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Belgrade Media Report 3 September 2020



Two-day meeting on Serbia, Kosovo begins at white house, on Sept. 3 (Beta)


The White House will host a two-day meeting between Serbia's and Kosovo's representatives, beginning on Sept. 3. The hosts are the U.S. President's envoy for the Serbia-Kosovo normalization talks, Richard Grenell and National Security Advisor Robert O'Brien. The 

Serbian delegation will be led by President Aleksandar Vucic, and Kosovo's by Prime Minister Avdulah Hoti


Sources close to the U.S. Administration said that the United States had no secret plan, and that talks of an economic nature would take place in Washington. According to the same sources, the talks are expected to advance three agreements the two sides had already reached to reopen an air route and develop a railway and road network to connect the 

two. At this point it is still unclear if President Donald Trump will attend the meetings or not. After the conference in Washington, the two high-ranking delegations will travel to Brussels, where they are expected to continue the negotiations on Sept. 7. The meeting will be facilitated by the European Union's special representative for the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue, Miroslav Lajcak


O'Brien: Dialogue will promote peace, leaders' commitment to both Belgrade and Pristina (RTS)


U.S. National Security Adviser Robert O'Brien said that the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina would improve peace through economic cooperation, and welcomed Aleksandar Vucic and Avdulah Hoti before the meeting in the White House. In a message posted on the Twitter account of the American National Security Council, O'Brien wrote that "important talks will promote peace through economic cooperation." "Both Serbia and Kosovo will benefit from the commitment to dialogue between both leaders" O'Brien said. The beginning of the talks was announced for September 3 and 4, respectively. The host of the meeting is O'Brien, as well as the special envoy of the American president for the negotiations between Kosovo and Serbia, Richard Grenell


Dacic: The success of the meeting in Washington depends on the expectations (RTS)


Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic was a guest of the Morning News on RTS. Asked if he and the country are closer to the opinion that this could be a milestone in the negotiations between Belgrade and Pristina or the meeting in Washington could be the biggest debacle so far, said that it all depends what someone expected from this meeting.

“What I was told by President Vucic regarding the platform of the meeting, the wide range of issues are subjects for the talks was considered, and as far as I know all the issues are regarding the economy and infrastructure, from roads to railway infrastructure. If we are talking about the meeting having on mind that agenda, then we can say that the U.S. as the organizer of the meeting probably got the positive feedback from Pristina regarding the issues that are about to be discussed” said Dacic. 


"There was always talk only about shaping some economic framework, everything that could be part of the normalization of relations, but as far as the daily life of people, infrastructure, railway, establishment of freedom of movement, goods, capital is concerned" the minister said. On the other hand, as he added, if someone expects it to be a spectacular meeting, in the sense of a political framework appearing and talking about status, the matter is already completely unprepared”. 


"If someone thinks that he will put pressure on Serbia through some hidden agenda, I am convinced that President Vucic will respond in the way that is in our national and state interest" said Dacic. He explained that a political agreement had not even been prepared. "Everyone would like to resolve that issue, but that issue can only be resolved by compromise" the minister pointed out. 


"I know how it all works, the pressure will be great on the state and on the person personally, with blackmail, threats to his future, but I know how Vucic reacts to that, so I do not advise anyone to take the ultimatum in the case of Serbia or Vucic, that is not the way to solve the problem" Dacic said. 


He says that the countries of the European Union do not look very favorably on what the United States is doing, because they believe that the EU should do it. On the other hand, as he pointed out, Serbia cannot correct things in the international order. "We are all aware that Brussels is mediating in the dialogue under the UN General Assembly resolution, but we are also aware that the UN Security Council should give final approval for all this. So, everyone should have insight into the breadth of the spectrum of all actors" the minister concluded. 


