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Belgrade Media Report 4 November 2020


Brnabic: Thematic sessions of government to be held at least once in three months (TV Prva/Beta

Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic said that thematic sessions of the government will be held at least once in three months and that they will be attended by President Aleksandar Vucic and parliament speaker Ivica Dacic. Speaking for TV Prva she added that by the end of the week the first breakthroughs in the announced fight against crime will become visible. She also said that she was pleased with the performance of the new cabinet which, according to her, is working day and night. Referring to the forming of the cabinet, Brnabic said she was assisted in the process by President Vucic, who, according to her, was the first on the ticket selected by the citizens. She added that he is a politician of world stature with whom she would consult even if he weren’t president. Brnabic also said that during this year she had an opportunity to see what problems can be caused by divisions within various governments, pointing out that this was the reason for her additional satisfaction with the relations existing between her and the country’s president.

Speaking about the continuation of the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue, she said that it depends on Brussels and that Belgrade is prepared to go on with the talks. Brnabic says that she is closely following the US presidential elections and that Serbia will continue to try to further strengthen relations with the US, regardless of which candidate wins. Asked what the reelection of Donald Trump would mean for Serbia, Brnabic said that we already have strong and good communication with Trump’s team, just as the President of Serbia has good communication with him personally. “Vucic also knows Biden well. We have our own direction, we cannot influence what is happening in the US, but we can influence what our position towards the US is,” Brnabic told TV Prva.

Serbia strongly condemns terrorist attack in Vienna (Tanjug

Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic sent a telegram of condolences to the Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz and the citizens of Austria on the occasion of the terrorist attack that took place in Vienna. “We were deeply shocked and shocked by the news of the tragedy that happened last night in Vienna. The terrorist crime left us all speechless and we strongly condemn it. We share the suffering in this difficult time with the citizens of Austria and express our full solidarity and sincere commitment to the defense of peace and the right to life from radical extremism and insanity. On behalf of the government and Serbian citizens, I express my deepest condolences to the families of the victims, with the hope that the injured will recover as soon as possible,” the Prime Minister’s telegram reads.

Petkovic with Botsan-Kharchenko on dialogue and situation in Kosovo and Metohija (RTV/Tanjug

The Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Petar Petkovic met with Russian Ambassador to Serbia Aleksandr Botsan-Kharchenko on Tuesday, informing him about the political and security situation in Kosovo and Metohija and the increasing number of assaults on Serbs and their property in the areas south of the Ibar River over the past six months. Petkovic also informed the Ambassador about the the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue, saying that official Belgrade will continue insisting on the implementation of the agreement on forming the Community of Serb Municipalities (ZSO) which he said is of vital importance for the survival of the Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija. Petkovic said that Russia’s support on the Kosovo issue in the UN Security Council is of exceptional importance to Serbia, and voiced hope that it will stay so.



Cvijanovic meets Sattler, she points out “catastrophic” acting of CEC (ATV)

Republika Srpska (RS) President Zeljka Cvijanovic met with Head of the EU Delegation (EUD) to Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) and the EU Special Representative Johann Sattler in Banja Luka on Tuesday. Among other things, collocutors discussed the current political and economic situation in the RS and B&H, the EU integration and upcoming local elections. Cvijanovic pointed out catastrophic acting of the Central Election Commission (CEC) of B&H. She reminded of illegitimate and illegal appointment of B&H CEC’s members, as well as of negative consequences of the decision of B&H CEC to postpone local elections in the context of the deteriorated epidemiologic situation. The RS President and Head of the EUD to B&H exchanged opinions on implementation of 14 key priorities from the European Commission’s (EC) Opinion to B&H’s application for the EU membership. The interlocutors also discussed the crisis caused by spreading of Coronavirus, as well as measures the institutions have been carrying out in the fight against epidemics. Cvijanovic thanked again for assistance the EU provided for the healthcare system of the RS.

