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Belgrade Media Report 17 December 2020


Selakovic says Serbia respects territorial integrity of B&H but loves RS (Politika/TV Pink)

Following the visit of Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov to Serbia, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Serbia Nikola Selakovic told TV Pink said that this was not a common visit but a friendly visit which confirmed traditionally good relations of Serbia and Russia. Selakovic also reminded that the Dayton Peace Agreement (DPA) for Lavrov is the foundation of stability of B&H. “If someone wants to change it, then they need to have consent of three constituent peoples and two entities, one of which being the Republika Srpska (RS). Serbia has the agreement on special and parallel relations with the RS. We appreciate B&H as a state, we respect its territorial integrity, but what we respect and love is the RS,” Selakovic stated. He went on to say that Serbia, as one of signatories and guarantors of the DPA, has the obligation to fight for implementation and respect of the DPA, including the existence of the RS.

Joksmovic: Successful realization of program of cross-border cooperation (Tanjug

Serbian Minister for EU Integration Jadranka Joksimovic and EU Commissioner for Neighborhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations Oliver Varhelyi opened on Wednesday the online conference “Functional cross-border regions as drivers of EU integration of the Western Balkans”. The meeting was organized by a joint Balkans office of the Association of European Border Regions and the Central European Service for Cross-border Initiatives, with the goal of marking five years of its work in Belgrade. Joksimovic underlined that the Ministry has been successfully implementing for years programs of cross-border cooperation of the EU in Serbia, through seven programs with Hungary, Croatia, Bulgaria, Romania, North Macedonia, Montenegro and Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H), but it is also a partner to all organizations whose work contributes to the better lives of citizens of Serbia who live in border regions.

Varhelyi confirmed his support to Serbia and the region of the Western Balkans in the process of European integration and underlined that the projects that affirm regional cooperation are the best examples of how to make a better life for all citizens on the grounds of the European values of unity and solidarity.

Lorenz: Serbia should step up efforts to align with Brussels (Beta/RTV

The Head of the political department at the EU Delegation to Serbia Dirk Lorenz told the annual ISAC Fund conference on Wednesday that Serbia has to step up its efforts to align its policies with the EU’s common foreign and security. Lorenz told the conference that Brussels wants Serbia to progressively align its foreign and security policy with that of the EU in the pre-accession period. He said that this would certainly have a positive effect on the speed of the process. He is quoted as saying that the EU respects sovereign choice, autonomous decisions, including Serbia decision to maintain military neutrality but we believe that military neutrality does not mean political neutrality,” he said. Lorenz said that Serbia is expected to step up the aligning of its policies before an agreement is reached with Pristina. “We know that a binding agreement on comprehensive normalization of Belgrade-Pristina relations will probably make it easier for Serbia to do that,” he said. According to Lorenz, Serbia has been stuck at 50-60 percent alignment with EU decisions over the past few years, adding that this is the lowest level in the region but that progress has been made by aligning with the two declarations on Belarus.

Less: There will be no pressures on RS, Biden needs assistance of Serbia in Kosovo (Politika/Tanjug)  

Timothy Less from the Cambridge University stated that messages of former and current officials of USA with regard to the future US policy on the region and Serbia, which could have been heard over past several years, could be understood by Serbs as threatening but he said that he believes those messages “have a limited capacity”. “Serbia does not have to worry on whether there will be ultimatums that would force them to recognize Kosovo in order to preserve the RS,” Less said and added that newly elected US President Joseph Biden “will push political and economic integration of the region as the only sustainable political option which he has at his disposal”. Less also assessed that the anniversary of the Dayton Peace Agreement (DPA) and session of the US House Committee on Foreign Affairs were exploited to present a number of statements and proposals on future of Kosovo and DPA by liberal American commentators who were encouraged by Biden’s victory.



