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Belgrade Media Report 06 November 2020


Dacic: Regardless of who will be the US president, Serbia will continue to have good relations with the US (TV Kopernikus/FoNet/RTV

Serbian parliament speaker Ivica Dacic has stated that Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic will find a way for Serbia to have good relations with the US if there is a change in the US administration. He told TV Kopernikus that it is not up to Serbia to give certain assessments of candidates, but that the Trump administration had undoubtedly had a more positive relationship. “Regardless of who will be the president, Serbia will continue to have good relations with the US. Biden has met several times with President Vucic, he visited us three times,” said Dacic.

Asked whether the Washington agreement remains if Joseph Biden wins, Dacic says that the US is a strategic partner for Serbia and that Serbia signed this agreement regardless of who is the US president. Commenting the indictment against high-ranking officials of the former Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA), Dacic said that Serbia can only welcome the fact that the court has started working on its obligation - to try for crimes committed by the KLA against Serbs.

He said that over the past year, there was great pressure from Pristina to abolish that court and return from The Hague to Pristina, while, in his opinion, Serbia was constructive in the investigation of war crimes, regardless of who committed them. Dacic said that there are five graves in Kosovo and Metohija, which are pointed out by the investigative bodies from Serbia proper, but that no one reacts to that. “Crimes against Serbs should be punished. We should not rejoice, but let the prosecution and the court do their job,” Dacic said.

Dacic, Godfrey: Whatever election results they would not change excellent bilateral relations (Beta

US Ambassador to Serbia Anthony Godfrey congratulated Serbian parliament speaker Ivica Dacic on his new appointment, wishing him success in the new post, confident that as the parliament speaker he would contribute to raising the level of professionality of the parliament. He also thanked him for the excellent cooperation during Dacic’s term as foreign minister and personal effort invested in the advancement of bilateral relations between the US and the Republic of Serbia. The Ambassador hoped for continuation of the successful cooperation in Dacic’s new post as parliament speaker and intensification of parliamentary cooperation between the two countries in the coming period. Thanking the Ambassador, Dacic briefed him on the legislative body’s priorities in the coming period, emphasizing his resolve to work on strengthening the parliament’s role and advancing its work during his term. He added he was ready to continue with his active engagement on strengthening the relations between the US and Serbia, which have been considerably improved in the recent past, something Ambassador Godfrey and the US Embassy in Belgrade had greatly contributed to. The officials exchanged opinions on the electoral process in the US, now entering its final stages, and agreed that whatever the results they would not change the excellent bilateral relations and their recent positive trend.

Selakovic to Turkovic: Serbia wants to advance regional cooperation (Beta

Serbian Foreign Minister Nikola Selakovic told his Bosnian counterpart Bisera Turkovic in Antalya that Serbia was committed to advancing regional cooperation, including the so-called mini-Schengen initiative, the Foreign Ministry said in a press release. Speaking on the sidelines of an informal foreign ministers’ meeting of the South East European Cooperation Process, Selakovic said joint economic development would facilitate the resolution of political issues in the region. As a signatory and guarantor of the Dayton Accords, Serbia is interested in strengthening peace and stability in the region, and the economic development of this part of Europe. The collocutors agreed that the strength must be found to overcome disagreements from the past and look to the future and spoke in favor of cooperation on third-party markets.

Selakovic voiced the hope that the mini-Schengen initiative would be implemented soon.



HR Inzko presents his regular report to UN SC (FTV)

