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Belgrade Media Report 06 August 2019



Croatia threatens with new ‘Oluja’ operations (Novosti)


This year’s marking of anniversary of ‘Oluja’ operation in Croatia was marked by numerous scandals: glorification of Ustasha insignia, ‘Za dom spremni’ (Ready for home) salute and officials’ accusations of officials for ‘Great Serbia aggression’. Apart from this, Croatian President Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic was singing ‘U boj, u boj’ (To battle, to battle) ahead of the central manifestation of marking of the anniversary and stated she wanted to “take rifle in her hands and go to battlefield” during the war. Minister of Defense Damir Krsticevic praised ‘Oluja’ operation and conveyed a message “to all those who have pretensions towards Croatia” that the Croatian Army is ready to carry out new ‘Oluja’ operations. Serbian Foreign Minister of Foreign Affairs Ivica Dacic told Novosti harshly reacted to these messages from Croatia: “I don’t know how to build any kind of relations with a country whose President regrets not having taken rifle to shoot at country’s own citizens – Serbs and whose Minister of Defense announces new ‘Oluja’ operations because, I guess, it is necessary to expel the remaining 150,000 Serbs who are prohibited to use Cyrillic alphabet there. On every 5 August, Croatia sends the message that not only it will not apologize for innocent Serb victims but they even brag about that the biggest exodus in Europe after the World War II is now its corner stone, which is enriched by open rehabilitation of Ustasha Movement along with Thompson’s arias.” Serbian Defense Minister Aleksandar Vulin said that there will be no new ‘Oluja’ operation against Serbs and that nobody should even dream about it. Vulin added: “Serbia does not want to have a single inch of Croatia and Croatians who are leaving the country in high numbers want it less and less too”.


Serbia’s opposition: Decision on election boycott in second half of September (Beta/N1)


The Serbian authorities have done nothing to meet the opposition demands for free and fair elections from last December and will be solely responsible if there is a boycott, Janko Veselinovic, one of the opposition leaders and member of the Alliance for Serbia (SzS) has told media on Monday. Following the meeting of the opposition leaders, he said that unless the demands were fulfilled by mid-September, they would decide to boycott the elections due in spring 2020. Besides the SZS leaders, the representatives of other opposition parties and movements took part in the Monday’s meeting, including the Union of Vojvodina's Hungarians.

Veselinovic said that all the participants in the meeting agreed that there were no conditions for the fair ballot and that the media were not free. “There is a little time left to change the conditions. The regime will be responsible if there are no elections, i.e., if there are elections that won’t be elections,” he told reporters. He added that the talks that were being held with the ruling coalition’s representatives were a round table discussion and that the opposition would take part in any negotiations which would lead to the creation of free and fair election conditions. “There haven’t been any so far.” Veselinovic announced the next meeting with the regime representatives on Friday or Saturday, adding that after that discussion the opposition leaders would meet again to assess whether those talks could “bear any constructive” move. sked what the deadline for the authorities to meet the opposition demands was, Veselinovic said “the second half of September.”


Israeli Ambassador congratulates ‘Oluja’ and then corrects disputable tweet’ (Politika/Beta)


Ambassador of Israel to Croatia Ilan Mor published a congratulations note to Croatia on Twitter on the occasion of the 24th anniversary of ‘Oluja’ operation. Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Israel did not comment on this matter, but Ambassador of Serbia to Israel Milutin Stanojevic reacted and criticized Israel for congratulating Croatia. Stanojevic stated that Serbs in Croatia went through the biggest exodus of an ethnic group in Europe after the World War II during ‘Oluja’ operation and he assessed that congratulating this event goes against most basic human principles of modern societies. Several hours later, Mor corrected the disputable tweet and congratulated only Homeland Thanksgiving Day without mentioning the victory or ‘Oluja’ operation.