Covic: Dzaferovic and Komsic act in line with instructions of SDA leader (BHT1)

The official visit of Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs Sergey Lavrov to Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H), which took place on Monday and Tuesday, continued to spark reactions. The visit was marked by a diplomatic incident in which Croat member of the B&H Presidency Zeljko Komsic and Bosniak member of the B&H Presidency Sefik Dzaferovic refused to attend a meeting with Lavrov. HDZ B&H leader Dragan Covic said: “There are a lot of activities happening around the key Bosniak party, SDA. Two Bosniak members of the Presidency, Mr. Dzaferovic and Mr. Komsic act in line with the instructions of the SDA leader.” In his opinion, this was a synchronized game that was supposed to distract the attention from many current things in Sarajevo. Responding to Lavrov’s comment, Komsic noted: “No Western power or SDA, for that matter, can influence my stance on this matter. There was no contact with anyone.”

Izetbegovic denies claims that he suggested or ordered Dzaferovic and Komsic not to meet with Lavrov (FTV)

SDA leader Bakir Izetbegovic commented on Wednesday on Tuesday's decision of Sefik Dzaferovic and Zeljko Komsic not to meet with Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov. Izetbegovic denied claims that he suggested or ordered Dzaferovic and Komsic not to meet with Lavrov. "That is nonsense and I am distancing myself from that. Mr. Dzaferovic and Mr. Komsic are two leaders who have strong integrity, their own attitude and no one should tell them what to do. They did the right thing yesterday (Tuesday)," Izetbegovic underlined. Izetbegovic further said that Russia's interference in B&H's internal matters is evident, adding that Lavrov expressed disrespect towards the state of B&H. "By not respecting the symbols of B&H, the Constitution of B&H which clearly defined the position of the OHR, by not respecting the strategic commitment and laws of B&H, for example the Law on Defense," Izetbegovic said, adding that messages that Lavrov very deliberately sent during his visit to B&H provoked and forced Dzaferovic and Komsic to act the way they did. Izetbegovic also said that he will not allow HDZ B&H to create a new blockade after HDZ B&H stated that it will not allow changes to the Statute of the City of Mostar until the B&H Election Law is amended. Izetbegovic assessed that Russia has had an unprincipled and a non-selective support to Serb leaders in B&H. According to Izetbegovic, that is against strategic commitments of B&H and direct interference in internal issues of this country.

Dodik congratulates Biden victory in elections (RTRS)

Chairman of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik congratulated on Wednesday the US-President-elect Joseph Biden the victory in the US presidential elections. He stressed that the Serb people share friendship and alliance with the US for over a decade and that the US are one of the authors and guarantors of the Dayton Peace Agreement that stopped the bloodshed and the civil war and established the constitutional and legal system in B&H based on equality of the two entities and the three constituent peoples. Dodik reminded that the date of harmonization, i.e. 21 November is celebrated in the RS as an important holiday while he and the Serb people find marking of 25 November – as the date taken from the communist regime and the date that announced the beginning of the civil war in B&H on 1 March - unacceptable. Dodik underlined: “You will agree that mutual respect is a basis for successful and productive cooperation that B&H and the entire region urgently need”.

Palmer: Changes to Constitution of B&H as well as changes to structure of authorities will be necessary (Dnevni list)

Deputy Assistant Secretary in the US Bureau of European and Eurasian Affairs Matthew Palmer stated that changes to the B&H Constitution as well as changes to structure of authorities will be necessary. According to Palmer, regarding the issue whether the Dayton agreement has to undergo revision, it is necessary for B&H to carry out reforms in order to make progress towards the European future. “I think there is widespread opinion that reforms are necessary. This will certainly demand change of the Constitution at some moment, change of the authority structures in B&H, which will belong to B&H people, the leadership of that country on all sides. There are discussions on how to move forward, which is the best path.”

