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Belgrade Media Report 9 November


Vucic: Travel to Northern Macedonia and Albania with an ID card alone, and vice versa (Tanjug/B92

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic assessed that the agreements between Albania, Northern Macedonia and Serbia bring concrete benefit to the citizens of all three countries. He added that the agreements on cooperation in the fight against coronavirus and on free movement will bring security to the citizens of all three countries only with an ID card. After the online signing, Vučić said that he was very happy that a joint fight against the coronavirus had been agreed and that joint measures would be taken. According to him, it is important that the expert teams of the three countries talk and cooperate, which is important not only in this health crisis, but also for the future, since they will establish cooperation between doctors. “This creates additional closeness and trust. The most concrete way to help is to show how much we care about health, how much we care about going through this crisis. This cooperation goes from cooperation in obtaining vaccines, to forming green transfer lines, which will enable our hospitals to receive Albanian and Macedonian citizens and vice versa,” said Vucic. That, he says, will bring additional security to the citizens, because health and diseases do not recognize national and state differences and borders. “It is very important that we agree not to close borders between our countries, but to fight the pandemic together and continue to improve our trade. We are small nations, which have usually been greatly influenced by different forces that wanted to achieve their goals. Interests have not changed much, but today it is important that, taking care of ourselves, we try to preserve our independence and make our own decisions. And with whom will we make decisions if not with those closest to us,” Vucic said. He pointed out that, only when several more important agreements are made, the citizens will see how much benefit there is. According to him, it is no coincidence that the IMF predicts the highest growth rate for our three countries in this part of Europe in the next three years. “By further simplifying procedures, cooperation, and facilitating the flow of goods and capital, we can do a lot,” Vucic said. As he noted, now that we have formally resolved the obstacles, so that the citizens of Serbia can go to Albania with an ID card, there will be many more Albanian tourists in Nis and Belgrade, but also many more Serbs who want to see Durres, Tirana, Vlora, as they like to go to Skopje, Ohrid.

Vucic said that he would like to work even harder on the issue of joint cooperation between the three countries, and announced that a special team would be established in Serbia to work on that on a daily basis, in order to speed things up. He pointed out that the intention is to institutionalize cooperation, by accelerating the idea of ​​the Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama on the formation of a joint secretariat. He adds that Serbia is ready, while the three countries will be members of the initiative, with 50% financed by the secretariat, because he believes that this initiative is of great interest. He congratulated the citizens, because the agreement will bring our countries closer politically, and bring them a better life. "We are doing this because of our people. This deepens the trust and good relations between Tirana, Skopje and Belgrade. The Albanian proverb says “a good start is half the battle”', “and I think we have made more than a good start”', Vucic said. He said that it is necessary to work further diligently, in order to make even greater success for the benefit of the citizens, and that people will be able to recognize that this is not just some political initiative that will end as an empty bureaucratic initiative, but something that will contribute to our economies and greater confidence. As for tomorrow’s Summit in Sofia, he said that he believes that there will be better results, as there will be more coordination. “Serbia will support Tirana and Skopje on its European path and ask the EU to start membership negotiations with Albania and Northern Macedonia,” Vucic concluded. This online summit was organized as part of the mini Schengen initiative and was attended by President Vucic, Prime Minister Ana Brnabic and Health Minister Zlatibor Loncar in Belgrade, Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama in Tirana and North Macedonian Prime Minister Zoran Zaev in Skopje.

Vucic congratulates Biden on winning presidential elections (Beta/RTS

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic sent on Nov. 8 his sincere congratulations to Joseph Biden on his election as the new US president. "I wish you wisdom and determination in facing upcoming challenges to the benefit of the United States and the world. I hope for the continuation of the good cooperation that we also had with Donald Trump, for which we are very grateful to him," Vucic tweeted.

Brnabic: Serbia’s all but divided, as all elections show (TV Happy/Beta

According to Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic, all the elections so far show that Serbia is all but a divided society.  According to her, there is a “huge” majority of Serbian citizens who “keep quiet, work and try to create something,” but that there is a “huge, extremely loud, powerful and rich minority with a large number of media outlets, which creates so much noise that it seems that the country is divided.” “Serbia is far from a divided society, it’s all but a divided society. The US is an example of a divided society, and you don’t have that in Serbia,” the prime minister told the TV Happy. Commenting on the opposition’s dissatisfaction with Serbia’s current media scene, she said that as opposed to the period when these parties were in power and when there was no media pluralism, a lot more media outlets, in the most brutal way, criticize President Aleksandar Vucic.

