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Belgrade Media Report 07 December 2020


Vucic, O'Brien on bilateral relations in the Western Balkans (Beta/RTS

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and US national security advisor Robert O'Brien discussed on Friday bilateral ties and the situation in the Western Balkans. Vucic stressed that Serbia would honor a deal signed in Washington on economic normalization with Pristina and added that he hoped that the agreement would contribute to peace and stability in the region, a press release from his office said. He went on to say that the opening of a regional office of the US International Development Finance Corporation in Belgrade was strong support for the social and economic development of Serbia as well as the Western Balkans. The statement said that O'Brien welcomed the contribution of the Serbian president to achieving the goal of making the Western Balkans a peaceful and stable region attractive to US and other foreign investors and that this would contribute to the region's social and economic growth.

Palmer: US remains committed to Belgrade-Pristina talks and the region (VoA/N1

The United States is committed to the partnership with the countries of the Western Balkans and their European perspective said US Deputy Assistant Secretary of State and Special Representative of the United States Administration Matthew Palmer in an interview with Voice of America. "I don't want to try to predict what the next administration will do - but I will say that I have been working in the Western Balkans both in the democratic and republican American administrations for the last twenty-seven years. The American approach to the region has been consistent from administration to administration because our interests are consistent from administration to administration. Our vision of the Western Balkans that it's a set of countries that are at peace with each other, with their neighbors, states that are stable, prosperous and integrated into European and Euro-Atlantic institutions. By this I mean NATO and the European Union," Palmer said. When it comes to the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue, American engagement and possibilities for reaching a political agreement between the two sides, which have been negotiating on the normalization of relations for almost a decade, the American diplomat pointed out that the United States is consistently engaged in that process. "We are dealing with this on a day-to-day basis at several levels, including here in Washington, at the highest level of the US government. Our commitment to partnership with Serbia and Kosovo and the European perspective of both countries will not change. We will work with Belgrade and Pristina to support the normalization of their relations and their European path," said Matthew Palmer.

Stano: Belgrade-Pristina dialogue on 10 December (Beta

EU spokesman Peter Stano confirmed on Friday that the next meeting in the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue would be held on 10 December. Asked about the dialogue at a regular press briefing, Stano replied that, in line with the established practice, the participants and subjects of the meeting would be announced ahead of the sit-down.


Electricity supplying in Kosovo and Metohija will not be endangered (Politika

The news reported by some Kosovo media that on Monday, 14 December, KOSTT (Kosovo Transmission System and Market Operator) is planned to take over the management of electricity supply in the north of Kosovo, which calls into question the future electricity supply of this part of the Serbian province, and fate of Serbian employees in the “Electric Network of Serbia”, the Office for Kosovo and Metohija said that “one should not succumb to politically motivated spins that aim to bring insecurity among the citizens of Kosovo and Metohija”.

The most important thing is that the electricity supply in the north of Kosovo and Metohija will not be endangered in any way, the Office for Kosovo and Metohija underlined. According to the statement, on the occasion of the disinformation campaign related to the energy issue in the north of Kosovo and Metohija, they are informing the public that “Elektrokosmet” will continue to supply citizens with electricity until the registration of the subsidiaries of the EPS company.

When and if the subsidiaries of the EPS company, whose founders is this public company and the Community of Serb Municipalities, are registered according to the reached agreement on energy, they will continue the uninterrupted supply. All threats related to the threat to the electricity supply and the politicization of this topic are destroying stability and peace, and Serbia, it is stated, and the international community as well. they are convinced, will not allow such a scenario. Serbia has fulfilled its part of the obligations from the energy agreement, but Pristina has not and no one should provoke new conflicts, it stated.



