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Belgrade Media Report 14 December


Vucic, Dodik: Friendly conversation in difficult and challenging times (Tanjug/B92

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic met with the Serb member of the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Milorad Dodik. He said that Serbia will not close the border for the people from Republika Srpska (RS) in any way, regardless of the epidemiological situation in Serbia and RS, as he firmly believes that relations with B&H must improve, so Serbia will continue to help the Serb people in the RS and demands an end to threats of abolition and disappearance of the RS. This was announced by the Cabinet of the President of Serbia after today’s meeting of Vucic with Dodik, who informed him about political attacks on the RS, as well as attempts to overthrow it, and made clear demands and requests to Serbia. According to the statement of the President’s Office, Vucic listened to Dodik and asked him to complete his demands, which the President of Serbia considers legitimate, in the days and weeks ahead. As it is stated, Vucic defines the attitude of Serbia towards B&H and the RS in the following way: Vucic concluded that the Republic of Serbia believes that the relations between Serbia and B&H can and must be improved, primarily through significant economic integrations, connecting people and with a view that is focused on the future, and not on the past. Vucic also pointed out in his answer to Dodik that Serbia will not close the border for people from the RS in any way, regardless of the epidemiological situation in Serbia and the RS. The President emphasized that Serbia has helped the RS with significant financial resources - the last time in the amount of 20 million Euros (40 million convertible marks), and that it will continue to provide all kinds of economic and financial support to our people in the RS. Also, the Republic of Serbia believes that the Dayton Agreement can be changed only with the consent of all three constituent peoples and two entities, with the fact that the Republic of Serbia respects the territorial integrity of B&H and in no way violates it, but demands to terminate threats of the abolition and disappearance of the RS, because the RS is a constitutional category of B&H, derived from the peace agreement of the three constituent peoples and confirmed in Dayton. Vucic and Dodik, discussed and agreed on concrete actions regarding the construction of the Jasenovac - Donja Gradina complex on the territory of the RS.

Cyprus’ position on Kosovo issue clear and unchanged (Tanjug/Politika

Serbian Foreign Minister Nikola Selakovic stated on Saturday, after the end of his official visit to Nicosia, that Cyprus is one of the countries that strongly supports Serbia in terms of its territorial integrity and sovereignty, and Serbia does the same to Cyprus. Selakovic pointed out that he conveyed the unchanged position of Serbia on the issue of support for the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Cyprus to Minister of Foreign Affairs Nikos Christodoulidis, who stated that the position of Cyprus regarding the issue of Kosovo and Metohija is clear and remains unchanged. In addition, Selakovic stated, Cyprus is one of the biggest advocates of Serbia's accession to the European Union and someone who tries to provide us with help and support on our European path at every step and at every opportunity. Selakovic earlier met with Cypriot Archbishop Chrysostom II and Cypriot President's Commissioner for Diaspora Fotis Fotiou, with whom he discussed connecting Serbs and Cypriots in the diaspora. The officials agreed that the bilateral memorandum on cooperation between the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Serbia and the Office of the Commissioner of the President of Cyprus for the Diaspora should be extended to a trilateral one with Greece.

Joksimovic: Serbia shows it is a real European state in 2020 (Beta/FoNet

Serbian Minister for EU Integration Jadranka Joksimovic said on Friday that in 2020, marked by the coronavirus pandemic, her country was not "anyone's burden, that it has successfully coped with the global crisis and secured a level of health care to its citizens that no EU member state has." "We have not made much progress in the EU accession process, but this year has shown that Serbia is a truly European state," Joksimovic told the National Conference on Cross-Border Cooperation.  She added that 1,151 projects worth 406 million Euros were implemented, contributing to a better life of citizens in the border part of Serbia and that such programs would continue. "The process of European integration refers to the entire society, the entire government to achieve EU membership, but also to be able to say that people live in Serbia as in most European countries," Joksimovic said. "Enlargement policy is not as focused on as in previous years. That should not discourage us but motivate us all to reduce differences between the EU and the Western Balkans, to unite the continent of Europe in the true sense of the word and become more competitive in the world market," she added. Joksimovic said Serbia this year was closer to the EU than ever, and that the country's progress should not be measured by opening the negotiating chapters only, and added that every citizen would benefit from the EU, including Serbia's people. The Head of the EU delegation to Serbia Sam Fabrizi said he was glad that Serbia was committed to those programs, because that was already a traditionally important part of the cooperation between Serbia and the EU. "Cross-border cooperation is primarily important for people who live on both sides of the border, who otherwise cooperate, but that should be deepened," Fabrizi said. The coronavirus pandemic, he added, brought a lot of difficulties. With the help that the EU provided to various countries, it was good that "they develop that ability and sustainability". "We are all affected by COVID-19 and we are trying to maintain the level of implementation of these projects and our support is there to try to find alternative ways for that," Fabrizi said. Serbia has cross-border cooperation programs with Bulgaria, Hungary, Romania, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro and North Macedonia.

Jeremic: What exactly Serbia gets by surrendering the electricity grid (Beta)  

The leader of the People’s Party Vuk Jeremic called on Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic to explain to citizens what exactly Serbia was going to get by surrendering the electricity grid in the north of Kosovo to, as he put it, the joint power grid of the self-proclaimed country of Kosovo and Albania. Jeremic said the Serbian state and its citizens didn't get anything from a decision to give Kosovo its own call code and cede courts and healthcare to the authorities in Pristina, but that Vucic personally got what he wanted from foreign actors which is to turn a blind eye his dictatorship and not problematize his increasingly frequent excesses. Jeremic said that Vucic surrendered everything that he promised, while rolling around on the floor in Brussels, while Serbia didn't get so much as a loose Community of Serb Municipalities that was part of an agreement signed in Brussels.

Petkovic: Serbia is not handing over anything today in Kosovo and Metohija (Tanjug/Novosti/NSPM

The Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Petar Petkovic has stated that former Serbian foreign minister Vuk Jeremic has never worked for Serbia and the Serbian interests in Kosovo and Metohija. In a public statement, Petkovic says that Jeremic confirmed this over the past days when he was creating additional confusion in regard to the issue of electricity supply in the north of the province. “The issue of electricity supply in northern Kosovo and Metohija has been the subject of long and difficult EU-mediated talks between Belgrade and Pristina, and we have been and remain committed to the agreements reached, but Pristina has not implemented its obligations on this issue, so that there is no foundation that, until this is done, anything changes anything on the ground,” said Petkovic. He stated that Pristina hindered the formation of two subsidiary companies of EPS in Kosovo and Metohija for trade, supply and distribution of electricity, and whose founders, according to the agreement from Brussels, were supposed to be EPS and the Community of Serb Municipalities. “In that sense, the situation on the ground is completely clear, however, it is not entirely clear for whose zeal Jeremic and some other individuals on the political scene in Belgrade are adding fuel to the fire and trying to make the situation inflammable, because our compatriots in Kosovo and Metohija can have the greatest damage,” says Petkovic. “We emphasize that we have not given up Serbian property in Kosovo and Metohija in any way, which was confirmed by UNMIK in a letter in 2018, and that the property issue remains to be resolved in dialogue. So, unlike Jeremic, we have not and will not hand over anything into the hands of Pristina,” concluded Petkovic.

