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Belgrade Media Report 27 August 2020



Vucic: Dzaferovic will not tell Serbia what to do (RTS)

Serbia respects the Dayton Agreement all the time and will always pursue a policy of peace and stability, and it will never be a servant of Bakir Izetbegovic or Sefik Dzaferovic, nor will they tell Serbia what it should do, says Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic


The President of Serbia said that at the request of Tanjug to comment on the statement of the Bosnian member of the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H), Sefik Dzaferovic, who stated that Vucic and Serbia should show respect for B&H by deeds, not words. Dzaferovic also said that a "standard message about respecting the Dayton Agreement" was heard from the meeting in Belgrade, between the representatives of Republika Srpska (RS) and the state leadership of Serbia, which, as he claims, is followed by actions that deviate from it. 


"Serbia respects Dayton all the time, but Serbia is neither a dwarf nor a servant, and it will never be a servant of Bakir Izetbegovic or Sefik Dzaferovic. What they say unfortunately says much more about them than about Serbia and any of us. People who every day look for a reason to come into conflict with someone, who threaten with a war, people who every day lecture someone, thinking that they have a full moral right to do so, talk more about themselves than about any of us" Vucic said. 


"Unlike them, I will fight for peace, and I will not lecture them. I will continue with that. And they will never be the ones to tell me what I should do and what Serbia should do" the President of Serbia emphasized. 


Vucic pointed out that Serbia respects the Dayton Agreement and said that those who call for war every day if they do not like something, and who think they have the right to some revenge, and who think they have the right to hold moral lessons to everyone in region, better think about themselves, than to continue with such a policy, because that policy will not be to the detriment of Serbia and to the detriment of its citizens, but to the detriment of some others. 


"As far as Serbia is concerned, we will pursue a policy of peace and stability. If they like it, they like it, if they don't like it, they don't like it. But they will not condition that policy, and we will not allow them to condition it and we will never be guided by their words, and their interests" concluded Vucic. 


Djuric to Hoti: Mutual recognition will never be on the agenda (RTS)

The director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija, Marko Djuric, stated that the Prime Minister of the Provisional Institutions in Pristina, Avdulah Hoti, is again placing false news about the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina, and said that mutual recognition has never been and will never be on the agenda. 


Marko Djuric said that due to the increasingly frequent provocations of Pristina and false information about the content and goals of the dialogue, Belgrade will ask the European Union, as a mediator in the talks, to react on this occasion and stand in the way of such disinformation. 


"Within the technical dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina, various aspects of normalization of relations and creation of conditions for normal life of citizens in Kosovo and Metohija are being discussed, but mutual recognition has never been and will never be on the agenda" Djuric pointed out. He pointed out that Hoti is spreading such false news with the aim of undermining the efforts for the continuation of the dialogue. He also stated that Hoti can, as before, hold monologues on that topic, but there will be no dialogue on that. 


"For us, the representatives of Pristina are the representatives of the temporary institutions of self-government of our southern province, and so we will continue to treat them as such, in the desire for the Serbian and Albanian people to find modalities to strengthen trust in peaceful and productive coexistence" Djuric said in a statement. 


Earlier, Hoti said that economic issues would be discussed with representatives of Belgrade at a meeting in Brussels on Thursday, but that he would lead a dialogue for, as he stated, mutual recognition, Kosovo online reported. 


A meeting of representatives of Belgrade and Pristina in Brussels at the level of experts will be held on August 27, and a meeting in Washington on September 4. 


U.S., EU ambassadors welcome Serbia's joining EU declaration on Belarus (Beta


The ambassadors of the European Union and of the U.S. in Belgrade, Sem Fabrizi and Anthony Godfrey welcomed Serbia joining the European declaration on the Belarus presidential election. "I welcome Serbia for joining the Declaration on 

Presidential Elections in Belarus," Fabrizi tweeted. After that, the U.S. President also welcomed the news via Twitter. "It is great to see Serbia standing alongside its European surroundings" he tweeted in the Serbian language. 


On Aug. 11, the European Union adopted a declaration about the presidential election in Belarus, which reads that the citizens of Belarus had demonstrated "the desire for democratic change" during the election campaign, but that "the election was neither free, nor fair." According to the announcement on the website of the European Council, "the candidate countries Republic of North Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia and Albania, the country of the Stabilization and Association Process, and potential candidate Bosnia and Herzegovina, and the EFTA countries Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway, members of the European Economic Area, as well as Ukraine, align themselves with this Declaration." 


