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Belgrade Media Report 14 December 2018



Vucic to tour in next 72 hours several army units stationed in Ground Safety Zone (RTS)


Serbian President and Supreme Commander of the Serbian Armed Forces Aleksandar Vucic will tour several units in the Ground Safety Zone in the next 72 hours, RTS reported. The station announced that Vucic would be accompanied by Minister of Defense Aleksandar Vulin and Chief of General Staff Milan Mojsilovic. They will visit the Serbian south in the third and fourth Serbian army brigade zones.


Vulin: Serbian Army ready to carry out orders (TV Pink/Tanjug/B92)


The situation in the area of Kosovo and Metohija has been considered and President Vucic has been informed about every detail, Serbian Defense Minister Aleksandar Vulin has stated. “We had meetings late into the night with the President of the Republic and Supreme Commander Aleksandar Vucic, who has been informed about every detail, with everything that is happening in the area of Kosovo and Metohija, not only by representatives of the Serbian Army, but also by the BIA, and the ministries of internal and foreign affairs," Vulin told TV Pink. He added that the President is very concerned and interested in everything that is happening in the area of Kosovo and Metohija, and he will make all decisions will be made based on direct insight into everything that is happening in that area. “We, as the Army, are ready to fulfill every order of our supreme commander, that is is our task. What order will be made, that will be decided by the supreme commander,” Vulin stressed. He added that he and Chief of General Staff of the Serbian Army General Milan Mojsilovic will be in the Ground Safety Zone, and that Vucic will also visit the soldiers deployed there. “The President will, when assessing that it is necessary, visit our units in the Ground Safety Zone and in the area of ​​responsibility of the 3rd and 4th Brigade of the Serbian Army. The president is in continuous communication with the military leadership, but also with all those who can contribute some information about everything that is happening in Kosovo and Metohija,” explained Vulin.


Djuric: So-called army – occupying armed formation (RTV)


The decision on the formation of the so-called army of Kosovo represents an act against peace and an act of political aggression on our country, the Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Marko Djuric said. According to him, the decision is aimed at rounding off the started process of violent separation of part of Serbia’s territory and the creation of an Albanian state, the so-called Republic of Kosovo. “The so-called army of Kosovo represents an illegal occupying armed formation in the region of Serbia,” Djuric told a press conference.


Selakovic: International law is dead (RTS)


Serbian President’s General Secretary Nikola Selakovic has stated that international law died with today’s voting in Pristina. “Those who have contributed to international law disappearing are not even pretending any longer in their acts, they used to invent and construct events, such as Racak, in order to justify violation of international law, today they are not doing even that,” said Selakovic. He says this is done by the US, Britain, Germany and the entire part of the so-called international community that accepted the formation of a Kosovo army and sponsored Kosovo’s independence. “We need to repeat in every place and be aware that UNSCR 1244 is the only valid international legal document when it comes to Kosovo and Metohija and treats the presence of armed forces. This is of no importance any longer to those who promote Kosovo’s secession,” said Selakovic.


Fabrizi: EU clear, dialogue best solution (Beta)


The Head of the EU Delegation to Serbia Sem Fabrizi said on Friday that the Kosovo army should be formed in line with the constitution. “Our view is clear. The EU shares the opinion of NATO that the transformation has to be inclusive, long-term and in line with the constitution of Kosovo,” Fabrizi said. He added that Brussels has called Pristina to respect the agreements it reached with the EU in 2013 and revoke the 100 percent taxes it imposed on goods from Serbia. According to Fabrizi, the EU is prepared to continue mediating in the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue.


Stoltenberg: I regret Pristina’s decision (Tanjug)


NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg said he regrets that the Kosovo Assembly has decided to transform the Kosovo security forces despite concerns from the alliance, adding that this move comes at the wrong time. According to Stoltenberg, NATO supports the development of the Kosovo security forces in accordance with their current mandate. “With the change of the mandate, the North Atlantic Council will now have to reassess the level of NATO’s cooperation with the Kosovo security forces,” a NATO statement said.