Botsan-Kharchenko: There will be more pressures (Novosti)

Would Moscow accept suspension of Resolution 1244, if Belgrade agrees with this? 

“The Russian position remains unchanged. We are certain, as well as Belgrade, that a firm, sustainable solution on Kosovo and Metohija is possible exclusively based on UNSCR 1244. We will agree only with the solution that will suit legal interests of the Serbs, which will be supported by Belgrade. Our starting point is that in the end it will have to be approved by the UN Security Council.”

Can Serbia rely on the Russian veto if the issue is raised in the UN regarding membership of the false state of Kosovo? 

“Russia will continue to advocate a rigorous respect of international law, offer principled support to Serbia’s sovereignty and territorial integrity, as well as in the UN and other multilateral forums,” Russian Ambassador to Serbia Alexander Botsan-Kharchenko assessed in the interview to Novosti. He says that pressures on Serbia will keep growing stronger as not everyone likes an independent Serbia. Botsan-Kharchenko added that Serbia nowadays is implementing a balanced multi-directional foreign policy which fully appreciates its national interests. Asked to comment on latest announcements on reform of the Dayton Peace Agreement (DPA) and also asked whether Russia, as a guarantor of the DPA, deems there is a desire for centralization of B&H and abolition of the RS behind such initiatives, Botsan-Kharchenko replied by saying that Russia is of the stance that the DPA is the cornerstone of modern-day B&H. “The constructive potential of Dayton has not even remotely been exhausted. The system of brakes and balance stipulated by this document exists in order to create optimal preconditions for development of the country, by providing guarantees to wide competencies of the two entities and equality of the three constituent peoples. We support the orientation of Serbia to strengthen special relations with the RS, as stipulated by Dayton. We call foreign partners to strictly adhere to the strategy of local responsibility, according to which sides in B&H should decide on all matters on their own. Respecting of Dayton is the key to success of stabilization of B&H. Attempts to revise it, on the other hand, will drive everyone further away from that task,” Botsan-Kharchenko concluded.



Special ceremony marking 25 years since DPA signing takes place in Sarajevo (BHT1)

Ceremony on the occasion of marking the 25th anniversary of signing of the General Framework Agreement for Peace in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) was organized at the City Hall in Sarajevo on Saturday evening. The Dayton-Paris Peace Agreement was initialed on 21 November 1995 in Dayton, US, and signed the same year on 14 December in Paris. During the ceremony, more than 20 former and current local and international high-level officials addressed the guests via pre-recorded messages and video links. It was emphasized that the Dayton agreement ended the war in B&H and brought peace to this country. It also created space for recovery and reconciliation in B&H. “The Dayton enabled two things, first peace and second for us to have one B&H, which after the Dayton agreement received a new internal arrangement with entities and cantons. We have one B&H for all, there is a place for all,” said High Representative (HR) Valentin Inzko. He added that peace is just the beginning and together we must continue to build and develop in the future. It is time for us to speak about better present but also the future, and citizens deserve a country in which they do not have to constantly worry about political crises, conflicts and poverty, said the EU officials. “Young people also believe that the EU membership ensures a long-lasting peace. EU integration can help this country in solving the anomalies of the Dayton system. The authorities must make more determined steps towards that goal,” stressed Head of the EU Delegation to B&H, Ambassador Johann Sattler. Addressing the ceremony, US Ambassador to B&H Eric Nelson said that the Dayton agreement must be improved as it was never the intention for it to be everlasting. “Its deficiencies must and can be fixed,” Nelson added. Outgoing Russian Ambassador to B&H Petr Ivantsov underlined the importance of the current organization that the Dayton established and the right of the veto. Ivantsov said that all possible changes of the document are possible only on the basis of consensus of the three constituent peoples and both of the entities. EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell stressed that B&H's future is in the EU. "That is our common goal and commitment. To achieve this goal, the country's political leadership will also need to take responsibility to act to enable the reforms this country needs," Borrell underlined. US Deputy Assistant Secretary of State and Special Representative for the Western Balkans Matthew Palmer called on the B&H Presidency and the leaders of political parties in B&H to unite in achieving real and tangible progress in implementing what is needed to obtain EU candidate status.

Ambassadors Sattler and Nelson write joint column of 25th anniversary of DPA (Dnevni list)

Dnevni list carried a joint column penned by Head of the EU Delegation to B&H and EU Special Representative Ambassador Johann Sattler and US Ambassador to B&H Eric Nelson on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the Dayton Peace Accords (DPA). The Ambassadors write, among other issues, that we remember more than 100,000 people killed during the conflict, dozens of thousands of missing persons and millions of people expelled from their homes, which is a trauma that affects people’s lives in the country to this date. But at the same time, the Ambassadors continue, there is also hope of citizens of B&H that lights the way in front of the country, the road on which B&H can become a prosperous and sovereign democracy. Sattler and Nelson further write that citizens of B&H can expect practical and political support of the EU and the US in the next phase, and that the EU and the US are determined to provide assistance to strategic transition from post-conflict recovery to stable development of a normal democracy. In order to achieve the transition, argue the Ambassadors, significant changes are inevitable, such as credible measures in fight against organized crime and corruption in political and management structures, and progress in terms of targeted constitutional reforms aimed at better functionality of the country, adding that they are convinced significant step forward can and should be achieved in 2021. The column goes on to say there are no disagreements in the country about the need for radical changes, and the Ambassadors say they agree there is no room for artificial divisions in the country, and that it also clear that only B&H as a single state can make progress towards Brussels. In this context Ambassadors Sattler and Nelson say the European integration can help B&H get rid of the anomalies of the Dayton system, believing that the European integration can help the citizens’ wish for changes becomes reality, adding that this wish for changes can overcome personal interests demonstrated by some politicians “often very shamelessly”. “This new dynamic can be understood as intervention from within the country, intervention of the citizens in their name. And that it the intervention we full support,” reads the column.