Sabolic: Question about necessity to change DPA need to be answered by legitimate political representatives (Dnevni avaz)

Speaking for the daily, Croatian Ambassador to B&H Ivan Sabolic stated that the international community is there to assist, but every long-term solution for B&H has to come from within, fully respecting the provisions of the Dayton Peace Agreement (DPA), especially concerning the provisions regarding equality of constituent peoples. Sabolic noted that DPA is one of the greatest successes of the international mediation in establishing of the peace. Ambassador stressed that in the past we witnessed many political processes, but honest what was missing was a honest political dialogue about stronger engagement on implementation of Annex VII and concerning the further development of the country. Stressing that what B&H is lacking is internal political agreement, Ambassador stressed that stability and sustainability of certain political solutions depends of whether these solutions were imposed or they are the result of internal political dialogue. Ambassador noted that B&H is today faced with fulfilling of different criteria within the process of EU integration. “The question about necessity of changes of DPA, first of all need to be answered by legitimate political representatives of citizens and all three constituent peoples in B&H,” said Sabolic. Ambassador noted that there is a present misconception that derogating of the principle of constituent status and equality of peoples in B&H is a path towards non-discriminant constitutional-legal order. “It is important to stress that abolition or complete minorization of the stated principle and constitutional provisions based on it, would endanger foundations of the agreement reached in Dayton, which has an international character,” said Sabolic. Sabolic stressed that as Croatian Ambassador, he has to underlined that this would most of all endanger the Croat people, adding that protection of collective rights would then be reflected only through entities, where other two peoples have majority. Ambassador stressed that Croatia is the strongest advocator and friend of B&H in the process of EU and NATO integration. He stressed that Croatia will provide its support, but finds it unacceptable to have representatives of one people electing the political representatives of the other people, adding that this is a damaging political practice, which encourages political radicalization and divisions.

HR Inzko visits Mostar, meets with ‘Coalition for Mostar 2020’ candidates; Representatives of Serb parties in Mostar reject meeting with Inzko (Hayat/ATV)

High Representative for B&H Valentin Inzko visited Mostar on Wednesday, where he met with the ‘Coalition for Mostar 2020’ candidates and the Coalition’s list leader for the Mostar City Council Zlatko GuzinaHayat reports Inzko came to Mostar to be informed the pre-election activities. Representatives of Serb parties in Mostar rejected to meet High Representative Valentin Inzko on Wednesday during his visit to the city. Representatives of SNSD, SDS and the coalition ‘Stay Here – Together for our Mostar’ made a joint decision to reject the meeting with Inzko because of his continued and incorrect behavior towards the Serb people. They issued a statement, saying that the joint stance of Serb representatives is that the international community does not need to meddle in the election process in Mostar.  Representatives of Serbs in Mostar stated – in a previous press release – that the joint stance of Serb representatives is that the international community should not interfere in the election process in Mostar.


Tegeltija resigns as HJPC President; Gorusanovic-Butigan to be at head of HJPC by February next year when new leadership of HJPC should be elected (O kanal)

Milan Tegeltija is no longer the President of the B&H High Judicial and Prosecutorial Council (HJPC). Namely, Tegeltija submitted his resignation at Wednesday's session of the HJPC. After adoption of the agenda, HJPC Vice President Sanela Gorusanovic-Butigan proposed three conclusions, including the one according to which Tegeltija should submit his written resignation on Wednesday so that the HJPC could appoint a person that will lead the Council until all vacancies in the HJPC are filled. The second conclusion was for Tegeltija to submit his resignation on Wednesday and to elect a new presidency of the HJPC, while the third conclusion was for Tegeltija to submit his written resignation, but to schedule the next session of the HJPC before that and forward a request to the RS Supreme Court to initiate the procedure of appointment of a new member of the HJPC on behalf of basic and district courts of the RS. The HJPC members voted on the three proposals and the first conclusion got the most support. After that, Tegeltija submitted his resignation and left the session, while HJPC members elected Gorusanovic-Butigan as the interim president of the HJPC. Gorusanovic-Butigan will be at the head of the HJPC by February next year when new leadership of the HJPC should be elected. "We did not believe that the best solution was to elect the presidency at today's (Wednesday's) session," Gorusanovic-Butigan said, explaining that if members of the HJPC opted for electing a new HJPC presidency at Wednesday's session, it would have been composed of people whose mandates are due to expire. Tegeltija said that the Law on HJPC does not have any articles that regulate the appointment of another HJPC member to convene sessions and sign acts and decisions. He believes that this is a mistake that can only be fixed by convening a new session of the HJPC which can be convened by the President who was legally appointed after secret voting of all members of the HJPC. Gorusanovic-Butigan was authorized to read Tegeltija’s resignation letter, as he only submitted the resignation and left the session. On Tegeltija’s behalf, Gorusanovic-Butigan read his words: “Given that I consider that the work of the HJPC has been compromised, I no longer want to participate in work of such institution, under these circumstances.” Gorusanovic-Butigan also said: “As for the plans, as the Vice President, I had a vision and desire to initiate specific things, and since I am no longer the Vice President, I would not go into detail of those visions, ideas and plans. But, I will certainly, as an authorized person, make maximum efforts to make contacts with the international community, international institutions, because I am of view, they are our biggest partners”.