High Representative (HR) Valentin Inzko addressed the UN Security Council on Thursday to present the 58th Report to the UN Secretary General on the status of peace implementation in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H). The reporting period covered with this Report is from 16 April 2020 until 15 October 2020. Many remarks referred to SNSD leader Milorad Dodik and HDZ B&H leader Dragan Covic. The only positive thing the HR mentioned was the agreement regarding Mostar elections adding that it was reached thanks to the international community (IC). The Dayton Accords, although a solid framework for B&H's future development, brought imperfect peace and that mistake was made by the international community, Inzko believes, because they invested trust in certain politicians too early in the implementation of the Dayton Agreement. Therefore, today on the scene we have leaders whose relations are competitive but unproductive and B&H citizens are suffering, leaving not only because of the economy but also because of the absence of the rule of law. Inzko points out that blockades have become a new norm for B&H. “I would like to be able to report today that all parties in B&H are looking to the future and focusing on issues important for improving the lives of citizens, but I cannot say that this is always the case. As you know, local elections will be held in the country in 10 days and I am afraid that in some cases we will notice the usual rhetoric of division, not campaigns hoping for the future”, Inzko emphasized. When it comes to the elections, he emphasizes that the CEC managed to call the elections, despite numerous political pressures. “I would like to express my gratitude and support to the Central Election Commission, which was engaged in organizing these elections under extraordinary circumstances, while at the same time exposed to constant pressure and criticism, especially from Republika Srpska (RS) party led by Mister Dodik, SNSD, and the Federation of B&H (FB&H) party led by Dragan Covic, HDZ B&H” the HR pointed out. The most frequently mentioned politician, with the most criticism, this time was Milorad Dodik, as many as 26 times mentioned in Inzko’s Report. Criticism of Dragan Covic was not absent either. “Recently, Mister Dodik, who is a member of the Presidency of B&H and the leader of the main Serb party, said that B&H is a ‘wrong country’. Well, of course it is the wrong country when you discard everything and do not try to get together to fix it and constantly talk about leaving. Earlier, Mister Dodik threatened that Serbs and Croats would present their plan for how B&H should function, and that if this was not accepted, they would ‘separate’ from the country”, Inzko said. Instead of such rhetoric of division, Inzko called on Dodik to change the name of the student dormitory in Pale named after war criminal Radovan Karadzic, and if he does not do so by the next UN Security Council meeting in May, he could face a travel ban to European countries, but also to all UN member countries. Because in Europe, Inzko says, there is no place for those who glorify war crimes and because B&H must stay on the course towards the EU and NATO integration. “This month we will celebrate the 25th Anniversary of the Dayton Agreement, an agreement that provided 25 years of peace in B&H. Looking back, Dayton is a huge success, as it brought indeed peace to B&H, and an even bigger success, considering all international disputes that remain unresolved for decades, like in the Middle East, the Caucasus and elsewhere. However, as it turned out, the Dayton Agreement, while also a solid framework for future development of B&H, brought an imperfect peace. It is an undeniable fact that significant progress has been achieved in B&H, also with the help of some politicians like Mr. Dodik, in the first decade after Dayton. Regrettably, the international community made one grave conceptual flaw during the implementation of the Dayton Agreement, we invested our trust in some politicians too early, and they used our goodwill to reinvigorate nationalistic, divisive policies, especially since 2006,” said Inzko. He added that Dodik tried to link the RS status to the Kosovo status, warning that the RS will declare independence if Kosovo is recognized. “Dodik, the de facto leader of the RS has on several occasions attempted to draw President of Serbia Aleksandar Vucic into the internal political issues of B&H. In August, he led a delegation from the RS to meet with Mr. Vucic in Belgrade to discuss the RS complaints over what it claimed were unjust interventions in the B&H constitutional order by the HR and the Constitutional Court of B&H. Ahead of the meeting, the RS authorities reportedly sent a document comprising conclusions and accompanying reports on those issues that had been adopted by the RS National Assembly in November 2019 and February of 2020. Commendably, Mr. Vucic reiterated the commitment of Serbia to the General Framework Agreement for Peace, known as the Dayton Peace Agreement’’ said Inzko. “The pandemic revealed long-standing problems in B&H, in which certain politicians pursued their divisive political agendas at the expense of a unified fight to contain the spread of the virus and its impact on the economy. The crisis again exposes the country’s enormous dependence on international assistance, which highlights the failure of certain nationalist political elites to focus on policies and issues that truly matter to the citizens of the country,” reads the report. In his address, Inzko said that the current crisis has revealed that objective of some of the politicians is that B&H, i.e. the FB&H become non-functional, which resulted in material and economic dependence of B&H on the international community, and contributed to financial, health and other vulnerabilities that will negatively affect the citizens. Inzko said that political environment has been marked by calling elections and dissatisfaction of SNSD and HDZ B&H with appointment of new members of the B&H CEC; the same political parties problematized the issue of the State Budget which called into question holding of the elections. “I am particularly concerned by relations among the political leaders in B&H, which are increasingly antagonistic and unproductive. Among other issues, there are continued threats of secession, blockages at the state and FB&H levels and too much inflexibility at certain positions, none of which contributes to moving the country forward or improving the lives of its citizens. The RS politicians, in particular the leader of SNSD, Milorad Dodik, continued to challenge the sovereignty and territorial integrity of B&H, disregarding state-level competences and undermining key state-level institutions,” said Inzko. Inzko also mentioned continuous inaction of the FB&H President Marinko Cavara with regard to the appointment of judges at the FB&H Constitutional Court (CC) illustrate negative political environment in the country. According to the HR’s report, political leaders in B&H showed they either do not want to or are incapable of solving real issues of citizens. Inzko warned that stability and functionality of B&H have been jeopardized by the moves of political elites. Inzko noted that, after a decade of positive reintegration, the dynamic in the country has shifted and political forces are attempting to roll back reforms and progress. Inzko also said: “I want to underline that it is necessary to form the government at the FB&H level. Results of the general elections, held in October 2018, still have not been fully implemented. The same applies to the governments of Herzegovina-Neretva Canton (HNC) and Canton 10.” “The report of the European Commission on B&H assesses that limited progress has been made in B&H regarding key reform areas necessary for the achievement of EU membership. The assessment should serve B&H politicians who openly advocate the EU path of B&H as a call for action to leave their differences on the side and implement necessary reforms to move forward,” said Inzko. Inzko also warned that some of the political leaders knowingly manipulated the differences within the international community in order to more easily realize their goals, reminding of pressures to close the Office of the High Representative (OHR) and eliminate three foreign judges from the Constitutional Court (CC) of B&H. The HR also mentioned President of the High Judicial and Prosecutorial Council (HJPC) of B&H Milan Tegeltija, Head of the RS Center for Research of War, War Crimes and Tracing Missing Persons Milorad Kojic and RTRS as culprits for the lack of progress in B&H. Inzko said that Kojic has announced that he will publish the names of all witnesses who gave false testimonies. He accused RTRS and other media of “publishing the name of a protected witness.” The report was supported by representatives of the US, Belgium and Germany, while Permanent Representative of Russia to the UN Vassily Nebenzia assessed the report as biased and again directed against Serbs, calling for the abolition of the OHR.

