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Belgrade Media Report 26 November 2018



Serbia must prepare for long-term assistance to Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija (RTS/Tanjug/Beta)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic pointed out that Serbia must prepare for long-term assistance and support to our people in Kosovo and Metohija, which will not be easy. After meeting with members of the Serbian government, summoned on the occasion of the attack of members of the ROSU Army in northern Kosovo and the arrest of Serbs, Vucic said that Serbia does not accept any new rules and blackmail, and called on Pristina to withdraw illegal, barbaric and anti-civilizational taxes on Serbian products, otherwise there will be no continuation of the talks. Vucic said that arrests in Kosovska Mitrovica have nothing to do with the investigation of Oliver Ivanovic’s murder, but happened in order to arouse fear among the Serb people in the province. He stressed that he tried to warn the domestic and international public that Pristina will cause a catastrophe of great proportions. Bearing in mind their determination to go to the end and that there is no desire of the international community for the situation to be resolved, we have to prepare for long-term assistance to our people in the province, which will be neither easy nor simple, nor cheap, said the President. Vucic pointed out that the no trade with Kosovo represents the most significant attempt to destabilize Serbia, adding that the introduction of taxes is an anticivilization act, a violation of the freedom of movement, goods, capital and services.

We understood they had the support of some in the West, it was clear to us after the talks with the ambassadors, because, as we understood, they are blaming Serbia for not accepting Kosovo into the Interpol, Vucic said. We need to agree on how we will coordinate our future actions and, most importantly, how we will help our people in Kosovo, he stressed.

Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic said that Serbia will maintain stability at all costs, except for the cost of living and freedom of Serbs in Kosovo. We will call on reason, international law and justice and signed international agreements that must be implemented in the civilized world, said Brnabic and added that this applies to the Stabilization and Association Agreement (SAA), which is violated in the most fundamental ways as well as the CEFTA agreement. She announced that Serbia will on 26 November submit a formal notification for the CEFTA violation to UNMIK, which is the signatory of that agreement and that we will seek the opening of formal consultations, which are required prior to the arbitration process. At the same time, we will see how to initiate proceedings before the EU against the violation of the SAA, she explained. We will maintain stability. We will not be tempted to provoke. We will continue to insist that taxes be returned to normal, she said. She also stressed that Serbia continues to work harder and better, because it is a big challenge, and pointed out that Belgrade should not agree to provocation, because stability is the most important for our country and citizens. According to Brnabic, Serbia continues to develop, to be stable and to be a center in the region of development, peace and stability. Brnabic pointed out that Belgrade and Pristina do not think the same, because Serbia is oriented to peace, stability and the future, while Pristina’s politics is retrograde.


Dacic: Some countries gave birth to political monster in Pristina (B92/FoNet/Tanjug)


Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic said on Monday he would not be surprised if Pristina had indeed banned members of the Serbian government from entering Kosovo and Metohija, adding this would run contrary to all agreements reached in Brussels. Dacic told reporters he would not be surprised by such a decision, given that imposing a 100 percent tax on goods was proof there was no rational and reasonable policy in Pristina now, we have moved into the sphere of political insanity. “This issue is not for us but for the international community, the EU, and the question is what they will do about it. Some countries have given birth to a political monster in Pristina and it’s time they’ve set boundaries for it,” Dacic said, adding that he did not believe in the stories coming from the international community that Pristina would not listen to them. Dacic said that Kosovo Minister Shala had posted a photo with Edi Rama, and the inscription “100 percent” on Facebook - and that Rama may have been abused, but it is in any case necessary for him to distance himself. Dacic stressed that Albania and Kosovo are talking about removing borders and abolishing customs and the border police, and added that there was no purpose in Serbia participating in regional cooperation meetings, if Europe really does not see what this is about, and the level of hypocrisy of Albania and Pristina. Asked if he would suggest that Serbia should not be taking part in regional meetings, Dacic said that a conference on revitalization of regional cooperation should be held first. “This is not a hallmark of the 21st century, something like this only happens in Kosovo, and if someone thinks that we will stop or get scared, or stop fighting for our state interests, and that we will recognize Kosovo, they are mistaken. If somebody thinks we're scared of Haradinaj, it’s time to wake him up from the hypnosis he’s in. I’m afraid he is not alone, those are puppets managed by someone from the side,” Dacic said. Asked if Moscow could be to Belgrade what Washington is to Pristina, Dacic said that Serbia is not seeking support from anyone, but respect of international law. He pointed out that officials in Serbia will not listen to the international community that they were to blame for Pristina’s mindless moves and that they caused them by not being admitted to Interpol. “This is not about somebody wanting to do something to Serbia, they want to disturb regional peace and stability. Serbia will not allow itself to be drawn into that mud, but will defend its national interests,” said Dacic.

