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Belgrade Media Report 04 October



Vucic urges V4 to assess Serbia’s position outside the box (Tanjug/Novosti/RTS)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic on Thursday said he had called on Visegrad Group member states to look at Serbia's position outside the box - from a different angle, outside of standard procedures and rules - and attempt to find solutions with a more far-reaching political effect that would be more significant for the future. “We will see whether this will be met with understanding in the EU,” Vucic told a press conference in Prague after a Visegrad Group summit in an expanded, V4+2 format, also attended by Serbia and Slovenia. When asked if Serbia could expect the Visegrad Group’s concrete assistance and support, Vucic responded he had come to Prague to plead for that even though Serbia had no right to make any requests. “We rely on their support and, knowing these countries and these people, I am certain Serbia will have such support, just like their countries will have such support from us in all international organizations and bodies,” he said. He also said he was certain Serbia would have the support of Visegrad Group member states on its EU path.


Vucic and Zeman on the possibility of withdrawing Kosovo recognition (Tanjug/B92)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic on Thursday said a compromise solution for Kosovo and Metohija was the only possible path to the future for the entire Western Balkans but noted that he was unable to interfere in the internal affairs of any country, including in decisions on a possible change of position concerning the status of the so-called Kosovo. Vucic said this at a joint press conference in Prague after a Visegrad Group summit in an expanded, V4+2 format, also attended by Serbia and Slovenia. Czech President Milos Zeman added that when it comes to his initiative to have the official Prague annul the decision of recognizing Kosovo's independence, he will try to convince his colleagues. “I said that at the first meeting with the representatives of the Czech authorities dealing with constitutional issues, I would put forward a proposal to withdraw recognition. We are democratic country, I can be outspoken, but I will try to persuade my colleagues about invalidating the decision on Kosovo's independence recognition,” he said. “I wish others had a similar opinion,” he added. Vucic said he was grateful to Zeman for his support on this issue: “I am grateful to Czech President Milos Zeman for his views on Kosovo. I spoke today about our policy towards Kosovo and the problems we are facing. I reiterated Serbia's position that a compromise solution is the only possible path for the future of the entire Western Balkans and in the EU, but also for better relations between people living in the Western Balkans,” Vucic concluded.


Stefanovic: Kosovo membership in Interpol would be political (TV Pink/Beta)


Serbian Interior Minister Nebojsa Stefanovic said that the Kosovo authorities want to use membership in Interpol as a means to reinforce statehood not to improve their crime fighting capabilities. He told TV Pink that a decision to have Kosovo in Interpol would be political and would jeopardize that international organization’s professionalism. “If Interpol becomes political all cases will be decided politically. You will no longer ask if a red Interpol warrant has been issued for some criminal, you will ask who issued the warrant,” Stefanovic said. “We warned at several Interpol meetings that granting Kosovo membership would in violation of UN Security Council Resolution 1244 under which Kosovo is a part of Serbia. Interpol has an obligation to respect UN resolutions,” he said and recalled a 2016 resolution adopted by the Interpol General Assembly under which only UN members or observer states can be members of the international police organization. “Serbia has invested a lot of effort into explaining the consequences of granting Interpol membership to Kosovo,” he said. “The fact is that Pristina is assisted in this by part of Western countries, because they are actively lobbying for their admission into Interpol. We are addressing all members what would be the consequence if Kosovo joins Interpol,” said Stefanovic. He says that Pristina has the possibility to fight against crime and corruption through UNMIK.


OSCE without observers at Kosovo elections (Politika/Tanjug)


The OSCE will be offering only technical support at the Sunday elections in the province, it will not have an observing role as it has, for example, in the rest of Serbia. “Accepting the request of the Central Electoral Commission and in adherence with the will of all interested parties, the OSCE Mission in Kosovo is offering technical advises to municipal electoral commissions and it will offer technical assistance to electoral boards in four municipalities in the north on the day of elections, 6 October. The role of the OSCE Mission in Kosovo is not to observe elections, but to offer advises and assistance,” the OSCE explained. The Mission, they add, will deploy more than 200 of its members in four municipalities in northern Kosovo, where the Serbs are a majority and they will be present at all polling stations for the purpose of technical assistance, additional staff will be in electoral centers. “We will offer advise on the spot to municipal electoral commissions and electoral boards and we will be in touch with the Central Electoral Commission during the electoral process. The OSCE will be present at polling stations during the entire election day, including the period during the counting of votes and other procedures that are implemented at polling stations following the voting,” it is added in the response sent to Tanjug.