DF presents set of laws which should make possible full reform of HJPC (Hayat)

DF MPs in the B&H parliament presented on Wednesday a draft Law on High Judicial and Prosecutorial Council (HJPC). DF caucus sent six legislative solutions in the parliamentary procedure, i.e. three laws and forming of High Judicial Council, High Prosecutorial Council, and the Office of Disciplinary Judge. Both Councils would consist of seven members, with judges electing members of the High Judicial Council and prosecutors electing members of the High Prosecutorial Council. According to proposal, if necessary members of the Councils could be removed by the B&H parliament, i.e. Commission that includes members of the academia and the opposition. Commenting on the proposal member of the DF caucus in the B&H House of Representatives (HoR) Zlatan Begic said it allows “the B&H HoR to initiate the procedure of judicial office holder removal who does not perform their tasks in accordance with the Constitution and the Law, in a fully transparent manner”. According to proposal, the B&H HoR would appoint Chief Disciplinary Prosecutor and their deputies. DF leader Zeljko Komsic said when the proposal was in the development phase, representatives of the international community were consulted, but showed no particular interest in it. Hayat reminds that the European Commission (EC) has given 14 recommendations to be implemented in order for B&H to be granted the EU candidate status, and one of the priorities is reform of the judiciary in B&H, including adoption of a new Law on HJPC. Commenting, Komsic said he is certain B&H will not face issues with regard to the candidate status. After resignation of HJP President Milan Tegeltija, the EU Delegation to B&H informed it is high time for serious reforms, according to which adoption of amendments to the Law on HJPC related to integrity is a credibility test for commitment of the country to the judiciary reform in accordance with the European standards. The reporter comments that a lot of work is ahead of local politicians who truly want B&H to become the EU member state. Komsic stated that DF drafted the legislation in line with the EC Opinion. "International legal experts were consulted as to how this could be regulated. We are here and we will continue to do that regardless of whether there will be necessary majority or whether sessions of houses will be scheduled this or the next year. It is important that this legislation is sent into parliamentary procedure," Komsic underlined. Komsic stated that fulfillment of fourteen priorities from the EC Opinion is extremely important for B&H. "Guided by those priorities stated in the EC's Opinion, we as a party this year submitted an entire set of serious legislative and constitutional solutions for which we believe are in line with what is required by the European Commission. There is the proposal of Constitution, changes to the Election Law, the Public Procurement Law and there are also three laws that regulate everything that so far was regulated with one law and that is the work of the High Judicial and Prosecutorial Council," Komsic underlined.