Dodik: Biased HRs will be ones who will bury B&H; Cvijanovic: Inzko has been signing reports for years, but someone completely different is making them (RTRS)

High Representative Valentin Inzko has presented his 58th report on the situation in B&H to the UN Security Council (UN SC). RS officials assessed that the HR’s report is supremely one-sided and that it is obvious that it was made in favor of Bosniaks. They rejected the accusations against the RS and said that such categorization by the OHR proves that demands for the abolition of this institution are justifiable. Serb member of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik commented that Inzko has created another untrue report in order to adulate Bosniaks and hide the fact that he himself violates the DPA and the Constitution of B&H, the same as his predecessors. Dodik stressed that it is quite certain that “biased HRs will destroy such B&H.” “His report is completely opposite to what the EU demands through its 14 priorities in the EC’s Opinion, i.e. the EU wants for the issue of foreign judges to be resolved and to see the issue of the OHR regulated. His report insists on keeping foreign judges at the Constitutional Court (CC) of B&H and the OHR so that he can continue to receive his salary he earns unjustifiably. He gets this sum from funds of countries that finance the OHR and then they say that this is assistance for B&H citizens,” Dodik told reporters on Thursday. RS President Zeljka Cvijanovic stated that the HR’s report on B&H is a forgery and a “politically designed report premeditated in order to blame someone who is not guilty and protect those in whose favor he has been working.” Cvijanovic noted that Inzko is deeply incorporated into the Sarajevo political scene, where “he works in favor of Bosniak political parties - not because he believes they are right but because he obviously must do that.” According to Head of the SNSD Caucus in the RS parliament Igor Zunic, the time has come for Inzko, who does not bring any good, to leave B&H. “I do not know how much it costs for a diplomat to offer himself for sale and take over the role of a spokesperson for SDA, but we can even understand that because Inzko is the least of a diplomat who is a parasite in Sarajevo and nobody takes seriously what he says anymore, so the same will happen with his report to the UNSC which was written by SDA’s hand,” Zunic stated. Reacting to Inzko's latest report, Head of the Serb Caucus in the B&H House of Peoples (HoP) Sredoje Novic stated that this is nothing but a stab in the back of B&H.  Head of DEMOS Caucus in RS parliament Spomenka Stevanovic stated that Inzko constantly accuses the RS and RS politicians of undermining B&H’s sovereignty, when in fact the very existence of the Office of High Representative undermines it.

