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Belgrade Media Report 11 September



Vucic: I said 'no' at the toughest place in the world (RTS)

President Aleksandar Vucic says that Serbia had no support in the US for the last 30 years, the doors of the White House being closed to Serbs until this moment "Respect has been shown towards Serbia" he said being hosted on RTS. He said that he brought the originals of the agreement that he signed in Washington, so that people could see what is true. Vucic stated that the Serbian secret services knew that there would be points "difficult for Serbia" that would be presented in the White House. "The Americans and the Germans created Kosovo, not the Swiss, of course," he said. He added that we had a geopolitical division to the west and east for a year and a half, where Serbia was on the path to the EU. "When you had those two poles, we could maintain our position in a relatively comfortable way. We always sat on the Serbian chair. Now the situation is more complicated, now you have four chairs: the European Union, Germany, China, Russia and you have a large number of regional players" he said. 


Vucic said that Serbia has never had support in the last 30 years in the United States and that the doors of the White House have been closed to Serbs until this moment. "Until now, the doors of the White House were closed for Serbs. The White House was reserved for Albanians and all the others who are against Serbs. Everyone had the support of the White House against Serbs. Now we have changed that. I know what the talks in the White House look like, I know what the pressure was on them and on us" he said. 


As he stated, the strength of America is known and what they did for Pristina. "I saw how they are not allowed to say a word, because the strength of America is known and what they did for them. It is enough to say that they are withdrawing their forces from Kosovo and they will fulfill everything immediately. They will not play with that" Vucic said. 


"Now I can officially say that I said what I said regarding recognizing Kosovo at the most difficult place in the world. In the room where I was sitting, there were PenceKushnerJohnsonGrenellO'Brien, a hundred times more powerful people than me. This was a problem for them. I'm not interested in form and chairs" Vucic said. 


As he said, he could be sitting on the floor, he could stand, he would do it with pride. "I would do it with pride, because I know what I'm doing, I'm guarding the interests of my country, which I'm ready to fight for. There was a hard fight in Washington, we didn't sleep at night, we had a ready answer to everything. Those were tons of paper we carried", he said, adding that good work had been done for the country. He stated that "the Serbian delegation did not go to Washington to achieve a great victory, because a great victory is achieved in war, but a small victory, and small victories are related to peace, stability and security for the people." 

"We succeeded in that," Vucic concluded. 


Serbia's relations with China and Russia are very good 


Vucic said that he had frequent consultations with Russian President Vladimir Putin. "You could see how much the Russian state respects Serbia and me personally" he said. He added that Putin and Lavrov did not apologize for anything, but that they did because of Maria Zakharova's moves. "He showed decency with that. I thanked him for all the support he gives me" Vucic said. He said that the talks with Putin and Lavrov were good and comprehensive. "Putin understands the problems of Serbia very well. Do you think that he accidentally gave me the Order of Alexander Nevsky? I am neither a Russian, nor an American or a German, but only a Serbian who works for Serbia. He knows well how I work" he said. Putin always contacted him within 24 hours. 


He also stated that German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Emmanuel Macron are also contacting him. He added that Serbia's relations with China and Russia are very good. As he said, reliability and respect in the international community is gained by respecting and implementing what you sign. 


Israel related issues 


It is a notorious lie that Serbia supported the recognition of Kosovo by Israel, as some have said, said President Aleksandar Vucic. For RTS, he precisely explained the content of point 16 of the agreement from Washington, which, by the way, is not the same in the document signed by him and in another document signed by Pristina. By the end of the month, he says, we will open an office of the Chamber of Commerce in Jerusalem, which many countries from the Czech Republic, Hungary and many other European countries have, and that will be a great incentive for Israeli, American and many other Jewish investors to come to our country. It is a notorious lie that Serbia supported the recognition of Kosovo by Israel, says the president and adds that that is why we have a different agreement from what the Albanians signed: "Because I did not accept that. I did not want to accept" Vucic said. "It is very important to them, Israel is America's biggest ally, America probably influenced those relations between Israel and Pristina in different ways, but I did not want us to accept that in that way," he said. 


"When we should have agreed to recognize Israel and Pristina, I said - 'it is out of the question for Serbia to agree with that.' Who am I to allow anyone to recognize Kosovo? That cannot be. in the agreement ", the President conveyed the position he took during the talks in Washington. He says that he will say the same to Prime Minister Netanyahu tomorrow: "You are a sovereign state, you are much stronger than us, Serbia has shown you great friendship. Israel is a hundred times more powerful than us. This is our hand extended towards you. If you think we will be happy if they recognize it, we won't ". 