He said Russia and China can help Serbia in the sense that these two countries guarantee the UN will not revise Resolution 1244, and will not recognize Pristina's unilateral acts. “We would like this to be a shared approach by all permanent members of the UN Security Council,” Dacic concluded.


Odalovic: Brussels and Washington can stop Pristina’s ruggedness (RTS)


Serbian Foreign Ministry’s General Secretary Veljko Odalovic has told RTS morning news that the most important thing is for Brussels to be the one that will explain Pristina that things they are doing can cause serious problems. “This is going outside the framework of everything what was done through the dialogue, it is in direct opposition to what we have been doing to help people in Kosovo and Metohija,” said Odalovic. He notes the situation will be harder and more uncertain if Pristina is the only one asked. In that context, he says only Brussels and the US can stop the ruggedness of the Kosovo authorities. Odalovic says that Ramush Haradinaj and Hashim Thaqi have introduced taxes in order to calm down the internal public following the failure in international activities. “Haradinaj is in the field where he manages the best, he spent all his path either in the forest or in clashes or in situations where there are no rules and order, and force and ruggedness are valid,” notes Odalovic. When it comes to Hashim Thaqi’s trip to the US, Odalovic notes that this visit perhaps has to do with the latest events in Kosovo and Metohija. The US had stood behind all the moves undertaken in Pristina. Odalovic interprets the performance of Kosovo authorities as an attempt of leading people in Kosovo and Metohija to change the lists of the indictments of the Special Court for the KLA crimes. He says that Serbia will inform the international public about what do Pristina’s moves mean and he expects that we will receive support. “The situation is now relatively under control, Serbia is not leaving its people and it will be with it and we will respond to every provocation and we will have a step that offers guarantees,” said Odalovic.


Scott: Kosovo is one state (Beta)


US Ambassador to Serbia Kyle Scott said on Monday that Pristina’s decision to impose 100 percent taxes on goods from Serbia and Bosnia-Herzegovina is discriminatory. Kosovo is one state and the implementation of a discriminatory policy by imposing one rate in a part of the country and another in another part is certainly not alright, he said when asked to comment the proposal by Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama to keep the 100 percent taxes in place in the north of Kosovo and abolish taxes in the south. Scott said that he believes that Serbia and Kosovo are the key to stability and cooperation in the region, adding that Washington supports the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue as the only way to achieve progress.


KFOR: No unlawful operation, KSF not deployed to north Kosovo (Tanjug)


No Kosovo Security Force (KSF) or any other military force has been deployed to the north of Kosovo and what happened on Friday morning was only a police operation, KFOR said in a statement. “There was no unlawful operation or military action and there has never been any threat to safety and security of the citizens. KFOR confirms that what happened was only a police operation and no Kosovo Security Force or any other military force was deployed to the North of Kosovo,” the statement said.




Zvizdic and Brnabic agree that B&H and Serbia will, for now, not introduce countermeasures against Kosovo (N1)


Chair of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Council of Ministers (CoM) Denis Zvizdic spoke with Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic over the phone on Saturday. The two agreed that B&H and Serbia will, for now, not introduce countermeasures against Kosovo which raised its customs tariffs for products coming from the two countries by 100 percent. Zvizdic and Brnabic agreed that the behavior of Pristina is unacceptable, destabilizing to the region, that it is detrimental to regional connectivity and regressive for EU integration. “B&H and Serbia will remain committed to EU values and the respect for international agreements, most of all the Stabilization and Association Agreement (SAA) and Central European Free Trade Agreement (CEFTA), and they will together call on the European Commission (EC), EU member countries, as well as the EU Mission in Kosovo, UNMIK, to react and influence Pristina to revoke its decision” they said.


