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Belgrade Media Report 12 August


Vucic: I have a vague idea who will be in the government (B92

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic stated that he is still considering who will be the ministers in the new government, but that he is still not sure. "I have a vague idea who will occupy ministerial seats, but I am not certain yet. I will discuss things with some people who entered the National Assembly. Next week I expect a session of the SNS presidency, and we'll go slowly from there. Whether at the end of next week or early jn the week to follow, I expect a session of the Main Board of Serbian Progressive Party (SNS), so we will decide what the government should look like", he said. He also said what kind of government he wants. "What is important for me is for the government to be ready to fight and to be modern, to understand what our path is, both in terms of strategy and from the EU aspect," Vucic said, adding that he would like to see younger people and women in the convocation. He announced the continuation of cooperation with Russia and China, who contributed to Serbia being "first or second in Europe in terms of gross domestic product" and to "be able to handle the severe crisis due to the epidemic more easily than others in Europe".

Vucic says Serbia still thinking about buying Chinese anti-aircraft system (Beta)  

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said that Serbia had not yet purchased the FK-3 antiaircraft system from China and that it was still mulling over the purchase. Asked about the US Embassy's warning regarding Serbia's plans to purchase the system, Vucic replied

that the FK-3 system was not on the US administration's list for sanctions. "Every time we decide to buy something, there is always someone who opposes this. We have not yet bought the FK-3, we have considered this and we will see how much money we have," Vucic told journalists in Belgrade after a tour of the Savski Trg square in Belgrade which is being revamped.

As for the formation of the United Opposition of Serbia, Vucic said that Serbia was a free county in which everyone could create political organizations and "buy" parties. He added that as the president of Serbia he was happy that everyone could showcase their political plans.

Vulin: None has offered to give Serbs in B&H something that they never had (TV Pink)   

Serbian Defense Minister Aleksandar Vulin stated that the fact is that Serbs in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) were not granted respect Constitution of B&H anything in Dayton and they fought for the RS on their own, while SDA leader Bakir Izetbegovic has “his mouth full” of B&H, while he does not respect Constitution of B&H. He added: “The RS was recognized as a special entity and you cannot decide whether it is smaller or bigger if you do not respect Constitution of your own country. None has offered to give Serbs in B&H the Republika Srpska (RS) or some city where there is no a single Serb or to get something that they never had. The RS was created as a response to repeating of Jasenovac genocide.” Vulin noted that when one listens to Pristina or Izetbegovic, one could conclude that Serbia has issues with its neighbors, but this is not true: “Serbia does not have issues with its neighbors. Have we launched a single discussion? We only react to events around us. Were we the ones who started to talk about B&H organization and that the FB&H received too much and the RS too little?.”

Lutovac: We will persuade majority of citizens to vote against incumbent government (Beta)  

Democratic Party leader Zoran Lutovac on 11 August told Beta that he expected the United

Opposition of Serbia to, with its actions, demonstrate to Serbia’s citizens that there was an alternative to the incumbent government. “We are ready to reconcile mutual differences,

because we are aware that only in a joint effort can we achieve the necessary changes. We expect that in time, we will gather a larger number of parties, associations, organizations, and individuals united in reaching a common goal – the ouster of the autocratic regime and establishing a free society and a well-organized sate,” Lutovac stressed. He added that on that path, the first step would be to ensure fair elections in which citizens “could cast free ballots without pressure or blackmail.” Asked by Beta what the United Opposition of Serbia would focus on to ensure as few as possible abstentions in the next vote, Lutovac replied that in direct talks with citizens the opposition would find an answer to what type of Serbia we would like to live in.



Decision on complaint for printing ballots today (Nezavisne

The Head of the B&H Procurement Review Body Zeljka Klobucar stated that the B&H Procurement Review Body will discuss the complaint against the selection of company that will print ballots on Wednesday. Klobucar stressed that this institution will not be an obstacle for the local elections to be held on 15 November. Klobucar underlined that the B&H Procurement Review Body accepted the complaint against the decision of the B&H Central Election Commission (CEC) on the selection of the company that will print ballots for this year's local elections in B&H. A group of bidders, including 'Atlantik' from Banja Luka and 'Igepa bh' and 'Farma prom' from Sarajevo filed the complaint. According to the framework agreement, the job of printing the ballots worth BAM 805,528 with VAT was awarded to Sarajevo-based company 'Unioninvestplastika'.