We will talk, he says, with the Palestinians and our Arab friends, on that issue. When asked whether Serbia will be the third country to move the embassy, he said we will see. "We will see if Israel recognizes Kosovo, and we will see from their point of view. We will see how Palestine and other Arab countries will recognize Kosovo" the president said. 


On that occasion, he also talked with some world representatives: "They told me - resolution 478. I told them - '' tell me that when we trample on something. And before that, tell me why you trampled on resolution 1244 ''". He saw, he states, that they were shocked... The essence is that there are many who would like to lead the foreign policy of Serbia, the president believes. "However, Serbia is no longer as insignificant as it used to be. Today, Serbia is richer, militarily stronger, and that is why there will be many who think they can preach to us how to behave. Serbia is not a handful of oats" President Vucic concluded. 


A year without new recognitions of independence 


The President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, stated that the moratorium mentioned in the agreement from Washington means that Pristina cannot ask for new recognitions, which was clearly and precisely confirmed by the American representatives. In an interview with RTS, Vucic said that Serbia asked for it to be written in the agreement, with the exception of Israel, and added that Pristina cannot receive recognition from any country. "Every year, they were denied admission to the UN, Interpol, international organizations, and we always turned out to be bad guys who prevent them from doing so, but we spent a lot of time and energy on it. This means that they can dream of getting their independence for a year", said Vučić and added that the question is whether they will ever get it. 


About the meetings in Brussels 


Vucic said that he was able to say "no" in the most difficult places. "Not because I like to say no, I would like us to reach something that can be a compromise," he said, adding that he did not want us to leave the Kosovo problem to our children. He added that the idea of Pristina is that they are ready to fulfill their obligation pertaining to the Union of Serbian Municipalities. 

"Their idea is not to do anything at any time where they would show the slightest good will towards Serbs, let alone do something" he said. He added that it is important for the EU to understand that it is necessary to achieve a compromise, and not to achieve the goals of the EU or any specific country. "These people must understand that what we are asking for is a minimum of respect where Serbia will not be humiliated, and they depicted as great winners. Because peace and stability are what we are interested in. We hope that the EU will have the strength to understand that" Vucic said. 


"In such circumstances, people must understand that we are looking for a minimum of respect, compromise, that both sides must be equally dissatisfied. We are looking for a compromise, because peace suits us best, and we are interested in stability and security because of the economy. "They understand well what we are talking about. If they don't find it, we already have the Brussels Agreement behind us with the failed drafting of the Unison of Serbian Municipalities, so it wouldn't be the first time" he said. Vucic pointed out that, based on everything that has been done, the smallest number of Serbs have left Kosovo and Metohija in the past eight years, compared to the past several decades. 


About the new composition of the government - there will be significant changes 


Vucic said that the new government will be led by someone capable and energetic, and that the composition will be known by the end of September. "I believe there will be significant changes in every sense, not because the previous government did anything wrong." When asked who the prime minister will be, he said that there are more candidates and that the government will have more difficult tasks ahead of it. "That government must be a government of brave people" he concluded. 


Vucic and Visegrad Group ambassadors: EU plays key role in Belgrade-Pristina dialog (Beta)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic met in Belgrade on Sept. 10 with the ambassadors of 

countries of the Visegrad Group (V4) and informed them about the most important items of the Washington agreement, such as the realization of the mini-Schengen initiative and the opening of the office of the Development Finance Corporation (DFC) in Belgrade, the Presidency said in a press release. 

Vucic also informed the ambassadors of the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary and Poland about the course of the talks in Brussels, stressing that the EU played a key role in mediating the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina, and that Serbia was ready to actively participate in the talks. 


The V4 ambassadors concurred about the EU enlargement policy being the best mechanism for reaching stability and prosperity in the Western Balkans, and underscored that the V4 would continue its active support to Serbia in the accession process, bearing in mind Serbia's dedication to reforms and endorsing of European values and standards in all fields that are important for the people's well-being. 


Borrell: Serbia expected to act in line with its aim – EU membership (RTS)


Joseph Borrell, European Union High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, said on Thursday that Serbia was expected to work in line with its strategic goal to join the bloc, but also to meet the commitments from the accession negotiations with the EU. "The Commission is aware of the close ties between Serbia and the Russian Federation. Serbia is expected to act in line with its strategic objective of EU membership and the commitments arising from the accession process as well as the need for regional cooperation and good neighbourly relations, in particular the need to make progress in the EU-facilitated Belgrade- Pristina Dialogue" Borrel said, answering the questions "what steps will the Commission take to limit the harmful influence of third countries?" and "Does the Commission believe that Serbia belongs in the European Union?" 