Heads of International Missions to B&H’s joint column: Many citizens of B&H are disappointed with long-lasting lack of progress (Dnevni avaz)

The Heads of Missions of the OSCE, United Nations, Council of Europe and the EU to Bosnia and Herzegovina wrote a column for the daily in which they said that although B&H has gone a long way from signing the Dayton Peace Accords (DPA) on14 December 1995, many citizens of B&H are disappointed with long-lasting lack of progress in building of a more prosperous, stable and inclusive society in B&H. According to the column, people with different origins work and communicate one with another on daily basis across B&H, whilst some still rely on rhetoric of divisions, mistrust and even hatred. In that context the column reads that instead of offering policies that will improve conditions for everyone in the society, they work on preventing opportunities and possibilities of mutual empathy and dignity. The column commends a joint statement of the Presidency of B&H from 21 November in which all three members of the Presidency pointed out the importance of strengthening of trust, peace and mutual respect among all peoples and citizens, and in which the Presidency members stressed it is the obligation of all levels of authorities to increase efforts to make sure people and citizens can have dignified life, with mutual recognition and understanding. In this context the Heads of Missions said now is the time to turn these important words into principled and constructive political leadership, which builds peace and offers conditions for all the peoples and citizens to live together, unified in diversity.

Former US president addresses event marking 25th anniversary of DPA: Dayton is beginning, not end! (Dnevni avaz)

Former US president Bill Clinton addressed participants of event marking 25th anniversary of Dayton agreement, which was held at Sarajevo City Hall on Saturday. Clinton said he feels sorry it took so much time to unite all Bosnia’s friends in order to stop the killing and that it took terrible genocide in Srebrenica to happen to trigger NATO members into action. Former US President further said that 25 years later, he is grateful that the peace agreed in Dayton has remained, reminding that a lot more needs to be done and that Dayton (agreement) is the beginning and not the end. He went on to say that hardcore nationalist has been returning during the last decade, that there is no respect for the rule of law and dangerous rhetoric among politicians to raise old tensions, in order to collect short-term political points. According to the daily, Head of the EU Delegation to B&H Johann Sattler and US Ambassador to B&H Eric Nelson stressed it is time B&H went into a brighter future, whilst NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said NATO will continue to help B&H “but the future is in your hands”. High Representative Valentin Inzko said: “We should build B&H together and we are all here to do it”.

Reeker: Russia is trying to sow political chaos in the Balkans (Dnevni avaz)

Senior Official of the Bureau of European and Eurasian Affairs at the US State Department Philip T. Reeker told ‘2Bs Forum’, which was organized by the ‘Atlantic Alliance of Montenegro’, that the Western Balkans has been for years a subject of the US’ attention and investment, which will continue until the goal is achieved i.e. when the Western Balkans gets its full Trans-Atlantic structure. Reeker labeled Russia and China as countries that are trying to obstruct or slow down Euro-Atlantic integration of the Western Balkans countries. “Whilst Russia is trying to sow political chaos and profit out of it, China is trying to buy loyalty in the region through strategic investments, burdened with loans that will be the burden of the future generation,” added Reeker.

Tegeltija claims that his decision to resign is final and he will not change his mind, condemns HJPC for accepting unlawful surveillance (Face TV)

Guest of Face TV was President of the High Judicial and Prosecutorial Council (HJPC) of B&H Milan Tegeltija. Asked about his decision to resign as the HJPC President amid accusations of involvement in the latest corruption affair in B&H judiciary, Tegeltija said that there was no legal option for him to submit irrevocable resignation but his decision is final and he will not change his mind this time because he is a man who stands by his decisions and keeps his promises. He claims that he would have resigned even if the best intelligence agencies in the world came out with undeniable proof that he is telling the truth and the reasons he revealed at the press conference are primarily related to his life principles regarding circumstances under which he can and cannot work. According to Tegeltija, he will have no problems visiting Sarajevo and his safety would not be at risk if he comes as a regular citizen from Banja Luka and nor will any other Serb who visits Sarajevo but he as the HJPC President and someone who occupies a post designated as target has security issues in Sarajevo. He deems that his claims about security in Sarajevo were misunderstood because nothing will happen to common people visiting Sarajevo and the real problem is in him being targeted by the intelligence and para-intelligence structures because his job requires him to make certain decisions. He agreed that those structures can reach him in Banja Luka as well as in any other place in B&H but he is more likely to be the subject of their activities while in Sarajevo. He criticized the rest of the HJPC for somehow accepting unlawfulness as legal and prejudging him on basis of assumptions, more specifically he condemned the HJPC for accepting unlawful surveillance and wiretapping as normal thing and moving to discuss his involvement and resignation due to contents of unlawfully collected footage. He underlined that he was not forced to resign by any individual but by circumstances where SDA’s political agenda infiltrated the HJPC and he cannot represent the stances of newly formed majority in the HJPC as the HJPC no longer has the integrity and cannot perform its role in the judicial system. “Do not underestimate SDA. Never underestimate SDA. It is a powerful political organization, a long-lasting organization and an organization that is incorporated in all spheres of the society” Tegeltija stated and added that SDA may have won in this case and those in Sarajevo who are not SDA supporters but are cheering or silently approving his removal could end up as losers. He claims that the majority of the public in Sarajevo, in particular those who are in favor of the policy propagated by SDA but not necessarily Bosniaks, have formed their opinion about him based on stereotypes and approve all legal and illegal actions against him. As for his meeting with SNSD leader and Chairman of the Presidency of B&H Milorad Dodik and RS President Zeljka Cvijanovic, Tegeltija said that Cvijanovic personally invited him to meet her as the RS President and Dodik as the Chairman of the Presidency of B&H in order to discuss current situation. He stressed that he did not request anything from Dodik and Cvijanovic and he provided them with the same information he presented at his press conference except only with more details. He underlined that pressure coming from a part of the international community is enormous, as noticeable in the fact that several embassies, the Office of High Representative (OHR) and other international organization all issued separate statements in the period of three days. He denied that he was removed by foreign officials in B&H but admitted to foreigners contributing by helping the HJPC to adopt its official stance in this case. Commenting on the statement issued by Head of the EU Delegation to B&H Johann Sattler, in particular Sattler welcoming his decision to resign and calling for more positive moves in the future, Tegeltija jokingly said that he would like to publicly thank Sattler for commending his resignation. As for criticism coming from other holders of judicial posts, namely judges Branko Peric and Milan Blagojevic and HJPC member Biljana Simeunovic, Tegeltija stated that such individuals would not be given any media attention if they were not Serbs, at least nominally, who criticize him and they will surely fall back to obscurity shortly after he officially steps down. Furthermore, he explained that he was never afraid to admit that he represents the RS in the HJPC because he was appointed by judges from the RS but upon his appointment as the HJPC President, he began representing the entire HJPC and B&H judiciary and his duties as the RS representative are not conflicting with duties of the HJPC President. He refused to either confirm or deny media reports about his future appointment as the RS Minister of Justice and said he does not know what he will do in the future but he can choose to continue his career in the judiciary or move to other sectors, such as the media or politics. According to Tegeltija, the main goal behind everything is for SDA to take over the judiciary and a part of the international community is approving this because such setup is deemed far better option than the current one. He emphasized that he does not know who will replace him as the HJPC President and he will not take part in voting but he decided not to officially resign until next week in order to convene a session where the new HJPC President will be appointed. He warned that the system is definitely torn apart and those who fail to recognize this now will not be able to do anything to fix it in five or six months. He deems that changes will run deep after his resignations and will start with Chief Prosecutor of B&H Gordana Tadic who will either be removed or forced to obey through blackmails, after which everyone deemed problematic by SDA will be removed or completely marginalized. Tegeltija noted that many things will happen but nothing good will come out of them. He denied accusing Director of the Intelligence-Security Agency of B&H (OSA) Osman Mehmedagic a.k.a. Osmica of anything and said that he only repeated what Mehmedagic told him about rogue sections of the OSA and para-intelligence structures surveilling and wiretapping him. He underlined that he cannot corroborate allegations about existence of the so-called MOS, which is short for the Muslim Intelligence Agency, but he has certain indications that such para-intelligence structure does exist. Tegeltija stressed that he never heard allegations about Serb intelligence agency or Croat intelligence agency operating in B&H but there are indications that para-intelligence agency is operating in B&H and whether its name is MOS or something else is less important.

