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Belgrade Media Report 8 December


Brnabic congratulates Krivokapic (RTS/RTV/Tanjug

Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic sent a letter of congratulations late Monday to Montenegrin Prime Minister Zdravko Krivokapic on the occasion of his coming into office.

“On behalf of the Serbian government and on my own behalf, I extend to you sincere congratulations on the occasion of your appointment to the office of Prime Minister of Montenegro, as well as the best wishes for your successful performance of this responsible duty.

I am deeply convinced that in the coming period the relations and cooperation between the Republic of Serbia and Montenegro will develop successfully in all areas of common interest, with the aim of overall prosperity of our two countries, development and stability of the region, good-neighborly relations and a common European future. I will use this opportunity to send my sincere wishes for your good health and of your citizens, and for a quick recovery from all consequences caused by the epidemic. With sincere wishes for the improvement of our mutual cooperation, receive, Excellency, the expressions of my special esteem”, reads the letter of congratulations of Brnabic.

Joksimovic: Implementation of new enlargement methodology for Serbia should be shaped as soon as possible (Tanjug

Serbian Minister for EU Integration Jadranka Joksimovic stated today that the implementation of the new methodology for Serbia’s EU accession process should be shaped as soon as possible, as the process is overdue due to the fact that the EU member states and the European Commission obviously cannot agree on negotiating frameworks for North Macedonia and Albania. Joksimovic stated that, considering that the Enlargement Conclusions proposed by the EU Council have not been adopted by the working bodies of the European Commission, it is very likely that they will not be adopted at tomorrow’s meeting of the General Affairs Council either. In that case, the last chance to convene an intergovernmental conference with Serbia is 9 December, when committees of permanent representatives of the EU member states is held.

According to Joksimovic, it would be good if the German presidency showed leadership regarding the new methodology and the enlargement policy. She explained that according to the new methodology, the opening of individual chapters is no longer the main instrument of the accession process, but rather fulfilling criteria for the opening of clusters of related chapters.

She pointed out that for Serbia it would be an important signal to hold a special political intergovernmental conference for our country, which is obligatory under the principles of the new methodology after the publication of the Enlargement Conclusions. She said that if this doesn't happen, what remains is a meeting at the highest political level of the Stabilization and Association Council, scheduled for 17 December, at which the most important aspects of political and economic relations of Serbia and the EU can be evaluated.

Djilas expects start of dialogue between authorities and opposition in March (Beta

Party of Freedom and Justice leader Dragan Djilas said that he expected that talks between the opposition and the authorities, mediated by the European Parliament, could begin in March, adding that all the relevant opposition should be invited to the talks. “I do not expect that dialogue to last indefinitely. The opposition must come out with clear demands, primarily regarding the media, especially Radio and Television of Serbia, as well as monitoring of elections and electoral conditions,” Djilas told a press conference outside the Palace of Justice in Belgrade, because, as he put it, he was forced to file lawsuits on a daily basis for lies published against him in the tabloids and other pro-government media. He went on to say that the people expected the opposition to demonstrate unity in the struggle for electoral conditions and regarding negotiations with the authorities. Speaking about the attacks against him by media outlets close to the regime, he said that he had been forced to file 114 lawsuits over the course of 18 months for lies presented about him. Djilas said that he was a frequent target because the authorities wanted to cover up the situation related to the coronavirus and the borrowing envisaged by the new budget, which was why every new child in Serbia would owe 8,000 Euros as soon as they were born.

Serbian and British soldiers together in Cyprus (Politika, by M. Galovic) 

The “blue helmets” of the Serbian Army are returning, to a significant extent, to the United Nations mission UNFICIP in Cyprus. Two years ago, after many years of engagement, a platoon of Serbian peacekeepers and military observers were withdrawn, so that only three officers on staff duties in the command of the mentioned mission are currently on this island. However, members of the Serbian Army will soon be in a slightly larger number in Cyprus again, together with their colleagues from Great Britain. “The initiative for joint engagement in the multinational operation UNFICIP in the Republic of Cyprus originated from the British side in February this year during the visit of the Deputy Chief of the Defense Staff of the United Kingdom and Northern Ireland Armed Forces Admiral Timothy Fraser to the Republic of Serbia,” the Serbian Defense Ministry responded to Politika regarding this engagement. As they explain, the Serbian Army was offered the engagement of a military police department within the military police platoon of the British Armed Forces. “The aspects of joint engagement in UNFICIP will be defined by a technical agreement, the harmonization of which is ongoing,” the Defense Ministry states.



