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Belgrade Media Report 21 December 2020


Vucic: No recognition of Kosovo, nor membership in NATO (TV Prva

Serbian President AleksandarVucicsaid on Friday that Serbia would not recognize Kosovo as long as he is in office, nor would it become a member of NATO. Speaking on a live talk show onTV Prva, Vucic said that “Belgrade certainly will not recognize Kosovo” by April 2022 when the next presidential elections are to be held. Vucic said that Serbia also won’t join NATO because it is a militarily neutral country. “I think that is the best position, safeguarding our country ourselves, as well as the skies and the people and we will continue to do that,” he said. Vucic said that he expected MadeleineAlbrightto have a big influence on the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina. Commenting on unofficial announcements that the former US secretary of state will join the dialogue, the president of Serbia said that she is an important person in the establishment of the US Democratic Party and that she is expected to have a big influence on the dialogue. “We will talk and fight for our interests, it will not be easy for us. That is all I could say, and if you expect a vocabulary of insults from me, I would be irresponsible and frivolous if I did that,” said Vucic. “Our job is to protect our people in Kosovo and Metohija, but to be honest and to preserve the stability and security of Serbia,” Vucic stressed.He pointed out that he has no right to play and make irresponsible statements that would insult the greatest or one of the greatest powers in the world.

Vucic: With changes to Dayton Agreement, one is asking for the RS not to have entity competences (TV Prva

Serbian President AleksandarVucicdiscussed the situation with regard to Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) and the Republika Srpska (RS) forTV Prva. On the occasion, Vucic said Serbia respects the Dayton Peace Agreement (DPA) and the territorial integrity of B&H, but the essence is in SDA’s official policy that wants to abolish the RS. “SDA is a serious political party, the biggest and the most powerful in B&H in every respect. They held a congress, had their documents and adopted a resolution on constitutional reform and election legislation. They said they see B&H divided into legislative, executive and judiciary branches, organized at three levels, i.e. state, regional and local. Regional level of government would be comprised of five or more multiethnic regions. There is no the RS,” said Vucic. He reminded that competences of the entities and the state are clearly defined under the B&H Constitution, where B&H has competence over foreign policy, foreign trade policy, customs policy, monetary policy, financing of institutions and paying international obligations of B&H, immigration, refugees and asylum, implementation of international and inter-entity policies, establishing and functioning of joint international communication, air traffic control, regulating inter-entity transport. “Everything else, not mentioned here, belongs to the entities. And what has been taken away from the RS in the meantime? And everyone is silent and then they criticize us with regard to the rule of law while they destroy the rule of law,” said Vucic. He stressed that Serbia, under the DPA, has the right for special relations with the RS and in no way has violated territorial integrity of B&H, including by projects related to the Drina River. He referred to Croat member of the B&H Presidency ZeljkoKomsicand SDA leader BakirIzetbegovicexpressing their personal opinions on the NATO and independence of Kosovo. “I would like to remind you of statements by both, Bakir Izetbegovic and Komsic, i.e. for them Kosovo is independent. That is not the policy of B&H and has never been determined by any document and it directly violates territorial integrity of Serbia.”

Party of Freedom and Justice warns EU Ambassador of becoming a political accomplice to the Serbian regime (Beta

BorkoStefanovic, deputy leader of the Party of Freedom and Justice, said in a message to the Head of the EU Delegation to Serbia SemFabrizithat by justifying the regime’s lies, persecution of people who think differently, endemic corruption, incompetence in fighting the coronavirus, destroying the rule of law and promoting violence, Fabrizi is becoming a political accomplice to the usurper of the state. “You are helping those who don't want to see Serbia in the European Union, and have stopped the country on its way to the Union. By doing so, you are becoming directly responsible for stopping Serbia's EU accession,” Stefanovic said in an open letter, referring to Fabrizi's public appearances at sessions of the National Convention on the EU and Serbian parliamentary committees. Stefanovic asked Fabrizi if there was any parliament in the EU parliament where one could see the orchestrated persecution of people who think differently, where actors, professors and journalists are slandered and offended, not to mention a place where lawmakers are publicly competing in lies and slander directed against opposition leaders. Stefanovic also said he would like to know if Fabrizi had seen any other single-regime parliament, one without any opposition, which is otherwise referred to as an anti-state element.

