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Belgrade Media Report 2 September 2020



Vucic, Russian ambassador discuss Putin’s visit to Serbia, Belgrade-Pristina dialogue (Beta)


President Aleksandar Vucic and Russian Ambassador to Serbia Alexander Botsan Kharchenko on Sept. 1 discussed preparations for Russian President Vladimir Putin’s visit to Serbia and considered the current issues of Belgrade-Moscow relations and bilateral cooperation. They also discussed the results of combating Covid-19 and the Russian ambassador informed Vucic about Russian experts’ progress in vaccine development, according to a release from Vucic’s office. The also touched on “the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue developments,” conducted under the EU's mediation, and also the possibilities for economic cooperation between Belgrade and Pristina

 which should be on the table during the Washington meeting,” which has been announced for Sept. 4 in the White House. 


Djuric: Washington meeting to deal exclusively with economic issues (Prva TV)


Government Office for Kosovo and Metohija chief Marko Djuric said on Sept. 1 that it might be better to conduct direct talks between the Serbs and Albanians, but added that without adequate engagement of the international community it was not “realistic” to expect a dialogue between the two parties. Djuric told Prva TV that Belgrade’s position in the dialogue with Pristina was now better than in previous years. He reiterated that for the U.S.-brokered talks, the Belgrade delegation “is taking to Washington a platform for economic networking,” which would lead to improved living conditions, and would “firmly insist” on honoring international law. Speaking to the same broadcast, Strategic Policies Council chairman Dragan Sutanovac said that even in case of an agreement being reached with the Kosovo Albanians, there was a possibility that it would not be approved by Brussels or Moscow. 


Grenel: Nobody knows what will happen (Tanjug)


The special adviser to the American president, Search Results Richard Grenell, stated that only economic issues will be "on the table" in Washington on Thursday. But he did not rule out the possibility that other issues would be raised later in the talks. As stated by Tanjug, Grenell said that he agrees with the statement of President Vucic that no one knows what issues will be discussed on Friday and what will happen on Monday. He thus answered the question whether one of the topics of the upcoming meeting of the delegations of Belgrade and Pristina will be mutual recognition. "This is one of the problems we are constantly facing - that the public and politicians only look at this process one-sidedly" Grenell said. "We will see what will happen on Friday, what will happen on Monday" the American official added, emphasizing that the process is a matter of creativity, not science. The key question, says the adviser to the American president, is whether the parties are ready to focus on economic development, which will affect the bringing of American capital, American industry, European capital, and European industry. 


Asked whether delegations might be offered an agreement similar to the one reached between Israel and the UAE, Grenell said he could not answer that question: "Because, every issue will be discussed, and it depends on the parties whether they have the desire to discuss all issues" says Grenell. The only thing they will demand is that if the parties want the US help, if they want US dollars, then economic progress is needed. "We don't want to spend our money and stay in place" he said. 


As he emphasized, for the last year, the administration of US President Donald Trump has focused on economic issues, development and says that they have had evident success so far, citing the establishment of a direct flight between Belgrade and Pristina, which, in addition to the agreement on railway construction and calls the highway a historic achievement. According to Grenell, talks in the field of further development of economic cooperation will continue in Washington on Thursday, and new questions will be raised regarding trade, creation of new jobs and what preconditions must be met in order to establish deeper economic cooperation. 


"The first time I was in Belgrade and Pristina, I established contact with the economy, because that is the most important thing and because, so far, we have not had success in political issues" Grenell emphasized. He believes that the focus on economic development will contribute to the progress of negotiations. As he said, young people are frustrated by the constant emphasis on political issues that have not led to any progress in the last ten years. "We will make progress with new jobs and economic development" he stressed. "We will change our point of view and focus on creating new jobs for young people, economic growth, and less on political issues. 


