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Belgrade Media Report 07 September



Agreement signed in the White House (RTS)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and Kosovo Prime Minister Avdulah Hoti signed an agreement with US President Donald Trump on the normalization of economic relations at the White House. 


The President of Serbia said that a bilateral agreement had been signed with the United States. "This is not a trilateral agreement, but a bilateral agreement that Serbia signed with the United States. The third party is not recognized as a subject of international law, which was very important for us" Vucic emphasized. President Vucic said in the Oval Office that it was a great honor for him to be there. "You really tried and engaged. You are committed to stabilizing this region and I want you to bring peace to this region. We have not solved our problems and there are still differences between us, but this is a step forward. We did not talk about many items we signed today. We thank the President once again" said Vucic to US President Donald Trump. He invited Trump to visit Serbia. "Come to Serbia and you will see that we will receive you very kindly" said President Vucic.  


US President Donald Trump estimated, after the signing of the agreement in the White House, that such a move took decades. "I believe that extraordinary things will happen, and America will open up to both sides. The economy can bring people together, these people have done a great job" Trump said. The American President especially emphasized the role of Richard Grenell in the process that preceded the reaching of the agreement. "He brought them together" the US President said.  


Economic Normalization document (B92, VIP)

Serbia (Belgrade) and Kosovo (Pristina) agree to move forward with economic normalization by agreeing to the following: 

- Both parties will implement the Belgrade-Pristina highway agreement previously signed on February 14, 2020. 

- Both parties will implement the Belgrade-Pristina rail agreement previously signed on February 14, 2020. * in addition, both parties will commit to a joint feasibility study on options for linking Belgrade-Pristina rail infrastructure to a deep sea port in the Adriatic. 

- Kosovo (Pristina) and Serbia (Belgrade) will work with the U.S. International Development Finance Corporation and EXIM on memorandums of understanding to operationalize the following: 

* The Peace Highway 

* The rail link between Pristina and Merdare 

* The rail link between Nis and Pristina 

* Providing financing to support loans required for small and medium-sized enterprises (SME's) 

* Additional bilateral projects 

* An international, U.S. International Development Finance Corporation full-time presence in Belgrade, Serbia. 

- Both parties will open and operationalize the Merdare Common Crossing Point facility. 

- Both parties will join the "mini-Schengen zone", announced by Serbia, Albania and North Macedonia in October 2019, and fully utilize its benefits. 

- Both parties will mutually recognize diplomas and professional certificates. 

- Both parties will agree to work with the U.S. Department of Energy, and other appropriate U.S. Government entities, on a feasibility study for the purposes of sharing Gazivode/Ujmani Lake, as a reliable water and energy supply. 

- Both parties will diversify their energy supplies. 

- Both parties will prohibit the use of 5G equipment supplied by untrusted vendors in their communications network. Where such equipment is already present, both parties commit to removal and other mediation efforts in a timely fashion. 

- Both parties will increase airline passenger screening, information-sharing between each other, and within framework of broader U.S. cooperation in the Balkans, and commit to technology upgrades to combat illicit activities by implementing and operationalizing U.S. provided screening and information systems, including PISCES, APIS, ATS-G, and SRTP. 

- Both parties pledge to protect and promote freedom of religion, including renewed interfaith communication, protection of religious sites and implementation of judicial decisions pertaining to the Serbian Orthodox Church, and continued restitution of Holocaust-era heirless and unclaimed Jewish property. 

- Both parties pledge to expedite efforts to locate and identify the remains of missing persons. Both parties commit to identifying and implementing long-term, durable solutions for refugees and internally displaced persons. Both parties commit to identify a point of contact to lead efforts within their respective government ministries and coordinate between Belgrade and Pristina, and will provide an annual update on the member of cases resolved and pending. 

- Both parties will work with the 69 countries that criminalize homosexuality to push for decriminalization. 

- Both parties pledge to designate Hizballah in its entirety as a terrorist organization, and fully implement measures to restrict Hizballah's operations and financial activities in their jurisdictions. 

- Kosovo (Pristina) will agree to implement a one-year moratorium seeking new membership into International organizations. Serbia (Belgrade) will agree to a one-year moratorium of its de-recognition campaign, and will refrain from formally or informally requesting any nation or International organization not to recognize Kosovo (Pristina) as an independent state. Both 

agreements to desist will take effect immediately. 

- Kosovo (Pristina) and Israel agree to mutually recognize each other (Just in text signed by Avdullah Hoti). 

