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Belgrade Media Report 2 December


Selakovic: Serbia grateful to Russia for firm and consistent support (Tanjug/RTV/Beta

Serbian Foreign Minister Nikola Selakovic told Russian Ambassador to Serbia Aleksandr Botsan-Kharchenko that Serbia was firmly committed to further developing political relations with Russia based on the foundations of a strategic partnership. A statement released by the Foreign Ministry said that Selakovic told Botsan-Kharchenko that Serbia was grateful to Russia for "its firm and consistent support" for the country's territorial integrity and sovereignty and efforts to solve the question of Kosovo through dialog i.e. using peaceful and diplomatic means.

"We highly appreciate Russia's position to support an agreement that is in accordance with the interests of the Republic of Serbia in the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue," Selakovic said. Selakovic also thanked Russia "for its timely and generous help in fighting the coronavirus, as well as its readiness to offer material and technical aid to Serbia in the form of test systems and diagnostical reagents."

Godfrey: Change of US administration not to affect implementation of the Washington Agreement (RTS/RTV/Tanjug

The Chairman of the Serbian parliamentary Foreign Affairs Committee Zarko Obradovic met with US Ambassador to Serbia Anthony Godfrey to discuss the intensification of relations between US and Serbia. Obradovic welcomed the Ambassador on behalf of the parliament and on his own behalf, pointing out that relations between the two countries are on the rise and cooperation was improving. He added that it is extremely important for Serbia to have and partner and friend in the US, which is also the country’s state interest. Obradovic emphasized the importance of the Washington Agreement signed in September this year, the implementation of which contributes to regional and economic cooperation, as well as the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina. Godfrey said that the change of the US administration would not affect the implementation of the Washington Agreement and he expects that the agreements related to the cooperation between Serbia and the US, primarily the Science and Technology Agreement and Investment Promotion Agreement, would soon be put into the parliamentary procedure and ratified by the parliament. Godfrey said that Serbia’s EU membership is in the interest of the US, which would further contribute to stability in the region, as well as prosperity and economic growth. He pointed out that, as before, the US would continue to support to Serbia’s EU accession efforts.

Joksimovic expects Inter-Governmental EU-Serbia conference (Beta/Novosti

Serbian Minister for EU Integrations Jadranka Joksimovic said that she expected Germany's chairmanship over the EU "to succeed in demonstrating that the policy of enlargement and the integration of candidates from the Western Balkans is an active and vital process" by the end of the year. The Ministry quoted her as saying that she hoped that an Inter-Governmental Conference between the EU and Serbia would be held this month according to the rules of the EU's new methodology, which would review Serbia's progress and the method of leading the accession process next year. Joksimovic also participated in an informal meeting of the General Affairs Council in the context of Germany's chairmanship over the EU Council to which she was invited by Germany's Minister of State for Europe and Bundestag member Michael Roth. The subject of the meeting was dialog between the EU ministers of the EU and the region's EU ministers with the young ambassadors of the European Youth Parliament on preparations for a comprehensive Conference on the Future of Europe.

Borrell: EU has leading role in Serbia-Kosovo dialogue (Beta

EU High Representative Josep Borrell stated that he was pleased that he US had tried to help in the Serbia-Kosovo dialogue, but that Brussels was playing the key role in that process. "Only the EU can provide the offer that is so important for these people, and that is European prospects," Borrell stated during the on-line debate marking the 10th anniversary of the European External Action Service (EEAS), under the slogan " The EU in a changing world – Staying on course in troubled waters." Borrell stated that the EU had to invest, be engaged and cooperate in all fields with countries of the Western Balkans, because it is the EU's immediate neighborhood. "If we cannot solve the problem in our immediate neighborhood, how can we pretend to be a geopolitical factor," Borrell stated. Javier Solana, who was the EU high representative for the common foreign policy and security from 1999 to 2009, has stated that negotiations between Serbia and Kosovo had to continue and that work should be fast. "Russia wants to have Serbia in its orbit. It is fundamental to offer Serbia the possibility to become part of the EU," Solana stated.



