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Belgrade Media Report 21 August



Vucic with Pompeo in New York (RTV/Tanjug/Beta/RTS)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic met on Tuesday in New York with the US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and they discussed Kosovo issue. Vucic and Pompeo met during the working lunch organized on the margins of UN Security Council session and the meeting lasted

longer than it was planned – approximately two hours, it was stated in the reports of Serbian media. “Productive lunch with Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic on Kosovo – Serbia dialogue and Serbia’s EU accession. Normalizing relations with Kosovo will strengthen stability and prosperity for Serbia, the Western Balkans, and the Transatlantic community”, Pompeo wrote on his Twitter profile after the meeting. Vucic wrote on his Instagram profile, together with a photo from the meeting, that he talked with Pompeo “for a long time about everything”. “He wanted to hear what Serbia thinks primarily about the resolution of Kosovo issue, and I, it seems to me, told him Serbia’s view in the shortest and simplest of ways. I asked the US administration to try, even though they did it before, to impact Kosovo Albanians even stronger to cancel the taxes that were imposed on us a year ago, and regarding that issue there was no doubt that we had a support from US, because, like us, believed that it would be important to continue the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina”, Vucic told Radio and Television of Serbia (RTS). Asked whether Belgrade and Pristina are closer to resuming dialogue following his meeting with Pompeo, Vucic said this is hard to expect before Pristina elections are held, which are expected on 6 October but are not yet scheduled. “This means, in the best case, the beginning of December, but it is important to discuss the abolishment of taxes before that,” said Vucic. Vucic pointed out that the US is not changing its position regarding the issue of Kosovo’s independence, but some doors are being opened and they understand well the necessity of reaching an agreement where Serbia would not be humiliated and Serbia’s interests would not be slurred. “For this I am grateful to Secretary Pompeo. When you open the door for something small, many in Serbia think that you didn’t get anything, but people need to understand that we invested efforts, time, resources, energy and work to find ourselves in this situation,” said Vuicic. “I also spoke about the importance of protecting our holy sites in Kosovo, especially given the recent cases that are happening in Kosovo,” emphasized Vucic. He also said that Serbia is ready, regardless of the fact that this doesn’t bring political points to the authorities in Serbia, to enter into open political dialogue with the Albanians as soon as the taxes have been abolished. “It doesn’t matter, the political price you have to pay, because people in our country have pretty sensitive ears and don’t like to hear things that have to do with the reality, but rather what has to do with myths. The future of the region depends on our relations as the two largest nations in the Western Balkans. As soon as we find an agreement, we will secure the future for people,” said Vucic. “I am pleased with the fact that it seems to me that what I said has caused the attention of Secretary Pompeo, and I believe that the US will want to be involved in different ways in solving problems in our region even more strongly,” said Vucic. He noted he believes that Pompeo successfully explained why Belgrade is not stopping the campaign for withdrawal of recognitions which is something, as he said, that some of the media and US establishment hold against Belgrade. “I told him that this is not written in one single document. I told him that we offered the Albanians, by saying that they cannot find countries that will additionally recognize them, to agree that they don’t conduct a campaign of recognitions and not seek membership in Interpol and other organizations until we try to finalize the dialogue, but at the same time we will not conduct the campaign of withdrawals of recognitions. They never accepted this, so since they didn’t, we were only doing our job. I think that I managed to explain this to the Secretary through papers and undoubted evidence,” said Vucic.


Scott: Vucic-Pompeo meeting: Confirmation of US engagement (Tanjug)


The meeting between Secretary Pompeo and President Vucic is confirmation that the US is still engaged with all leaders in the Balkans towards support to regional security, stability and peace, US Ambassador to Serbia Kyle Scott told Tanjug.


Protocols on acceleration of customs procedure with North Macedonia (Beta/Tanjug)


A delegation of the Republic of Serbia signed five protocols in Skopje regarding the implementation of the Joint Control Agreement at the Presevo-Tabanovce crossing, whose implementation should begin in less than a week. Deputy Director of the Customs Directorate of the Ministry of Finance Veselin Milosevic and Director of the Customs Administration of North Macedonia Djoko Tanasoski signed the protocol which, within the framework of the said agreement regulates more precisely all issues related to common customs control, both in passenger and freight traffic. For passengers and freighters traveling from Serbia to North Macedonia, the Serbian border services will carry out exit controls in the territory of Northern Macedonia at the Tabanovce border crossing. The protocol stipulates that for those traveling from North Macedonia to Serbia, exit control of the Macedonian border services will be carried out in the territory of Serbia, at the Presevo border crossing. During the meetings of the two delegations, it was stated that Serbia and North Macedonia are strategically linked, and that an Agreement on Mutual Recognition of the Status of Authorized Economic Entity will be signed as early as 26 August. In the capital of North Macedonia, a protocol was signed between the two countries' interior ministries on how to conduct border checks.