Djuric: Only KFOR and Serbian Army may be in Kosovo (Beta)


The Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Marko Djuric said that no international act allowed any other military formation in Kosovo except KFOR or the Serbian Armed Forces, under clearly defined conditions. During a conversation with the Russian Ambassador Aleksandr Chepurin, Djuric warned about the illegal character of the announced forming of the so-called army of Kosovo, the Office stated. He informed the ambassador about the difficult humanitarian situation in the majority Serb areas in Kosovo and Metohija, caused by Pristina's imposing of a trade blockade on goods from central Serbia. “The Serbian people are exposed to more and more violations of basic human rights, which seriously calls into question the possibility of survival of the Serbs in our southern province,” Djuric told Chepurin.


Mogherini: Kosovo import taxes jeopardize Belgrade – Pristina dialogue (Beta)


The EU High Representative Federica Mogherini told the EU leaders that Kosovo stopped the dialogue with Belgrade by refusing to revoke the decision to raise customs duties on goods from Serbia and Bosnia to 100 percent, the Beta agency reported citing its diplomatic sources.

She said Pristina acted in grave violation of the central European Free Trade Agreement (CEFTA) although asked by both her and the Enlargement Commissioner Johannes Hahn to withdraw the decision. Mogherini has said that the EU Trade Commissioner Anna Cecilia Malmström will join the efforts to resume the dialogue which has been on hold for months. The sources also said that Nicos Anastasiades, the President of Cyprus, joined Mogherini in warning other leaders about the import tariffs and the announced transformation of Kosovo security forces into an army as huge problem which jeopardizes the EU facilitated Belgrade – Pristina dialogue on normalization of relations.


Lazanski: Transformation of Kosovo security forces is violation of international law (RTS)


On the eve of today’s voting in the Kosovo Assembly on the transformation of the Kosovo security forces, Politika’s commentator Miroslav Lazanski has told RTS that what was announced and what was sponsored and approved by the Americans is occurring. He says that at issue is a formally-legal step whereby the Kosovo security forces are being transformed into a Kosovo army. He points out that Resolution 1244 explicitly states that there is only one army in Kosovo and Metohija, and this is KFOR. “At the same time a Kosovo army is being formed. Who is crazy here?” wonders Lazanski, adding that the West has no answers to the questions posed by Serbian officials on this. “Our stands in the West have no echo and understanding,” says Lazanski. In comment to the fact that KFOR went to northern Kosovo yesterday, he notes that of all days they chose precisely yesterday and carried tools and equipment for barricades. Speaking about the announced visit of President Vucic to the Ground Security Zone, Lazanski said this was a message to the Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija that Serbia was staying by their side and taking care about that. “We are also choosing and grading messages and responses,” said Lazanski, noting that Belgrade cannot allow violence in northern Kosovo and Metohija.


Zaharova: Russia will support new UN resolution if it is in Serbia’s interest (Beta)


If there is a new UN resolution on Kosovo, Moscow will give its green light only if it is in Belgrade’s interest, Russian Foreign Ministry spokesperson Maria Zaharova said on Thursday, Beta reported. In a comment to Russian Ambassador Aleksandr Chepurin’s statement that an eventual decision on delineation should be “fixed” in a new resolution, Zaharova said that as for now Moscow respected the existing one. “If a change happens, it can only happen in the interest of Belgrade and Serbia’s people, and that would inevitably be followed by changes in the international law what any UN Security Council resolution is a part of,” Zaharova said, making clear under which conditions Moscow would support any UN new decision on Kosovo.




B&H CoM appoints members of B&H Commission for NATO integration process (Hayat)


The Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Council of Ministers (CoM) held a session on Thursday. After the mandates of certain members of the Commission for NATO Integration Process expired, the B&H CoM appointed new members. This commission is made up of 20 members from different B&H institutions. The current obligation of the Commission is to create the first draft of the Annual National Program which will be sent to Brussels after the B&H CoM adopts it. This Commission reported about the results of the B&H NATO path. Vice Speaker of the Commission Sead Jusic said that the Speaker already scheduled the next session of the Commission. He said he believes it is scheduled around December 20. Jusic stressed that the draft for the first Annual National program will be delivered to the B&H CoM by the end of the year. The Commission was formed at the beginning of the mandate of the outgoing B&H CoM, 20 members of the Commission were appointed on Thursday.