HNS B&H rejects Inzko’s Report, argues that many lies were stated in it (FTV)

Members of the Croat People’s Assembly (HNS) in B&H reacted to the 58th Report of High Representative (HR) Valentin Inzko that was presented to the UN Security Council on Thursday. They rejected the Report, saying that many lies were stated in it. These lies refer to the implementation of the Dayton Peace Agreement (DPA) in B&H. At the same time, the HNS B&H points to the omissions in presenting facts about policies that, through public and aggressive action, work to undermine the fundamental determinants of B&H and trample on the rights of the constituent peoples, the HNS B&H Information Office said. According to the HNS, Inzko’s report to the UN SC failed to say that the DPA is being undermined by many challenges such as: labeling the Croat people as minority, calls of the Bosniak parties to impose ‘Komsics’ at lower levels of authority, announcements of the Bosniak parties about violation of the DPA to the detriment of Croats in the 2022 general elections, illegal and illegitimate composition of the Central Election Commission of B&H, illegitimate member of the Presidency of B&H, SDA’s policy that prevents implementation of the agreement on changes and amendments to the Law on Elections and obstructions of guaranteed rights of constituent peoples.

SDA welcomes stances expressed by USA, UK and Germany, rejects stances of Russia (Oslobodjenje)

SDA issued a press release commenting the latest report of High Representative Valentin Inzko to the UN Security Council and the debate of Council members which followed Inzko’s presentation. SDA welcomed the stances presented by representatives of USA, UK and Germany. Also, SDA rejected claims of the Russian representative as unfounded. According to SDA, Russian representative attempted to downplay the responsibility of politicians who glorify war criminals, deny the truth about crime and constantly threaten with division of the country and violation of the Dayton Peace Agreement. SDA expressed support to the stances presented by Inzko in his report. SDA concluded that Inzko and Peace Implementation Council must show concrete action based on the obligations which are described in detail in the Dayton Peace Agreement.

Dodik welcomes readmission agreement signed between B&H and Pakistan (ATV)

Serb member of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik has deemed as very important the fact that B&H and Pakistan signed an agreement on readmission when it comes to migrants and people from Pakistan. ATV noted that if the agreement on readmission signed between B&H and Pakistan is complied with, illegal migrants from Pakistan who are currently staying in B&H will return home. "It implies that all individuals who came here from that country (Pakistan) and who do not have legal papers, i.e. legal permits for entry, have to be deported, returned to that country and Pakistan agrees to accept them. I am not sure whether Pakistan will implement it to the end, but it is very important that we now have that agreement" Dodik underlined. In the meantime, five years have been lost, and B&H is still waiting for the same agreements to be signed with Syria, Iran, Iraq and Egypt, from where migrants have been arriving for years.  Security expert Slobodan Zupljanin stated that "there are strong forces in those countries from which these people come who like us also believe that these migrants represent a problem and that their departure and travel through the Balkans and Europe can be very problematic." "Therefore, it is necessary to continue this activity, if it is really the commitment of the B&H authorities, then it is to be welcomed," Zupljanin underlined. Residents of villages and cities where migrants have become regular uninvited guests have had enough, stressing that they hope that the agreement with Pakistan will decrease the number of migrants on the streets of their villages and cities. ATV recalled that there are also migrants who entered B&H from Pakistan with fake visas, and that the Prosecutor's Office of B&H is dealing with that. According to the official data, there are currently 6,377 migrants in B&H, but, according to ATV, that number is a bit higher on the ground.

Dzaferovic supported stances of Pakistani PM Khan who criticized the west (Dnevni avaz/VoA)

