctions to Russia and we deem this would jeopardize our interests”. Dodik noted that economy was one of the discussed issues and they discussed cooperation in oil research and construction of gas factory based on the agreement signed with ‘Gasprom’. Dodik underlined that Lavrov’s visit has nothing to do with elections and that dynamics of the visit was dictated by Serbian Orthodox Church (SOC) regarding the consecration of foundations of Serb- Russian Temple in Banja Luka.


Izetbegovic was against meeting of B&H, Serbia. Turkey and Russia (N1)

Member of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency from Republika Srpska (RS) Mladen Ivanic said that Chairman of B&H Presidency Bakir Izetbegovic was against the meeting between B&H, Serbia, Turkey and Russia. Ivanic explained that this meeting was proposed by Russia, but Izetbegovic opposed it. Izetbegovic said that he was against quadrilateral meeting: “So, if there were conclusions prepared in advance the goal would be justified. However, everything else, unprepared, would open speculation on coordinated presence of Russia and Turkey, which we in B&H do not need” Izetbegovic told N1.


Dodik deems Lavrov's visit as successful; confirms he will meet Russian President Vladimir Putin in Sochi (ATV)

Republika Srpska (RS) President Milorad Dodik deemed Lavrov's visit as successful.

"When traveling to Banja Luka, Lavrov passed through Sarajevo for formal reasons, but it is known that main target, main goal was precisely arrival in Banja Luka. I want to thank him for political stances that were presented. They are very clear. He confirmed that we are protecting the Dayton Peace Agreement (DPA) and that others are destroying it and want to blame us that we are destroying the DPA, although we are destroying their intention to destroy the DPA," Dodik underlined. Dodik also confirmed that he and Russian President Vladimir Putin will meet in Sochi this week. Dodik stressed that he will use the meeting with Putin to strengthen the trade cooperation between the RS and Russia and to call on Russian investors to invest in the RS.


Reactions to Friday’s visit of Lavrov to B&H (ATV, N1)

Former Republika Srpska (RS) President Dragan Cavic claimed that Friday's messages are only confirmation of friendship. "We should welcome the fact that Mr. Lavrov and the Russian administration are firmly behind the Dayton position of the RS and they are manifesting this through their activities in international organizations, multilateral organizations, the Peace Implementation Council (PIC), which Mr. Lavrov spoke about," Cavic underlined.


SNSD representative in the B&H House of Representatives (HoR) Dusanka Majkic said that one of the most important world diplomats visited Banja Luka. According to Majkic, the first message of Lavrov's visit is that the RS has significance for the great and powerful Russia. Majkic deemed as important the message that Russia will advocate consistent implementation of the DPA which, according to her, means that the RS has as many rights as resulting from international agreements.


The Islamic Community (IZ) in B&H reacted to the fact that RS President Milorad Dodik handed over Lavrov with the same award that convicted war criminals received earlier. The IZ in B&H stated that this will certainly give no contribution to building better relations within B&H and added that Lavrov was not supposed to accept the award in the first place. The IZ stated that unfortunately, Lavrov accepted the award. The IZ stressed: “To the contrary, after a Russian veto to a declaration in the UN Security Council which only called on people to condemn the genocide in Srebrenica, this is another humiliation of the victims that certainly does not contribute to reconciliation”.


Sarovic, Cavic and Borenovic hold press conference in Belgrade (RTRS)

Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Minister of Foreign Trade and Economic Relations Mirko Sarovic, NDP leader Dragan Cavic and PDP leader Branislav Borenovic held a press conference in Belgrade on Sunday. Topic of the press conference was direction in which the current Republika Srpska (RS) authorities are leading the RS.  Sarovic, Cavic and Borenovic told the press conference that they do not have any hidden goals and that they are not preparing any kind of revolutions.

Sarovic underlined that economic progress of the RS is in the essence of their programs, noting that the RS is most stable when it is strong in the economic sense and when it can secure jobs for its citizens, especially for young people. Sarovic stressed that about 10,000 young people leave the RS each year. "We believe that this is a very important, critical moment for the citizens to know and recognize that we are moving in the wrong direction," Sarovic underlined. Cavic warned that certain Belgrade media are creating an idyllic picture about the economic situation in the RS.