Cvijanovic: We do not want NATO border between RS and Serbia (RTRS)


The Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Council of Ministers (CoM) has actively engaged in creation of the National Annual Program regarding the status of B&H within the Membership Action Plan for NATO membership. Namely, the B&H CoM completed the process of formation of Commission for NATO Integration on Thursday. The outgoing composition of the B&H CoM completely ignores the stance of Republika Srpska (RS) on military neutrality, as well as the fact Serb people in B&H oppose NATO integration of B&H. The first session of the abovementioned commission should be held on December 20. Deputy Head of the Commission for NATO Integration Sead Jusic said that the task of the Commission is to update the first National Annual Program of B&H that was created long time ago. Reporter noted that if the Commission delivers this document to the B&H CoM, it would be made possible for this institution to forward it to Brussels and avoid the situation in which they would have to get stances of the Parliament of B&H and the Presidency of B&H about it. Reporter commented that in this way, the outgoing composition of the B&H CoM would misuse their technical mandate and put newly elected representatives from the RS in difficult situation, because the stance of these representatives is grounded on the resolution on military neutrality adopted by the RS National Assembly (RSNA). Srdjan Perisic, Advisor of the Chairman of B&H Presidency said that it is obvious that current ministers in the B&H CoM and NATO are in a hurry to carry out the abovementioned activities before formation of new authorities at B&H level with goal to prevent effects of applying of the RSNA’s resolution on military neutrality. Reporter commented that it is responsibility of Serb members of the abovementioned commission to advocate the stance on military neutrality. RS President Zeljka Cvijanovic said that they do not want to have “NATO border” between the RS and Serbia. She reminded that the RS decided to follow stances of Serbia regarding NATO. Reporter commented that radical changes of NATO’s policy towards B&H are interpreted as an attempt of the Alliance to suppress so-called Russian influence in the Balkans.


B&H authorities plan to adopt first annual national program for NATO MAP activation by end of year, Dodik says he will stop this process (Al Jazeera Balkans)


Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) authorities plan to adopt the first annual national program for activation of the NATO Membership Action Plan (MAP) by the end of this year. The program includes a set of reforms the country will have to implement in the field of defense, security, economy, assets and the rule of law. The first annual national program for the MAP activation was already drafted and the NATO integration commission of B&H is expected to finalize it and forward it to B&H Council of Ministers (CoM) for adoption next week, after which B&H Presidency has to approve the document and finally send it to NATO. B&H Presidency Chairman and SNSD leader Milorad Dodik announced that he will stop this process. Dodik reminded of the resolution on the military neutrality of Republika Srpska (RS) that was passed by the RS National Assembly (RSNA), stressing that it will be pathetic if any of the Serb ministers at the B&H CoM would vote for the NATO MAP activation. He announced that the amendments to the criminal code of the RS will be proposed by the end of this year, explaining that they will stipulate that disrespect of the RSNA and the RS Government’s decisions on activities at the level of joint institutions of B&H will be treated as a criminal offense.


Palmer: US strongly support B&H in NATO integration process (Dnevni avaz)


Deputy Assistant US Secretary of State Matthew Palmer attended an event in the US Embassy to B&H marking 13th anniversary of the establishment of the Armed Forces of B&H, and he stated that it is necessary to look back on the role and successes of B&H AF now more than ever. He thanked B&H AF for their participation in peace mission in Afghanistan, pointing out that their readiness and willingness is appreciated by the US and NATO. “The US hope that B&H is going to prepare its Annual National Program for NATO immediately and without delay. The US strongly support you on that road, as well as in the process of implementation of all the reforms from 2016,” said Palmer. In addition, the US Ambassador to B&H Maureen Cormack told N1 that it is good that NATO members approved implementation of the national program for B&H. Cormack reminded of benefits other countries gained through membership in NATO and added: “Foreign defense policy is in hands of the state level. I urge the authorities to take the responsibility for moving forward. I hope that the decision citizens deserve will be made. Membership in NATO will come eventually and significant reforms must be implemented first, and I hope these will help citizens in their everyday lives”.