Joksimovic: Grenell is a serious man (RTS)


Commenting Grenell’s appointment as the special envoy for Belgrade-Pristina negotiations, Serbian Minister for EU Integration Jadranka Joskimovic said that at issue is a serious man. “We will see what will he bring as added value to that process. The format is conducted within the dialogue mediated by the EU, the format is not changing. This show US’ increased interest and, taking into account that he is the Ambassador in Germany, I suppose he has insight into the past course of negotiations,” she told the RTS morning news.


Grenell’s appointment - not a good sign (Beta/B92)


Balkan experts Florian Bieber and Tim Judah express surprise at the announcement of Richard Grenell’s appointment as Special Envoy for negotiation process. Florian Bieber from Graz University asked what's the role of Matthew Palmer, recently appointed Special Representative of the US State Secretary for the Balkans. “If Trump names Richard Grenell special envoy for Serbia & Kosovo, what is the role of Matthew Palmer?,” Bieber wrote on Twitter. He also added that this is a worrying message for joint EU-US position. In his capacity as US Ambassador to Germany, Grenell has a history of alienating Germany & EU, Bieber points out, referring to Grenell’s calls in support of right and far right. “Not a good sign,” Bieber concludes. British journalist and analyst Tim Judah wrote on Twitter that Grenell’s appointment is weird. “First the US appoints the well-respected Matt Palmer who knows the region and its leaders well as Balkan envoy and now someone else with no Balkan track record or knowledge as far as we know to Serbia-Kosovo talks,” Judah concluded. He said that it all looks completely incoherent.




Sarovic proposes formation of new majority in parliament of B&H (Glas Srpske)


The SDS leader Mirko Sarovic has openly proposed formation of new majority in the parliament of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H), with SDS being a part of it, to which representatives of the ruling coalition in Republika Srpska (RS) responded by saying that it is now crystal clear that SDS is a part of the ongoing conspiracy against the RS. Sarovic said that a new majority - composed of 22 MPs in line with all the rules and procedures in the parliament - should be created for the parliament of B&H to start functioning as it should. “Especially the House of Representatives (HoR) of the parliament of B&H. I have said this to others in the Council of Ministers of B&H. SDS will always be a part of that majority, which will do everything it can to prevent the HoR from being used as a tool for exerting pressure and blackmailing in the process of formation of the Council of Ministers” said Sarovic. SNSD’s Delegate in the House of Peoples (HoP) of the parliament of B&H Dusanka Majkic told daily that Sarovic’s ideas boil down to SDS becoming a part of authorities. She explained that even if he manages to create a new majority, there will still be no working bodies or possibility to work on documents proposed by the new Council of Ministers. Majkic concluded that she does not see how Sarovic, “or SDA, which has Sarovic under control” is planning to do what he is talking about, assessing his statements as nothing more than wishful thinking. Head of the Serb Caucus in the parliament of B&H Nenad Stevandic told daily that Sarovic has revealed his true intentions. “Sarovic participated in this conspiracy against RS,” said Stevandic, explaining that the goal was to block the proposing of the new Council of Ministers Chairman in the Presidency of B&H in order to block the work of Commissions and consequently, the appointment of the B&H CoM Chairman. “He (Sarovic) himself has proposed that he remains a minister without election legitimacy, and that they return him a favor for four years of loyal compliance with Bosniak policy against the RS,” concluded Stevandic.


