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Belgrade Media Report 16 October 2018



Vucic: Whatever Kosovo is for US - for us, it’s something else (B92/Tanjug/Beta/RTS)


Whatever Kosovo and its government may represent for the US and Ambassador Scott, for us it is a so-called government and a so-called state. President Aleksandar Vucic in this way commented on Scott’s remark made a day before in response to a journalist’s question, when he said that Kosovo is recognized by his country as a sovereign and independent country. US Ambassador Kyle Scott made the comment after Serbian Minister of Construction, Transportation and Infrastructure Zorana Mihajlovic and US Bechtel Group Senior Vice President Shaun Kenny signed a memorandum of understanding and cooperation in the construction of a section of the so-called Morava Corridor. “If would have been nice had he shown an ounce more of respect for the host country,” Vucic said on Scott, adding that a representative of the Serbian government who was present during the event, should have reacted. “Whatever that so-called Kosovo government is for you, for us it is so-called,” Vucic reiterated, and noted that was is not the job of a diplomat to make corrections, but to respond to questions posed to them. “Unfortunately, I wasn’t there,” Vucic observed, and added that had he been at the event, Scott would have received a polite, well-measured response which would have protected Serbia’s state interests. He also recalled that this was not a new position of the US administration, and that for this reason, he is more skeptical on the issue of Washington’s stance toward Kosovo and Metohija than Minister Dacic. Still, Vucic continued, this is about a great power, one we must talk to. It’s their right, but also their style to communicate in that way and represent their interests, while it is our job to protect ours. Either way - the question remains, Vucic went on - why do promoters of Kosovo as a sovereign state even negotiate with Serbia, why are they seeking a haven (for it) in the UN from Serbia, if this is about a real government and a sovereign state. The President then concluded that obviously big problems and challenges lie ahead of us, such as the announced possibility of forming an army in Kosovo. “Why, and based on what resolution, what international document are you forming an army of Kosovo? Certainly not based on some internal act brought by the so-called Kosovo? Based on an UN resolution? On the Brussels agreement? Where's it written? No place,” the President stated, and added: “This is about pure violence, legal violence, from which then stems physical violence, and that's what worries us. Over here nobody’s flying upside down, but to receive a proper response, exactly the way he is protecting the interests of the US, so he would have receive a proper, decent, responsible response from the point of view of Serbia’s interests,” Vucic said, when reporters wanted to know if Scott would have been thrown out had the president been present when the ambassador made his Kosovo comments. Vucic told reporters that he raised the question of delineation because he wants the border between Serbs and Albanians determined. “No one in the world knows where those borders are and I thought it important for the future to learn where they are, to achieve peace and stability with the Albanians for the next 100 or 200 years. I failed because the citizens feel that it’s better for us to be neither here nor there. I think that’s wrong but my job is to respect the will of the people,” Vucic said in response to a reporter’s question following the opening of the 16+1 Central and Eastern Europe (CEE)-China Summit of transport ministers and mayors.  Vucic said that Serbs and Albanians have different views on the border issue as do Russia and the US, China and Germany and added that he is annoyed by some in the international community who oppose border changes, claiming that they would open Pandora’s box.  “They say they are opposed to border changes and no one knows where they are, unless the current borders of independent Kosovo are the borders to them. And I say: we will never recognize the borders of independent Kosovo. So what now? And they say we are opening Pandora’s box which they did with Kosovo in 2008, or in 2006 or in the 1990s and there is no reply to that,” he said.  Vucic said that he is still ready to talk to Kosovo Albanian representatives to resolve the issue but believes there is less chance of a positive outcome than before.


Brnabic: Scott’s statement scandalous (Beta/RTS)


Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic said US Ambassador Scott’s statement was scandalous and unbelievable. “I think that statement is inappropriate not just in terms of diplomacy but also in terms of a lack of respect for the host, especially because it was made in the seat of the Serbian government.  “Scott made those highly inappropriate statements at several meetings in the Serbian government,” she said, adding that she had reacted on several occasions saying that if she hears anyone call Kosovo a state she would interrupt the meeting and ask those people to leave the government building.


Mihajlovic responds to Scott’s statement (Tanjug)


Kosovo is not and will not be an independent state, and Serbia’s view on the matter is supported by more than half of the world, Serbian Minister of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure Zorana Mihajlovic said Tuesday in response to a statement by US Ambassador Kyle Scott that Kosovo is a sovereign and not a so-called state. “Unlike the US, which is the main sponsor of Kosovo’s independence, Serbia does not and will not recognize Kosovo’s independence,” she said in press release a day after Scott made the statement in the Serbian government building.