- Serbia (Belgrade) agreed to open the Trade and State Office in Jerusalem on September 20, 2020, and to relocate its embassy to Jerusalem by July 1, 2021 (Just in text signed by 

Aleksandar Vucic) 


The agreement ensures the progress of the entire region (RTS)


We have an agreement in hand, which gives the opportunity for the whole region to progress even more economically, Minister of Finance Sinisa Mali told Tanjug from Washington, after signing the agreement between Belgrade and Pristina in the presence of US President Donald Trump


The President of the Serbian Chamber of Commerce, Marko Cadez, said that the agreement signed today offers a new relationship of mutual economic cooperation, creation of a real economic space where everyone can profit, free flow of goods, people and capital, as well as direct support to the private sector and opening of the new jobs. 


Director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Marko Djuric stated that what the Serbian delegation achieved in Washington was a great success, especially considering the expectations of the other side, and that the agreement for improving economic relations between Belgrade and Pristina is actually more than that - it is a plan that creates opportunities for our people in Kosovo and Metohija, but also for the whole of Serbia, which we did not believe would be achievable. 


The US Ambassador in Serbia Anthony Godfrey welcomed the efforts by the political leaders of Serbia and Kosovo to seek peace and reconciliation. Commenting the talks at the White House, Godfrey wrote in a Twitter post in Serbian language that the normalization of economic relations means jobs for the young people, new investments and a stable and strong economy. “People in Kosovo and Serbia deserve better living standards. We welcome the efforts of the leaders in the search for peace, reconciliation and economic normalization” the tweet said.   


Vucic: Bilateral agreement with the USA, I am extremely satisfied (RTS)


President Aleksandar Vucic says that he is extremely satisfied with what our delegation achieved at the meeting in the White House. The Serbian delegation signed a bilateral agreement with the United States, on economic cooperation with Pristina, and not a trilateral one, and Pristina is not mentioned in it as a subject of international law, Vucic said.  


Addressing the media after the signing of the agreement in the White House, Aleksandar Vucic stated that in the text of the agreement there is no point ten, no recognition, and that people in Serbia can rest easy. "This is a good agreement for Serbia, it will sound triumphant if I say congratulations, but I am sincerely satisfied with all the members of the delegation, with what we have achieved" Vucic told reporters after signing the agreement in the White House.  


He pointed out that this was a bilateral agreement with the United States. "This is not a trilateral agreement. The difference is important. So, this is an agreement that Serbia made with the United States, a third party is not recognized as a subject of international law. It is extremely important for us and I thank President Trump, especially thank him for making a long bilateral meeting with the Serbian delegation. I spent more than 15 minutes in the Oval Office alone with Trump and his associates" Vucic added. He pointed out that at the meeting they discussed the relationship between Serbia and America, all election campaigns, as well as that President Trump expressed his desire to come to Serbia. "Through this bilateral agreement, we are directly regulating relations with one of the two largest powers in the world, economic issues, above all, and some political issues that are not extremely painful for our country," Vucic said. 


He emphasized that a compromise and a good agreement for Serbia was reached. "Only for Serbia, the opening of the office of the US Loom Fund in Belgrade is planned, and that is not the case for Pristina or anyone else in the region" Vucic added. That will be a strong signal to all investors and show how much America is interested in working with Serbia, Vucic pointed out. He added that "the Americans will oversee important projects with us, such as the construction of the road to Pristina." "We agreed on how to build the railway and connect Pristina with central Serbia, via Merdare" Vucic said. "Some wanted to build the road over the north of Kosovo and that Serbia has nothing to do with it, and we avoided that trap" said Vucic. 


Telephone conversation between Lavrov and Vucic (Beta)


Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic talked over the phone on Sunday, the President’s media service announced on Sunday. Vucic introduced Lavrov into talks Serbian delegation had in Washington and in Brussels. “Both of them stressed that relations of Serbia and Russia were sincerely friendly. They confirmed decisiveness to continue to work on realization of all joint projects”, the announcement stated. 

“Lavrov told Vucic that Russia would always support the friendly Serbia, while President Vucic was certain that the arrival of the Russian President Vladimir Putin to Serbia would have a historic importance”. 


The announcement of Russian Foreign Ministry stated that the conversation “emphasized no changes in the Russian view to find a permanent solution for Kosovo based on Resolution 1244 of the UN Security Council”. 


Grenell: We did not do typical political thing (N1)


The US President’s special envoy for Kosovo Ambassador Richard Grenell told a news briefing in Washington that the Belgrade-Pristina agreement to normalize economic relations would not have been reached by doing what he said was the typical political thing. 


According to him, the agreement, signed by Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and Kosovo Prime Minister Avdulah Hoti at the White House, was reached because “an outside administration" did not do the “typical political thing".  “If we would have done the typical political thing and listened to all of the really smart people at NGOs and think tanks here in Washington, we would not have this agreement" he said.   

 “The only way that this agreement could have happened is from an outsider.  All of the insiders in Washington said, “You’re not talking about recognition, you're not talking about this symbolic word.”  And what we tried to do is ignore that, and, from an outsider perspective, go in and dig deep" the ambassador said.   