Plenkovic and Lavrov talk political and economic ties between Croatia and Russia (Hina)

Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic on Wednesday received Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, who was on a mini tour of the region marking the 25th anniversary of the Dayton peace accords. Lavrov stopped over in Zagreb to open the new building housing the Embassy of the Russian Federation. Plenkovic appeared in public for the first time after recovering from the coronavirus infection. According to a press release issued by his office, the meeting reaffirmed good bilateral political and economic relations between the two countries. Plenkovic and Lavrov exchanged views on the situation in southeast Europe, global issues and the further fight against the COVID-19 pandemic. They stressed the importance of tourism in Croatian-Russian relations, which is expected to get a boost after the pandemic ends. They also expressed a mutual desire to continue bilateral dialogue. Plenkovic invited his Russian counterpart Mikhail Mishustin to visit Croatia. Speaking earlier on Wednesday, Lavrov said he was willing to answer any questions raised, including those concerning Moscow's reaction to Plenkovic's visit to Ukraine four years ago, when he had offered Croatia's experience with the peaceful integration of the Croatian Danube region as the best model for the reintegration of Donetsk and Luhansk into Ukraine, as well as for the reintegration of the Crimea, which has been annexed by Russia. Croatia's position is well known, and the issue of eastern Ukraine will be dealt with by respecting the Minsk agreement and the UN Security Council resolutions, Lavrov said.

Lavrov says relations with Croatia are good in spite of Brussels (HRT)

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov arrived in Zagreb for an official visit to Croatia. He was received on Wednesday by his host Croatian Foreign and European Affairs Minister Gordan Grlic Radman, who said that he is convinced that Lavrov's visit will serve as an impetus to further move Croatian-Russian relations in a positive direction. The focus of their talks was on bilateral relations, specifically economic cooperation. Numerous Russian companies, such as Gazprom and Sberbank. Russia is also interested in opening a cultural and science center in Zagreb. And for next year, plans are being made to hold a meeting of the Croatian-Russian inter-governmental commission. Grlic Radman said: “The Minister and I discussed areas in which it is possible to deepen the cooperation between the European Union and the Russian Federation. I also emphasized that we have to keep our channels of communication open, and to be able to look to the future in spite of the current challenges in international relations.” For his part Lavrov said that in spite of obstacles in relations with Brussels, Moscow and Zagreb enjoyed good bilateral ties: “We have concluded that unfortunately the EU is prepared for normal relations with Russia, but we have good, friendly and constructive relations with Croatia.” The two ministers also discussed the situation in neighboring B&H with Lavrov expressing his strong support for Croatia's push to see changes to the election law in that country. Asked if in return for Russia's support for changes to the election law, Moscow had demanded the B&H abandon its ambitions to join the NATO alliance. “The election law needs to be reformed, and we absolutely agree with Croatia that each constituent peoples in B&H must be allowed to elect their own political representatives. We are not in the habit of opposing other countries ambitions to join various alliances such as NATO. B&H is an independent country, in spite of the fact that there exists an office of the High Representative, which we find to be a relic of the past. B&H must decide on the direction of her foreign policy in line with her constitution, and everyone has to respect these decisions in line with the Dayton Agreement. But that also means that they have to understand that this means respecting the rights of all three constituent peoples, which includes the position of the Republic of Srpska on military neutrality,” Lavrov said.  Lavrov was also received by Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic and President Zoran Milanovic, with whom he discussed the situation in the region, and bilateral relations, with a focus on strengthening economic ties between the two countries, specifically in the tourism sector when the situation with the coronavirus allows for normal cross-border travel again. On the occasion of his visit, Lavrov also opened the new Russian Embassy in Croatia.

Croatia and Russia sign program for boosting cultural cooperation (Hina)

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and Croatian Culture and Media Minister Nina Obuljen Korzinek signed on Wednesday the sixth Program of Cooperation in the Field of Culture for the 2020-2022 period, the Croatian Ministry of Culture and Media (MKM) said.