Serbia’s opposition People’s Party decides to boycott spring elections (N1)


The top leadership of the opposition People’s Party led by Vuk Jeremic voted on Tuesday to boycott the parliamentary and local elections scheduled for next spring, N1 reported. In a statement following the meeting, People’s Party said that the regime and opposition dialogue so far, especially the last one held on Monday, showed there is no will within the regime whatsoever to normalize the political life in Serbia, meet demands by #1 in 5 million protests’ organizers and enable fair elections. The Alliance for Serbia (SzS) said the decision would be brought in the second half of September and gave the authorities the 15 September deadline to cede to 1 in 5 million civil protests’ and their demands. The 1 in 5 million organization’s press release earlier on Tuesday called on the opposition to declare a boycott of future elections as soon as possible. The other SzS members are expected to bring the same decision soon. The Nova Stranka said it would decide once the elections were called. Precise information about the boycott is expected on Friday after the meeting of all opposition forces which signed a joint request for free and fair elections.




B&H Presidency fails to hold two sessions on adoption of ANP and appointment of B&H CoM chairman-designate, ANP withdrawn from agenda due to Dodik’s intention to vote against it (N1)


B&H’s Annual National Program (ANP) for NATO remains the main political topic of coalition partners at the state level in the upcoming period, after B&H Presidency's sessions on Tuesday. The ANP was removed from the agenda of the regular session of the B&H Presidency on Tuesday, after which the extraordinary session of the B&H Presidency convened also for Tuesday, which was dedicated to the appointment of B&H Council of Ministers (CoM) chairman-designate, was canceled. The reason for cancelation was the fact that B&H Presidency Chairman Zeljko Komsic (DF) and B&H Presidency member Sefik Dzaferovic (SDA) find that the adoption of the ANP is a precondition for the appointment of B&H CoM chairman-designate.

B&H Presidency members reached agreement during consultations prior to the regular session that they will not vote on the ANP, i.e. that this item will be removed from the agenda because B&H Presidency member Milorad Dodik (SNSD) said that he will not vote for the ANP. Out of 29 items on the agenda proposed by Komsic, 15 were removed including the ANP. Addressing the press conference after the session, Komsic said that the vote on the ANP would lead to outvoting of Dodik, which would completely destroy the NATO MAP story. He explained that this is why they decided to remove the item from the agenda in order to keep the doors to NATO open. Dodik told reporters after the session in case that the formation of authorities at the level of B&H fails by 5 September, when the deadline set for implementation of the 5 August agreement on formation of authorities at the level of B&H expires, SNSD might think about the possibility to withdraw from the ruling coalition at the level of B&H, i.e. the party will decide whether to remain part of the parliamentary majority or not. He expressed belief that during this term and probably during his second term at the B&H Presidency he believes he will win - the vote on the ANP will not happen. Dodik stressed that he cannot exclude the possibility that Komsic and Dzaferovic were advised by US Ambassador to B&H Eric Nelson and UK Ambassador to B&H Matthew Field at the meeting Sarajevo on Monday to remove the ANP from the agenda, knowing that he would vote against it and launch the mechanism of protection of the vital national interest in case that he is outvoted and that the ANP would thus be part of history.

Dzaferovic told reporters that the solution which will not be against the rule of law principles must be sought. He concluded that parliamentary majority at the state level was already defined and this issue should not be used to additionally complicate relations in B&H. Dzaferovic stressed that the Constitution and the law establish the rule of law and that the rule of law is not a menu from which one can take only what one likes and thus in accordance with the Law on the B&H CoM, insist on the appointment of B&H CoM chairman-designate, but at the same time reject both the Law on Defense and decisions of the B&H Presidency. Dzaferovic added that the principle of the rule of law has to be unreservedly supported. “If we were to venture - and we will not, just so you know - into partial application of this principle, that would lead this country into anarchy,” Dzaferovic said. Komsic said that foreign ambassadors suggested Monday that crisis in B&H should not be deepened. This is why the B&H Presidency members decided to remove the adoption of decisions on the ANP and the B&H CoM chairman-designate from the agenda. “We tried to leave the doors open and not to nail things down. We also tried not to carry out outvoting on the ANP, because if we voted on the ANP, the following would probably happen. Mr. Dzaferovic and I would be for, Mr. Dodik would be against. He would raise the issue of vital entity, i.e. national interest. The issue of the ANP would go to the RS parliament and the story of the ANP would completely end there for indefinite time,” Komsic stressed.