"Many businessmen feel stuck, because they are not able to realize their projects due to cross-border restrictions and the impossibility of free movement between Serbia and Kosovo" Grenell said. We can continue to deal with political issues and stand still, or deal with what, as President Trump would say, works, and that is the economy and new jobs. "Our goal is to create an environment for both sides to benefit" Grenell said. The United States now, he says, is doing things differently, focusing on what yields results. 


"Trump's economy of Covid was historic and that is exactly why a large number of European companies aspired to come and be a part of it" he notes. "We now want to boost the dynamism of the region. We think economic development programs will solve political problems. We have no secret plan, we want to create jobs and build an economically stable region, based on freedom, democracy and respect for human rights" Grenell said. He especially pointed out, in the end, that he does not deal with this because of Trump's campaign and that he did not receive money for this job. "I agreed to do this job, but not as part of Trump's campaign" Richard Grenell concluded. 


Serbian officials react to Djukanovic's statement (RTS)


Serbia does not interfere in the internal affairs of Montenegro in any way and has not influenced the election process in Montenegro in any way, said Prime Minister Ana Brnabic in response to the assessments made by Montenegrin President Milo Djukanovic. Vucic did not advice the citizens of Montenegro for whom to vote, states the Minister of Foreign Affairs Ivica Dacic, while the Secretary of the President of Serbia Nikola Selakovic points out that Djukanovic always finds someone from outside to blame, and never himself. 


Ana Brnabic says that the assessments of the Montenegrin President are political phrases about the alleged threat to Montenegro, which Djukanovic uses, instead of focusing on the real needs and problems of his citizens. "As the Prime Minister of the Republic of Serbia, I feel obliged to react to the views expressed by the President of Montenegro and the DPS on Serbia and President Aleksandar Vucic, because this is an attempt at political deception used by Djukanovic to explain his party's election results" said Brnabic in a statement. 


She points out that Vucic mentioned Montenegro and Milo Djukanovic less times in the past eight years than Djukanovic mentioned Serbia and President Vucic in this one interview, and that every time, as so many times before, it is in a negative context. 


Serbia does not interfere in the internal affairs of Montenegro in any way and it in no way influenced the election process in Montenegro, the Prime Minister points out and adds that this is a fact that Djukanovic cannot dispute. 


According to Brnabic, Serbia wants the best possible relations with Montenegro and all countries in the region. She adds that Serbia is committed to building a stable, connected and secure Balkans. That is exactly the reason why President Vucic launched the "Little Schengen" initiative, so that the countries of the region would cooperate economically in the interest of all citizens, the Prime Minister reminds. 


"This is the best defense against all politics and politicians who cannot step out of the 1990s. The attitude towards this initiative, which, unfortunately, Montenegro has not yet accepted, clearly depicts who is committed to the issues of a common future and who building his political position on problems from the past" Brnabic estimates. 


"Serbia is ready to lend a hand to any idea that will lead to improved living standards, job creation, building a more stable and secure future for all citizens of this part of Europe, in the hope that we will all soon become members of the European Union. That is the message I what to send to Djukanovic, the citizens of Montenegro and the citizens of Serbia" concluded Brnabic. 


Unlike RamaHaradinaj and other Albanian politicians, as well as Muslim leaders, Serbia, and even its President Aleksandar Vucic, have never interfered in Montenegro's internal affairs, Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic said regarding the accusations made by Montenegrin President Milo Djukanovic. "Vucic did not advice the citizens of Montenegro how to vote. But Rama and the others did, but that is not interference in internal affairs according to Milo Djukanovic. "Serbia is not interested in the issue of the authorities in Montenegro, we are only interested in the rights and freedoms of the Serbian people when there are about 29% of them in Montenegro, as well as the position of the Serbian Orthodox Church, whose property and shrines were attacked by the Montenegrin authorities" Dacic told Tanjug He pointed out that this is a legitimate right of Serbia under all international conventions. 


