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Belgrade Media Report 3 November


Vucic: Pristina’s trick, but the devil is always hiding in the details (RTV/Tanjug/B92

The Serbian government held a special, thematic session dedicated to Kosovo and Metohija and the GDP issue, attended by President Vucic. Addressing the press, Vucic, together with Prime Minister Ana Brnabic and Serbian parliament speaker Ivica Dacic, said that he had informed the government about the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina, as well as about how much money is being invested in the southern Serbian province. He also referred to the course of the dialogue with Pristina, saying that he informed the members of the government that Serbia could not accept Pristina’s position that it would form the Community of Serb Municipalities (ZSO) after the recognition of independence, because the ZSO is an unconditional obligation under the Brussels agreement. They committed themselves to the creation of the ZSO not on the condition of any recognition, but on the condition that the things about the regional police, participation in the elections, everything that was written in the Brussels agreement were fulfilled, and they cannot invent new agreements that do not exist, he stressed. “It is not in our greatest national interest to be recognized by Pristina since we are a UN member state, so the story of mutual recognition is quite meaningless, and they keep repeating this like parrots,” said Vucic. The ZSO is a key topic in the conversation with Pristina, and as Vucic states, “the devil is always hiding in the details”. He says that Pristina’s trick is the insisting on the non-constitutionality of the ZSO and this shows that Pristina does not want a compromise solution, which, he says, worries him. Asked how limiting the very Brussels agreement of 2013 is for the implementation of the ZSO with executive powers, Vucic says that the Albanian side usually refers to this, but that there are several details here and that everything is clearly written in the Implementation Plan. The essence is, he explains, in the fact that the management team in Pristina was authorized to write how the ZSO Statute looks like, and not the Kosovo government. “The devil is always in the details,” said Vucic, adding that the management team had submitted the statute, but it was never accepted. “The government was supposed to acknowledge that it was submitted and that the government decision, and not the first agreement, be given for the assessment of constitutionality. They made a trick, they gave the first Brussels agreement and the formation of the ZSO to the so-called constitutional court for the decision to be made, so they could say this is impossible,” said Vucic. “But we will refer to this and will not give up from the implementation plan, the ZSO and what is written there. I present this before foreigners, and I clearly show that we are right,” said Vucic. “We have had all the time a conflict regarding the essence of the ZSO. The Serbian side insisted, also through the first Agreement and the implementation plan, on the change of legal frameworks. Because, if something is in line with the Constitution, then talks with Belgrade are unnecessary, why would we be signing the agreement,” said Vucic. He says that the first item in the implementation plan is precisely the adjustment of legal frameworks, which means amendment of laws, which obliges both sides. Asked about the speech of the Serbian MP of the Albanian minority Saip Kamberi and whether Serbian MPs could be more active when it comes to the formation of the ZSO, Vucic says the Serb representatives in Pristina cannot say something similar, because when they say that everything was staged in Racak – they are sentenced to prison. He says he is proud that Kamberi can freely utter untruths and most serious words, which shows how our country is free and that we are not afraid of different arguments. “I was happy that Kamberi has actively got involved in the work of the parliament and that he had gained enormous sympathies, and that he already has a greater number of sympathizers today than some of those who think they could topple the government in one day,” said Vucic.