Dacic certain good relations between Serbia and US to resume (FoNet

Serbian parliament speaker Ivica Dacic said he was sure the good relations between Serbia and the US would resume, and that this process will not go backwards. Dacic also noted he was sure Biden's administration will not go back to the 1990s when he had "some bad assessments that did not go in favor of the Serbs and Serb people."

Selakovic: Continuous commitment of Serbia to improvement of regional cooperation (RTS

Serbian Foreign Minister Nikola Selakovic stated today that one of the priorities of the new government of Serbia is further engagement in the improvement of regional cooperation.

Addressing the foreign ministers of the participants in the Berlin Process, Selakovic said at the video conference that it is a natural continuation of Serbia's continuous commitment to strengthening mutual ties in a number of areas, especially through regional initiatives and processes. According to him, it is essential that the focus of the meeting is on two topics: the issue of youth, especially youth cooperation in the Western Balkans, and the role of civil society in the region. He stated that the modern phenomenon of migration of young people is not a challenge faced only by Serbia, but also by the entire region, but also by many other European countries, including some of the members of the EU. He reminded that the government of Serbia, in order to effectively deal with the phenomenon of economic migration, in March 2020 adopted the Economic Migration Strategy for the period 2021-2027, and its first three-year Action Plan specifically refers to young people and provides for very concrete measures. Referring to the issue of the role of civil society in the region, which was the second topic of today's meeting, the Minister pointed out that the government of Serbia is ready to cooperate with the civil sector at any time. As he concluded, Serbia is continuously and firmly determined to actively work on improving regional cooperation. “Because of ourselves, future generations and common prosperity, it is necessary to take such steps and give a full chance to regional cooperation, stability in the region and further progress of everyone from the Western Balkans towards full and deserved EU membership,” Selakovic said.



Inzko meets Guterres; It is high time to close open wounds (Oslobodjenje)

The OHR issued a press statement which reads that following his semi-annual address to the UN Security Council (UNSC), the High Representative, Valentin Inzko, spoke on Friday via video call with the United Nations Secretary-General, Antonio Guterres, on which occasion HR Inzko underlined that 25 years after the Dayton Peace Agreement, it is high time to start closing the open wounds caused by the war in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H). “Positive and forward-looking rhetoric and actions must replace divisive agendas - as reconciliation and mutual respect is the only way to build better lives for all the citizens of the country,” said Inzko. HR added that B&H authorities must live up to their commitment to build a peaceful and viable state that is irreversibly on the course of Euro-Atlantic integration.

Inzko sets ultimatum to Dodik to remove plaque with name of Karadzic or else he will be banned from entering EU (N1)

In its report presented to the UN Security Council (UNSC), High Representative (HR) Valentin Inzko sharply criticized political leadership in B&H due to separatism, glorification of war crimes and deadlock in reforms. According to N1, Inzko set an ultimatum to leader of SNSD and member of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik by demanding to remove the plaque with the name of The Hague convict Radovan Karadzic from the Student Dorms in Pale within six months or else, he will face sanctions from Brussels, i.e. he may be banned from entering the EU. Inzko told N1 that this represents an insult for the victims of the genocide, adding that this time, he went one step further and called for removal of the plaque or else he will request in the UNSC that the EU bans entrance to all those who deny the genocide and who glorify war criminals. The reporter reminded that the plaque was installed almost five years ago and interviewed residents of Pale about this issue and most of them said that there is no need to remove the plaque. According to N1, Dodik reacted by saying that HRs will bury B&H. Dodik said: “The EU – in its 14 recommendations for B&H – demands solving of the issue of foreign judges and regulation of the issue of the Office of the High Representative (OHR), while in his report, Inzko insists on stay of the judges of the Constitutional Court (of B&H) and the OHR so that he could continue receiving his EUR 24,000 that he receives without any reason from funds of countries that finance the OHR and then, they say that this is help for citizens of B&H”.

