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Belgrade Media Report 17 October 2018



Vucic: Americans trying to remove every trace of UNSCR 1244 (B92/Tanjug)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic says the Americans obviously aim to remove even the last traces of UNSCR 1244 on Kosovo. Vucic made this statement on Wednesday in Belgrade the occasion of a letter now former US Ambassador to the United Nations, Nikki Haley, recently sent to UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres requesting that UNMIK withdraws from Kosovo and Metohija. “Haley sent a letter to Guterres, Marko Djuric introduced me to its contents. The Americans want to remove everything that represents the UN in Kosovo, because Kosovo is an independent state as far as they are concerned,” Vucic said.  “They want to remove the last traces of Resolution 1244 and show that their decision was the only possible right one. I plead with them to think about the interests in the Western Balkans because the removal of UNMIK and the formation of a Kosovo army would lead to a difficult position where we would no longer have any choice or right to choose or do anything except protect our land,” Vucic said.


Djuric: Slap to peacekeeping efforts and return to policy of pressures (Tanjug/RTV)


In reaction to the letter sent by the US Ambassador to the UN Nicki Haley where she requests the SG to withdraw UNMIK from Kosovo, the Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Marko Djuric has told an extraordinary press conference in the Serbian government that Serbia considers the adoption of this initiative to be a slap to peacekeeping efforts and a return to the policy of pressures. “Serbia will oppose this initiative with all arguments, both legal and political,” said Djuric. He says that nothing has been resolved, especially not the status issue, and that some of the main tasks of UNSCR 1244, which is the only legal framework, have not been fulfilled. “The initiative is the more dangerous since it is coming at a moment when the provisional Kosovo institutions are trying to form a Kosovo army,” says Djuric. He says the only framework for the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue is the provisional UN regime. This initiative will represent encouragement to the separatists in Pristina to continue with the policy of arms, says Djuric, adding that this will also contribute to resumption of unilateral performance in the international community without seeking a solution for Belgrade-Pristina relations at the negotiating table. “I wish to once again warn and remind that the mandate of UNMIK has also not been fulfilled in one key segment, and this is the return of expelled and displaced. For these eighteen years, UNMIK has not fulfilled one single of its main tasks over which it was established, and this is the return of over 200,000 expelled Serbs and other non-Albanians from Kosovo and Metohija,” said Djuric. He assessed that the withdrawal of the UN mission at this moment would represent recognition of failure and capitulation in the fight for achieving some of the key goals over which the UN was established. He says that he will conduct consultations on this with friends and partners of Serbia – the permanent UNSC members countries Russia and China, as well as other UNSC members. He said that Serbia would insist on everything going through the SC.


Turkey will support any agreement reached by Serbs and Albanians (Tanjug)


President Vucic held a phone conversation with Turkish President Rexhep Taip Erdogan. The two presidents talked about the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue and Erdogan underlined that this dialogue needs to resume towards finding a compromise solution, adding that he will support any agreement reached by the Serbs and Albanians, Vucic’s cabinet announced.


Brnabic: Visit of Putin confirms traditional friendship with Russia (Beta)


Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic assessed during the meeting with Russian Ambassador to Serbia Aleksandr Chepurin that President Vladimir Putin’s visit, at the invitation of Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic, in January next year, is a great honor for Serbia. Brnabic said that this would be an exceptional opportunity for the cooperation of our countries to consolidate and confirm the traditional friendship of the two peoples, stressing that it is expected that several agreements will be signed that will more closely regulate certain areas of bilateral cooperation.

Chepurin expressed his satisfaction with the continuity of the dialogue, cooperation and exchange of visits at the highest level, reminding also of the recent very successful visit of President Vucic to Russia. Brnabic took the opportunity to express her gratitude for the firm and consistent support of Russia to the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Serbia and our constructive approach in finding a compromise and durable solution for the issue of Kosovo and Metohija.