Grenell said that President Trump wanted to do something different - try to do economics first and let the politics fall. "That proved to actually be a formula that they were eager for.  No one had been talking to them about this,” he said.  


Peter Stano, spokesman for the EU’s top diplomat Josep Borell, said that the European Commission has taken note of the signing of the agreement. "We are looking forward to welcoming the parties in Brussels this weekend and next week to continue our work on a comprehensive agreement to normalize relations between Kosovo and Serbia, dealing with all outstanding issues related to their relationship, and in line with international law and EU acquis" Stano said. 


He said that economic normalization is a first step which the Europeans will be very happy with, adding that the national security advisors in Paris and Berlin had been briefed about the agreement. “This is a region that's been largely shut out because of a perceived conflict.  European businesses and American businesses largely have refused to go in and grow in these areas. Now we will be able to open this up,” he said.   


Grenell refused to comment when asked to comment reports that President Vucic said a bilateral agreement had been signed with the US, not Kosovo. “I would never try to clarify what President Vucic means when he's talking to the Serbian press" he said. 


Speaking about the agreement, Grenell said that the final points were different for Serbia and for Kosovo. “There’s one point that’s different at the very bottom, which is that Serbia is going to move its embassy by July of next year.  That's on the Serbian agreement.  And for the Kosovo, their last point -- everything is identical until the last point.  The last point for Kosovo is that they have a mutual recognition with Israel" he said. 


EU: All deals between Belgrade and Pristina must be in line with bloc's rule (FoNet)


Peter Stano, the European Union Foreign Policy and High Representative Joseph Borell, said that the Union expected more detailed information about the documents the Belgrade and Pristina signed at the White House, adding they all should be per the EU rules. "We learned about the documents Serbia's President Aleksandar Vucic and Kosovo's Prime Minister Avdulah Hoti signed at the White House which contained their obligations toward the US" Stano said. He added the Union expected from its partners "further information about how those obligations would help Kosovo and Serbia on their European way". "The two sides found a common interest in solving different issues in the normalization of relations. Each side should speak for itself about the content of those documents." Stano insisted that "as far as the EU is concerned, everything agreed on must be completely in line with the bloc's rules and laws, contributing to the regional stability." 


Sparks between Moscow and Belgrade? (VIP)


On Sunday, Maria Zakharova, spokesperson for the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs,  

posted a photo of the Serbian President from the White House visit on her Facebook profile, comparing it to the cult scene from the film Basic Instincts, and the way that actress Sharon Stone sat in front of the cameras (first with legs crossed, then with legs spread).  “If you are invited to the White House, and the chair has been set up like you are being interrogated, you should sit like in photo number 2, whoever you may be. Trust me,” Zakharova wrote.


Several hours later the Serbian President responded to her. “The primitivism and vulgarity that Zakharova has demonstrated speaks about her and those who have appointed here there… Let her do her job. I’m sorry because in Washington I also protected our relations with Russia. And there I refused to buy some jeep that is 2.5 times more expensive than the Russian one. “People can’t appreciate that Serbia is the only country that has not introduced the EU sanctions against Russia, that Serbia is militarily neutral, that it is the only one carrying out exercises with Russia, that it is developing the gas infrastructure, that directly buys weapons from her on EU territory. I won’t explain someone’s primitivism and vulgarity. “Why are you bothered by the chair? I don’t dream about chairs, I don’t fantasize about Basic Instincts, nor chairs nor anything else. “You can resolve the problems with your chairs however you like… I sat in that chair in order to solve Serbia’s problems, in order to improve Serbia’s reputation internationally. “And I don’t care, I didn’t even have to sit, I could have stood, I could have crouched, I could have kneeled… what difference does it make. It should matter what I have brought to Serbia, what economic growth, how many roads and railroads we have built, how many hospitals” Vucic said.


Marko Djuric and outgoing Minister of Defense Aleksandar Vulin also reacted. Djuric responded to Zakharova on his Twitter account. “And imagine that this President did not say a bad word against Russia, even in that place. And imagine that this president sat for an 

hour and a half to be received, with visiting the Russian President, and that he never asked for a special chair. I won’t allow you to attack proud Serbia. Shame on you,” Djuric wrote on Twitter. 


Minister of Defense Aleksandar Vulin stated that Zakharova had insulted all those who love both Serbia and Russia. “The enemies of Serbia and Russia are today delighted by Zakharova’s petty malice. After Vucic deeds remain, after Zakharova only malice that she will be ashamed of” Vulin said. 


Several hours later Zakharova made an addition to her Facebook post and wrote that the 

first one was “not understood well”. “I apologize, but my post was misunderstood! The only 

thing wrote in it was disagreement with the arrogance of ‘special ones” Zakharova wrote with the mentioned photos. “The protocol tricks have become one of the approaches used by the American officials regularly in order to artificially create an image of their own excellence. And this in unacceptable” Zakharova wrote. 