Three SDP members arrested in Srebrenica for election fraud (N1)

Members of the State Investigation and Protection Agency (SIPA) of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) arrested on Tuesday three persons suspected of committing the election fraud in Srebrenica. SIPA arrested President of the SDP B&H Municipal Board in Srebrenica Bego Bektic and members of the Board Enver Hamzic and Muamer Pandzic. They are suspected of associating with the goal to commit the election theft and are brought in connection with abuse of identification documents of Bosniaks who live in Srebrenica and Srebrenica citizens living in the US, Denmark and France who were registered for the vote via mail. The suspects registered these persons fictively in Serbia for the vote via mail in the local elections in Srebrenica. SIPA confirmed that the arrest was made at the order of the Prosecutor’s Office of B&H and the Court of B&H. Meanwhile, the SDP Presidency on Tuesday dismissed the Srebrenica Municipal Board and expelled President of the SDP Municipal Board in Srebrenica Bego Bektic from the party. This decision was rendered due to information that Bektic participated in election malversations by which he irrevocably damaged SDP’s reputation. SDP stated that they are aware that this move will hardly be enough to clear SDP’s name, but emphasized that this is only the first step in the creation of a better organization which will continue to work in the interest of all of Srebrenica citizens. SDP said they fully support work of competent bodies. "Having in mind the fact that SDP B&H is one of the holders of the activity to protect the integrity of the election process, that President of the Municipal Board of SDP B&H in Srebrenica Bego Bektic with his action harshly violated the Statute of SDP B&H and decisions of SDP B&H bodies, and that he is suspected of undermining and misusing the election process, which caused immense political damage to SDP B&H with the indications themselves, SDP B&H reached a decision to dissolve the municipal organization of SDP B&H in Srebrenica and all its bodies and to expel Bego Bektic from SDP B&H," SDP B&H stated in a press release. SDP called on the Central Election Commission of B&H (B&H CEC) to annul the elections in Srebrenica and to redo the election for the Head of Srebrenica if it is determined that election fraud significantly influenced the election results. Vice President of SDP Zukan Helez said that the board was dissolved and the members were expelled from SDP. He added that this is everything SDP can do and the rest is up to the B&H Prosecutor’s Office and B&H institutions. President of SDP B&H Main Board Sasa Magazinovic distanced himself from the actions of SDP B&H in Srebrenica, stressing that in his opinion, they represent a joint criminal enterprise. "Not in my name... Just like everyone, I am mad because of the events in Srebrenica. They did not do that in the name of the party. That is joint criminal enterprise. It is criminal everywhere, but it is especially mean to do such a thing in Srebrenica, in which every day fight for respect for the basic human rights and peace rules," Magazinovic wrote on Twitter. President of SDP Nermin Niksic reacted to the news of the arrest of three members of SDP in Srebrenica for election fraud during local elections on 15 November. He apologized for the fraud and called on the B&H CEC to annul elections in Srebrenica so that they can be redone. Niksic highlighted that following the news of the arrest, the SDP leadership reacted immediately and expelled the members of SDP from the party, because there is no room for people like this in his party.

SDA stated that President of SDP Nermin Niksic needs to resign from his post if he has any honor. They reminded that Niksic appointed main suspect Bego Bektic as commissioner of SDP in Srebrenica. SDA assessed that it is hypocritical of the SDP leadership to exclude the arrested members from SDP now, while previously ignoring the warnings of media about irregularities in SDP Srebrenica. They highlighted that it is a fact that SDP organized election fraud in Srebrenica to aid incumbent Head of Municipality Grujicic and this represents expression of moral dishonor. SBiH, SBB and DF condemned SDP on Tuesday because of the activities of three of their members in Srebrenica. SBiH condemned all attempts of election fraud. SBB highlighted that the crimes were committed by individuals. Croat member of the B&H Presidency Zeljko Komsic (DF) said that he is not surprised, but disappointed.