Dodik: Pristina is trying to force the Serb community in Kosovo to exodus (ATV)


Serb member of the Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency Milorad Dodik believes that by increasing tariffs, Pristina is trying to force the Serb community in Kosovo to exodus. Dodik added that the EU, by not taking any measures against Kosovo authorities, is sending a message to others that they can act as they please. "Regional cooperation is good, but I believe that it is primary for every country to act under the same conditions and Pristina authorities cannot undermine that. If they are undermining that, then someone from Europe whispered to them to do that," Dodik said. B&H Minister of Foreign Trade and Economic Relations Mirko Sarovic confirmed on Friday that businessmen from B&H suspended export to Kosovo after the decision of Kosovo authorities to introduce 100 percent tariff on products from B&H and Serbia. Minister Sarovic underlined that it is impossible to work with such tariffs and that BiH exhausted all the possibilities to solve this problem. Sarovic continues to seek reaction of the European Commission (EC), warning that Kosovo is not only violating the CEFTA agreement, but also the Stabilization and Association Agreement. "They really brought CEFTA into the biggest crisis since its founding and survival of regional free trade zone is questionable if some other factors, I am primarily referring to the EC, do not make key moves and bring the Kosovo side in a position of CEFTA member as it was so far, i.e. make sure it respects the free trade zone" Sarovic said.


Dodik responds to Trump: B&H does not have statehood day (ATV)


Chairman of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik held an extraordinary press conference in Istocno Sarajevo on Friday. Dodik told the press conference that B&H does not have a statehood day and that he wrote that to US President Donald Trump in response to his letter congratulating B&H Presidency members B&H’s Statehood Day, November 25. Dodik stressed that he responded to Trump's letter sent to him on the occasion of November 25 by saying that November 25 is not his statehood day, adding that these are speculations of Trump's associates who did not inform him that Serbs and Republika Srpska (RS) never accepted to mark that day. In his response to Trump, who wished B&H a successful path towards Euro-Atlantic integration, Dodik stated that he advocates B&H's European path, but not its NATO path, reminding that decision on joining that Alliance was not and will not be reached. Dodik underlined that regardless of the fact that he does not agree with the content of Trump's letter, he believes that it is the beginning of "our good communication." As far as November 25 is concerned, Dodik said that this day can be perceived in the Federation of B&H as one pleases, but that the RS will not allow for January 9 to be disputed. "January 9 is the day of our Republic and we will celebrate it this time around in a very pompous way and with far, far more content than before," Dodik underlined. Dodik announced that already on Monday he will start consultations with the other two members of the B&H Presidency related to scheduling of the first session of the Presidency and establishing an agenda. He noted that he will propose a number of measures aimed at recovery of the economy and protection of domestic production. Dodik stressed that special attention has to be directed to the B&H Intelligence-Security Agency (OSA) which, according to him, is hostile to the RS. "That intelligence service followed the RS and its officials and did harm to the RS by creating and sending abroad false information on para-military and para-police forces in the RS... I will tell you honestly that in this moment, I believe this intelligence agency in B&H is treating me as Serb member of the B&H Presidency as its biggest problem," Dodik said. Dodik further said that the B&H Presidency has to work in accordance with the Constitution and that everyone has to understand that the B&H Council of Ministers (CoM) is only an auxiliary body. He stressed that he will propose for the B&H Presidency to distance itself in the future from representatives of the international community who wish to impose any kind of solutions, noting that everyone has to understand that interventionism of the High Representative crossed every line. "The High Representative imposed 540 decisions that changed the political system and constitutional order in B&H, including more than 280 laws. That is more than all domestic bodies together; from the municipal to the joint level," Dodik said. Dodik earlier said that he will advocate closing of the OHR in B&H.