Borrell added that "in addition, Serbia needs to progressively align with the EU Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP) in the period up to accession. The issue is raised regularly with Serbia, in informal CFSP political dialogue meetings, and other meetings within the framework of the Stabilization and Association Process." 


"In line with the Sofia Summit Declaration and the Sofia Priority Agenda1, the EU is stepping up its collaboration with the Western Balkans in resilience, cybersecurity and strategic communication. The recent Joint Communication on tackling Covid-19 disinformation2 notes that Russia and China have engaged in targeted influence operations and disinformation campaigns in the EU, its neighbourhood and globally, Borrel wrote in his answer. 


He added, "the EU is funding programmes promoting critical thinking and media literacy in order to build resilience to disinformation." "Moreover, the European External Action Service (EEAS) and Commission services offer voluntary, on request, hybrid risk surveys to Western Balkans partners to identify their critical vulnerabilities and project-based assistance to address these gaps" Borrell said. 


US envoy: Serbia faces many burdensome political decisions (FoNet)


Serbia's Government must bring many tough decisions, the US ambassador to Belgrade Antony Godfrey says on Friday, adding the most talks will be held in Brussels, while Washington is trying to focus on concrete matters which can be done immediately. Speaking to the state RTS TV, he added the US President Donald Trump's decision to appoint the special envoy for the Belgrade – Pristina dialogue on the normalization of relations was a clear signal that Washington wanted to accelerate things and focus on the economy and better life for people. 


Godfrey said he was not happy with the current level of US – Serbia economic cooperation, and that he wanted it to be higher and better. Still, he was glad about the American developing agency DFC coming to Serbia. 


"We're all planning. We work a lot, trying to get it ready to start functioning immediately. This a new page in the history of our cooperation," the ambassador said. 


Godfrey recalled that a common US – Serbia story lasted for a long time and that a part of that cooperation was the Halyard Mission, in Serbian known as Operation Air Bridge, form July 1944, when the then guerilla Chetniks force rescued 417 Allied airmen who had been downed behind the Axis lines. 


"I'll attend the anniversary" planned for the next week, the ambassador said, adding he hoped President Trump would soon visit Serbia. 


Trump faces re-election race on November 3, and the latest opinion polls show former vice-president Joe Biden, the Democratic party's nominee, polling ahead of him, though Biden has seen his lead narrow in some states since the summer, according to the London Financial Times report. 


Commenting on the part of the agreement (or a letter of intent as some describe it) reached in Washington last week with Belgrade and Pristina related to the diversification of gas supplies, Godfrey described it as "important for all." 


"We cannot depend on one energy source. That is an important and political topic. Russia clearly uses the dependence on a single energy source to achieve its political goals. It's vital for Serbia to have a freedom of choice based on own interests and aims," Godfrey said.   


Stano: Kosovo and Serbia should deal with arrangements for non-majority communities (Beta)


The issues pertaining to the position of minority communities in Kosovo are already open within the Brussels dialogue, and officials of the European Union have announced that the sides might also discuss those issues which they reached agreements on in earlier phases of the negotiations, Radio Free Europe reported on Sept. 10. The European Union's spokesman for foreign policy and security, Peter Stano, did not wish to answer directly the question about whether the issue of the Community of Serb Municipalities in Kosovo would be on the agenda once again, since agreement on that issue had already been reached between the sides. However, Stano announced that agreements reached earlier during the dialogue would indeed be discussed again, RFE reports. As part of negotiations on a comprehensive agreement, it is now crucial that Kosovo and Serbia also deal with comprehensive arrangements for all non-majority communities, Stano said. 


Varhelyi: Dialogue should continue, EU monitoring situation in Serbia (Beta)


The European enlargement commissioner, Oliver Varhelyi, has stated that the European Union has developed mechanisms in place to monitor the state of the rule of law in Serbia, stressing that political opposition is a key component of any democratic state, and urged the authorities and the opposition to continue to participate in the dialogue that is mediated by the European Parliament. This was part of Varhelyi's reply to the letter the Serbian opposition representatives sent to the European Union in July, which the European Western Balkans (EWB) portal gained access to.  


The opposition parties which boycotted the June election sent a letter to the EC, in which they expressed deep concern over the erosion of democracy in Serbia and urged the European Union to form expert groups to help the solving of the political crisis in the country, through a model similar to that used in solving the crisis in North Macedonia several years ago. 