Cvijanovic: Agreement is obviously not in interest of Sarajevo politicians (ATV)


Almost a year has passed since the general elections in B&H, but that there was almost no progress when it comes to formation of the B&H Council of Ministers (CoM). ATV noted that SDA is not giving up on conditioning formation of the authorities. RS officials, however, claim that no one has the right to condition this process. RS President Zeljka Cvijanovic stated that the agreement is obviously not in the interest of Sarajevo politicians given that, according to her, they are putting forward conditions for which they know are not acceptable to all sides. "What kind of serious interlocutor comes and signs an agreement with you, then goes to some office of his and says after fifteen minutes that what he signed is not valid or makes up a condition to hamper what he signed? Therefore, they are frivolous people, frivolous politicians" Cvijanovic said. Meanwhile, High Representative Valentin Inzko said that times when the international community was prescribing solutions in B&H and leading their implementation have passed and that domestic politicians must begin to exert efforts as soon as possible to move forward. ATV stressed that it seems that the High Representative wanted to give a lesson to everyone and not just those who are hampering formation of the authorities in B&H. Cvijanovic responded to Inzko by saying that it is precisely the international community that spoiled Sarajevo politicians. “Irresponsible policy coming from political Sarajevo which got used to having the support of the High Representative whenever it wants to apply any kind of whim in this country and set any kind of political goal,” Cvijanovic stressed. Legal experts, well-acquainted with the Constitution of B&H, believe that the international community had a part in creating the political chaos in B&H, adding that formation of the authorities cannot be conditioned. ATV stressed that there are those who believe that B&H will never get a new B&H CoM. However, the RS officials said that this does not represent a big problem for the RS because it is functioning smoothly.


Lavrov’s statement that US and its European partners intend to pull B&H into NATO sparks reactions, Dodik says Komsic’s reaction is ridiculous (RTRS)


Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs Sergey Lavrov stated in Moscow on Wednesday that “the US and some of the leading Western European countries request from the Bosniak and some of the Croat political parties, which are under their influence, to take the path towards creation of a unitary state in Bosnia”. “The goal is simple – to bring Bosnia into the NATO,” Lavrov was quoted as saying. Serb member of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik assessed as “ridiculous and unserious” the call by Chairman of the B&H Presidency Zeljko Komsic for Lavrov to respect the stance of institutions of B&H – because he does not respect it himself. Reacting to Komsic’s call for Lavrov to respect B&H’s commitment to become a member state of the NATO, Dodik stressed that “there is no such a stance” and that military neutrality is a widely-accepted stance of RS. “I have never heard him saying anything about interventionism of the western countries, which has been evident here for years, but he rushed to react when it comes to Russia. What Lavrov said is correct, while Zeljko Komsic is wrong. Of course, he has the right to talk about it, but it is not the stance of B&H. I believe Lavrov is also aware of that,” Dodik said. Dodik also stated that if Bosniaks can continue the NATO integration process without Serbs and the RS, “why don’t they do that?” “If the stance of the RS cannot be included in the stance of B&H, they should publicly say that. The stance of the RS about the NATO integration process is not the stance of Russia, it is the stance of the RS. We have talked about the reasons for such decision on several occasions,” Dodik stressed. Chairman of the B&H Council of Ministers (CoM) Denis Zvizdic reminded that the B&H Presidency is in charge of foreign policy of B&H, adding that this institution should respond to such questions. However, the reporter reminded that neither the B&H CoM nor the B&H Presidency has reached an agreement on submission of the Annual National Program (ANP) to the NATO.


Dodik: Ivanic most vocal proponent of B&H’s path to NATO (Srna)