Brnabic: It will be difficult in Washington, but there's no one better for the job than Vucic (Happy TV)


Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic said that talks between representatives of Belgrade and Pristina in Washington would be difficult, but that "Washington is focused on the economy" rather than anything else, and no one can protect Serbian interests better than President Aleksandar Vucic. "In this context, our position is similar to Washington's - that economic cooperation needs to be ensured to improve the lives of people, after which it will be easier to discuss everything else," Brnabic said in an interview with the Happy TV. The Serbian PM also said that she's afraid Pristina is not interested at all in talks about the economy, and that the talks were accepted for the sake of form, which the way Pristina dealt with the 100-percent tax on Serbian products made very clear. Brnabic expects the talks to be difficult, but she's hopeful "Serbia will manage to reach some economic agreements." "As for the other, political issues...I think they are unavoidable, and whatever I say might make it more difficult for President Vucic, which I don't want to. I have every confidence, along with the vast majority of Serbian citizens, that the president is defending the interests of Serbia better than anyone else would. I'm glad he represents Serbia” she said. 


Dveri: Vucic has no authority to negotiate about Kosovo's status (Beta)


The Dveri leader, Bosko Obradovic, said that Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic had no authority to negotiate about the status of Kosovo, which was yet another breach of the Constitution on his part. "Who has authorized Vucic to negotiate about the future status of Kosovo and Metohija? There is no government decree authorizing him to do so, nor does the separation of powers allow this to be his job. Never has the Parliament passed a negotiating platform, and it's unclear what platform allows Vucic to travel to Washington and Brussels as a negotiator" Obradovic was quoted as saying by his movement. Obradovic also cautioned that Vucic had never unveiled "his much-heralded plan for Kosovo and Metohija." "These negotiations are secret, carried out behind the scenes, far from the public eye and outside democratic procedures, which is a scandal, as Kosovo is a national and state issue of paramount importance" the Dveri leader warned in a press release. 




Bosnia and Herzegovina 


Presidency Chair Dzaferovic calls on Djukanovic to exert efforts to protect Bosniaks in Montenegro (BHT1

Chairman of the Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency Sefik Dzaferovic held a phone call with Montenegro President Milo Djukanovic to discuss the elections that were concluded in Montenegro and the latest attacks of Bosniaks in the country. Dzaferovic called on Djukanovic to exert efforts to protect Bosniaks in Montenegro and to prevent new attacks. He was assured that the Montenegro authorities will do everything within their power to protect Bosniak citizens. 


Dodik: Stances Dzaferovic presented in conversation with Djukanovic are not stances of Presidency (ATV)

In a statement for Srna news agency, member of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency Milorad Dodik said that statements of member of B&H Presidency Sefik Dzaferovic presented in telephone conversation with President of Montenegro Milo Djukanovic do not represent stances of the Presidency of B&H. He added that Dzaferovic did not have approval of the Presidency to present abovementioned stances. Dodik reminded that Dzaferovic is just a member of the Presidency from the rank of Bosniak people. He went on to saying that all those who have good intentions want preservation of peace and cooperation in Montenegro and the region, adding that he does not have a single objection to this part of conversation between Dzaferovic and Djukanovic. The member of B&H Presidency deems that reactions of political-religious elite of Bosniaks in Sarajevo to developments in Pljevlje are inappropriate. He emphasized that police in Montenegro had to present its stances on these developments by now, adding that silence of competent institutions in such situations creates different doubts. Asked to comment Dzaferovic’s stance that the path of Montenegro created under leadership of Djukanovic does not have alternative, Dodik stressed that this is not the stance of the Presidency of B&H. He went on to saying that if Dzaferovic thinks this, he should have publicly say it – but only as an official of SDA. 


Post-election incidents in Montenegro continue; SDA: This whole situation resembles policy from 1990s; Other reactions from B&H (N1)

The incidents following the parliamentary elections in Montenegro continued to happen at the rallies of the pro-Serb parties, which claimed the election victory. During the rallies, a lot of nationalist symbols and messages were displayed including the threat that Pljevlja could become the next Srebrenica. A lot of the properties of the Islamic community in that country in Pljevlja were damaged during the rallies, which has been condemned by the public in the region as attacks on Bosniaks. SDA issued a statement, which reads that this whole situation in Montenegro resembles the policy from the 1990s. SDA called for calming the tension down, and expressed hope that Bosniaks will not be the victims of that policy. Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Minister of Foreign Affairs Bisera Turkovic warned that the tensions in Montenegro cause fear among Bosniaks of that country. Head of the Islamic Community in B&H (IZ B&H) Husein Kavazovic wrote to the foreign ambassadors in B&H, asking for international reaction to the attacks on Bosniaks and other minorities in Montenegro. 


