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Belgrade Media Report 13 January


Petkovic on negotiations with Pristina: Let us meet halfway (TV Happy/Tanjug/RTV)

The Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Petar Petkovic said that Serbia needs a compromise solution for Kosovo, let us meet halfway, where one side will not win or lose everything, stating that it is an internationally recognized state and does not need recognition of Kosovo. Petkovic said told TV Happy that the dialogue in Brussels is being conducted for the sake of normalization of relations, and not over mutual recognition, noting that politicians in Pristina are now using it for internal reasons and elections. We have signed 48 agreements, and Pristina is the one that needs to implement them. We have fulfilled ours, said Petkovic, underlining that acting President of Kosovo Vjosa Osmani doesn’t understand this or is pretending to be naïve when speaking in Brussels that pressure is needed on Belgrade to fulfill agreements. I welcome the fact that she is saying that everything needs to be implemented and we insist on this, he said.

Dacic thanks Argentina for its principled support on Kosovo and Metohija issue (Tanjug

Serbian parliament speaker Ivica Dacic received on Tuesday in farewell visit the Ambassador of the Argentina to Serbia Estanislao Angel Zawels whose mandate is soon coming to an end.

They agreed that the bilateral relations between the two countries are traditionally good, that their development should continue and that the two countries are bound not only by friendship but also by common values and principles that are consistently respected, primarily the principles of sovereignty and territorial integrity. Dacic once again thanked Argentina for its principled support of Serbia in international forums regarding the issue of Kosovo and Metohija. They also discussed possibilities for strengthening parliamentary and agreed that, as soon as the conditions allow, to organize an exchange of visits between the parliaments of the two countries. Zawels said that upon his return to Argentina, as a great friend of Serbia he would continue to promote Serbia and work on further strengthening the friendly ties between the two countries.

Dacic: Format for dialogue with opposition should be set (TV Happy/Beta)  

Serbian parliament speaker Ivica Dacic said that it was necessary to define a format, topics and

participants in the dialogue between the authorities and the opposition, but noted that due to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, apart from telephone and online contacts, it was very difficult to communicate with the European Parliament, which should be mediating the dialogue. “It has been agreed to have a phone talk after the holidays and if necessary, organize a meeting. If it is

problematic for them to come over, we will travel to Brussels, it will not be a problem,” Dacic told TV Happy. He recalled that he had a telephone conversation with the European Parliament Foreign Affairs Committee chair David McAllister late last year. Dacic further said that the dialogue between the authorities and the opposition could not be discussing just about everything - “interim government or potential rescheduling of the elections,” adding that “if some in the opposition ranks believe that it is the way to assume power, then they have missed the point.”

Regional cooperation abd Belgrade-Pristina dialogue remain priority (Tanjug/RTV

The high representatives of the authorities of Serbia and Kosovo signed the Washington agreement in good faith and we hope that they are still ready to cooperate in the implementation of what they have committed themselves to, a spokesman for the US Embassy in Belgrade told Tanjug. Answering Tanjug’s question what can be expected from the new US administration when it comes to the Washington agreement and whether this agreement, i.e. some of its provisions can be called into question, he emphasized that the new US administration can set new priorities for its policy, but that advocating regional economic growth and cooperation among, as he says, their friends in the region enjoys broad support in Washington and will remain one of the priorities.

Lajcak: New round to talks between Belgrade, Pristina after election Kosovo (Beta/RFE)  

EU Special Representative Miroslav Lajcak has confirmed that he will not organize a new round of talks until elections in Kosovo are over, Radio Free Europe reported. "It is not the time to organize a new meeting. We need a new government with a strong mandate that will continue the process of dialogue," Lajcak said. Lajcak participated in a video seminar along with the

German ambassador in Washington where he debated US and European cooperation in the

Western Balkans and especially Kosovo. The EU special representative for dialogue admitted

that there had been no cooperation between Brussels and Washington over the past year. "Last

year there were clearly two tracks: European and American. It was not our decision to go separately Our partners in the region were confused because they did not want to be in a position to have to choose," Lajcak said.