Head of EUD Sattler welcomes Tegeltija’s decision to resign (O kanal)

Head of the EU Delegation to B&H Ambassador Johann Sattler welcomed on Friday the decision of President of the HJPC Milan Tegeltija to resign to this post after the newest affair known as ‘Potkivanje II’. Sattler said that he sees the resignation as the only and as the right move to make in the current situation. Addressing the media, Sattler said: “This is a chance for the HJPC to turn a new page in its work. We need these kinds of positive moves. We have been insisting on them for a longer period of time. Among other things, we have been insisting on changes to the Law on the HJPC. I welcome more and more positive steps that will go in the right direction. Over 70 percent of citizens expressed discontent with work of the judiciary in B&H and this is a reminder that work on changes should be present”.

OHR on Tegeltija’s resignation: This is beginning of much needed changes in judiciary (FTV)

The Office of the High Representative (OHR) characterized the resignation of President of the HJPC Milan Tegeltija as the beginning of the much needed and profound changes in the judicial system of B&H. The OHR stated that it is the obligation of all HJPC members, court and prosecutorial institution and especially the Court of B&H and the Prosecutor’s Office of B&H to exert more effort to restore the confidence of the public in their work. The OHR announced that it will continue to monitor this issue.

Dodik says Tegeltija did his job well and did not deserve such attack and disqualification (Nova BH)

SNSD leader and Chairman of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik stated on Friday that President of the High Judicial and Prosecutorial Council (HJPC) of B&H Milan Tegeltija did his job well and that he did not deserve such an attack and disqualification. Dodik stressed that Tegeltija remains important personnel in the field of judiciary. "As far as I know, he has his place here in the court and that is something that is at the disposal. As for political, executive functions, we will decide on it. If we believe that Mr. Tegeltija is someone who could be of use, we will certainly call and propose certain things. But, no reshuffle of the government is currently on the agenda" Dodik underlined. Dodik has requested a report on the work of the High Representative Valentin Inzko. According to Hayat, Dodik said if Republika Srpska (RS) is being destroyed then there is no intention to stay in B&H, because they are not ready to offer “anti-Tegeltija” laws. Dodik added that the failure of the judiciary is the failure of the international community’s creation. Dodik accused staff of the US Embassy in B&H and the UK Embassy in B&H and Sarajevo. Thus, Dodik claims that the judiciary is under the influence of the international factor and the EU Delegation to B&H who impose solutions and demand court verdicts that will be convenient for the political development in B&H. According to Dodik, this is unacceptable for the RS. Addressing a press conference in Banja Luka on Friday, Dodik said that even “European Embassies joined the ‘chase’ of the intelligence service of B&H and Muslims in Sarajevo on Tegeltija”. Dodik added: “And they were doing it in a very public way. There was a situation that some embassies like the US Embassy, issued several press releases lately, which was very strange – in relation to the fact that they constantly advocate that they do not interfere into internal issues of other countries and yet - they are massively doing it by interfering in judiciary”.

Foreign Minister Turkovic reflects on recent congressional hearing regarding Balkans policy recommendations for new US administration (Face TV)

B&H Foreign Minister Bisera Turkovic asked to comment on recent congressional hearing regarding the Balkans policy recommendations for the new US administration, explained that the hearing and recommendations in particular are somewhat of an input or guidelines for the next US administration and they very significant in terms of the US’ foreign policy, especially because recommendations came from serious individuals who were also present to provide additional information and answer questions from representatives of the US Congress She stressed that whether or not these recommendations will be accepted will depend on the circumstances and the amount of pressure on the new US administration but they serve to outline the US’ strategy for the future. Turkovic claims that Republika Srpska (RS) has opened its representation office in Washington for the purpose of lobbying and it is spending enormous funds on lobbyists in the US but this has obviously failed to yield desired results and recommendations for the new US administration surely sound terrifying for this office and the group lobbying on behalf of the RS. She agreed with reporter’s assertion that recommendations given by former US Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, political analysts Daniel Serwer and Janusz Bugajski undoubtedly point towards the abolition of cantons and entities and constitutional changes as current situation with abuse of the authorities, various blockades and the RS’ tendency for secession are impeding B&H’s progress. As for recommendation to station international armed forces in Brcko District in case something unexpected occurs, Turkovic said that both Serwer and Bugajski are experienced analysts with vast knowledge of political situation in B&H and although there is no imminent threat for now, they want the new US administration to proceed with caution and be prepared in case the situation does escalate. She deems that the date the hearing took place (December 8) will turn out to be significant and crucial for the US’ policy towards B&H in the future. She also emphasized the importance of the EU’s decision to start imposing restrictive measures as a response to violation of human rights, namely those who violate human rights will be banned from entering the EU and their assets will be seized but what is more important is that the EU will supervise asset seizure. She stressed that such serious measure will definitely be linked to the EU’s assistance to individual states. According to Turkovic, the fact that the EU adopted this decision only a day before the hearing in the US is not a coincidence whatsoever. As for Serbia’s position in case constitutional changes do take place in B&H, Turkovic stated that Serwer and Bugajski called for assessment of Serbia’s commitment to democracy but they also warned that Serbia is likely to find itself in a difficult position if SNSD leader and Chairman of the Presidency of B&H Milorad Dodik does anything deemed unacceptable. She pointed out that Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic is probably familiar with all the details from the hearing and he is aware of how serious such hearings are. She underlined that US President-elect Joe Biden wants to contribute but it remains to be seen if the circumstances will allow him to be more active regarding B&H. She claims that calls for secession of Republika Srpska (RS) should not be completely dismissed as groundless and everyone should be prepared in case someone tries to turn words into action but she does not expect the RS to secede, mainly because Dodik often changes his mind and rarely stays true to what he says. She argued that Dodik is aware of repercussions he would have faced had he refused to rename the dormitory named after wartime RS President and convicted war criminal Radovan Karadzic and it is high time for Dodik to stop insisting on what is deemed completely unacceptable. She took ongoing delays in the formation of a commission for B&H’s path to join NATO as an example of deliberate obstructions and how different and often unfounded reasons were used to justify obvious stalling. She deems that turning B&H into a civil society would not renew hostilities in B&H because the Dayton Peace Accords (DPA) and presence of international armed forces on the ground were supposed to be a short-term solution and the foundation for future development but the US and the international community did not expect from B&H politician to be deceitful and disregard what was agreed. Furthermore, she argued that she can easily imagine B&H without entities and cantons but this will be done with the will of the people and a bit of assistance from abroad. She noted that the RS citizens will not be opposed to better living conditions and they may be under pressure now but many things will change and put into a different context once leading political figures face adequate sanctions or change their conduct.