Varhelyi pointed out that reforms in the fields of democracy, rule of law and human rights were crucial for Serbia, as well as for all other candidate countries. "Serbia needs a broad dialogue between the parties in order to achieve the key reforms in the areas of democracy, rule of law and responsibility, which are necessary to make progress in EU accession. We therefore encourage the new Serbian government and parliament to continue, and you to take an active part, in the dialogue led by the European Parliament, as a step towards progress in EU-related reforms. It is the responsibility of all parties to play a constructive role" Varhelyi wrote in the letter. 


Moscow decorates Serbia's Defence Minister for military-technical cooperation (FoNet


The Russian ambassador to Serbia Alexander Bocan-Harchenko presented the country's Defence Minister Aleksandar Vulin with Russia's Federal Service Director Memorial for his part in military-technical cooperation between the two countries. The ceremony of decorating the Defence Ministry and the Army of Serbia was organized on the occasion of 75th anniversary of the victory over fascism. 


"The relationship between the defence ministries of the Russian Federation and Serbia has never been better, never more substantial, more honest" Vulin said. He thanked Russia for looking after Serbia and for noticing how much Belgrade wanted its relations with Moscow to be at the highest level. 


The Russian President’s spokesman Dmitriy Peskov said that Moscow respects Serbia’s decision to suspend participation in joint military exercises with other countries and denied that the Kremlin sees the decision as the result of pressure from the West. He said that the issue was discussed in a telephone conversation by Presidents Vladimir Putin and Aleksandar Vucic


Bocan-Harchenko said that Thursday's event was significant after Russia's and Serbia's presidents talked over the phone earlier in the day and expressed the satisfaction with the development of the bilateral cooperation. 


Vulin was decorated a day after Belgrade suspended all military exercises, including the five-day 'Slavic Brotherhood,' training with Russia and Belarus, planned to start on Thursday.  


The suspension is said to be prompted by harsh reactions from the European Union to the announced exercise. The first to warn about the Army of Serbia's participation in the exercise with Belarus was Vladimir Bilcik, the Europen Parliament envoy, Vecernje Novosti daily reported on Thursday. The daily said that Germany joined him and that the EU threatened Serbia with sanctions and the blockade of its European integration. 



Bosnia and Herzegovina 


US Special Representative for Western Balkans Matthew Palmer visits Mostar (N1, FTV)

Deputy Assistant Secretary in the Bureau of European and Eurasian Affairs and US Special Representative for the Western Balkans Matthew Palmer visited Mostar on Thursday. Palmer met with representatives of nine parliamentary parties in Mostar, stressing that he is happy that democracy finally came to life in Mostar. Palmer said that there must be no room for irregularities in December elections in Mostar. "The United States, the European Union, the OSCE, are all working to support civil society, to ensure that all polling stations in Mostar are one hundred percent covered by our observers" Palmer underlined. Palmer added that the international community has been following the events in Mostar for a long time and that their work does not end on the day of the local elections. "We will be there the day after the elections, we will be available to the new authorities to simply establish the administration, to work to the benefit of the citizens and to provide services to the citizens of Mostar" Palmer underlined. Leaders of the local boards of the strongest political options in Mostar agreed on one thing - that support of the US is of great significance for Mostar, especially in terms of pre-election happenings.  


Representative of Mostar branch of HDZ Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Slaven Zeljko stated that in the previous few weeks one was able to hear statements where certain para-military organizations and rigid factions were mentioned. "Those kinds of things do not contribute to a fair election campaign, they create interethnic tensions and push the campaign in a different direction and citizens of Mostar do not deserve that" Zeljko said.  


Representatives of BH Bloc said that they expect full monitoring of local elections from Palmer and the US because, according to them, irregularities already started although there are three months until the local elections in Mostar.  


Representative of Mostar branch of SDP B&H Arman Zalihic said that when it comes to irregularities, one should pay attention to the fact that 50 political subjects applied for participation in the local elections in Mostar of which about 80 percent do not have a party branch in that town. "This means that the motive of those parties is to install their people in polling station committees and the question is why," Zalihic said. Members of SDP B&H called on Palmer to make sure that the elections reflect the true will of citizens and warned of possible brokerage with polling stations. 


Palmer characterized the agreement that enables holding of the elections in Mostar in December as a great accomplishment and as a positive democratic step. Palmer said that he is convinced that the elections in Mostar will be fair and transparent and that the elections will really reflect what citizens want. The reporter noted that Palmer announced 100-precent presence of international observers at the elections in Mostar probably knowing “the B&H election folklore” and in order to secure the democratic spirit.  