Inzko: Respect for the victims is prerequisite for successful reconciliation (Dnevni list)

The daily carried a statement issued by the OHR, which reads that West German chancellor Willy Brandt made a truly historic gesture on 7 December 1970, when he kneeled before the Monument to the Ghetto Heroes in Warsaw to ask forgiveness for the crimes of the Nazi era. In doing so, he opened a new chapter of reconciliation between the peoples of Germany and Poland. At the same time, he opened a new chapter of Germany’s future. “The historic gesture of Chancellor Brandt reminds us of the importance of acknowledging the crimes and respecting all victims if a society is to heal and move forward. For a successful reconciliation process, victims deserve the utmost respect, while perpetrators deserve due judicial process. Leaders who aspire to be recognized as respecting and embracing European values must put truth, justice and reconciliation first, and under no circumstances can afford to find themselves on the wrong side of history by negating crimes or glorifying war criminals. This is especially important for a country like B&H that aims to leave the consequences of a terrible war behind and turn towards a European future. For this purpose, I would like to recall the recent message from German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas, who, honoring the legacy of Willy Brandt, said that if a country wants to join the EU, there is no place for the denial of war crimes or the glorification of war criminals,” said High Representative Valentin Inzko. He also added that we should be grateful to Willy Brandt and Germany for demonstrating that there are alternatives, better ways how to move forward for individuals and states.

B&H HoR Constitutional-Legal Affairs Commission rejects initiatives of SDP B&H, HDZ B&H (FTV)

The B&H House of Representatives’ (B&H HoR) Constitutional-Legal Affairs Commission (CLAC) assessed that SDP B&H’s amendments to the Constitution of B&H are not in line with the Constitution and the legal system of that country. CLAC did not support HDZ B&H’s initiative which asked for 23 August to be marked as European day of remembrance for victims of totalitarian and authoritarian regimes. Amendments known as the ‘April Package’ were proposed by SDP MPs at the B&H HoR, according to which capacities of the B&H parliament would be increased, the number of MPs at the B&H HoR would be increased form the current 42 to 87, and the number of MPs at the B&H House of Peoples (HoP) would be increased from 15 to 21. According to amendments, the function of the B&H President and the B&H Prime Minister would be introduced. Hayat reports that the negative opinion of the Constitutional-Legal Affairs Commission will be discussed at the B&H HoR session scheduled for Wednesday, 9 December.

Joint Commission for Defense and Security rejects proposal for law on non-prospective military property (RTRS)

A Joint Commission for Defense and Security of the B&H parliament did not support the initiative of SDA MP Denis Zvizdic to task the B&H Council of Ministers (CoM) with the preparation of a draft law on the use of non-prospective military property. The proposal of Zvizdic suggested that the law is drafted in such a way to give the non-prospective military property to local communities to be used. SNSD stated that the initiative for the solution of the status of non-prospective military property has to be taken seriously and it requires a lot of dialogue. The initiative was not supported by HDZ B&H either. They stressed that such military property can be given to local communities to be used, but it cannot be allocated to them as their property.