Statehood Day of B&H marked in Federation of B&H only (TV1)


The Statehood Day of B&H was marked on Sunday in one part of the country i.e. the Federation of B&H, while November 25 is not recognized in Republika Srpska (RS) as the Statehood Day. The Statehood Day of B&H is marked on the date of the 75th anniversary of first session of the National Anti-Fascist Council of the People's Liberation of B&H (ZAVNOBiH), which took place in Mrkonjic Grad. The ZAVNOBiH’s resolution defined B&H as a united and indivisible country where all peoples should have the same rights. The agreement to celebrate this date as a joint holiday at the level of B&H has never been reached and therefore this date is not recognized as a holiday in the RS. Representatives of the RS institutions and political parties commented that November 25 is not B&H Statehood Day, since there is no consensus of constituent peoples, historical continuity or justifiable reasons for marking of this date.

A reception was organized in the premises of B&H Presidency building on Sunday late afternoon, on the occasion of marking the 75th anniversary of ZAVNOBIH and the Statehood Day of B&H. Reception was hosted by Bosniak member of the Presidency Sefik Dzaferovic and Croat member of the Presidency Zeljko Komsic, while Serb member and current Chairman of the Presidency, Milorad Dodik refused to attend it. Dzaferovic congratulated all B&H citizens the Statehood Day. “This is an important day for all people in this country” said Dzaferovic. He reminded that this is the day when B&H was defined as a single state in which all people have the same rights. “The message that I want to send from this reception is that we are still trying to establish true equality of all people in B&H and we will continue to pursue that goal,” emphasized Dzaferovic. Asked to comment Dodik’s absence from the reception, Dzaferovic said that he believes that Dodik has good knowledge on what ZAVNOBiH is, adding that Dodik does not have a problem with ZAVNOBiH, but with B&H as a state. “I want to tell Dodik and other politicians that B&H is our joint state, our joint homeland, we should build relations in it that will ensure equality for all our people, for those people to feel good in their country, no matter where they live,” said Dzaferovic.


Issue of RS flag displayed in stateroom of B&H Presidency (ATV/TV1)


Ahead of the extraordinary press conference he organized in Istocno Sarajevo on Friday, Chairman of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik received Letter of Credence from new Serbian Ambassador to B&H in the stateroom of the B&H Presidency. Just as he promised, there was an Republika Srpska (RS) flag in the stateroom of the B&H Presidency, along with the flags of B&H and Serbia, when Dodik received Letter of Credence from newly-appointed Serbian Ambassador to B&H Aleksandar Djordjevic. Dodik told the press conference in Istocno Sarajevo that he is a legitimate representative of the Serb people and the RS and that he wants the RS to be respected which is why he is starting from the flag. "I am not ready to work to the detriment of Bosniak and Croat people or any citizen in B&H, but I am certainly not ready to allow any kind of injustice and disregard of stance towards the RS," Dodik said. Dodik stressed that B&H flag which was imposed by the High Representative was never adopted by relevant B&H bodies and that it was never accepted by the RS, adding that he has no problem with the B&H flag being next to the RS flag wherever he is in the Presidency. "You know that the Constitutional Court (CC) of B&H discussed the decision on symbols and stated that the RS flag is legal and that it does not insult anyone," Dodik told the press conference in Istocno Sarajevo.

Croat member of B&H Presidency Zeljko Komsic and Bosniak member of B&H Presidency Sefik Dzaferovic issued a joint statement condemning the display of the RS’ flag. Komsic and Dzaferovic wrote in their statement that display of any other flag alongside the B&H flag during official international visits represents direct violation of the Law on the Flag of B&H. Komsic and Dzaferovic requested from the Secretariat and the service for protocol in B&H Presidency to prepare an official record of this event, after which the necessary legal actions would be undertaken in order to report the violation of the abovementioned law. The RS flag was removed between Friday night and early Saturday morning. Chair of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik, said that this act is unacceptable and scandalous. He accused other two members of the Presidency, Sefik Dzaferovic and Zeljko Komsic, of trying to send a clear message with the removal of the flag, which says that Serbs are not welcome in the Presidency. Many RS officials condemned this act. Dodik emphasized that he will continue to display the RS flag in front of his Cabinet, whether someone likes it or not. “I believe this is injustice, which was, unfortunately, up until now tacitly accepted by our representatives in the joint institutions. They say that they did that because that is the present practice, but that practice must be changed”, underlined Dodik.