Patriarch Irinej: I still think that Vucic is fighting as a lion for Kosovo (Novosti)


The future of Kosovo and Metohija is the issue of all issues in Serbia. President Vucic’s initiative on delineation with the Albanians seems to have acquired greatest opponents in part of the Serbian orthodox church. Apart from the officially formulated stand of the Synod on Kosovo and Metohija, do you some other path that would lead to a just solution of this issue?

“I understand the whole tragedy of the situation that our state and the entire Serb nation are facing, as well as all the troubles and dilemmas that President Vucic is fighting, but I think that we should not go for quick or, God forbid, provisional solutions. We cannot and we must not give away what has been ours for centuries, and which has never in history belonged to the Albanian state, regardless of the fact that this was seized and now under foreign occupation. This is the unanimous stand of our Archbishop’s Synod and the vast majority of our believers. We do not support any kind of conflict, and thus the so-called frozen conflict either, but we also do not support the recognition of a fait accompli reached with injustice, aggression, violence and crimes.”

How do you see the position of the Serbian Orthodox church in case the state and the church do not reach consent regarding the best solution for the southern province?

“I still think that President Vucic is fighting as a lion for Kosovo and Metohija, under unseen unequal conditions, but also that he experiences the centuries-long unchanged stand of the church of his people, and at the same his own church, as assistance and not defraud and making harder the already very hard situation. The fact that he is repeatedly stating that he will not be imposing his will and his possible solutions, but will respect the freely expressed people’s will, even if he intimately disagrees with it, gives hope and consolation. The church, by its very nature, doesn’t pass state and political decisions, but it has the right, and even more the obligation, to point to eternal criteria, primarily to serving justice, freedom, peace and life for all and everyone, and not lastly, also for its people, its believers.”




HDZ B&H Presidency sets amending of Election Law of B&H as key precondition for party’s future partners in formation of authorities (BHT1)


The Presidency of HDZ Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) held a session in Kupres on Monday. On this occasion, the HDZ B&H Presidency discussed the situation in B&H in the context of recently held general elections, with the emphasis on the election results. The HDZ B&H Presidency concluded that the election results provide this party with the right to set a key precondition to its future political partners in formation of authorities in B&H at all levels. According to the HDZ B&H Presidency, this key precondition is amending of the Election Law of B&H in line with the decisions of the Constitutional Court of B&H (CC). Following the session, HDZ B&H leader Dragan Covic, who lost the election race for the post of a Croat member of B&H Presidency, said that the situation in which one people elects other people’s political representatives at any authority level in B&H should never happen again. Covic underscored that HDZ B&H will not allow such a situation to repeat itself. Covic stated that electing the Croat member of B&H Presidency contrary to the will of the majority of Croat people is to detriment of both Croats and Bosniaks. Speaking about amending of the Election Law of B&H, Covic specified that this is “the key of all keys” to form the authorities, adding that the election results cannot be implemented with the existing Election Law. “We will have to find a solution very clearly, through institutions of B&H”, the HDZ B&H leader pointed out. He added that this issue needs to be solved so that HDZ B&H would find partners that will secure B&H’s European future and equality of constituent peoples.


US Embassy: It is irresponsible to hold election results hostage in order to achieve political interests (TV1)


The US Embassy to B&H issued a statement regarding the requests by HDZ B&H and President of the party Dragan Covic who stated that formation of authority and implementation of results of the general elections is impossible if changes to the Election Law of B&H are not adopted. The US Embassy stated that it is irresponsible to hold the future of B&H a hostage in order to achieve political interests. It was stressed that timely formation of authority is responsibility of elected officials and it is necessary to ensure continuous stability of the country and adoption of the reforms necessary for the process of the EU integration of B&H. “It is still key that partners in B&H work on a solution that will be in accordance with European and democratic norms which will guarantee political equality of all three constituent people in B&H, as well as equality of all citizens in B&H, including those who do not identify as members of one of the constituent people.”