Kingdom of Lesotho withdraws recognition of Kosovo’s independence (Beta)


The Kingdom of Lesotho, a country in southern Africa, has reversed a decision to recognize the independence of Kosovo, Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic said after a visit to Lesotho. Minister Dacic said in a press release that he had received a verbal note from the kingdom’s foreign minister, making it very clear that Lesotho was withdrawing all the earlier decisions that may be interpreted as the recognition of so-called Kosovo. “They believe the unilateral declaration of Kosovo’s independence made in February 2008 is contrary to international law,” Dacic underlined. The Serbian Ministry published the note saying that it’s an honor for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Lesotho to announce that the government of the Kingdom of Lesotho believes that its sole contribution to a solution for the status of Kosovo should be support to the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue, instead of defining the status before the dialogue has been over. The issue of Kosovo’s statehood is premature, and the government hasn’t offered its opinion on the matter, nor will it do so until the dialogue is over, Lesotho’s cabinet went on to say in the note. “When the two sides reach an agreement, the government of the Kingdom of Lesotho will support it firmly,” says the note. “The unilaterally declared independence of Kosovo in February 2008 was a maneuver designed for the institutions provided by the UNSCR 1244 to be established without any political dialogue or agreement with the Republic of Serbia. The goal of the EU-mediated dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina is precisely to achieve a political, durable and sustainable solution,” says the note, which Lesotho is expected to send to Pristina as well.


Grushko: EU to pressure Pristina (Beta/Izvestia)


Russian deputy Foreign Minister Aleksandr Grushko told Izvestia daily that Moscow wants Brussels to pressure Pristina in the search for a solution to the Kosovo issue. “Brussels should exert greater pressure on Pristina to force it to meet the obligations it accepted under UN Security Council resolutions,” Grushko said, adding that the Foreign Ministry feels that the European Union as mediator must show more persistence and find other ways to influence Pristina. “The Belgrade-Pristina negotiations should be brought to a logical conclusion with EU mediation,” the Russian official said.


Scott: US policy on Kosovo is no news (B92)


Following the reaction of the Serbian state leadership to his statement that Kosovo is an independent state for the US, Ambassador Kyle Scott wrote on Twitter: “The focus should remain on seeking a comprehensive solution and both sides have our full support in this. I am aware that this is a sensitive topic, but the US policy regarding Kosovo is no news.”




No significant changes in election results for members of B&H Presidency and RS President (ATV)


According to the latest results of the 2018 general elections in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) published by the B&H Central Election Commission (CEC), SNSD's candidate for the post of a Serb member of B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik has won 352,933 or 53.89 percent of the votes. Dodik is followed by candidate of the Alliance for Victory (SzP) Mladen Ivanic who won 281,222 or 42.94 percent of the votes. SNSD's candidate for the post of the RS President Zeljka Cvijanovic has won 308,877 or 47.58 percent of the votes, while her rival - SzP's candidate Vukota Govedarica - won 278,878 or 42.96 percent of the votes.

SNSD won the largest number of mandates in Republika Srpska (RS), and it is followed by SDS, DNS, PDP, SP RS, NDP, coalition ‘Together for B&H’ and United Srpska. When it comes to votes on the territory of the RS, SNSD won most votes for B&H House of Representatives (HoR). When it comes to election of the RS Vice Presidents from the ranks of Bosniaks and Croats, candidate of coalition ‘Zajedno za B&H’ Ramiz Salkic and candidate of coalition gathered around HDZ B&H Josip Jerkovic received most of the votes.

SDA candidate for a Bosniak member of B&H Presidency Sefik Dzaferovic won 36.52 percent of votes and DF candidate for a Croat member of B&H Presidency Zeljko Komsic won 54 percent of votes. On the ground of 99.94 percent of counted ballots, the CEC established that difference in number of votes won by Dzaferovic and his rival Denis Becirovic (SDP) has reduced to 16,500.


US Embassy, OHR react to Covic’s conditioning of formation of authorities with changes to Election Law (FTV)


The US Embassy to B&H and the Office of the High Representative (OHR) reacted to a stance coming from leader of HDZ B&H Dragan Covic, who conditioned formation of authorities with changes to B&H Election Law. The US Embassy stated that although it is necessary to solve problems regarding the Election Law of B&H, holding the future of this country a hostage in order to achieve political benefit is irresponsible and unfair to B&H citizens, including Croats in B&H. The US Embassy stated that instead of this, political parties should work within established political framework in the spirit of compromise, in order to advance their goals. Brussels also conveyed a similar message. The OHR stated that it is up to B&H institutions to find a solution that will enable undisturbed formation of authority. The OHR stated: “No political party should block implementation of election results”.