First gas through Turkish Stream pipeline on 1 January (Novosti

The first deliveries of natural gas through the Serbian section of the Turkish Stream pipeline should start on 1 January next year,Novostireports. The daily quoted reports in Russian media that the section from the border with Serbia to the border with Hungary would become operational soon but added that the reports have not been confirmed by the government-controlled Srbijagas company. Novosti said that it was told by sources in the Serbian Mining and Energy Ministry that system tests could be completed by the end of the year along with a test run and commercial deliveries. “The pressure in the gas pipeline is sufficient to bring necessary amounts to Serbia,” the sources said. They added that commercial supplies would probably begin sometime between January and March.



Vucic says he respects integrity of B&H, but that he cannot accept ideas of abolishing RS; 

Zvizdic reacts to Vucic’s statement (RTRS

Serbian President AleksandarVucicstated in Krusevac on Sunday that he cannot accept the idea of abolishing the RS and remain silent to the fact that a certain B&H official is comparing a Serb representative to AdolfHitleralthough Serb people suffered the most in World War II. Vucic added that it is of crucial importance for Serbia to have the best possible relations with B&H and that he is not calling B&H's integrity into question with any of his statements. “I will not accept ideas and I cannot accept the idea of abolishing the RS, not only because that is our constitutional obligation, but because the one who is trying and who wants to abolish the RS, besides doing something against the will of the Serb people, the one who wants to do that does not want good for the stability or peace in the Balkans. Those people, instead of saying - yes the RS, that is a part of B&H, we love the RS - they would gain the trust of the Serb people in that way, they are saying in every statement how they will abolish the RS,” Vucic underlined.

Deputy speaker of the B&H House of Representatives (HoR) DenisZvizdic(SDA) responded to Vucic and said that the one who wants secession of the RS and who publicly or tacitly supports such an idea is going against the stability and peace in the Balkans.

After 12 years, local elections in Mostar take place without major incidents (Nova BH

Local elections in Mostar have been organized after 12 years. Many say these elections are of historical importance. A little over 100,000 citizens were eligible to vote and chose their new authorities. Around 370 candidates are in the race for new convocation of the City Council. Thirty-five councilors will be elected to the new convocation and they will later on vote on who the next city Mayor will be. According to the Central Election Commission (CEC) of B&H, a little over 40 percent of citizens voted by 4 p.m. The biggest turnout was reported in the southern city area, a little over 45 percent. The lowest turnout, around 39 percent, was reported in the Stari grad area. Member of the City Election Commission in Mostar MarijaSoldoconfirmed that elections passed in a normal and transparent way, without any major problems. She said some irregularities were reported and the City Election Commission received three written complaints which have not been reviewed yet. During his visit to the polling stations in Mostar, Chairman of the B&H Central Election Commission (CEC) ZeljkoBakalarconfirmed that he personally saw that everything passed in a regular manner and that the only problematic thing he found was lack of heating service at certain schools, which served as polling stations.

B&H CEC presents preliminary results of elections in Mostar, turnout around 55 percent (BHT1

BHT1Late News carries a press conference of the B&H Central Election Commission (CEC) on preliminary results of local elections in Mostar held on Sunday. President of B&H CEC ZeljkoBakalarsaid that turnout in abovementioned elections was 55 percent. He stated that election process was implemented in line with electoral regulations, adding that there were some exceptions that do not represent significant violation of election process and cannot affect election results. Bakalar also stated that more than 1,700 observers were engaged in these elections. He stressed that although nine COVID mobile teams were formed for Mostar elections, due to dispersion of all those infected with COVID-19 or undergoing isolation, they could not visit all 437 citizens who submitted request to vote. Bakalar emphasized that counting of ballots in the Main Center for Counting of Ballots should commence on Tuesday. According to preliminary results of elections in the City electorate unit 199A, HDZ B&H won 6,310 votes, coalition ‘Za Mostar’ won 3,820 votes, Croat Republican Party won 1,056 votes, BH Bloc won 902 votes, coalition ‘Ostajte ovdje – Zajedno za nas Mostar’ won 522 votes, HDZ 1990 won 350 votes, Platform for Progress won 305 votes and Independent list ‘Pravo na grad’ won 226 votes.