B&H politicians comment on Covic’s condition (TV1)


The Election Law of B&H was discussed months before the general elections in B&H were held, however, discussions ended without results. Even though the EU, USA and other members of the international community tried to exert pressure on members of B&H authorities, it was not enough to move them to action before elections. After the election results are more or less clear, HDZ B&H insists more than ever on implementation of changes to the Election Law before the authority formation. This was expected by most experts after preliminary election results were published and the main reason was election of President of DF Zeljko Komsic as a Croat member of B&H Presidency. State officials said that changes before the formation of authority could be made theoretically, while in practice this could be harder. MP in the B&H parliament Sasa Magazinovic (SDP) said that in case there is good political will to move forward, this could be implemented for sure. However, he is not sure that this is an example of good political will to move things forward, but blackmail in order to achieve a better negotiating position. MP in the in the B&H Parliament Damir Becirovic (DF) said that there are already laws and verdicts by international courts that need to be implemented and B&H should go in that direction and not the one that HDZ B&H wants. President of the Jewish Community in B&H Jakob Finci said that it is evident that B&H is still not ready to become a civic state. He added that there are those who advocate it and one day, just as all other European states, B&H will be a civic state. Representatives of political parties that have already proposed amendments to the Election Law of B&H stressed that they would not accept blackmails or exclusive stances by which the country would be additionally ethno-territorialized. SDA Secretary General Halid Genjac said that it is possible to find a solution, but everyone – including Covic – should bear in mind the need for a compromise, political will and, above all, respect towards the European Convention on Human Rights and the Constitution of B&H. DF Vice President Dzenan Djonlagic stressed that as far as DF is concerned, there will be no talks about amendments to the Election Law of B&H in accordance with purely ethnic criteria and principles. “I doubt that they will find someone to discuss such requests in Sarajevo,” Djonlagic said. SDP B&H Secretary General Irfan Cengic said that he still has not seen the exact proposal or what Covic actually wants. He stressed that SDP B&H will not give up on its principles, reiterating that every citizen should have the right to elect and be elected to any post in B&H. SBB B&H’s Adis Arapovic said that Covic’s conditions and all other conditions cannot be discussed before one can believe that the election process was fair and that the election results reflect the will of citizens. SNSD Presidency Stasa Kosarac told that it is not good for B&H to have the authority formed without legitimate representatives of constituent peoples. “That option is not good for B&H, and Bosniak component needs to understand that”, said Kosarac, adding that elections in Republika Srpska (RS) were carried out in a democratic manner and that results will be implemented without any problems whatsoever. Newly-elected Croat member of the Presidency of B&H Zeljko Komsic said that authorities in B&H can be established both without changes to the Election Law and without HDZ B&H. “Results of elections are such that authorities can be established without any party”, said Komsic, adding that he personally, or his political party DF, will not be obstructing HDZ B&H’s participation in authorities.


Parliamentary majority in RS parliament will depend on SNSD, which might have up to 31 mandates (N1)


It is still uncertain who will form a new convocation of the RS parliament, but one thing is sure – parliamentary majority will depend on SNSD’s will. According to SNSD, only parties that fully support SNSD’s plan can be part of parliamentary majority in the RS parliament and the current ruling coalition formed with DNS, SP RS and Ujedinjena Srpska is also possible in the future. As for DNS, the party expects to be part of the authority jointly with SNSD. The same goes for SP RS and Ujedinjena Srpska, which are ready to follow SNSD. SNSD might have up to 31 mandates in the RS parliament, but this depends on compensatory mandates. DNS is supposed to be a key partner in formation of authorities with its 11 direct mandates and possibly two compensatory mandates. When it comes to the RS opposition, parties gathered around the Alliance for Victory (SzP) coalition stated that they do not intend to enter the RSNA due to election theft in the general elections in B&H on October 7.  SDS announced on Monday that the party will hold a session of the SDS Presidency this week and PDP stated that it first wants to clarify all doubts around the elections in order to create possibility to be able to work in parliaments and institutions of the RS and B&H.


Dodik: Hiding report on massacre of more than 1000 Serbs is crime against truth and justice (Srna)


RS President Milorad Dodik told Srna that hiding a document on the massacre of more than 1,000 Serbs around Srebrenica in 1993 by the US Central Intelligence Service (CIA) is a crime against the truth and the same people who were killed by the so-called B&H Army, as well as against the justice, which the relatives of those who were killed in the Central Podrinje have not seen even 25 years after the crimes. "It is now clear that the administration of former US President, Bill Clinton, worked in favor of satanisation of the Serb people and the concealment of crimes against the Serbs committed by the members of the so-called Army of B&H. Thus, Clinton and his administration became direct participants of these monstrous crimes, as well as accomplices in the events that took place in and around Srebrenica in the summer of 1995," Dodik has stressed when asked to comment on the information that the CIA was hiding a document on the massacre of more than a thousand Serbs around Srebrenica in 1993 for two years and then stored it among unimportant testimonies so it would not catch the investigators’ eye.