Minister Turkovic’s statement comparing Dodik to Hitler sparks reactions (ATV)

In an interview for Sarajevo-based Face TV B&H Minister of Foreign Affairs Bisera Turkovic compared the RS to Nazi Germany and leader of SNSD and member of B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik to Adolf HitlerATV carried part of interview with Turkovic in which she said that Serbs are under pressure, and that Germans were also under pressure of Hitler, but they still “overcame this period. Once the most responsible person faces adequate punishment or changes course of their behavior, many things get set differently.” Asked whether this means she compares Dodik with Hitler, Turkovic replied negatively, adding that she only talks about different situations. Reporter noted that Turkovic also stated that entities in B&H should be abolished with will of people and with support of the international community (IC). Reporter commented that Turkovic’s statement sparked numerous reactions of the RS’ officials. Chairman of the B&H Council of Ministers (CoM) Zoran Tegeltija requested Turkovic to apologize to the Serb people, especially to families of those who managed to survive consequences of fascistic ideology. He also expressed deep concern due to trend where Bosniak officials in joint institutions fail to respect other peoples. Tegeltija said that scandalous statement of Turkovic is evidence of direction of SDA’s policies. Tegeltija reminded that he warned of Turkovic’s behavior when he announced he will resign due to atmosphere in Sarajevo.

RS President Zeljka Cvijanovic stated that foreign minister of one country should know that one people and its authorities should not be linked with Nazi Germany and Hitler. Cvijanovic added that Turkovic is extremist acting in opposition to existing procedures, underlining that she does not represent B&H and its peoples. She went on to say that this type of statements and atmosphere of hatred from Sarajevo will additionally strengthen their awareness of importance of strengthening of the RS and its institutions. Cvijanovic emphasized that neither Turkovic nor any representative of political Sarajevo will be deciding about future of the RS. RS Prime Minister Radovan Viskovic stressed that Turkovic’s statements have been “blinded with hatred”, adding that in normal society she would be removed from public function. Viskovic underlined that Turkovic shows in this way and through similar statement B&H is not viable. He added that the RS means a lot to its people, emphasizing that this is why any statements on abolition of this entity office pointless. Spokesman for SNSD Radovan Kovacevic said that the message for everyone who think like B&H Minister of Foreign Affairs Bisera Turkovic and US officials, is that the RS does not plan to ever give up, that it will never disappear and that it will be eternal. Speaker of the B&H House of Peoples (B&H HoP) Nikola Spiric said that he expects Chairman of the Council of Ministers (CoM) Zoran Tegeltija to remove Turkovic from her post following statements in which she called for the abolition of the RS. Reporter commented that same as usually the IC failed to react, adding that if any Serb official gave similar statement, he/she would be harshly criticized. However, Serbian officials reacted to statements calling for abolition of the RS. Serbian Minister of Interior Aleksandar Vulin said it is possible to reach agreement with Serbs, and that they will never accept violence. He added that attempts to build B&H on killing of the RS is certain way to destroy B&H and spark violence and war.

Dodik to convene meeting with B&H top officials to discuss statements of B&H FM Turkovic who called for abolition of RS and compared him to Hitler (ATV)

SNSD leader and Serb member of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik announced that he will convene a meeting with officials at which the latest statements of B&H Minister of Foreign Affairs Bisera Turkovic who called for the abolishment of the RS and compared Dodik to Adolf Hitler will be discussed. Dodik said that Turkovic’s statement is the culmination of the impossible status of B&H. He said that all those who are B&H advocates are working towards the abolition of the RS and Serbs and that Croats are subdued, so that Muslims and their mujahedeen’s can be expanded. “This is a Muslim fundamentalist and extremist who is portraying the relations towards Serbs. Hate, deep rooted hate and belittling. Trying to place Serbs on the worst side of history. On the same side that Serbs greatly suffered from,” Dodik said. He added that Sarajevo most likes Serbs and Serbia when they are weak and that it is bothered by both Serbia and Serbs. Dodik stated: “I will say only one thing - we have nothing to do with fascism. The Serb people are a libertarian people. The key word in our history is struggle for freedom. We did nothing and we never attacked anyone, we always defended only what was ours. We also defended the RS and we defended it. We have it now. No such klutz as Bisera Turkovic can endanger it,” Dodik underlined.

US Embassy on Turkovic’s statements: The only way to secure better future for all B&H citizens is through dialogue and compromise; OHR calls on all parties in B&H to conduct dialogue and reach compromises (ATV)

ATV reminded of the latest statements of B&H Minister of Foreign Affairs Bisera Turkovic who called for the abolishment of the RS and compared Dodik to Adolf Hitler. ATV Banja Luka reports that the international community failed to react to statements of Turkovic and that the only reactions that could be registered were upon the request of media from the RS. ATV reports that the responses were very short, as they usually are when RS is the side requesting answers and that the reactions only called for refraining from inflammatory rhetoric, while failing to mention Turkovic’s name anywhere in their statements. The US Embassy stated: “The only way to secure a better future for all B&H citizens is through dialogue and compromise between elected leaders, including compromise for reforms which are necessary for keeping promises of greater progress and self-sustainability which is offered by the Euro-Atlantic community”. ATV reports that the Office of the High Representative (OHR) were no stricter in this regard and that they called on all parties in B&H to conduct dialogue and reach compromises, while failing to mention the party that Turkovic belongs to, SDA. Iveljic stated that during the address of the High Representative Valentin Inzko on Saturday (on the occasion of marking of the 25th anniversary since the signing of the Dayton Peace Agreement) about peace and stability in B&H, he did not mention Turkovic’s rhetoric which leads to everything else but stability. ATV stated that while Inzko has never failed to criticize the RS, while he acted as if nothing happened in regard to Turkovic’s statement. ATV reports that unlike the IC, the region condemned Turkovic’s statement in which she referred to Serbs as Nazis. Member of the DF party in Montenegro Andrija Mandic said that the attempt of history revision is a clear attempt by those who wish ill upon the Serb people and the RS.