The program was signed as part of the Russian Foreign Minister's official visit to Croatia, and it encourages exchange and cooperation between artists, cultural and art institutions, and associations, as well as direct cooperation between cultural institutions of mutual interest, the MKM said. Mutual cooperation, the Ministry said, encompasses a wide range of activities related to museums, galleries, performing arts, literature, and publishing, as well as the existing high level of cooperation in the area of audiovisual activities. The Ministry recalled that in the domain of cultural heritage the cooperation was especially pronounced between the Underwater Research Centre of the Russian Geographical Society, the Lomonosov Moscow State University Marine Research Centre, and the International Centre for Underwater Archaeology in Zadar, a UNESCO Category II Centre. Signing the Program will improve, the Ministry said, the existing cooperation between organizations, artists, and experts. In addition to a good and meaningful bilateral cooperation between the two countries, which is achieved through direct contact between cultural institutions and artists working in Croatia and Russia, the cooperation within international platforms will also continue, the MKM said.


Radulovic: Cooperation with Serbia is high on the agenda (CdM)

Cooperation with the Republic of Serbia is high on the agenda of Montenegro’s foreign policy, said Montenegrin Foreign Minister Djordje Radulovic in a telephone conversation with Serbian Foreign Minister Nikola Selakovic. “The head of Montenegrin diplomacy said that this practice certainly does not befit countries that promote the policy of good neighborly relations. He expressed confidence that in the period that follows, the two countries will find the best possible solution, so that both have diplomatic representatives who will work tirelessly to improve bilateral cooperation,” the Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced. Radulovic emphasized the importance of the complementarity of the two countries’ common foreign policy path in the context of EU membership. “The two countries should focus on achieving the same or similar goals in terms of foreign policy, with full respect for the differences of individual attitudes and orientations, as independent states,” Radulovic said, adding that the two neighboring countries should strive to improve relations. The interlocutors assessed that the focus of the development of bilateral relations should be economic cooperation, especially in the field of implementation of infrastructure projects and projects in the field of energy. They announced that a meeting of the Joint Committee for Economic Cooperation will be held, when the circumstances related to the pandemic allow it. Radulovic told his interlocutor that Montenegro supports Serbia’s European path, and that in that sense he stands for the principle of the regatta. In this context, he expressed confidence that the two countries would co-operate on issues of common interest, in terms of providing expert assistance and examples of good practice. Selakovic wished his interlocutor a successful mandate, and expressed Serbia’s readiness to build relations with Montenegro on the principles of mutual respect and appreciation of the foreign policy agenda. He expressed conviction that bilateral relations should be strengthened through cooperation regarding European integration, which is one of the main priorities of both countries.

Radulovic initiates recall of several ambassadors (CdM)

Montenegrin Minister of Foreign Affairs Djordje Radulovic has initiated the recall of several Montenegrin ambassadors. His list includes Obrad Stanisic, ambassador to Bosnia and Herzegovina, Tarzan Milosevic, ambassador to Serbia, and Miodrag Vlahovic, ambassador to Holy Sea. Darko Pajovic, ambassador of Montenegro to China, Sanja Vlahovic, ambassador to Italy and Dusanka Jeknic, ambassador to UAE are also on the list. The proposal for recall is referred to the government for adoption. It is certain that Ministry of Foreign Affairs currently hasn’t got enough experienced ambassadors, so it remains to be seen which adviser will be promoted to ambassador. The government will support the decision on recall of seven ambassadors, PM Zdravko Krivokapic said in Brussels. “I have to be honest and I don’t want to hide anything from citizens. The government will support that decision. The fundamental criteria was withdrawal of diplomats who inflicted damage to Montenegro with their incorrect actions over the past three months,” Krivokapic points out. A diplomat must primarily represent the state, not a party or internal group. “The objective is to reduce the number of political diplomats,” PM says.

