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Belgrade Media Report 31 October 2018



Brnabic: Sustainable solution for Kosovo should be found through dialogue (Tanjug)


Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic said today, at the meeting of the main group of the Munich Security Conference, that a compromise solution for Kosovo and Metohija is the key to stability and security in the region, as well as a crucial factor for economic prospects and prosperity of all citizens of the region. Brnabic is attending the meeting in Minsk at the invitation of Wolfgang Ischinger, who chairs the conference whose topic is the current regional and global security situation. Belgrade is committed to dialogue and finding a compromise through dialogue, she reiterated, adding that this is not a simple process, and that dialogue is the only way to establish a long-term sustainable solution. The Prime Minister stressed that dialogue in general is difficult and complicated, which makes it important for us not to make this process more difficult by setting up red lines and underlined that Germany’s support in this respect is important.


Vucic: I am looking for a compromise all the time (Tanjug/B92/RTS)


President Vucic says he has not been presenting any details about his proposal to solve the Kosovo issue, because he has nothing anyone would accept. The President was asked by reporters. after touring the newly built X-knife Center at the Clinical-Hospital Center (KBC) in Belgrade, why he never presented his plan and the details that he had indicated, as he said, to the leaders in Brussels and to the Pristina side. In his response, Vucic said that various ideas are being presented. “In countless places I spoke about the need for a compromise, and I will never speak about the details until we have something concrete. To one word of mine, which was normal - that we need to establish a border, since we don’t know where the border is today - many have reacted. I know what is written in our country, but when I go to Kosovo, there is a second border waiting for me set by those who ruled before us in 2011,” he said. “Kosovo declared its independence in 2008, also during the times of those who now give patriotic lectures. In 2010, with our terrible moves, we contributed to the judgment of the International Court of Justice, which goes at the expense of our interests,” he explained. Vucic emphasized that he was looking for a compromise all the time, which would be painful for both sides, where both parties would lose and gain something. When it comes to talking with multiple parties, the details should never be spoken about, he said, unless one has something in one’s hands. “I have nothing that would be accepted by anyone, so I don’t. We will never bring any act without checking with the people and the parliament. Will there be anything to check? I’m afraid not,” Vucic said. He stressed that he did not provide any details, because only those who want everything to fall through could do that.


Over six billion Dinars for projects in Serb communities in Kosovo (Beta)


At a joint session of the Serbian government and representatives of Serbs from Kosovo and Metohija held on Tuesday, an investment plan for the southern province was adopted and measures of incentives for potential investors were agreed on. Prime Minister Ana Brnabic told the press after the session that the government adopted three conclusions – on the need for a longer-term approach to investment in areas with the majority Serb population in Kosovo and Metohija, on the preparation of a draft law to regulate the issue of financial assistance and on allocation of RSD 300 million to start financing some of the projects. Brnabic pointed out that there are 76 projects in total, worth 6.1 billion Dinars, which is about €51 million, and she specified that in the year 2018, about 444 million Dinars will be needed for project implementation. She said that about 5 billion Dinars will be needed next year, and in 2020 about 583 million Dinars, with the remark that it is possible that in 2019 additional projects for 2020 and 2021 will be adopted. She assessed that this is an important day, which represents a new page of our support to the Serbs in the province, and added that our country has two goals.

One is to improve systemic and institutional support and to inform the citizens of Kosovo that we are there for them, and the second is to strengthen the position of Serbs from the province economically, she explained. Brnabic pointed out that Serbia was able to financially help the Serb people in Kosovo thanks to very difficult reforms, fiscal consolidation and economic stability, as well as economic growth that is better than foreseen. Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said in a statement for the press after the session that more than 6 billion Dinars will be invested in various projects over the next 18 months. He explained that these funds will be used to encourage the start of work of some factories, the construction of new production plants and reconstruction of health institutions – the Clinical Centre in Gracanica and the Health Centre in Kosovska Mitrovica. Vucic added that investments will be made in the construction of cold storage facilities in the Serbian communities, construction of tourist centers in areas which meet the necessary conditions, such as Banjska, as well as in road and water infrastructure and the University.