I don’t want to play a tough guy 

During the farewell of Bishop Amfilohije, they also talked about Kosovo. Matija Beckovic emphasized that the one who betrays Kosovo will betray the entire Serbian people. When asked how he comments that those who support Zdravko Krivokapic, who does not intend to withdraw the Montenegrin recognition of Kosovo, swear to preserve Kosovo, and how exactly he swears to preserve Kosovo, and supports its independence, Vucic answered: “As I avoided answering accusations unfounded of that type, but to explain with arguments - so I will this time. I am grateful to all the people who wanted to show the unity and togetherness of our people. I have been listening to 'the one who betrays Kosovo' for eight years and for eight years they tell me that I will betray it, and I try to fight for our people in Kosovo and Metohija every day. While some were typing on the keyboard how ugly I was, I worked all day and could not be with my children, and so countless winter and summer vacations. It is no coincidence that Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija almost always supported a rational and responsible policy,” he said, adding: “In the end, we all came down to them telling us about the Kosovo vow. All admirers and favorites of great and important Serbs cannot do something in this situation, but let us leave it to Vucic to fight alone, and we will make things harder for him. Kosovo declared its independence in 2008, I was not even close to the government then. The reaction of the authorities was stupid and irresponsible. From all this, we managed to return to the table with a smart and wise policy and to talk about Kosovo today. We just keep quiet and tell the truth.” As he further states, he will not pretend to be a hero even today, but will continue to say that we need a compromise solution and peace. When asked who was bothered by his departure to Podgorica, the president stated at the beginning that it was his decision, and that his relationship with Amfilohije was better than before. “My wish is to go to the funeral. Now if I tell you how surprised I was and who was bothered by my arrival... I know who was not happy that I am there,” he says. He states that the funeral was not the place and time for him to speak. “It was an obligation for me to be there, to bow and nothing more,” he said.

It would be somewhat easier for Serbia if Trump wins... 

Vucic stated that there is no doubt that it would be somewhat easier for Serbia if the Republican candidate and the current US President Donald Trump wins tomorrow’s elections in the US.

Speaking about the Kosovo problem, Vucic said at the press conference that the American elections remain important for Belgrade, in which, without a doubt, the favorite is the Democratic candidate Joe Biden, with whom, as he says, he has correct relations, but whose policy was not inclined to Serbia. “That policy will not be in favor of Serbia, and that has nothing to do with good personal relations, we must know that,” Vucic said. He said that he did not think that Donald Trump’s victory was quite realistic, but that it was not impossible and that it would be somewhat easier for Serbia. “Trump’s victory would undoubtedly be a bit easier and it is not a question of relations. That is why I am surprised with some people who say ‘what will we do if Biden wins’ ... Well, we won’t do anything, but we are not blind, deaf and stupid not to see what would be easier and better for us,” said Vucic. He stated that we all have to see and understand how difficult the situation is for us and that things are not ideal for us in Europe and the world, citing as an example the key political factors in Germany. As he says, the CDU has at least a little understanding for the difficulties that Belgrade is facing, but others do not.

Cooperation with DFC of exceptional importance for Serbia (Tanjug

Serbian Finance Minister Sinisa Mali talked with US Ambassador to Serbia Anthony Godfrey about cooperation on joint projects, as well as the economic situation in Serbia during the coronavirus crisis. They agreed that it is important to find an appropriate balance between maintaining a favorable health and economic situation during the coronavirus pandemic.

In that sense, Godfrey praised Serbia, which, as he pointed out, reacted best of all countries in the region, and added that he is proud of the Serbian government. Mali said that the Serbian government is following the developments and is reacting accordingly, as it had done in the previous months. He added that the economic situation in Serbia is stable, that the fiscal result in October is extremely favorable, that the public debt will not exceed 60 percent of GDP, and that he believes that we can end this year at zero when it comes to economic growth, which would be the best result in Europe. Godfrey pointed out that Serbia should be proud of its good economic results. He added that the opening of an office of the International Development Finance Corporation (DFC) is extremely important for the US, and that these activities will continue, and that Serbia will always be important to that country, which will continue to support its EU path.

Mali expressed gratitude for the support and pointed out that good relations with the US are extremely important for Serbia, as well as cooperation on projects with the DFC, the Finance Ministry said in a statement.

Selakovic: Serbia stands firmly with Austria (RTS

Serbian Foreign Minister Nikola Selakovic sent condolences to the citizens of Austria and the Austrian Foreign Minister Alexander Schallenberg on the occasion of last night’s terrorist attack in Vienna. Selakovic expressed support for Austria, emphasizing the importance of solidarity in facing common challenges, the Serbian Foreign Ministry said in a statement. According to Selakovic, terrorism is one of the burning international challenges, which is why it is necessary to fight against that evil together. Selakovic said that in these days of severe temptations, Serbia stands firmly with Austria and voiced hope that the perpetrators and organizers of this heinous terrorist act will be brought to justice.