Leposavic voted for the document which declares Mandic and Knezevic pro-Russian opposition leaders (Pobjeda)

Leaders of Democratic Front (DF) Andrija Mandic and Milan Knezevi, are marked as pro-Russian opposition leaders in an official document adopted by the Government at an online session. The document states that “political environment was significantly changed” after October 2016, when several persons were arrested on relation to the coup attempt. “These arrests and accusations that followed led to boycotts of opposition parties. In June of 2017, indictment against 14 persons was brought, including two Russian nationals and two pro-Russian opposition leaders,” the information reads. Giving unanimous consent to the document, Prime Minister Krivokapic and ministers officially declared Mandic and Knezevic “pro-Russian opposition leaders”. Justice Minister Vladimir Leposavic agreed with this statement, saying that – if the Court of Appeals convicts them- he will propose that the new parliamentary majority adopt law on amnesty of these two DF leaders! Now, the question for DF, which supports Krivokapic’s government: Did Leposavic deceive the public when he announced amnesty or when just several days later he agreed with the accusation that Mandic and Knezevic took part in the terrorism attack in 2016?

Montenegro’s strategic goal is to be 28th EU member state (CdM)

Montenegrin Prime Minister Zdravko Krivokapic said that Montenegro’s strategic goal was to be EU’s 28th member. He had a meeting with Oliver Varhelyi, European Enlargement Commissioner and president of the Lower House of the Belgian federal parliament Eliane Tillieux, who said that the state was happy if Montenegro became 28th EU member state.

“We will be decisive, credible and transparent in the implementation of reforms because our vision is the European future of Montenegro,” Krivokapic said. Varhelyi said that they were ready to help Montenegro make progress towards the EU. “It’s time for us to move forward, starting from the progress in the area of rule of law,” Varhelyi said. “Belgium would be happy if Montenegro became 28th member state, but additional efforts are required especially when it comes to the institutional model of MNE, judiciary and independence of that branch,” Tillieux said.

Injac visits Alliance: NATO membership requires high level of commitment (CdM)

Montenegro’s membership in NATO, in addition to the already achieved advantages, is a process that continuously requires a high degree of commitment at the national level, said Defense Minister Olivera Injac during her visit to the Alliance’s headquarters in Brussels and Montenegro’s Permanent Mission to NATO. She pointed out that the dynamic NATO agenda implies cohesion and commitment with the investment of maximum efforts of all employees of the defense sector, which will contribute to Montenegro remains recognized as a reliable ally.

“She especially emphasized that the strategic and conceptual adaptation of the Alliance to the new security environment should be used for qualitative adaptation of strategic documents and defense plans of Montenegro, as well as full legal regulation of crisis management,” the Ministry of Defense said. Injac held a meeting with representatives of the defense and military part of the Mission, representatives of the national military part of Montenegro at the Allied Command for ACO operations in Mons, as well as officers of the Army of Montenegro engaged in ACO.

“The Minister was informed about the individual competencies and the most important activities that the Alliance is currently carrying out in the field of defense and military, as well as the more difficult tasks projected for implementation in the coming period “, it was announced from her department. An engagement in the defense sector based on professionalism and honorable performance of duties, as Injac concluded, will always have her full support.


Zaev: We are united with the President on our EU future and resolving the issues with Bulgaria (Republika)

During the traditional, annual address of President Stevo Pendarovski this year, we witnessed a responsible approach in accordance with state interests and as a contribution to our strategic commitments, Prime Minister Zoran Zaev wrote on Facebook. The contribution that President Pendarovski gave regarding the fight against the coronavirus and in a period when we did not have a functioning Parliament, he bridged the period until the election of the new Government, which created all preconditions for a decisive institutional response to the health, social and economic crisis. We welcome the fact that with President Pendarovski we are unanimous in terms of defending state positions and interests for our future in the EU, as well as in the approach to resolving issues with Bulgaria, said Zaev. He adds that the address of the President made it clear that they share a common position and unanimity that the Macedonian identity issues – language and nationality as Macedonians, is not up for debate.