"And all with the goal of the Serbian and Montenegrin people living in peace and brotherhood as they have lived for centuries. It is a shame that Milo Djukanovic attacks Serbia and Aleksandar Vucic for interfering in the internal affairs of Montenegro, while he most directly interfered in the internal affairs of Serbia by recognizing Kosovo" Dacic added. He also emphasized that it is time for Djukanovic to stop frightening Montenegro with alleged Serbian hegemony, adding that this tactic had failed at the elections. "Thirty years ago, Milo Djukanovic stated that he was proud of his Serbian origin and Montenegrin statehood, whether he lied then or is lying now" Dacic asked, adding that "this is a question for the people and citizens of Montenegro." "The only thing is that Serbia is not going to accept are the lies about the alleged interference of Serbia, Vucic and Greater Serbia politics. In the end, why does Djukanovic, as he says, mind the Greater Serbia triangle of Belgrade, Banja Luka and Podgorica, and doesn’t mind the Greater Albania quadrangle of Tirana, Pristina, Skopje and Podgorica? It seems clear to everyone why" said Dacic. 


Reacting to Djukanovic's statement, Defense Minister Aleksandar Vulin said that "just as he did not know how to rule honorably, Milo Djukanovic does not know how to lose with dignity." "Djukanovic did not fall because of Serbian nationalism, but because of corruption and smuggling that he covered up with Montenegrin nationalism. Djukanovic did not lose the elections because he was attacked by Serbia, but because he attacked Serbs. Djukanovic was not overthrown by the curse of the Serbian Orthodox Church, but ruined by the blessing of Miras' Montenegrin church" Vulin said in a statement. "Vucic is the only statesman in the Balkans who makes decisions only in accordance with the will of his people, and he does not seek territory or influence outside his country, it is no wonder that Djukanovic hates and does not understand him" Vulin added. 


During only one TV appearance, the President of Montenegro, Milo Djukanovic, attacked the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, more times than he mentioned him in the previous eight years, said the Secretary General of the President of Serbia, Nikola Selakovic

"It only speaks of anger and the old manner that Djukanovic always finds someone from outside to blame, and never himself" Selakovic told Tanjug. 


In an interview with Newsmax Adria, Djukanovic accused Vucic of strong media-political aggression, because, as he claims, the Serbian President "gave strong support to Greater Serbian nationalism in Montenegro." 


Serbian PM says Djukanovic targeting Vucic (TV Happy)


Outgoing Prime Minister said on Wednesday that Montenegrin President Milo Djukanovic and some Serbian media were “painting a target” on President Aleksandar Vucic’s head. 

“The Democratic Party of Socialists (DPS), Djukanovic and some media in Serbia really are drawing a target on President Vucic’s forehead and I can’t get rid of the impression that Djukanovic can’t get out of the 1990s while we have gone far beyond the nineties and are looking to the future” Brnabic told Happy TV.  “Don’t say that no one had anything to do with it if something happens to Aleksandar Vucic tomorrow” she warned.  Brnabic said that her cabinet and the Serbian president take care of Serbs wherever they live and added that power can’t be based on “false accusations and false danger from Serbia”. According to her, Montenegro was once far above Serbia in terms of living standards but is not any more and that Djukanovic should look at that as the reason why he lost the trust of the public. 




Bosnia and Herzegovina 


Zunic: Komsic is not hiding discontent with fact his political partner lost elections in Montenegro (ATV)

Head of SNSD Caucus in the Republika Srpska (RS) National Assembly Igor Zunic stated for the Srna news agency that member of the Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency and leader of DF Zeljko Komsic does not miss the opportunity to show his modest political knowledge adding that this time he went even further and he showed how big his amateurism is in the case of neighboring Montenegro. Zunic added that instead of being content with the fact that Montenegro has become more democratic and more mature after the elections, Komsic is not hiding discontent with the fact that his political partner lost. 