Vucic says he wants best possible relations with Bosniaks and everyone else in the region, SDA replies and says Serbia should pay debt to B&H (Nezavisne)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic stated on Tuesday that he does want to score points in Serbia by replying to SDA’s statements, arguing that the Serb strength must not mean the Serb arrogance, but wisdom and common sense. Vucic stressed that Serbia wants to have best possible relations with Bosniaks and everyone else in the region, and that SDA representatives will one day realize that harsh answers were not coming from Serbia and that the Serbian Government is allocating big funds to part of their country they (SDA) call Sandzak. In this context the Serbian President said the Serbian budget is allocating funds for construction of the Novi Pazar-Tutin road and for the Belgrade-Sarajevo highway. SDA reacted by saying that Vucic’s statement, according to which he wants best possible relations with the Bosniaks and that SDA wants to abolish Republika Srpska (RS), is indicative of Vucic’s policy. According to SDA, it is indicative that Vucic wants to have relations with the peoples and not the state of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) “whilst he especially carefully avoids talking about sovereignty of B&H, which he obviously has a problem with”. SDA further said that as far as Vucic’s statement on investments into areas where Bosniaks live in Serbia, it is his obligation, stressing that as far as helping B&H, the best thing would be for Serbia to pay the debt to B&H for use of hydroelectric plants on the Drina River. In addition, SDA claims if Vucic wanted best possible relations with Bosniaks and state of B&H, he would hand over senior officers of the RS Army Svetozar Kosoric and Radoslav Jankovic, who are charged before the Court of B&H with genocide against Bosniaks and who are currently hiding in Serbia where the state bodies are hiding and protecting them.

Dodik: Objections from Sarajevo regarding 9 January have pathological- political character (Srna)

Serb member and Chairman of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik has told Srna that Republika Srpska (RS) will continue to mark 9 January – the RS Day, as it is when it was formed and this cannot be changed. “Regarding the marking of 9 January – the RS Day, we can hear long ago known positions by which individuals are trying to challenge this date. This date is something that will remain forever and that will last, just like RS lasts. The other two members of the Presidency (Zeljko Komsic and Sefik Dzaferovic) think they are entitled to it, even though this is not a matter for the B&H Presidency,” said Dodik. The Serb member of the Presidency has pointed out that inquisitors from the International Community who sit in the Constitutional Court (CC) of B&H are traditionally against Serbs. “The importance of 9 January – the RS Day, will remain strongly imprinted in our people. This was shown this year as well when many citizens put flags on their windows, balconies and cars. The holiday was celebrated in families and this fact cannot be changed,” Dodik said. He has pointed out that all objections regarding the Republic Day that are coming from Sarajevo have pathological-political character. “Everyone knows that the CC of B&H is working against Serbs and RS, which is confirmed by decisions it adopted, and one of them pertains to January 9. The CC, the way it is now, will destroy B&H by its unconstitutional and criminal decisions directed against the Serbian people and RS. This Court is not defending B&H but is destroying it as it does not respect the B&H Constitution. Political violence is a synonym for the CC of B&H,” said Dodik. According to him, all decisions of the B&H CC that are against RS are not grounded on the Constitution, including the decision on 9 January. “The CC is trying to impose positions on RS and it will continue doing so. The arrival of new judges shows that they are carefully selected persons who should work against Serbs and RS. A German woman who came is in advance against Serbs. Despite everything, we remain dedicated to RS, January 9 and our national interest,” said Dodik. He has asked as to what multi-ethnicity Bosniaks are speaking about when it does not exist in practice and pointed out that it was a mistake that B&H remained one country after the war as it was not recorded anywhere in the world that peoples who waged a war against each other formed a country together.

Political crisis in Tuzla Canton continues (BHT1)

The political crisis in Tuzla Canton (TC) continues and the international community (IC) has even stepped in with the expectation from the TC authorities to adopt the cantonal budget for 2021 so that the canton would not face a financial collapse. Namely, the TC Assembly appears to have two parliamentary majorities and two leaderships, since 18 representatives of SDP B&H, SBB B&H, PDA, and Our Party (NS) adopted a decision on forming a new cantonal parliamentary majority at a session that was held in late December 2020 in absence of other political parties. This situation caused a series of harsh reactions in the public and a legal confusion. TC Prime Minister Denijal Tulumovic presented the details from his meeting with representatives of the Office of the High Representatives (OHR) that focused on the political crisis in TC. Tulumovic noted that he asked what will happen “if the TC Assembly is once again left with an incomplete composition”, warning that the canton might be left without the budget in that case. “Unfortunately, I did not obtain a concrete answer from the OHR representatives on this occasion,” he added. Speaker of the TC Assembly Zarko Vujovic announced the intention to schedule the TC Assembly’s session for Friday according to the IC’s instructions, but he stressed that he is uncertain in what kind of ambience the session will take place. Vujovic noted that the new majority insists on the removal of the TC government. “I think that the primary goal is to adopt this crucial document and then, according to recommendations of the High Representative and the Constitutional Court (CC), sit together and resolve this,” he added. SDP B&H’s representative in the TC Assembly Dzevad Hadzic reiterated that the newly-formed majority insists that it is recognized as such and that the TC government does not have the support of the ruling majority. HDZ B&H in TC contacted the Peace Implementation Council (PIC) and the IC, requesting protection of the constitutional order of TC. HDZ B&H’s Danijel Nikolic said that the OHR’s answer provided certain guidelines, showing that the situation in the TC Assembly is not good. Nikolic stated: “It showed that those who should be protecting the constitution and the law and consistently implement them are not ready to do that. I am afraid that we are sending a message that everyone can undermine the TC institutions in that way.” The OHR assessed that the session convened by four parties which are not part of the current TC authorities was illegal. The TC Cantonal Assembly will convene on Friday and all documents that were previously adopted will be reviewed. The OHR insisted on the functionality of the TC and urged for all relevant issues to be discussed by the ruling authorities.