SDS leader Sarovic: It is clear that Palmer was not interested in Dodik’s and Komsic’s initiatives (BN TV)

SDS leader Mirko Sarovic commented on Thursday the visit of US Special Representative for the Western Balkans Matthew Palmer to Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H). After Palmer’s visit, Sarovic believes that it was clear that the US Special Representative was not interested in the initiative of Serb member of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik which proposed relocation of the B&H Embassy in Israel, from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. Palmer was also not impressed by the initiative of Croat member of the B&H Presidency Zeljko Komsic, which called for a discussion on B&H’s recognition of Kosovo, Sarovic added. “It is clear that Palmer knows that these are just ‘domestic businesses’, political games conceived for a short-term usage, and all people in B&H know the main result of Dodik’s ‘initiatives’, Sarovic stated. He assessed that nothing will actually happen in regards to both initiatives, except that they will be used in the next two to three months to count all those that support either of these proposals. “We have been seeing the same games for the fifth or the sixth time, and whether we realized what this actually means – that is an entirely different matter” Sarovic concluded. 


SDA leader Izetbegovic announces possibility of revision of lawsuit against Serbia for genocide (Nezavisne novine)

Leader of SDA Bakir Izetbegovic has again announced the possibility of revision of lawsuit against Serbia for genocide, noting that this will depend on the verdict in the case against Republika Srpska (RS) Army General Ratko Mladic. "It depends on the verdict to Mladic, if it is expanded to six more municipalities, including Prijedor, Vlasenica, etc. Politics will stop that. Politics stopped this as well. If politics does not interfere and if verdict to Mladic is rendered for these municipalities as well, that is a new element to seek a new revision," Izetbegovic told N1. He stressed that he does not precisely know the details of the Mechanism, but that he believes that this is would be a new moment that one could use.  


DEMOS condemned the SDA leader's announcement. "It is high time for Bakir Izetbegovic, as the leader of the strongest Bosniak political party, which makes him the most responsible for the political situation in the country, to realize that the civil war ended 25 years ago and that several sides took part in the tragic war and to accept that crimes were committed on all sides" DEMOS stated in a press release. 



Agreement of the new parliamentary majority provokes controversy (Pobjeda)


Agreement signed on Wednesday by the leaders of three coalitions, Zdravko Krivokapic, Dritan Abazovic and Aleksa Becic, which confirms regularity of foreign policy orientation of the previous government and keeps state symbols, had double purpose: to convince international community that there won’t be strategic turnaround in the state policy and, more importantly, to calm down the sovereign body in Montenegro, stirred in the resistance. 


Text of the agreement was translated to English and German, but its content, even after several hours after the signing, was not known to leaders of Democratic Front. This little detail indicates that ambassadors of the five most powerful countries were informed about the agreement before DF leaders were, which draws to conclusion that international factor had played an important role in the creation of the text. 




Seven points of the agreement deviate significantly from key, program promises of the coalition “For the future of Montenegro”. 


International orientation of the previous government will be respected: no withdrawal from NATO, no withdrawal of the recognition of Kosovo, no amendments to international agreements. Tricolor will not be “national flag” and no initiatives for changing state symbols will be launched. 


Therefore, “new democratic government” obliges to be committed to reforms necessary for Montenegro’s full-fledged EU membership and improving cooperation with NATO. Essentially, three leaders have practically consolidated key points of the policy personified in Milo Djukanovic! Dusko Markovic or any other member of the Presidency of DPS could have signed this text. 




Confusion and frenzy in social media posts of the advocates of the coalition “For the future of Montenegro”, who denounced this agreement as betrayal of Serbs in MNE and the biggest election fraud on Montenegro’s recent history, come as no surprise. 


The only one who has remained silent was Andrija Mandic, but it doesn’t seem like approval either. The fact that hurt many “Montenegrin Serbs” and participants of religious processions is that the text of the agreement never mentions Law on Freedom of Religion. Possibility for its amendments could only be read between the lines in which the new government obliges to adopt and revise new laws “in accordance with the European standards”. 


The storm continued the next day. Like many times so far, enraged Serbian national workers in Serbia and MNE have shown that they can’t read between the lines: agreement is only the maneuver for deception, beginning of a long battle the objective of which is to create different Montenegro, which won’t be occupied, but under direct influence of Serbian and Russian interests. With same state symbols but different policy and political sovereignty. 