Meta receives Osmani (Radio Tirana)


President Ilir Meta received in a meeting his Kosovar counterpart, the Acting President of Kosovo, Vjosa Osmani. During a joint statement to the media, Meta underlined the importance of boosting cooperation between the two countries. "It is important to boost cooperation between the two countries. I thank Vjosa Osmani for the will. One of the most important is the challenge of the Covid-19 pandemic, the severe socio-economic consequences, in this regard we have shown the willingness to cooperate between the two countries to overcome it as best as possible, at the lowest possible cost. I expressed my gratitude to Osmani and all the people of Kosovo for the assistance that Kosovo has given to Albania as in the case of the November 26 earthquake. This visit will help strengthen relations and confirms the fact that Albania and Kosovo remain important factors", declared Meta. Osmani called the relations between the two countries as sister relations, as the sisters are more sincere. She asked for Albania's support in identifying Serbia's crimes. "I call them sister relations, because they are more sincere, not brotherly relations. Kosovo's path has always been full of challenges, but we always had Albania on our side. The truth is that it is Serbia that has committed genocide and war crimes in Kosovo. We need the help of Albania so that the truth is not alienated," said Osmani.

Osmani: Mini-Schengen a bad decision, exchange of territories a dangerous adventure (Tirana Times

In her first visit in Albania as Acting President of Kosovo Vjosa Osmani, while holding a press conference with President Meta, has again spoken out against the Mini-Schengen, considering it bad for both Kosovo and Albania. “We do not have any document which explains what Mini-Schengen is, where it is based, from the beginning it was wrong, and Kosovo was not included, we do not know the reason why. Kosovo has not been consulted,” added Osmani.

Osmani discussed with Meta also the exchange of territories topic, adding that she thanked the President of Albania for expressing his firm position against the terrible idea and dangerous adventure for exchange of territories. While for the moment that idea seems to be dead, Osmani expressed her fear that in the future it could resurface again, and that is why "it is important to have a strong voice in Albania". Osmani later continued by making a request to the Parliament of Albania, to adopt the resolution condemning the Serbian genocide in Kosovo, by saying that “our parliament has adopted it, it is natural for Albania to be the second country to follow.” Acting President of Kosovo Osmani considered Albanian role in the integration processes of Kosovo as quite vital, expressing her hope to see one day the flag of Kosovo next to the Albanian one in NATO. As for the presidential crisis in Kosovo, Osmani stated that if the country would have general elections, it would be good for democracy and for her own movement. She added also that the leader of Democratic League of Kosovo, Isa Mustafa, would probably not want to have new elections. During the first day of visit in Albania as Acting President, Osmani paid tribute also to the Memorial Museum of Skanderbeg in Lezha.



FM Szijjártó Urges EU to Accelerate North Macedonia’s Integration (Hungary Today, 17 December 2020) 

Stabilisation and development in the Western Balkans is in Hungary’s national interest, Foreign Minister Péter Szijjártó said after talks with Bujar Osmani, his North Macedonian counterpart, in Budapest on Thursday. “Whatever happens in the Western Balkans has an immediate security and economic impact on Hungary,” Szijjártó told a joint press conference. Hungary provides full support to the region’s EU and Euroatlantic integration, Szijjártó said, adding that he regretted delays in the region’s EU accession. While Albania, Montenegro and North Macedonia have joined NATO, the EU has made “nil effort” towards their integration, Szijjártó insisted, and urged acceleration of that process. Unless the region’s integration is made faster, “somebody else will fill the void”, he said, adding that “it is time the EU took action”. At the talks, the two foreign ministers signed agreements concerning higher education, joint courses for training diplomats, as well as a 115 million euro credit line to be provided by Hungary’s Eximbank to finance cooperation between businesses of the two countries. Szijjártó noted that at the talks the assignment of a group of 30 Hungarian police officers assisting North Macedonia’s border police had been extended until 2022. Osmani thanked Hungary’s support towards his country’s EU integration endeavours. He said his country would make every effort to joint the EU but voiced regret that Bulgaria was not supporting their endeavours. Osmani said he hoped conditions would soon be in place to start accession talks with the EU.