NGO ‘Pod Lupom’ detects minor irregularities (O Kanal

The NGO Coalition for Free and Fair Elections ‘Pod Lupom’ reported that its observers detected certain irregularities, but that they are not the kind of irregularities that could affect the integrity and credibility of the election process. ‘Pod Lupom’ member VehidSehicspecified that there were attempts to prevent some observers from entering the polling stations, under the explanation that there is not enough room for them, but the City Election Commission promptly solved this situation. Representatives of 'Pod Lupom' stated that they noticed a large difference in the number of voters compared to the Central Voters' List. Project Manager of the Coalition 'Pod Lupom' DarioJovanovicsaid that difference of several thousand voters was noticed. "The number of voters today (Sunday) who are on the excerpts from the voter list at polling stations is smaller compared to the number submitted to us by the CEC by about 4,000," Jovanovic underlined.

Covic presents serious accusation against SDA (N1

N1stressed that although general assessment of all observers was that there were no major difficulties that would disrupt the electoral process and the result of the elections in Mostar, there were certain ambiguities. Namely, there were certain misprints on the ballots, but the B&H Central Election Commission (CEC) stressed that this will not have an effect on the votes of those who filled out those ballots. HDZ B&H leader DraganCovicpresented a serious accusation primarily against SDA. Covic asserted that several hundred people were transferred from city areas where Bosniaks are dominant majority to the areas where majority are Croats so that they could attempt to change the election result. "Political responsibility of all of us exists because we allowed senior international and other representatives to decide on our behalf. We have to decide and then take responsibility," Covic underlined.

Covic: I believe HDZ B&H will form two-third majority in Mostar City Council with future partners (FTV

Addressing a press conference late on Sunday evening, HDZ B&H leader DraganCovicstated that HDZ B&H has found out that it marked success in the local elections in Mostar and won twice as many councilor mandates compared to the 2008 local elections. “I believe that, with those 14 or 15 mandates and with future partners, we will have a two-third majority to protect the position of Croat people in the City Council,” Covic noted. Covic stressed that Mostar is a true capital for Croats and others living there, because of institutions that they have there and which others have in Sarajevo and Banja Luka. He stressed that Mostar needs to be transformed in European city and there are enough of partners for that. Covic noted that “high politics” will be left for other levels and Mostar should not be used for conditioning. Covic stated that Mostar has been without a city council for too long, and underlined that election results must be implemented as soon as possible. He said that HDZ B&H has filed a crime report because several hundred voters from one part of the city registered to vote in a different part of Mostar.

B&H politicians comment on first preliminary results of local elections in Mostar (BHT1

BHT1Late News noted that according to preliminary and unofficial results of local elections in Mostar, BH Bloc could win some six seats in the City Assembly. Representatives of this political bloc underlined that this number of seats is sufficient to make them key actor for formation of new Mostar authorities. They rejected possibility to form coalition with ‘Za Mostar’. Leader of HDZ B&H DraganCovicaddressed media and said that according to preliminary results, this party will have Mayor of Mostar, adding that it will be doctor MarioKordic. He confirmed that HDZ B&H will win 14 or 15 seats in the City Assembly. Covic emphasized that they will win around double more seats than in previous local elections in Mostar. He expressed hope HDZ B&H will find partners to form two-third majority in the City Assembly. Representatives of ‘Ostajte ovdje – Zajedno za nas Mostar’ stated that according to preliminary results they won one seat in the City Assembly. VeliborMilivojevicsaid that after 30 years, Serb community in Mostar will have its authentic representative in the City Assembly. Representatives of ‘Za Mostar’ stated that they believe they won some 12 seats in the City Assembly. They expressed discontent with the fact process of counting of ballots is rather slow. Coordinator of the Coalition for Mostar SerifSpagostressed that according to their data, out of 28 percent of ballots for the city list that were counted so far, ‘Za Mostar’ won 42 percent of votes. He added that HDZ B&H won some 31 percent of votes, BH Bloc 11 percent and ‘Ostajte ovdje’ four percent. The reporter noted that it seems that in order to form majority in the City Assembly, ‘Za Mostar’ will need support of BH Bloc.