Peskov: Misunderstanding in Zaharova's post, Serbs are a brotherly people (Tanjug


Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said that there was probably a misunderstanding regarding "certain formulations" in Maria Zaharova's Facebook post, and pointed out that the relations between Serbia and Russia are of a strategic character, but also that Serbs are a brotherly people for Russians. Dmitry Peskov expresses hope that no one will doubt Russia's commitment and deep respect for Serbia. "It is possible that there was a misunderstanding regarding certain formulations, but I know that my colleague Marija Zaharova apologized. Therefore, I assume that no one will doubt the commitment and deep respect we have for Serbia as a whole and for the leadership" said Peskov. 


"Our friendly, partnership relations and strategic partnership with Serbia are one of the priorities of our foreign policy. The Serbian people are a brotherly people and absolutely everyone, without exception, the Russian leadership, experts and academics are committed to the development of our partnership" said Kremlin spokesman. He also states that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia is working on the development and deepening of relations between Russia and Serbia, among other things, with the goal of "protecting the interests of the brotherly Serbian people on the international scene." 


Opposition in Serbia blasts Vucic in Washington (Beta)


On Sept. 6, Serbia's opposition parties criticized the Serbian delegation that signed an agreement on normalizing economic relations between Belgrade and Pristina in Washington with U.S. President Donald Trump. "The agreement in Washington which envisages that Serbia must move its embassy to Jerusalem isn't just Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic abandoning the position shared by every country in the world, other than the U.S. and Guatemala, but also Vucic violating a resolution of the Security Council, making 

Serbia a target for Islamic terrorists and turning his back on Europe for who knows what time" Party of Freedom and Justice president Dragan Djilas said on Sept. 6. 


People's Party president Vuk Jeremic said that Serbia was "greatly humiliated and turned into a laughing stock" at the negotiations in Washington, because of the way its representatives were treated and the way the talks in the White House were conducted which were below the dignity of a sovereign state and more in keeping with an indigenous tribe. 


Dveri (Doors) movement leader Bosko Obradovic said the Serbian delegation in Washington was so frivolous and incompetent that its members did not even know what they were signing. He added that he was concerned about what this "unauthorized delegation of the Serbian Progressive Party could sign in Brussels." 


Dacic: Important for Israel, U.S. that Kosovo opens embassy in Jerusalem (Tanjug)

Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic said on Sept. 5 that it was important for Israel and the United States that Kosovo opened an embassy in Jerusalem as the first Muslim country to do so. The minister said that a Sept. 4 agreement signed by Belgrade and Pristina in Washington was not just a part of the U.S.'s foreign-policy agenda, but also of the country's internal affairs, as Israel was one of Washington's strategic foreign-policy objectives. 

"Hashim Thaci has promised repeatedly that Kosovo will open an embassy in Jerusalem if Israel recognizes its independence, which is completely opposite to the prevailing view in the rest of the Muslim world " Dacic said to reporters in Kragujevac. The Serbian foreign minister said that this wasn't done for Kosovo, but for Israel. "Whether will it happen and when, you heard President Vucic – our actions will depend on our relations with Israel and the development of bilateral ties. This has yet to be discussed" Dacic said. 


Moving of embassy contrary to international law (Beta)


In a comment on statements from Washington and Israel that Serbia would be moving its embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, Palestine's Ambassador to Serbia Mohammed Nabhan said that this would be contrary to international law and U.N. resolutions related to the Palestinian issue. The diplomat said on Sept. 4 that Jerusalem was an occupied city, and that the intent was harmful to the right of the Palestinian people to set up their state in all the territories Israel occupied in 1967, including Jerusalem. Ambassador Nabhan went on to say the move would be to the detriment of the traditional friendship. 


Secretary-General of the Arab League Ahmed Aboul Gheit condemned Serbia’s decision to relocate its embassy to “occupied Jerusalem” and added that this move is in violation of the United Nations decision, international law and UN Security Council resolutions banning the relocation of embassies to Jerusalem, because it has been considered occupied since 1967. He said that it is the firm position of the Arab League that the status of Jerusalem should be negotiated by the Palestinian and Israeli sides and that ignoring international decisions is a wrong and illegal act. 


Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkey has expressed concerned over Serbia’s decision and believes that this in contravention of international law. “The international community and the United Nations have rejected the Israeli annexation of Jerusalem,” the Ministry reminded 

in a statement posted on its website. “Through various UN resolutions it has been emphasized 

that the Palestinian conflict can be resolved through the creation of an independent, severing Palestine state, based on the borders from 1967 and with East Jerusalem as its capital.” “This is why the relocation of any embassy of any country to Jerusalem would be a clear breach of international law” the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkey pointed out. 