Belgrade hopes Lukashenko won't be angry with Serbia for joining EU Declaration (FoNet


Serbia's Prime Minister Ana Brnabic said on Thursday that Belgrade had joined the European Union Declaration about Belarus, following the elections there, in the process of synchronizing its foreign policy with the bloc, but that it could not be forgotten that Belarus President Alexander Lukashenko was the only world leader who visited Serbia during the 1999 NATO bombing of the country. "We must not forget Lukashenko's friendship in those difficult times for our people. I hope Lukashenko won't feel bitter about it" Brnabic told reporters. 


Ex-Minister of Foreign Affairs: New elections will be held soon (VIP)


The leader of the opposition People’s Party (NS) and former Minister of Foreign Affairs Vuk Jeremic assessed that the current convocation of the Serbian Parliament will not last the entire mandate, and that the early elections will be held much earlier. 


“We are facing months in which the economic and health situation will be far more complex than today, so elections may follow shortly”, Jeremic said, adding that the most important task of the NS was to strengthen the party’s infrastructure in the coming months, in order to create an organization capable of controlling all polling stations in Serbia, “defending the election victory and preventing the theft of votes” that way. Jeremic said that the change of government in Serbia would occur very soon after the European Union starts using a vocabulary towards the authorities in Belgrade similar to the one it uses towards 



“Belarus is a little different from Serbia. Similarity is that there is interest from more than one international factor - the West and Russia - but the balance of power is different. Russia is more dominant in Belarus, while the EU’s influence is more dominant in Serbia” Jeremic voiced his belief. He added that it was very important for a change of government to take place through elections. 


“We do not advocate revolutionary change and justice - this can be achieved through peaceful, institutional means. We will achieve a change of government by participating in free elections, and justice will be achieved by respecting the law and through the courts” Jeremic said. 




Bosnia and Herzegovina 


HR Inzko says all parts of DPA need to be respected; If someone says that he respects DPA, then he also has to respect HR and B&H CC (FTV)

Commenting on the meeting the Republika Srpska (RS) officials held with the Serbian leadership in Belgrade on Wednesday and statements given at the press conference after the meeting, High Representative Valentin Inzko told that all parts of the Dayton Peace Accords (DPA) need to be respected, adding that it cannot be respected only partially.  


Asked to comment on the statement of Serb member of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency Milorad Dodik who said that the RS only wants to see the implementation of the DPA and the Constitution of B&H in its original form but he also accused the HR and the Constitutional Court (CC) of B&H of anti-Dayton activities, Inzko said: “If someone says that he respects the DPA, then he also has to respect the HR, i.e. Annex X of the DPA, as well as the B&H CC, which is a legal Dayton’s institution in which three foreign judges work. This is actually a genuine DPA that (late Serbian President) Slobodan Milosevic put his signature on.” Inzko reminded that it seems that Dodik believes that he himself is the one who interprets Dayton, but the DPA actually reads differently – that the HR is the one who interprets it.  


He assessed that messages conveyed by the official Belgrade are positive, noting that someone could be dissatisfied with the meeting but the official Belgrade sent a constructive message and expressed full support and absolute respect to the DPA. “Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said that he does not want to endanger Serbia or the RS by disrespecting certain agreements and that the international agreements are the only guarantee for the RS and Serbia. These messages were very clear. There was also a message that there will be no talks on B&H in Washington” Inzko stated. He said that B&H once again got confirmation on its territorial integrity and sovereignty from one of the DPA signatories, adding that it is also normal that Vucic expressed support to the RS and its policy because of parallel relations between Serbia and the RS that were defined in the DPA. 

OHR: Mandate of HR in accords with Annex 10 of general framework peace agreement and resolutions of UN Security Council (Nova BH)

The Office of the High Representative (OHR) reacted to the accusations made by Serb member of the Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency and SNSD leader Milorad Dodik that the High Representative (HR) Valentin Inzko is working against the interests of Republika Srpska. The OHR stated that the mandate of the HR is in accords with Annex 10 of general framework peace agreement and relevant resolutions of the UN Security Council, promotion of the civil aspect of the general framework peace agreement including territorial integrity and the fundamental structure of B&H as a unified sovereign state which consists of two entities. They stated that this has never been questionable. 