Inzko visits Mostar and welcomes elections in Mostar as holiday of democracy (FTV

High Representative ValentinInzkopaid a visit to Mostar on Sunday to see how the election day passed. Inzko welcomed holding of the elections in Mostar as “a holiday of democracy” for the first time in 12 years. Inzko noted that now it is more important how quick the City Council will be formed “for the sake of electing a legitimate Mayor”. Inzko hopes that the future Mayor of Mostar, as a multicultural city, will start carrying out his duty, controlled by the City Council, as soon as possible. The HR expressed hope that Mostar will become “a normal city” in B&H, once its City Council is elected.

Sattler and US Ambassador Nelson visit Mostar (Hayat

Over 1,100 observers were present during the election day in Mostar, including representatives of political parties, non-governmental sector, the international community and the US Administration.Hayatreports that Head of the Delegation of the EU to B&H and EU Special Representative in B&H JohannSattlerand US Ambassador to B&H EricNelsonvisited Mostar on Sunday where they addressed the citizens. On the occasion, Nelson said the US Embassy to B&H supports the ‘Pod lupom coalition’ that ensured the presence of its observers at all polling stations, noting their presence will help any potential irregularity is reported and properly processed. Nelson expressed hope the political leaders will use 2021 for the election law reform as well as overall legislation related to the election process and thanked all the citizens who went to the polls. Sattler said elections in Mostar used to seem impossible, but “today we are here and it is my pleasure to witness first hand this important day”. Sattler stressed the importance of the period after the election day and called on all future councilors to make concrete actions, i.e. urgently form the Mostar City Council, because the citizens gave their trust to them.

Russian Foreign Ministry says Orthodox icon that Minister Lavrov received as gift from Dodik will be returned for further clarification of its origin through Interpol (Nova BH/RT

TheRussia Todayinformed that Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs SergeyLavrovwill return the Orthodox icon he received as a gift from B&H Presidency Chairman MiloradDodikduring his recent visit to B&H, until the affair is resolved. The Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs stated that the icon will be returned for further clarification of its origin through Interpol. Nova BH reminded that the Prosecutor’s Office of B&H has launched an investigation in the ‘Icon’ case, after the Ukrainian Embassy to B&H requested information on the origin of the gold-plated Orthodox icon Dodik gave to Lavrov.


Grlic Radman: HDZ Croatia believes Mario Kordic would be excellent Mostar Mayor (HRT1

Guest ofHRT1central news was Croatian Minister of Foreign and European Affairs GordanGrlic Radman. The Minister commented Sunday’s local elections in Mostar, which have been organized after a 12-year pause. Asked what he expects and what will happen if the next Mostar Mayor is not a representative of Croat people, Grlic Radman said that this is primarily a holiday of democracy and Croatia supported B&H leaders since the beginning of negotiations, throughout the signing of an agreement on solving the Mostar issue and now when the elections were finally organized. He hopes these elections will result in a swift implementation of election results and formation of the new city authorities. Grlic Radman explains that new city mayor is chosen by members of the convocation of the new City Council. HDZ Croatia supported MarioKordic, list leader of HDZ B&H. “We believe he would make an excellent mayor. We cannot meddle into elections but we can show moral support to HDZ B&H candidate,” the Minister emphasized. Grlic Radman said statements of Head of the EU Delegation to B&H, Ambassador Johann Sattler and HR ValentinInzkoshow that Mostar elections are a good start and positive inspiration for further changes to the B&H Election Law.