Asked to comment on this issue, leader of SDS Mirko Sarovic told N1: “Sending reports or comments over the Republika Srpska (RS) government and the RS President basically ends in drawers and serves for nothing. If you (Dodik) have any comment against the Inzko’s report, then you, Mr. member of the Presidency (of B&H) should address – in line with the key role that you have and you should use it – to members of the UNSC”.  SDA welcomed standpoints that representatives of the US, the UK and Germany presented during the session of the UNSC. SDA stated: “Suppression of the secessionist rhetoric, sanctioning of violation of the Dayton Agreement, fight against genocide denial and glorification of war criminals, respect for the structure of the Constitutional Court and the position of the OHR are established in the Dayton and fight against segregation, condemnation of blockade of institutions are stances that everyone in B&H should support”. RS Prime Minister Radovan Viskovic stated that Inzko’s Report for UN SC was full of untruths. “For 10 years and more, Inzko has been saying that Serbs or Srpska are problems of B&H and that everything else is fine. The one should simply wonder if anything is wrong with this man”, said Viskovic. He stressed that Croat side is also discontent by the report and he expressed gratitude to Russian representatives in UN SC.  HDZ B&H leader Dragan Covic commented the statement of Inzko, who announced that he might request from the EU to Dodik from entering the EU countries. In this regard, Covic said that he knows Inzko very well and that he cannot recognize his stances in the last couple of years. Covic stated: “In the last couple of years, his public appearances are based on some incomprehensible policies of creation of ambience in B&H, which I consider to be already contaminated enough with the political inconsistencies. We do not need a role of the High Representative (HR) to amplify such inconsistencies.”

Inzko: My report to UN SC is strictly based on facts (O kanal)

High Representative Valentin Inzko, commenting on his regular report on the peace implementation status in B&H that he presented before the UN Security Council (UN SC) on Thursday, singled out that a positive side of the report refers to the fact that 25th anniversary of signing of the Dayton Peace Accords (DPA) is being marked this year. However, Inzko warned that lack of support to the European values in B&H was evident on a number of occasions. Asked to provide a comment on SNSD’s harsh reaction to the report that criticizes SNSD leader Milorad Dodik and in which this political party referred to it as a fake report, Inzko replied: “My report is strictly based on facts. Those are all facts, considering that someone said they wanted Republika Srpska (RS) to secede from B&H, someone calls B&H an abortion and similar names, and someone refers to Belgrade or Zagreb as their capital city.” Inzko emphasized that the Office of the High Representative (OHR) checks all of the facts before he writes them down and presents them in the report. “It would be foolish for me to make things up. It is in my interest to have a good report,” he added. Given that he set a six-month deadline for Dodik to remove the plaque commemorating first RS president Radovan Karadzic – who has been convicted of war crimes in B&H based on the Mechanism for International Criminal Tribunals (MICT)’s first instance-verdict – from the students’ dormitory in Pale otherwise he would request from the EU to ban Dodik from entering the EU countries, Inzko confirmed he expects the support of the Peace Implementation Council (PIC) in this regard. Inzko assessed that Dodik’s initiative to name the students’ dormitory after Karadzic is against all European values. Inzko also stressed that Dodik’s initiative for a minute of silence to deceased war criminal Momcilo Krajisnik, at the RS parliament, is “simply unacceptable”. He added that such behavior insults the victims and their relatives. In addition, Inzko reminded that he also wrote about the issues in the Federation of B&H (FB&H) and described everything that does not function in that entity. The High Representative noted: “Many things are not functioning it the FB&H. There are not many judges in the Constitutional Court (CC). Canton 10 still does not have a new government. Neither does the FB&H. One must not forget that the general elections took place two years ago.” Inzko was asked to provide an opinion on the fact that the number of citizens unsatisfied with the OHR’s work has been increasing, to which he replied that the citizens should feel unsatisfied with the same politicians they have been re-electing again and again, for more than two decades. Inzko expressed hope that the OHR’s presence will become more useful after the PIC’s session, and he hopes that some major countries will engage more in B&H. Speaking about the upcoming local elections in B&H, the High Representative said: “I hope that changes will take place.” He urged the citizens to vote in the elections, concluding that every vote counts and matters.