SDS sees outcome of Montenegrin elections as motive for political mobilization of supporters of RS opposition bloc, SNSD: SDS engages in mere politicking (RTRS)

The outcome of parliamentary elections in Montenegro, where the pro-Serb parties claimed election victory, sparked mutual accusations among the political parties in Republika Srpska (RS). Namely, SDS welcomed the victory of the parties, which used to be in the opposition in Montenegro, as a motive for political mobilization of supporters of the RS opposition bloc. According to SDS, the echo of the elections in Montenegro will be felt in the RS, too. SDS leader Mirko Sarovic noted that the people showed that the ruling parties can be defeated even when they are at the peak of their power. Sarovic was quoted as saying: “What happened in Montenegro in August will happen in the RS in November. That is perfectly clear now.”  


On the other hand, SNSD accused SDS of reaching for unfounded comparisons with the Montenegrin opposition parties and engaging in mere politicking. Chairman of the City Board of SNSD in Trebinje Luka Petrovic said that it is unacceptable that individuals from the RS opposition are presenting the Montenegrin opposition’s victory in the elections as their personal triumphs, including by taking photos at the celebrations of the election winners. Petrovic noted that Herzegovina is proud of the achievement of “Orthodox brothers” in Montenegro, and emphasized that the support needs to be presented without involving the politicking in it.  


In a statement to RTRS, political analyst Vojislav Savic said that it is certain that the RS as well as Serbia have been protecting the rights of Serbs in Montenegro, which had been threatened, without interfering in internal political matters of that country. “In the last couple of years, it is possible to notice a process of synchronizing the political moves and strategic decisions of all Serbs in the region. The RS and Serbia, which have the necessary institutional capacities, should be the driving engine of that synchronization” Savic assessed, concluding that there will be no surprises in the upcoming local elections in Bosnia and Herzegovina. 


Krivokapic: Attack in Pljevlja ordered by those who want to create ethnic tensions (O kanal)

Guest of O Kanal Central News was list leader for ‘For Future of Montenegro’ Zdravko Krivokapic who said it is still not known who is responsible for the attacks, but the blame can be put on the Police Administration that has failed to do its work “or it suits to someone that it is happening’’. Krivokapic added that all the statements and activities focused on the incidents to create ethnic intolerance “certainly do not come from the opposition, but are the result of the work of the regime that was the same in the 1990s and 2000s’’. He noted that the clear message has been sent that the offenders and the instructing party must be identified. “The key is who is the one to have initiated it, whether it is someone’s personal belief and how the police did not recognize it and acted preventively’’ said Krivokapic.  


Krivokapic said that the choice of places, i.e. Pljevlja, Rozaj and bijelo Polje – places with majority of Bosniaks or Serba, is indicative, and added that all opposition leaders have a clear and undivided position regarding the events and they will focus on their program goral, i.e. focus on the future. “That is why our Orthodox youth is ready this time to take stand and defend our brothers, neighbors and friends who are Muslims.” Said Krivokapic. He said that the regime purposefully refuses to identify the perpetrators or to process them. “We have evidence on the perpetrators, if the police does not do it we will” said Krivokapic.  


Asked about what can be expected in the upcoming weeks with regard to the division of Montenegro society, Krivokapic said that the change of government is soon, and the right people must be appointed. Krivokapic reiterated that the situation in Pljevlja is peaceful, and the messages should be processed, and Montenegro is home for everyone.  