Dodik: When I arrive in B&H Presidency, I will not accept MAP activation, nor B&H’s accession to NATO (Srna)


Republika Srpska (RS) President Milorad Dodik claims that when he arrives in the B&H Presidency, he will not accept the activation of Membership Action Plan (MAP), nor will he ever accept B&H’s accession to NATO. Srna also reminded of Dodik’s statement, according to which B&H will neither become a member of NATO, nor recognize Kosovo as an independent state for as long as he is the member of the Presidency of B&H. “As Serb member of the Presidency, I have the right to veto some things, and send them to Republika Srpska (RS) National Assembly, which would be in charge of making decision. This does not suit Bosniaks, because it tells them what the most important institution is. So, decisions will be made in the RS, not just in the Presidency”, said Dodik.


SNSD, SDA and HDZ B&H might be main parties that will form authorities at state level (EuroBlic)


The daily claimed that SNSD, SDA and HDZ B&H might again be the main parties that will be forming the state level authorities and only HDZ B&H Dragan Covic and his requests related to changes to the Law on Elections of B&H might represent an obstacle in this process. SDA’s Semsudin Mehmedovic said that SDA is willing to discuss a political platform that will serve as the basis for the new parliamentary majority and added that many unsolved questions must be included in this platform. “Changes to the Law on Elections can be included in this package and we too expect this eagerly. Therefore, should Covic demonstrate willingness to build B&H together with us and be on the way to Europe, then he will be a welcome partner. Otherwise, we will not be blackmailed by anyone, including Dragan Covic”, Mehmedovic added. SNSD’s Lazar Prodanovic said that it would be the best if SDA and HDZ B&H, as possible future coalition partners, reached an acceptable solution that will be in interest of everyone in B&H. “We will not be an obstacle for them, nor will we use such requests as a precondition in terms of talks on future structure of authorities at the level of BiH”, Prodanovic said and added that he personally thinks that it is necessary to implement a decision of B&H Constitutional Court on the Law on Elections of B&H, but this should not represent an obstacle to establishment of joint institutions at the level of B&H. SDP’s Sasa Magazinovic said that SDP primarily “proves that there was election theft” and he added that he was not surprised with Covic’s ultimatum. “He behaves in this way because (SNSD leader) Milorad Dodik and (SDA leader) Bakir Izetbegovic allowed him to do that. Therefore, he should sit down with his closest partners Dodik and Izetbegovic and, I am certain about this, they can agree on this request by Covic as a crown of their fruitful cooperation”, Magazinovic concluded. The daily reminded that Covic stated after a session of HDZ B&H Presidency that it will be impossible to implement the election results before changes to the Law on Elections of B&H are adopted.


SDS’ Mektic: Some people in SDS have been dishonest, if they wanted SDS to cooperate with SNSD, they should have said so before elections (Glas Srpske)


Minister of Security of B&H and member of SDS Main Board Dragan Mektic said that if some people from SDS considered post-election cooperation with SNSD, they should have said so before the elections, not only now, when SNSD leader Milorad Dodik proposed some kind of cooperation. “It would be very difficult, if not impossible, to convince me that we should cooperate with SNSD and Milorad Dodik, because we have had completely different perception of RS and political program which absolutely does not match with his one. Besides, why should we not be an opposition party?” said Mektic. Commenting on calls for cooperation coming from certain high-ranking SDS officials, Mektic said that he personally finds such statements to be irresponsible, and not in line with party’s official stances. “If those are their stances, they should present them to party’s bodies, not publicly”, said Mektic, adding that it is obvious some key SDS officials have not been honest. According to Mektic, statements of certain individuals are obviously aimed at making sure that the stances of SDS are adjusted in line with what is their personal interest. Party cannot serve several individuals’ personal interests.