Plenkovic raises the issue of Croats in B&H in Brussels (HRT)


The Croatian Prime Minister is participating in a two-day meeting of the European Council in Brussels. The focus of the meeting is on the EU's long-term budget, the single market, migration and external relations. EU leaders will also discuss Brexit and the Euro area. However, Croatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic has also raised the issue of the position of Croats in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H). Croatia is calling on Sarajevo to implement a ruling from the B&H Constitutional Court in B&H regarding changes to the election law in order to ensure Bosnian Croats equal rights. The decision has also been supported by the EU. "I will speak to the fact that the European Union must help the political parties and institutions of Bosnia and Herzegovina in implementing the constitutional court's ruling and changing the election law. That's the only way forward, because we can continue like this for eternity, and that will only produce more and more dissatisfaction here in Brussels, while some in B&H will pretend that this is normal. Well, it isn't," the prime minister said.


Medojevic got out from prison, Knezevic from Assembly building (CDM)


The leader of the Movement for Changes (PzP) and one of the DF officials, Nebojsa Medojevic, got out of the Institute for the Enforcement of Criminal Sanctions (ZIKS) during the night. His party counterpart, Milan Knezevic, last night came out from the Assembly after spending almost two weeks in the parliament building. The family and top DF officials were waiting for Medojevic outside the ZIKS. The Constitutional Court of Montenegro temporarily suspended the decision of the Appellate and High Courts to detain Nebojsa Medojevic and Milan Knezevic.


Djukanovic is the most popular, and the DPS strongest (CDM)


The Democratic Party of Socialists (DPS) is supported by 41.5 percent of citizens, and its leader Milo Djukanovic is the best-rated politician in Montenegro, with an average score of 2.73. This is the result of a public opinion poll conducted by the Center for Democracy and Human Rights (CEDEM). As regards political parties, Democratic Montenegro has the second highest support (20.7 percent), while its president, Aleksa Becic, is also the second best-ranked politician in the country, with an average score of 2.53. The Democratic Front (DF) has 10.1 percent support, followed by the Socialist People's Party (SNP), with support of 6.8 percent. Ivan Brajovic’s Social Democrats have four percent support, and Radnko Krivokapic’s Social Democratic Party (SDP) 3.5 percent. The URA has 2.8 percent support, Bosniak Party (BS) 3.2, while 2.6 percent of citizens supports Miodrag Lekic’s Demos. According to the results of CEDEM’s research, Marko Milacic’s True Montenegro supports 1.1 percent of respondents.


Government passes on final versions of amendments to parliament (Meta)


At the 108th session, the government adopted the final texts of the amendments to the Constitution and immediately passed them on to parliament. Amendment 33 reads as follows: “In the Constitution, the words” Republic of Macedonia,” will be replaced by the words “Republic of North Macedonia “, and the word “Macedonia” shall be replaced with the words “Northern Macedonia”, except in Article 36 of the Constitution of the Republic of Macedonia.”

Amendment 34 introduces amendments to the Preamble – amendment 4 of the Constitution of the Republic of Macedonia, which reads as follows: “In the Preamble of the Constitution of the Republic of Macedonia, the words “living in its borders” will be deleted, “the decisions of ASNOM” will be replaced with the words” legal decisions specified in the Proclamation from the First ASNOM Meeting of the Macedonian People for the ASNOM Meeting “, after the word “year”, the words “expressing the will to create an independent sovereign state and the Ohrid Framework Agreement” will be added, and the words “decided to” will also be deleted.