Asked if the opposition will be able to form new government, i.e. if the support of leader of URA Dritan Abazovic is certain, Krivokapic said that despite different pressures on Abazovic within and outside Montenegro, has clear views that will not be changed. Krivokapic also discussed revision of the Law on Freedom of Religion and the Law on Origin of Property, work on the rule of law, agreement between opposition leaders regarding the international commitments of Montenegro and its EU path, and potential defectors. Oslobodjenje cover splash ‘Monasteries and Mosques are sacred’  




Abazovic: Tensions are suitable for those who lost elections (CDM)

In an interview for Al Jazeera Balkans, Dritan Abazovic, leader of coalition ‘Crno na Bijelo’ that has decisive role in formation of new Montenegro authorities talked about recent incidents that occurred after parliamentary elections. Among other things, Abazovic said that he believes current authorities might be behind recent incidents that occurred in Pljevlja, because tensions are suitable exclusively for those who lost elections. Abazovic underlined that authorities in Montenegro were changed for this first time in its modern history. He added that if anyone thought it will happen “with flowers, applauses and fanfare” they made mistake. Abazovic went on to saying that this is significant political moment and those who have been creating tensions among citizens for last 30 years will not give up easily. Commenting the fact his possible coalition partners have been increasing tensions among people in Montenegro, Abazovic underlined that this is result of the fact Montenegro never left 1990s. He stressed that goal of his politics is to work on reconciliation in Montenegro and to find solutions and to appoint new people who will create new values. “We have to give chance to new European elites so that entire region can have the EU perspective”, explained Dritan.  


Asked to comment the fact Milo Djukanovic distanced from policies from 1990s unlike Abazovic’s possible coalition partners, Abazovic stated that he is sorry if they failed to do so. He went on to saying that his conditions to form coalition with other opposition parties was that no national interest of state of Montenegro will be abandoned, foreign policy course of Montenegro will not be changed and the EU perspective of this country will remain in focus of new authorities. Abazovic also stated that Djukanovic is political past and should resign soon to post of President. He added that even if Djukanovic fails to do so, “European Lukashenko” is still over. 


Coalition partners agree to get their act together to preserve fundamental values of Montenegro (CDM)


At the initiative of Democratic Party of Socialist (DPS), meeting with coalition partners was held in Podgorica. “Starting from the results achieved in parliamentary elections held on 30 August, parties unanimously agreed to act together within the alliance for European, civil, anti-fascist Montenegro, committed to the preservation of heritage and fundamental values and to contribute to democratic and economic development and achievement of the European quality of life” DPS members said. Leaders of this bloc agree that it will remain open to other parties with similar program commitments and for progressive social forces and individuals who are willing to contribute to the achievement of joint strategic European objectives. 


Djukanovic: Great Serbian national project has been revived (CDM)


Great Serbian national project has been revived. That project tends to provide some form of compensation to Serbia for the lost Kosovo. Montenegro is, of course, the most wanted target of the great Serbia nationalism, said Montenegro’s President, Milo Djukanovic, in the interview for ORF TV, TV channel of the national public service of Austria. 


Do you still believe that DPS and its coalition partners don’t have absolute majority in the Parliament? Do you think that the party still has chance to form the government? 


“We now have unofficial results of the elections and DPS accepted them. We congratulated our competition on the result. We are now waiting for the process to finish completely, to hear official results of the State Election Commission. We don’t expect any significant changes. 


We believe preliminary results will be official results and that the coalition composed of three parties will have 41 seats in the parliament while DPS will have one seat less, 40 that is. 


As far as the formation of the government is concerned, that is the process that is yet to begin. We’ll see if this coalition will be able to establish that level of program and political closeness to form the government and assume responsibilities for the execution of power in MNE. 


DPS has been the backbone of state policy for a very long time and today we are the strongest party in Montenegro, even after the elections. We will always be ready to assume responsibility for Montenegro’s state policy but we are also ready to be responsible, the strongest opposition party that will take care of strategic national interests. 


Earlier today opposition accused you and your party of being behind some incidents in Pljevlja. They said election commissions want to change these results through new elections. What’s your comment? 


“You know, speculations have always been popular on Montenegrin political stage. Just remember the speculations about current government in previous years. They were always designed to provoke change of government and divert Montenegro from its strategic course. After these elections, people speculated that DPS will use all means to defend the power. As you can see, none of that is happening. 