Plenkovic pleased with talks with Macron (Hina)


Croatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic said in Paris on Tuesday that he was very pleased with the results of his meeting with his host, French President Emmanuel Macron. "This has been an excellent meeting with President Macron. We have thoroughly gone through the bilateral relations, and expressed satisfaction with the trade, political dialogue, implementation of the strategic partnership, harmonizing our positions on international affairs and issues concerning Southeast Europe," Plenkovic said after the meeting. He welcomed Macron's announcement that he would visit Croatia next year. Before the talks, Macron told reporters that he was going to visit Croatia next year. "Europe is being built not just in Brussels but in all capitals of EU member states, and that's why I will accept your invitation to visit Croatia next year. There has not been an official visit for 18 years, which I consider a certain aberration," Macron told the press before meeting with the Croatian prime minister. Plenkovic told reporters after the meeting that he had taken this opportunity to explain to Macron what had happened in B&H general elections on 7 October. "We are mainly concerned about the election of the Croat member of the Bosnian tripartite presidency. A Croat, Zeljko Komsic, was elected by Bosniak voters and we find this to be circumventing the basic principles and the letter and spirit of the Dayton Peace Accords," Plenkovic said. "I think it would be good for B&H to honor what was really agreed and intended by the Accords, and in the future it is essential to find a solution for election legislation to ensure the legitimate election of presidency members," the Croatian prime minister said. Asked how Macron took his arguments about B&H and whether France would help efforts to find a solution to this issue, Plenkovic said that Macron took this to be a serious problem.

He understood that this was a serious issue and that perception in Croatia may be unique but when they are provided with arguments in detail, our interlocutors understand that this is a serious issue that needs to be addressed not only by Croatia or B&H but also by a wider international community, Plenkovic said. However, Plenkovic did not give a specific answer when asked whether Macron promised assistance, adding that the French president had shown understanding. Plenkovic and Macron also discussed items on the agenda of the EU summit meeting, set for Wednesday and Thursday in Brussels, including Brexit, the euro area, migrations and security. The Croatian and French officials also considered Croatia's preparations to enter the passport-free Schengen area for which the country should be ready by the first half of 2020 when it assumes the rotating EU presidency. Plenkovic informed Macron of Croatia's intention to hold a new summit meeting between the EU and western Balkan countries during Zagreb's chairmanship over the Union. He told the press that it would be good to provide a realistic insight into a state of play in the accession of aspirants in the next four of five years as of 2020. “We have three groups of countries: Serbia and Montenegro, which have made progress in accession negotiations, then Macedonia and Albania which are awaiting the opening of negotiations after the European elections, and B&H and Kosovo in the last group. It is our goal to define a structured approach to all six countries and to support that process,” Plenkovic said.


Zaev 'ready' to reach consensus with everyone, including opposition leader (MIA)


The government is authorized to propose initiating of constitutional amendments and is tasked by a committee, provided that it is approved by parliament, to prepare draft-amendments within 15 days. Here, as the head of government, I will confirm that together we will sit down to work on amendments, Prime Minister Zoran Zaev said Tuesday at a session in which MPs debate constitutional changes. "We must not dare to make amendments ourselves. We only draft the amendments and we will work together if we have to, here in parliament if necessary, to verify the identity, Macedonian language either in existing amendments or in a new, fifth amendment. Greece has nothing against our identity and our language. I stand ready to talk with Greece, this is not something disputable. The problem is to make a distinction with North," he stated.

One of the amendments, Zaev said, proposes the adjective 'North' to be added before 'Macedonia', and another one foresees to highlight decisions of ASNOM (Anti-fascist Assembly for the National Liberation of Macedonia) because 'the Proclamation of ASNOM calls on Macedonians from all Macedonias.' According to him, its aims is to prevent any future accusations from Greece about irredentist claims. The third amendment, Zaev added, secures inviolability of borders and no territorial ambitions. "Here, in the Balkans, taking care of our citizens living in neighboring countries and beyond is defined in the constitutions differently than those of the EU countries. To care for your expats has to be adequate to the European way without implications for interference into the internal affairs either of neighboring countries or other," noted Zaev. The goal, he said, is to find an agreement that would lead to friendship and will leave no marks, which could enable in the future some new administrations, in Macedonia or in Greece, to create some kind of inconveniences. "Now, we are verifying the need to initiate constitutional amendments, draft-amendments will be voted further in the process. A 2/3 majority is required to support constitutional changes. It's a process that takes more than 100 days. Thus, once again, as head of executive power, I'm stating that I am ready to sit down with everyone, including the leader of VMRO-DPMNE, in order to establish a consensus on the matter" Zaev told MPs. The PM spoke during day two of a debate in parliament on the proposed constitutional changes. The plenary session resumes on Wednesday.