B&H Presidency Chairman Dzaferovic: Meeting of Dodik, Vucic should never have taken place (Nova BH)

Chairman of the Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency Sefik Dzaferovic was interviewed for Nova BH to comment the meeting between Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and Serb member of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik as well as other top officials from Serbia and the RS which took place in Belgrade.  


Dzaferovic said that such a meeting should have never taken place and that it is being held just before the continuation of the Belgrade-Pristina talks which are to take place in Washington at the beginning of September. He said that B&H should not have been a topic in Belgrade. “We have heard typical statements which we can hear from the Serbian President that he is dedicated to honor the Dayton Peace Agreement (DPA), territorial integrity of B&H and there is nothing disputable there. This is the obligation of Serbia which stems from the DPA. The problem is that quite often the practice of Serbia is in contrast to these statements. It is not in line with the Dayton to contest or not honor verdicts of international courts, such as the International Court of Justice in The Hague, The Hague Criminal Tribunal. It is not in line with the Dayton to contest genocide, hide and give protection to convicted war criminals here in B&H, arrest defenders of B&H based on constructed indictments, evasion of concluding an agreement on international borders based on internationally recognized borders while demanding exchange of territory in advance - which is opposed to international law, as well as many other issues and practices which come from official Belgrade, which are in contrast to these statements that there is determination to honor the DPA” Dzaferovic said.  


Asked if there were any differences in the messages portrayed by Serbia compared to the statements given last month after the meeting of officials in Banja Luka, Dzaferovic said that the two are very similar. He noted that in Banja Luka, another thing was said which violates the DPA which is that Trebinje is the most beautiful Serb city. Dzaferovic underlined that Trebinje can only be the most beautiful city of B&H.  


Asked to comment why B&H is constantly being put in the same context with Kosovo, Dzaferovic said that B&H cannot be tied to this matter, and no other matter worldwide. He said that B&H paid a hefty price for its freedom and its integrity and that this is something known worldwide. Dzaferovic stated that mass crimes were committed in B&H as well as genocide and that B&H defended itself and exists based on the DPA. He said that B&H will continue to function regardless of disputes in the region and worldwide. “I think that this what happened today, and the anti-Dayton discussions from our entity which is called Republika Srpska is actually a political maneuver to draw attention, to publicly problematize something, so that perhaps Serbia can achieve a better result in their negotiations with Kosovo” Dzaferovic concluded.  


Zvizdic: Belgrade meeting had the goal of raising tensions ahead of the upcoming elections and defining Dodik as the protector of national interests of Serbs in B&H (FTV)

Deputy Speaker of the Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) House of Representatives (B&H HoR) and SDA Vice President, Denis Zvizdic, asked to comment Wednesday’s meeting between delegations of Serbia and Republika Srpska (RS) that took place in Belgrade. Commenting on how dangerous statements of Serb member of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik can be for B&H’s future, Zvizdic said this was “an already seen unproductive, pre-election story” which has the goal of raising interethnic tensions in B&H and providing “resuscitation” to Serbia ahead of the Belgrade-Pristina negotiations. Zvizdic underlined that B&H is internationally recognized, sovereign and independent country, which means the RS will not be topic of upcoming meeting in Washington, DC.  


Asked why a parallel was made between Kosovo and the RS, and whether Dodik’s move will do more harm than good to Serbia, Zvizdic points that this move will bring more harm to Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic. The SDA Vice President underlined that the RS is not a country and its officials should not insist on something that just simply cannot be achieved. “On the other hand, we heard from Mister Dodik what is the real goal of his visit; that is raising tensions once more, ahead of the upcoming elections, and defining Mister Dodik as the protector of national interests of Serbs in B&H” Zvizdic concluded.  


He accused Dodik of stating some inaccurate information about B&H. Amongst other things, Dodik spoke of attempts to centralize B&H. The only centralized part of BiH is the RS, but in this part of the country, Bosniaks and Croats are systematically discriminated, Zvizdic stressed. He points to the far less employed Bosniaks and Croats in institutions of the RS than it is prescribed by the law. Zvizdic believes Dodik spreads lies and misinformation with the goal of keeping citizens of the RS and Serbia “in the dark”.  


President Vucic constantly repeats that he fully respects the territorial integrity and sovereignty of B&H, but Zvizdic does not completely believe he means what he says. Zvizdic explains that one is reluctant to believe such statements that come from a man that allows Dodik to sit beside him and talk about RS’ secession from B&H. “Serbia must stop meddling into B&H’s internal affairs” Zvizdic points.  