Cikotic discusses migrant crisis with representatives of local authorities in Bihac (FTV

B&H Minister of Security Selmo Cikotic started his two-day visit to Una-Sana Canton (USC) on Tuesday. Cikotic met with representatives of cantonal and local authorities in USC and presented plan to solve migrant crisis in this canton. This plan consists of seven priorities, 21 measures and 116 activities. Minister Cikotic did not want to talk about concrete measures. Cikotic underlined that he does not want to make promises, adding that he came to USC to analyze current situation. He went on to saying that after analyzing legal acts and possibilities to implement abovementioned plan, he presented this document to cantonal and local authorities in USC. Cikotic emphasized that all levels of authorities need to engage in solving of the migrant crisis. He announced strengthening of capacities of B&H Border Police and better control of eastern borders of B&H. Cikotic also said that control of movement of migrants through entire B&H should be improved. “I do not think this problem can be solved in one day. However, I hope that effects will be seen in upcoming weeks”, stated Minister Cikotic, adding that he refers to reduction of number of migrants in streets and more ordered movement of migrants in public facilities, markets and wholesale centers. Prime Minister of USC Mustafa Ruznic said that USC is prepared to participate in solving of migrant issue. He added that they expect concrete measures will be implemented over next month. Ruznic expressed hope that agreement reached with Minister Cikotic on Tuesday will be implemented soon. Mayor of Bihac Suhret Fazlic underlined that he expects capacities of the reception center for migrants ‘Lipa’ in Bihac will be expanded. He explained that currently, there are some 1,300 migrants in this reception center, adding that it should accommodate some 3,000 people. Fazlic emphasized that if he is forced to choose, he will choose safety of citizens. He explained that this will imply transport of migrants to ‘Lipa’. “I am sorry ‘Vucjak’ camp was closed. It was a slap to the face for entire Europe, the European Commission, the European Parliament for their hypocrisy and lack of knowledge about the problem. If situation resumes in line with current trends, ‘Lipa’ will be new ‘Vucjak’”, explained Fazlic. Also, Cikotic said that plan of control over migrant crisis will be reviewed and submitted with B&H Council of Ministers (CoM) to be discussed.

Certain individuals want migrants on Serb property (Glas Srpske, by Vedrana Kulaga-Simic) 

In an interview to the daily, Serb delegate in the FB&H parliament Goran Broceta claimed that B&H has not managed to respond in a proper manner to the migrant crisis for years. Following the visit of Minister of Security of B&H Selmo Cikotic to Bihac, Broceta said that Cikotic made many promises on this occasion and added: “We will monitor closely whether this will be fulfilled in the end”. “Cikotic has a chance now to prove himself and to prove that he really wishes well to B&H, FB&H and Serb community, but I really doubt he will have enough strength to cope with everything. People who are at the helm of the FB&H, i.e. those who run it, do not want to bring this to an end and they even help some migrants to stay in the FB&H”, Broceta noted and claimed that individuals in the FB&H want a number of migrants to stay in the FB&H and occupy areas where Serbs used to live. “They want them to usurp their property and prevent return in order to fulfill the goal – gradual and complete disappearance of Serb people in the FB&H”, Broceta explained. Broceta claimed that people who live in vicinity of Lipa camp are in panic and fear, as they no longer have the freedom to farm their land “as migrants lurk from each forest and nobody can claim for sure what is going on in their heads, i.e. what their intentions are”. Broceta argued that there is anarchy as migrants are free to leave Lipa camp at any time and Bihac is “full of migrants who are walking freely”. Finally, Broceta was asked to state whether the FB&H parliament discussed the migrant crisis lately, to which he replied by saying that representatives and delegates were rushed to complete sessions as fast as possible because of the coronavirus situation, so there was no time to ask questions related to this matter.


Djukanovic: We’ll take Montenegro to its goal – European quality of life of citizens (CdM

We will bring Montenegro to the realization of the goal – the European quality of life of its citizens, said the leader of the Democratic Party of Socialists (DPS) Milo Djukanovic, during his visit to Zeta as part of the pre-election campaign for the upcoming parliamentary elections.

He emphasized that the significance of the upcoming elections is unquestionable and that, unfortunately, we are again facing the front of anti-Montenegrin forces that don’t solely strive for a change of the government, but also a change in the course of state policy. Djukanovic then mentioned achieved results of a historical character – preserving peace, restoring economic dignity, preserving multi-ethnic and multi-religious harmony, renewing the state, NATO membership, being a leader in European integration… “All this, and the fact that the DPS has successfully led the country through all previous temptations, inter alia, gives us the right to ask citizens for confidence in the upcoming challenges we are going to face. In addition, the crisis ahead requires successful governance and the Democratic Party of Socialists has shown that it can responsibly manage the interests of Montenegro because our political program coincides with what the national interests are,” noted Djukanovic. He further states that all countries are facing economic challenges due to the novel coronavirus pandemic. The DPS, as he underlines, has a clear vision of how to continue to lead the state policy towards achieving the goal – European quality of life. “We are the only relevant political force that can lead the country forward and we stand on the frontlines of Montenegrin interests,” he stressed. The meeting was organized with full respect of the measures prescribed by the National Coordination Body and attended by a DPS presidency member, mayor Ivan Vukovic, president of the Golubovci DPS Municipal Board Ratko Stijepovic, president of Golubovci Municipality Tanja Stajovic and candidates for MPs on the list entitled “Resolutely for Montenegro – DPS Milo Djukanovic” – Mihailo Andjusic and Dusan Radonjic.