IZ B&H Head Kavazovic: Situation after elections in Montenegro resembles return of ideologies that led to crimes and genocide in 1990s (FTV)

Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Grand Mufti Husein Kavazovic has reacted after the attacks on Bosniaks and Muslims in Montenegro. "Numerous Muslims and Bosniaks from Montenegro and the surrounding area wrote to me on this occasion worried about their future. Everything is reminiscent of the return of ideologies that already led to crimes and genocide in this area in the 1990s. We call on the state of Montenegro to provide security to its Muslim citizens, both Bosniaks and everyone else. We expect the Serbian Orthodox Church to distance itself from Islamophobic actions by those who officially act on its behalf and claim to speak from the position of sainthood" Kavazovic was quoted as saying. Kavazovic called on the international organizations as well as the state of Montenegro to ensure safety of the citizens of Montenegro – Muslims and Bosniaks, as well as all others. 




Several people injured in clash between supporters of opposition and ruling parties in Montenegro (CDM)

Thousands went to streets of Podgorica, the capital of Montenegro on Monday evening to celebrate the victory of the opposition in parliamentary elections. However, several people were injured after they clashed with supporters of ruling DPS party. Majlis of Islamic Community in Pljevlje sent an open letter to leader of ‘Crno na Bijelo’ party Dritan Abazovic, who holds a key for formation of new Montenegro authorities, warning him about incidents in Pljevlja. Namely, those celebrating victory of the opposition were expressing hatred and attacking members of the Bosniak national minority in this part of Montenegro. They called on Abazovic to visit Pljevlja to make sure abovementioned claims are true.  


Abazovic stressed that civic Montenegro does not have alternative and that is necessary to preserve peace as well as inter-ethnic and inter-religious harmony. He condemned developments from Monday evening, as well as provocations, conflicts and threats. Abazovic called for calming of the situation down. As for the formation of new authorities in Montenegro, Abazovic did not exclude possible cooperation with Milo Djukanovic and his Democratic Party of Socialists (DPS) if Djukanovic agrees to an expert government.  


Leader of the Coalition for the Future of Montenegro Zdravko Krivokapic condemned the incidents that occurred on the streets of Podgorica on Monday evening. Krivokapic announced formation of new authorities around September 25. Krivokapic said that he does not want divisions and he is offering hand and reconciliation to everyone. Krivopakic added that everyone knows for whom riots in Montenegro are convenient and he called on supporters to celebrate in their homes. He underlined that this is not the time for divisions but the time for reconciliation as the ruling authorities insist on divisions that DPS accepted. 


Parties in Montenegro called on citizens for peace and to suspend gatherings at post-election celebrations, as police registered several excesses in six cities on Monday evening. Supporters of the Montenegro opposition celebrated results of the parliamentary elections in Montenegro in Podgorica on Monday evening on streets, carrying Serbian flags and shouting paroles. There were several incidents, physical conflicts, intrusion in cafes during the protests while a vehicle of the TV Crna Gora was damaged. A former member of the ‘Bosniak Party’ and his father suffered injuries in an attack that included ethnic-based threats, while one person used firearms in Niksic.  


Member of the ‘Bosniak Party’ Adel Omeragic said that there were many provocations and threats directed against Bosniaks which is why they do not feel safe, adding that Montenegro does not need this right now. Omeragic underlined that it is important that law enforcement agencies react on time and sanction those who commit these acts so that all citizens of Montenegro feel safe.  


Leaders of the three opposition coalitions in Montenegro condemned the incidents, calling on citizens for peace and staying home.  


DPS accused the opposition of an attempt to endanger the civic peace in the country and called on their supporters for a gathering on Sunday. DPS’ Milos Nikolic said that they respect democratic will of citizens, but as long as they stay in power, they will not tolerate hooliganism, barbarianism, attacking property of political opponents and people of other religion, blocking streets and cities in civic Montenegro.  


The Episcopal Council of the Serbian Orthodox Church in Montenegro commented on incidents and denied that the church is the organizer of the gatherings and religious services and added that change that happened in the country should not be a motive to spread hate.  