Further on, Zvizdic was asked to comment on the relations that exist between parties of the ruling coalition on the state level. He said that RS officials often insist on the idea that the RS is a country and they spread that onto the state level, deliberately creating blockades in the B&H Council of Ministers (B&H CoM). He said things will be better as soon as Bosnian Serbs realize that B&H is their country, Sarajevo is their capital and the main institution that decides on important steps for B&H’s future is the B&H CoM.  


Zvizdic called upon Dodik to send the document he forwarded to President Vucic to the B&H Parliament, so that it could be discussed by B&H lawmakers. If he is so sure in what he is saying, then he should do that, Zvizdic emphasized.  


Commenting deteriorated relations between SDA and SBB B&H, Zvizdic said that these relations were strained due to some people that acted outside the official institutions with the goal of causing political damage to people within the coalition. “I was always against such way of non-institutional action”, he said and expressed regret over the fact that this coalition was broken. Zvizdic concluded that all things that SBB B&H leader Fahrudin Radoncic asked to be institutionally investigated should be analyzed in such a manner and it should be determined if someone tried to tarnish B&H’s reputation or meddle into affairs of neighboring countries.  


SDS leader Sarovic: B&H Presidency member Dodik’s visit to Belgrade to speak about DPA is planned heightening of tensions used to conceal economic issues in RS (Hayat)

Hayat carried reactions of politicians to Wednesday’s meeting of Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and Serb member of the Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency Milorad Dodik in Belgrade.  


SDS leader Mirko Sarovic said that Dodik’s visit to Belgrade to speak about the Dayton Peace Accords (DPA) is a planned heightening of tensions, which the Republika Srpska (RS) authorities use for concealing of economic issues.

Head of the SDA Caucus in the B&H House of Representatives (HoR) Adil Osmanovic stated that it is quite bizarre that Dodik speaks about violation of the DPA whilst being on the ‘blacklist’ of the US Department of State, precisely for violation of DPA. Osmanovic assessed that this is equal to outlaws presenting themselves as prosecutors and judges. Chairman of the SDA Cantonal Board in Sarajevo Canton (SC) Fikret Prevljak referred to Dodik’s statements about, as he noted, “purely Serb municipalities in Sarajevo”, as historically inaccurate. Prevljak said that no municipality in Sarajevo or the city of Sarajevo for that matter has ever been purely Serb, but rather always multiethnic 


PDP leader Branislav Borenovic stated that everything that has already been said before was once again confirmed at the meeting in Belgrade, i.e. it was confirmed that Vucic is committed to the Dayton Peace Agreement (DPA) with a clear position of the RS within B&H. “Kosovo is Serbia’s internal matter of extreme importance and I believe that the leader of Serbia will have an adequate solutions for this big challenge in upcoming talks of Belgrade and Pristina. I maintain my stance to be skeptical and careful when it comes to any kind of Dodik’s initiatives which only make adoption of important decisions more complicated and more difficult” Borenovic added. 


SDA accuses Dodik for his political engagement during war; Savcic: Goal of their words is to preserve inter-ethnic tensions (RTRS)

According to RTRS, before he left for Belgrade for meeting with Serbian President, member of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency Milorad Dodik was criticized by SDA for his political engagement during the 1990s. Reporter commented that political Sarajevo uses word coexistence most frequently, but only when it wants to get financial assistance and to curry favor with the international donors. Reporter commented that political Sarajevo has been constantly spreading hatred towards the RS and its leaders. This time SDA accused leader of SNSD Milorad Dodik of being a member of the RS National Assembly (RSNA) convocation that allegedly created the idea to commit genocide against Bosniaks.  


President of the Association of the RS Army Veterans (BORS) Milomir Savcic said that abovementioned claims are nothing but lie. Savcic added that the goal of these words is to preserve high inter-ethnic tensions in this area. Reporter noted that SDA in its statement described the RS Army Generals as “Balkan butchers”, while they described Bosniak military leaders as honorary combatants. The statement reads that while Dodik participated in genocidal policy, member of B&H Presidency Sefik Dzaferovic defended his country in line with B&H and international law.  


Reporter commented that as wartime commander of police in Zenica, Dzaferovic did nothing to prevent brutal murder of Serb civilians or atrocities committed by Mujahidin in Vozuca near Zavidovici including ritual decapitation of innocent Serbs. Also, Savcic emphasized that the Dayton Peace Agreement (DPA) has to be respected if B&H is to survive. He added that nothing changed since war for SDA – they still see Serbs as enemies. 