Prosecutor’s Office of B&H files indictment against FB&H PM Novalic, suspended Director of FB&H Civil Protection Administration Solak, ‘Srebrena Malina’ owner Hodzic, FB&H Minister of Finance Milicevic in ‘Respiratori’ affair (BHT1)

The Prosecutor’s Office of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) filed an indictment on Friday in the affair known as ‘Respiratori’ (Respirators). Thus, Federation of B&H (FB&H) Prime Minister (PM) FadilNovalic, suspended Director of the FB&H Civil Protection Administration (FUCZ) FahrudinSolak, owner of the company ‘Srebrena malina’ FikretHodzic, the company ‘Srebrena Malina’ as well as FB&H Minister of Finance JelkaMilicevicare indicted in this case. The indictment refers to purchase of the 100 respirators from China for BAM 10.5 million from the budget and verification of the respirators is yet to be done. The aforementioned persons are also indicted of purchase of protection equipment in the value of nearly BAM three million for the purpose of fighting the Coronavirus pandemic after the FB&H declared a state of a disaster. They are indicted of association for the purpose of committing crimes regarding abuse of office and official authority, receiving bribe, trade in influence, money laundering, forgery or destruction of business books and documents, forgery of official documents as well as drafting of financing reports and their destruction. According to the indictment, Solak, Hodzic and the legal entity ‘Srebrena Malina’ joined Novalic for the purpose of achieving illegal, material gain.

Latest affair involving HJPC President Tegeltija has provokes reactions of international community: OHR, OSCE, EUD, UK, US Embassies (FTV)

The latest judicial affair involving President of the High Judicial and Prosecutorial Council (HJPC) of B&H MilanTegeltijahas caused reactions of the international community. Tegeltija allegedly had conversation with former HJPC member MilijanaBuhaon the appointment of her sister as a judge at the Basic Court in Bijeljina, according to an audio recording published by the portal. The Office of the High Representative (OHR) stated on Friday that a debate held at an extraordinary session of the HJPC on Thursday confirmed the OHR’s stance according to which the HJPC President needs to tender his resignation. The OSCE Mission to B&H stated that individual resignations at the HJPC can be appropriate, but that resignations themselves will not result in changes in the system and culture. In a statement published after the HJPC’s session on Thursday, the EU Delegation (EUD) to B&H also called on Tegeltija to tender his resignation, stressing that the gravity of the most recent allegations casts doubts on the President’s ability to lead the HJPC and B&H judiciary. EUD to B&H stated that “the lack of appropriate action would be a slap in the face of the citizens and judicial community, including the HJPC members that properly serve the institution.” “It would also seriously undermine the country’s ability to uphold European standards on the rule of the law concerning the independence and integrity of the judiciary,” the EUD concluded. The UK Embassy to B&H stated that competent institutions in B&H should immediately investigate all the allegations on corruptive behavior in unbiased manner, stressing that the HJPC and its leading structure must meet the highest judicial and ethical standards. In a statement published on Friday, the US Embassy to B&H stated that they are disappointed that the President of the HJPC continues to be at the center of ongoing allegations of corruption. “While the extraordinary HJPC session was a step in the right direction, it is clear that the HJPC has to set aside the career ambitions of the President or any individual member and do what is needed in order to restore public trust in an institution suffering from a crisis of confidence. At the’s session, the HJPC concluded that the relationship between the Council and the international community has been harmed by these, and other allegations. The HJPC must recognize that what is even more important than its relationship with the international community is building trust with the citizens of B&H” the statement reads.

Tegeltija to present decision on his resignation on December 10 (O kanal)

President of the HJPC MilanTegeltija stated that he will address press conference on Thursday, 10 December, in Banja Luka when he will present and explain a final decision in regards to requests to resign to the post of the President of the HJPC.