Dodik: There will be no migrant centers in RS (ATV)

Serb member and Chairman of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik stated on Tuesday that the RS maintains its position that there will not be migrant centers on its territory and that he clearly conveyed this message to EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell. He has pointed out that the EU provided money for the accommodation of migrants by way of assorted independent organizations, and not by way of B&H, the RS and the Federation of B&H (FB&H) institutions, and that there are indications that the money is misused and therefore it cannot be considered as aid to B&H. “Borrell did ask, probably influenced by Sarajevo, that migrants are distributed all over the territory of B&H, regardless of a clear position of the RS. I have said that RS is entitled to its position on the migrant crisis and will not change it, namely, there will not be migrant centers on the territory of the RS. Borrell insisted on providing as human conditions as possible for the accommodation of migrants, that I agree with,” Dodik said. He added that the RS does not want money for the accommodation of migrants and will not receive them. Borrell urged the authorities in B&H to work on finding sustainable solutions for migrants, primarily on opening reception centers that would be more equally distributed all over the country. The European External Action Service (EEAS) said that Borrell spoke by phone with Dodik and that they discussed difficult conditions in which several hundred migrants find themselves in B&H. “In several occasions, the EU called on BiH authorities to increase their efforts in dealing with the difficult humanitarian situation in the Una-Sana Canton (USC) and to ensure basic conditions for living of all those that still sleep in the cold, in most extreme conditions”, Borrell was quoted as saying. Dodik agrees that better conditions must be ensured for the migrants. Borrell asked Dodik why ‘Bira’ center was not reopened and Dodik told him that this needs to be resolved by someone else. “I told him that this is not under the competence of the B&H Presidency and the RS as ‘Bira’ is located in the FB&H which should resolve this issue. The migrant crisis in B&H is severe and is on the verge of becoming a humanitarian disaster and those who are in charge must resolve it,” Dodik said.

Dodik underlined that the EU encouraged millions of people to head towards it and then erected a wire on the border which is why, according to Dodik, the EU needs to take over full responsibility for this issue. “I learned this morning (Tuesday morning) that they, the EU, gave funds via some private companies, and not institutions of B&H, or the FB&H and the RS, and of course there are various calculations on misuse of those funds and all of that together represents a serious problem,” Dodik said. Media in B&H reported that Borrell told Dodik that the “EU earmarked 88 million Euros to B&H for accommodation of migrants so far and failure in finding of sustainable solutions for needs of migrants could result in serious consequences for reputation of B&H. The EU counts on those who hold functions in the country to take full responsibility, implement urgent measures and undertake whatever is necessary to provide immediate assistance and work on long-term solutions”.


Pupovac: Petrinja quake brought together Croats and Serbs (Hina)

Serb National Council (SNV) president Milorad Pupovac said on Tuesday the earthquake that hit the Petrinja brought closer Croats and Serbs who had been divided by the war and that one should give a chance to the new strength which inspired solidarity instead of division.

“This was an opportunity to mark the fact that the horrors of war which divided us, and the horrors of the earthquake which are bringing us closer, are now gaining strength, so we should give a chance to this new strength which inspires solidarity instead of division,” Pupovac told the press. He said the Serbian Chamber of Commerce would donate €50,000 to Croatia to deal with the effects of the earthquake. Belgrade and the Serbian government have already donated money. Pupovac said Serbia would also donate construction material and rubber boots. Asked to comment on media reports that the SNV’s relief was going only to the Croatian Serb earthquake victims, he dismissed them, saying the SNV was distributing relief to all who needed it, including “our fellow citizens of Islamic faith” and Roma communities. Right now there is no interest in dividing people but in solidarity, he said. “It’s very important to us to put behind us the years of discrimination to which Serbs in the Banija region were exposed and to overcome that through joint efforts in creating a new policy of reconstruction and development in the Banija region.” Pupovac said he would support the opposition’s efforts to form a parliamentary inquiry commission for post-war reconstruction in Banija but, he added, there must be no generalizing or persecution. It is necessary to establish who the contractors were, he said.