I have already said we congratulated our competition on their result. Therefore, it is not our option to question what is an undisputable democratic fact. That fact says that this coalition had slightly more votes than our coalition. We really want to develop Montenegro as stable and democratic society, we accept democratic will of our citizens and we believe that we must fight for some principles of democratic society both as governing party and coalition. 


Montenegro has no experience with cohabitation. I remember when that happened in France for the first time, it was thought it wouldn’t be able to function. In presidential election you had the majority. You remain president. What do you think? How this cohabitation will develop? 


“It will definitely comply with the Constitution. I am sure that Montenegro will confirm what we have been fighting for over the past 25 years. I think there’s a respectable level of democratic culture in MNE, there’s a responsible relationship with stability and important part of stability of a society is compliance with the Constitution. 


As you said, a new challenge is ahead of us. Government will consist of one political structure, I will be president of the country, as representative of other political structure. 


It’s not that sensational. We know that Montenegro has been functioning as divided society for a long time, as a consequence of historic divisions that our generation inherited. We tried to deal with these divisions in a civilized manner and bring people from these two distant shores together through emancipation process. That produced certain result that should not be underestimated. 


Meanwhile, Montenegro has made considerable progress, developed its institutions, improved economic development, acceded NATO. There’s only this moment now when people wanted change of government and now that’s what they got. It is our duty to respect their will. 


I have been head of the government for a long time, seven terms of office to be precise. I have been serving as president for more than two years. I could have meddled into competencies of the government, if I’d wanted. But I never did that. 


Why would I do that now? I have my own competencies, I have legitimacy. Therefore, in accordance with the political culture and my experience, I am ready to do my job in the interest of this country. I am willing to cooperate with people who don’t share my views, hoping that they will start to pursue the policy which represents strategic course of Montenegro’s development. 


Serbian flags were conspicuous at the celebrations in the election night. Coalition “Za buducnost Crne Gore” has eight parties, one of which is pro-Serbian and pro-Russian. When politicians met Vladimir Putin in Belgrade, they said: Our president is Vladimir Putin, not Milo Djukanovic. What these results could mean to relations between Montenegro and Serbia? 


“I believe this iconography you have mentioned comes as a surprise only to those unacquainted. We have been warning our European partners that two visions of future are in sharp contrast not only in MNE but in the entire region. You know that our vision is the one of European future of WB. 


We don’t think WB can consolidate its stability alone. We believe we need EU and NATO. 


Contrary to that vision, there’s vision that wants to restore all conservative and retrograde policies we could see in 1990s. That’s the policy of extreme nationalism, the one that wants to change the borders in the Balkans, the one that led to the war in which almost 150.000 died. 


Unfortunately, developments on wider stage and within NATO have led international community to take its eye off the ball of the WB. Policies of the great state nationalism of the 1990s are restored and that might bring European and Euro-Atlantic course into question. 


Officials of Moscow have meddled into political life of every European country and the USA. Why would Balkan region be an exception? As we can see, Great Serbian national project has been revived. That project tends to provide some form of compensation to Serbia for the lost Kosovo. Montenegro is, of course, the most wanted target of the great Serbian nationalism. 


Montenegro will be forced to deal with that, and we are ready for that. Let’s just hope this policy won’t spread any further and that our strategic partners will show greater level of attention in the forthcoming period. If the new government is formed, it will have 15 different parties, parties of different profiles amid economic crisis. What does that mean? What does this change mean to the region? “I just want to emphasize that our policy will continue to be policy of pro-European development, policy of a civil state and reinforcement of multi-ethnic harmony. 


Elections are always great opportunity to check democratic mood in the public. We don’t want to discuss it and question election will of our citizens. If the coalition that won manages to form the government now, we are going to fight just as fervently from opposition seats. Will jeopardizing some pro-European policy in MNE help European perspective of WB? No, it will not. Because MNE has been the most convincing promoter of European values in the region. 


I think Europe should have studied this phenomenon in more detail and tried to prevent the metastasis of this retrograde political influence in European, democratic and political tissue. But let’s hope that every experience will serve as warning. 