B&H Presidency members agreed to resume talks and wait for 5 September, which was defined as the ultimate deadline for the appointment of the B&H CoM.


RS’ reactions to removing of disputable items from agenda of B&H Presidency’s sessions (FTV)


Parties that are part of the ruling coalition in the RS believe it is good that the session was postponed, because, they say, the FB&H would lose much more if the session was held. They add that outvoting of Serb member of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik by other two members, on the matter of adoption of the ANP, would then lead to scheduling of an extraordinary session of the RS parliament. The RS parliament would most probably support Dodik in invoking of the vital entity interest and then the matter of ANP would not be discussed by the end of mandates of the current Presidency officials. Leader of United Srpska Nenad Stevandic reminded that the agreement signed between leaders of SDA, SNSD and HDZ B&H does not mention that adoption of the ANP is a precondition for appointment of the B&H CoM chairman. He added that further talks and consultations between the leaders must take place in order to avoid any new crises. On the other hand, opposition parties from the RS say that SNSD-SDA-HDZ B&H agreement on formation of state authorities turned into a fiasco. They believe that the leaders of these three parties already started the process of finding excuses why the mentioned agreement will fail and will not be implemented within the given deadline. “The reality is that SNSD and Mister Dodik imposed the ANP onto us when they made a decision in the Presidency of B&H ten years ago, asking for the activation of MAP (Membership Action Plan) and membership in the NATO,” PDP leader Branislav Borenovic stressed. Borenovic called canceling of sessions of the B&H Presidency and failure of party leaders to reach an agreement a frivolous story and a farce that is leading B&H into a deeper political crisis. Hayat quoted Borenovic as saying: “There is clearly no sincere intention and there are different interpretations in the implementation of the principle of authority formation at the B&H level.”


Other B&H political parties, officials react (FTV)


HDZ B&H reacted first, calling on Bosniak and Serb political leaders to respect the will of people and to implement the principles stated in the agreement that was signed between leaders of the three largest ethnic parties in this country. “As the deadline for implementation of agreed principles for formation of authorities approaches, we witness numerous ways of interpretation of those principles, which, we hope, regardless of our differences, will not lead B&H into some new crises which are not beneficial to anyone,” reads part of HDZ B&H’s statement. SDP B&H fully supports adoption of the ANP, but believes the most favorable outcome of Tuesday’s Presidency session was to remove this point from the daily agenda. Members of this party emphasized that if the vote on the ANP did happen, that would create the largest blockade in the country. Sasa Magazinovic, President of SDP B&H Main Board, stated the only logical thing was to postpone the extraordinary session and then continue talks on finding a solution for the created situation. “What I find worrisome is that besides these sessions we do not see real actions being done in between the sessions,” he added.


Berton: Issue of B&H’s NATO path is being used as excuse for non-formation of state authorities (FTV)


Head of the OSCE Mission to B&H Bruce Berton believes that the issue of B&H’s NATO membership is used as an excuse to postpone formation of state level authorities. He added that this is the key issue in B&H, which needs to be addressed properly. Due to non-formation of the authorities at all levels, B&H cannot continue its progress and implement other necessary reforms needed on the Euro-Atlantic path of this country.


EUD: Formation of authorities in B&H is of key importance for progress of country in process of integration in EU (BHT1)


The EUD Delegation to B&H called on members of the Presidency to overcome differences in the interest of all citizens of B&H. The EUD stated: “While the EU is ready to continue with the facilitation, local leaders are responsible for leading dialogue and securing formation of all authorities after elections 2018. Formation of authorities in B&H is of key importance for progress of the country in the process of integration in the EU. Leaders set a 30-day-deadline on their own and it is up to them to fulfill their own obligation”.


Dodik: RS does not accept opening of any kind of reception centers for migrants on its territory (RTRS)


Serb member of B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik stated on Tuesday the RS does not accept the opening of any kind of reception centers for migrants on its territory, stressing that he will discuss this topic on Wednesday at a meeting with representatives of municipalities with Serb majority in the Una-Sana Canton (USC). He is expected to meet representatives of municipalities of Drvar, Glamoc, Bosansko Grahovo and Bosanski Petrovac. “I have an obligation to hear what these people have to say, i.e. Serbs from the FB&H who are concerned for their property,” Dodik noted.