US Ambassador Nelson: No matter who the next US President is, US’ support for B&H’s success and US’ commitment to partnership with B&H will continue as strong as ever (Nova BH)

US Ambassador to B&H Eric Nelson commented on the US presidential election that were organized on Tuesday, 3 November. Asked to assess this year’s presidential campaign of Democratic candidate Joseph Biden and Republican candidate Donald Trump, the Ambassador said the election campaigns in America are always long and he believes that all US citizens are glad that the Election Day finally came. “This has been an incredible election season, with high dynamism on the part of both candidates, both Vice-President Biden and President Trump” Nelson points. Many political analysts said the 2020 US Presidential Election will be of historical importance. “Well, on one hand, the elections will be historic because they are occurring during the COVID-19 pandemic. Many countries have conducted elections through the pandemic and they have been able to do that safely. We see the United States working to do the same – to give voters the opportunity to vote safely. And I think what we see in the early turnout is that there is a very high level of engagement and perhaps this election will have a turnout that will be of historic proportions; it will be very interesting to see how today’s voting goes,” the US Ambassador stated. Commenting on how the election results could affect the US’ relations with B&H, Nelson said that no matter who is the next US President, or who wins the Senate or the House seats, the United States’ support for B&H’s success and the US’ commitment to a partnership with B&H will continue as strong as ever. “Because the United States’ interest here is to support the territorial integrity and sovereignty of this country, to support their progress towards Euro-Atlantic integration and to continue to serve as a guarantor of the Dayton Peace Accords,” Nelson concluded.

Europol requests information from SIPA about certain individuals who can be brought in connection with Vienna attack (ATV

Four people were killed in a terrorist attack carried out on Monday evening in Vienna by supporter of ISIL. As many as 22 people were wounded and police killed attacker. Media reported that killed attacker is Kujtim Fejzulaj, an Austrian citizen whose parents originate from North Macedonia and are ethnic Albanians. In April, 2019 he was sentenced to 22 months of imprisonment for attempt to go to battlefields in Syria to join ISIL. He was released from prison in December and intelligence services deemed that he is not capable to organize terrorist attack. Austrian police launched raids in several cities in Austria. So far, some 10 persons possibly linked with abovementioned attack were apprehended. The EUROPOL has requested information from the State Investigation and Protection Agency (SIPA) of Bosnia and Herzegovina about certain individuals who can be brought in connection with Monday night's terrorist attack in Vienna. Namely, according to Austrian intelligence’s assessments, there are about 250 radical preachers and imams living in Austria, most of whom are from former Yugoslavia and Chechnya.

B&H Presidency strongly condemns terrorist attack in Vienna (FTV)

The B&H Presidency has condemned Monday night's terrorist attack in Vienna that left five people dead. B&H Presidency Chairman Sefik Dzaferovic sent a message of solidarity to the Austrian President, stressing that he strongly condemns the terrorist attack on human lives, freedom and civilizational values. "The fight against terrorism and countering the ideologies of evil, no matter who was behind them, is our constant obligation" Dzaferovic stated in the message. Croat member of the B&H Presidency Zeljko Komsic expressed his most sincere condolences, stressing that the mindless act of people outside of civilization deserves every contempt and joint effort to fight the ideologies of death. Serb member of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik sent telegrams of condolence to Austrian President Alexander Van der Bellen and Chancellor Sebastian Kurz. In his telegram, Dodik wrote that thoughts of citizens in B&H are with innocent victims in Vienna. “It is high time that all countries and all peoples of the world unite in fight against terrorism - a plague ravaging the world, taking human lives and threatens the fundamental democratic and civilizational values inherited by the civilization. I believe that only by clear and concrete engagement of all of us, we can put an end and, and nip in the bud the evil of today, embodied in terrorism and unmeasurable consequences it leaves,” reads the telegram.

Islamic Community in B&H strongly condemns terrorist attacks in Kabul and Vienna (O kanal)

The Islamic Community in B&H strongly condemned Monday's terrorist attack on a university in Kabul, Afghanistan, which left at least 20 young people dead. The Islamic Community in B&H also condemned the terrorist rampage in Vienna that claimed the lives of several people. Representatives of the Islamic Community in B&H stated that terrorism has neither religion nor nation. "For a moment it seemed as if the evil of terrorism had subsided and its end was in sight, but a new wave of attacks in the world is calling us to be vigilant. In our societies, we must not leave room for ideologies that promote hatred and violence, nor must we allow ourselves to be drawn into a process of reciprocal radicalization in which one radicalism feeds another," the Islamic Community in B&H stated in a press release. Meanwhile, SDA also issued a statement stressing that terrorist attacks in Vienna, Austria and in Nice, France before that, represent heinous crimes which are condemned by all normal people. “Terrorism is a plague and the entire world needs to join in the fight against it. We also call on all Muslims not to fall for malicious provocations of those who want to accuse Islam and Muslims of these crimes,” reads statement.