B&H CEC passes decision to check legality of work and individual responsibility of members of election administrations in Doboj, Srebrenica (O kanal)

The B&H Central Election Commission (CEC) adopted a decision on Saturday verifying and publishing the results of local elections in B&H. The results have been verified and published for 64 municipal councils in the Federation of B&H (FB&H), 55 municipal assemblies in the Republika Srpska (RS), 119 heads of municipalities in B&H, 14 city councils in the FB&H, six city assemblies in the RS, 21 mayors of cities in B&H, and the Brcko District Assembly. The election results for Doboj and Srebrenica have not been verified, because the activities of the election administration for these constituencies are underway due to a number of reports of election irregularities. The CEC B&H held a session in Sarajevo on Friday and passed a decision according to which B&H CEC will launch the process to investigate the legality of work and individual responsibility of members of local election administrations in Doboj and Srebrenica because of irregularities that were registered in the previous investigation opened by B&H CEC. In the meantime, candidate for the post of municipality head in Srebrenica, MladenGrujicic made threats about submission of a lawsuit against one member of the B&H CEC. Recently, three members of SDP B&H in this town were arrested and accused of election frauds, and it was mentioned that they worked in favor of collecting votes for Grujicic’s election win. They were released from custody. No restriction measures were ordered for the three men. The B&H CEC representatives said they would make a decision on repeat of elections only after the investigations in Doboj and Srebrenica are concluded. CEC President ZeljkoBakalarsaid a proceeding was initiated on November 19 to uncover the details of reported irregularities in these two local communities. He confirms that several experts were included in the investigation. “What we have in this moment shows that there is reasonable doubt for violation of the election process rules”, Bakalar said. CEC member IrenaHadziabdicsaid they determined that turnout was too high on 15 November in these local communities, which can be seen by reviewing data on number of voters that voted by 11 a.m. She said the numbers show that in average one voter spent 50 seconds at the polling station, which is simply not realistic, and points to certain irregularities. “We know that in conditions of a pandemic, the flow of voters is much slower” she said, adding that she knew who she wanted to vote for but it nonetheless took her at least two minutes to vote and leave the polling station in her local community. Hadziabdic said all these doubts need to be clarified in order for the B&H CEC to finalize the process of publishing the results, and to be able to stand behind all its decisions.

Cvijanovic: B&H CEC decision to not publish Srebrenica and Doboj election results opposed to will of people (RTRS)

The CEC adopted a decision on Saturday verifying and publishing the results of local elections in B&H. The election results for Doboj and Srebrenica have not been verified, which has caused severe reactions in the RS as this is perceived as failure of the B&H CEC to honor will of citizens, RTRS reports. Vice President of SNSD ZeljkaCvijanovic stated that removing Srebrenica and Doboj from B&H CEC’s decision on verifying and publishing the results of local elections represents an attempt to overrule the will of the people in the RS in these local communities by political actors who have usurped the B&H CEC. “This final decision represents a consensus of political Sarajevo, SDS and PDP who through their staff in the CEC, without adequate explanations - which a member of the CEC is a witness to, who voted against such a decision - are trying to problematize the election results at those places where they were undoubtedly defeated,” Cvijanovic said. According to her, the decision in Srebrenica has nothing to do with any sort of irregularities in the election process, but it is rather aimed to undermine the victory of the Serb candidate. Cvijanovic said that the motive for such a decision of the CEC is certain victory of SNSD candidate for the Head of Srebrenica Municipality MladenGrujicic over the SDA candidate as well as the fact that SDS and PDP were reduced to a level of statistical error in Doboj. “The fact that some CEC members came to these positions directly from the positions of advisors to their party leaders, which we have pointed out since the election of this CEC convocation, certainly does not give them the right to unjustifiably and unarguably question the election will of RS citizens not its democratic capacity,” stated Cvijanovic. SP leader Petar Djokic deems that Serb members of the B&H CEC must not have allowed prevention of publishing the election results in Srebrenica and Doboj. He said that this was not a good decision for the people of Srebrenica and that the B&H CEC has become ‘the factor of destruction of life in Srebrenica’. United Srpska’ deems that the CEC is SDA’s ‘extended hand’ which the body has confirmed by not publishing election results for Doboj and Srebrenica in the RS. The party stated that this has revealed the role of the B&H CEC as SDA’s player. ‘United Srpska’ deems that SDA is attempting to cover up its bad rating and election results by creating affairs in the RS. They deem that Doboj was only used as an alibi to attempt to annul the results for Srebrenica. Stevandic stated that SDA is trying to soften their defeat in Sarajevo and is shifting affairs of Sarajevo to Srebrenica and the RS. Stevandic added that there is no court that will help them in their bad intentions. DEMOS Secretary General Boran Bosancic said that the decision of the B&H CEC is overruling the will of the people and that Serb members of the B&H CEC are obeying orders of people who stand behind them. He said that had omissions been registered, the B&H CEC should have previously reacted. PDP leader Branislav Borenovic said that the election process in Doboj is absolutely irregular as far as they are concerned and that according to information they have, which they have acquired through the media, there were some disputed incidents at a few polling stations in Srebrenica over a few or dozens of votes. “For me, these are two completely separate processes,” Borenovic said. He stated that a final decision has not been rendered in this regard and that it remains to be seen what the B&H CEC will decide.