Europe has to protect is identity first of all, it has to protect its safety and foreign policy interests, it has to protect its democracy and consolidate its position of important geo-political player in the Euro-Atlantic alliance. That alliance has its values. I think it’s very important to reinforce it, give it new energy, new breath to keep playing the role of a leader of positive changes on global stage. 


If WB is left to itself, that will be a high price for the Balkans and Europe. We don’t need military and civil mission of NATO and Europe from 1990s. We need good analysis of WB processes and we need joint action to eliminate these harmful influences as efficiently as possible. With our policy in MNE, that was much easier. After change in the government it will be harder but we should not give up. 


DPS calls on citizens to rally in Podgorica on Sunday (CDM)


Democratic Party of Socialists (DPS) invited all its supporters to come to Podgorica on Sunday, September 6, to take part in a large rally, which should take place on the Independence Square. However, although the party invited citizens to the rally all Tuesday, the DPS said on Wednesday that they were not the organizers, but that, as the party spokesman Milos Nikolic said, they were “some patriotic organizations not affiliated with the DPS”. Nikolic did not reveal what “the patriotic forces” were, nor did he explain what the messages that the DPS posted on social media about the rally actually meant, which read “let’s show them that there is a lot of us”, “Montenegro first of all”, “there is no excuse for not coming”. 


On that occasion, the Podgorica daily Vijesti asked the local police to explain who the organizer of the gathering was and whether it would be banned or not, given that public gatherings in the open, according to the measures of the National Coordination Body for Fight against Coronavirus (NKT), are limited to 40 people, except when it comes to a political gathering when it is allowed to gather up to 100 people, with the obligation to respect the social distance of at least two meters between persons, wearing protective masks and hand 

disinfection. The police did not respond to Vijesti’s request, but the NKT announced that it would allow “an increased number of citizens at public events and cultural and artistic events in relation to the restriction for other gatherings”. 


Milo calls Dritan, Dritan answers (Vijesti)


The leaders of the parties in the ruling coalition are forming, as they believe, a state-building alliance, in which the Social Democratic Party and the Civic Movement URA will be invited. 


The goal of that alliance, as Vijesti has learned, is to establish a new government in which there will be no place for the parties that deny the state independence of Montenegro. The paper also states that this was agreed at last night's meeting in the Assembly, which was initiated by DPS leader Milo Djukanovic


He allegedly secured the consent of the current coalition partners that after the verification of parliamentary mandates, he will not enter into an alliance with coalitions "that deny the statehood of Montenegro", alluding primarily to members of the Coalition "For the Future" and "Peace is our nation". 


GP URA repeated several times that they will respect the electoral will of the citizens and that they will not enter into an alliance with the DPS. URA is a party that represents a tab on the scales, that is, the party of the leader Dritan Abazovic could decide who will form the new government in Montenegro. 


The DPS announced last night that a meeting with coalition partners in the Parliament was held on their initiative in Podgorica. In addition to the DPS leaders, the leaders of the Social Democrats, the Bosniak Party, the Albanian Alternative, the Democratic Union of Albanians, the Democratic Party, the Force, the Liberal Party and the HGI took part in it. 


On the other hand, Dritan Abazovic said in an interview with Deutsche Welle, that his party would not side with "neither Djukanovic nor the pro-Serbian option." Abazovic said that URA believed that they could be "game changers". "We overthrew the regime of Milo Djukanovic, which was untouchable for 30 years. “Lukashenko” of the Balkans has fallen and that is a very important fact" he said. 


Asked whether it is possible to reach an agreement with the opposition, which includes "pro-Serbian parties", he said that the theses that are being put forward regarding the pro-Russian and pro-Serbian opposition are wrong. "Not because there are no such parties or because such parties have not won a significant number of mandates. We need to form a civil government. No pro-Serb majority has won here. The vast majority of Montenegrin citizens, regardless of mandate, are crying out for change" Abazovic said. 


In the end, he added that he would not enter into a coalition with Djukanovic either. "We will not side with Milo Djukanovic, because we have dedicated our entire political life to the fight against his regime. That is one thing. Another: we will not side with the pro-Serbian option, but we will seek partnerships on the grounds we prescribed before the elections. We asked for an expert government to be formed and colleagues from the opposition accepted that. There should be no politicians in the expert government. And it is final, there will be no politicians" he said. 