Kostic: New dialogue with Pristina needed (N1)


The President of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts (SANU) Vladimir Kostic told N1 a new dialogue on Kosovo was needed, with a higher level of tolerance and with the expert and scientific help by SANU. “Does Serbia know what it wants, where it goes and what are the red lines? I’m afraid it doesn’t,” Kostic said. He also said he did not know what President Aleksandar Vucic meant when he spoke about the delineation with the Albanians, and suggested to him to visit the SANU and talk to the academicians. Kostic said that Serbia’s society was extremely divided. “Here you don’t know who is shaking hands with whom, who frequents which restaurants who reads which newspapers… We live on the islands which do not have interactive communications.” He added that the political parties bore the most significant responsibility for such a situation. Kostic also has said that both on the left and on the right side of the political scene there are groups which do not know what they want but know what they do not want. “I’m afraid that such aggressive energy leads us to the showdown in which everyone would be against everyone.” “It is not easy to recognize a friend from an enemy anymore,” the SANU President said.


No major progress to be expected in Paris - French diplomats (Tanjug)


November 11 meetings in Paris cannot be expected to bring substantial progress in the process of the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue or in defining an ultimate solution to the Kosovo problem, French diplomatic sources in Brussels told Tanjug Tuesday. Diplomats who wished to remain anonymous said they did not expect French President Emmanuel Macron – Europe’s only influential leader who has not voiced an opinion on the concept of delineation - to be willing to take a leading role in the search for a solution or organize any kind of joint meeting with Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and Hahsim Thaci in Paris.




Komsic sends letter to EU officials criticizing Croatian MEPs’ attitude towards election process in B&H (FTV)


Newly elected Croat member of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency Zeljko Komsic sent an open letter to the EU officials and institutions responding to Croatian MEPs who sent a number of letters to the EU institutions in which they expressed their dissatisfaction with Komsic’s election to the Presidency. Komsic stated that the Croatian MEPs stated a number of untruths regarding the election process in B&H, repeating that the October elections were held in line with the country's constitution and the Election Law of B&H. He noted that Croatian MEPs showed political tendency of violating the Dayton Peace Agreement that ended the war in B&H and threatened B&H’s sovereign right to elect its political representatives. According to him, their letter is yet another attack of the Republic of Croatia on B&H’s sovereignty and is direct interference in B&H’s internal matters, which is contrary to international law and the common relations between the two states. Komsic also stated that HDZ B&H President Dragan Covic was elected in accordance with the Election Law of B&H twice and he started complaining only after he lost the elections. “Dissatisfaction of the Croatian MEPs with the election results in B&H can only stem from political interests,” Komsic said. “The EU Foreign Affairs Council requested that the principles of equality and non-discrimination of all the citizens must be guaranteed by B&H. The letter sent by the Croatian MEPs to the FAC clearly demands that the Council changes its previous positions and adopts a new conclusion by which, in addition to the existing discriminatory provisions, B&H should introduce additional discriminatory provisions that would restrict the citizens’ right to vote in a way that only Croats can vote for Croats, Serbs for Serbs and Bosniaks for Bosniaks,” wrote Komsic and noted that such actions by the Croatian MEPs can result in the violation of B&H’s and regional stability. Komsic went on to say that the Croatian MEPs and Croatian politicians were wrong to say that B&H is "a state of two entities and three constituent peoples" because the preamble to the constitution, based on the Dayton agreement which put an end to the war in the country in 1995, says that Bosniaks, Croats and Serbs, as the constituent peoples, determine the country's constitution together with other ethnic groups and citizens. "The Croatian MEPs ignore the fact that B&H is a country of three constituent peoples as well as other citizens and other ethnic groups. Referring selectively to its constitution and only to the constituent peoples, without mentioning other ethnic groups and other citizens, promotes discrimination, and excludes other citizens and other ethnic groups as a constituent of the state," said Komsic, who, even though expected to represent Croats in the collective state presidency, promotes himself as a representative of all citizens. “In order to attract the attention of the EU institutions, Croatian Prime Minister Mr. Andrej Plenkovic, Mr. Dragan Covic and certain members of the European Parliament from Croatia are groundlessly spreading fear that without changes to the Election Law of B&H, it will not be possible to carry out direct elections for the upper house of the Parliament of the Federation of B&H. Election Law of B&H makes it possible, which has been already confirmed by members of the Central Election Commission” reads the letter sent by Komsic.  Komsic sent the letter to President of the European Parliament Antonio Tajani, President of the European Council Donald Tusk, President of the European Commission Jean Claude Juncker, EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Federica Mogherini, EU Commissioner for Neighborhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations Johannes Hahn and the FAC.