With the text of amendment 35, “The Republic respects the sovereignty, territorial integrity and political independence of neighboring countries”, is supplemented by Article 3 of the Constitution of the Republic of Macedonia. As a result of the public debate, there will be a change in the text of Amendment 36 which now reads as follows: The Republic protects, guarantees and promotes the traits, historical and cultural heritage of the Macedonian people; The Republic protects the rights and interests of its citizens living abroad; The Republic takes care of the Diaspora of the Macedonian people and other communities and promotes ties to the motherland and The Republic will not interfere with the sovereign rights of other states and their internal affairs.


MPs gave themselves green light for amnesty (Nezavisen vesnik)


The five MPs of the parliamentary group charged with the violence on April 27 will be able to seek and receive amnesty for themselves. This will be provided by the new Amnesty law, whose draft-proposal was agreed on in the legislature yesterday. With it, there will be no amnesty for the organizers of the bloody intrusion in the Parliament, as well as for those who committed violent acts. Judge Dobrila Kacarska, who leads the case in the Criminal Court, told Nezavisen vesnik Independent Newspaper yesterday that there can be no verdict for those who will be pardoned. "There can be no verdict for the pardoned, the procedure will be stopped for them," Kacarska told Nezavisen Vesnik. In that case, it is unclear how the parliamentary body will assess who took part and what was their role in the events of 27 April. Therefore, it is not excluded that the verdict of the case be pronounced before the Law on Amnesty is adopted, and then pardon some of the defendants. On the other hand, all from the Coalition for fair trial argue that there must be a verdict for the defendant, although they were previously pardoned for the case. "According to Article 402, paragraph 1, item 6 of the Law on Criminal Procedure, if the defendant is released from charges or criminal prosecution by an act of amnesty or pardon, the case cannot be undertaken due to obsolescence, or if there are other circumstances that exclude criminal prosecution, the court will bring a rejection verdict (a verdict with which the charge is denied)," emphasized the Coalition. Zekir Ramcilovic, from the independent parliamentary group of VMRO-DPMNE, who leads the subgroup for reconciliation in the parliament, said yesterday that it has reached a consensus on this issue. According to him, the Draft Law will not cover the organizers and the persons who committed acts of violence during the events on April 27, last year in parliament. "Any person covered by the process will have to submit an amnesty request for further action. This way, we believe that the process that should provide answers for everything that happened on April 27 will continue and we will have a legal absolution. Justice will be served, but of course the part of the persons involved in the events of 27 April will be granted amnesty and in that way the first step towards relaxing the relations in the society, i.e. certain divisions that emerged after this event,” said Ramchilovic. He clarified that the text clearly defined which persons will be covered by the process after the completion of the evidence procedure. "If some of the involved believe that they do not need amnesty, and that they want a closing statement in court... Then we should leave them room to prove their role," Ramcilovic said. This means that MPs, but also other defendants who will find themselves in both groups, will get evidence in writing with the verdict that they were neither the organizers of the intrusion nor committed acts of violence, and do not want to be pardoned, can finish the court process, thanks to the existing charge and on the basis of another article: "association for the purpose of hostile activity". Prosecutor Vilma Ruskovska said she would not requalify the act until the law has entered into force. "The Parliament cannot perform requalification, but only the prosecutor. I do not plan any legal requalification until the law on amnesty has entered into force," Ruskovska says. Three MPs from the Independent Parliamentary Group of VMRO-DPMNE - Krsto Mukoski, Saso Vasilevski and Ljuben Arnaudov, who on October 19 surprisingly voted "in favor" of the constitutional changes, are expected to accept the chance with both hands and save themselves from possible prison sentences. It is unclear whether this will be accepted by Johan Tarculovski and Ljupco Dimovski, who remain firmly attached to their parties: VMRO-DPMNE and the Socialist Party, which are in the opposition coalition "For Better Macedonia". "At this point, it is frivolous to comment on an issue that is still in procedure, drafts, proposals etc. Let them adopt the law first, then we will sit down and see what we will do," Tarculovski told Nezavisen vesnik. Dimovski did not answer our calls, nor replied to our sent SMS messages. In addition to the ‘openers’ of the parliamentary doors, which Prime Minister Zoran Zaev once called "the doorkeepers of hell", the artists who organized the protest, but had no involvement in organizing the intrusion in parliament, could also save themselves from prison. Although they did not commit acts of violence, the Amnesty Law will not apply to the former head of the Public Security Bureau, Mitko Cavkov, as well as three other members of the Ministry of Interior. The law on amnesty will be adopted in a fast-track procedure and its adoption will require a simple majority of the members of the session, provided that there are at least 61 attendees. VMRO-DPMNE reiterated that they will not support it because it is a political blackmail and bargaining, not justice. "There is a lot of politics here, and not enough truth. Our position is principled: if there is amnesty, then there should be amnesty for the whole event, and not only for those who voted in favor of changing the constitutional name," said VMRO-DPMNE MP Vlatko Gjorcev. SDSM, however, is convinced that those who committed the acts of violence will still get the punishment they deserve. The next days will be a race against time, because it is uncertain what will happen first: the amnesty, or the verdict for 33 defendants in the trial, which is nearing its completion. When it comes to other court cases related to the violence of April 27 (the attempted murder on Zijadin Sela or the assault on Radmila Sekerinska), the parliamentary reconciliation body emphasizes that there can be no amnesty for those who committed the acts of violence.