Covic: Agreement between HDZ B&H and SDA on changes to election law is expected mid-January instead of 17 December; Izetbegovic: It is naive to think HDZ B&H and SDA can solve this alone (BHT1)

The implementation of the Mostar agreement in the part concerning the changes to Election Law of B&H remains in the focus of the international community. Instead of coming to an agreement by December 17th the negotiations will continue into 2021. It is uncertain who is buying time and whether the IC will play a crucial part, commented the presenter. Leader of HDZ B&H Dragan Covic said after another meeting with representatives of the IC that an agreement between HDZ B&H and SDA on changes to the Election Law is expected mid-January instead of 17 December as previously announced. Covic stated: “We held this meeting before 17 December as another confirmation of our agreement in order to put together with the EU, in our obligation, to have the B&H Election Law by the end of the sixth month (June), which will solve all those dilemmas that are a constant problem, legitimate representation and other problems. That could be a motive to receive candidate status in the seventh month (July).”

Leader of SDA Bakir Izetbegovic claimed it is naïve to expect both parties can solve this alone. Izetbegovic said that both sides can only give outlines of the solution that will align the judgments of the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) with the judgments of the B&H Constitutional Court. “In my opinion, this is a compromise that will allow the House of Representatives, that is, for the majority of the HoR to perfect that majority. At this moment this is being suffocated and controlled by the House of Peoples. If HDZ B&H is ready to remove asymmetry between competences of the RS Council of Peoples (CoP) and Federation of B&H House of Peoples (HoP) then we are on track to solve this issue,” stated Izetbegovic.

B&H officials react to statement of Croatian President Milanovic in regard to B&H’s future (N1)

B&H politicians reacted to statements made by Croatian President Zoran Milanovic in an interview he gave on Friday, during which he discussed the political situation in B&H and the EU path of the country. Namely, Milanovic stressed that B&H is required to change its internal organization and highlighted that given the current state, the option of B&H becoming a civil state is far away. Milanovic said: ˝They should not delude themselves that any strategic decisions will be made without the consensus of three peoples with constituent status, and this is no medieval time, and there is no civic state without it. Therefore, I say once again, a civic state is a far, far away dream and that is a nice thing, but first soap must be applied, then perfume”. Croat member of the B&H Presidency Zeljko Komsic stated that the alleged scents of culture and European behavior in which Milanovic prides himself with are the stench of rot of chauvinism and fascism speaking out from him. ˝There is no soap, or perfume that can wash away and cover this stench. It is clear to everyone who knows him that Milanovic is an arrogant and egocentric man, but it is news that he leans into ‘ubermensch’ fascism. Unfortunately, he is the president of the neighboring country,” said Komsic. Bosniak member of the B&H Presidency Sefik Dzaferovic said that the recent statements of Milanovic say more about him than about B&H. “Milanovic’s statements reek of chauvinism and xenophobia, and this cannot be helped by any soap or perfume,” said Dzaferovic. Former B&H Minister of Foreign Affairs Zlatko Lagumdzija assessed Milanovic’s behavior as primitive. He added that Milanovic displays a medieval mindset which humiliates the institution of the President of Croatia. Lagumdzija said that this needs to be used as an additional motive to build a civic and liberal democracy and a state and society of joint values. SDA issued a statement saying: “When it comes to allusions about cleanliness, we remind Milanovic that unlike others, legal authorities in B&H did not stain their honor by committing aggression against neighboring countries and participating in joint criminal enterprises and ethnic cleansing. It was done by paramilitary forces from neighboring countries. There is no soap which can remove these stains.” President of SDP Nermin Niksic called on Milanovic to revoke all honorary awards handed out to war criminals who have been suspected and convicted of such crimes. He invited him to show respect towards people who protected human rights and the dignity of their people. SBB B&H stated that B&H will not be “Milanovic’s punching bag”. SDP called on Milanovic to “finally accepts international subjectivity and sovereignty of B&H”. Our Party noted Milanovic’s sees B&H as a colony at the lower level of civilizational development. Milanovic’s statement was welcomed by HDZ 1990 and HDZ B&H. HDZ 1990 leader Ilija Cvitanovic said Milanovic has a great desire to help Croats in B&H. HDZ B&H delegate in the B&H House of Peoples (HoP) Barisa Colak outlined that Milanovic’s statement is a continuity and a clear policy he pursues. According to the statement issued by the Croat People’s Assembly (HNS) of B&H, Bosniak policy should, instead of directing insults towards Croatia, accept B&H as a state of three equal peoples.

Lavrov to visit B&H; Dodik says cooperation with Russia will continue (Nova BH)

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov will arrive in a two-day official visit to B&H on Monday. The Republika Srpska (RS) Ministry of Interior is tightening security measures as Lavrov is also expected to visit Istocno Sarajevo. Lavrov is expected to meet B&H Presidency members, B&H Presidency Chairman Milorad Dodik and B&H Minister of Foreign Affairs Bisera Turkovic. Commenting on his upcoming meeting with Lavrov, Dodik said on Sunday that the cooperation with Russia will continue. “This will be the opportunity to ask Lavrov at the session of B&H Presidency, with Zeljko Komsic and Sefik Dzaferovic in attendance, how come that Russia “undermines” and if they have any information on this. They just want to terminate any possible constructive cooperation with Russia, but we will continue this cooperation on all issues and Russia does not have any negative role here,” Dodik stated. He stressed that cooperation between the RS and Russia will continue in political, economic and any other form, regardless of pressures coming from the West and the political Sarajevo. Dodik stressed that Russia's role in the RS and B&H is constructive and in accordance with international law, deeming as unfounded accusations of the West, as well as the other two members of the B&H Presidency about alleged Russia's malignant influence and machination in B&H. “So, they want to deprive us of any possible constructive cooperation with Russia, and that is something they want. We will, of course, continue to constructively cooperate on all issues, both political and economic and all other issues. Russia has no negative role here,” Dodik underlined. Dodik pointed out that he will be very open at the meeting of the B&H Presidency with Lavrov, having in mind that the qualifications in Sarajevo are usually negative towards Russia. “Russia is accused of exerting some alleged malignant influence, for which they have no evidence. The entire intelligence structure, including the Intelligence-Security Agency (OSA) of B&H, which should serve the interests of B&H, not only Muslims, is aimed at recording who these alleged people of Russian influence are and it is taking intelligence and all other measures against them. We will talk about that, I believe there are many issues that need to be clarified in this regard,” Dodik underlined.