Vucic optimistic that talks in Brussels will yield results (RTS)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said in Brussels that he had a good meeting with EU Special Envoy for Belgrade-Pristina Dialogue, Miroslav Lajcak, and US Deputy Assistant Secretary of State, Matthew Palmer, and stressed that he believed the talks in Brussels would yield results. Vucic said that all important topics were discussed and that the official dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina would continue on Monday. 


"I have no problem in bragging about the agreement from Washington and the arrival of a faster flow of goods, capital and people in front of EU representatives,” he said, adding that this should be used to improve relations and “work for the benefit of people and Serbs and an Albanians” instead of “seeing each other as enemies.” 


The dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina on the normalization of relations under the auspices of the EU will continue today in Brussels with a meeting between the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, and the Prime Minister of Kosovo, Avdulah Hoti. The meeting is hosted by EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell and EU Special Representative for Belgrade-Pristina Dialogue Miroslav Lajcak. The meeting is scheduled to begin at 11 a.m. It was announced that Borrell would address before the meeting, and Lajcak after it ended. 


The EU announced that the issues of minority communities, mutual claims and property will be discussed at the meeting, as part of the path to a comprehensive agreement on the normalization of relations between Kosovo and Serbia. 


The President of Serbia said that the three key topics of today's dialogue would be missing persons, internally displaced persons and the economy, and he announced that one of the topics would be the Association of Serbian Municipalities. 


Hoti announced that he would discuss the final agreement on mutual recognition and normalization of relations between Kosovo and Serbia with Vucic today. 


Vucic: Very good meeting with Varhely (Beta)

Aleksandar Vucic, Serbia's President, had a meeting with Oliver Varhely, the European Union's Commissioner for Neighbourhood and Enlargement, describing it as "very good" ahead of his talks with Kosovo's Prime Minister Avdulah Hoti as a part of the Belgrade – Pristina dialogue on the normalization of relations in Brussels.


"Huge thanks to Oliver Varhely, the Commissioner for Neighbourhood and Enlargement, for the EU significant economic, political and value contribution to Serbia's progress. My special thanks go to him for having the patience to listen to Serbia's representatives, no matter how strange it may sound to someone. Very good talks," Vucic wrote on the 'Serbia's Future AV' Instagram profile. 


Before the meeting with Varhely, Vucic had talks with the EU special envoy for the dialogue Miroslav Lajcak and US Deputy Assistant Secretary Bureau of European and Eurasian Affairs Matthew A. Palmer


Vucic and Hoti to Borell: Belgrade and Pristina common goal is EU integration (N1


Serbia's President Aleksandar Vucic and Kosovo's Prime Minister Avdulah Hoti issued a joint statement saying Belgrade and Pristina shared priorities which were the integration with the European Union and working on normalizing relations under the EU auspices. 


"On the occasion of the continuation of the EU Facilitated Dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina, President Aleksandar Vucic and Prime Minister Avdulah Hoti confirmed to EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy/Vice-President of the European Commission, Josep Borrell, that they attach the highest priority to EU integration and to continuing the work on the EU-facilitated Belgrade-Pristina Dialogue which is a key element of their respective EU paths" the European External Action (EEAS) website published on Monday. 


It added that "they also committed to redoubling their efforts to ensure further EU alignment in accordance with their respective obligations. In this respect, the recently agreed documents in Washington, D.C., building on previous Dialogue-related commitments undertaken by the two parties, could provide a useful contribution to reaching a comprehensive, legally binding agreement on normalization of relations." 


Borell said that Serbia and Kosovo differed in their stands, but that their leaders tried to find a joint basis for "working on a comprehensive normalization, dealing with the issues of an extraordinary significance." 


Vucic: The most important and most difficult questions are coming to the table (B92)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic is in Brussels, where he met with several EU high representatives and members of the Pristina delegation. 


"We had several rounds of talks with senior Josep Borrell and Miroslav Lajcak, and I think a session or two with Avdulah Hoti. Those talks are never easy for us. When our government is formed and the assembly starts working, we will raise the issue of Kosovo" Vucic said. He added that they agreed on the issue of missing persons, internally displaced persons and economic issues, and those two topics are open today. 


"One of the issues is community of Serbian municipalities and that should be continued by the heads of negotiating teams on September 17, and we again at a high level here in Brussels on the 28th. Another topic is the issue of property and financial requirements that we emphasize towards each other. The most important and most difficult questions are coming to the table", said Vucic and added that he was not dissatisfied with today's talks. 


As he stated, Pristina will, as a consequence of the insistence of the Serbian side, pass a law on the return of displaced persons. "Pristina will pass a law on the return of displaced persons, which is an important step, although we remain reserved about the results in practice" Vucic said. He also stated that the mechanism of recording displaced and missing persons and access to all archives has been determined. 