Delegations of SNSD and HDZ B&H meet in Mostar; Dodik: HR Inzko made more evil in B&H than benefit; Covic: Time has come for OHR to be transformed (RTRS


The delegations of SNSD and HDZ B&H led by SNSD leader Milorad Dodik and HDZ B&H leader Dragan Covic respectively held a meeting in Mostar on Tuesday. They discussed the upcoming local elections in Mostar and their expectations from the elections, joint cooperation and the work of B&H Council of Ministers (CoM). They assessed that both parties achieved good results in the local elections. The two leaders also reminded that for the past decade SNSD and HDZ B&H have jointly conducted a number of activities that are important for the EU path of B&H. Addressing the joint press conference after the meeting, Dodik said that SNSD and HDZ B&H have kept the domination and reputation of the most important political parties among their ethnic groups. He stressed that he expects that Serbs will support the Joint Serb List ‘Ostajte ovdje - zajedno za nas Mostar’ (Remain Here – Together for Our Mostar) in the local elections in Mostar in order to finally get authentic representatives in the Mostar City Council.

Commenting on the role of High Representative Valentin Inzko, Dodik said that he already said everything he needed to say about him and that he made more evil in B&H than the benefit, adding that maybe some benefits were visible at the beginning when Carl Bildt and Carlos Westendorp were the HRs but then a surrogate was made and a different concept opposite to Dayton Peace Accords (DPA) was created later. Dodik assessed that the Peace Implementation Council (PIC) considers issues of their concern only and that he has not read the PIC’s Communique for years now, noting that the PIC represents a foreign body in B&H’s political system that has abused the Constitution of B&H and the DPA. Dodik also said that the issue of removing the plaque with Radovan Karadzic's name on the student dorm in Pale near Sarajevo is up to the University of Istocno Sarajevo. Covic told the press that for many years the two parties have had harmonized stances on many issues important for B&H. He stressed that “HDZ B&H’s long-year stance is that the time has come for the Office of the High Representative (OHR) to be transformed and the sooner it happens, the better it will be for everyone.” “It would be an ideal situation for B&H to get the new Election Law of B&H in the first six months of 2021, to get the EU candidate status in July and also to start talks on the OHR’s transformation” Covic assessed. Dodik stated he does not have much interest for the session of the SB PIC and reminds about the meeting of Dodik and Covic with members of the UN Security Council, which renewed and strengthened the support of the international community for the OHR. On Tuesday, Dodik said: “That session is so important, I just heard about it taking place today (Tuesday). What time is it, 12:30 hours? I had no idea that is was taking place, that is how important it is and how much the public is upset by that PIC that convenes only for themselves and their own things. They stopped controlling the country the way they are used to a long time ago.” Dodik added that B&H can only function and be built upon the principle of constituent status of three people and two or three entities.

Covic writes to Inzko, calls for strengthening of dialogue in B&H (Dnevni list)

HDZ B&H leader Dragan Covic has sent High Representative Valentin Inzko a letter, following their recent addresses to the United Nations Security Council (UN SC). Covic wrote, among other issues, that he is grateful for having an opportunity to present all obstacles regarding B&H’s Euro-Atlantic perspective before the UN SC. The HDZ B&H leader further noted that he is convinced everyone must contribute to strengthening of dialogue about issues that international public sometime does not fully understand. On the other hand, continued Covic, comprehensive understanding of the problem is in everyone’s interest in B&H. Covic went on to say that legitimate representation and status of constituent peoples are foundation of the Dayton agreement and the Constitution of B&H, stressing that a term Inzko used, namely ‘frustration’ of the Croat people, is result of violation of the will of the Croat people, three times in the institution of the Presidency of B&H and twice during formation of the Federation of B&H authorities. “In one of those cases, you played a role,” added Covic. The HDZ B&H President went on to say he believes that new time has come, which is a new opportunity to do the right thing, improve our actions and leave the vicious circle of conflicts, fears, accusations and blackmails behind. Covic told Inzko that he (Inzko) for sure recognizes that the Law on Elections of B&H is full of shortcomings and that it allows violation of will of one constituent people. In this context Covic told Inzko that he (Inzko) has to agree that “constitutional and institutional violence, threats with sidelining, assimilation, outvoting, elimination from the authorities is an unacceptable form in the context of European civilizational values and standards”. Covic continued by saying he deeply believes that, in the period to come, we must strengthen dialogue and talks in order to achieve a rational solution. The HDZ B&H leader concluded by saying that HR Inzko could play a key role in restoring the necessary trust, which is undermined by malicious statements that create far reaching negative reflections.