Let’s take a closer look at what three leaders have agreed about: they will not change state symbols, they will not withdraw from NATO because they can’t, they will not withdraw recognition of Kosovo because international community wouldn’t allow it… So, Krivokapic, Abazovic and Becic have agreed to put to the side what they are not able to change. Post-election story about the new development policy in Montenegro is empty. Three coalitions in questions practically have no points of contact in their programs. 


And even their programs were closer, fragile parliamentary majority does not enable Copernican breakthroughs into legal reforms or fast change of prosecution of judiciary staff. The only thread that might connect them is – dismantling the government system established by DPS. And, yet to tell the truth, after change of government, that is quite expected and usual consequence. But it won’t be the case in Montenegro. In Montenegro, the goal is to change the purpose of the institutions from the root. 




This is mimicry game. Agreement signed two days ago is just throwing up a smokescreen, a maneuver to conceal the real actions. Although there will be both “good cops” and “bad cops,” the new government will have one key task – to destroy the rating of DPS. 


And, of course: the only real target will be Milo Djukanovic, who will serve as president until 2023. That form of cohabitation, in which Djukanovic is president, and parties of the Block for Montenegro have government in the majority of towns, will be some sort of obstruction of attempts to dismantle the system. In months to come, Djukanovic will be the main target. Or as Kosta Cavoski, clero-fascist philosopher, puts it: “Public embarrassment of Djukanovic, dismissal of all directors, and preparation for the census which is supposed to bring Serbs to 50%…” 


After that, “expert government” can fall and Dritan Abazovic maybe won’t be necessary after the elections for the new parliamentary majority. And what about corruption, organized crime? Daka Davidovic will handle that, elegantly. Essentially, the objective of the coalition “For the future of Montenegro” is to create “Serbian world” in which orthodoxy will rule be subject to the geo-strategic interests of Moscow. 


After victory in the elections, the first part of the plan was realized. Now it takes only to disguise things, occasionally wave red flags, then gradually add tricolor and make “inclusion of Serbs” and everything will go smoothly. New Montenegro in the new world. We’ll see is the majority in Montenegro will be able to recognize this chess game, text in Pobjeda concludes. 

Nimanbegu: We can’t forget what DF said (Pobjeda)


We can’t forget what leaders of Democratic Front were saying to their voters during the campaign, about the recognition of Kosovo, change of state symbols, EU and NATO course. Signatories to this agreement will have many disputes, said to Pobjeda Genci Nimanbegu, holder of the Albanian list, commenting on the agreement signed by the leaders of the coalitions which won the elections. Nimanbegu said he couldn’t tell the view of the Albanian list yet. “If there are any hidden intentions behind this agreement, it will soon be discovered” he said. Nimanbegu pointed out that Albanian list hadn’t received official invitation for being part of the new government. “It was only a declarative invitation. I guess these coalitions are not sure yet how would it look like if national minorities were part of the government” Nimanbegu said. 

Medojevic: Movement for Changes supports the agreement (CDM)


Movement for Changes strongly supports the Agreement of the new government, said president of this party, Nebojsa Medojevic. “It’s true that Zdravko Krivokapic hasn’t consulted me but that’s probably because he is a sovereigntist and pro-Western-oriented politician and he knew that 99% of the text of the agreement was identical to founding acts of MFC and our program. MCF has temporarily frozen this part of the Program due to the strategic agreement with NOVA and DPP on Montenegrin- Serbian reconciliation” Medojevic said. 


He says that strategic goal of MFC and DF was achieved with the defeat of DPS. “We pledged our support for Zdravko Krivokapic in negotiations with other coalitions. If we said we would vote for any government agreed by AbazovicBecic and Krivokapic, then there’s no room for negotiations or conditioning” Medojevic said. 


He will discuss participation of MFC in the new Government with the Prime Minister-designate. “We will demand very precise answers regarding the Agreement and its provision stipulating that there won’t be revanchism, because it could imply that there won’t be any reforms necessary for dismantling DPS and facing the crimes of the previous regime. We will inform the prime minister-designate about our reform plan” Medojevic said. New prime minister and new Government will assume full responsibility for keeping pre-election promises and fulfilling expectations of disenfranchised people. 


New government is under magnifying glass of Brussels and Washington (Antena M)


Only one wrong step of the new government in Montenegro, shaped with Serbian outlook on the region and the world, will be enough for the West to support Milo Djukanovic again, Die Tageszeitung writes. 


“Western Balkans is a mixture of small countries with inadequate democracies, deeply divided societies, weak economies and unsettled historical bills. Each one of them wants to become EU Member State, but they do very little to adapt to European standards. 