The European Commission expects calm and restraint in Montenegro (Dan)


The European Union (EU) expects calmness and restraint, inclusive political dialogue, as well as respect for EU values, which include respect for minorities. This is, commenting for the Television of Montenegro, the attack on the premises of the Islamic Community in Pljevlja, and the growing nationalism after the election results, said EC spokeswoman Ana Pisonero Hernandez. 


"Although freedom of assembly is a fundamental right of the EU, it should be exercised without disturbing public health and with full respect for the rule of law and public order and peace," the European Commission said. The EC emphasized that they are closely following the political events after the elections held on August 30 in Montenegro. "As emphasized in the statement by the High Representative / Vice President and Commissioner, we expect the constitution of a new Parliament and the formation of a new government that will continue Montenegro's stable path towards the EU" Pisonero said. "In this context, we expect calmness and restraint, inclusive political dialogue, as well as respect for EU values, which include respect for minorities" Pisonero said. 


CEMI: All actors of the election process have accepted election results (CDM)


Elections in Montenegro were peaceful, character and scope of irregularities have not jeopardized regularity of the overall election process and all actors of the election process have accepted results. All this makes these elections unique in the history of Montenegro, Center for Monitoring and Research (CeMI) said. This organization held a press conference today and presented Report on preliminary conclusions and findings “Civil observation of elections – Parliamentary and local elections in Montenegro 2020”. 


President of the Administrative board of CeMI, Zlatko Vujovic, said that election process was marked by omissions of SEC, numerous irregularities in the work of electoral committees and strong functionary campaign that had made border between the country and governing parties almost invisible. 


“Character and scope of irregularities have not jeopardized regularity of the overall election process and all actors of the election process have accepted results. Result faithfully reflects citizens’ free election will” Vujovic said. Period before the elections was marked by acts of violence against members of national minorities. “Some facilities of the party that lost the majority were demolished and vehicle of the public service of RTCG was damaged”, Vujovic said. 


He harshly condemned acts of violence and expressed his concern. “We praise reactions of opposition parties and their appeals to stop public celebrations, we support Dritan Abazovic’s reaction but we still think that additional responsibility of the leaders of the governing majority is required” Vujovic pointed out.  


He said that elections had been held in the amended legislative framework and added that some recommendations of the Venice Commission, OSCE ODIHR mission and national observation organizations hadn’t been respected. 


Program director of CeMI, Ivan Vukcevic, said that all members of the working team had been engaged in the activities of SEC in the last phase of the election process. All election lists had named their representatives, which reinforced the legitimacy in the decision-making process. 


CeMI observers have established that training of members of committees had not been equal. 


“Mechanism to ensure that all members of committees attended online training haven’t been provided. Also, many members of the committee requested material in print while some presidents of municipal committees have launched initiative to carry out additional training for the members of electoral committees” Vukcevic said. 


“SEC established and published preliminary results of the elections in accordance with the lawful deadline. Results were established without votes of the members of Commission” Vukcevic said. 


Media analyst in CeMI, Milica Zrnovic, said that media reporting rules of political parties “were respected”. There were no political contents that emphasized symbols or slogans of political parties. “Increased political activity on social media was noted on Saturday, 29 August. Political parties posted a total of 98 contents” Zrnovic said. 


The “Civil observation of elections – Parliamentary and local elections in Montenegro 2020” project was financially supported by British Embassy in Podgorica, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Kingdom of Netherlands and Embassy of the Kingdom of Norway in Belgrade. 


Republic of North Macedonia 


DUI’s Ahmeti testifies at Kosovo’s Special Court in Pristina (MIA)

DUI leader Ali Ahmeti was questioned for more than eight hours on Wednesday by the prosecutors from the Kosovo Specialist Chambers in Pristina. Ahmeti was seen around 6 pm leaving the EULEX premises after arriving there at 9:30 am, MIA’s Pristina correspondent reports, adding he didn’t speak to reporters. According to Albanian language media in the region, Ahmeti was questioned in the capacity of a witness as one of the founders of KLA. He participated in the 1998-99 Kosovo conflict. DUI leader Ali is expected to be further questioned on Thursday by prosecutors from the Kosovo Specialist Chambers MIA reports from Prishtina. 