Inzko claims that state property belongs to B&H but certain exceptions can be made to avoid existing bans on use of state property (Face TV)

High Representative (HR) Valentin Inzko, asked to comment on the issue of state property, more specifically on the RS government’s decision to allow Serbia to invest in the construction of an airport at a location designated as state property near Trebinje, Inzko stated that there can be no state without state property and it includes more than embassies, representation offices and buildings used by the state institutions. He underlined that the state property is a major political issue in B&H but as a legal issue it can be easily resolved because two key rulings of the B&H CC are crystal clear in that the state property belongs to B&H. He stated that the solution for 63 locations designated as military property is to simply continue registering these locations to the Ministry of Defense of B&H. He pointed out that a court in the RS ruled in favor of registration of a training ground in Han Pijesak as the military property. He explained that the RS will not lose any of its territory or property because the State Investigation and Protection Agency of B&H or some other state institutions has an office or a building in Banja Luka or elsewhere on the RS’ territory. He confirmed that the OHR has requested from the RS government to deliver all documentation for the construction of an airport in Mahovljani and an airport near Trebinje, adding that the OHR will contact the Serbian government in case anything suspicious emerges. He stressed that Serbia’s public administration is experienced and Serbia will surely not invest in a location whose owner is unknown. He deems the issues related to the state property at this particular location near Trebinje can be easily resolved if relevant parliamentary commission approves the RS government’s decision and the Council of Ministers of B&H officially assigns this location for the construction of an airport. He claims that certain exceptions can be made to avoid existing bans on use of the state property but everything has to be in line with the law. He noted that no one is against further economic development of the Trebinje area but the airport is unlikely to be successful if entire projects starts and continues with irregularities. According to Inzko, the OHR has always been willing to make exceptions regarding use of the state property, i.e. in cases where few square meters were an issue, but the OHR simply does not want any abuses or stealing of the state property.

Inzko addresses international conference: Political parties are mired in system of patronage and corruption (Dnevni avaz)

The Dayton Peace Agreement “gives no one the right to challenge the country or its people,” the High Representative, Valentin Inzko told participants at an international conference on Saturday. Speaking at an online symposium on the legacy of the Dayton Peace Agreement organized by the Yale University Genocide Studies Program and the Southern Connecticut State University Office of Academic Affairs, the High Representative noted that “in poll after poll, B&H citizens identify the absence of the rule of law as the biggest threat to daily life.” He said the practice of challenging or ignoring court decisions “is cancer that will ravage the body politic if it is not cut out.” “As we approach the 25th anniversary of the Dayton Peace Agreement, we can look back on a series of achievements that have made life better for B&H citizens,” the High Representative said. “The first of these – the fundamental objective of the Agreement – is peace.” However, Inzko also stressed that today, B&H is stagnating. “Its young people are leaving and its principal political parties are mired in a system of patronage and corruption.” All across the public sector, he said, “conscientious teachers and civil servants, utility workers and police officers and many, many more use their hard-won skills diligently and competently every day but they are poorly served by inadequate budgets and ponderous administration.” Inzko said that citizens of B&H, with firm and consistent support of international partners, can set the country on a new course. Inzko also believes that stakeholders on local level, namely the citizens, activists and non-governmental organizations have the energy and legitimacy to bring real and positive changes if they are extended a cooperative hand. Inzko concluded by saying that the EU is undoubtedly the preeminent partner for B&H when it comes to helping the country move towards the levels of prosperity and progress enjoyed elsewhere in the continent.

Nebenzya calls for closing down of Office of High Representative in B&H (ATV/RTRS)

Permanent Representative of the Russian Federation to the United Nations (UN) Vasily Nebenzya reminded the partners that it is the right time to revise the criteria for closing down the Office of the High Representative in B&H and proposed the issue to be discussed at the Peace Implementation Council Steering Board (PIC SB) session scheduled for 1-2 December. At the session of the UN Security Council Nebenzya noted that High Representative for B&H Valentin Inzko is attempting to shift all responsibility for failure of the interethnic reconciliation process to Serbs and Croats exclusively. Nebenzya said that Inzko expressed his subjective view of B&H, which he argued is far from reality. Commenting on Nebenzya’s statements, RS Prime Minister Radovan Viskovic said for ATV that the request is not new at the UN Security Council “and it is a logical request. What, in 21st century, an administrator or a High Representative has to do in a democratic country? We talk of the European integration, democracy, of all generally known rights for centuries, and now we have a man who can violate all those decisions”. The Russian Embassy to B&H confirmed for RTRS on Friday that the PIC SB will discuss closure of the Office of the High Representative (OHR) at the beginning of December. The US Embassy to B&H told RTRS that the OHR was never meant to be an institution with a permanent character, but until meeting the so-called ‘5+2 conditions’ – about which the HR decides – B&H stays under the international supervision. RTRS noted that other countries, members of the PIC, failed to answer whether they will accept a discussion on closure of the OHR although statements of their representatives in the PIC clearly say that they support Inzko who responded to their trust by slandering of the RS and Dodik. Speaker of the RS parliament Nedeljko Cubrilovic said that it is high time for B&H to begin solving its problems on its own has come, without the foreign influence like the one coming from the OHR.