RS President Zeljka Cvijanovic said that Dodik took the RS flag to B&H Presidency to show that the joint institution is not the ownership of just one constituent peoples and that it will be a joint institution to the extent it is tolerant and provides room for all the three peoples. Commenting the removal of the flag, Cvijanovic said that such developments had, unfortunately, fully revealed how things at the B&H state level worked. "Many people remember a bloody wedding from 1992 when a wedding guest was killed in that Sarajevo and the Serb flag was set alight there, sending a message about who B&H was tailored to and who had no place in it. Twenty-six years later, Serb member of the Presidency Milorad Dodik sends a simple, constitutional and fully legitimate message with the flag of the RS in B&H Presidency - Serbs have as much room there as any other peoples,” emphasized Cvijanovic.


Dzaferovic says HR and foreign judges are in B&H in line with DPA; Dodik’s criticism against OSA is attack on state agency that works in line with law (BHT1)


Bosniak member of B&H Presidency Sefik Dzaferovic addressed press conference on Friday and commented recent statements of Serb member of B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik. Among other things, Dzaferovic underlined that some have been criticizing work of the Intelligence-Security Agency (OSA) of B&H. “They have been making up reason with the only goal to attack this agency. I condemn all of these attacks,” stressed Dzaferovic adding that B&H OSA has been working in line with B&H Constitution and B&H laws. With regard to Dodik’s announcements that the RS should obtain its security agency, Dzaferovic asserted that it is not possible to form an entity intelligence service in the RS, despite Dodik claiming otherwise, and that the Law on OSA only allows an agency at the state level. He considers that a possible entity intelligence service would be illegal. Commenting Dodik’s announcement that he will advocate abolition of function of High Representative (HR) and removal of foreign judges from the Constitutional Court (CC) of B&H, Dzaferovic underlined that both of these things are unacceptable. “HR and foreign judges in B&H CC are part of the Dayton Peace Agreement (DPA)” stressed Dzaferovic.


Authority formation (TV1/BHT1/FTV)


The inaugural session of the Herzegovina-Neretva Canton (HNC) took place on Friday. The newly-elected representatives in the HNC Assembly took the oath of office and received their mandate certificates. This new convocation includes 13 HDZ B&H-led coalition’s representatives, eight SDA’s representatives, three SDP B&H’s representatives, two Croat Unity (Hrvatsko Zajednistvo) representatives, two SBB B&H’s representatives, one DF’s representative, and one HRS’ representative. SDA’s representative in the HNC Assembly Serif Spago said that the situation is clear when it comes to the future authorities and he added that SDA and HDZ B&H will most likely propose candidates for the speaker and deputy speakers in the HNC Assembly. However, Spago stressed that it is necessary to agree on the basic principles of forming a new majority. HDZ B&H’s representative in the HNC Assembly Tomislav Martinovic expressed expectation that SDA and HDZ B&H will carry out talks on formation of authorities in HNC as early as next week. The inaugural session of the Zenica-Doboj Canton (ZDC) Assembly started on Friday. Newly-elected representatives in the ZDC Assembly were sworn in and they took over the mandate certificates. The Caucuses of Bosniak and Serb peoples were formed, while the Croat Caucus is yet to be formed while the inaugural session is scheduled to resume on November 29. The parliamentary majority in ZDC includes SDP B&H, DF, Our Party (NS), Independent Bloc (NB), A-SDA, SBB B&H, and SB&H, while SDA and HDZ B&H have been left in the opposition. An inaugural session of the Bosnian Podrinje Canton (BPC) Assembly took place on Friday, at which representatives took the oaths and took over their mandates. However, they failed to reach an agreement on formation of interim bodies or election of leadership of the BPC Assembly. The inaugural session of the Central Bosnia Canton (CBC) Assembly took place in Travnik on Friday. Newly-elected representatives were sworn in and received their mandate certificates. Caucuses of representatives and peoples, interim assembly commissions, and new assembly collegium were formed before the session was adjourned, and it is scheduled to continue in the next couple of days. Chairman of the Cantonal Board of SDA in CBC Asim Mekic noted that SDA and HDZ B&H have enough representatives in the assembly to form the government in this canton. The inaugural session of the West Herzegovina Canton (WHC) Assembly took place in Siroki Brijeg on Friday. HDZ B&H’s Ivan Jelcic has been elected the Assembly Speaker. Jelcic assessed that the incumbent WHC Government has done a good job and added that he is looking forward to cooperating with the government. At Jelcic’s proposal, incumbent WHC Prime Minister Zdenko Cosic has been re-appointed as the Prime Minister-designate to form the future WHC Government. Cosic announced that the WHC Assembly will be able to work in a peaceful political ambience thanks to a stable majority.