Serb member of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik told Srna that by voting for the Strategy of Foreign Policy, which among other things says that NATO is one of B&H’s foreign policy priorities, Mladen Ivanic at the end of his term once again demonstrated why he was a favorite of the Bosniak political scene. Dodik has said that Ivanic voted for the Strategy of Foreign Policy after the RS parliament adopted the Resolution on Protection of Constitutional Order and Military Neutrality, by which he demonstrated how much he cares about decisions of the highest RS institution. “It is not a surprise that he is still the most vocal proponent of B&H’s path to NATO since he was a promoter of B&H’s path to NATO and NATO exercises with depleted uranium. The authorities he headed from 2001 to 2005 did everything in their power to direct B&H towards NATO and I don’t know how he dares now to moralize about SNSD politics,” Dodik said. He has recalled that members of the RS parliament from the PDP, which is headed by Ivanic, did not vote for the Resolution on Protection of Constitutional Order and Military Neutrality. “This is why it is not a surprise that white smoke is coming from that party in the form of a so-called reduced annual national plan for membership in NATO (ANP), and here it is a real ANP now proposed by Ivanic. Ivanic is a man who is heavily in debt politically and it is clear that the time has come to repay debts,” Dodik said. Ivanic has said that the ANP should be activated and sent and that B&H should enter the next level of cooperation with NATO, while clearly saying that this does not mean membership and that membership will be decided only if the countries of the region become members of NATO. He has said that if anyone pushed for NATO, it was the SNSD and that it made all crucial decisions.


B&H HoR Collegium members meet Ambassador Sattler, discuss political situation, EU road of B&H (Vecernji list)


Members of the B&H House of Representatives (HoR) Collegium, namely Speaker Denis Zvizdic and Deputy Speakers Nebojsa Radmanovic and Borjana Kristo met with newly appointed Head of the EU Delegation to B&H and EU Special Representative, Ambassador Johann Sattler on Thursday. Zvizdic stressed that relations in the B&H HoR Collegium are very fair, however political relations are such that an agreement cannot be reached in terms of calling B&H HoR session. Kristo said that B&H is a state of three constituent peoples and that she, as a representative of the Croat people, has the duty to call for implementation of court decisions, which would secure equality of all in B&H. Radmanovic stressed that besides good wishes, the EU should offer concrete support to B&H because he sometimes has a feeling that there is no help (from the EU), which encourages skepticism towards the EU among the citizens. Ambassador Sattler stressed it is important for the future of B&H that local stakeholders have high degree of consensus when it comes the EU accession. The Ambassador reminded of the EC’s Opinion for B&H and 14 priorities from the document, stressing that one of his priorities will be to work on an action plan for their (14 priorities) implementation.


Mike Pompeo makes historic visit to Montenegro (CDM)


Today’s visit of the US State Secretary Mike Pompeo has been described as historic. And Pompeo agreed and said that they considered Montenegro as leader in combating corruption, strengthening rule of law and freedom of media. Prime Minister Dusko Markovic said that today’s Pompeo visit was a proof of excellent relations between the USA and Montenegro.

“Pompeo’s visit to Montenegro is historic. After Mike Pence’s visit, this is another proof that relations between the USA and Montenegro are very stable. The USA appreciated our partnership and constructive role in the region. This visit is the sign of the American commitment to our region, security and stability” said PM. He added that Montenegro appreciated Popmpeo’s visit. “Montenegro will endeavor to continue to implement reforms with the same dynamics. The US will continue to pledge its support for our institutions,” Markovic said. Pompeo said that the US will definitely continue to support Montenegro on its European path. He stressed that it was important that Montenegro supported the US view on equal division of burden with European allies. “We will continue our joint contribution to peace keeping missions and stability. We will jointly counter security challenges from whatever they come. We discussed issues of bilateral cooperation and increase in American investments and attracting greater number of American tourists,” said Markovic. Pompeo said that his visit was historic. “Congratulations on your accession to NATO. You really significantly contribute to international missions. You are leader in confronting dangers of the 21st centuries. You share American priorities. I thank you for your support. You are a leader in combating corruption, strengthening rule of law and freedom of press,” said Pompeo. Pompeo met with Montenegrin President Milo Djukanovic. Pompeo said that the Montenegrin nation might be small but still made significant contribution. The President said that Montenegro remained a reliable partner in the region.