Lavrov’s visit to B&H comes in moment when USA and EU announce corrections of DPA (Jutarnji list)

Jutarnji list announces the visit of Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov to B&H, noting that Lavrov will first on Monday meet Chairman of B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik in Istocno Sarajevo, while the meeting with other two members of the Presidency will occur on Tuesday. After B&H, Lavrov will pay a visit to Belgrade and then Zagreb. The daily comments that Lavrov’s visit draws much attention as it happens in the same time when the USA and the EU announce corrections of the Dayton Peace Agreement, which would aim to strengthen state and not entity institutions and prevent any possibility of the RS’ secession. The announcements of strengthening of Euro-Atlantic initiatives and marginalization of Russian influence is considered the main reason why Lavrov will first meet Dodik. Lavrov’s spokesperson Maria Zakharova stated that “attempts of retailoring of Dayton architecture of B&H regardless of motives, could have the most serious consequences” as the DPA guarantees “rights and interests of B&H peoples and their entities”. Author noted that it is assumed that Dodik will ask Lavrov for support in maintaining the status quo even though certain circles in Sarajevo hope that Lavrov could be somewhat restrained regarding this. Daily reminded that Russia is the only member of the international community which advocates abolition of the High Representative. Russian state media reported that announcements about changing DPA have caused disturbances among the countries in the neighborhood.

Milanovic: You cannot change B&H system, B&H framework without will of constituent peoples (HRT1)

Croatian President Zoran Milanovic spoke of the situation with the coronavirus in Croatia, COVID-19 vaccination, his non-attendance at the EU summit in Brussels and other relevant topics, including the anniversary of the Dayton Peace Accords (DPA). Asked what should be changed in terms of the DPA and how he sees the role of new US President Joe Biden in regard to that entire process, the future of the DPA, but also relations in B&H Milanovic said that in the last five years, no one spoke on behalf of the international community, except for low-ranking officials. "When I say low-ranking officials - ambassadors are also low-ranking officials for such important issues. We listened to them. Those are people who are tailoring, holding maps, compasses, triangles, rulers in their hands and saying what something should look like instead of organizing things in front of their own doors. The Dayton is the way it is and I see no way to change it without violence. I do not mean war, I simply mean mental and every other violence which - everyone knows this - never passed in B&H and it always caused greater violence. You cannot change the B&H system, the B&H framework without the will of constituent peoples. Those are Serbs who have Republika Srpska which was enacted and that cannot be annulled. You have Serbs and their representatives saying a lot of things, but they have certain rights. You have Croats. Yes, Croats exist, just like Bosniaks. They exist, we cannot pretend that they do not, and they are unsatisfied in that country. Is that a secret? Am I a nationalist or chauvinist if I say that?... They should not get carried away that any strategic decisions on anything will be reached without the consent of the three constituent peoples and it is no Middle Ages and there can be no civic state without that. I will say it once more - civic state is a distant dream," Milanovic underlined.

Croatia will continue to advocate for the rights of Croats in B&H (HRT)

In spite of being one of the three constituent peoples of B&H, Croats in the neighboring country are not on equal footing with the Muslim and Serb populations. On Sunday parliament speaker Gordan Jandrokovic commented on a recent statement from President Zoran Milanovic regarding B&H, in which Milanovic said that B&H cannot have a civic society without the agreement of all three constituent peoples. Jandrokovic said that Croatia would insist on ensuring the equality and constitutionality of the Croat people in that country, and will continue to vociferously defend their interests: "The president made a few statements that drew attention to attempts to have the majorization of the Bosnian Muslim people over the Croat people in the Federation of B&H. He said it in his specific way, but in terms of the content, I absolutely agree with him." The President’s statement evoked harsh reactions from Bosnian Muslim representatives in Sarajevo, who characterized his comments as racist and xenophobic. Due to the existing election law in that country, Bosnian Muslims can outvote Croats and elect who will represent them in political institutions. The Constitutional Court of B&H has long since ruled that the election law is unconstitutional, however, Bosnian Muslim leaders show no intent of amending the legislation, something they have been repeatedly called on to do by the European Union and other international institutions.


Government wants to legalize undermining of historical continuity of the Montenegrin Orthodox Church (Pobjeda)