Biden’s document ‘Joe Biden’s vision for America’s relationship with B&H (Dnevni avaz)

US President- elect Joe Biden even during the campaign presented the clear plan for B&H, where B&H’s membership in the EU and NATO has a special place. Article noted that Biden’s earlier dedication and engagement in B&H issue, together with the presented plan, guarantee that the US return to the Balkans will occur soon. “Joe Biden will convene our European Union and NATO allies to jointly develop a strategy for anchoring the Western Balkans in Euro-Atlantic institutions. Joe Biden knows that now is the time for bold and decisive US leadership to spur reform and reconciliation and to recommit to achieving our long- held goal of Europe whole, free and at peace”, reads the document published by Biden’s campaign HQ. Namely, Biden published a detailed document ‘Joe Biden’s vision for America’s relationship with B&H’, which reads: “Joe Biden commits to always stand against hate and support B&H’s sovereignty, territorial integrity and multi-ethnic character”. At the beginning of the document, it is stated that during the aggression on B&H, Biden played a key role in having the Senate stop the bloodshed in B&H. Also, Biden continued to show close interest for B&H after signing of the Dayton Peace Agreement, reminding that he visited B&H in 2001, after which he filed a report to Senate stating that “the Balkans are not a strategic side-show”. “South-East Europe remains central to security for the entire continent and, hence, for the US…we must commit to being engaged for the long haul”. The document further noted that one of the first foreign trips Biden took as the Vice President in 2009 was to B&H where he addressed B&H Parliament and made it clear that B&H’s future is in Euro-Atlantic integration. Document noted that the US will not tolerate threats to sovereignty or territorial integrity to B&H, adding that Biden knew that success of B&H demands stable and constant support of the US. The document concludes that unfortunately, during Donald Trump’s mandate, US influence in the region has faded, as the administration has cast the EU as a strategic adversary and questioned the value of the NATO Alliance.

Inzko congratulates Biden his election victory: Biden has great and longstanding understanding of situation in the Balkans (BHT1)

High Representative (HR) Valentin Inzko extended his sincere congratulations to Joseph Biden and wished him success in his important work as the US President. “The US President-elect Biden has a great and longstanding understanding of the situation in the Balkans. He visited the region repeatedly, as the Vice President of the United States and even earlier, during the times of (Yugoslav) President (Josip Broz) Tito, and was actively engaged in efforts of the wider international community to support the Euro-Atlantic aspirations of this region” Inzko reminded. “I am convinced that he is a true friend of this country and that he will, together with European partners, turn a new page in this part of Europe”, Inzko underlined. “Accordingly, his team also has a number of outstanding experts, especially in the field of foreign policy; among them are experts for the Balkans and B&H. One of them is definitely Professor Bill Burns, who served as the Deputy Secretary of State under Hillary Clinton, and who received me twice in my capacity as the High Representative. Another strong Democratic policymaker is Susan Rice, who was the US Ambassador to the United Nations at a time when numerous resolutions on B&H were adopted. An equally outstanding Democratic diplomat is Samantha Power, also a former US Ambassador to the UN. What is also remarkable about Samantha Power is that she wrote a 640-page book entitled “A Problem from Hell”: America and the Age of Genocide. The book is of principled nature; it speaks about the consequences of genocide and international presence in places where it happened, but Samantha Power focused also on individual cases of genocide and the US response to such crises as Cambodia, B&H, Rwanda, and Kosovo,” stated Inzko.