Vucic stated that the essential topic of Serbia, which was discussed today in the dialogue in Brussels, is the economy, that is, to remove all barriers and enable the free movement of goods, people, services and capital. Vucic said that it is extremely important that in the future there will be no introduction of any taxes or tariffs on either side. "It is important for us. Many people underestimate it, especially those who live decently and are not interested in such issues, and these are issues that are essential for our country" said Vucic and reminded that according to the agreement in Washington Pristina will join the "mini Schengen" initiative. He points out that this will create a common market for labor and goods and that it will contribute to the progress of the entire region. 


"On the occasion of the continuation of the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina under the auspices of the European Union, President Aleksandar Vucic and Prime Minister Avdulah Hoti confirmed to the EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy and Vice President Josep Borrell that they give the highest priority to European integration and the continuation of dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina. under the auspices of the EU, which is a key element of their path to the EU. They are also committed to redouble their efforts to ensure further alignment with the EU in line with the commitments made by each side. In this regard, the recent agreements reached in Washington, based on previous dialogue commitments made by the two sides, can make a useful contribution to reaching a comprehensive, legally binding agreement on the normalization of relations. " 




Bosnia and Herzegovina 


US Special Representative for the Western Balkans Matthew Palmer to pay visit to Sarajevo and meet B&H officials (Dnevni avaz)

Deputy Assistant Secretary in the Bureau of European and Eurasian Affairs and US Special Representative for the Western Balkans Matthew Palmer will pay visit to Sarajevo for the first time since the Covid-19 pandemic started. Palmer will arrive to Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) from Brussels where he held meetings with European officials, as well as “regional players such as Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic”.  


Daily was told by several sources that Palmer will hold meetings with B&H officials, including members of B&H Presidency. According to the daily, Palmer will on Wednesday meet Chairman of B&H Council of Ministers Zoran Tegeltija, Federation of B&H Prime Ministers Fadil Novalic and Republika Srpska Prime Minister Radovan Viskovic and it is also expected that Palmer will hold several meetings with key political stakeholders especially following significant events in the region, including “the historic agreement that was signed in White House between Serbian President Vucic and Kosovo Prime Minister Avdullah Hoti”.  


Author noted that US stance on the issue is well known and there is no link between the situation in B&H and status of Kosovo, but this does not mean that normalization of relations between Belgrade and Pristina will not contribute stabilization of the region. Daily noted that Palmer is key collocutor from Washington for B&H political scene and daily learns that his visit represents continuation of US active politics and intention to support the reforms and progress of the country on the path towards EU and NATO. According to the author, Palmer is also expected to discuss economic issues with B&H officials, especially in terms of mitigating consequences of the pandemic and there is also a possibility that the issue of constitutional changes will be discussed, considering the upcoming anniversary of the Dayton Peace Agreement.  


Dodik: I will send request to presidency to relocate B&H Embassy to Jerusalem (Srna


Serb Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency member Milorad Dodik has said that he will today send a request to the B&H Presidency to relocate the B&H Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem as this is in the interest of the U.S. “It is obvious that this is a top interest of the US, which we could see a few days ago when Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic was in Washington. Why wouldn’t we do it if we care about the American support?” said Dodik at a special session of the Republika Srpska National Assembly. He has said that he will say this to Deputy US Secretary of State Mathew Palmer who will visit Sarajevo. “The relocation of the Embassy to Jerusalem would mean both for Israel and the US and if US President Donald Trump insists on it, this is the most direct thing I can do” Dodik said. 


Dodik’s request for the relocation of the Embassy of B&H to Jerusalem, sparked the reaction of Croat Presidency member Komsic (N1)


Serb Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency member Milorad Dodik, announced on Monday he would send a request for the relocation of the Embassy of B&H from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, which sparked the reaction of Croat Presidency member Zeljko Komsic who called this idea “hypocritical.” “This comes from a man on the American blacklist. Dodik would like to be against the NATO, object the Bosnian-US partnership against terrorism, reject the American observers in elections, so there is no single man in B&H that object the American interests more than him” said Komsic.  “In this way, he is trying to cover up his conflict with the US administration and there is no talk about such populist proposals,” underlined Komsic. 


Dodik: Foreign political agencies should not interfere in election process in B&H (BN TV)


The Republika Srpska (RS) National Assembly (RSNA) is to convene a special session on Monday to assess the decision of the Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency to conclude a Memorandum of Understanding between the B&H Central Election Commission (CEC) and International Foundation for Electoral Systems (IFES). Serb member of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik is claiming that the Memorandum of Understanding between B&H CEC and IFES is extremely harmful to RS vital interests.  


SNSD coalition partner SP stated that they have given their support to Dodik based on principles. SP leader Petar Djokic is claiming that the Serb member of the B&H Presidency should always receive support for his stances in the Presidency of B&H when he is requesting protection of vital national interest.  