SNSD’s Kovacevic: SDA will complete demolition of B&H with its arrogant and aggressive policy (Dnevni list


Spokesman for SNSD, Radovan Kovacevic said that the job on demolition of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) will certainly be completed by SDA with its exclusive, arrogant and aggressive policy. Kovacevic stressed that SNSD leader Milorad Dodik has absolutely no need to work on demolition of B&H because the job will be done by SDA. Kovacevic further said that their (SDA’s) vision of B&H was best illustrated by “ritual decapitation of innocent Serbs”, which were completed, at their direct order, by most gruesome criminals and terrorists the world has ever seen. He added it is obvious that SDA sees everyone else in B&H as criminals, and that only them (SDA) are wonderful and victims. 


Hearing upon appeals in Mladic’s case completed before MICT; Defense requests acquittal while prosecution seeks life sentence with declaring him guilty of genocide in six municipalities besides Srebrenica (Hayat)

The hearing upon the appeals against the first-instance verdict to wartime Republika Srpska (RS) Army Main Staff Commander Ratko Mladic, whom the ICTY Trial Chamber sentenced to life in prison for war crimes and genocide in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H), took place before the Appeals Chamber of the Mechanism for International Criminal Tribunals (MICT) on Tuesday and Wednesday.  


Based on the first-instance verdict, Mladic was found guilty of committing genocide in Srebrenica, persecution of Bosniaks and Croats, terrorizing citizens of Sarajevo and taking UNPROFOR members hostage. The ICTY Trial Chamber acquitted him of charges for committing genocide in six municipalities in B&H i.e. Foca, Vlasenica, Kljuc, Sanski Most, Kotor Varos, and Prijedor.  


Both the defense and the prosecution presented their appeals, where the defense requested an acquittal while the prosecution requested a life sentence but with declaring him guilty of genocide in the six municipalities in B&H, besides Srebrenica. In their presentation of the appeal, the defense was striving to present the operation of transfer of tens of thousands of Bosniak women, children and elderly men from Srebrenica as a humanitarian operation.  


Mladic’s defense attorney Dragan Ivetic stated: “The defense does not deny the fact that there were crimes, which were committed by uncontrolled individuals through assistance of Momir Nikolic and his group and that those crimes were being covered up. However, that has nothing to do with Mr. Mladic. Mr. Mladic is no villain. He is a man who was trying to help the UN do their job all along.” On the other hand, the prosecutors reiterated that any prison sentence other than a life in prison would be inconceivable.  


Prosecutor Laurel Baig stated: “Mladic is not a hero. He is a war criminal. He misused his enormous military power to intentionally target the civilians and thus ruined the lives in the entire community. A verdict was rendered to him after a fair trial.” Baig proposed that Mladic’s appeal should be completely rejected. According to Baig, the Trial Chamber’s conclusion, according to which there was a systematic persecution of Bosniaks and Croats from the territory that Serb forces attempted to claim, is justified. She reminded of the arrests, transfers to war camps, persecutions and unimaginable violence within “barbarian operations”. She also noted: “Mass operations of systematic killing show that there was a plan, controlled by a superior level that Mladic was personally in charge of. What Mladic did to prevent discovery of the crimes shows that he approved of the plan. On July 13 (1995), Mladic issued an order to deny media the access to Srebrenica, so that media would not find out what happened in that area.” In addition, Baig stressed that, contrary to the Trial Chamber’s conclusion that the crime in the six B&H municipalities was not genocide, the perpetrators targeted entire communities consisting of tens of thousands of people. “The smallest of them was Kotor Varos, with 11,000 members of the group. The biggest was Prijedor, with nearly 50,000. Those are not insignificant parts of a group”, she emphasized.  


Prosecutor Barbara Goy noted that “whole communities were broken down by the heinous crimes committed by Mladic”. Goy underscored that considering the nature, the extent and the brutality of these crimes as well as Mladic’s important role, the only conceivable sentence in this case would be a life sentence. “Crimes in this case were some of the most severe possible, and the base of these crimes is one of the largest that has ever been attributed to a defendant before this court”, Goy stated.  


The defense team claimed that the court made mistake in rendering the first-instance verdict against Mladic. They emphasized that the wartime commander of the RS Army did not participate in any joint criminal enterprise (JCE), that he is not responsible for Srebrenica genocide or for terrorizing of citizens of Sarajevo etc. The defense attorneys also underlined that Mladic is not responsible for war crimes committed in B&H, and that in several occasions, incidents were caused by prisoners who were later killed in genocide.  