Cavic stressed that when he was performing the duties of the RS President from 2002 to 2006, average growth of GDP at the annual level was 6.2 percent. "Nominally speaking, the GDP increased by almost 35 percent from 2002 to 2006. In the period from 2007 to the end of 2017, i.e. during current authorities in the RS, GDP increased annually on average by only 1.8 percent, with several years of drop in GDP," Cavic stressed.

Borenovic stressed that status issues of the RS have been solved and that the RS has a number of unsolved economic and social issues. "Status issues have been solved and they provide us with a good framework, but we have unsolved economic, social, demographic and all other issues. The only one who is today undermining status issues which were given to us with the Dayton Peace Agreement (DPA) is Milorad Dodik who is toying with the story about a third, Croat entity," Borenovic said. Borenovic said that Dodik is the only Serb politician "on the other side of the Drina River" who is actively promoting and working for a third, Croat entity with which, according to Borenovic, he is undermining the Dayton structure and position of the RS. Borenovic reiterated that the division into suitable and unsuitable, traitors and patriots and good and the bad started eight years ago when Dodik dragged the then state leadership of Serbia, former President of Serbia Boris Tadic and former Serbian Foreign Minister Vuk Jeremic, into the election campaign. Borenovic stressed that it was very painful to see Tadic and Jeremic at SNSD rallies eight years ago, telling people in the RS that they should vote for SNSD.

"That is why it is very important and the right thing and a big deal that President of Serbia Aleksandar Vucic is not demonstrating the things the state leadership of Serbia did eight years ago," Borenovic underlined, adding that Vucic showed that he respects every person in the RS. Borenovic stressed that Dodik is for instability and that there is no dilemma there. "In the RS, elections are between two blocs, two options - one that offers instability, conflicts, wars, arguments and tensions - and the other bloc which is advocating stability, security, certainty, future, economic progress, normal life without arguments, with our brotherly Serbia, brotherly Russia, but also with other friendly countries that we want to build economic relations with. That is the future of the RS where people will stay and live," Borenovic underlined.

Sarovic, Cavic and Borenovic emphasized that they advocate fair and democratic elections after which there will be renewal of the RS.


OSCE/ODIHR issued a report warning that the constitutional crisis is possible after elections (Dnevni avaz)

The OSCE/ODIHR has issued a report warning of a possibility of a constitutional crisis after the elections because if failure to implement a decision of the Constitutional Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) from 2016 regarding amendments to the Law on Elections of B&H. According to the OSCE/ODIHR Preliminary Report for period between August 27 and September 18 on situation in B&H, there are suspicions of many participants in the election process in biasness and lack of professionalism in the Central Election Commission of B&H; many have expressed concern over the central voter list because of significant number of deceased people on it.

Nearly 78,000 voters have been registered to vote from abroad, and even the CEC expressed concern over possible abuse of personal information and signature falsification. The report reads that the minorities are in even more difficult situation, because their right to vote is limited. The ODIHR stated that the CEC received more than 30 complaints so far, and the same amount was submitted before the Court of B&H; also, some 9,100 people have been removed from the list of voters in diaspora. According to the report, lack of proper local election commissions and boards is a cause for concern in regularity of the elections.




USA reaction to the arrest of Joseph Assad (CDM, Pobjeda)

The State Department is familiar with the reports on the arrest of Joseph Assad, a former CIA operative, in Abu Dhabi but cannot comment the case for privacy reasons. The security and safety of the US citizens are the topmost priorities, according to the State Department.

The ex-CIA agent Joseph Assad had been arrested in Abu Dhabi after Montenegro issued an international arrest warrant for his alleged involvement in a failed pro-Russia coup attempt on 16 October 2016. The prosecutors in Montenegro earlier called for the arrest of a former CIA officer accusing him of involvement in an alleged Russian-backed coup attempt in 2016, conspiring to bring down the government.