The offices of DPS and SDA in Pljevlja were demolished and the Bosniak minority was threatened. Several people were physically attacked as well. Omeragic said that they received reports of unannounced prayer gatherings taking place in several cities. He stressed that they expect the coalitions which plan to form the authorities to react to this. Abazovic said that he will visit Pljevlja and meet citizens who were attacked. He added that the will of the citizens of Montenegro cannot be put into question because of one isolated incident. Abazovic condemned all attacks based on ethnicity from all sides.  


President of DNP Milan Knezevic condemned the attacks in Pljevlja and their victory was not based on revanchist or any other motivation.  


Head of the Election HQ of the coalition ‘For the Future of Montenegro' Andrija Mandic called on supporters on Tuesday to end celebration because they have information that there will be staged conflicts. Mandic added that the new Montenegro Government will be formed on time and citizens must stand united and preserve what they gained at the time of peace.  


Djukanovic: We saw an outburst of intolerance, aggression and primitivism (Newsmax Media)


President of Montenegro, Milo Djukanovic, said in the interview for Newsmax Media that incidents didn’t surprise him and that two approaches were confronted in Montenegro and in the region – pro-Western course on one side and nationalistic on the other. 


“Incidents came as no surprise, celebration even less so. Winner always has reason to celebrate, but celebration should imply civilized relationship with other citizens and preservation of Montenegro’s stability. Last night we saw an outburst of intolerance, aggression and primitivism, attempts to settle accounts with people who think differently” Djukanovic said. 


According to Djukanovic, two outlooks on future are confronted in Montenegro and entire region. “One is personified in the government that has been in Montenegro for years, government which sees our country in the European Union and European and Euro-Atlantic system of values. As opposed to that, we have a very vivacious nationalism from the 1990s that has been awoken in new circumstances and now expects to reverse the wheel of history, but I don’t think it will happen” Djukanovic said. 


As far as formation of the new government is concerned, Djukanovic said he “believes denouement is approaching”. “I think that we will receive an offer from those who have 41 seats in the parliament. But I don’t want to make guesses now” he said. Asked if parties that will have 41 seats are three opposition parties, Djukanovic said “we’ll see”. “For now, that’s the announcement we have. Their programs are pretty distant” he said. 


“Will you try to exert influence”? No was Djukanovic’s answer. “Why would I? If there’s something that brings them together, it’s the desire to oust DPS. Where will I be – I am where I am and I firmly believe that my political views are correct” Djukanovic said. According to him, what happened on Sunday was a warning. He still believes that Law on Freedom of Religion was not a mistake. “Those issues must be addressed and settled in near future. Status of Serbian Orthodox Church in Montenegro must be resolved. Intention of Montenegrin religious and even political public to restore values that represent traditional Montenegrin society is totally legitimate” Djukanovic said. 


Asked if the new government will continue to this way, President said that “governments change” but “there are some undeniable facts”. “Maybe there’s dissatisfaction with the policy we pursued, standard in the society, Law on Freedom of Religion. It is possible that there reasons prevailed and pendulum shifted to the other side. But it is not possible to come to a definite conclusion now. Unfortunately, Montenegrin society is still divided” Djukanovic said. To believe that only one government will lead to progress – is an illusion, Djukanovic says. 


Politics of Aleksandar Vucic, Serbian President, has shown two problematic intentions. “Meddling into internal political affairs of another country and revival of great Serbian idea” Djukanovic said. In times when DPS won, it never resorted to radically impose ideas. “In 2006 we believed that church issue can be settled, but we never imposed that idea” Djukanovic pointed out. 