Inexperienced apostles have pushed the state into uncertainty (Dnevne novine

For the first time in history, Montenegro will not enter the new year with a prepared budget. Instead, the new government has decided to resort to temporary financing until the end of March, while promising that salaries, pensions and social benefits will be paid on a regular basis. Such developments, which are pushing the state into economic uncertainty, come as no surprise.

Very few financial experts believed that inexperienced government will manage to propose a complex financial act in timely manner. It has turned out that PM’s announcements about budget were contradictory and served only for “handling” the attacks of the parliament. One detail from November further corroborates this epilogue.Krivokapicand Ministry of Finance of the former government started media quibbling concerning the budget. Krivokapic claimed that he hadn’t received any data about the draft budget, while Ministry of Finance responded that he had never contacted them. Ministry of Finance then stated an important thing – that draft budget was finished on 30 October but that it “will not be put into further procedure but rather be a subject of consideration of the newly-formed government. MinisterSpajicand Krivokapic preferred controversial bond issue and a €750 million worth borrowing. After surprising investors’ interest in Montenegrin bonds, Spajic praised vice-governors of the Central Bank and officers of the department. Immediately after the new government was elected on 2 December, Krivokapic said that draft budget would be prepared by 20 December. And then a sudden switch happened, in only one day. On 18 December, PM changed his story and announced temporary financing. This decision was endorsed by Deputy Prime Minister DritanAbazovic, who presented it as new government’s desire “not to dance to the tune of DPS”. The law is clear, but it remains unclear how the amended budgetary units will function. According to the current law on fiscal responsibility, if the law on the state budget or the decision on the municipal budget is not passed by 31 December of the current fiscal year, the Ministry of Finance, until its adoption to the spending units approves funds up to 1/12 (one twelfth) actual expenditures in the previous fiscal year. Additional pressure on the government will be the announcement of DPS MP NikolaRakocevicon the interpellation, i.e. a vote of confidence in the government.

Montenegro enters temporary financing; budget scheduled for March (CdM

A precedent was set in Montenegro. Prime Minister ZdravkoKrivokapicannounced that the government of Montenegro has made a decision not to draft the budget, and that they have decided to work out a realistic budget in March. Representatives of the executive power claim that salaries and pensions will be regular, and that they have provided money for next year.

“We are starting a process that will be comprehensive. We will not pass the budget for the sake of the budget because we do not have the necessary data at the moment. Experts will work on the budget. Numerous problems are the reason for this decision,” Krivokapic said at Saturday’s press conference. He says that citizens should trust this government, and that they must know what happened in the previous period.Deputy Prime MinisterDritanAbazovicsaid that they could not adopt the DPS budget. “We cannot present the DPS budget. We cannot play by the rules they prescribe. We are going with a measure of temporary financing until March. The ministries had to submit the finances by this morning. The former government was obliged to propose a budget by 15 November. They did not do that. This government will not pay for other people’s crime. This is responsible to the citizens,” Abazovic said. He promises that salaries and pensions will be regular. “We have secured money for this year. We have the support of the international community. We have a promise that we will have great financial support from the international community. The budget of the former government should be archived and forgotten. We work transparently, we are not afraid of anything concerning the parliament. We have found a solution that is sustainable in accordance with the law and the Constitution. We call on all relevant factors to get involved in drafting a new budget. This government will adopt its budget,” Abazovic said.

The Minister of Finance and Social Welfare MilojkoSpajicemphasized that with this act they want to show that the government is responsible. Answering the questions of the journalists, Abazovic pointed out that so far we have not had the practice of democracy in Montenegro.