After he was arrested, the United States tried to use the diplomatic relations and required Assad to be released from detention. This has been the US procedure whenever their citizens are arrested abroad. According to the US procedures, the American state secretary, upon the proposal of a judge, makes the final decision on the extradition.

The ex-CIA operative earlier avoided testimony recalling the 5th amendment to the Constitution of the USA, allowing the US citizens to decline to answer questions where the answers might incriminate them, Pobjeda said.




Agreement is crucial for country’s future, I am FOR and I count on you: Macron tells Macedonian citizens (MIA)

In a video message to the Macedonian citizens ahead of upcoming referendum, French President Emmanuel Macron said that agreement with Greece secures the future of the country and believes in wisdom of the citizens.

“Ladies and gentlemen, dear friends, I will take up a little of your time to address you directly. Our two countries have fostered diplomatic relations for 25 years. Twenty-five years of common past and linked destinies among our nations, whose roots are deeply embedded throughout the centuries.

In this regard, a lot of things have been done in recent years, however a major step forward was made on June 17, 2018. The step was made with the courage of your leaders, between your country and Greece, which ended the 27-year-old dispute.

The “Prespa Agreement” of June 17, 2018 ensures progress and preparation of the future. September 30 referendum refers precisely to this agreement.

I am acquainted with all the controversies that are taking place and are part of the democratic debate in the country. But from here, because I believe in our continent, in the power of Europe in the power of collective strength and in mutual cooperation, I would like to tell you what I believe. I know that there is no perfect agreement. I know that for one it is not enough long-term, and for others that they would otherwise negotiated it. I hear all the criticisms that have been said.

Nobody hoped this deal would be reached until a several months ago. But, this agreement has been waiting for 27 years. This agreement was achieved because of the courage of your and the Greek leaders. That's why I support it. Totally! Strongly!

I consider that agreement has a central place in the plans for the country's future. It is also the essence of the ambitions of your young people and what we can do together in the years to come.

Dear friends, ladies and gentlemen, it's the simple, clear and modest message I want to send you. I cannot put myself in your place, because you vote independently in this political debate that is important for the country. You need to choose and decide whether or not you are for changing the Constitution, for the agreement to become valid.

To become North Macedonia in accordance to the agreement. I am decisively FOR and I firmly believe that this agreement is good. For you, for entire region and for Europe. I count on you,” said French President Emmanuel Macron in a video message to the Macedonian citizens ahead of upcoming referendum.


Macedonia begins screening process for EU negotiations on Thursday (MIA)

The necessary preparatory work for Macedonia's accession negotiations to the EU will begin on September 27. Deputy PM for European Affairs and Head delegation for negotiations with EU Bujar Osmani told Sunday’s press conference that he will head the delegation to Brussels to launch screening for Chapter 23 – Judiciary and Fundamental Rights. The delegation will include around forty individuals from several ministries, including here Justice Minister Renata Deskoska.

“In the European Commission we will start the explanatory screening. The EC will present the first chapter on judiciary and fundamental rights, i.e. Chapter 23, thus formally starting the screening process as preparation for the start of the accession negotiations for full-fledged membership,” Osmani said.

This is an extremely important event and a turning point with which the Republic of Macedonia formally starts the last part of the road to EU full-fledged membership, something that we have long awaited and for which we have been preparing for many years.

By June 2019 when screening process ends, 33 delegations including over thousands of officials from institutions in the country, will visit Brussels. The second phase is the bilateral screening, which is more comprehensive and more complex process, Osmani said.

“We are aware that this is a serious challenge for Macedonia and that increased pace and obligations will follow in the upcoming period, but also it will be an opportunity to show how ready we are to deal with the challenge of harmonization with the standards and values of the EU. In this direction, we will need the overall expertise overall level of expertise of individuals in Macedonia,” Osmani underlined.

Negotiations, if all the necessary conditions are met, should start in June or after June next year.

The government issued a public call for external experts in regard to the process of explanatory screening and accession negotiations with the EU. The aim is to create a database of experts from one or more chapters in EU law, chief technical negotiator and head of the negotiating team Bojan Maricic said, adding that experts could be engaged temporarily or in the long run throughout the process.