Abazovic forms government with enemies of Montenegro (Dnevne novine)


Leader of URA Civil Movement, Dritan Abazovic, is receiving messages from various addresses urging him not to support “church-Chetnik-Russian formation”, as some call coalition “Za buducnost Crne Gore”. “It is inconceivable that young Dritan Abazovic enters into coalition with church-Chetnik-Russian formation which has never hid the fact that it wants to lead Montenegro into the hug of Serbia and Russia and divert it from its EU integration path” said former Yugoslav politician, Azem Vlasi


Vlasi sent a message to URA leader stating that he should know what crimes of chetnik ideology were like. “How Chetnik forces killed Sarajevo. The same Srajevo where Dritan studied. He should know what that Great Serbian politics and war machinery did to Albanians in Kosovo” Vlasi said. However, he believes Abazovic’s motives differ from those of the pro-Serbian and pro-Russian part of Montenegrin opposition. Opposition in Montenegro actually opposes Montenegro as independent, sovereign state, NATO member, Montenegro focused on European values and integrations, Vlasi said.  


Russians, Belgrade and Serbian Orthodox Church want Milo Djukanovic destiny of King Nikola, says Seki Radoncic, Montenegrin journalist and publicist. “As we know, in 1918 King Nikola was expelled from his country, and Montenegro was annexed to Serbia. They want modern Montenegro destiny of the Montenegro of King Nikola. For minority nations, they prepared passports for abroad and for Montenegrins they have Serbianization process in store” Radoncic said. In his opinion, the winner of the elections is Amfilohije Radovic. “He still claims that Muslims are fake and there’s no room for fake people in his country. He says Montenegrin nation has been invented. Shall we go any further?” Radoncic says. 


Commenting on the question of Djukanovic’s responsibility for such denouement, Radoncic points out that there’s no thesis that DPS lost government due to corruption. The background of this story is actually intention to turn Montenegro into new Vojvodina or, at the very best, Republika Srpska and Bosnia and Herzegovina. 


Member of SDP presidency, Nikola Djuraskovic, said that Dritan Abazovic should be aware of the responsibility he had. 


Political analyst Ljubo Filipovic commented on election results and said that URA “now assumes great responsibility”. He said that “it’s not Dritan Abazovic who has absolute authority, but rather Zarko Rakcevic”. 


Meshihat of the Islamic community in Pljevlja addressed Dritan Abazovic, leader of “Crno na bijelo” coalition and pointed out that chaos, lawlessness and hatred towards members of national minorities ruled. “Hate is everywhere in the streets of the town. Pljevlja returned to 1992, the year we remember for terror to Muslims in Pljevlja, murders, physical attacks on property, insults and public humiliation”, the statement said. 


Ambassador of Montenegro to Vienna, Zeljko Perovic, sent letter to Abazovic in which he says that Montenegro’s destiny is in his hands. “As Montenegrin, I am begging you to think twice before you hug those who would drink as all in a drop of water. As a Christian, I am begging you not to kiss hands of those who curse my children and deny my nation” Perovic says in his letter. 


Abazovic to the citizens after the incidents: You can feel completely safe in Montenegro (CDM)


Montenegro will never become Serbian Sparta, nor the province of Greater Albania. We do not want events from Macedonia in 2015 in Montenegro, said Dritan Abazovic, the holder of the Black and White list, at the press conference. He strongly condemned the events, threats, violence, regardless of the members of the nation. 


"We defeated the mafia in the elections, but no one will ever defeat our common state of Montenegro. We invite everyone to stay at home, and to celebrate in their homes. We lend a hand to all, minority parties, all peoples living in Montenegro. Montenegro can develop exclusively as a civil state, and as a country striving to join the European Union. Do not allow your behavior or inserted elements to endanger the victory of all citizens of Montenegro" said Abazovic. 


This coalition, Abazovic assures, will not endanger any national interest of Montenegro. "You can feel completely safe in Montenegro. We do not want the events from Macedonia in 2015 in Montenegro. The people who voted for the DPS may be political losers, but as citizens they are winners. Let us preserve peace, and act as a serious society and state. I give my word that the Black and White coalition will not succumb to any pressure and that it will be guided only by the national interests of Montenegro, and the greatest interest is to complete the transition and form an expert government" Abazovic said. 