Belgrade-based Vecernje Novosti states that a lost report was located at the UN HQ in New York after 23 years, which was taken to the CIA HQ in Langley and the UN in May 1993. As an official UN document, it was registered under numbers A/46/171 and S/2563, but on June 2, 1995, and it is listed under "General Purpose" and is located in GA 57 room, in the basement on the corner of 46th Street and First Avenue in New York. Commenting on the issue, former Minister of Foreign Affairs of Yugoslavia Vladislav Jovanovic told RTRS that the report of former UN Secretary General Boutros Boutros-Ghali was not timely delivered to all members of the UN Security Council, but they received it only after the end of the session at which the decision on introduction of sanctions against former Yugoslavia was passed. He added that this decision was mainly based on newspaper headlines and the then established mantra has been only slightly modified over the wartime period. Jovanovic stressed that it is not surprising that the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) sabotaged the truth about crimes against Serbs in Podrinje. He assessed that this shows the lack of fairness of the West in treating the conflict in B&H.


Croatia conveys concern to EU on Croats’ inability to elect representatives in B&H (Hina)


Croatian Foreign and European Affairs Minister Marija Pejcinovic-Buric on Monday conveyed the concern to her counterparts in the European Union over the fact that for the third time since the conclusion of the Dayton Peace Accords, the Croats in B&H were not in position to elect their legitimate representative in Bosnia and Herzegovina's tripartite presidency, the Croatian ministry said in a press release. Attending the meeting of EU foreign ministers in Luxembourg, Minister Pejcinovic-Buric underscored the importance of the amending of B&H's election legislation in accordance with the decision made by the Constitutional Court on the legitimate representation so as to ensure the equality of all the three constituent peoples in that country and ensure the election of legitimate representatives at all levels of authority. She proposed that this topic should be added to the EU Council's agenda as soon as possible owing to the importance of that matter.


Montenegro doesn’t have a list of personae non- grata from Serbia (RTCG)


Montenegrin authorities don’t have a list of persons from Serbia who are prohibited to enter our country due to offensive and inappropriate statements about our country, said the Prime Minister, Dusko Markovic. “We will make such list if we have valid reasons to do so and it won’t be hidden from the public. Except from those persons who belong to crime milieu and who are not welcome here, no person is undesirable,” said Markovic. However, he says that Montenegro is ready to defend its dignity and by using democratic means. Vikend Novine published that the list of undesirable persons from Serbia was prepared and that it included the Chief of the Serbian Orthodox Church because of “mire statements about Montenegro” and that he will be prohibited to enter our country. However, he came to Montenegro and said he was glad to be here.

“I got an invitation from the Metropolitan bishop to be their guest but I had to refuse since I already had scheduled visit to Zabljak. I expected Irinej to withdraw his statement and apologize. I believe however that Irinej understood that messages of peace and coexistence in Montenegro are welcome,” said Markovic.


Russian Ministry: We had nothing to do with the coup attempt in Montenegro (CDM)


Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs dismissed the charges that Russia is involved in the coup attempt in Podgorica in 2016. “Obviously, Chief Special Prosecutor, Milivoje Katnic, decided to join the competition for the deadliest accusations against Russia. For two years, he’s been looking for unequivocal evidence of an alleged coup in Podgorica, in October of 2016, in which agents of Russian intelligence agency took part. We’ve already said this: we dismiss any possibility of official participation in those forged attempts to carry out illegal act and we believe that such accusations are groundless and absurd”, reads the report published by Tass agency.

Russian Ministry also states that the behavior of Katnic is a clear reflection of poor judicial system in Montenegro. President of Montenegro said recently for RAI that official Moscow, without any doubt, is involved in the coup attempt in Montenegro.


Parliament to resume debate on constitutional revision on Tuesday (MIA)


MPs have concluded Monday's debate on the government motion for constitutional changes, which is set to resume tomorrow. The afternoon session was not short of different views from both the ruling majority and the opposition party. Opposition MPs consider the Prespa Agreement 'harmful, unconstitutional and politically dead.' The parliament majority has called for accountability and unity in the process of making 'historic' decision. They said there is no better deal than the Prespa Agreement and if rejected, the country is facing isolation.