“Now we are changing that practice. Many people who are now in opposition will react positively if they have good intentions towards the state. I expect those who are in power to react positively. The state will service all obligations,” he added. Minister of Capital Investments MladenBojanicsays they do not have a clear picture of economic policies for big things. “We are working fast. We need some time to come up with a clear picture of what to do with large companies in Montenegro. I support the entire government. This government will not cheat, lie or steal anyone. Is this a precedent? Yes. But it is a precedent and a change of government in Montenegro. This is a radical and courageous decision. I am absolutely sure that every member of the government is working well,” Bojanic stressed.

About the recall of the ambassadors 

Commenting on the recall of seven ambassadors, Foreign Minister DjordjeRadulovicsaid that the government was making numerous decisions. “They know for themselves what damage the recalled ambassadors did. Each of them was more an ambassador of a political party than a state. If you look at the comments on the ambassador’s position, the public is undivided,” he said.

“We can’t eliminate in depth the people who are members of some parties. We can’t stigmatize the people who fought for change in this country. We promised to do things gradually. The people who were elected are in place, do all solutions are ideal, they are not. I think that in the coming period there will be people from minority nations. Members of minority nations will want to be more involved in the coming period,” said Abazovic.

PM and ministers met with heads of caucuses over trust and division of power (Dan

Prime Minister ZdravkoKrivokapic, alongside ministers met with heads of the ruling majority caucuses in the parliament, writesDandaily. They discussed the development of trust among representatives of executive power and ruling majority in the parliament, which wasn’t best over the past period. According to the daily, the attendees also exchanged their opinions on the future legal projects and the budget. The interlocutors agreed to hold another meeting on next Saturday and started to think about the division of positions in state administration in order to ensure equal representation of all three winning lists of the parliamentary elections. One of the attendees, DraganIvanovic, head of the SNP caucus, has said that they discussed cooperation between the parliament and government. “We discussed strengthening of government’s capacities and closer cooperation with the parliament,” he said.

Abazovic about appointment of Vuksic: It’s a good solution (CdM

Commenting on the appointment of DejanVuksicas director of the Agency for National Security, DritanAbazovicsays that it’s a good solution. “There will always be remarks, of course. This is the beginning of the regime deconstruction. I believe he is going to do his job effectively”, Abazovic said. According to him, the government had to make a decision about police as well. “We try hard, to work as best as we can. We must bring reforms. We can’t do everything overnight”, he said.

Leposavic: We weren’t obliged to hold public discussion, amendments to the Law were urgent and necessary (CdM

Proposal for the Law on Freedom of Religion was adopted unanimously and we achieved more than we hoped possible, VladimirLeposavic, Minister of Justice and Human and Minority Rights, said at a conference. He said that they had talked to the representatives of traditional religious communities in Montenegro and with Montenegrin Orthodox Church. “This government had done more in five days regarding inter-religious dialogue than the previous one in five years. The government wasn’t obliged to hold public discussion because amendments were urgent but they don’t alter the structure of the law itself. We managed to take a step forward and we have a Proposal for the new law which has become sensible and protects all religious communities,” Leposavic said.

Abazovic claims that he has nothing against Montenegrin Orthodox Church (CdM

Vice-President of the government of Montenegro DritanAbazovicclaims that he has nothing against Montenegrin Orthodox Church but that the Capital should give it some other parcel.

Councilors of the governing coalition and URA movement voted for the decision that MOC be given a land for the construction of a temple. However, Montenegro’s government decided to revoke the consent given by the previous government. “I asked for the item regarding the parcel to be postponed because it is the subject matter of a dispute. I have nothing against MOC. I call on the capital to give it some other parcel,” Abazovic said.

Medojevic: Prime Minister’s huge embarrassment (CdM

President of the Movement for Changes NebojsaMedojevicsaid that the only justified political would be if Prime Minister ZdravkoKrivokapicresigned, and that he just “isn’t capable of leading the government”. “Resignation! It’s going to be my fault again. What would have happened if there were not for the “experts”. Incapable government of continuity. This is PM’s huge embarrassment. Krivokapic isn’t capable of leading the government”, Medojevic said on Facebook. Medojevic’s reaction came after the government decided this morning that it will not propose budget for 2021 but rather direct towards temporary financing.