Dacic: We warned the Austrian authorities (Tanjug

Serbian parliament speaker Ivica Dacic stated that Serbia warned Austrian authorities earlier that the center of Wahhabism was located in that country. Commenting on the latest terrorist attacks in Austria, but also worldwide, Dacic said that it was obvious that there was a resurgence of international terrorism. Dacic reiterated that Serbia is an integral part of the international alliance in the fight against the Islamic State. “We warned the Austrian authorities, even when I was interior minister, that it was the center of Wahhabism and various Islamic organizations in Salzburg and Austria. They may not have trusted us enough at the time, unfortunately, it was confirmed that everything we warned the US and Europe, in relation to Islamic terrorism, have unfortunately come true,” Dacic told reporters in the Serbian parliament. He said that this information should be seriously considered and that the best possible protection against terrorism should be made, stating that the terrorists did not come from the east, but were residing in those countries.

Russia ratifies free trade agreement with Serbia (Tanjug/RTS

The upper house of the Russian Duma has ratified the free trade agreement between the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) and Serbia. The agreement signed in Moscow on 25 October 2019 defines the main rules in trade between the EAEU member-states and Serbia in accordance with the standards of the World Trade Organization (WTO). The document obligates signatories to liberalize mutual trade in accordance with the provisions of the agreement and WTO rules in order to establish a free trade regime between the EAEU and its member-states, on one hand, and Serbia on the other.

Abazovic: There were some harsh words during the meeting with Krivokapic, I think that’s specific people’s acting (Kurir)

Leader of the URA Dritan Abazovic claims that everything is now in the hands of the Prime Minister-designate Zdravko Krivokapic and that it depends on him whether the position on the expert government in Montenegro is cemented or subject to changes. “We have all agreed to hand over the baton to Krivokapic and allow him to put together a team that he thinks will be the best. I think we could have formed a government in 15 days if all the MPs, 41 of us, had expressed only one position – that they will support the government and be available if the prime minister decides to invite them to that government. But also, if he decides to leave them out, he will not have any resentment and he will not have any special request,” Abazovic said in an interview with Kurir. He pointed out that there were some harsh words during the meeting with Krivokapic. “There were hard words, but I have a different perception. I think it’s just the great acting of certain people. There were hard words, they didn’t apply to me, it’s an integral part of the job. Difficult words fall can be heard even among the members of the closest family. I know that we are all under pressure and as far as I am concerned, it is human to forgive. I don’t have any personal problem with anyone, I always accept communication with pleasure,” Abazovic said. Abazovic stated that they hadn’t agreed about the security sector. “It was not agreed personally, but there is no compromise with us because we will not gamble with Montenegro. As long as it’s up to us, we won’t. If that doesn’t suit them, if they want to introduce people who don’t want good to this country … I can’t accept that and they can feel free to find four other deputies to make that majority for them,” Abazovic said. According to him, it is not true they have voted for politicians “Citizens voted for changes, for discontinuity, they have the concept of ruling the DPS over their heads, and that is the concept of the party state. I have nothing against any politician, what we have said is that the concept of expert government is the best having regard to the very complex economic and health situation. Plus, we are a divided society, I don’t know how the DF leaders can’t understand that,” Abazovic said. Asked why he can be a minister while Milan Knezevic and Andrija Mandic can’t, Abazovic said that the problem “is that DF leaders want to present themselves as an entity”. “They were all within the coalition For the Future of Montenegro, led by Zdravko Krivokapic. Dritan Abazovic was fair, he said that the prime minister-designate would be Zdravko Krivokapic, unlike them, who did not want their leader of the list for the prime minister-designate,” Abazovic added. He stressed he could see himself as Defense Minister but he would not mind function in the parliament. “That’s where I see myself. If someone thinks that I can be of help elsewhere, I will be, but with a push… That frustrated me a lot compared to other opposition leaders. Dritan Abazovic will not be a problem. Dritan Abazovic will not be in the government. Is Mandic a problem? He is not in the government. We have to say that. No one should kick us out and we should not fight with anyone in the media, we should say it ourselves,” Abazovic emphasized. He reminded that he had a “very nice meeting” with Mandic and Knezevic two weeks days ago, where, as he says, they expressed very openly and honestly what they thought, “regardless of the fact that we did not like many things we heard”.