Office of Serb member of B&H Presidency: B&H Commission for Concessions does not have competence over RS territory (ATV/Srna)

The Cabinet of Serb member of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik issued a statement, saying that all activities undertaken for the ‘Upper Drina’ project are in line with the RS constitutional competences. Statements of Bosniak member of the B&H Presidency Sefik Dzaferovic have been assessed as part of bad political marketing. They added that the B&H Commission for Concessions does not have the competences over property in the RS territory and Dzaferovic should know that, just like he should know that B&H does not have property. The statement of the Office of Dodik is an answer to the announcement of Dzaferovic that legal action will be used against the agreement signed between the RS and Serbia about the construction of three hydro power plants in the Upper Drina river basin. “The Commission for Concessions of B&H does not have competence over property on the RS territory and B&H does not have its property, which is clearly stipulated in the B&H Constitutions, i.e. Annex IV of the Dayton Peace Agreement,” reads the response to Srna that asked for comment on Dzaferovic statement on preparing legal response to agreement between the RS and Serbia.

Brussels has sent proposal to newly elected US President proposing methods of cooperation in Western Balkans (Dnevni avaz)

The daily learns that Brussels prepared and submitted a new document, suggesting the method of Transatlantic cooperation to the new US Administration, which stressed that Europe provided Western Balkans with the perspective of the EU membership, underlining that continuation of partnership between the EU and USA in this region is of key importance, especially in terms of facilitating negotiations between Belgrade and Pristina. Daily learns that EU officials submitted their proposals to the US President-elect Joe Biden listing the priorities and methods of cooperation, including the region of the Western Balkans. “We have to work together in order to support reconciliation, improve authority and encourage key reforms”, reads the proposal. Brussels’ document underlined that “our joint dedication” is crucial in the world where authoritative forces strive towards destroying of democracies and where aggressive stakeholders are trying to destabilize region and institutions and they use closed economies are using the open ones, that “our societies depend on”. The daily noted that while the EU is underlining the issue of Belgrade- Pristina, signals from Biden’s Administration say that engagement in B&H will be strengthened as well. Article noted that Biden’s response is still expected, but despite the fact that EU’s proposal does not state anything new, it is clear that the role of the international community will change.


Montenegro gets new government (CdM)

Montenegro officially got new, 42nd government. Zdravko Krivokapic will be Prime Minister. A total of 41 MPs voted for the government, 21 was against it and one was abstained. Leader of URA civil movement, Dritan Abazovic, is Vice-President of the government. Ministers are: Olivera Injac– Minister of Defense, Sergej Sekulovic– Minister of Interior, Djordje Radulovic– Minister of Foreign Affairs, Milojko Spajic– Minister of Finance and Social Welfare, Vesna Bratic– Minister of Education, Culture, Science and Sport, Jelena Borovinic-Bojovic– Health Minister, Jakov Milatovic– Minister of Economic Development, MladenBojanic- Minister of Capital Investments, Tamara Srzentic- Minister of Public Administration, Digital Society and Media, Ratko Mitrovic– Minister of Ecology, Urbanism and Spatial Planning, Aleksandar Stijovic– Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management and Vladimir Leposavic– Minister of Justice and Minority Rights. A victory of 41 MPs was proclaimed today. That’s the victory of citizens, Zdravko Krivokapic, said in his closing statement. “This government will last for four years. This is our Montenegro and let’s not divide it. This government will serve citizens only. This is the government of sacrifice. New era has come. Every day is precious. I know what lies ahead and how we will deal with that” he said. This is the story about team work. “We never wanted to discriminate anybody. We will win together. This is not a story, an adventure or experiment. The whole system is party system and that can’t change overnight,” Krivokapic said. One of the leaders of DF, MilanKnezevic, said he wanted to tell the truth: “DF, together with SPC and Metropolitan Amfilohije and Patriarch Irinej, has contributed to this freedom”.