Dodik says he will decisively fight in Sarajevo for RS and its existence (ATV)


Newly-elected Serb member of B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik said that the “line was crossed in the Balkans to the detriment of Serbs” adding that he will take a decisive stance at his new post in Sarajevo and fight for Republika Srpska (RS) and its existence since his primary interest is to represent the RS and Serbs. “They take churches from us in Montenegro and Macedonia, Croatia falsifies our history and Germany says that Kosovo is a done deal”, Dodik reminded. He stressed that anyone who is seriously engaged in the politics here must respect the stance of German Chancellor Angela Merkel, but what Germany advocates is not fair towards Serbia. Dodik noted that he will ask for the attempted murder of Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic in Srebrenica in 2015 to be finally clarified, concluding that the case was not resolved because there was no willingness for that in the “Sarajevo circles that had support of Serb poltroons.” Asked about his future cooperation with Bosniak and Croat members of the Presidency of B&H, Sefik Dzaferovic and Zeljko Komsic respectively, Dodik said that their wartime past is well-known. “Dzaferovic was a witness to murders of Serbs, which he did not prevent, even though as Chief of Zenica Security Centre he could have done that. Komsic is recipient of ‘Golden Lilly’ for his efforts in the fight against Serbs. I have no need to cooperate with them” said Dodik.


Osmanovic: On behalf of SDA, I call on pro-Bosnian parties to form authorities together (Dnevni list)


“On behalf of SDA, I call on pro-Bosnian parties to form a broad coalition at all levels together” said SDA Deputy President Adil Osmanovic arguing that SDA won the elections at all levels. According to Osmanovic, SDA proposes that pro-Bosnian parties with significant support of the citizens should form authorities at cantonal, Federation of B&H and state level. He went on to say that, with regards to talks of left-wing, civic parties about formation of new authorities without SDA, that it is actually questionably if somebody can call itself a left-wing or civic party. In addition to this, Osmanovic noted that formation of authorities without SAD would complicate the political scene even further.


German and UK Embassies to B&H organize meeting with parties from B&H regarding new Reform Agenda (BHT1)


The German Embassy to B&H and the UK Embassy to B&H organized a meeting with representatives of around 10 parties from B&H, which took place at Brdo near Kranj in Slovenia over the past two days. The meeting was dedicated to adoption of a new Reform Agenda that should be implemented over the next four years, as continuation of the so-called UK-German initiative. Representatives of SDA, SNSD, HDZ B&H, HDZ 1990, Independent Bloc (NB), DNS, PDP, SDS, DF, People and Justice (NiP), SDP B&H and SBB B&H expressed support to further implementation of reforms.


HR Inzko to submit report on situation in B&H to UN SC on November 6 (Nezavisne)


High Representative Valentin Inzko will submit the report on situation in B&H to the UN Security Council (SC) on November 6. Daily unofficially learns that Inzko will say - among other things - that conditions for closing down of the Office of the High Representative have not been met yet. OHR representatives confirmed only that Inzko will submit the report on November 6, but they did not want to talk about the contents of this document. However, the daily learns that Inzko will speak about the events in B&H over the past six months, increased use of ethnic rhetoric, and slowdown in the process of implementing reforms, especially those which should eventually result in closing down of the OHR. Daily noted that it will be interesting to see if Inzko will say anything about HDZ B&H and Dragan Covic’s complaints that Bosniaks have elected two members of the Presidency of B&H. The daily noted that the UN Security Council is also supposed to decide on extension of EUFOR’s mandate in B&H. An unnamed source close to the European Commission told daily that the mandate is likely to be extended, if Russia does not have objections to the text of the resolution. The source explained that Russia was the only one with reservations when it comes to extension of EUFOR’s mandate in B&H, and especially when “sentences which suggested ‘Euro-Atlantic integration’ were a part of the text of resolution, because Russia does not accept that B&H is moving towards NATO”.


Parliament endorses amendments to laws on public prosecutor’s office, and criminal procedure (MIA)


The parliament endorsed Tuesday the amendments to the Law on the Public Prosecutor’s Office and the Criminal Procedure Code. Both laws were endorsed by as two-thirds majority, after they had been coordinated between the ruling and opposition MPs earlier in the year. Changes in the Law on the Public Prosecutor’s Office relate to the establishment of a separate department for investigation and persecution of crimes committed by persons having police jurisdiction and members of the prison police. Amendments to the Criminal Procedure Code are aimed at overcoming existing deficiencies in the field of special investigative measures, noted in reports of international organizations and especially in the reports of European expert Reinhard Priebe. In addition, the provision related to the termination of detention following a complaint is harmonized with the case law of the European Court of Human Rights.