Croatian FM Grlic Radman: Future in B&H depends on agreement between Serbs, Croats and Bosniaks (FTV)

Croatian Minister of Foreign and European Affairs Gordan Grlic Radman came to an official visit to Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H). On Monday, he visited the Mostar University, met with the leadership of this institution and held a lecture on the topic ’25 years of the Dayton Peace Agreement’. The Republic of Croatia strongly advocates the implementation of all rulings of the Constitutional Court (CC) of B&H and changes to the B&H Election Law to ensure that three peoples and other citizens elect their own political representatives at all levels of authority in B&H, the Minister said in Mostar on Monday. Grlic Radman said that he was honored and pleased to give a lecture at the University of Mostar on the 25th anniversary of the Dayton Agreement, what the Agreement meant at the beginning and what the results of that agreement are 25 years since its signing. “Croatia is a sincere supporter and active advocate of B&H’s Euro-Atlantic path and, as an EU member, it is in its interest to have a stable, functional and prosperous B&H, that I am a friend of. All three peoples of B&H should be, and are constituent and equal,” said Grlic Radman in a statement for the press.  When it comes to the B&H Presidency, Grlic Radman stated that it was imagined that representatives of the constituent peoples would sit in the state presidency, which, according to him, is not the case now. “We want this to change and to respect the spirit of the Dayton Agreement and its wording,” he added. Grlic Radman concluded that B&H’s future depends on the agreement between Serbs, Croats and Bosniaks. Grlic Radman also paid a visit to Tomislavgrad and Livno jointly with the delegation of HDZ B&H. HDZ B&H leader Dragan Covic told the press that there have been many “crawling changes” to the DPA and many changes to the Constitution of B&H through actions of the High Representatives over the past 25 years, adding that there is a lot of work ahead of B&H and serious changes that have to be made within B&H in order to join the EU. Covic expressed his gratitude to Grlic Radman because of his open support to HDZ B&H for the upcoming local elections through this visit. Grlic Radman said that the DPA could not be completely implemented due to slow reforms and due to Bonn Powers of High Representatives that were detrimental for Croats in B&H. He added that the Election Law of B&H is detrimental for Croat people and should be changed, underlining that this issue was discussed in Zagreb. “If we, in the Republic of Croatia constantly listen to discontent of Croats in B&H, then this means that something is not right. Therefore, someone cannot say that everything is alright, if Croats say otherwise.

Our Party: Grlic Radman came to B&H as part of HDZ B&H’s pre-election campaign (Dnevni list)

Our Party (Nasa stranka, NS) issued a statement which commented on the visit of Croatian Foreign Minister Gordan Grlic Radman to Mostar and messages he made in Mostar. NS stated by saying that Grlic Radman’s messages confirm the fact that the Croatian state leadership is in service of HDZ B&H pre-election campaign, arguing that Grlic-Radman came to B&H to attend HDZ B&H’s pre-election rally in order to spread ethnic hatred and homogenize Croats and make sure Croats vote for HDZ B&H in big numbers. NS went on to say that the future of B&H depends and will depend on all citizens of B&H and that Grlic Radman and his statements cannot hide the fact it is HDZ B&H’s fault that the Croats in B&H are leaving the country, losing jobs and becoming poor.