“As long as the government sticks to the agreement we reached, it will have support. Tough times lie ahead, but we are motivated to restore Montenegro in the next four years. Our support is support for peace. This is only one of Montenegro’s victories. The basis for victories to come. It won’t be easy but our steps are safe,” Boris Bogdanovic, head of the club of Democrats said.

“Today is the big day and we are taking the first step of democracy, we are setting the standard for normal change of power. For the first time, we have exposition, proposal for the composition. So far, government has been formed on DPS Main Board. A chief comes with a lost and says: Here, vote. I am proud that I will vote for this government, the first democratic government in the history of Montenegro. Citizens, please, don’t get afraid, the government will be civil, sovereign, independent and ecological,” Milos Konatar, head of the Black and White coalition club. Head of the SD club, Ivan Brajovic, said that “we’ve got an unusual situation; mainly critics on the exposition but they will anyway support it”. “Today, we are voting for the government which is mono-Jewish. This government doesn’t have the support of 2/3 of Montenegrin citizens,” Brajovic said.

First messages of new ministers (CdM)

Following Saturday’s parliament session, the ministers in the government of PM ZdravkoKrivokapic– Jakov Milatovic and Djordje Radulovic, addressed the public via social media. “I’m very proud to be elected as a minister in the new government of Montenegro today. I will do my best to put my moral values, adopted in the family, knowledge acquired at prestigious world universities and professional experience gained in the largest European organizations, in the function of economic development of the country!” Minister Jakov Milatovic posted on Facebook. After he had graduated from the Faculty of Economy in Podgorica, Milatovic gained the Oxford Master’s degree as the UK’s government scholarship holder. He had been working as an economist in the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, first in London then in Podgorica. He also worked for Deutsche Bank in Frankfurt and NLB Group in Montenegro. Foreign Affairs Minister, Djordje Radulovic, tweeted that, in this historical moment, he was proud to be part of the first democratic government. “Citizens, first” will become our key principle as well as cherishing good neighborly ties. We will be a credible NATO ally and we will work diligently to bring our country closer to the EU” Minister Radulovic promises. Djordje Radulovic, 36, graduated from the Faculty of Political Sciences in Podgorica. He speaks English and Russian. He has been working in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs since 2011 and was named as the Managing Director of the EU Directorate in February this year.

Krivokapic: Amendments to the Law on Freedom of Religion have been drafted (CdM)

After the election of the new government of Montenegro, Prime Minister Zdravko Krivokapic said that amendments to the Law on Freedom of Religion had already been drafted. He said that Montenegro would not be a Serbian state. He expressed gratitude to his family. “Let’s bring back the power of family. Let’s focus on utmost values. Call every minister if he/she does not come to work at 7 am,” he said. Krivokapic announced that Draft budget will be prepared by 20 December. Prime Minister said he was really sorry about the unpleasant situation with Serbian ambassador. “Montenegro won’t be a Serbian state. Montenegro is and will always be an independent state,” Krivokapic said.