Dnevni avaz reads that Voice of America reported on Thursday that Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan called on the “European powers and western states to give up use of freedom of speech as an ‘instrument’, which offends feelings of Muslims”, warning that this can lead to higher level of radicalization and violence. The VoA noted that this statement was made in the presence of Chairman of B&H Presidency Sefik Dzaferovic. “European powers and western countries have to understand that you cannot use freedom of speech as a weapon to inflict pain to Muslims by insulting our Prophet. If this is not understood the cycle of violence will continue,” said Khan. Dnevni avaz comments that Khan has a bad reputation in the west, ever since he referred to Osama bin Laden as “Shaheed”, adding that the fact that this was said in presence of Dzaferovic, can have far-reaching consequences for B&H and especially Bosniaks. Author noted that Dzaferovic was welcomed in Pakistan with highest honors, and Khan’s statement reveals the nature of their close relations. Article reads that “superficial, criticizing and relativizing,” statement of the Pakistani PM in times when Europe is facing brutal and horrid terror attacks are the last thing that Dzaferovic and Bosniaks need to support. VoA reported that Dzaferovic supported Khan’s statements, after they both condemned terror attacks in France and Austria. Article stressed that Dzaferovic should not have allowed for state of B&H and flag to be abused for such purposes by side of the host, who promotes negative stances towards Europe and the West. Author stressed that according to the provisions of the Stabilization and Association Agreement, B&H is obliged to harmonize its foreign policy with the EU’s, arguing that it would be worse if Dzaferovic did this on purpose, returning his debts to Pakistan, which were created when he used Pakistan to settle accounts with “main political opponent of the SDA”.


Interview with Ambassador Sattler (Oslobodjenje)

Oslobodjenje daily carried an interview with Head of the EU Delegation to B&H and EU Special Representative, Johann Sattler. Asked about the upcoming local elections and the rhetoric used during the election campaign, Sattler underlined the importance of the election, stressing that this is foundation of every society. At the same time, Ambassador underlined importance of investigating of all allegations about the election frauds and he called on the prosecutors’ offices to investigate allegations. “Unfortunately, we do not see the answers and outcomes of such investigations,” said Sattler. Ambassador agreed with the author that rhetoric used in the campaign is more suitable for general than local elections, noting that “the issues are big, national and somehow full of passion, while in fact they should be talking about roads, schools, education and that should be focus of the campaign”. Asked to convey the message to citizens on the eve of local elections, as the author comments that citizens constantly complain and constantly elect the same people, Ambassador Sattler noted that citizens need to follow their instincts, the internal compass that will tell them which of candidates is the best response for local issues. Asked about elections in Mostar and importance of the Mostar agreement, Ambassador Sattler underlined importance of the Mostar Agreement: “This is one of rare, bright issues in the Report of the European Commission for B&H, which was presented at the beginning of this month. I think this is a good confirmation of possibility of the progress. It moves slowly, that is true, but better late than never”. Asked if he believes that other EC priorities can be fulfilled and if B&H could get status of EU candidate next year, as announced after the visit of B&H Presidency to Brussels, Ambassador Sattler noted that he is glad that he could participate in reaching of this agreement. Sattler said that he was especially encouraged by the last week’s discussion with Mostar youth, as the public opinion polls showed that over 70% of the youth want to vote. He said that this is a high average and the EU has a role in this to encourage this hope among the youth. “I understand that the frustration exists, that often in the past their hopes were betrayed and this is why it is important to us to have these positive examples, especially in places such is Mostar, which unfortunately has not had democratic elections for 12 years. There were also issues with the City Administration. There was no possibility of more intense projects with the EU, our hands were tied, but now I hope they will have implemented results as of December,” said Sattler. He noted that 2021 is a chance to focus on more demanding issues, which is the message that was conveyed to B&H Presidency during this visit to Brussels. He noted that the EU designed the new enlargement methodology, greenlighted Albania and North Macedonia and this gives hope to others. “Without the right engagement of political leaders to overcome the differences, to find solutions such was the one for Mostar, there are no further steps. I also appeal to citizens not to give up, to continue to fight for this country. I meet the people full of energy and ideas on a daily base, and that is why it is important to us for the shred of hope to start from Mostar and inflame the entire country,” said Ambassador. Asked about statement of SNSD leader Milorad Dodik who said that certain issues, demanded by the EU, are impossible as they present attack on the RS competencies, Sattler underlined that it is not possible to pick what you like and what you do not like: “These are 14 priorities, agreed by 27 EU member states and we have to see the true engagement at all 14 of them. I can understand that dynamics is different, that certain issues are more and some less demanding, but none of this is science fiction. These are all the issues that are possible to achieve”. Asked about Dodik’s stances regarding justice reform, Sattler stressed that there is no yielding on the issue of the rule of law and progress has to be seen. “Everyone is talking about the status of a candidate, but without progress in rule of law sector, where the first step is verification of integrity of those holding judiciary functions, there is no status of candidate. Let that be clear to all. He is right to say that we participated in establishing of the HJPC, we did, but with the best intentions. For a while it functioned well and successfully, but lately it is not heading in the right direction” said Ambassador. He noted that 80% of people is discontent with the judiciary, noting that reforms should not be implemented for the sake of foreigners, but citizens who want nobody to be above the law and trial within reasonable time. “If we are to talk about HJPC, our investments were directed towards establishing of the Council and significant funds were invested. We will not abandon HJPC, but in return we ask for results”, said Sattler.