Meta receives the new German ambassador to Tirana (ADN)


President of Albania Ilir Meta received the new Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany Peter Zingraf to the premises of the Presidency. He received the new ambassador’s credentials, while emphasizing the good relations between the two countries. “Albania will continue to rely on increasingly close trust and cooperation with our friendly and strategic partner Germany. We welcome the sincere and decisive commitment of the Bundestag to assist Albania on the path towards opening accession negotiations with the European Union and on our country’s progress towards European democratic standards,” Meta underlined. Meta expressed gratitude for the great attention Germany has given to relations with Albania, as well as developments in the region, praising Chancellor Angela Merkel’s vision of integrating our country and the Western Balkans into the EU. Addressing to President Meta, the greetings of the President of Germany, Frank-Walter Steinmeier, Ambassador Zingraf said that he felt very happy to begin his duties as German Ambassador to Albania. Previously this post was held by Susanne Schütz.




Secretary Pompeo’s Meeting with Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic (State Department, 20 August 2019)




The below is attributable to Spokesperson Morgan Ortagus:‎

Secretary Michael R. Pompeo met today in New York City with Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic. Secretary Pompeo praised the strong U.S.-Serbia relationship. The Secretary and President Vucic discussed the shared bilateral vision of a stable, secure, and prosperous Western Balkans region, and continued U.S. support for Serbia’s goal of integration into the European Union. Secretary Pompeo encouraged Serbia to focus on this strategic goal by accelerating domestic reforms and resuming negotiations with Kosovo on a comprehensive normalization agreement centered on mutual recognition. The Secretary reiterated that both sides should avoid provocations that hinder the normalization process, and engage with the spirit of compromise and flexibility necessary to secure an agreement and unlock both countries’ potential.


North Macedonia Arrests Outgoing Chief Special Prosecutor (BIRN, by Sinisa Jakov Marusic, 21 August 2019)


The arrest of Katica Janeva comes after she was grilled by prosecutors for four hours on Tuesday over her alleged involvement in the so-called ‘Extortion’ scandal.

Police in North Macedonia arrested outgoing chief special prosecutor Katica Janeva on Wednesday, the latest twist in a scandal rocking the government and undermining the credibility of the country’s anti-corruption drive. Janeva was arrested at her home on the request of the regular prosecutor’s office for organised crime, which is investigating the so-called ‘Extortion’ scandal that erupted in July. Chief Public Prosecutor Ljubomir Joveski told a press conference that Janeva, who was questioned for four hours on Tuesday, was arrested on suspicion of “abuse of office” and that prosecutors had gathered “irrefutable evidence” against her. Janeva has denied any wrongdoing and declared on Tuesday she felt “no guilt whatsoever”. The scandal erupted in July when businessman Bojan Jovanovski and alleged accomplice Zoran Milevski were arrested on suspicion of extorting money from another businessman, Orce Kamcev. It is alleged that they took cash from Kamcev in exchange for a promise to help him avoid jail or receive a lighter sentence in another case by using their alleged influence with Janeva’s office, the Special Prosecution, or SJO. Prosecutors at the time seized Janeva’s phones. Janeva resigned in July, citing a political dispute over legislation to resolve the status of the SJO, created in 2015 to investigate high-level crime during a crisis involving the previous government. On August 8, Italian newspaper La Verita began publishing recorded conversations allegedly between Kamcev and Jovanovski in which Janeva’s voice could also be heard. Janeva confirmed it was her voice but said she was negotiating with Kamcev over another unnamed case and that her actions were legitimate. Addressing the same press conference on Wednesday, the head of the Prosecution for Organised Crime, Vilma Ruskoska, said the ‘Extortion’ investigation had been expanded only to include Janeva as a new suspect. “We have submitted a request to the court for granting detention,” Ruskoska said, denying reports that the homes of a number of politicians had been raided. Joveski said the investigation so far had produced no evidence that any of the 1.5 million euros Kamcev allegedly gave to Jovanovski and Milevski had ended up in the pockets of local or foreign politicians. Janeva was due to appear before a judge who would decide on a possible 30-day detention. Ruskoska said police had seized Janeva’s computer but denied media reports that they had searched the premises of the SJO.