Abazovic has no control over important appointments in the government (CdM

Vice-President of the government and leader of URA civil movement DritanAbazovicwas outvoted several times in one day and has no control over the most important affairs in the state. After he was outvoted when acting director of Police and head of the Agency for National Security were elected, the public can’t help but wonder what’s the role of URA and Abazovic in the government?Another question is also: how can they protect key state interests if their vote is not important or decisive? Many questions and many reasons for them. Let’s begin from the very beginning. VeskoDamjanovicwas appointed acting director of Police, despite Abazovic’s opposition. The government abolished the decision rendered by the previous government on ceding land to the Montenegrin Orthodox Church for the purposes of the construction of a temple, while URA voted for it. Once again, Abazovic was outvoted. The government appointed DejanVuksichead of the Agency for National Security, attorney who used to defend members of a criminal clan, among others. Despite Abazovic’s claims that this function shall belong to somebody who is professional, Agency for National Security was taken over by political staff.

URA was defeated also when one of the leaders of DF MilanKnezevicwas nominated for the president of the Committee on Security, which means that a promise gibe to URA that DF leaders can’t be part of the security sector was broken.CdMreminds that Abazovic said in mid-October that “conception between him and Zdravko Krivokapic was fully harmonized and that only professionals should take over Police and Agency”. And then after two months, a political functionary comes at the front of the Agency for National Security. Will Abazovic be able to explain how he came into the situation to be outvoted? The public is already upset due to such scenario.


VMRO: Zaev is a proponent of Bulgarian interests in Macedonia and he can’t make a good deal with Borisov (Republika

ZoranZaevis the main proponent of Bulgarian interests in Macedonia, said the opposition VMRO-DPMNE party in a press statement. After removing the Star of Kutles from our squares, Zaev now prepares to scrape out the mention of Bulgarian occupation and part of the fascist Axis from World War Two plaques. There is no historic fact that Zaev hasn’t distorted and deformed. Zaev is an embarrassment for the country and sells out our identity with every statement he makes. His continued policy of appeasement of Bulgaria is driven by his business interests, which he advances while selling our national identity. He has no strength or credibility to reach a good deal with Bulgaria and must go, VMRO-DPMNE said. The opposition party accuses Zaev of promising to give major business concessions, such as the Ilvoica copper mine and state owned shares in lucrative companies, to Bulgarian businessmen.

Zaharieva insists that pressure from other EU countries won’t dissuade Bulgaria, calls on Pendarovski to stop misrepresenting the dispute (Republika

Bulgarian Foreign Minister EkaterinaZaharievaadvised Macedonia to stop trying to get other European countries to pressure Bulgaria in the growing historic dispute. Germany tried to intervene in the dispute, and after it failed, Slovakia and the Czech Republic blocked Bulgaria’s attempt to force EU candidate countries to adapt their historic narratives to those of member states. Expectations from Macedonia that somebody will exert pressure on us and that we will give up on the implementation of the Friendship Treaty and the decisions of our Parliament are not realistic. I told them not to count on that, that is not how the EU works, Zaharieva said in an interview. She blamed Macedonia for not implementing the treaty signed byZaevandBorisovin 2017, which requires Macedonia to adapt its historic narrative to Bulgarian demands. Zaharieva also accused Macedonian President StevoPendarovskiof distorting the dispute in the public when he says that Bulgaria wants to undermine the uniqueness of the Macedonian language and identity. “Nobody denies the right to self-determination and free expression. The language is not an unsurmountable obstacle for the integration of the Republic of (North) Macedonia. The President knows very well what the issue is about and he should not twist the issues,” Zaharieva said.