RS MoI summons Durakovic, Ahmetovic for questioning in relation to election irregularities in Srebrenica (Nova BH)

The RS Ministry of Interior (MoI) summoned the members of the pro-Bosnian initiative ‘My Address: Srebrenica’ Camil Durakovic and Sadik Ahmetovic for interrogation with regard to the case of suspected electoral fraud and violation of voters’ rights during the local elections in Srebrenica. The Zvornik Police Administration, within the RS MoI, confirmed that it has received reports on election irregularities on November 26 and that its police officers are now acting upon them. Spokesperson for the Zvornik Police Administration Miljan Bobar stated that interrogation of witnesses is underway, after which the police officers will prepare a report and submit it to the prosecutor’s office. In a video statement to Nova BH, Head of Srebrenica Municipality Mladen Grujicic, who won most votes in this year’s elections but the results have not been verified and published due to reports of election irregularities, said that there were also criminal activities in Gradacac, Zivinice and Tuzla pertaining to marked ballots and use of other people’s ID cards to vote. Grujicic said that the situation from 2016 is repeating itself and that there is an attempt to challenge his victory. Grujicic stressed that he has nothing against repeating the elections in Srebrenica. "I de facto have more voters than the Bosniak side has and the Bosniak candidate is the one who is dealing with malversations," Grujicic underlined.

Tegeltija: If I resign, I would not do so due to moral reasons but rather due to stance of majority of HJPC members and safety reasons (Nova BH)

Nova BH carried an interview with President of the High Judicial and Prosecutorial Council (HJPC) of B&H Milan Tegeltija. Commenting the last week’s conclusion of the HJPC in which he has been urged to consider resigning amidst a corruption affair referred to as ‘Potkivanje 2’, Tegeltija stated that he will present his decision on Thursday, which will be exactly a week since the HJPC’s conclusion was adopted. “I gave myself a week to think about it, which is a reasonable deadline,” Tegeltija added. The reporter repeatedly insisted that Tegeltija should announce what his decision on the resignation will be, to which the HJPC President replied: “I would decide on it right away, but I will not do so, because I do not have to at this moment. I do not deal with speculations and I do not make decisions hastily. I make decisions rationally and steadily.” Asked to present his opinion on the fact that officials in Europe tend to resign when facing a similar situation to his – due to moral reasons, Tegeltija noted that it is the right thing to do whenever someone considers that their moral has been brought in question. However, Tegeltija stressed that this does not apply to him and that, if he eventually resigns, it will not be due to moral reasons. “Instead, that would be due to other reasons, including based on the stance of the majority of HJPC members. I would not want to be a president to the HJPC who do not support or who disagree with me. Also, that would be due to safety reasons. I would not be able to perform the function of the HJPC President in Sarajevo efficiently if I feel unsafe there”, the HJPC member specified. When it comes to feeling unsafe to work in Sarajevo, Tegeltija noted: “There are really no safety conditions in which I could perform the HJPC President function. I do not have a security escort, as that is not stipulated by the law. Meanwhile, there has been public demonization of my figure, which creates room for any irrational, radical individual to try to take my life. I really feel unsafe, because a target is being put on me.” Asked if he is afraid of the death threat made against him via Twitter, Tegeltija answered that he is absolutely afraid, and feels that his life is threatened. “I do not want to end up like (the assassinated Federation of B&H Deputy Minister of Interior) Jozo Leutar,” he added. Responding to the reporters’ comment that the Office of the High Representative (OHR) made it clear that he should resign and that the HJPC should have more professional staff, Tegeltija said that the decision on resigning should be his personal decision and added that the OHR should use their available instruments if they think he should not remain at that post, even before he officially announces his decision in this regard. He concluded: “I make my decisions independently, and not according to anyone’s wishes.”

Preserve B&H and Kosovo and assist Serbia (Dnevni avaz)