Andjelkovic: Serbs in B&H and in Kosovo were first in Europe to feel crimes committed by Islamic terrorists (RTRS)

RS submitted evidence on crimes committed by Mujahedeen against Serbs, spokesperson of SNSD Radovan Kovacevic said and added that the members of the B&H Army and Bosniak politicians who brought the El Mujahid squad to B&H have not been prosecuted. “What we know is that they recorded executions and slaughter of Serb soldiers, then sent those horrible video recordings across Islamic countries aimed at collecting financial donations.” Kovacevic added that such video recordings were later extremely popular among all extremist radical Islamists. Political analyst Dragomir Andjelkovic said for RTRS that Serbs in B&H and in Kosovo were first in Europe to feel crimes committed by Islamic terrorists. “We fought at the time, not only four our own survival, but for survival of Europe and the European civilization and modern democratic values,” said Andjelkovic.


Croatia condemns terrorist attack in Vienna (Hina)

Croatia's Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic on Monday evening condemned the terrorist attack in Vienna, and expressed solidarity with the Austrian people after multiple shootings in the first district in the Austrian capital. "Croatia stands by you at these difficult moments" the Croatian premier wrote on his Twitter account. Croatia's Foreign and European Affairs Minister Gordan Grlic Radman also condemned the terrorist attacks as an act of violence and hatred.

During the multiple shootings in the center of Vienna, at least four people, including a perpetrator, were killed, the local police stated. Austrian Interior Minister Karl Nehammer told the Austrian ORF broadcaster that several gunmen perpetrated attacks at six locations near the Vienna synagogue. Nehammer said later that at least one of the perpetrators was an Islamist terrorist. The center was cordoned off, and a police operation was under way. According to the local authorities, at least 15 people were wounded in the shootings and some of them sustained serious injuries. The attack was condemned by Germany, France and the European Union. European Council President Charles Michel labelled the shootings as a cowardly attack and said that the EU stood by the Austrians.


Together against terrorism and radicalism (RTCG)

President Milo Djukanovic strongly condemned the terrorist attack that took place in Vienna. "I strongly condemn last night's senseless terrorist attack in Vienna, another one on the European soil. We must deal resolutely with violence in our societies, united in the joint fight against terrorism and radicalism and the defense of democratic values," Djukanovic wrote on Twitter. According to Djukanovic, Montenegro is in solidarity with friendly Austria. Five people were killed in the attack in Vienna, including the attacker, a supporter of the Islamic State.

Every tenth citizen would defend faith with a weapon (CdM)

Two thirds of citizens believe that Montenegro should be defined as a civil state, while one third of them prefer some kind of national exclusivity. This was shown by a public opinion poll conducted by De Facto Consultancy agency for the needs of CDT in the period from 16 September to 18 October on a sample of 1000 respondents. According to the survey, 64.1 percent of respondents believe that Montenegro should be defined as a civil state. “21.1 % of them would define it as a state of the Montenegrin people and other citizens living in it, 11.3 % as a state of the Montenegrin and Serbian people and other people living in it, 2.4 % as a state of the Serbian people and other citizens who live in it while and 1.1% have no attitude towards this issue,” Milena Gvozdenovic, coordinator of the CDT research center, has stated. 77.2 % of the respondents said that they feel completely safe in Montenegro, but more than a quarter (26.7%) believe that it is possible for social-political relations to lead to violence.