European Parliament to discuss 25th anniversary of DPA (Dnevni avaz)

The daily learns that the European Parliament will discuss the future of the Western Balkans on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the Dayton Peace Agreement. MEPs will discuss the implications of the DPA, which ended the war in B&H 25 years ago. “They will examine the outcomes of the reconciliation, democratic transformation and economic development in the entire Western Balkans. Members of the Parliaments from Albania, B&H, Kosovo, Montenegro, North Macedonia and Serbia have been invited to join the discussion with the European Commissioner for Neighborhood and Enlargement Oliver Varhelyi and EU Special Representative for Belgrade and Pristina dialogue Miroslav Lajcak. High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell will address via the prerecorded message,” reads EP’s statement.

NATO Parliamentary Assembly recommended NATO to renew dedication to NATO enlargement and support integration of B&H, Georgia and Ukraine (Dnevni avaz)

On the eve of the Summit of NATO Ministers of Foreign Affairs, the NATO Parliamentary Assembly conveyed a message that NATO needs to renew dedication to enlargement politics and support Euro-Atlantic integration of B&H, Georgia and Ukraine. Daily noted that Foreign Ministers of NATO member states commended their meeting in Brussels on Monday and NATO Secretary General, Jens Stoltenberg is expected to present the recommendations of the expert team for development of the Alliance by 2030. “NATO needs to maintain and strengthen policy of open doors as a tool to expand the stability zone and democratic processes and standards in Europe. It is necessary to support Euro-Atlantic integration of B&H, Georgia and Ukraine and strengthen their resilience to foreign influences,” read the recommendations of NATO PA.

The daily noted that NATO Summit will deal with the situation in Afghanistan, Syria, relations with Russia and with China and while there are no announcements that issue of NATO enlargement to the Balkans will be discussed, it is expected for Ministers to support recommendations of NATO PA. The daily noted that Stoltenberg discussed the issue of B&H during the meeting with representatives of the parliaments of member states. “We have been criticized for not stopping the war in B&H and Srebrenica. Then, we decided to use the military power, when we saw that the murders and the war continued. NATO and our soldiers were a crucial force to stop the war in B&H and set foundations for Dayton Agreement. I am not saying that everything is now good in B&H, but I am saying that when we compare where we were in the nineties, NATO has helped to stop the war, to set the foundation for the state which functions with all the issues and the challenges, but much better than it was the case before NATO’s military intervention”, said Stoltenberg. It is expected for Stoltenberg to address the press conference on Tuesday and present the results of the Summit. Addressing the media after the first day of the Summit, on Monday night, Stoltenberg talked about work of the expert group, which he appointed to support his work on continued NATO adjustment: “Their reports show that NATO is agile, that in the last years we managed to adjust both in military and political manner. The report also demonstrates that political consultations and decision-making process are functioning in the NATO, so we are building everything on firm foundations”.


Members of the parliament start discussion on the government’s program (CdM)

Prime minister-designate, Zdravko Krivokapic, will present today to Montenegrin MPs work program of the government of Montenegro. Two items are on the agenda: Appointment of the president and members of the 42nd Government of Montenegro and Elections and appointments. Due to great interest of the MPs to take part in the discussion, the session might last three days maximum. The new government will have one vice-president and 12 ministries. Prime minister-designate claims it will be expert government. URA leader, Dritan Abazovic, has been nominated for the vice-president of the government.