Macedonian government hopes meeting with Bulgarian government is not canceled, despite heated exchanges (Republika)


Macedonian government spokesman Mile Bosnjakovski said that the planned joint government session with Bulgaria has not been canceled, despite the recent rise in tensions between Prime Minister Zoran Zaev and Bulgarian officials. “Details are still being hammered out and the date is still not confirmed at this point. Additionally, the Prime Minister will be in Bulgaria on Monday, to attend the ground breaking of the Blagoevgrad – Kula highway, which will include a section toward Berovo. Regional cooperation is intensifying. There is no date at the moment, but we are absolutely sure the session will take place,” Bosnjakovski said, adding that a similar meeting is being planned with Serbia as well. Zaev got into a series of arguments with Bulgarian Defense Minister Krasimir Karakacanov, as well as Andrey Kovatchev who is a Bulgarian member of the European Parliament. Karakacanov warned Zaev that Macedonia will not be able to join EU and NATO if he continues to insist that Macedonians are a separate nation from the Bulgarians and speak a separate language. Zaev responded that he and his children are and will always be Macedonians and speak Macedonian. The latest exchange comes with another Bulgarian MEP Angel Dzhambazki who said that Zaev appears to be a “typical Bulgarian politician – because he is always lying”. In a lengthy comment, Dzhambazki says that “there is no Macedonian history independent from the Bulgarian history” and no independent Macedonian nation and language. “Our Bulgarian interest is clear – full and unconditional protection of the legitimate Bulgarian interests in Macedonia, protection of the historic truth about Bulgaria and our Bulgarian sacred sites in Macedonia. Zaev and his SDSM party are selling us Balkan tricks, they say one thing in Sofia, another in Athens, a third in Brussels and something completely else in Skopje. They want to get in NATO and EU through the back door, by falsifying Bulgarian history. Zaev is not constructive, he is a typical Bulgarian politician – lies and labyrinths. He is Bulgarian when he talks to us, Greek when he is with the Greeks, pretends to be Serbian with the Serbs, and in reality he is just a provincial Tarik (liar)” Dzhambazki writes, before listing Macedonian historic figures like Tsar Samuil, Goce Delcev and Jane Sandanski, which, he says, were Bulgarians.




Kosovo's army dreamers enrage their Serbian neighbours (BBC News, by Guy Delauney, Balkans correspondent, 14 December 2018)


If Kosovo is still committed to a Euro-Atlantic path, it has wandered dramatically off-piste in recent weeks. First it raised a 100% tariff on imports from neighbouring Serbia. Now its MPs are set to vote on raising an army. Both these measures run counter to warnings, threats and pleas from both the European Union and Nato. Friday's army vote would turn a lightly-armed 4,000-strong emergency response force into Kosovo's own professional military. Two decades after the withdrawal of Serbian forces, Kosovo's security is still guaranteed by 4,000 Nato troops, known as Kfor. Serbia's Prime Minister Ana Brnabic is so enraged by the vote she has even talked of a military response. Its president has sought backing from Russia and China. Serbia views a Pristina-controlled military force as a threat to Kosovo's 120,000-strong ethnic-Serb minority.