Leaders of SDA, SNSD and HDZ B&H reach agreement on formation of B&H CoM (Hayat/N1/FTV/BNTV)


Leaders of SDA, HDZ B&H and SNSD, Bakir Izetbegovic, Dragan Covic and Milorad Dodik respectively met in Sarajevo on Monday and reached an agreement on formation of a new convocation of B&H Council of Ministers (CoM). They also signed principles on formation of authorities at B&H level. According to this document, the new B&H CoM should be formed within next 30 days. Reporter commented that it seems that some 10 months after the General Elections 2018, new B&H authorities will finally be formed. Hayat reminds that HDZ B&H has been conditioning formation of new authorities with changes of electoral legislation. At the same time, SDA has been advocating strengthening of state institutions and rule of law, as well as continuation of a path towards NATO membership. SNSD has been opposing continuation of the NATO integration of B&H. However, three leaders reached a compromise and signed the abovementioned document. Among other things, the agreement reached by leaders of SDA, HDZ B&H and SNSD reads that all court decisions concerning electoral legislation will be implemented. The document also reads that in line with the Constitution, representativeness of all constituent peoples and the Others in institutions will be provided; laws eliminating discrimination on ground of ethnic, religious and ideological affiliation will be adopted; the process of the EU integration will be intensified; a new set of socio-economic reforms that represents continuation of the Reform Agenda will be implemented; sustainable return of refugees and displaced persons will be secured; the fight against corruption and organized crime, including money laundering and terrorism will be strengthened. Following the meeting, Izetbegovic said that the agreement reached on Monday reads that cooperation with NATO will be resumed in line with earlier defined framework. He went on to say that moving towards NATO can be intensive or slow. “I think it will be rather slowed down over the next three years. However, it is important to retain trend and work within frameworks defined by law, decisions of the Presidency of B&H and the Constitution”, explained the leader of SDA. Reporter noted that leaders of three parties agreed that unless the agreement reached on Monday is implemented over next 30 days, it will cease to be valid. Dodik said that unless the new convocation of B&H CoM is formed over next 30 days, SNSD representatives will start with blockade of state institutions. Following the Monday meeting, Dodik talked about part of signed principles on formation of authorities at B&H level referring to the NATO path of B&H. He underlined that the signed document reads that within framework of the Constitution and laws, “while respecting all relevant levels of authorities in B&H, it will be decided about integration processes.” Reporter reminded that distribution of ministerial positions in B&H CoM was agreed earlier. According to this agreement, SNSD will nominate a candidate for the post of a Chairman of B&H CoM. SNSD stated their candidate for this post will be Zoran Tegeltija. Besides the post of the Chairman of B&H CoM, SNSD-led coalition will get positions of a Minister of Transport and Communications, Minister of Human Rights and Refugees and Minister of Foreign Trade and Economic Relations. SDA-led coalition will get the post of a Minister of Foreign Affairs, Minister of Security and Minister of Defense. HDZ B&H will get a post of a Minister of Finance, Minister of Justice and Minister of Civil Affairs. N1 reported that Monday’s meeting of leaders of SDA, HDZ B&H and SNSD was held unannounced and it was organized by Head of the EU Delegation to B&H Ambassador Lars-Gunnar Wigemark. N1’s reporter said that leaders did not wish to comment the Annual National Program (ANP) for NATO and neither Dodik nor Izetbegovic explained if they reached an agreement on this issue. If the signed agreement is not implemented within the next 30 days, Dodik believes B&H will enter a state of deep crisis. “SNSD will block the work of all institutions and no European or other institution will be able to help,” he stated. Dodik called upon all representatives of the international community (IC) in B&H to support this agreement and call upon its fast implementation. Izetbegovic believes the set deadline is too short, adding that it will most probably be prolonged to two months. Covic emphasized he is very satisfied with the signed agreement as leaders pledged to implement all rulings by domestic and European courts regarding the Election Law of B&H which “secure the constitutional and institutional equality of all constituent peoples and citizens and their legitimate representation on whole B&H’s territory”, as well as securing the representation of all constituent peoples at all levels of authorities. Amongst other things, the stated principles call upon respect of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the country and maintaining good neighborly relations with Croatia, Serbia and Montenegro by solving open issues. All three leaders agree that the Office of the High Representative (OHR) in B&H should end its mandate no later than when B&H joins the EU. Izetbegovic, Covic and Dodik agreed to respect the Dayton Peace Agreement (DPA) and its 11 annexes, including the European Convention on Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms. They also agreed to continue B&H’s EU and other integration processes according to the Constitution and laws by harmonizing the stances and interests of all levels of authorities in B&H. “There is a very important point in this agreement and you will see that all of the three parties, which signed this, advocate abolishing of the OHR,” said Dodik. Izetbegovic said that the mandate of the OHR cannot be ended by B&H political parties or authorities, but when the necessary conditions are met. He added that abolishing of the OHR was not a topic of Monday’s agreement and the Peace Implementation Council (PIC) will have to decide on that. Dodik said that for him, the most important thing is that this agreement protects the position of the RS regarding NATO membership. Izetbegovic believes that efforts should be exerted so that B&H becomes such a state where the OHR would be redundant, however that it cannot be foreseen when this will happen, since this decision is not to be made by them. BN TV reported that one of the signed principles reads that the Commission for NATO Integration of B&H will cooperate with all relevant institutions regarding relations with NATO, including creation of drafts and plans grounded on decisions of B&H Presidency and B&H CoM.