Zaev: I don’t expect Bulgaria or Greece to block our Euro-Atlantic integration ambitions (Nezavisen vesnik)


I don’t expect Bulgaria or Greece to block our Euro-Atlantic integration ambitions, in fact, we expect them to advocate for the opening of negotiations with the EU and full-fledged NATO membership, said North Macedonia’s Prime Minister Zoran Zaev. “We don’t have a plan B if someone resorts to blockade, our plan B is to go back to plan A, because we believe we’ve have all the arguments in the world after going through a painful process,” he said. Commenting on Bulgaria’s red lines on history unveiled this week, Zaev said that the history committees shouldn’t aspire to establish the ultimate history. “History is a living, breathing thing, new and new historical facts will be established over time. There are also historical facts that aren’t disputed by anybody. We’ve been telling our commission – don’t be afraid if something has been recorded and accepted history-wise by the two sides, cite documents and discuss them.” “Find a way to build friendship using them, don’t allow to be used as something that can divide us,” Zaev stressed. Accordint to the prime minister, the identity has been cemented with the agreements with Bulgaria and Greece. “Both the treaty with Bulgaria and the agreement with Greece are guaranteeing identity issues, securing serious perspectives for our country as we are on the eve of a historic decision – getting a date for start of negotiations with the EU, having been waiting for 15 years,” said Zaev.


Pompeo to meet with top officials in Ohrid today (MIA)


United States Secretary of State Mike Pompeo is scheduled to arrive in Ohrid today and meet with President Stevo Pendarovski and Prime Minister Zoran Zaev. Pompeo is expected to underscore that the Prespa Agreement is an incredible step that demonstrated leadership and real courage of the leaders both in North Macedonia and in Greece, and a real addition to stability and prosperity, which has allowed North Macedonia to move forward on its NATO-EU membership track, a State Department official told MIA. According to the senior official, his visits to Podgorica and Ohrid aim at affirming the alliances with the 29th and 30th members of NATO, the last ones that have joined the Alliance. North Macedonia, the official said, has been a candidate to join as a member of the military alliance and the country’s contributions to NATO have been longstanding.


Senior officials in Brussels urge EU member states to give the green light for opening negotiations with Albania and Northern Macedonia (Radio Tirana)


The top leaders of institutions in Brussels in a letter urged EU member states to give the green light for opening negotiations with Albania and North Macedonia after fulfilling all the conditions required. The letter was signed by European Commission President Ursula Von der Leyen, outgoing Jean-Claude Juncker, European Parliament President David Sassoli and European Council President Donald Tusk. “Last June we agreed to reach a clear and substantive decision on opening accession negotiations with North Macedonia and Albania no later than October 2019. The European Union stands before a strategic choice. Whether the EU now decides to start accession talks with North Macedonia and Albania is a test of the Union’s ability to deliver on its promises and look to the future. Our world is undergoing rapid changes. If the EU is to uphold its international role and safeguards its interests, taking a step towards integrating those European countries that have expressed interest and fulfilled the requirements for starting the accession process will help achieve this. North Macedonia and Albania did what we were asked to do. Achieving this required considerable effort from their citizens, for whom the European perspective has been an excellent source of motivation and determination. There will be a lot of hard work on the reforms along the way. Membership will not happen overnight. And both countries are aware of this. In parallel, EU cooperation will need to be deepened to move along with enlargement, in the mutual interest of the citizens of European and candidate countries. We believe that now is the time to open accession talks with both countries,” the letter concludes.




US nominates special envoy to Serbia-Kosovo peace talks (AFP, 4 October 2019)


The US ambassador to Germany was on Thursday named as Washington's special envoy for negotiations between Serbia and Kosovo, the White House said in statement. "President Donald J. Trump today announced his intent to appoint the following individual to a key position in his Administration: Richard Grenell of California to serve concurrently as Special Presidential Envoy for Serbia and Kosovo Peace Negotiations," the statement read. Grenell, 53, will do his new job concurrently with his current post as ambassador to Berlin, a position which he has held since April 2018. A former spokesman for the US representative to the United Nations under President George W. Bush, Grenell was an early supporter of Trump's 2016 presidential campaign. Serbia's former southern province Kosovo declared independence in 2008. The country is recognized by most of the Western world, but Belgrade and its allies China and Russia do not, effectively shutting it out of the United Nations.