“Macedonia’s accession negotiations with the European Union is a complex process of the overall transformation of the society and improvement of the quality of life of citizens,” Maricic said.


Stoltenberg: We wait for you in NATO (MIA)

It is now time to make your voices heard. This is once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. NATO’s door is open, but only the people of your country can decide to walk through it. So your future is in your hands. We wait for you in NATO, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said on Sunday.

"Time and again you have shown courage to forge your own path towards independence, peace and security. The historic agreement on a name issue unlocks the possibility of full membership of the international community including full membership of NATO. NATO membership will give you and your children security that comes with being part of the world’s most successful Alliance and will give your country an equal voice in our discussions and an equal say in our decisions" Stoltenberg said in a video message.




Serbia to host NATO Disaster-Response Exercise (BIRN)

Amid concerns in the West about Serbia's close military and other ties with Russia, Serbia is to host a NATO emergency response exercise with about 1,000 participants.

Serbia is to host a NATO emergency situations exercise from October 8 to 11 in Mladenovac, near Belgrade, in which 30 countries will take part with about 1,000 participants.

“The aim of the exercise is to improve interoperability in international disaster response operations,” the NATO website said, adding that the exercise will simulate an earthquake situation.

“The scenario … provides an opportunity to practice international cooperation and strengthen the ability of teams from different nations to work effectively together across a wide range of relief operations,” NATO said. The operations include urban search and rescue, medical and paramedical teams, chemical biological radiological nuclear protection, as well as decontamination teams and water rescue teams, it added.

Meanwhile, Serbian media have focused more on a new military deal between Serbia and China.

Deputy Defence Minister Nenad Miloradovic told Serbia's Tanjug news agency on September 18 that Serbia had agreed to buy sophisticated weapons and military technology from China “which almost no country in its surroundings has”. He said new combat drones will have the ability to scout, discover targets by day and at night, as well as the option of firing laser-guided bombs and rockets.

“That is capability that only the most capable militaries of the world have, which the Serbian Army will have now at its disposal,” Miloradovic added. The agreed deal, he said, will also include industrial cooperation and technology transfer.


The Serbian Army recently displayed the MIG jets it received earlier as a donation from Russia. However, the Defence Ministry has had to spend millions on their modernization.

In April, Russia's Tass agency reported that Serbia and Russia had agreed on Serbia's procurement of the new weapons, including Mi-17 transport helicopters, T-72 tanks, BMP-2 infantry fighting vehicles and other military hardware. Serbia has also done military deals with Belarus this year. On January 29, 2017 Defence Minister Zoran Djordjevic, visiting Belarus, said Belarus was willing to donate eight MIG 29 jets as well as Russian-designed missile systems. Serbian media reported in April that the aircraft are expected to arrive this year.

Serbian military experts believe the military upgrade forms part of attempts by the government to show a largely pro-Russian population that Serbia is deepening its ties with its old ally, Moscow.


The aim of the October NATO exercise meanwhile matches the official purpose of the controversial Russian Humanitarian Centre in the southern Serbian city of Nis.


The center insists that it exists only to provide “emergency humanitarian responses, [help] prevent natural disasters and [address] technological accidents and the elimination of their consequences”.

Some Western governments have voiced deep unhappiness about its work, however, fearing that it has other purposes, such as espionage, linked to Russia's foreign policy in the Balkans.

Serbia proclaimed a doctrine of military neutrality in December 2007 and the current government has announced no plans to change the policy.

However, Serbia remains linked to NATO through the alliance’s Partnership for Peace programme, PfP.

In March 2015, Serbia concluded an Individual Partnership Action Plan with NATO, considered the highest level of cooperation with NATO for a non-member country.

Opinion about NATO has divided in Serbia since the alliance launched air strikes against the former Yugoslavia during a 78-day bombing campaign in 1999, forcing Serbia to withdraw from Kosovo. Kosovo was then placed under international administration and declared independence in 2008. Many Serbs remain bitter about the loss of the province, regarding it as the “cradle” of Serbian nationhood.

According to public opinion surveys, a large majority of Serbs are opposed to the country joining NATO.