Zvizdic chairman of both executive and legislative authorities in B&H as of Tuesday (RTRS)


Even though the agreement on formation of state authorities of B&H was reached on Monday during a meeting between leaders of SNSD, SDA and HDZ B&H, outgoing Chairman B&H CoM Denis Zvizdic will assume the post of a speaker of the B&H House of Representatives (B&H HoR) on Tuesday, thus simultaneously being the chair of executive and legislative authorities in B&H. This has never before happened in B&H and in Europe, for that matter, which is why this moment will make ‘political history’. RTRS reporter stressed that Zvizdic accepted his mandate in the B&H HoR but refused to step down as the B&H CoM Chairman. The Election Law of B&H does not forbid this, but the Constitution of B&H clearly states the competencies of executive and legislative authorities, which means they are not meant to overlap. Dodik noted that Zvizic’s appointment should have been condemned by High Representative (HR) in B&H Valentin Inzko, but for some unknown reason he remains silent. “That says a lot about the way the OHR (Office of the High Representative) acts. So, this means anything is allowed here; but, the practice of allowing one person to represent both executive and legislative authorities is not good; many people in the West and in democratic societies will not understand this,” Dodik told the reporters.


Ministers in B&H CoM discuss conclusions of HoR re HJPC (TV1)


Ministers in B&H CoM discussed on Monday conclusions of B&H HoR regarding judiciary with special emphasis on the High Judicial and Prosecutorial Council (HJPC). B&H Minister of Justice Josip Grubesa stated that a work group, tasked with drafting changes to the law on the HJPC and which is yet to be formed, will start working soon. Addressing a press conference, Grubesa said that Ministers underlined the importance of reforms which is in his opinion, the only thing that they can adopt. He reminded that MPs recently said that the B&H Ministry of Justice should send changes to the law on the HJPC in the parliamentary procedure via the CoM. In his opinion, the B&H Ministry of Justice should not be alone in this process and this should gather institutions from all levels of power. Asked when the acting director of the state prison in B&H will be appointed, Grubesa explained that interviews with candidates are underway. He added that this job will be done after publishing a decision in the Official Gazette of B&H.


Government officials say Operation Storm Croatia's historic success (Hina)


Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic said at a ceremony marking the 24th anniversary of Operation Storm in Knin on Monday that the 1995 operation was the moment that changed Croatia's history, telling citizens to awaken the self-confidence that helped them overcome the obstacles at the time and to look at the future with optimism. "Under the leadership of the first Croatian president Franjo Tudjman we liberated one-fifth of the then occupied areas and showed the world that the Croatian people decides about its fate on its own. The Croatian flag at the Knin Fortress told the world boldly that the cradle of the Croatian state... the ancient town of Knin... will forever stay Croatian. And it also (told the world) that the strength of the newly built Croatian army had made it possible to finally complete the historic act of creation of an independent and sovereign Croatian state," Plenkovic said at the event marking Victory and Homeland Thanksgiving Day and Croatian Veterans Day. He said that Operation Storm was the decisive endeavour that secured the survival of the Croatian state and its territorial integrity, a legitimate response to the occupying forces and the final battle that dealt a fatal blow to Great Serbian claims to Croatian territory. Recalling that Croatia was remembering with pride all Croatian soldiers killed in the war, Plenkovic told their families that state institutions were working tirelessly to shed light on all war crimes and locate all the missing persons. Plenkovic noted that Croatia's coming EU presidency in the first half of 2020 would be dedicated to Croatian defenders. He said that Croatia was oriented towards the future and towards building a more just and more solidarity-based society. "We want a prosperous, demographically vital and poverty-free country, we are working to strengthen the rule of law because we want a more equitable Croatia, free of corruption and unlawfulness, based on its tradition and identity, and with the political will and strength to include all its minorities and ensure respect for their rights," said the PM. President Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic said in her address at the Knin commemoration that Croatian politicians had the duty to make Croatia a prosperous, free country. Quoting General Ante Gotovina's statement in which he said that the war was over and that Croatians should turn to the future, Grabar-Kitarovic said that the future was primarily the responsibility of politicians but also of all citizens. "The defenders gave their lives and health so that we could live... in our own, free and democratic country. We were given the responsibility to make Croatia a country where work is valued, where every citizen's dignity is beyond dispute, where Croatian identity and tradition are developed in freedom that fosters initiative, learning and creation and not destructiveness. That is our responsibility and my message today," said the President. Addressing the commemoration, parliament speaker Gordan Jandrokovic said that on the 24th anniversary of Operation Storm Croatians celebrated "their historic achievement with a feeling of unity, pride and joy." "... today we celebrate the joint act of liberation of Croatian territory occupied by the Serb aggressor and the entire Homeland War," Jandrokovic said, adding that Victory and Homeland Thanksgiving Day was also an opportunity to remember the Croatian people's aspirations for independence that had lasted for centuries. Expressing gratitude to Croatian defenders for self-sacrifice in the defense of their people, Jandrokovic said that the values for which they had fought should be passed onto young generations. Croatia's future is up to its people and Croatians must be aware of that, said Jandrokovic. "Our homeland must be a country that protects its identity, tradition and values on which it was founded, which respects its saints and heroes and objectively evaluates its history, and which rejects the legacy of totalitarian regimes that oppressed it and made it retrograde," Jandrokovic said, calling for "stronger engagement in the accomplishment of the set goals and for the creation of positive trends and a positive atmosphere in the country."


Opposition accuses CEC for abuse of power (ADN)


Former MP of Democratic Party (DP), Dhurata Cupi declared this Monday that Albania is in an extraordinary and abnormal situation, in an unending stalemate unheard of in 30 years of democracy. Regarding 13 October as the valid date for local elections, decreed by President of the Republic of Albania, Ilir Meta, she said that this date is still in force, it must be executed and institutions must assume responsibility. Meanwhile, Cupi accused Central Election Commission (CEC) of abuse of power, negligence, also of not taking any action in respect of deadlines.

Furthermore, aforementioned former MP announced that DP and its Chairman, Lulzim Basha have the goal of restoring Albania's normality, adding that President of the Republic's tendency is positive, which DP supports in order for the stalemate to be overcome. "It is a date in force, a date to be executed and institutions to assume responsibility. Presidential Decree is within the Constitution. We have negligence, abuse of power by the CEC that takes no action in respect of deadlines. Here was the last statement of the DP. It is in line with the attitude that the DP has consistently maintained. We are in an extraordinary situation, in an abnormal situation, in an unending stalemate unheard of in 30 years of democracy. Every statement of the DP, every attitude of Mr. Basha consists in restoring the normality of the country. There is a positive tendency of the President, of course, that we support to overcome this stalemate," stated Cupi.




Wilson: Delivery of Russian arms to Serbia is irresponsible (VoA, 5 August 2019)


Atlantic Council Executive Vice President Damon Wilson told the Voice of America that the delivery of Russian armored vehicles to Serbia is harmful and irresponsible. A country that is on its way to the EU should not accept weapons from Moscow, he said, adding that the supply of Russian arms to Serbia is an attempt to obstruct the normalization of the situation in the region.  “Serbia’s road to the EU lies through a normalization of relations with Kosovo, not through arms from Moscow. As long as Kosovo is an open issue we will see Russian attempts and Serbian games all of them through controversial relations,” Wilson said, adding that he realizes that Russia stands with Serbia in the UN in terms of the Kosovo issue.  Asked to comment the statement by State Department official Mathew Palmer who said he hopes the Serbian opposition won’t boycott elections, Wilson said that he understands that the opposition is in a difficult position and noted that there is a trend to boycott elections and dispute the legitimacy of parliament in the Balkans.  I have a lot of understanding for the difficult conditions facing the Serbian opposition. At the same time, it’s important for them to be talking to people and communities about their problems, get into the race, be responsible and fight for political ideas through available mechanisms while they try to improve the democratic process, Wilson said.