Pupovac also commented on last night’s meeting of the ruling HDZ presidency which, according to the media, discussed whether the proper name of the region is Banija or Banovina. He said one should listen to people who had no linguistic prejudices and were not nationalistic about language. He said that arguing about names did not show advantages but weaknesses, and called on everyone to do their job by providing accommodation for those who lost their homes in the earthquake and then devising a reconstruction and development program. As for media reports that the HDZ presidency also accused the media of downplaying, together with the opposition, the government’s response after the earthquake, Pupovac said one should cooperate with the media, not make enemies of them.


Buckovski: Macedonia will now review Bulgaria’s positions (MIA)

In comments for MIA, Vlado Buckovski, who is the government’s envoy to Bulgaria, said that he met Bulgarian officials in Sofia and that the Macedonian side will review the positions they raised. Buckovski is making his second trip to Sofia as envoy of PM Zoran Zaev, after Bulgaria blocked Macedonia from opening EU accession talks. The Zaev government has remained tight lipped about the progress in the talks, and what information is made available to the Macedonian public mainly comes from Bulgarian sources. “My role as the special representative of Macedonia stems from the efforts of the Macedonian government to reach a solution on the bilateral dispute with Bulgaria and to remove the obstacles to the opening of EU accession talks,” Buckovski said. He revealed that the two sides are discussing an action plan to implement the 2017 Zaev – Borisov treaty, which Bulgaria insists is being ignored by Macedonia. Buckovski focused on the positive in his comments, saying that Macedonia will make specific proposals to build the east – west Corridor 8 that connects the two countries, on education exchange, energy, culture, economic and IT cooperation. Bulgaria also demands major concessions from Macedonia in the areas of history and national identity, which have blocked progress. In response, Deputy Prime Minister Nikola Dimitrov, who is in charge of EU integration and who is fast becoming a pariah for Bulgaria, said that Macedonia should “take a break” from the dispute, at least until Bulgaria holds its elections in March. Buckovski’s mission to Sofia goes against Dimitrov’s announcement and he dismissed this idea in his remarks.

“Regardless of the intensity of my travels and meetings, there is clear interest on both sides not to allow our relations to freeze or to communicate merely through the media or intermediaries. Our closeness as two nations and two countries with common moments in the past and shared views for the future pushes us to take steps to find a solution and such meetings are a step forward in this direction.” Buckovski told MIA. A next step would be a meeting of the committee formed between the two governments, where Bulgaria wants to have the action plan approved, with specific steps outlined for its implementation. Foreign Minister Bujar Osmani said that the meeting should take place in Skopje, but it is still being evaluated whether it is prepared sufficiently.

Bulgaria discussed an action plan for full implementation of the 2017 treaty with Buckovski (Republika/BGNES)

The Macedonian Foreign Affairs Ministry issued a brief comment regarding the visit of former Prime Minister Vlado Buckovski to Bulgaria. Buckovski went there as envoy of Prime Minister Zoran Zaev, in a second trip since Bulgaria vetoed the opening of EU accession talks with Macedonia. Macedonia remains of the position that we need to make use of all possibilities to reach an appropriate, mutual solution to the bilateral differences on various issues with Bulgaria, and to restore the trust in the efficacy and success of the 2017 Friendship Treaty, the Foreign Ministry said, after initially refusing to inform the public about Buckovski’s mission and about Bulgaria’s demands. Bulgarian media, on the other hand, are revealing more details. BGNES reports that Bulgaria submitted an “action plan” and wants to have it approved at a forthcoming meeting of officials from the two governments. The plan is meant to guide the implementation of the 2017 Friendship Treaty arranged by Zoran Zaev and Boyko Borisov. Bulgaria blames Macedonia of failing to implement this treaty which it wants to use to rewrite Macedonian history, redefine Macedonian national identity and influence the public narrative in Macedonia.

Bulgaria proposed an action plan for cooperation with Macedonia, to implement the Friendship Treaty. This document will reflect on all government departments and is expected to be signed at the forthcoming meeting of the joint inter-governmental commission, BGNES said. During his first visit to Bulgaria, in December, Buckovski offered a far more modest declaration from Macedonia, that our country doesn’t have territorial or minority claims toward Bulgaria. But Bulgarian authorities are moving in a different direction and demand a legally binding mechanism to implement the 2017 treaty in full.