Reporter noted that at the end of the two-day appeal hearing, Mladic addressed the trial chamber. Mladic talked about the war in B&H, his relation with NATO and his soldiers. Mladic emphasized that he has been tried just to protect Dutch Battalion of UNPROFOR in Srebrenica. He stressed that he has been a target of NATO. He stressed that MICT is a product of western powers. The trial in the case against Mladic commenced in May, 2012. The second-instance verdict in this case should be rendered in spring, 2021. 




Pupovac: Adults responsible for stopping hate produced by war (HRT)


Adults are responsible for stopping the spreading of hate produced by war which policies have continued to spread and it's a big deal that Croatia's state leadership and Serb community representatives have decided to change that trend, SDSS president Milorad Pupovac said on Tuesday. Speaking on the public broadcaster HRT about a commemoration for Serb civilian war victims held in Grubori earlier in the day, he said "it's a big deal that the Andrej Plenkovic cabinet and President Zoran Milanovic, together with us from the Serb community, have decided to change the trend and stop the spreading of hate produced by war." Pupovac confirmed the anchor's statement that Croatia was still waiting for the acknowledgement of all victims and suffering from the 1990s war. 


"We are doing everything for that communication to begin on as many fronts as possible and for this process to be accepted also in Serbia, as well as in other parts of the former Yugoslavia, as something that will be done together, with all the differences which will remain, while simultaneously building respect for the victims and creating a culture of peace and normal relations," said Pupovac. 


He said the Grubori commemoration had great significance as very strong messages were sent from there, different in tone and content but uniform in stance - the condemnation of crimes, sympathy and respect for the victims, sympathy for those who remembered them, and turning to the future. The messages also refer to leaving the war and its atrocities to the best commemorative practices possible, which we saw today and will see increasingly in the future with joint gestures, so that no one is excluded or forgotten, and so that the war stops dividing people in our country as much as it did until a few weeks ago, Pupovac said. The anchor noted that Croatia was making steps forward yet Serbia was not, and asked if it was time for Serbia's delegation to pay its respects to the victims of Vukovar. 


Pupovac said two things happened which showed that Serbia was starting to make steps or gestures. Firstly, President Aleksandar Vucic has received representatives of Croatian institutions in Serbia for talks on vital topics for the Croatian community there, including their integration and participation in the executive authority, he said. Secondly, he added, Vucic's special envoy for the war missing Veran Matic was in Grubori today. Those are messages which say, let's deal with unresolved minority issues and let's deal with the war missing, one of the most painful topics in Croatia-Serbia relations, Pupovac said. He noted that Matic said he was confident Vucic would also make a gesture to show respect for the Croatian war victims, saying that he shared Matic's confidence and that it was not unrealistic to expect that to occur in the not so distant future. 


Asked if the SDSS (Independent Democratic Serb Party) and he would push for resolving the issue of the war missing more quickly, Pupovac said the SDSS had been working on that for two years thanks to contacts with Croatian Veterans Minister Tomo Medved and now Deputy Prime Minister Boris Milosevic as well as thanks to everything that happened since August 5 and would happen in the months ahead. 


"The SDSS cares very much about establishing the fate of the missing, both Croats and Serbs, and it's very important to us that families find out as soon as possible what happened to their dearest ones." 


Asked if children were growing up with prejudices and if they bothered with who was a Serb and who a Croat, Pupovac said that, unfortunately, young people bothered about that much more than adults both in Croatia and in Serbia. "Young people don't know what coexistence was, they only know war experiences and war stories, messages and war divisions," he said, adding that it was finally time to start changing that and for young people to learn how to have respect for their own and the suffering of their compatriots. "That's a huge demand for every society, including Croatia's, and tomorrow for the society in Bosnia and Herzegovina and in Serbia, so what we are doing and expect to be done with young people in stadiums, at concerts, in schools are huge reform steps which will happen in the near future, in which adults have a big responsibility." 