B&H officials, political leaders extend greetings to Joe Biden (Hayat)

Chairman of B&H Presidency Sefik Dzaferovic congratulated Joseph Biden victory in the US presidential elections. Dzaferovic expressed hope that friendship between B&H and the US will be strengthened with a goal of securing permanent peace, stability, development, democracy and prosperity of B&H and the entire region of the Western Balkans. Member of B&H Presidency Zeljko Komsic also congratulated Biden. He conveyed a message that B&H expects his support on the NATO path. Third member of B&H Presidency, namely Milorad Dodik still has not congratulated Biden. Dodik stated earlier that Biden is nothing but Serbs-hating man. B&H Minister of Foreign Affairs Bisera Turkovic stated in her congratulation message that in the period most important for B&H, Biden was on the side of truth and justice. Hayat daily carries statement of Biden on B&H from 1999. Among other things, Biden said that the Dayton should not be reopened again, adding that guarantors of the Dayton (Accords) will be the European powers. “Serb part of the Dayton Accords will be Serbs from Bosnia, because they have no alternative. There is no alternative to move to Belgrade. The only power that existed in terms of them being able to prevail unfairly is if Belgrade sided with them. Belgrade cannot do a thing. And if Belgrade and future leader attempt to move, the NATO would move on them,” stated Biden in 1999. Leaders of HDZ B&H and SDA, Dragan Covic and Bakir Izetbegovic, reacted to Biden's victory. "You are a proven friend of this country. You confirmed that in the most difficult moments, when as a senator you fought fervently for the survival of B&H and for the victory of truth and justice in it. Therefore, I have reason to believe that your election as President of the United States will further improve relations between B&H and the United States as our most important partner," Izetbegovic said in his congratulatory message. Covic said that "as great friends of the Croat people and B&H, I hope to further strengthen our relations and jointly build a strong democratic European B&H." SBB B&H leader Fahrudin Radoncic also extended greetings to Biden on the occasion of his victory.

B&H Ambassador to UN Alkalaj: With Biden’s election B&H gained a friend at helm of world power (Dnevni avaz)

Speaking for the daily, B&H permanent representative to the UN Sven Alkalaj commented Joe Biden’s victory in the US presidential elections. He stressed that Biden is a great friend of B&H and the first one who along with the Republicans, raised his hand for lifting of the embargo on B&H. “I think that with the election of Biden for the President, B&H gained a friend at the helm of the most important country in the world, which, in the following period, will certainly want to solve this situation in the Balkans, especially the issues concerning B&H and Kosovo,” said Alkalaj. He noted that it is not likely that ‘Dayton 2’ will happen, stressing that this would request support of all permanent members of UN Security Council, which is highly unlikely considering that Russia is one of them. Alkalaj noted that certain improvements concerning B&H can be expected, arguing that Biden will firmly define “impulse for B&H’s accession to NATO”. Ambassador noted that in a way, US elections “pushed up” the report of the High Representative Valentin Inzko before the UN SC. “It was a high time to name the things their rightful names. Inzko has done that, lately some things in B&H cross the line and if this was not said before the UN, it would continue and escalate”, said Alkalaj, stressing that Inzko’s report gained wide support in the UN SC, including the US and countries of West Europe. He added that many countries mentioned the genocide in Srebrenica and stressed that this must not happen again, underling that those who deny genocide and those who glorify war criminals, must be sanctioned. According to Alkalaj, many countries welcomed the announcements of sanctions against member of B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik and use of Bonn powers and everyone underlined necessity of preserving of sovereignty and territorial integrity of B&H.

President- elect Biden plans to appoint his special envoy for Western Balkans (Dnevni avaz)

The US President-elect Joe Biden is launching the formation of the transition team, which will set grounds for first activities, including the most important foreign policy goals. According to well informed diplomatic sources, one of the most important issues in the foreign policy will be the issue of relationship with the EU and Western Balkans. According to the unofficial information, Biden is considering the possibility of appointment of White House’s special envoy for the Western Balkans and having this post awarded to an influenced diplomat, who is very familiar with the situation in the region. It is also expected that after Biden appoints a State Secretary, he will request for special attention to be paid to the Balkans, with emphasis on B&H. Author noted that there are already plans for launching the initiative in spring, which would unblock B&H’s EU and NATO path “by forming the authority dedicated to reforms and based on this program, gather the leaders who have pro-European integrity and character”. Daily’s source said that crucial turn of Serbia towards Brussels and distancing from Moscow, will be used as ground to push rest of the region further on the European integration. It is expected for Biden to allow State Department and special envoy to ‘give key impulse’ to the new US initiative, which aims towards final integration of the Western Balkans to the EU and NATO. US Administration has a Special Representative of the State Department for the Balkans, Matthew Palmer, but it is expected that Biden will want to appoint a special envoy of the US President. Also, Biden will closely coordinate his activities with the European Union.