US disappointed with VMRO-DPMNE's leadership, Mitchell tells Mickoski (MIA)


Wess Mitchell, Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs, has sent a letter to the VMRO-DPMNE leader, Hristijan Mickoski, saying the United States has been disappointed with the positions of the party's leadership, including himself personally.

"As we have discussed, the United States strongly believes that the Prespa Agreement between Macedonia and Greece is a historic opportunity for Macedonia to secure a brighter future and contribute to regional security, stability and prosperity. Despite claims that there is some some "better deal" to be had, we do not believe that to be case. This agreement required compromise on both sides. It is an opportunity that is not likely to come again for years, if not decades," reads Mitchell's letter posted by the US Embassy in Skopje on its website. It will not come as any surprise to you, he adds, that we have been disappointed with the positions of VMRO-DPMNE's leadership regarding both the referendum and steps in parliament to amend the constitution.

"Macedonia's citizens from all communities and parties, including yours, strongly support NATO and EU accession, and have done so since independence. Now it is up to parliament to take the next and decisive step. We urge you to create space, publicly and privately, for members of parliament from your coalition to decide how they will vote on constitutional changes, free from threats of violence, retribution, or other forms of coercion. This is a historically important moment for your country, one that requires courageous leadership and maturity. As a true friend and supporter of Macedonia, we urge you to set aside partisan interests to advance our shared strategic interests and secure a brighter future for your citizens among the European family of nations" reads the letter of the top official of the US Department of State to Hristijan Mickoski.


NATO accession talks begin; up to parliament if Macedonia becomes a member (MIA)


Macedonia's NATO accession negotiations are set to officially begin on Thursday and Friday in Brussels, where members of the Committee for NATO integration and the Working Committee on Macedonia's Integration with NATO will meet with Alliance representatives involved in the evaluation whether the country meets NATO's criteria. This session of talks in Brussels will open the last stage of Macedonia-NATO pre-accession relations following the country's membership invitation extended at the Summit in Brussels in July, according to National NATO Coordinator Stevo Pendarovski. Pendarovski, together with Vice-Premier and Defense Minister Radmila Sekerinska and Foreign Minister Nikola Dimitrov, held a press conference on Tuesday to provide details regarding the NATO talks in the context of the parliamentary debate on the motion for revision of the Constitution as a result of the name dispute deal with Greece.

"All of this should happen with the implementation of the Prespa Agreement, in line with the prevailing political will of the majority of Macedonia's citizens," Pendarovski said.

"According to all analyses made by relevant institutions and individuals, our NATO membership will greatly increase the country's security and stability, while serving as a glowing example of and contribution to regional security, stability, and prosperity." He explained that the Committee for NATO integration, which is at the ministerial level, was formally re-established after Macedonia received the membership invitation. The Working Committee on Macedonia's Integration with NATO, on the other hand, which Pendarovski chairs, is at the operative level and it has already started performing duties laid out in the draft program for continuing reforms.

The primary focus of this program, which will be presented at the Working Committee's first meeting, is the rule of law, judiciary reforms, the fight against corruption and organized crime, defense and security reforms, as well as legal issues arising from Macedonia's NATO membership. The talks will be held in two sessions. The first will address political and defense issues related to the outlined criteria, and the second session will cover issues related to resources, security, legal aspects as well as Macedonia's contribution to the Alliance's budget. The tentative completion date of the talks will be determined during this stage of negotiations.