Protest against restrictive Covid-19 measures to be held in Zagreb (Hina)


After setting a new record for the highest single day number of confirmed coronavirus cases, with 358, epidemiologists and the National Civil Protection Headquarters have decided to introduce new, stricter measures in Split-Dalmatia County. With more than one-third of the record setting 358 new coronavirus cases coming from Split-Dalmatia County, which has been leading the nation in terms of new cases for some time now, new, stricter measures will be introduced as of midnight on Wednesday. The measures including closing down all fitness centers, weight rooms and health clubs. Masks will be mandatory for cafes, restaurants and all enclosed spaces, weddings and funerals will be limited to a maximum of fifty people, with face-to-face expression of condolences at funerals banned. Family gatherings have also been limited, with a maximum of twenty people allowed. Visits to senior citizens care facilities have also been banned. 


To many, the measures seem irrational and at times contradictory. While family gatherings, weddings and funerals have been restricted, night clubs and discos are being allowed to continue with operations. This has led to a backlash against the measures from some citizens who feel the current situation does not require such restrictive measures. 


In terms of total population only 0.002% of Croatians have been infected with the coronavirus, while deaths attributed to the coronavirus represent only 0.0004% of the total population. It is also worth noting that the vast majority of reported coronavirus deaths are senior citizens with serious underlying health conditions. As such, many feel that these figures hardly represent a pandemic, or cause to close down the global economy and reduce citizen's lives to solitary confinement. For this reason, a protest against the current measures has been announced for the beginning of September.  


Deputy Prime Minister and Interior Minister Davor Bozinovic, who also heads up the National Civil Protection Headquarters, commented on the protest today: “We live in a democratic society and regardless of the epidemic, everyone has the right to express their views in a democratic way, and I hope that protesters will adhere to the prescribed epidemiological measures.” 




Djukanovic: Anti-Montenegro coalition formed in Belgrade (RTCG)


The Montenegrin President Milo Djukanovic and the leader of the ruling Democratic Party of Socialists (DPS) said on Wednesday that the opposition anti-Montenegro coalition, which "does not want any good" to his country, was formed in Belgrade. "That goes without saying… That is not even hidden. Neither the opposition nor Belgrade, which tries to help it in all possible ways, hide that," Djukanovic told a pre-election gathering in the northeastern town of Rozaje, as quoted by his party's statement. Montenegro's general elections are due on August 30. 


Djukanovic added that the Montenegrins who Belgrade had influence over, were invited from "the high places" to come to the country and lobby with their tribes' members, relatives and friends for the disappearance of the state of Montenegro. 


"Look at the media and political war waged against Montenegro… Look at all these caricatural auto-processions which are trying to pass that anti-Montenegro atmosphere on as many as possible people in the country" Djukanovic said, adding the DPS wouldn't allow "that the dark ideology of the Middle Ages becomes a beacon for the future of Montenegrin society." 


He said the goal of the anti-Montenegro coalition was for the country to give up on itself and its European future and "stand under Belgrade and Moscow umbrella." "This time, they are supported by the Serbian Orthodox Church (SPC) with an idea it should rule Montenegro," Djukanovic said.  


Also, on Wednesday, the Montenegrin police director Veselin Veljovic, said they had information about groups and individuals planning to provoke incidents and unrest on the election day, adding the instability and violation of the laws would be prevented. 


In the meantime, Vladimir Bilcik, the head of the European Parliament (EP) delegation for Montenegro, told the Podgorica Pobjeda daily that the contemporary European democracies were founded on a clear distinction between political life and religious sphere. He added that the state had to guarantee religious freedoms and that the religious institutions had to respect the democratic state's institutions.   


Bogdanovic: Specific political subjects are still committed to the idea of the occupation of Montenegro (CDM)


Moving pre-election campaign to tombs is quite an unusual case and, as such, probably deserves no comment. In times when specific religious organizations have placed themselves at service of politics, it comes as no surprise that they have starts exploiting tombs of Montenegrin rules for daily political ends, said Minister of Culture, Aleksandar Bogdanovic commenting on the act of Zdravko Krivokapic, who laid a tricolor wreath on the tomb of King Nikola Petrovic-Njegos in the court Church of the Nativity of the Virgin in Cipur. 


Minister Bogdanovic pointed out that the wreath with someone else’s mark had been laid on the grave of King Nikola was a concerning fact at the very least. 


“We already know that the answer will be a manipulation – that it’s a “Montenegrin tricolor”, but this time, it’s not so. Some political subjects confirm that they remain committed to the idea of the occupation of Montenegro, to the darkest period which started in 1918. That’s their right. But it’s not honorable and it’s not wise to convey such messages from the grave of King Nikola – who was the greatest loser of that occupation” Bogdanovic pointed out. 