Varhelyi: Congratulations to the new government (CdM)

European Enlargement Commissioner OliverVarhelyi congratulated to the new government of Montenegro and hailed its commitment to the EU path. “Congratulations to the new government! I welcome its commitment to EU path and I am looking forward to cooperating with Prime Minister, Zdravko Krivokapic, and the whole government and parliament in order to speed up and deepen the reforms. The next milestone in the accession process are interim benchmarks for rule of law chapters,” Varhelyi posted on his Twitter account.

Krivokapic: EU must not turn a blind to religious nationalism in the region (CdM)

The EU must not turn a blind eye to religious nationalism that burned the Balkans in the 90s, an honorary president of the SDP and a member of the Party of European Socialists (PES), Ranko Krivokapic said. Krivokapic took part in the PES session, the second-largest political group in the European Parliament, on the topic ‘Bulgaria and North Macedonia – Political leadership and constructive dialogue must prevail’. In a speech, he stated that the countries and peoples on these territories had been strongly collaborating throughout history whenever facing a common enemy. “Today, when we all have a common goal, that is, the EU membership, we have problems in mutual cooperation and solving the causes of such a situation is a key to the progress of the region and all countries that make it up. Today we witness nationalism in the Western Balkans and certain aspirations that some countries still haven’t given up, as it’s the modus operandi of their relations with neighbors.” The EU, according to him, must not turn a blind eye to the dangerous religious nationalism and historical revisionism across the region, having in mind that antifascism, being the foundation of modern Europe, is becoming its victim. “The EU must not have a superficial and bureaucratic approach in considering relations among the countries, but must detect the causes and roots of the problem and timely sanction even the slightest hint of a return to the policy that has brought this region back almost 100 years,” Krivokapic concluded.


Ahmeti on Macedonian-Bulgarian dispute: The longer we wait, the more emotions flow into historical issues (Kanal 5)

Ali Ahmeti believes in resolving the Macedonian-Bulgarian dispute and expects Bulgaria to overcome sensitive issues. The longer we wait, the more emotions flow into historical issues, said Ali Ahmeti, leader of the Democratic Union for Integration. He told Kanal 5 that he believes in resolving the Macedonian-Bulgarian dispute and expects Bulgaria to overcome sensitive issues. “We support our fellow Macedonians in this very important process and I think that the Bulgarian side will take into account in these important processes. We believed that Bulgaria would find the strength to overcome these emotional situations, because if the Balkans looks at its history, we will really have to build a new Balkans. It is of great interest for us not to lose the step of joining the European Union,” said Ahmeti. Ahmeti says the Democratic Union for Integration has always had a constructive stance. “I defend and DUI defends the state interests, but our strong determination to install peace, stability, security and future of our country, while we are committed to resolving difficult issues that require real courage and statehood and the only alternative is for the country to resolve the previous disputes that are an obstacle for further advancement of the integration processes, as we had the courage to resolve the 20-year dispute with the Greek side, the same courage for greater state interests, we need to work with commitment. I am very sure that the domestic authorities, in this case the Prime Minister of the country Zoran Zaev, put the interest of the state, the future of the state, the citizens, peace, stability above his personal interests and I believe that this so sensitive issue will end, it will be closed,” says Ahmeti.

Bulgarian media announces lifting of the veto, but Bulgaria will be able to block Macedonia’s EU path later on? (Republika)

Bulgarian media reported that Bulgaria will lift its veto on Macedonia this week, after receiving a guarantee that it will be able to block the country at any time after the start of negotiations. In “exchange”, Macedonia will be able to start accession negotiations. According to the media, the idea of influential European politicians is to guarantee Bulgaria that it will not be “deceived anymore”, but also Skopje that it will not lose the chance for full-fledged EU membership. As most of our demands, such as the removal of hate speech from textbooks, are not something that happens immediately, Bulgaria will have the right to veto at any time, writes Bulgarian 24 casa. According to the Bulgarian newspaper, this could happen if all disputed issues are included in Macedonia’s membership roadmap, which will be approved by the EU Council. Thus, in case of non-compliance with the agreements or non-fulfillment of any of the obligations, Sofia will be able to impose a veto at any time.