The inaugural session of the Canton 10 Assembly was held on Friday on which occasion the newly-elected representatives took over the mandate certificates and were sworn in. The parliamentary majority in Canton 10 is still unknown, due to which the session was brief and only focused on the part of taking the oath of office.


SDP B&H, DF and NS to form B&H bloc to participate in formation of authorities in Federation of B&H and B&H (FTV)


SDP B&H leader Nermin Niksic, DF leader Zeljko Komsic and Our Party (NS) leader Predrag Kojovic held a meeting in Sarajevo on Friday, at which they agreed that the three parties will form a Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) bloc and participate together in the process of formation of new authorities in the Federation of B&H and B&H. According to the agreement, their 32 MPs in the Federation of B&H House of Representatives (HoR) and 10 MPs in the B&H HoR will make a single bloc from now on. Addressing reporters after the meeting, Niksic stated: “We did not discuss being in the ruling authority at all. We will be together either in the opposition or the ruling authority but, as we said earlier, winners of the elections should try to form the authorities and present the program they gathered around”. Niksic reiterated that the three parties do not want to talk with SDA or HDZ B&H at this moment, adding that these two should try to form new authorities as the winners of the elections. “B&H bloc will have its own platform” he added. Besides, Niksic confirmed that the most important question for the three parties is decision of the B&H Central Election Commission (CEC) in terms of which population census will be applied during the election of delegates to the Federation of B&H House of Peoples – the one from 1991 or the one from 2013. Kojovic stressed that their parties, which represent interests of B&H as a civic state, agreed to make all decisions together during the talks about formation of new authorities at the levels of the Federation of B&H and B&H. He assessed that this is the beginning of “a new political option” that he thinks could change everything in B&H over the next four years. “It is not about the posts but the principles we advocate,” Kojovic concluded. The agreement on formation of a B&H bloc will be discussed by the party bodies.


Centenary of annexation of Vojvodina to Kingdom of Serbia marked in Novi Sad on Sunday; Dodik: I am sorry we are not together (RTRS)


Vojvodina marked the 100th anniversary of its annexation to the Kingdom of Serbia in Novi Sad on Sunday, in the presence of the leadership of Serbia and Republika Srpska (RS). Addressing a ceremonial session, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic stated that new reality was created and new pages of history were written a century ago, which he thinks is something that one should be proud of nowadays. “Serbs live in different countries nowadays, but it is very important for them to work together because nobody can take away their affiliation with the same people and language they speak,” Vucic was quoted as saying. “I am proud of the fact that Serbia and the RS have never had closer or better cooperation, without endangering integrity of BiH and respecting the public international law. We can do even better and even more, to open more schools, more hospitals…” Vucic said. Chairman of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik, who also attended this event, wished all the best to Serbia, the RS and other peoples in the region. “I believe that we no longer have a reason for conflicts and that we should build peace while respecting the identity,” Dodik was quoted as saying. He added that he is sorry that “Serbs are not together”. “I can only regret the fact that back in 1918, the idea and request of 18 municipalities of Krajina and around 10 municipalities along the Drina River to join Serbia were not accepted or entirely implemented. It is obvious that we were sacrificed back then, due to the geopolitical framework that created Yugoslavia later on, although we will always have the unfulfilled dream about unity of the Serb people as a whole,” Dodik told reporters. RS President Zeljka Cvijanovic said that this day marks the beginning of a modern state and statehood of Serbia. She congratulated all citizens of Serbia this important holiday, calling for unity while marking important dates and working together in the fields of politics and economy.