Zaev: Rules of procedure has clearly defined deadlines, process should be completed by second half of January (MIA)


Prime Minister Zoran Zaev expects that all deadlines in the process of adopting constitutional amendments will be met, which are an obligation in line with the Prespa Agreement. “The rules of procedures deadlines are clearly defined. If we adopt the draft amendments at government’s session on Nov. 5 and we forward them to the parliament, then the session should be scheduled within 30 days. According to the rules of procedure, the session will be scheduled within 30 days, and afterwards the Parliament’s Committee on Constitutional Issues and the Legislative Committee will open a discussion. The set deadlines are clearly defined in the rules of procedure and all the discussions are led within deadlines, therefore we can plan dates for the second half of January,” Zaev told reporters on Tuesday after addressing the High-Level Think Tanks Symposium of China and Central and Eastern Europeans countries. He assessed Monday’s working meeting with the new MP group of VMRO-DPMNE and the coalition as good, at which concrete suggestions were made, and he believed that would be included in the texts of draft amendments. He added that they will consult them once again in regard to what they suggest, and if they agree, they will continue with the next steps. Zaev said that also the Greek side was consulted in regard to process of constitutional amendments. “You all know that the Greek side was also consulted. It is not an obligation arising from the Prespa Agreement, however in the spirit of partnership and friendship we want to present what the Macedonian Parliament will decide in the coming period, because it is a draft phase and during the discussion on draft amendments, the very amendments can be supplemented. I believe that by Friday we will make all necessary consultations,” Zaev underlined. Zaev said that he regularly communication with the Greek Prime Minister Tsipras and that they do not expect the process to be prolonged, because, as he said, neither they nor we, we benefit from it. The sooner we complete the obligations in the Parliament, the better it would be for the citizens of Greece to see the benefits of the Prespa Agreement. He said he did not believe that opposition will obstruct the process in the parliament, as he believed that there is no need for this. “There is no need for this, although there are certain speculations in this regard. I personally do not believe that this will happen, because I do not see the rationally of the obstruction due to clearly defined deadlines within such procedure,” Zaev said. He expressed confidence that all opposition MPs will be included in the process of reconciliation, because the number of 80 MPs is not enough. And they also know that this is a historic moment for Macedonia. Commenting Monday’s statement by Deputy PM Osmani that some of those involved in the events of April 27 may have been collateral damage thus not excluding amnesty for them, Zaev said that he is committed to the process of reconciliation. “Everyone can have its own viewpoint, we are democratic government. I respect the way of consideration, the commitment to achieve the ultimate goal, and this is a kind of national unity – inter-ethnic and intra-ethnic that we need in Macedonia. I’m talking about reconciliation and not about amnesty. Coordinative body in the parliament will work on overall current reconciliation, but also the perspectives in Macedonia. One thing I know that the events of 27 April are a great opportunity to build this reconciliation,” Zaev underlined. In regard to the issue of including the Ohrid Framework Agreement in the preamble of the Constitution, he said that this issue has not yet been defined, adding that issue is yet to be discussed. “The Ohrid Framework Agreement is an integral part of the Constitution of the Republic of Macedonia. I want to emphasize that inclusiveness in the process is important, but we must not stop the entire process with our ambitions and to minimize the time necessary for the adoption of all the necessary steps that are planned for the second half of January,” Zaev noted.


Ministry calls Greek Ambassador (ADN)


Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs, called on Tuesday the Greek Ambassador to Tirana, Eleni Surani, for the case of the murder of a Greek citizen, Kostandinos Kacifa in Bularat village of Gjirokastra. Ministry communicated to the Ambassador the clear position of the Albanian authorities about the issue.  To the Ambassador Surani was communicated that the event is being investigated by Albanian Prosecution. This is the highest authority that realizes an independent investigation within the Albanian territory.  Ministry repeated the appeal for further caution on this issue and for not treating it as a political or diplomatic issue. “Albania is a safe and quiet place for all its citizens, including without any distinction those of Greek nationality,” ministry informed.


President Meta calls for transparent investigation (ADN)


Albanian President, Ilir Meta reacted on Tuesday about the Greek citizen killed in two days ago in Bularat by RENEA police forces during a fire exchange. President's spokesperson, Tedi Blushi said in a press statement that the head of Albanian State appreciates the importance of a transparent investigation. "I express deep conviction that this is an isolated event that can not weaken Albanian-Greek friendship. The Greek minority in Albania and the Albanian emigrants in Greece will continue to be the bridges of this relationship and friendship. President Meta appreciates the views of Greece's Culture Minister about the event and urges everyone to stay away from trying to exploit this event for nationalist rhetoric and destructive political needs" Presidency reacted.