Zaev: Attempt to bock parliament is dangerous, shameful and irresponsible (Republika)

Prime Minister Zoran Zaev has said the attempts to block the parliament during a global pandemic is dangerous, shameful and irresponsible, calling opposition MPs to reassess their positions. “Obviously, Hristijan Mickoski and VMRO-DPMNE want to compensate for the lack of their position, measure, proposal or policy by causing harm to the citizens, at a time when they need help from the state. They are trying to block the passing of laws in the midst of a coronavirus pandemic, including those for vouchers of 6,000 denars, to help retirees, single parents, freelance artists and filmmakers, as well as measures to help farmers. I urge to withdraw this senseless obstruction of the work of the parliament and to accept the possibility, as everywhere in the world, for online remote working,” Zaev wrote on Facebook. He said that the people need a functioning parliament and that every political party should represent the interests of the citizens.


German dream sours for thousands of Albanian would-be migrants (Tirana Times)

In the hope to stem a tide of asylum seekers from Albania, Germany wants to designate the small Balkan republic as a “safe country,” a designation that would make it possible for German authorities to quickly deport thousands of Albanians who have sought asylum in the northern European country, but who Berlin has deemed to be economic migrants. Charter planes will start to fly hundreds of failed asylum seekers back to Albania by the end of the week, officials told the local media. German Ambassador Hellmut Hoffmann said this week Albanians should stop looking for asylum in Germany as their hopes of obtaining it are zero. Albanians have increasingly flocked to Germany and other northern European countries, bringing worries among Albanian officials that the trend will endanger the visa-free regime Albania enjoys with most of Europe since 2010. Hoffman said migration from the Western Balkan countries is becoming a concern for Berlin, as the numbers have grown. “During the first six months of this year, 65,000 people have gone to Germany from Albania, Kosovo, Macedonia and Serbia. About 22,000 are from Albania alone. Only in June, 6,000 people from Albania asked for asylum,” Hoffmann said. He added Germany would speed up the procedures of repatriation within four weeks. “All these citizens will be repatriated, and they have no chances to stay,” the Ambassador said. Last week, a charter brought home 40 Albanians from Spain, Germany and France. This week, another group of 70 people were deported from Germany. All these Albanian citizens will be banned from traveling to the Schengen area for the next five years, officials said. Official numbers show more than 70,000 Albanians left the country for over six months in the past year, continuing a massive migration trend that has left the country's resident population dwindling to record lows.

Rama: Emigration isn’t only an Albanian phenomenon (ADN)

Prime Minister Edi Rama sees the departure of citizens from the country as a non-Albanian phenomenon. Rama said that leaving for a better and faster life is spread throughout the former communist Europe and some EU countries. According to him, there are no magic formulas or miraculous recipes to reduce these numbers, but it will get better. "The phenomenon of leaving the country for a better life sooner is not an Albanian phenomenon but a phenomenon that extends not only to former communist Europe but also to some EU countries. For example, Portugal has recorded in recent years a number of departures which is considerable. There are no magic formulas, miraculous recipes but the answer is to do our best with as much ambition, as much work and patience. Bringing the German government here, of course, is not possible. It is a matter of choice. We have chosen to face this transformation challenge. Albania is much better than 7 years ago in all directions," PM said.

EU postpones talks with Albania and North Macedonia until March (Radio Tirana)

The European Union has decided to postpone until March 2021 the start of talks with Albania and North Macedonia. Foreign media report that the EU ambassadors have not agreed to start talks on negotiations with the two Western Balkan countries. The Committee of Permanent Representatives (Coreper) agreed in their conclusions that Albania is not yet ready to hold the first intergovernmental conference with the EU, as there is still work to be done on the conditions set since March 2020. "Unlike the previous draft conclusions, we do not mention the latest proposals of the German Presidency in December as the month of the first intergovernmental conference for Albania and North Macedonia. "This conference will be held when Albania meets the two remaining conditions: the re-establishment of the Constitutional Court and the approval of the anti-defamation law", says the decision of the ambassadors, writes Euronews. Meanwhile, regarding North Macedonia, it was stated that the date for the first conference will be set as soon as the country resolves its issues with Bulgaria. We recall that Bulgaria has blocked the start of accession talks with North Macedonia.