The Law on Freedom of Religion has been fundamentally amended far from the public eye, and by means of this document, the takeover of the historical existence and the absorption of the autonomous-autocephalous Montenegrin Orthodox Church into the Serbian Orthodox Church have been legalized, Pobjeda writes. As Pobjeda has learned, it has been proposed that the law be called the Law on Freedom of Religion or Beliefs and the Legal Status of Churches and Religious Communities, and Article 1 of the amendment specifies that Article 24 shall be amended to read as follows: “Religious communities that have acquired legal subjectivity according to their historical continuity and previous regulations until the day this law enters into force shall be ex officio entered in the records of existing religious communities, kept by the Ministry.” Article 3 of the amendments envisages the deletion of Articles 62, 63 and 64, which are replaced by the new Article 62: “Property-legal disputes between Montenegro, churches and religious communities regarding religious buildings and land built or acquired before 1 December 1918 can only be resolved before the competent courts in civil proceedings in accordance with ratified international agreements, the Constitution of Montenegro, the Law on Property Relations, the Law on State Survey and Real Estate Cadaster and other relevant regulations”. The law has been amended far from the public eye, most likely in the Serbian Orthodox Church, and one of the members of its expert team for amending this act was the current Minister of Justice, Human and Minority Rights Vladimir Leposavic who announced that the document was ready and that it will be in the government at the beginning of next week, in an urgent procedure, and then forwarded to the parliament. The first working day of the new government was Monday, 7 December, when Leposavic announced on Wednesday, 9 December, after only two days of “life” of the government, that the amendments to the Law on Freedom of Religion had been completed. He also said that everything had been done with “intensive consultations with religious communities”, which included only three – the Serbian Orthodox Church, the Islamic Community and the Catholic Church. Leposavic explained that organizing a public debate is not obligatory when the law is changed in an urgent procedure, and that religious communities are “enabled to give suggestions and comments” in the consultation process. The previous government tried to hold negotiations with the Serbian Orthodox Church on changes to this law on several occasions, but in vain. The Serbian Orthodox Church in Montenegro does not have the status of a legal entity, and unlike other religious organizations that have been introduced in the register, it has always refused to legitimize as a legal entity in our country. It demanded a special status, basing the request “on historical continuity” and presenting itself as a religious organization older than the state. “The proposal for such a decision classifies the proposers as quislings, and the government that proposes it and the Parliament that adopts it as the occupying bodies of Serbia. There is no civil state in which all citizens, of any religion and nation are not comfortable. Montenegrin people don’t feel comfortable in their own country”, Mr Stevo Vucinic, vice-president of the Metropolitan Council told Pobjeda. He reminds that Montenegrin church property has long been the property of the state of Serbia, and that in our monasteries and churches “there is a world that uses them to destroy the constitutional order and for the final annexation to Serbia.” The government needs the vote of 41 deputies to amend the Law on Freedom of Religion, which means that representatives of the coalition led by Mr Dritan Abazovic’s URA should also vote for it. The party previously announced that it would support the changes related to the disputed articles of the Law on Property, which was a key request of SOC before elections. Now it is no longer in their focus, but it is crucial for them to acknowledge that the Serbian Church is the one that represents the historical continuity of the church in our country and that it should take over the complete historical heritage of the Montenegrin Orthodox Church. On the same day when he announced that the amendments to the Law were ready, Leposavic had a meeting with the Archbishop of Bar and the Apostolic Governor of the Diocese of Kotor, Monsignor Roko Djonlesaj, who told Pobjeda that Mr Leposavic handed him the Proposal for Amendments to the Law on Wednesday. When asked how these amendments to the Law will affect the status of the Montenegrin Orthodox Church, Djonlesaj said that this church “should work harder to see how to organize their religious church life.” The head of the Catholic Church in Montenegro claims that the changes to the Law are insignificant and not essential. “These are some tiny amendments, they are not detailed. It is more about the name and the registration … About the problem of whether to register a religious community that has been there for centuries. So, it was entered to register, not to register what has been registered here for centuries. And that is perfectly fine, to register new communities if they are established,” Djonlesaj said. Amendments made to the property are also insignificant.

Medojevic kicked Sekulovic out of PzP, as he opposed closer collaboration with Serbian parties (Pobjeda)

Leader of the Movement of Changes, PzP, Nebojsa Medojevic, kicked the current Interior Minister, Sergej Sekulovic, out of the PzP back in 2010, as Sekulovic had been against closer cooperation among the PzP, the New Serbian Democracy, NOVA, and the Socialist People’s Party, SNP, within the alliance ‘Better Montenegro’, Pobjeda daily has learnt. At that time, the party’s presidency also expelled Boris Maric, the future minister in the transitional government, Mr Milos Konatar, current vice-president of URA, Anka Vukicevic, ex-independent MP, as well as Milos Marovic, Miodrag Djuranovic and  Bojan Andrejevic. Seven members of the PzP Main Board were dismissed for, as they had explained, “carrying out the public campaign against the PzP”. It’s interesting to learn that 10 years later, both Sekulovic and Konatar have no problems to closely cooperate with the Serbian parties, having in mind they are all part of the ruling majority. After being expelled from the Movement for Changes, Sekulovic used to be advisor to the parliament speaker, Mr Ranko Krivokapic. In 2016, when the transitional government was formed, Sekulovic was an advisor to Maric in the area of administrative procedures. Their collaboration continued in 2019 when they established the NGO CEGAS – Center for Civic Freedoms, which carried out a range of projects in the area of strengthening human rights and civic activism. Mr Boris Maric was an executive director, while Sergej Sekulovic was its founder.

Abazovic about Kosovo with an asterisk: I hope that such a mistake won’t repeat (CdM)

Vice-president of the government Dritan Abazovic said that he “hopes the Kosovo mistake will not repeat”. He reminded that Ministry of Health explained it was a technical mistake, and that he feels sorry for what happened. “There won’t be changes in relation to the recognition of Kosovo,” Abazovic said. He adds that he doesn’t want to defend anybody.


Fifth consecutive day of protests with calls for Rama's resignation (ADN)

The protest for the murder of 25-year-old Klodian Rasha, which entered its 5th consecutive day, started around 11:15 in the city of Shkodra. As protesters march on the city's pedestrian area, they constantly shout "Rama leave", "Crime police!", while asking for justice for Klodian. The main demand of the protesters is the resignation of Police Director Ardi Veliu, while there are also calls for the overthrow of the government. Even the fourth protest in Albania over police shooting turned violent as many protesters throwed stones, strong objects and burned trees and trash cans not only in capital Tirana, but even in main cities as Durres, Shkoder, Elbasan and Korce. Prime Minister Edi Rama apologized to the dead 25-year-old's parents days ago as Interior Minister, Sander Lleshaj resigned after police shot dead a young man, Klodian Rasha, on the Youth Day, but these actions were not enough for the protesters.

British Ambassador Duncan Norman: Let us resolve things peacefully (Radio Tirana)

The British Ambassador to Albania Duncan Norman also reacted regarding the murder of Klodian Rasha by a police officer. Norman expressed condolences to Kolidan's family as he wrote that justice must be done. He further added that he supports the protesters but adds that the rally should be peaceful. Statement by the British Ambassador Duncan Norman: "We express our solidarity and condolences to the family of Klodian Rasha. Justice must be done. And it is seen that it is being decided. We understand why people are angry and support the right to peaceful protest. Let us resolve things peacefully".

US Embassy in Tirana: Those seeking to be in power should reject violence (Radio Tirana)

The US Embassy in Tirana considers the murder of Klodian Rasha by a police officer a tragedy, expressing its deepest condolences to his family and friends. Ambassador Kim spoke with Prime Minister Rama, Police Director Veliu, Democratic Party Chairman Basha and Chairman of the Socialist Movement for Integration Kryemadhi, to discuss the rights of citizens and the responsibilities of leaders. She underlined that those in power have a responsibility to ensure a full and transparent investigation of the incident, to exercise restraint in protecting security and public property, and to ensure accountability in all cases. In this regard, we note that the authorities have apprehended the officer in question and have launched investigations. Those seeking to be in power must demonstrate their ability to lead responsibly, including the rejection of violence. Those who were in power in the past, should not compound the past mistakes, suggesting that violence is acceptable. The US Embassy calls on all parties to show restraint, in accordance with their responsibilities, so that the rights of all Albanian citizens are protected, and that their voices, including those in protest, have the opportunity to expressed and heard without violence," the statements concludes.