Covic: Dodik is right when he speaks about things that do not function in B&H, I believe that we will amend Law on Elections and allow election of legitimate representatives in 2022 (Glas Srpske)

HDZ B&H leader Dragan Covic stated that B&H Presidency member Milorad Dodik is right when he warns about the many things that are not functioning in B&H’s divided society. Commenting Dodik’s claim that Croats will boycott the 2022 general election, Covic said HDZ B&H is doing everything to make sure that changes to B&H Election Law are adopted in the first six months of 2021, and that those changes absolutely secure legitimate representation of the three constituent peoples. Covic said he hopes that Election Law changes will be adopted in 2021, and that there is no reason to think about the boycott two years in advance. “Of course, Mr. Dodik has a great experience, like many of us who are in politics, and he is predicting the possible situation of the third people not accepting these changes,” said Covic. Covic also said that he hopes that some indications about the Election Law changes will become apparent soon. He noted that this issue must be discussed with SDA. “No matter how impossible it seems today, you will see that things can be set up a bit differently and in the first six months of the next year that will be an obligation, if we want to get the EU candidate status in July. You will see that we will harmonize this and that we will have normally organized election in 2022, that Croats will be able to elect their legitimate representatives at all levels of authority, that we will have Central Election Commission appointed in line with law, methodology and criteria. There are many things ahead of us which we must deal with,” said Covic. He added that he and Dodik understand each other very well, because they have been discussing the same topic for years – how to create a more functional B&H in which all three peoples can feel at home in all parts of B&H. He also stated that talks with SDA are open, although SDA leader Bakir Izetbegovic is in isolation. According to Covic, the deadline for the Mostar agreement for talks on Election Law changes by 17 December will be respected. According to Covic, the Mostar agreement acknowledges the ruling of B&H Constitutional Court on legitimate representation, as well as all decisions of the European Court of Human Rights. “I believe this is all reconcilable. Since we cannot change the Constitution, we can use election legislation to create the situation where we have legitimate representatives at all administrative levels and also to put aside all discrimination highlighted in the decisions of the Court in Strasburg,” said Covic.


Mandic: We have met the demands of the prime minister-designate, embassies and the smallest list (Dnevne novine)

President of the New Serbian Democracy and one of the leaders of the Democratic Front, Andrija Mandic, says that the political alliance agreed to form a government of experts and thus has met the demands of the prime minister, i.e. the proposals he received in Western embassies and during talks with the smallest coalition list. “The last time I saw Metropolitan Amfilohije was before he fell ill, but we heard each other when he called me from the hospital before his condition aggravated. We talked about some very important topics related to the formation of the future government in Montenegro, Mandic said. As he pointed out, during the formation of the government in our country, there were no personal conflicts or misunderstandings. “In essence, it was a problem of different views and different conceptions. We have decided to meet the demands of the prime minister, that is, the proposals he received in the embassies of Western countries and during conversation with the smallest coalition list … The time ahead will show the superiority of the concept we advocated,” Mandic said. He reminded that their election program meant a change in foreign policy, and the first point was to build different relations between Serbia and Montenegro. “When it comes to the formation of the government, President Aleksandar Vucic did not criticize us. Vucic and entire Serbia know how much we have suffered and how much the Serbian people have suffered in this area. He said that he thought that we were politically wrong to agree to an expert government, but that this is his opinion. He thinks that the victory of the concept advocated by the US ambassador and a group of Montenegrin oligarchs, that there should be no Serbian politicians in the government, but that the government should be composed of people close to the Vijesti concern and Monitor, is not a good way,” Mandic said. He says that he told Vucic that DF would not want anyone to be declared a “fat cat”, under the pretext that someone who is the biggest and who is in the distribution should have received the least, and that someone who had not participated in the elections should get everything.

Rakovic: DF is blackmailed

Aleksandar Rakovic, the historian, said in the same show in which Mandic took part, that DF leaders were put in a situation where they were blackmailed – either they will accept such a government, or there is a possibility that the DPS would return to power after the next elections or perhaps by creating a new parliamentary majority. “That possibility should not be ruled out either. I am very reserved towards that expert government and I am sorry that there are no political leaders of the DF and other leaders of the Serbian people, who won the elections. When it comes to government time, I would be especially careful. It is obvious that Krivokapic doesn’t understand what it means to form state bodies. Terminating the government for 200 days or even a year is not enough to change the systematization, which takes at least a month, and then three more to announce competitions and select people. A deep DPS state is waiting for him, and it will not be loyal to his government,” Rakovic claims.