It does not recognise Kosovo, which declared independence 10 years ago.


What has gone wrong?

How different it all is from three months ago. All the talk in the Western Balkans was of Serbia and Kosovo swapping territory to bring their long-running dispute to an end, following six years of negotiations brokered by Brussels. This recent defiance is also a departure from Kosovo's long-established status as a pet project for Western powers. Kosovo hosts the European Union's largest civilian mission, as well as Kfor. It also benefits from massive amounts of international aid. So there was an element of biting the hand that has been feeding Kosovo for almost two decades, when Prime Minister Ramush Haradinaj accused EU foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini of "strangling" the talks. "She has transformed the dialogue on normalisation into a dialogue on territories. This has caused harm to our region," he said. His outburst was less about any putative territory swap, which Mr Haradinaj has fiercely opposed, and more a response to repeated European Union rebukes about Kosovo's unilateral imposition of swingeing taxes on Serbian and Bosnian imports. "[This] definitely goes against the spirit and letter of co-operation in the region," said Ms Mogherini on Monday. "I would expect the government of Kosovo to revoke this decision. But I am still confident that the two sides can fruitfully continue the dialogue." Others are less optimistic.


Will Kosovo have second thoughts?

"I am more worried about relations between Serbia and Kosovo than I have been for a long time," says James Ker-Lindsay, a Balkans specialist at the London School of Economics.

"The dialogue hasn't been good for a few years, but there was a certain equilibrium. That's been thrown out and it's very difficult to see where this is going." Kosovo's determination to turn its lightly armed security force into an army has made things only worse. Nato Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg called its plans ill-timed and warned of "serious repercussions for Kosovo's future Euro-Atlantic integration". One bright spot for Pristina is that the US, perhaps predictably out of step with Brussels and Nato, has endorsed the formation of an army.


Why form an army anyway?

There is considerable frustration in Pristina that the EU has not followed through on a commitment to allow citizens of Kosovo visa-free travel to the bloc's borderless Schengen zone.

Ten years on from its unilateral declaration of independence from Serbia, Kosovo is still lacking many of the signifiers of statehood. Upgrading the security force to an army would, at the very least, tick a box. But James Ker-Lindsay believes that "lashing out" will prove counterproductive for Kosovo. "This is not the way to work with the EU. You don't start challenging them and being confrontational," he warns. He believes that their "protected existence", with 10 years of EU and US support, has left them disorientated. Now that a new phase with the EU has begun, new rules apply. Long term, it seems unthinkable that Kosovo would turn its back on Brussels. But, for the moment at least, it is certainly offering a cold shoulder.


Prespa Agreement Seen as “Huge Achievement” in US (Greek Reporter, by Tasos Kokkinidis, 13 December 2018)


Matthew Palmer, the Deputy Assistant Secretary at the U.S.Department of State, has termed the Prespa agreement between Greece and the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM) a “huge achievement”. Speaking at the 20th Annual Capital Link “Invest in Greece Forum” held in New York, the Department of State official added that the deal signed last June says something remarkable about the statesmanship of the two leaders involved, Alexis Tsipras and Zoran Zaev. “The leadership shown in reaching this agreement was really remarkable,” he noted. The Prespa agreement opens the door for Skopje to move forward to European and euro-Atlantic integration, Palmer said, speaking exclusively to the Greek Reporter. “I expect the country to move toward membership in NATO quite quickly. That will make considerable contribution to the stability in the Balkans,” Palmer added. The official dismissed the notion of a “Greater Albania”, saying that this is “not even on the table.” “I think what people are talking about right now is normalization of relations between Kosovo and Serbia… That will make a huge contribution to stability in the Balkans,” he said.