“Concerns are the greatest among Bosniaks and Albanians. Namely, among those who have stated that they believe in the possibility of violence, Bosniaks account for 41.5%, Albanians – 41.5 %, Muslims- 30.5%, Montenegrins – 28.3% and Serbs – 19.6%. When asked in what form violence might be expressed, most answers referred violent protests (69.4%), individual ethnically motivated conflicts (66%) and organized ethnic conflicts (59.8%) “, Gvozdenovic points out. Three quarters of respondents (74.2%) rate interethnic relations in Montenegro as very good and mostly good. Asked whether they have ever felt threatened due to a different political opinion, almost a third of the respondents answered affirmatively (31.7%). The highest degree of ethnic distance of all groups (Montenegrins, Serbs, Bosniaks, Muslims, Albanians) is expressed towards the Roma population. The majority of respondents (73.8 %) consider themselves anti-fascist, 12.8 % stated that they do not feel that way, while 13.4% did not declare themselves on that issue. “When asked who was right during the Second World War, 37.7 % said that they thought that no one was right, while 32.1% did not have an attitude towards that issue. Almost a quarter (24.4%) mentioned partisans, 3.4 % Chetniks and 2.3 percent mentioned Greens” Gvozdenovic said. The data shows division in relation to the genocide in Srebrenica, so for example 42.2 % of respondents believe that the Day of Remembrance of the Victims in Srebrenica should be celebrated, 44.4 % do not agree with that, while 13.4 % have no opinion on that issue. “The situation is similar in relation to Operation Storm, so 39.5% believe that the Day of Remembrance for the victims of Operation Storm should be marked, 47.6 % state it should not be so, while 12.9% are undecided,” Gvozdenovic said. One in five respondents (21.5%) does not think that Montenegro did the right thing when it apologized for war crimes against Croatia. Almost a quarter of respondents (23.6 %) do not believe that genocide was committed in Srebrenica in 1995.

Religious radicalization 

One in ten respondents (12.2%) believes that it is justified to defend their faith with weapons, 80.6% of them do not agree with that, while 7.2 % did not declare themselves on this issue.

When asked what they think about the different ways of governing the state, the respondents rated the democratic political system the best, then the expert, authoritarian and finally militaristic. A total of 91.6 % of respondents rated the democratic political system as a very good and good way of governing. “However, only 57.3% of them said that they were satisfied with the way democracy functioned in Montenegro,” Gvozdenovic points out. After the democratic one, the respondents value the expert management system the most – 78.4 % of them consider it very good and good to have experts who would make decisions according to what they assess as the best for the state, and not the government. The authoritarian and militaristic systems are rated the lowest, however, some respondents also highly value these forms of governance.


Pendarovski condemns Vienna attack in phone call with Austrian counterpart (Republika)

Macedonia’s President Stevo Pendarovski talked on the phone on Tuesday with Austrian counterpart Alexander Van der Bellen and strongly condemned Monday’s terror attack in Vienna, expressing regret over the lives lost in this violent act, his Office said in a press release. Pendarovski extended heartfelt condolences to the people of Austria, and to the families of the of the deceased and to others who have been touched by the attacks. He also expressed readiness for comprehensive cooperation in preventing and intercepting radicalism and terrorism, motivated by religious fundamentalism. The two presidents assessed that last night’s terror attack in Vienna was an attack on the common values we believe in and on our way of life, informed Pendarovski’s Office.

Karakachanov: No for EU negotiations without an annex to the Agreement (Republika)

A written annex to the Agreement, but with content from the Bulgarian Framework position, requires Bulgaria’s Minister of Defense Krasimir Karakachanov, Bulgarian media report.

I support the basic conclusions of the Minister of Foreign Affairs Ekaterina Zaharieva that the bilateral agreement between Bulgaria and Macedonia is not respected by the Macedonian side. As a result, Sofia’s trust in Skopje is currently lost, due to systematic non-fulfillment of the obligations undertaken by the Macedonian side, Karakachanov said in a statement issued by the press center of the Ministry of Defense, Bulgarian media report. I remind you that since October 2019 there is a Framework position, established by the Bulgarian parliament, which clearly defines the terms and conditions under which Bulgaria will support Macedonia’s membership in the EU. The Macedonian side has not met a single condition of the Framework Position, especially the conditions for achieving progress in the work of the Joint Historical Commission, which was practically unilaterally blocked by the government in Skopje. It remains completely unacceptable for me for Macedonia to receive support for starting negotiations with the EU by finding any compromise with the 1999 Declaration, signed between the two countries, or without clear recognition by Skopje of the Bulgarian roots of the modern Macedonian language and history after 1944, Karakachanov said in the statement.