Pendarovski noted that the process should finish by the end of 2018, considering Macedonia is to sign during January 2019 the accession protocol granting it rights to participate in all NATO bodies without the right of vote – and full membership is to follow after all member states have ratified the accession protocol in their national parliaments. In the case of Macedonia, Greece is expected to be the first member state to ratify this protocol, as soon as our country carries out its own obligations arising from the Prespa Agreement. "Being granted full membership will accomplish our strategic goal, and it will provide a strong guarantee of stability, security, the permanence of borders and safeguarding territorial integrity. "NATO membership is an important prerequisite for economic growth, investment stimulation, better-paid jobs, and prosperity," Sekerinska said. She pointed out that now is the time when all MPs should show they support NATO membership by their actions and not merely their words. "All political parties are facing a historic opportunity," Sekerinska said. "By pressing the Yes button, they will take part in the final steps of our homeland's 27-year marathon to enter NATO. Macedonia's success is up to them." Sekerinska said that NATO accession talks and amendments to the Constitution were processes to be carried out in parallel. "It's evident that parliament's decision will determine whether Macedonia becomes a NATO member in the very near future. It should be clear to all MPs that it's up to them whether Macedonia takes this chance. "We have been talking about NATO and the EU for a long while, and now is the time to put those words into action. Each vote will count towards whether Macedonia opens the door to NATO," Sekerinska said. If this doesn't happen, she added, and the opposition chooses their party interests over the interests of the country, Parliament is expected to announce snap elections, at which, according to Sekerinska, "we will obtain a two-thirds majority." "Either way," Sekerinska said, "Macedonia and its strategic goals must win, and we have no doubt it will happen." Dimitrov said that NATO membership not only guarantees national security and prosperity but also affirms Macedonia's integrity and identity. "We took up the responsibility," Dimitrov said. "Now it's up to parliament to complete the process. The stakes are high. NATO, on the one hand, is the most powerful defense organization in the world, but on the other hand, it's an economic club, because membership comes with many economic benefits. It's a message that Macedonia is here to stay within its borders."  Dimitrov said that if the process should fail, it was uncertain if another Greek government would re-open the issue and under which conditions. He added that almost 94 percent of voters who participated in the referendum were in favor of NATO and the EU. "We mustn't shirk our responsibility," Dimitrov said. "There's no greater patriotism than taking responsibility and having a vision for the future. "We will establish the identity of the Macedonian people through the recognition of the Macedonian language. "We will enter NATO as Macedonians, and together with all our fellow citizens, we will share the fate of our Macedonia and make way for starting EU negotiations. The alternative is uncertainty, or worse," Dimitrov said, recalling NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg's many statements as of late that there was no Plan B regarding Macedonia's membership other than implementing the Prespa Agreement.




Serbia: 16+1 Summit focuses on linking W. Balkan states (Anadolu, by Talha Ozturk, 16 October 2018)



The summit of transport ministers of China and 16 countries of Central and Eastern Europe began in Serbia's capital Belgrade on Tuesday. The summit is part of China's 16+1 multilateral platform initiative facilitating cooperation between China and 16 Central and Eastern European countries (CEEC). Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic, who officially opened the summit, said the reason of the gathering is to find new ways of cooperation. "Connecting the region today is of crucial importance for progress," he said, and pointed out that when it comes to ex-Yugoslavia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Montenegro and Romania has no highway that can connect them. Vucic said these countries are the main trading partners and must be connected. "The essence is to connect, to exchange goods, services and to reduce the operational costs. That's why we invest a lot of money in the development of infrastructure, river ports and roads. We are ready to listen to the advices of our Chinese friends, and to extend full cooperation to the 'One belt, One Road' project," said Vucic. Zorana Mihajlovic, Serbia's minister of civil engineering, transport and infrastructure, said his country could become the leader in Europe with respect to implementation of infrastructure projects, thanks to the mechanism of cooperation between China and the CEEC. Pointing out Belgrade-Budapest railway line and the road route to Montenegro, Li Xiaopeng, China's transport minister, said significant progress has been made in cooperation between China and the CEEC. Li called on the countries to continue to invest in joint efforts to deepen cooperation. Aleksandar Antic, Serbian minister of mining and energy, said this format is getting stronger every year and bringing more options to the region in cooperation with China to benefit the entire region. Deputy Mayor of Beijing Wang Hong pointed out that the countries of central and eastern Europe and China have a traditional friendship. He said concrete plans are being made in order to improve the cooperation and the living standard of people. The 16+1 was established in 2012 as a multilateral platform facilitating cooperation between China and 16 Central and Eastern European countries (CEEC) -- including Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Macedonia, Montenegro, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia. Meanwhile, third forum of mayors of major cities of the participating countries is also held in Belgrade.