Asked about recent statements of Dodik and HDZ B&H leader Dragan Covic who call for departing of foreign judges, of the High Representative, etc., Sattler stressed: “If you take a look at the EC Opinion, there is a clear talk about the B&H’s membership which is incompatible with over-emphasized role of the international community. The same goes for the Constitutional Court. This will not be possible the moment you become a member. However, we are far from the membership. You are yet to receive the status of candidate and open the negotiations. There are more important issues, including reform of the judiciary, impartiality of judges” Ambassador also referred to the issue of constitutional changes, noting that he often hears that constitutional changes are not possible: “Let me assure you that every country, which became EU member, had to undergo constitutional changes. This is not something filthy and outrageous, but a common issue that will have to happen in B&H as well, the only question is when. As far as I am concerned the right moment is now. Difficult issues need to be addressed in 2021”. He concluded that B&H Presidency, Council of Ministers and Parliament of B&H have two more years of their mandates and this needs to be exploited.


Krivokapic nominates Abazovic as Minister of Defense (CdM)

Prime Minister-designate Zdravko Krivokapic has presented to the leaders of the three governing coalitions his proposals for candidates for ministers. He has nominated Dritan Abazovic as Minister of Defense. Leaders of the other two coalitions will state their opinion about this nomination. Candidates for ministers: Nikola Terzic –Ministry of Interior, Djordje Radulovic – Minister of Foreign Affairs, Milojko Spajic – Ministry of Finance and Social Welfare, Vesna Bratic –Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sport, Jelena Borovinic Bojovic – Ministry of Health, Jakov Milatovic – Ministry of Economic Development, Mladen Bojanic – Ministry of Capital Investments, Tamara Srzentic – Ministry of Public Administration, Digital Society and Media, Ratko Mitrovic – Ministry of Ecology, Aleksandar Stijovic – Ministtry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management and Vladimir Leposavic – Ministry of Justice and Minority Rights

Abazovic: I am surprised by Krivokapic’s nomination (CdM)

Leader of URA Dritan Abazovic said after the meeting with the Prime Minister-designate Zdravko Krivokapic that he is surprised to be proposed for the Minister of Defense. Although the government is expert, seems like one politician found his place in it. “I am surprised to see my name on the list. I am not looking for positions. I fight for ideas, for the concept of civil and ecological Montenegro,” Abazovic said. He says he doesn’t know Djordje Radulovic, candidate for the Minister of Foreign affairs. He says he is happy that Ministry of Ecology is introduced.


SMI leader declares support for Kosovo’s Thaci (ADN)

The chairwoman of the Socialist Movement for Integration, Monika Kryemadhi, made a statement after the resignation of Hashim Thaci as the President of Kosovo, after the accusations by The Hague Tribunal for war crimes. In a Facebook post, Kryemadhi wrote that no justice that can diminish their dignity for those who did not get intimidated from Milosevic. "The boys and girls of innocent Kosovo became involved in an unwanted war, later crowned with Kosovo's independence. There is no justice that can diminish the dignity of those who were not intimidated by Milosevic. As before, I express my unwavering conviction that the right will triumph again!" said Kryemadhi.

Vienna shooting, 3 Albanians arrested (ADN)

Austrian Interior Minister Karl Nehammer said on Thursday that 15 people suspected of being linked to the terrorist attack in Vienna had been arrested. According to the data from the Austrian authorities, among the arrested are three Albanian citizens. Kujtim.F (21 years old), Argjend G. (22 years old) and Arianit F. (21 years old) are Albanians who are suspected of being related to the shooting. Police still do not know how many people were part of the attack. The Vienna police chief said: "At the moment we are sure that there were more than one person. We are investigating." Police are examining 20,000 videos shot by random people.