Commenting on the announcement of a gathering of pro-Montenegrin citizens on Sunday in Podgorica, Abazovic said that anyone who thinks that the government in Montenegro will change with roses and applause is mistaken. 


He said that the end of the transition is beneficial for Montenegro. "Those who supported the DPS may be political losers, but as citizens they are winners. No one who is a regular and responsible citizen should be afraid of anything regarding politics. The only ones who will be in the “narrow”, so to speak, are the people who have broken the law. Others can very calmly wait for the outcome. Please, let us preserve peace in Montenegro and dignity. I am also convinced that there are people in the DPS who share such opinions and do not want to push the state into problems" points out Abazovic. 


He adds that their platform was clear from the beginning. "We are a coalition that demanded change and we asked the citizens to vote for it. We were voted by people dissatisfied with the situation in the country who believe that Montenegro can be much more successful and richer and more organized than now. We cannot and will not betray that trust. I give my word, Dritan Abazovic and this coalition will not succumb to pressure" Abazovic was clear. 


He reiterates that Montenegro's independence is not in question. "I would like someone who thinks that some of these people will endanger the sovereignty of Montenegro to look me in the eye. We fought for sovereignty, we returned sovereignty to the citizens. Citizens after Sunday night believe that their vote means something" Abazovic emphasized.  


He also commented on the fact that the citizens celebrated predominantly with Serbian flags and tricolors. "I said, we could not be held accountable for those who celebrate other political options. I will not take the responsibility for something that does not belong to us" Abazovic points out. He pointed out that any nationalism harms Montenegro. "If URA had been in power for one term, I cannot say that there would have been no incidents, but I can say that we would have done much more on emancipation and inclusion of citizens" Abazovic said. 


He said that Montenegro's status in NATO will not change, and their opposition colleagues have accepted that. "There are no changes in the foreign policy course" Abazovic said. 


DPS will have no place in the expert government. He adds that he agreed in principle with his colleagues from the opposition on the principles of the future government. "We have to form an expert government, and start solving the accumulated problems. There will be no place for DPS staff in the expert government, but in the administration, of course. We must use all the human capacities of our state. And for some of the DPS staff, there will be places before the judicial authorities of our country" said Abazovic. 

They expect Montenegro to continue on its path to the EU (RTCG)

The elections were peaceful and competitive, with high turnout, says the joint statement of the EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Josep Borrell, and the European Commissioner for Enlargement, Oliver Varhely. The statement also cites concerns about the ruling party's inappropriate advantage and unbalanced media coverage. 


Montenegro held parliamentary elections, and local elections in five municipalities, on 30 August, under an electoral legal framework largely unchanged since the last elections, in the challenging context of the Covid-19 pandemic, according to a joint statement from Varhely and Borrell. 


They assessed that the elections were peaceful and competitive, with high turnout, and were observed by local and international observers accredited by the State Electoral Commission. The preliminary findings and conclusions of the international observers from the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) and OSCE Parliamentary Assembly highlight that the elections were managed transparently and efficiently, but note intensely polarized debate over issues of church and national identity and a number of concerns in relation to undue advantage for the ruling party and the unbalanced media coverage. 


The statement stressed that once the OSCE/ODIHR final report and recommendations were issued, all political actors and relevant institutions needed to engage in a transparent, decisive and inclusive dialogue on the implementation of these recommendations to address long-standing electoral shortcomings well ahead of the next elections. 


"We now look forward to the constitution of a new parliament and the formation of a new government that will continue Montenegro's steady path towards the EU. Montenegro is well advanced in its EU accession process and the months ahead must be used to deepen and speed up political and economic reforms, particularly on the rule of law area, where the next milestone ahead is meeting the Interim Benchmarks for the Rule of Law Chapters 23 and 24.", the announcement emphasized. 