Karakacanov says that adding Slovakia and Czechia to the dispute with Macedonia doesn’t contribute to EU stability (Republika

Bulgarian Defense Minister KrasimirKarakacanovreacted to the growing dispute with Macedonia and the intervention of Slovakia and Czechia, by saying that it is wrong to raise the dispute at the EU level. Bulgaria demands concessions from Macedonia on issues of history and national identity before it will allow the opening of EU accession talks, but the V4 countries blocked an attempt by Bulgaria to officially make resolving historic differences a condition of EU membership. Raising the disputed issues between Bulgaria and Macedonia in the EU will not contribute to the safety and stability of the Union. Our position is the correct one and is in line with European and our national interests, Karakacanov said, speaking about the prospect of dispute between Bulgaria on one side and Slovakia and the Czech Republic on the other.

Speaking in Varna, Karakacanov blamed the dispute on ZoranZaevand his dragging his feet on the implementation of the 2017 Zaev –Borisovtreaty. “I told Zaev that they did nothing for three years, and now it is too late. I will not compromise with the anti-Bulgarian policies and I don’t care if our European partners have different opinions. There were attempts to dissuade us but they had no arguments. Ultimately, Bulgaria must take care of its own interests,” he added.

Slovakian Foreign Minister responds to Bulgaria that he won’t allow historic narratives to become a condition of EU membership (Republika

Slovakian Foreign Minister IvanKorcokresponded to the Bulgarian protests after the country, along with the Czech Republic, blocked the EU enlargement conclusions that would’ve accused Macedonia of falsifying history. In a press statement, Korcok responded to Bulgarian Foreign Minister EkaterinaZaharievaand told her that Slovakia can’t let Bulgaria impose this condition, among other things because Slovakia also honors the Ss. Cyril and Methodius, who Bulgaria claims from Macedonia. I’m sorry but we had to block the Council conclusions on enlargement. This document inappropriately brings to the agenda sensitive historic issues in the relations between an EU member state and EU candidate countries. There is a certain line here because we are not helping the accession process and we are demotivating the candidates from conducting further reforms. Nobody blames Macedonia that it doesn’t meet the conditions to open new chapters, but that it allegedly doesn’t implement a bilateral treaty with Bulgaria, Korcok said.

The intervention from Czechia and Slovakia was a surprising twist in the EU enlargement agony for Macedonia. It does not allow the opening of accession talks, and adopting the conclusion Bulgaria insisted on also likely wouldn’t have meant start of talks, but it could stop Bulgaria from making its historic claims on Macedonia an official part of the EU enlargement process.


PM expresses gratitude to chief police for clarifying Rasha’s death (ADN

On Friday, Prime Minister EdiRamathanked Police Director ArdiVeliu, saying that he helped solve the murder of 25-year-old KlodianRasha. "It is also a merit of the director of the State Police for the integrity and respect of the procedures for clarifying the truth as soon as possible and with justice", declared the Prime Minister. Rama has again described the shooting of the young man as accidental. A few days ago, Klodian Rasha's father opposed labelling his son’s shooting an accidental murder. He claims it was done on purpose and there is no alibi for that.

The government decided to give Qazim Rasha, the victim's father, a pension equal to 8 times the social pension, or almost 90.000 new lek. Protesters during 6 days of protest demanded the resignation of Ardi Veliu.


US Embassy: Justice Reform must continue to move forward step by step (Radio Tirana

The US Embassy in Tirana emphasizes through a message on Facebook that Justice Reform must continue to move forward step by step. Referring to the decision, where the Assembly approved another member of the Constitutional Court, the US Embassy declares that it will continue to strongly support the desire of the Albanian people for a transparent, fair and fully functional justice system. "Justice reform will not be easy, fast or perfect, but it is moving forward - step by step - and it must continue. The United States will continue to strongly support the desire of the Albanian people for a transparent, just and fully functioning justice system. Thanks to the close cooperation between the Judicial Appointments Council, the Presidency and the Parliament, with this pending appointment, Albania is only one judge away from a functioning Constitutional Court (functionality requires a quorum of 6 judges out of 9). Their actions respond to the opinion of the Venice Commission, the requests for accession to the European Union and - most importantly - the request of the Albanian people. Let us move forward - step by step," the US Embassy said in a statement.