Vucic: I told Putin what is the Serbian solution for Kosovo (Sputnik, 30 September 2018)


I am happy that the Russian President respects the fact that Serbia, as a small country, has managed to preserve its independence, sovereignty in decision-making and that it knows how to maintain this position, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic told Sputnik in an interview after he has been informed that Vladimir Putin had awarded him with the Aleksandr Nevski medal. He points out that the medal of Aleksandr Nevski is enormous honor for him personally but also for the Republic of Serbia. To the remark that the media are reporting that US President’s advisor John Bolton had agreed with Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov some solution and that now, approximately, it is up to Serbia to accept it, Vucic underlines that his information are not such. “I received the message from Sergey Lavrov,” added Vucic. “For the first time we talked in front of President Putin, for the first time officially at a meeting John Bolton launched this issue and I have been informed by Mr. Lavrov about this,” noted Vucic. “He didn’t say that Mr. Bolton was unfair, but he repeated the unequivocal position of Russia, which was presented by President Putin last time in talks with me,” said Vucic, confirming that this implies there will be no solution without Serbs. According to him, the point is that some people in one part of the world think how this is all approximately completed, only somebody needs to sit down to sign something. “Since there is no one who would know better from me how close or far we are, I am telling you that we are very, very far, unfortunately,” said Vucic. Asked whether he expected some more serious talks on Kosovo to be launched on 11 November in Paris, where he will talk with most important world leaders, i.e. whether this could be the beginning of some future international conference on the fate of the southern Serbian province, Vucic says he is ready to talk with Hashim Thaci with the mediation of the EU. “I will see world statesmen in Paris. I am ready, and we do not have any confirmation of this, to talk with Thaci if somebody wants to organize this meeting on the sidelines. That mediator needs to be the EU since we had agreed earlier to this kind of auspices. This could, for example, be the French President. But, for this meeting to lead to a solution, this is not possible. This is so unrealistic that I simply cannot even comment,” said Vucic. Asked what he had discussed in Moscow with the Russian President, Vucic says: “he will never speak about what he discusses with President Putin tete-a-tete”, but confirms that he left the meeting “very satisfied”. Asked whether he believed that the departure of Angela Merkel may bring improvement for Serbia, he said: “I am afraid not. And this has nothing to do with our personal relationship. I don’t have the right to be personal. I am not thinking about whether I like somebody or not. That somebody meant to Serbia.” Asked additionally whether this meant that he didn’t think that better times were coming for us due to changes in Germany, he responded: “I don’t think. Let me pose a counter-question, since I know that Sputnik can analyze things from a different angle. We will have soon elections for the European Parliament. What will be Serbia’s position if everybody unites against the coalition of peoples’ and right-wing conservative parties. If the liberals, social-democrats, greens, socialists, communists and others sustain. What then will be our position. It is better that I don’t give an answer. If this happens, and things are moving in this direction, what will we do then?”


Belgrade, Pristina hold another round of dialogue in Minsk (BelTA, 31 October 2018)


MINSK – Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic and Kosovo political leader Hashim Thaci held talks in Minsk on the sidelines of the Munich Security Conference Core Group Meeting, BelTA has learned. According to Ana Brnabic, the parties reviewed the progress in the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue. She expressed the hope that the parties will be able to come to an agreement, a compromise that will lead to greater stability in the region. The prime minister stressed that she has great expectations of the conference which discusses important issues on the international agenda: East-West relations, the Minsk Process and others. Ana Brnabic also noted that she is visiting Minsk for the first time and that she is happy to have such an opportunity. The Serbian head of government commended the level of the Belarusian-Serbian relations, including at the level of the heads of state. The Serbia-Kosovo border talks has been going on for several years. As a rule, meetings of various levels are held in Brussels. The parties discuss the prospects for a final legally-binding agreement between Belgrade and Pristina. The Munich Security Conference is an annual event held since 1963. The event was initially meant as a dialogue between the Federal Republic of Germany and the United States on security policy. It later attracted the attention of political and military circles of other countries. At present the Munich Security Conference is considered one of the most important independent forums for the exchange of views by international security policy decision-makers. The list of attendees includes high-ranking politicians, heads of state from Europe, the United States, and Asia, representatives of Armed Forces, NATO and the OSCE, security experts, representatives of military industrial concerns, leading journalists. The first MSC Core Group Meeting was held in 2009. Meetings are held in the format of an exclusive high-level dialogue with the involvement of a wide range of participants. They are a continuation of the Munich Security Conference and traditionally focus on the security in the region they are held in. The last MSC Core Group Meeting took place in Washington on 8 May 2017. The meetings were also held in Moscow, Beijing, Doha, New Delhi, Vienna, Tehran, and Addis Ababa.