Representatives of PDP and SDS stressed that they will not take part in misuse of vital national interest on Monday. SDS leader Mirko Sarovic said that he is primarily referring to SNSD and its satellites. "The one that complains - cheats, and he does not want fair elections" Sarovic stressed.  


On the other hand, Dodik believes that foreign political agencies should not interfere in the election process in B&H. "They have the right to inspect the voter lists, financing of political parties, use of state resources in regard to that. One knows that NDI (National Democratic Institute) that is behind that is a political sponsor of PDP and SDS and that it is training their people" Dodik underlined. 


Lukac sends letter to Sattler: RS MoI will not accept arrangements for defining of NCP for cooperation with EUROPOL (RTRS)

After Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Minister of Security Selmo Cikotic sent a letter to Head of the EU Delegation to B&H Johann Sattler, Reoublika Srpska (RS) Minister of Interior Dragan Lukac sent a letter to the same address. Thus, Lukac informed Sattler that the RS Ministry of Interior (MoI) will not accept new arrangements for defining of the National Contact Point (NCP) for cooperation with the EUROPOL. Lukac said that the only acceptable solution is firm application of the active agreement on operational and strategic cooperation. According to Lukac, Cikotic presented a number of untruths and all this in order to block establishment of the NCP. The reporter noted that since he assumed the aforementioned post, “the officer of suspicious war past does not stop with surprises” and while the migrant crisis is shaking B&H and his sector is going to a total downfall, Cikotic observes migrants as tourists who increase consumption characterizing their readmission as a sexy idea. RTRS noted that when he moved his focus towards the hardly-achieved cooperation of B&H with the EUROPOL, Cikotic was no longer “blind” and he saw illegality and lack of harmonization of instruction of the agreement signed a long time ago with standards of the EU and wrote the letter to Sattler. The aforementioned instruction is being realized through the agreement signed with representatives of the EUROPOL in 2016 and ratified in the parliaments of the EU and B&H a couple of months after that. According to Lukac, defining the NCP in the B&H Directorate for Coordination of Police Bodies run by Mirsad Vilic is illegal because this institution is not competent to actively take part in exchange of information with the EUROPOL. Besides, Lukac reminds that the B&H Directorate for Coordination of Police Bodies is not the author or owner of operative police data or it has operational competences to carry out criminal investigations from the mandate of the EUROPOL which is in his opinion, the essence of the cooperation.  


Chairman of the B&H Council of Ministers (CoM) Zoran Tegeltija previously stated that the entire process of the NCP with the EUROPOL is over and the proposal is to secure a special office for work of this institution, within the joint institutions. Tegeltija added that they reached an agreement to put this issue again on the agenda of one of the next session of the CoM.  




Djukanovic: Serbia pretends to secure some kind of compensation for lost Kosovo and there is Montenegro as first target that Greater Serbia nationalism wants (MNE News


President of Montenegro and leader of DPS Milo Djukanovic commented on the agreement on normalization of economic relations signed between Kosovo and Serbia. Djukanovic said that Montenegro welcomes the confirmation that Serbia and Kosovo are committed to move towards the final solution within the dialogue that the EU is leading. According to Djukanovic, the “Greater Serbia national project” has revived and it pretends to secure some kind of compensation “to Serbia for the lost Kosovo and of course, there is Montenegro as the first target that the Greater Serbia nationalism wants”. Djukanovic said: “Of course that we all read this very well. No one is uninformed”. In the meantime, leader of the coalition ‘Za buducnost Crne Gore’ Zdravko Krivokapic said that Djukanovic’s party, i.e. DPS will not be holding any key post in the process of formation of a new government of Montenegro following the elections. 


Tensions in Montenegro do not calm down after elections (N1)

Tensions in Montenegro following the parliamentary and local elections held on Sunday are not calming down and DPS announced to stage a protest on Sunday. During the past few days, national minorities especially Bosniaks in Pljevlja suffered attacks and the reporter argued that although it seems that the situation calmed down, it does not mean that Bosniaks are not still concerned expecting a reaction of competent institutions and the police. The reporter noted that many wonder why the police did not react and begin patrolling on the field and thus prevented some events. No one from the police in Montenegro was available for comments for N1. In the meantime, leaders of the opposition parties in Montenegro agreed to form an expert government in order to take over the power from DPS. The reporter noted that leaders of the three opposition coalitions in Montenegro constantly call for peace and reminded of all deadlines in terms of formation of new authorities following the elections in details. Among other things, there is a three-month-long deadline to form the new, expert government. Members of the three opposition coalitions do not want to reveal which posts they want to assume or who may take over the seat of the Prime Minister of Montenegro, arguing that it is too early to speak about this. The three coalitions announced that they will put a moratorium on some issues about which they cannot achieve consensus like the issue of possible withdrawal of recognition of Kosovo and deal only with issues regarding which they have consensus. According to announcements, their coalition will go wide and they expect that the current number of 41 mandates in the Parliament of Montenegro will keep on growing. SDP announced that DPS cannot count on the two mandates that they won by saying that they will decide whether they will stay part of the ruling authorities or join the opposition coalitions. DPS did not have any concrete reactions on Friday, while the DPS Main Board held a session on Friday afternoon to discuss results of the elections but there were no statements for the media. 