The daily carries exclusive information about upcoming hearing before US Congress Committee on Foreign Affairs. The session of the Committee is scheduled for Tuesday and it will include experts on the Western Balkans who will issue recommendations for the future US Administration, led by new President Joe Biden. It reads that list of experts who will address the Committee include the former State Secretary Madeleine Albright, Professor from ‘Johns Hopkins University’ Daniel Serwer and analyst Janusz Bugajski. The hearing will be hosted by Chairman of the Committee Eliot L. Engel. The daily learns that in his address, Serwer will call on future US Administration to strengthen its engagement when it comes to prevention of the RS secession, internal reforms in terms of weakening of the entities and full recognition of Kosovo’s statehood. According to the daily, Serwer will say that Dayton Peace Agreement is nowadays used by the “ethnic thieving barons”, where “one is arming his little state for secession, the second one is encouraging him and the third one is complaining”. “The USA should pressure the EU to sanction those who advocate independence of the RS and to strengthen and relocate their troops, with visible support of the US, to Brcko on the northeast of the country in order to prevent secession,” Serwer will say. He will note that Europe and USA want to see post-Dayton B&H which can qualify for the EU membership: “Such B&H will not be based on ethnic division of power, but on majority of citizens who elect their representatives. Cantons and entities, as well as ethnic veto and limitations, will disappear. Americans and Europeans should welcome the possibility of the new civic Constitution. Nobody outside B&H can reform its Constitution. People movement is necessary. The USA, together with the Europeans need to protect this people’s movement from the repression while depriving entities of financial means and redirecting them towards the central authority and municipalities.” Serwer will say that there are issues between Serbia and Kosovo, as well as within B&H, where Serbia is also a factor. He will say that things will be easier if Serbia would assist, adding that in case Serbia and President Aleksandar Vucic continue to prefer aligning with Russia and China, Europe and USA will have to find a way to accelerate the day when “Serbia will be handed over to a true democracy at home and better relations with the neighbors”. Serwer will say that USA and EU, Germany in particular, should pressure remaining EU members to recognize Kosovo and USA should convince Russia and China not to veto Kosovo’s membership in UN.


Markovic hands over duty to Krivokapic (CdM)

Former prime minister Dusko Markovic welcomed in the government the new Prime Minister Zdravko Krivokapic. “Today’s meeting and formal handover of duty are confirmation of democratic content, maturity and responsibility our politics inherits. Hopefully, this Government will work in the interest of Montenegro and its citizens,” Markovic posted on his Twitter account.

Krivokapic: Law on government has to be adopted as soon as possible (CdM)

Prime Minister Zdravko Krivokapic said after taking over his duties that Law on government had to be adopted as soon as possible. He added that the government “will guarantee regular payment of salaries and pensions. The government appointed Zorka Kordic Chief EU negotiator. “This is a new day and a new beginning for entire Montenegro,” Krivokapic said. “I expected, based on what I knew, that it would be essentially a different way of handing over a duty that is more formal. However, we had a pleasant and good conversation in which we exchanged information that is important for the work of the new government. That is all that represent the elements and the basis of the future government, and that is the continuation of the most important investment projects in Montenegro. In order to comply with the highest standards in this area, we must pass a government law as soon as possible that will clearly specify the transition period and what is always necessary for the formal act of terminating one and continuing the work of another government to be given with all relevant information which represent the basis of the work of our state. This is also done during the teaching in much smaller levels of the organization, and we must take that as the best practice,” Krivokapic said. “The session will continue later. We want to get to know ministers and hand them over their duties. I hope this beginning will be remembered as the beginning of transformation in every sense. Citizens will feel that. This government will ensure regular payment of salaries and pensions, as people deserve,” Krivokapic said.


Merkel congratulates Krivokapic: I wish you success in your responsible job (CdM)

German Chancellor Angela Merkel has congratulated Zdravko Krivokapic on the appointment. “I congratulate you on the appointment as Prime Minister. Montenegro and Germany have close friendship. We cooperate successfully at bilateral level, we are allies of NATO,” Merkel stated. She added that Germany would continue to support Montenegro on its EU path.


Dimitrov says that Macedonia will not react to it emotionally (Sitel TV)

After staying out of the public eye for days, as Bulgaria made it clear it will block Macedonia from opening EU accession talks, Deputy Prime Minister Nikola Dimitrov resurfaced to say that the country will not reach emotionally to the latest blockade. “This is nothing to run away from. We will face the problem as adults, not as children, crying “it’s an injustice” like Calimero from the cartoons. There was progress in our relations to Bulgaria over the past years, but this latest move puts it under jeopardy. This is a defeat for the European policy toward the Balkans. Still, I’m not convinced that we would’ve been in better shape if we didn’t have the 2017 treaty,” Dimitrov said in a Sitel TV interview, held a day before the widely expected Bulgarian veto at the European Council. Dimitrov said that the latest demand from Bulgaria, raised at the level of the joint committee of historians, that the adjective “Macedonian” is not used to refer to the Macedonian history, is outside of the bounds of the 2017 treaty. He added that many other issues raised by Bulgaria are outside of the treaty.