As long as there is peace in the region, this situation is acceptable from the EU’s perspective. People love to accept an autocrat if he ensures regional stability and sticks to the pro-Western course. At one point, frustration prompts all opponents of the authoritarian regime that they can get rid of easy way or hard way. And that’s exactly what happened in the parliamentary elections in Montenegro” reports Die Tageszeitung. 


“Civil and pro-western forces have joined Serbian orthodox and pro-Russian parties only to oust Democratic Party of Socialists (DPS) and its president”. 


However, there are concerns in the region, Die Tageszeitung states. “People from Brussels and Washington look at the small Adriatic country with sadness. Because Milo Djukanovic is an autocrat – “our” autocrat. In 29 years of Djukanovic’s rule, sometimes as head of the government and sometimes as president, great Serbian expansion policy was stopped. He apologized to Croatians for participation of Montenegrin reserve officers in Dubrovnik attacks; despite protests of Montenegrin Serbs, he tore down the union with Serbia and led Montenegro to independence; Djukanovic opened accession negotiations with the EU, he broke away from the hug of brotherly, Slovenian-Orthodox Russia and pushed the country into NATO without referendum. He recognized independence of Kosovo and thus exposed himself to the rage of Belgrade and Serbs in Montenegro. “Thanks to all these “achievements”, corruption and decades of exclusive rule of the Montenegrin “capo di tutti capi” were accepted in Brussels. Winning coalition rushed to say that they didn’t want to shake foreign policy agreements and obligations. But doubts over the new government still remain. Another autocrat, Aleksandar Vucic, presented the victory of Serbian parties inn MNE as his own”, Die Tageszeitung writes. And there’s also role of the Metropolitan Amfilohije, who actively carried out campaign for Serbian parties. “The trigger for months-long mass protests in MNE was Djukanovic attempt to nationalize the property of the Serbian Orthodox Church in Montenegro. The new government primarily wants to abolish the adopted law”. According to Die Tageszeitung, Metropolitan (82) encouraged reserve officers in the war campaign in Dubrovnik. “And now the herd of the once belligerent shepherd come to throne. Although ideologically different, coalition partners have agreed to from “expert government”. And while the government controlled by Djukanovic had relatively bad relations only with Serbia, the homeland of Montenegrin Serbs has problematic bilateral relations with almost all post-Yugoslav countries.” 


The joy at democratic turnaround in MNE is mixed with the concern. Besides, Djukanovic is far from being ousted. His presidential term of office lasts three years and it is very hard to dismantle autocratic system that has been built for decades. Only one wrong step of the new government in Montenegro, shaped with Serbian outlook on the region and the world, will be enough for the West to support Milo Djukanovic again”. 


North Macedonia 


Dimitrov: Statements that cause insult or anxiety with neighbors not helpful (MIA)

The Bulgaria Friendship Treaty refers to joint history that brings the two nations together. In a Europe of the 21st century, the right to self-determination and self-declaration cannot be disputed, Deputy PM for European Affairs Nikola Dimitrov told Radio Free Europe. The statement comes after Bulgarian Defense Minister Krasimir Karakachanov said his country would block the first EU intergovernmental conference with North Macedonia if the Joint Multidisciplinary Expert Commission for Historical and Education Issues failed to agree on open aspects. Considering the vision for a common European future, Dimitrov is convinced that joint work is needed for decisions that provide for respect and dignity of both sides. “This is responsible and mature politics, these are European values. Statements that cause insult or anxiety with neighbors are not helpful. History will remember us by the way we treated the future” notes Dimitrov. According to him, acceptance of the past and the present, a noble process that has been launched with Bulgaria, must be based on this right, both for the heroes from the past and for current generations. He adds that the Treaty refers to mutual respect and friendship, as well as Bulgaria’s support on North Macedonia’s road to EU accession. 


MoFA: North Macedonia resumes heightened communication with Bulgaria through dialogue (MIA)

The Republic of North Macedonia has been communicating and will continue to have heightened communication and consultations at a political level with the Republic of Bulgaria and all EU relevant stakeholders, says the Foreign Ministry (MoFA). In the process, it adds, the key message will be to point out that a crucial and complex process of dialogue has been opened that puts an emphasis on building friendship through mutual respect befitting two neighboring European countries. In the statement, the Ministry notes that in this regard, respect of identity and dignity, European integration and good neighborly ties are complementary and mutual interests as well. “European integration of the whole region is in the interest of the two countries, which has been always highlighted by officials of the two countries. Bulgaria has always supported the European and Euro-Atlantic integration bid of North Macedonia. We expect the support to resume in the future” the MoFA says. To solve possible differences over some issues, says the statement, the Treaty of Friendship, Good-neighborliness and Cooperation is the foundation for solving long-standing bilateral differences in interpreting historical issues impeding the relations between North Macedonia and Bulgaria for decades. “Its implementation, which is binding for the two countries, is our commitment” states the press release of the Foreign Ministry. 