Thirty-eight political parties and nine independent candidates running in Mostar elections (O kanal)

The local elections in Mostar are scheduled to take place on 20 December, following the local elections in other parts of B&H that are due to take place on 15 November. These are the first local elections that are set to take place in Mostar in the last 12 years. The election campaign for Mostar is scheduled to start on 20 November. The Central Election Commission (CEC) of B&H confirmed that 38 political parties and nine independent candidates are running in these elections, for the City Council and the City Mayor in Mostar. The CEC expects a high voting turnout in Mostar, including from abroad as around 4,000 citizens have been registered for absentee voting. The most prominent coalitions running in the elections in Mostar include BH Bloc formed by SDP B&H and Our Party (NS), the Coalition for Mostar, the coalition formed by SDA, SBB B&H, BPS, SBiH, and DF, as well as the coalition formed by Croat parties from the Croat People’s Assembly (HNS).

Balje proposes opening liaison office of Kosovo in Sarajevo; RS officials: No support for proposal to open office of self-declared Kosovo in Sarajevo (ATV)

Kosovo wants to open a liaison office in Sarajevo. The reporter comments that although a liaison office is not a diplomatic-consular office and does not have such authorities, it is clear the initiative is dangerous. ATV reports that Bosniaks from Kosovo want the office to be opened in Sarajevo and the initiative has been proposed by member of the Kosovo Assembly Duda Balje; according to the media from Sarajevo, Balje also wrote to the B&H Presidency members regarding the issue. Commenting on the initiative, Serb member of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik said: “If the proposal is received by the B&H Presidency to open a liaison office of the self-proclaimed Kosovo in Sarajevo, as some media allege, I will refuse the proposal”.

Commenting on the initiative, RS President Zeljka Cvijanovic said for the media that Kosovo is not a state and “cannot have an embassy, so they are opening an office. Basically, that office cannot have a diplomatic status, nor the people working there can have diplomatic privileges”.

RS Prime Minister Radovan Viskovic said that an office can be opened by anyone, “but it is nothing more than an office, and it will remain as such”.  The reporter concludes by saying that recent telephone call between Chairman of the B&H Presidency Sefik Dzaferovic and Kosovo Prime Minister Avdullah Hoti indicate how serious the intention to open a liaison office in Sarajevo is.


Croatia to continue building partnership with US (Hina)

Croatia will continue building the partnership and allied relations with the United States, Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic said on Sunday after Joe Biden was declared the winner of the US presidential election on Saturday. "According to the information we have now, I think the result is certain. We have congratulated President-Elect Biden and Vice President-Elect Harris, and we will continue building the partnership and good allied relations between Croatia and the US. There are a lot of things that connect us and, of course, there is also a wider transatlantic partnership between the US and the EU," Plenkovic told the press. He said that this election had shown the "unbelievable interest" of American people to turn out for the vote. "Nearly 145 million people participated in the democratic process, which I think is very good," he added.

Croatian President Zoran Milanovic on Saturday congratulated Biden on his victory of the presidential elections and said he was confident that this victory would mean the restoration of the trans-Atlantic partnership. Milanovic said in his message that Croatia would have not only an ally but also a friend in Biden, since he "understands very well our recent history which I could see during our previous meaningful talks." The trust of a record high number of US voters placed in Biden shows that we must persist in believing in democracy even when it is at test, the Croatian head of state underscored. "I am confident that the victory of Joe Biden will mean the restoration of the Euro-Atlantic partnership that has been in jeopardy and that Europe will again be the main ally of the USA," Milanovic said adding that this would be beneficial for the globalized world, Europe and Croatia.