Zaev: How did four friendly countries allow Gruevski to escape? (Nezavisen vesnik)


The investigation will reveal the details over former PM Nikola Gruevski’s escape, but the question remains how have four friendly countries allowed this to happen, said Prime Minister Zoran Zaev on Sunday. “I have been briefed by the Ministry of Interior and I believe the public will know soon the details on developments in Macedonia, since we already know what happened in Albania, Montenegro, Serbia and Hungary. The question remains how have four friendly countries allowed this to happen, including three NATO member-states governed by the ‘rule of law’, in a time when the Macedonian society aspires to join EU and NATO. However, this is why we have investigations, and information will be shared with the public,” Zaev told reporters during a visit to Strumica. It has been confirmed, he added, that Gruevski reached Budapest by Hungarian diplomatic vehicles and accompanied by Hungarian diplomats.


Zaev: I have not had any communication with Gruevski since I became PM (Nezavisen vesnik)


Macedonia’s Prime Minister Zoran Zaev denied having any communication with Nikola Gruevski prior to his escape. “If so, it would seem as if we arranged that. I have not had any communication with Gruevski since I became Prime Minister. The last communication was at the time of the Parliament’s endless debate prior to the April 27 events. He was there, in the Parliament, when we discussed the unblocking of the process, because there was a clear majority there. This was our last discussion,” Zaev told reporters on Sunday.


EP Kouloglou asks Mogherini: What will the EU do about Gruevski’s asylum? (Nezavisen vesnik)


Will Hungary be asked to respond over the asylum given to former PM Nikola Gruevski, and if Budapest’s position raises questions, what steps will be taken against an EU member-state that prevents the functioning of justice in a candidate-state, SYRIZA Member of European Parliament (MEP) Stelios Kouloglou asks EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Federica Mogherini. MEP Kouloglou from SYRIZA points out that the rule of law is a fundamental value for both member-states and candidates, adding that “Hungarian PM Orban does not receive asylum seekers despite EU decisions.” “This was obviously not the case with Mr. Gruevski, who is sentenced for serious crimes. Hungary supports Skopje’s EU integration, but does not consider it a safe country, since it gave Gruevski asylum,” Kouloglou says in the letter addressed to Mogherini.


Albania-Kosovo joint meeting (ADN)


Prime Minister, Edi Rama expressed on Monday his disappointment with EU about Kosovo, during the 5th joint meeting between Albania and Kosovo's governments in Pec, Kosovo.

The head of the Albanian government stated that international law does not know semi-states and does not know half-people, underlining that we are therefore disappointed by the EU's approach to Kosovo's independence and free movement of its citizens. Rama also declared that the normalized nature of Kosovo is the key to the ultimate regional stabilization. "For Albania, Kosovo is an independent, sovereign state and a democratic one, whose normalization is the key to the ultimate regional stabilization" said Rama. The PM called Interpol decision for Kosovo a discouraging show for the emergence of potential partners in the region. Rama stated that Kosovo's decision to impose a 100% tax on Serbian products is fair decision due to Serbia's approach of double standard towards Kosovo. Rama declared that Kosovo has made substantial progress in the region and we find it has progressed in the dialogue with Serbia, but Serbia is blocking Kosovo seeking the withdrawal of states that has recognized Kosovo and this is provocative and disturbing. "100% tax is an irrational decision under normal conditions, but quite normal in irrational conditions such as those outlined by Serbia's double standard. Whoever sees 100% tax as an economic aspect is wrong, as this fee is like a political response. Zero tax within the first six months between Kosovo and Albania," said Rama. Prime Minister of Kosovo, Ramush Haradinaj stated that Kosovo and Albania have always depended to each other, regardless of the historical circumstances. Kosovo's Premier said, among other things, that the Albanian people expect more from the governments of both countries. "I am aware that our peoples expect more from us. Today Kosovo is a contact point with the EU and SAA, it implements European reform priorities and has fulfilled the obligations for visa liberalization," said Haradinaj. After discussions, at the end of the meeting, Kosovo and Albania will sign a series of agreements that will serve the economy and the Albanian people in general.