Corruption in Albania remains top concern for U.S. investors (Tirana Times)


Foreign investors continue to perceive Albania as a difficult place to do business, according to the latest report by the U.S. Department of State. 


The report titled "2020 Investment Climate Statements" states that U.S. investors consider corruption, particularly in the judiciary, a lack of transparency in public procurement, and poor enforcement of contracts as the main obstacles which impede them from doing business in the country. Government procurements seem to be one of their biggest concerns, due to frequent reports of corruption. During the last few years in Albania, public private partnerships have increased significantly, thus reducing competition opportunities for foreign investors. 


Several U.S. investors have faced contentious commercial disputes with both public and private entities, including some that went to international arbitration. The report notes the 2019 -2020 dispute In 2019 and 2020, a U.S. company's attempted investment was allegedly thwarted by several judicial decisions and questionable actions of stakeholders involved in a dispute over the investment. 


The conflict between the companies drew media attention as the ADFD is owned by Elona Caushi, the wife of Judge Gjin Gjoni, a controversial name in the Albanian justice system. 


US company ICDF signed a contract with Tirana International Airport in July last year to invest 3 million dollars in the duty-free space of ​​the airport, but due to the conflict with the previous company, it was been unable to launch its activities and lost its 


Property rights continue to be a challenge in Albania because clear title is difficult to obtain.  There have been instances of individuals allegedly manipulating the court system to obtain illegal land titles.  Overlapping property titles is a serious and common issue. The compensation process for land confiscated by the former communist regime continues to be cumbersome, inefficient, and inadequate. Nevertheless, parliament passed a law on registering property claims on April 16, which will provide some relief for title holders. 


Transparency International's 2019 Corruption Perceptions Index ranked Albania 106th of 180 countries, a drop of seven places from 2018.  Consequently, Albania and North Macedonia are now perceived as the most corrupt countries in the Western Balkans. Albania also fell 19 spots in the World Bank's 2020 Doing Business survey, ranking 82nd from 63rd in 2019. Although this change can be partially attributed to the implementation of a new methodology, the country continues to score poorly in the areas of granting construction permits, paying taxes, enforcing contracts, registering property, obtaining electricity, and protecting minority investors. 


To address endemic corruption, the Government of Albania (GoA) passed sweeping constitutional amendments to reform the country's judicial system and improve the rule of law in 2016. The implementation of judicial reform is underway, including the vetting of judges and prosecutors for unexplained wealth.  More than half the judges and prosecutors who have undergone vetting have been dismissed for unexplained wealth or organized crime ties. The EU expects Albania to show progress on prosecuting judges and prosecutors whose vetting revealed possible criminal conduct. The implementation of judicial reform is ongoing, and its completion is expected to improve the investment climate in the country. 


Albania assists Kosovo with experts on justice system reform (Radio Tirana)

In the framework of the official visit to the Republic of Albania, the Minister of Justice, Selim Selimi met with his counterpart Etilda Gjonaj, with whom he discussed the bilateral cooperation in the field of justice between the two countries. The meeting also focused on the progress of the justice reform, the legislative agenda, initiatives to strengthen the fight against corruption in both countries, strengthening legal cooperation, as well as the exchange of experiences in positive aspects to benefit as much as possible from good practices of each other for the consolidation of the justice system in general. Minister Selimi said that the field of cooperation between the two countries regarding criminal cases is generally working well. 


“The Republic of Kosovo and the Republic of Albania regarding the field of legal cooperation in the criminal field have already signed agreements on Extradition, mutual legal assistance in criminal matters, as well as the transfer of convicted persons,” he said. Among other things, during the meeting, the two ministers discussed the agreement on mutual legal assistance in civil and trade matters, which will be signed at the meeting of the two governments to be held soon, addressing accountability and the fight against corruption and organized crime. 


“We also talked about one of the most important battles, the fight against corruption and organized crime, as a foundation for our countries and their image in the global arena, which requires a bold approach and the construction of new policies to show a new will to move forward, with the aim of opening new perspectives for the development of our countries and accelerating the process of integration into the European family “, said Minister Selimi. While Minister Gjonaj expressed her readiness to assist Kosovo during the reform of the justice system through the experts of the Republic of Albania.