It’s not even human, Minister says. It’s not fair with all those families whose ancestors were killed in the most gruesome ways. “Even if we are talking about the way of gaining the tiniest political points, this is not effective. These terrible days are far behind Montenegro. Those who resist every step will end up the way it always happened when people made decisions” Bogdanovic said. 


Republic of North Macedonia 


Gov’t proposal, program submitted to parliament, lawmakers to elect cabinet members Saturday (MIA)

Economic transformation for rapid growth, higher standard, investment in public health sector, reduction of the poverty rate below 16 percent focusing on child poverty, Implementation of community policing, are some of the priorities included in 2020-2024 government program, which was submitted Wednesday to the parliament by Prime Minister-designate Zoran Zaev. Parliament is to hold a session on Saturday (Aug. 29) to elect the new government. 


Zaev announced the establishment of commissions that will be focused on cleansing of judiciary and inspecting the origin of office holders’ finances and assets, as well as preparing the process of negotiations with the European Union. Zaev, who gave the statement in front of parliament’s building entrance, was accompanied by 19 ministers, as many as the new government will be consisted of instead of the current 26. “The citizens voted in fair, free and democratic elections on July 15 thus expressing their position and direction, which we are introducing into a program today” Zaev said. 


He said that the new government will be a stable, efficient and responsible that will guarantee strategic commitments, i.e. NATO and EU membership, focusing on good neighbourly relations, dealing with the corona crisis, more dynamic economic growth, as well as an effective rule of law, modern education and stable institutions. 


Besides Zaev as Prime Minister, list of nominees for the government includes Ljupco Nikolovski as Deputy Prime Minister in charge of Fight against Corruption, Fatmir Bitikji – Deputy Prime Minister for Economic Affairs, Nikola Dimitrov – Deputy Prime Minister for European Affairs, Oliver Spasovski – Minister of Interior, Radmila Shekerinska – Minister of Defence, Bojan Marichikj – Minister of Justice, Blagoj Bochvarski – Minister of Transport and Communications, Venko Filipche – Minister of Health, Mila Carovska – Minister of Education and Science, Jagoda Shahpaska – Minister of Labour and Social Policy and Irena Stefoska – Minister of Culture. Arijanit Hoxha from Besa will head up the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Economy, and Goran Milevski from the LDP will be the Minister of Local Self-Government. 


DUI’s candidates include Artan Grubi as First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Political System, Bujar Osmani – Minister of Foreign Affairs, Fatmir Besimi – Minister of Finance, Kreshnik Bekteshi – Minister of Economy, Naser Nuredini – Minister of Environment and Jeton Shaqiri – Minister of Information Society and Administration. 


In accordance with the Constitution, the government is approved with majority of votes in the 120-seat parliament. The new parliamentary majority is made up of 62 MPs – 46 from SDSM and the “We Can” coalition, 15 from DUI and one from DPA. 




Albania’s Rama lends support to Montenegro’s Djukanovic (N1)


Albania’s Prime Minister Edi Rama released a video message of support to Montenegrin President Milo Djukanovic on Wednesday, a few days before the August 30 parliamentary elections. 


Speaking in Serbian at the start of the message, Rama lent support to Djukanovic’s ruling Democratic Party of Socialists (DPS) saying that the two kindred countries have deep, special ties as do “the two kindred parties as well as my links to Djukanovic”. He said that the decisions to be taken in the next few days by Montenegrins are very important to Albania and the entire region. 


 “It’s not up to me to judge what you (Djukanovic) have not yet done for Montenegro, I leave that to your people… What I can say (to the people of Montenegro) is that without a doubt what Djukanovic has done for Montenegro and the region should be the pride of every citizen of Montenegro,” he said and warned that the risk of regression is always present. Rama said the coming elections are decisive for Montenegro.   


Montenegro was one of the first countries to recognize Kosovo, a decision received badly in Serbia. Djukanovic and his government have also been in a serious dispute with the Serbian Orthodox Church since the introduction of a law on religious communities which the church and critics in Serbia say could lead to the seizure of some church properties. 


Serbian Defense Minister Aleksandar Vulin reacted to the messages of support for Djukanovic by Rama and Thaci, saying that “it’s no secret that they are drawing the borders of Greater Albania and see themselves as masters of Montenegro”. 


Rama’s words were echoed by Kosovo President Hashim Thaci who called Albanians living in Montenegro to vote to strengthen the country’s Euro-Atlantic orientation.