Accountability is far greater than personal calculations and political parties, according to independent MP Ivana Tufegdzic. "Can we overcome our differences to understand that this deal is the only chance we've got. Do you think our citizens will wait for years and do you think that young people will sit and wait for a better agreement to be made. I believe each one of us is aware enough to decide in favor of the interests of the people" she told the debate. Replying to her remarks, VMRO-DPMNE Vladimir Gjorcev said that EU and NATO integration won't prevent young people from leaving their country. "An overwhelming majority of the Macedonian people disagrees with the Agreement, and I have reserves about the document that has been signed," he noted. Macedonia like never before needs unity and all stakeholders should put themselves above calculations, said DUI MP Xhevad Ademi speaking at the debate. The debate was opened with an address by PM Zoran Zaev in which he called for national reconciliation over the Parliament storming on 27 April 2017 and urged the lawmakers to approve constitutional revision.




Mogherini: FYROM name change deal will transform entire South-East Europe (EurActiv/AMNA, by Christina Vasilaki, 15 October 2018)


The recently reached “historic” name deal between Athens and Skopje will have a wider positive impact and a spill-over effect in entire South-East Europe, EU foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini said.

In an interview with’s Greek media partner Athens-Macedonian News Agency (AMNA), the High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy noted that the Prespa Agreement was a “unique opportunity for reconciliation in South East Europe.”

She also praised Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras and his FYROM counterpart Zoran Zaev for the “political courage” they showed in reaching the historic agreement, which according to her, may “not come again any time soon”. The national parliament in Skopje was due to debate the agreement on Monday (15 October)

Mogherini spoke to AMNA’s Christina Vasilaki.

Ahead of the vote this month on the name issue in the FYROM Parliament, what would you consider as a positive conclusion?

I had the privilege to attend the signing of the agreement by Prime Ministers Alexis Tsipras and Zoran Zaev in June at Lake Prespa. The two parties showed political courage, leadership, responsibility, working tirelessly to bridge gaps, to overcome old difficulties to reach this historic agreement that the whole Europe saluted. At the same time, I understand the sensitivities and complex historical background of the issue. The negotiation process must have been painful and the result a compromise for both sides. There are now national procedures for the implementation of the agreement ongoing in both countries, and these must be protected and respected. Our position is clear: the European Union fully supports the agreement reached. This is a unique opportunity for reconciliation in South-East Europe, which is also in the interest of Greece, an opportunity that might not come again any time soon.

If the result is positive, would the procedures for the accession of the country in the EU be accelerated? What is the timeline?

Reconciliation, regional cooperation and good neighbourly relations play a crucial role in our engagement with the Western Balkans and are also key principles of the enlargement process. So resolving such a difficult issue has a major importance for the region, but it is also an opportunity for moving forward on the European Union path. If this momentum is used wisely to advance also the work on the reforms that are needed, we are looking at significant progress. The member states have paved the way to the opening of accession talks in June of next year, based on the well-known conditions for the process. This is part of our reinforced engagement with the region, which is in the interest of all, our member states and the Western Balkans.

A positive conclusion would also mean more stability in the Balkans?

The historic agreement reached can contribute to the transformation of the entire region of South-East Europe. Fostering good neighbourly relations helps us work together to address the many opportunities and challenges we share, including in fields such as security and migration. The refugee crisis showed us that wars starting far from Brussels or Athens have an impact, sooner rather than later, in Europe. The Western Balkans are at the heart of Europe, we are interdependent. I believe that together we can achieve a lot for the prosperity, security, stability of all our people.

Are you worried that the talks between Serbia and Kosovo for land swap could be a destabilising factor for FYROM?

To the contrary, I believe that the whole region will benefit from a comprehensive normalisation agreement between Serbia and Kosovo covering all outstanding issues. The normalisation of relations between Kosovo and Serbia will underpin the development of relations and cooperation between them and the European Union and this will have a positive impact on the entire region, as has had the Prespa agreement. And the Prespa agreement showed that with political courage and determination even the most difficult issues can be solved. This has already proven to be a source of inspiration for the Dialogue. As you know, the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina for the normalisation of relations aims to promote cooperation, bring normalcy to the relations between Serbia and Kosovo, achieve progress on their path to the European Union and effectively improve the lives of the people. I will continue to work intensely with both parties on a comprehensive and sustainable agreement, that will be supported by the international community and fully implemented by all parties. As I have stressed on a number of occasions, this agreement would be in accordance with international law and in line with the EU acquis and values.