Nikoloski: The protests prevented Zaev from capitulating to Bulgaria as early as last week (Republika)

VMRO-DPMNE Vice President Aleksandar Nikoloski said that the 20 days of non-stop protests against the PM Zoran Zaev regime have already had an effect, noting that Zaev, in his scandalous BGNES interview, announced that he will accept all Bulgarian demands, but hasn’t done so. “Be proud of yourselves. A small step has already been made. Zoran Zaev and his treasonous crew were ready to dismantle Macedonia last week. They were prepared to sign their capitulation, a document which no Macedonian would ever sign. But, thanks to you, who came out in the cities and the towns and villages, there was no signing ceremony. They are scared of the Macedonian people. Let’s remain united and we can win this fight,” Nikoloski told the protesters gathered this afternoon in front of the government building. Zaev faced both protests, a major rift in his SDSM party where former leader Branko Crvenkovski is calling for his ouster, and grumbling from coalition partners which he can’t ignore, given that he only holds 62 seats in the 120 seat parliament. “This is just the beginning. They will try again, in a week or two, or, as Zaev now says, after the March elections in Bulgaria. That’s why we need to remain vigilant and spread the spirit of these protests. As Boris Sarafov, the VMRO leader who was well received all over the courts of Europe, used to say, we are neither Greeks, or Bulgarians or Serbs, but simply, Macedonians. It is up to us now to defend this pledge from Sarafov, given 120 years ago,” Nikoloski said. He repeated his call for an immediate resignation from Zoran Zaev and his Government, insisting that Bulgaria would’ve never gone this far and made such outlandish demands from Macedonia, if it weren’t for Zaev and his clear willingness to accept any demand. “His policy is one of the reasons why Macedonia won’t open EU accession talks now. Bulgaria is now hoping to gain something that it fought for 150 years, and that is the fault of Zaev, Nikola Dimitrov and Sekerinska. The other is the huge level of crime and corruption, as seen in the Racket scandal which showed that Zaev is capo di tutti capi of an organized scheme to extort money from businessmen. He is at the top of a pyramid of crime and corruption and that is why we need his resignation, now before it is too late,” Nikoloski said.

VMRO is initiating a vote of no confidence in the Zaev government (Republika)

VMRO-DPMNE is preparing to initiate a vote of no confidence in the PM Zoran Zaev government and that a government of national unity is formed, said the deputy leader of the opposition party Aleksandar Nikoloski in a TV interview. “Zaev refuses to resign even after suffering defeats in all his initiatives, in the handling of the coronavirus epidemic, in the economy and in the European integration. We called on him to resign but unfortunately, he hasn’t done so and that is why we are initiating a vote of no confidence. A government of national unity, supported by all parties in parliament, made up of the best minds we have in the country is the only way out of this triple crisis. Once out of the crisis, we can hold early general elections to elect a political government,” Nikoloski said. Zaev has only 62 seats in the 120 seat parliament and depends on one larger and many smaller coalition parties, some of whom have voiced objections over his handling of the dispute with Bulgaria.


Accession talks with Albania, N. Macedonia not in EU agenda (ADN/

The negotiating framework with Albania and North Macedonia has been removed from the agenda of the European Union ambassadors due to Bulgaria's lack of agreement on the Friendship Treaty with North Macedonia. Journalist Erisa Zykaj reports for

referring to EU diplomatic sources, that at this stage it cannot be said whether there will be conclusions on enlargement during the meeting of European affairs ministers on 8 December. It is learned that there will be a short discussion tomorrow, only 10 minutes, which shows that there is no agreement between the states on the negotiating framework of Albania and North Macedonia.

The German presidency has included the discussion on the enlargement at tomorrow's meeting in the framework of the "AOB" item, which includes any issue other than the agenda. This is done to put pressure on Bulgaria regarding block over the negotiating framework and the conclusions on enlargement.