Montenegrin officials comment on US elections (CdM)


Great victory for the American people and confirmation of how strong American democracy is! Great victory for the democratic world – this is how President of Montenegro Milo Djukanovic described the victory of Joe Biden in the US presidential election. Hearties of congratulations to the President-Elect Joe Biden, tweeted Djukanovic. “Beginning of the new stage of our fruitful cooperation and continuity of our several decades long friendship and trust” he said in a tweet. Prime Minister Dusko Markovic congratulated the US President-Elect Joe Biden and his team on their historic win in the presidential election. “Congratulations to the American people for the election that restores faith in the power of democracy and the return of stability in international relations. The strategic partnership between Montenegro and the U.S. will be strengthened with the newly elected president,” Markovic said in a tweet. Leader of the Civic Movement URA Dritan Abazovic sends congratulations to the US President-Elect Joe Biden and the US Vice President-Elect Kamala Harris on the victory in the US presidential race. “I strongly believe that the fruitful cooperation between the peoples of the United States and Montenegro can only get better in the years that lie ahead,” Abazovic tweeted.

Coronavirus among MPs: formation of the new government must be delayed (CdM/Dan)

Voting for the composition of the new government will have to be delayed for at least two weeks because Dritan Abazovic has tested positive for coronavirus. Collegium of the president of the Parliament has been scheduled for Tuesday. But since Abazovic has coronavirus, he won’t be able to attend the session, which means that the government can’t be voted. Leaders of the new majority who Abazovic had contact with in recent days will have to be tested for the virus too. Dan published that five MPs are infected.


Zaev had a crisis phone call with Borisov, their highly anticipated Sofia summit could be “Zoom only” (Republika) 

Prime Minister Zoran Zaev spoke on the phone with his Bulgarian counterpart Boyko Borisov to discuss the growing dispute between the two countries that resulted with a Bulgarian veto for Macedonia’s EU accession talks. In a press release from Zaev’s office, it is said that the two discussed the preparations for the Berlin process summit, which Macedonia and Bulgaria are jointly hosting in Sofia, and was meant to be a show of unity before the two sides began diverging. The press release also states that Zaev and Borisov agreed to have another call before the summit in Sofia on Tuesday and were also considering whether to hold the summit in person, or completely online. An online summit will further indicate that the relations are not developing well.


Albanian politicians react to Biden victory (Tirana Times

Albanian politicians reacted to the outcome of the US presidential elections on Saturday. The President of the Republic Ilir Meta congratulated President-elect J.R Biden, emphasizing the importance of strengthening Albania-US ties. "Congratulations to Joe Biden and Kamala Harris on their victory in the US 2020 elections. Looking forward to working with President-elect Biden to strengthen Albania's ties with the United States and our strategic partnership."

The reaction of Prime Minister Edi Rama was similar in stating: "It was a privilege and a pleasure to work with President Trump and his administration, and congratulating President-elect Joe Biden on his spectacular victory, I am pleased to continue working together to strengthen our strategic partnership with the United States." Congratulations were warmly offered also by opposition head, Lulzim Basha, who added that "Albania and Albanians are proud of our friendship and alliance" and that he looks forward to the future engagement on common values.

Albanians have high expectations of the new US President given his track record of unwavering support for Kosovo and his solid knowledge of the region during the previous official tasks as Senator and Vice President.

Rama, Basha trade barbs over Dick Marty Report (ADN)

Prime Minister Edi Rama and the opposition leader Lulzim Basha have exchanged accusations regarding the pandemic management and Dick Marty’s 2010 report which raised suspicions of war crimes by the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA). The Democratic Party leader once again slammed Prime Minister Edi Rama for failing to deal with the critical situation in the country due to the pandemic. According to him, Rama is rather shifting attention by becoming the “spokesperson of Belgrade”. Basha further claimed that the PM is responsible for the lost lives and health of Albanians. “Instead of doing his job, Edi Rama is becoming the spokesperson of Belgrade. He is responsible for the lost lives and health of Albanians. The patients lie in ambulances because the hospitals are full. After destroying the economy, he has lost control of the pandemic,” Basha wrote on Twitter. On the other hand, PM Edi Rama reiterated his question to the DP leader about his alleged involvement in the report prepared by Dick Marty, regarding the so-called “Yellow House” and the investigation against the former KLA leaders. In his reaction, he said that Basha is hiding behind the accusations centering around Covid-19 patients in order to avoid a response on the DP and SMI vote in favor of Dick Marty’s report. In December 2010, former Swiss prosecutor Dick Marty published a report for adoption by the Council of Europe alleging inhuman treatment of people and killing of prisoners with the purpose of removal and illicit trafficking in human organs in Kosovo, involving former commanders of the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA), including ex-President of Kosovo Hashim Thaci. In January 2011, the Council of Europe endorsed the report and called for a full and serious investigation into its contents.