Rule of law remains high on the EP’s agenda in advance of this week plenary session (European Western Balkans, 26 November 2018)


BRUSSELS – According to the already published agenda of the Brussels plenary session, Resolutions on Reports on the Western Balkans countries will be debated in the European Parliament on Wednesday, 28 November afternoon and will be voted on the day after, during Thursday morning session. Plenary session will, for the most part, be dedicated to the previously agreed texts of reports on Serbia, Kosovo, Albania, Macedonia and Montenegro, but the Members of European Parliament (MEPs) are expected to present additional amendments, not introduced in the final versions made by Committee on Foreign Affairs of the European Parliament (AFET). AFET has previously adopted the own-initiative Reports by all Rapporteurs, supplemented with compromised amendments. The only Western Balkan country which is not going be discussed is Bosnia and Herzegovina, since the EP has assessed it would be intrusive for the ongoing formation of their Government. On Wednesday, Resolutions on Reports will be presented by the Rapporteurs – David McAllister, Igor Šoltes, Knut Flekenetein, Ivo Vajgl and Charles Tannock, while Shadow Rapporteurs of the different parliamentary groups will comment on and discuss them, followed by other MEPs. The common line in the all texts remains urging for the strengthening of the rule of law and good neighbourly relations, as well as amendments addressing economic issues, such as Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA) fund management, investments and energy policy. They also demand for the better inclusion of women and minorities, democratization process and border management. Report for Serbia mostly urges the country to increase efforts in the area of rule of law, fight against corruption and organized crime, as well as stronger oversight of the executive by the Parliament of Serbia. EP has also called on Serbia to increase its alignment with the EU’s foreign and security policy and expressed concern about Serbia’s continuing military cooperation with Russia and Belarus. Dialogue facilitated by the EU as the framework to reach a comprehensive normalization agreement between Serbia and Kosovo was called upon, but also noted that “any agreement (reached) could only be acceptable if mutually agreed” and if it is “taking into account the overall stability in the region and international law”. Kosovo’s Report, drafted by Igor Šoltes, reiterates some of the issues addressed in the Report on Serbia, mainly aimed at the enhancement of the rule of law, but is much more focused on Belgrade-Pristina dialogue. Full normalisation of relations with Serbia, under a legally binding agreement and its implementing arrangements, will not be possible without a comprehensive and mutual application of the existing agreements which was named as “a key element of both parties’ paths towards European integration”. Besides this, the Council of the European Union was called to adopt its mandate to move forward towards the adoption of a visa-free regime with the country. Report for Macedonia remains the largest of them all, as it affects the largest numbers of areas, among which are overall reforms and good neighbourly relations, democratization, rule of law, fundamental rights, media and economy. EP has also welcomed the signing of the Prespa Agreement with Greece on 17 June 2018 and asks for the maintaining of the positive momentum that has been created by the new government, which would, by their own words, deepen through swift opening of the screening process and accession negotiations. Steady progress made by the Albania’s government in meeting the political criteria and five key priorities for the opening of accession negotiations has been noted, and MEPs have called on the Council to open accession talks without delay, “since doing so would provide further incentives for the reform process and enhance its scrutiny”. They regret that the administration of justice continues to be slow and inefficient in the country and have stated that the vetting process should be accelerated.  Report also calls for cooperation with civil society organisations, ensuring effective public participation throughout the decision-making process and more measures for the improvement of the financial transparency of state advertising in the media. Most important assessment in the Montenegro’s Report is that, with strong political will, real and decisive reforms and the settlement of disputes with its neighbours, this country could potentially be ready for EU membership by 2025. MEPs called for effective implementation of fundamental rights policies, particularly in the field of gender equality, the right of people with disabilities to be included in society, children’s rights and the rights of Roma people. Montenegro is also urged to improve trust in the Anti-corruption agency and improve its reputation, as well as to improve the transparency of public administration and the exchange of information for a more citizen-friendly, professional and de-politicized public administration. This will be the last Resolutions on Reports on the Western Balkan countries of the current European Parliament. After elections, the first session of the next parliament it is expected to be held in the first week on June 2019 in Strasburg, and by the September Strasbourg plenary new Rapporteurs will be appointed by the AFET.