Established in 2017 in The Hague, the Kosovo Specialist Chambers and Specialist Prosecutor’s Office is tasked with investigating war crimes and crimes against humanity committed during or after the 1998-99 Kosovo war. Over 300 former KLA leaders and members have been summoned to be questioned by prosecutors of the international tribunal. Recently, Kosovo President Hashim Thaci and Democratic Party leader Kadri Veseli have been indicted by the court for crimes against humanity. 




President Meta: Only free and fair elections will clean the country from corrupt politicians (Radio Tirana)


President Ilir Meta has stated that only free and fair elections can cleanse the country of criminal and corrupt politicians. His statement came as a comment on a statement by US Ambassador Yuri Kim, who called on key political leaders to be careful in choosing candidates for the 2021 general election. 


“The time has come for elections to be free,  to have democratic institutions, fair elections clean politics from criminal and corrupt politicians who for various interests seek to hold the state hostage “, said Mr. Meta for the journalists after the Scientific Conference on” National War of Vlora, fight for the protection and reconfirmation of Independence “. Meanwhile, the statement of the head of state “Albania must always be smart in defense of freedom, as it is not won once and for all, but must be protected at all times by everyone” has also attracted attention. On the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the Vlora War, one of the most significant moments in the history of the province, but also Albania, where Albanian patriots fought a series of battles with the Italian army, President Ilir Meta has distributed decorations of various levels. 


Kosovo seeks labor market agreement in Tirana (Radio Tirana)

The Minister of Labor and Social Affairs of Kosovo, Skender Racica and the Albanian Ministry of Finance and Economy Anila Denaj have discussed yesterday to increase the number of agreements signed between the two countries. It is about an agreement that includes the payment of social and health insurance for the respective employees in both countries as well as the mutual recognition of the professional training of the employees. 


Ministers Racica and Denaj at the joint press conference with journalists addressed other problems of bilateral cooperation related not only to respecting and following the agreements signed in the last 12 years, since the signing of the free trade agreement between the two countries, but also for the unification of a series of procedures that facilitate trade on both sides of the border. 


Former Interior Minister lobbied U.S. for silence about trial (Tirana Times


The U.S. Department of Justice has found that Albania's former Interior Minister Saimir Tahiri paid a lobbying firm about $20,000 in efforts to stop the U.S. Embassy in Tirana from making any statements about his trial for narcotics trafficking and abuse of office. According to a statement filed to the US Department of Justice by the lobbying firm Stone Strategic Solutions Srl, as presented by BIRN, Tahiri requested that a letter was sent to the US embassy personnel asking they refrain from making comments during his appeals. 


The Stone Strategic Solutions Srl representative met staffers for Congressman Ken Buck, a Republican from Colorado, a staffer for the Congresswoman Kathleen Rice, a Democrat from New York, and staffers for Republican Senator Ted Cruz of Texas. 


"[The representative] discussed with them the foreign principal's legal issues in Albania, his continued appeals, and the necessity for US Embassy personnel to refrain from comment while foreign individuals are still working through the judicial process, in keeping with US Policy," the statement says. 


The statements adds that Tahiri also met with State Department Directors for Albania and "requested their understanding of the influence the US Embassy statements have on the courts in Albania." 


Tahiri turned into a controversial topic in 2017, when Italian police arrested an Albanian-Italian criminal ring led by the Habilaj brothers. Wiretaps made public in Albania included the Habilaj brothers mentioning Tahiri in their conversation from the time the latter was minister of interior. 


In September last year, the court sentenced Tahiri to 3 years of probation on charges of abuse of power. The prosecution, in turn, had sought a sentence of 12 years in prison on three charges: Narcotics trafficking in the form of a structured criminal group; Participation in a structured criminal group, and committing the crime in a structured criminal group, claiming his connection with the so-called Habilaj group accused of cannabis trafficking from Albania to Italy.