Markovic: We work hard and make best use of potentials, while they boycott the state and even earn salary for doing it (CdM

Prime minister, DPS deputy leader and the party’s candidate standing for the election list called “Decisively for Montenegro – DPS Milo Djukanovic”, Dusko Markovic, visited the Municipality of Tuzi and held meetings with the young and representatives of the local boards. Markovic noted that the DPS has been fighting for the stability, independence and European future of Montenegro, striving to make the best use of Ulcinj’s potentials. “We will use all its potentials in the area of tourism, agriculture and other sectors for the benefit of Ulcinj’s residents. You noticed that we have first such hotels, that we announced today the first five-star hotel resort in the area of Velika Plaza beach.” He then talked about the production on Sas, and tackled the infrastructure projects that Ulcinj implemented in the last period under the leadership of the DPS. He also reflected on their political competition, telling that they (the opposition) called their 4-year annual leave a boycott. “Four years of boycotting the highest legislative and democratic body in the country. They were not boycotting the work of the parliament but the state and its future,” he pointed out. Markovic also stressed that representatives of the opposition tried to humiliate the parliament and turn it into a boxer ring, as they were trying to destroy the greatest value of Montenegro – multi-ethnic and multi-confessional harmony.

Beslin: Serbian nationalism only recognizes Montenegro’s right to renounce itself (Pobjeda

The only right that Serbian nationalism recognizes in Montenegro is the right to renounce itself, to just abolish and become a province of Serbia and a Russian aircraft carrier in the Mediterranean, a Serbian analyst Milivoj Beslin said in an interview for Pobjeda daily.

As he pointed out, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic, and Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic recognize Montenegro the same as it used to do their political and spiritual father Slobodan Milosevic after the so-called ‘anti-bureaucratic revolution’. “After all, isn’t Ivica Dacic publicly explaining the scenario of “overthrowing Milo Djukanovic”?! For them, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia, Kosovo and Montenegro, and occasionally Croatia are just state provisionals, unstable and temporary creations that will, when international circumstances align, be broken,” Beslin noted. He assessed that, even though he wishes it to be different, the forthcoming parliamentary elections in Montenegro are crucial and historical. “Since 2016, especially since the beginning of this year, Montenegro has been permanently exposed to media, political, intelligence and other forms of pressure, obviously coordinated from Russia. The regimes of Aleksandar Vucic and Milorad Dodik have implemented such policies. Literally thousands of articles, shows, interviews; a factory of incitement, false news, calls for the occupation and disappearance of Montenegro, military subjugation, the abolition of the Montenegrin identity, incitement to civil conflict…,” he assessed. According to him, Serbian nationalism believes that the DPS has been staggered by religious processions and that this is the chance to achieve their goals. As for the 2020 Montenegro elections, he expects everything will run smoothly and in a democratic atmosphere. “The shadow should not fall in terms of transparency. There should be no parallel with the severely compromised electoral processes in Serbia. I expect the victory of European Montenegro, confirmation of its modernization and civilization aspirations and the elections it has organized since 1997”.


Xhaferi: It would be unconstitutional to entrust a mandate without having an elected speaker of parliament (TV21

Parliament speaker Talat Xhaferi told TV21 said that according to the Rules of Procedure, it is unconstitutional to give a mandate without having an elected speaker of parliament. It is unconstitutional to entrust a mandate without a speaker of parliament who will set the other deadlines that the parliament should follow, because the deadlines start from the moment it receives the official note from the head of state that the mandate is entrusted. An unauthorized person cannot inform the MPs, he said. He believes that the Constitutional Court should be an institution that will act preventively in relation to this dilemma.

Pavle Trajanov: Request for Albanian prime minister unacceptable, the party that will accept such blackmail should be removed from the political stage (Kanal 5

The leader of the Democratic Union Pavle Trajanov said Tuesday on TV Kanal 5 “Samo vistina” show that the request for an Albanian prime minister was not acceptable. Trajanov, whose party is part of the SDSM coalition, believes that DUI are realistic and they know that the idea of an Albanian prime minister will not pass. I think that the party that will accept such blackmail should be removed from the political stage, but neither SDSM nor VMRO-DPMNE will do that. Regardless of the pressure to form a government, such blackmail by DUI will not be accepted, said Trajanov. Trajanov points out that he wants the coalition with SDSM to take into account three important demands for his party. He says that it is expected to see what will be the outcome of the talks with DUI.