Thousands of Montenegrins protest against announced ruling coalition (CDM)


Several tens of thousands of citizens have gathered in Montenegro’s capital on Sunday evening in a protest organized by ‘Montenegrin patriotic organizations’ after opposition coalitions in the country took the majority in parliament in last week’s election. The protesters, carrying Montenegrin flags, are yelling slogans such as “we are not giving up the state” and playing Montenegrin folk songs. 


About 50,000 people have gathered in Podgorica. They are protesting what they perceive as a change in the direction for the country after the opposition took power from President Milo Djukanovic’s Democratic Party of Socialists (DPS) after nearly 30 years of rule. 


President of the European Movement of Montenegro Momcilo Radulovic said that he is optimistic because Montenegro showed a high level of democratic maturity - just as it was the case in the elections and during the protest held in Podgorica on Sunday evening. Radulovic argued that the elections in Montenegro passed in the best possible way and without incidents, adding that what came following the elections is concerning because excesses of nationalistic rage that happened in some municipalities after publishing of the election results made everyone concerned and returned them to past times. Radulovic underlined: “We are happy that after the first incidents, the situation calmed down”. 




Ruci hails the agreement reached between Kosovo and Serbia (Radio Tirana)

The Speaker of the Assembly, Gramoz Ruci welcomed the agreement reached between Kosovo and Serbia, signed today by the Prime Minister of the Republic of Kosovo, Avdullah Hoti, and the President of the Republic of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, in the presence of US President Donald Trump


“The signing of the economic agreement between the Republic of Kosovo and the Republic of Serbia is a success of historical importance. The economic agreement is the beginning of a process, which will lead to political agreement and final mutual recognition between the two countries. This agreement is one more guarantee for development, peace, stability and security in the region. “Thanks to President Donald Trump for the visionary and effective leadership as well as the White House negotiating team for persistence and efficiency” writes the Speaker of the Assembly, Gramoz Ruci. 


Meta decrees the date of the 2021 Parliamentary elections, April 25 (Radio Tirana)

Today, the President of the Republic, Ilir Meta, decreed the date of the 2021 Parliamentary elections. In his decree, April 25 was set as the day when Albanians will have to go to the ballot box for the election of the new government that will lead the country for the next 4 years. 


This decision was made by the Head of State after consultations with the leaders of the political parties held on September 4 in the Presidency. For the opposition, April 18 was the most appropriate date for holding parliamentary elections. The majority was ready to go to the polls on any date to be determined by the President of the Republic, with the exception of May 2, which coincides with the Orthodox Easter holiday. Apparently, the Head of State with the decision of April 25, has found a date that satisfies everyone. 




There will be geopolitical consequences, Moscow warned Vucic (Kommersant)

Belgrade and Pristina have formally committed to establishing economic ties, but that could have serious geopolitical consequences, writes the Moscow Kommersant. Those consequences are reflected in that, the paper continues, which will weaken Serbia's dependence on Russian gas and ensure the connection of Belgrade and Pristina to the security system led by the United States. 


The paper states that there is no official reaction from Russia to the signing of the documents in the White House, but that it "partially" appeared on the FB page of the spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Maria Zakharova. Kommersant writes that Zakharova published a photo of Donald Trump at the table, where Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic is sitting opposite, who looks as if he is "at the hearing". 


The daily states that the main political novelty is in point 15 of the document, where Kosovo agreed to an annual moratorium that it will not seek membership in international organizations, and Serbia will not convince other countries not to recognize Kosovo or revoke the recognition. The last point where they talk about the relations between Belgrade and Pristina and Israel is even more unexpected, the paper states. 


Kommersat quotes Belgrade analyst Vlatko Sekulovic as saying that the "Israeli element" in the document signed by the leaders of Belgrade and Pristina not only increases Trump's election chances, but also strengthens the agreement itself. Sekulovic told the paper that both sides had accepted an obligation to use the latest US technologies in the field of security, which would ensure the connection of Belgrade and Pristina to the US-led security system. 


The head of the Belgrade Center for Foreign Policy, Dragan Djukanovic, told the Moscow daily that the possibilities for Serbia's cooperation with NATO are expanding after the negotiations in Washington. 


Kommersant concludes that Russia apparently warned the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic in June about some positions that were included in the final text of the document.