Radev: Bulgaria’s proposals unlikely to enter negotiating framework (Republika)

Bulgarian President Rumen Radev believes that the start of Macedonia’s negotiations with the EU should be postponed until a bilateral solution is found, because, as he says, it is increasingly likely that Bulgaria’s proposals will not be part of the negotiating framework, despite the efforts of the Bulgarian government. I expect the Bulgarian government to fight, in Article 35 of the negotiating framework for Macedonia to include the National Framework Position adopted unanimously by the national parliament a year ago. However, it seems that this is increasingly unlikely and therefore there is one outcome – postponement of negotiations until a clear legally binding bilateral agreement between Bulgaria and Macedonia to clear all bilateral issues, Radev wrote on Facebook. Moreover, he said the accession of the Macedonia to the EU is of great importance for the region and Bulgaria has always supported it. But, Bulgaria has to have, as he said, clear guarantees that the unity of the Bulgarian nation and our cultural and historical heritage will never be put into question by external factors. As a responsible member of the European Union, we cannot and should not allow to bring new unresolved issues into the bloc. We cannot give European legitimacy to hatred towards Bulgaria. Three years after the signing of the Agreement on Friendship, Neighborhood and Cooperation with Macedonia, unfortunately we continue to witness offensive and inadmissible words about Bulgaria, Radev said.

Mickoski: Although Zaev denied, Bulgaria confirmed it requested an annex to the agreement (Republika)

VMRO-DPMNE leader Hristijan Mickoski addressed the public in relation to the talks held between the Macedonian government and Bulgaria, as well as the holding of the first intergovernmental conference that the Macedonian people deserve to be held at the end of this year, finally after all the lies and frauds that the mafia government led by Zoran Zaev said in public. Namely, what I was saying these days, and was related to a new document, which during the visit of our Foreign Minister Mr. Osmani in Sofia, his counterpart Zaharieva asked to be signed between the governments of the two countries, Macedonia and neighboring Bulgaria, and the same was expressly denied and was declared as fake news by the Minister of Foreign Affairs, but also by Zoran Zaev, today received a final epilogue, and that is that practically everything I said that there is such a request was confirmed by the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defense of our eastern neighbor, Karakachanov, he said. Mickoski said that during his interview today, he clearly and decisively says that a new Annex to the agreement is needed, which will include the maximalist and non-European demands contained in the memorandum voted by the Bulgarian parliament in 2019. I warned about all this all the time, but the it was never taken seriously and considered by this mafia government led by Zoran Zaev and SDSM. Just as I warned that a senior Bulgarian politician during the European People’s Party sessions we have in Brussels warned me and assured me that all that is part of the memorandum of the Bulgarian government and the Bulgarian parliament is in fact a promise made by then Zoran Zaev as an opposition politician, saying that he needed to become prime minister and all misunderstandings will be resolved. Obviously, it does not go so easily, said Mickoski. Mickoski called on Macedonian citizens to unite on this issue because with the identity issues, with our history, with the historical facts, with our roots as a people, as a country that sought its place under the sun here in the heart of the Balkans, in Europe, there is no negotiation for the roots of the Macedonian language.


Albanian among attackers of Vienna shooting; Albania significantly increased the level of security (ADN)

Austrian journalist Florian Klenk stated that one of the terrorists of Monday's attack in Austria has Albanian roots. The journalist revealed that this person had been targeted by the military secret service as he was one of 90 Islamists who wanted to go to Syria but were prevented from doing so. "The terrorist from Vienna is called Kurtin S., he was born in 2000, he is 20 years old, he was born and raised in Vienna, he has Albanian roots, his parents are from North Macedonia. Parents have not been noticed in terms of Islamism. The terrorist was targeted by the Austrian secret service, as he was one of the 90 Islamists who wanted to go to Syria," Klenk said.

Meanwhile, Albania has significantly increased the level of security, particularly in embassies and airports, after the terrorist attacks that shook France and Vienna. Counterterrorism officials said the security level shifted from green to orange this Tuesday. The plan of measures forecasts increased presence of police forces, near institutions of special importance, embassies, at airports, ports, border crossing points, shopping malls, as well as in the main hubs of Tirana. People with radical tendencies will be kept under monitoring by anti-terror agents. Security has also been significantly increased in the Manza camp where the mujahideen are sheltered. Officials confirmed that the plan of measures will last until the end of the year, given the fact that ahead are the November holidays, Christmas and New Year.