The European Union concludes that it is fully committed to continue supporting Montenegro’s EU accession process as well as economic recovery following the Covid-19 crisis, including through the upcoming Economic and Investment Plan for the Western Balkans. 


Republic of North Macedonia 


Ahmeti to testify at Kosovo Specialist Prosecutor’s Office (MIA)

DUI leader Ali Ahmeti has been invited to appear as a witness on Sep. 2-3 at the Kosovo Specialist Prosecutor’s Office. DUI leader Ali Ahmeti is to testify about his role in the KLA (Kosovo Liberation Army), his office said. There is no information whether he will testify at the Hague or Prishtina prosecutor’s office. 


DUI leader Ali Ahmeti has received an invitation to appear in the role of witness at the Hague-based Kosovo Specialist Prosecutor’s Office charged with investigating war crimes, he said in a Facebook post on July 22. “I’ve always stood for rule of law and unselective justice, both at domestic and international level. The Hague-based Specialist Prosecutor’s Office has invited me to give testimony as one of the founders of Kosovo Liberation Army and member of the general staff” reads Ahmeti’s post. 


The new Foreign Minister Bujar Osmani at Tuesday’s joint press conference with new Deputy PM for European Affairs Nikola Dimitrov on handover ceremony of duties told reporters that DUI leader Ali Ahmeti has been invited to appear as a witness at the Hague-based Specialist Prosecutor’s Office. 


Police arrest three men planning to attack targets in North Macedonia (MIA)

Three men suspected of being part of a terrorist group after being arrested have been put into 30-day detention for procuring a large quantity of weapons and explosives, sources familiar with the investigation told MIA. The three-member terrorist group planned to use the weapons and the explosives against buildings of vital importance in the country, said Viktor Dimovski, Head of the National Security Agency on Tuesday commenting on the actions taken yesterday by the Interior Ministry and the public prosecutor’s office to apprehend the men. Speaking at a news conference marking the Agency’s one-year anniversary, Dimovski said the investigation was ongoing. 


The three men, aged 28, 22 and 25, have been charged with terrorism and creating a terrorist organization. The men are recidivists, who have served time after being convicted for taking part in a foreign army. In early 2019, the 28-year-old man, whose initials were revealed as B.A., formed a terrorist ‘cell’ with the two younger men and several others based on the ideological matrix of the ISIS terrorist organization, with the intention of carrying out a terrorist act on targets in the territory of the Republic of North Macedonia. The men provided finances and procured a large quantity of weapons, ammunition and military equipment. 


Police seized five automatic rifles, a machine gun, 18 ammunition belts for automatic rifles, eight grenade launchers with fuses, camouflage vests and an ISIS flag with an Arabic inscription from the location. Two handmade belts filled with explosives, metal ball bearings, two hand grenade launchers and other items were seized during four raids, three in Kumanovo and one in Skopje. 




Yuri Kim’s letter to leaders of political parties (Radio Tirana)

US Ambassador Yuri Kim sent a letter to the leaders of political parties Edi Rama, Lulzim Basha and Monika Kryemadhi, regarding the selection of candidates for deputies. Kim has urged political leaders to be accountable to parliamentary candidates so that they are not affected by the decriminalization law. In her letter to the leaders of political parties, she urged them to be responsible in selecting candidates and to be responsible for them. 


“Take responsibility for the candidates. Candidates for deputies to have moral integrity, not to be subject to the decriminalization law. Leaders play a key role in keeping the corrupt people out of the lists. As your party prepares for the election campaign, you as party leader, must ensure compliance with Albanian law. We encourage all political parties to vet candidates and nominate only those that are qualified and respect the Albanian voters. While the individual is responsible to disclose their criminal history, party leaders should ensure the integrity and veracity of declarations of those seeking office under their banner. The United States is committed to the fight against corruption” said Yuri Kim in the letter.