Medojevic announces resignation as MP (Dnevne novine

Leader of the Movement for Changes and one of the leaders of DF, Nebojsa Medojevic, has announced resignation as MP. He said that Milan Markovic, former assistant of Minister Milutin Simovic, is the candidate for the new Minister of Agriculture, which is ridiculous. Asked how he would raise his hand for such government, Medojevic replied: “I will resign as MP before that”. So, the war between DF and ‘Black and White’ platform continues. A member of URA warned leaders of DF yesterday not to continue hindering the formation of the new government.


Berlin summit fail – Zaharieva says Bulgaria is not ready to allow the opening of EU accession talks with Macedonia (Republika/BGNES)

Bulgarian Foreign Minister Ekaterina Zaharieva was the first to speak out after the hastily arranged meeting in Berlin with German diplomats and her counterparts from Macedonia, Bujar Osmani and Nikola Dimitrov. In a statement quoted by the BGNES news agency, Zaharieva said that there was some progress, Bulgaria is still not ready to approve the opening of EU accession talks with Macedonia. “We are still not in a position to approve the negotiating framework for Macedonia. We have good will,but we can’t make compromises that will continue to lead toward anti-Bulgarian campaigns. That is the position of the Bulgarian government,” Zaharieva said. Osmani and Dimitrov are still silent after the meeting. They were hoping that German social-democratic diplomats close to the Macedonian government, such as Michael Roth, will be able to pressure Bulgaria into backing down from its veto threat.

Meanwhile, Former Swedish prime minister and Balkan envoy Carl Bildt criticized Bulgaria for its move to veto the opening of EU accession talks with Macedonia. “If any progress in the Balkans will be dependent upon the one or the other state imposing some “historical truth” we can be certain that nothing will happen within a generation or two.” The comment was tweeted out as German diplomats summoned the foreign ministers of Macedonia and Bulgaria to try and find a solution to the latest national and historic dispute.


Trump’s advisor: Macedonia is our priority, and the Macedonian people our ally (Republika/

One of the closest associates of US President Donald Trump, Mark Burns, ahead of the US elections, gave an interview to the Macedonian news portal in which he talks about US policy in the Balkans and in Macedonia. Burns believes that there are serious problems and conflicts in the Balkans for a long time and that President Trump is focused on resolving those conflicts as soon as possible, prioritizing economic and political cooperation in the Balkans where the United States intends to take part in those solutions. The United States has strategic partners in the Balkans, including Macedonia. Trump is strongly interested in the future of Macedonia, which, through NATO, is at the top of US interests, Burns said. In the interview, Burns uses the term Macedonia and the Macedonian people and calls on all US citizens of Macedonian descent to vote for Donald Trump, who “needs support now more than ever.” Pastor Mark Burns is one of the few associates to stick with President Trump from 2015 to the present. He is the President’s key figure in relations with African Americans.


Rama: States of the region can't wait for mediation while avoiding regional cooperation (Radio Tirana)

Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama said that only good things could arise from a Mini-Schengen initiative, and that the states of the region could not wait for mediation while

refusing to work together. "We are mature enough to sit together, and not to need Europeans and Americans to talk to each other. The Berlin process is good as it brought us together, but we can't wait for them to work with us and for us, while we are not working together. Only good things can come from this, nothing bad, for sure," he said. Speaking at a video panel of the European Movement in Serbia, "Connecting at a Time of  Pandemic: Threats and Opportunities," attended also by the Serbian president, Aleksandar Vucic, and his North Macedonian counterpart, Zoran Zaev, Prime Minister Rama said that the states of the region aspired to EU membership, but underlined that the Nordic countries and the states included in the Visegrad Group had developed excellent regional cooperation, the EU membership notwithstanding.

Can immigrants vote in the 25 April election? CEC sets up the working group (Radio Tirana)

The Central Election Commission has set up a working group which will lead the work to enable the voting of immigrants in the parliamentary elections of 25 April 2021. It is not known how effective these works will be, but the working group consisting of 6 members will evaluate the possibilities for voting from abroad for voters who have permanent residence outside the territory of Albania, in the elections for April 2021.